The child is 5 months old what to do with her. games for the development of fine motor skills. Especially about salt

The kid grows up. He continues to pleasantly surprise his parents with his smile, new skills and abilities. Mom can plan her day in accordance with the established daily routine. So, let's find out in detail the features of the mental and physical development five monthly crumbs what the baby can do at this age, what changes his nutrition undergoes.

Normal physical development of the child at 5 months

At this age, in comparison with the first three months, the pace of development slows down slightly. Very often, the first teeth appear at five months. They might be on the way. The circumference of the baby's head increases by 17-18 millimeters, the circumference of the chest by 22-24 millimeters. Main organ mass respiratory system crumbs - lungs - at this age doubles compared to that which was at birth. And the pancreas increases by one and a half times. The liver adds 55-60 grams to this period.

The baby's ventricle is no longer worried about him, as well as his mother, because almost all the necessary enzymes are synthesized in it. The kid can sleep all night, because he has practically formed ideas about the time of day.

A distinctive feature of the child's physical development is grasping. This is the purposeful action of the crumbs, which is important for the further manipulation of objects. Grasping is the basis of the child's activity, his cognitive activities... At five months, the baby can take an object, pull it towards him, hold it, push it back, twirl it. The grasping skill allows him to taste and touch objects.

At 5 months, the child raises his arms and legs. If the baby is lying, and put his fingers in his palms, then he will grab them and rise with the help of an adult, he may even sit down. But the child is not really able to sit yet - the muscles of his back are developed so that, lying on his stomach, he can do the so-called airplane - he raises his head, legs, arms and waves them. Lying on its back, the baby can send his toes into his mouth.

A five-month-old baby actively gets to know his body, feels his genitals. And there is no sexual connotation in this. He is simply interested, in this way he develops and gets to know himself. The ability to confidently roll over from tummy to back should force parents not to leave the baby alone in order to avoid possible falls and injuries.

Height and weight

Pediatricians say that doubling the body weight with which a baby was born at five months is the norm. So multiply the starting figure by two and find out how much your child should weigh.

As for the average parameters, it is 6.5-7.5 kg. Girls usually weigh fewer boys... Over the past month, the baby should add 600-700 grams. As for growth, then average is 63-65 centimeters. For the fifth month of life, children grow up by two centimeters.


Wakefulness and sleep mode at five one month old baby remains the same as in the previous month. The night's sleep is 11 hours. During the day, the baby sleeps three times. The duration of the intervals of daytime sleep is one and a half to two hours.

Note that at this age the baby can still confuse day with night. The sleep of each baby depends on the temperament, biorhythms. Some babies can sleep longer at night, while others - during the day.

Nutrition, complementary foods

The most better nutrition for a five-month-old baby, mother's milk remains. It is worth noting that the supply of iron, which was received by the baby in the womb, has already been used up by this age. For boys and girls on artificial feeding, it is necessary to select an adapted mixture with increased content of this substance.

At 5 months of age, pediatricians are already recommending to artisans to introduce complementary foods. This is a good time to get to know new products. Suitable as the first complementary food broccoli, zucchini. Many moms prefer ready-made porridge... It is necessary to increase the portions of complementary foods gradually. You cannot introduce two new dishes at this age.

As for breastfed babies, they can also be introduced to complementary foods at the sixth month of life, if they are healthy and do not suffer from allergies, with the permission of the pediatrician.

Usually, artificