Develop rules and methods for working with subordinates. Personal contacts of the manager and subordinates. Rule "Proper name"

Management represents a personified managerial influence of a manager on performers using certain methods. It will be effective if it turns out to be beneficial to both sides, therefore inept management increases staff turnover.

Distinguish passive leadership that does not directly influence workers and regulates their actions on the basis of rules, and active(motivating their positive behavior; warning and limiting negative).

We can talk about the following basic approaches to leadership:

1. Individually oriented focuses on clear goal setting, material stimulation , regular assessment of work, creation of conditions for career growth and professional development.

2. Socially(per group) oriented prioritizes organization collective labor, group forms of remuneration, standards and responsibility.

3. Organizationally oriented focuses on ensuring the identification of employees with the firm, participation in management, improvement working conditions .

Guidance is carried out using certain methods.

Through organizational methods are created the necessary conditions use of personnel (rules, instructions, regulations, etc.).

By using administrative methods, either direct coercion of people into certain behavior in the interests of the organization occurs, or the creation of the possibility of such. They involve limiting the initiative of employees and placing all responsibility for the results on the manager. Such methods are used to solve simple standard tasks, primarily in military-type structures (for example, in transport).

An integral element of administrative methods is bonuses for performers, however, it is carried out not for real successes, but for many years of experience, loyalty, discipline, etc.

The disadvantage of administrative management methods is that they orient the performers towards achieving the desired results, and not towards their growth; encourage diligence, not initiative. Today when you need it creativity to business, constant striving for new things, these methods are becoming obsolete.

Economic methods orient employees towards independent search for optimal solutions and taking responsibility for their results. Here, timely and high-quality assignments are rewarded through cost savings or additional arrived received as a result of the efforts shown by the performers.

However, economic methods are not always effective, especially in relation to workers in intellectual professions, because for them money is an important, but most often not the main incentive to work.

Socio-psychological methods guidelines include the following areas of influence on the behavior of employees and increase their labor activity:

1. Formation of favorable moral and psychological climate in a team, the development of friendly relations between the leader and subordinates, providing them with support.

2. Disclosure of the personal abilities of each employee, assistance in their improvement, which leads to the maximum self-realization of a person in the labor process.

In modern civilized society, they are more and more widely used legal methods leadership . They assume that managers act in strict accordance not only with the letter, but with the spirit of the laws and regulations governing labor relations.

Personnel management is carried out in accordance with certain principles.

1. Understanding what is happening in the organization or department, control over the situation as a whole, knowledge of the capabilities of people, the ability to evaluate their actions and, if necessary, help, avoiding petty care, interference in details, discouraging employees and killing interest in work.

2. Realization that there are no absolute truths in the leadership of people, since each person is unique, has a unique character, skills, abilities, advantages and disadvantages, and therefore all leaders behave differently in the same circumstances.

Managing people is the most difficult because they are the most difficult object for this, and the leader must constantly remember that their "correct" behavior can only be caused by his "correct" behavior. Therefore, he cannot demand from others that he does not demand from himself.

3. Good knowledge names and positions of their employees, their merits and demerits, personal problems.

4. Ability to get along with people, the same attitude towards everyone, consistency, exclusion of favoritism, especially in heterogeneous collective , creating a group of "their" people (this undermines authority leadership), refusal to demonstrate superiority.

The leader should be calm and friendly, polite and tactful, not lose his temper on any (and even more insignificant) reason, because rudeness undermines authority; confident, natural, consistent, principled, the same in the office and non-office environment (subordinates respect reliability, the ability to make difficult decisions), consider employees as equals and not seek to suppress, respect their right to personal opinion.

5. The ability to manage the situation, know when to take certain actions, have a clear line of conduct and immediately respond to serious deviations in the behavior of subordinates.

6. Maintaining a distance between oneself and subordinates, associated with the difference in their position, the tasks to be solved, and at the same time, the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself.

This attitude is largely created by fleeting meetings, the perception of the external appearance, the workplace, accidentally overheard conversations, and a cautious attitude. It is by these little things that the subordinates judge the leaders (and here it is not so much logic that is used as sympathy). As a result, they will see only shortcomings in the leader, or positive sides, and perceive the shortcomings as separate moments.

7. Showing respect for subordinates along with exactingness towards them. Respect without exactingness is as unacceptable as exactingness without respect.

8. Giving trust to subordinates, giving them powers , independence (a leader must always look for a performer who would cope with the problem better than himself) and the provision of reasonable freedom of action, tolerance for mistakes (they must be analyzed and lessons learned for the future), dissent.

A lot can be achieved from subordinates by making them feel not like pawns, but employees necessary for the organization. To do this, on the one hand, they need to make it clear that their activities are approved, and on the other hand, to assign responsibility to them. It is more profitable to trust subordinates (for example, ask them to refine their ideas; people like to be consulted, asking for advice). This allows you to achieve extraordinary results from ordinary employees.

9. Conducting regular conversations with subordinates at the workplace in order to find out their problems, moods, thoughts. This helps to better use their capabilities and improves psychological condition collective.

10. Demonstration of readiness to admit one's own mistakes, to compromise, if necessary, to apologize, which only increases authority. Of the three evils of a leader, which are error, reassurance, lack of initiative, the safest is the first, because it can be corrected.

11. Distribution of tasks among subordinates, taking into account the upper limit of their capabilities (otherwise, there will be either overload, or losses, or demotivation) and providing necessary cases help and support.

12. Regular (once a month), as well as before making important decisions, consultation with the team on issues affecting its interests, a story about all the upcoming changes.

13. Timely reward of subordinates for any successes, including those who, for one reason or another, were undeservedly forgotten, constant psychological and organizational support.

14. Informing subordinates who want to know more about the affairs of the organization and value frankness. Absolutely everything cannot be kept secret ¾ only the most necessary things.

Violation of these principles leads to the loss of subordinates of interest in the work. The following stages of this process are distinguished:

1. Confusion, manifestation of stress symptoms (duration less than a week).

2. Demonstrative, impulsive behavior, delivery of contradictory information, the desire to show oneself, to prove something to the leader (duration less than a week).

3. Subconscious hope. The subordinate tries to "substitute" the manager, but still does not reduce productivity (duration up to 1 month).

4. Disappointment. Interest in work is suppressed, productivity decreases to the minimum acceptable level (duration is determined by personal factors).

5. Loss of willingness to cooperate. Working within the boundaries of one's responsibilities, emphasized defiant behavior, deterioration of relationships in order to maintain self-esteem.

6. Leaving or open conflict.

Strategic approaches and methods of personnel management are implemented using certain technologies, which include the following:

¨ direct impact on subordinates;

¨ delegation of authority and responsibility and management of deviations;

¨ management by goals;

¨ collective management.

We are now starting to consider them.

Subordinates are officials who are subordinate to their elders. They can be: deputy leaders, subordinate leaders, ordinary performers.

There are several types of substituents. In small organizations (divisions), these duties, in addition to their own, can be performed by ordinary workers. In larger ones, where dozens of people work, the manager has staff deputy, and in the conditions of a multi-level management structure, persons heading lower subdivisions can be involved in the fulfillment of these duties concurrently.

It should be borne in mind that a deputy is not only a subordinate, but also an advisor to the manager, therefore it is desirable that he has a different type of thinking, prudence, skepticism, allowing him to see the mistakes and mistakes of the boss, as well as the necessary firmness to be able to to correct him, and at the same time loyalty to him. Thus, along with submission, there is a collegial relationship between them.

The introduction of the position of a full-time deputy is usually due to the large volume of work general, with which the first leader, even with the help of the lower-level leaders subordinate to him, is not able to cope, because here the help of a person close to him in rank and free from current affairs is needed.

The need to have a full-time deputy increases in the case when the first manager is often and for a long time absent, and the deputy is forced to actually perform his functions, or if the deputy needs to train for this position in the near future, and therefore "master" all the subtleties and details in advance upcoming independent work.

If a deputy often and for a long time fulfills the duties of a leader, this is legalized by documents, that is, by issuing an appropriate order.

But similar situation raises many questions: about the amount of powers that he should have, in particular, about the right to sign; about a person who should replace him; about responsibility for the decisions he makes; about relationships with other substitutes; on the methods of its stimulation; about how to get the necessary knowledge and experience. Therefore, the head must provide the person temporarily performing his duties (interim) with all-round assistance and support, keep abreast of all affairs and events, and protect the interests of this person at higher authorities.

In turn, the interim officer must act in the spirit of the absent leader, remain loyal to him, not disclose confidential information, which he becomes the owner, acting as a leader, and not use it for selfish purposes and to the detriment of the leader of the possibility -the identity of their position. The interlocutor must record all serious events that took place during the absence of the first person, and upon his return, he must fully inform him about everything.

The presence of deputies from among the leaders is considered beneficial in all respects. First, the prestige of the first leader in the eyes of colleagues and subordinates rises. Secondly, the position of a full-time deputy is weakening, who, being in the singular, always, willingly or unwittingly, competes with the head, and therefore introduces elements of destabilization into the management system of an organization or division. Thirdly, the performance of the duties of deputy chief executives also raises the authority of the grassroots leaders in their own subdivisions.

The subordinate and the leader form within the framework of the organization the simplest social group (another group is colleagues, that is, persons who are independent of each other, not connected by a leadership-subordination relationship). Within this group, the leader has the right to establish and maintain patterns of behavior for the subordinate. To order, to demand, to achieve the implementation of orders, to control the results, and the subordinate - to conscientiously carry out the assigned work, to criticize, if necessary, the leader and to appeal his actions in the prescribed manner.

The duties of a subordinate, like a leader, can be formal and informal. Official responsibilities set out in job descriptions and in general view boil down to the following.

First of all, subordinates must conscientiously, with full dedication and in fact high level to carry out the de-lo assigned to them; within its competence to accept independent decisions on the problems they deal with; regularly inform the manager about the results, difficulties and problems that arise and, if necessary, consult with him, without, however, shifting his own work onto his shoulders.

Subordinates should be self-critical of themselves, honestly admit mistakes and mistakes, look for ways to improve their activities, constantly strive to improve their qualifications, self-development.

Finally, subordinates must always and everywhere respect the interests of the organization, defend its honor, respect their leaders in accordance with their age and position, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

Now let's get acquainted with unofficial responsibilities of subordinates, which they must perform in order to ensure normal relationship with a leader, provided, of course, that he will also act in an appropriate manner.

First of all, subordinates must strictly, at least within the framework service relations, observe the established boundary between oneself and the leader, without emphasizing or violating it.

Subordinates should not make serious decisions without first consulting the manager, even if these decisions are fully within their competence. The reason here lies not in the manager's mistrust of them or their knowledge, but in the fact that he knows the general situation better and in its context will be able to more correctly assess the proposed steps, which will help to avoid adverse consequences, which subordinates, due to the natural limitations of their capabilities, cannot foresee.

For the same reason, subordinates should not interfere in the affairs of the leader, except in extreme cases when he makes completely obvious mistakes, because the leader may have reasons for pursuing his special policy, which subordinates are not always aware of.

Subordinates should always consider their activities and its results from the point of view of the leader, his interests, not put on public display own ambitions, to attract the attention of others not to his person, but to work, contenting himself with the role of "the first violin in the second row."

Subordinates need to value the leader's time, not distract him over trifles, and, if necessary, on their own initiative, provide assistance and assistance to the leader, including in gaining popularity, fame, respect, even at first glance to the detriment of their own career; not to allow the leader to be discredited in any situation.

This behavior of subordinates serves as the basis for the manager to provide them with greater independence, to promote career advancement, to widely inform the top management and colleagues about their successes, and to reward additionally.

Sometimes subordinates, for one reason or another, behave negatively towards the leader: they evade or refuse to fulfill their duties, delay the assigned work in order to later shift it onto the shoulders of others, put psychological pressure on the leader, forcing him to act according to your interests and desires.

The reasons for this negative behavior subordinates can be very diverse: poor training and low level of knowledge and qualifications; fear of independent actions, indecision; inability to mobilize their reserves and capabilities, etc. Hence, in many cases, the search for support, the expectation of instructions and instructions, the desire for someone to rely on.

However, the matter may be in the leader himself, his low moral and professional qualities, unfair attitude to their duties, unpredictable behavior, creating obstacles in the work of subordinates, for example, by hiding necessary information and so on, as a result of which the subordinates do not want to cooperate with him and in every possible way strive to get rid of him.

II. The practical part.

Specific situation

Lida Smirnova stared at her coffee and pie. After a hard day at work, she tried to relax in a cafe that often visited business people... Looking up, she noticed her old college friend walking into a cafe. Two years have passed since she last saw Anna Yablokova. At the time, they were in the same group in a class on Organizational Behavior.

"Anna! - Lida exclaimed, trying to get her attention. - Have a seat. I haven't seen you in ages. I didn't know that you stayed in the city. "

“I took introductory training at an insurance company where I have been working for the last 18 months,” Anna replied. -- And how are you?"

“I wonder what kind of organization it is? Anna asked. - I heard that this is a rather tough office.

“I don't know where you got this information from,” Lida replied, “but you're right. They pay really well, but every day they squeeze out of us every ruble paid to us. The people I work with are very good, but they compete strongly with each other. I think that our company is pursuing some kind of unwritten policy. They try to push new people against each other, and the "winner" gets a promotion. Those who have not received promotion do not stay in the company for a long time. They are looking for something on the side or they are asked to find something else for themselves. I hope you understand what I mean. "

Anna looked at her friend sympathetically. “We have our own struggle in the insurance company, but it all looks a little different. I have a relatively low wage but it seems to me that I will be promoted soon. How I would like it. When I started working, I was told that they would be promoted after 9 months of apprenticeship, but they turned first into 12, then into 15, and now it is already 18 months and no one from my group has yet been promoted. Two, who held positions above me, have already quit. Therefore, we, the two remaining, will soon be promoted. I hope this will affect me too. The company's policy is to promote people, but move slowly. One could, of course, refer to a number of official personnel documents. I have already picked up a lot of such materials, but I am somehow worried whether I should refer to them. I have a wonderful boss. When I lost faith in everything, she took me aside and said that everything was going well for me. She showed the company’s plans to promote employees and said that she would strongly recommend me for job openings. I think I'm just impatient. "

Lida put down her coffee. “My boss is just a fool, but he is a cunning fool. He surrounded himself with people making him look good. They do their job, and he gets all the results. I learned more from colleagues than from him. I don't understand how people like him survive in our company. You probably now think that his subordinates are hoping for their advancement. He must be a better artist than I thought of him. "

"Do you like what you do?" Anna asked.

“Yes, this is a very interesting case,” Lida replied. - This is more difficult than what we were taught at the university. It would be better if our professors told us about company politics. I would like to know something about how to make it so that I see something good in my boss. You see, I really need it. "

Both sat quietly for a while. In conclusion, Anna said: “On Friday, the theater will show new play... I have an extra ticket. Want to go with me?"

“I would go, Anna,” said Lida, “but I took home a lot of work. Maybe we'll go somewhere together next time, okay? "

"Yes, of course," Anna replied, "after both of us are promoted."

They both laughed, and Anna reached for her coat.

Manager and subordinates in interpersonal relationships in the service are guided by generally accepted norms and rules of etiquette based on the principles of humanism, expediency, aesthetic appeal, which presupposes mutual politeness, understanding and benevolence, attentiveness and sensitivity in relation to others, an attitude to cooperation.

Directions are a manager's working tool. When giving an order to a subordinate, each time he is faced with a choice between an order, an assignment and a request, relying on formal, professional or personal authority. Office etiquette recommends avoiding the form of an order in all cases where it is enough to clothe the order in the form of a request. Subordinates perceive orders better in the form of a request than orders, regarding it as a desire for cooperation based on mutual trust, faith in the ability of the employee to show the necessary initiative and activity in the execution of the assignment.

There are certain rules of etiquette that help to overcome the natural tension in the relationship in this case and maintain normal business relationship in a collective:

1. Criticism or punishment of a subordinate should never be based on unverified data or suspicions.

2. In case of dissatisfaction with the quality of the work performed, the manager should first of all find out who entrusted this employee with the task that he did not cope with, who instructed him and how, and what was the control over this work. Only after this can the degree of guilt of the subordinate in the fact that the work is performed poorly can be established.

3. If the miscalculations in the work occurred partly through the fault of the leader, it is necessary to immediately and openly admit it, without trying to shift all the blame onto the subordinate: this behavior of the leader will only strengthen his authority in the team.

4. Before determining the form of influence on a subordinate, one should try to objectively assess the act and the motivation for his actions. Sometimes an action perceived, at first glance, as a misdemeanor requiring punishment, with an objective and unbiased assessment, turns out to be worthy of encouragement.

5. The manager's dissatisfaction with the quality of work or the deed of a subordinate can be expressed in the form of criticism. However, any criticism must be fair, objective, benevolent and correct in form. Be able to find correct tone for observation and criticism - the art of the leader, as well as the requirement of etiquette.

6. Punishment should be commensurate with the severity of the employee’s misconduct, so as not to cause bitterness and a sense of injustice in him.

7. Special tact is required when imposing a penalty on a new employee. It is better to always make the first remark to a subordinate in private, having previously clarified the circumstances of the case and tried together to find a way to resolve the situation. Most respected are those leaders who praise in public and criticize face to face.

8. The most flagrant violation of official etiquette in a situation of imposition of a penalty is public spite in the presence of subordinates and colleagues. This creates an insurmountable psychological barrier in the further relationship between the leader and the subordinate.

9. The rules of official etiquette do not allow the manager to complain about his subordinates.

10. Disciplinary actions should not be repeated too often. Otherwise, they lose their meaning, harden the guilty and deprive them of the incentive to work.

11. An important aspect etiquette of the relationship between the manager and subordinates - the unity of the requirements for all employees. It is unacceptable to show condescension to some, indifference to others, or, conversely, increased demands, all the more captiousness.

12. So that the punishment is not destructive, and the natural negative emotions of the subordinate in this situation were directed at his misdemeanor, and not at the leader, certain tactics of conducting a conversation with him should be observed. Before talking about the misconduct, one should recall the success of the subordinate, his achievements, and ending the conversation, dwell on those positive qualities that can instill confidence in the success of the work in the future.

Positive reinforcements (rewards, incentives) in management practice have great importance... However, the promotion also requires adherence to certain rules of etiquette.

1. For a reward to achieve its goal, it must be specific.

2. The reward should follow immediately after successful completion of work that deserves recognition.

3. A good leader will notice and celebrate any successes of subordinates, regardless of the degree of their importance.

4. The importance of has the form of expressing recognition of the success of a subordinate, the word found correctly and in time.

5. Public encouragement in the presence of colleagues, whose respect is especially important for a person, sometimes turns out to be more valuable than material reward.

The culture of intra-organizational relations of civil servants is manifested in the form of appeal established between the manager and subordinates... The condescending appeal of the boss to his subordinates, which is quite common in the practice of service relations, demonstrates disdainful arrogance and disrespect for the personality of an employee who, due to his subordination, cannot respond in kind. This asymmetry of treatment serves as a basis for creating an unhealthy atmosphere in the team, excludes trust in relations and mutual respect.

Compliance with the rules of official etiquette in the communication of a manager with subordinates not only facilitates the relationship between them, but also serves sure means creating favorable conditions for effective work.

Strategy and tactics of work with subordinates.

Lecture number 10


Concept social role

Seminar No. 9. Personnel behavior management

1. Human behavior in the organization: general concepts

4. The concept of I-states! E. Burne

Leadership is a personified managerial influence of a manager on a performer using certain methods. It will be effective if it turns out to be beneficial to both parties, in this regard, inept leadership increases staff turnover.

Distinguish between passive leadership, which does not directly influence employees and regulate their actions on the basis of rules, and active (motivating their positive behavior; warning and limiting negative).

We can talk about the following basic approaches to leadership:

An individually oriented one focuses on a clear setting of goals, material incentives, regular assessment of work, creation of conditions for career growth and professional development

· The socially oriented puts the organization of team work, group forms of remuneration, standards and responsibility at the forefront.

· Organizationally oriented focuses on ensuring the identification of employees with the firm, participation in management, and improvement of working conditions.

Guidance is carried out using specific methods.

Through organizational methods create the necessary conditions for the use of personnel (rules, instructions, etc.)

By using administrative methods there is either direct coercion of people into certain behavior in the interests of the organization, or the creation of the possibility of such. Οʜᴎ imply the limitation of the initiative of employees and the imposition of all responsibility for the results on the manager. Such methods are used to solve simple standard tasks, primarily in military-type structures (for example, in transport).

The disadvantage of administrative management methods is that they orient performers towards achieving the desired results, rather than their growth; encourage diligence, not initiative. Today, when a creative approach to business, a constant striving for new things is needed, these methods are becoming obsolete.

Economic methods orient employees towards independent search for optimal solutions and taking responsibility for their results. Here, the timely and high-quality execution of tasks is rewarded through cost savings or additional profit received as a result of the efforts shown by the performers.

At the same time, economic methods are not always effective, especially in relation to workers in intellectual professions, because for them money is an important, but more often than not, not the main incentive to work.

Socio-psychological management methods include the following directions of influencing the behavior of employees and increasing their labor activity:

1. Formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, the development of friendly relations between the leader and subordinates, providing them with support.

2. Disclosure of the personal abilities of each employee, assistance in their improvement, which leads to the maximum self-realization of a person in the labor process.

In modern civilizational society, legal methods of leadership are increasingly used. Οʜᴎ assume that managers act in strict accordance not only with the letter, but with the spirit of laws and regulations governing labor relations.

Personnel management is carried out in accordance with certain principles.

1. Understanding what is happening in the organization or unit, control over the situation as a whole, knowledge of the capabilities of people, the ability to evaluate their actions and, if extremely important, help, avoiding petty care, interference in details, discouraging employees and killing interest in work.

2. Realization that there are no absolute truths in the leadership of people; each person is unique, has a unique character, skills, abilities, strengths and weaknesses, and therefore all leaders behave differently in the same circumstances.

3. Good knowledge of the names and positions of their employees, their merits and demerits, personal problems.

4. Ability to get along with people, the same attitude to everything, consistency, exclusion of favoritism, especially in a heterogeneous team, the creation of a group of "their" people.

5. The ability to manage the situation, know when to take certain actions, have a clear line of conduct and immediately respond to serious deviations in the behavior of subordinates.

6. Maintaining a distance between oneself and subordinates, associated with the difference in their position, the tasks to be solved, and at the same time, the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself.

7. Demonstration of respect for subordinates, along with exactingness towards them. Respect without exactingness is as unacceptable as exactingness without respect.

8. Providing trust to subordinates, giving them authority, independence (the leader must always look for a performer who would cope with the problem better than himself) and providing reasonable freedom of action, tolerance for mistakes (they need to be analyzed and a lesson learned for the future) , dissent.

9. Conducting regular conversations with subordinates at the workplace in order to find out their problems, moods, thoughts.

10. Demonstration of readiness to admit one's own mistakes, to compromise, and when it is extremely important - to apologize, which only increases the credibility.

11. Distribution of tasks among subordinates, taking into account the upper limit of their capabilities and the provision of assistance and support, if necessary.

12. Regular, as well as before making important decisions, consultation with the team on issues affecting its interests, a story about all the upcoming changes.

13. Timely remuneration of subordinates for any successes, incl. those who for one reason or another turned out to be undeservedly forgotten, constant psychological and organizational support.

14. Informing subordinates who want to know more about the affairs of the organization and value frankness. Absolutely everything cannot be kept secret - only the most important thing is e.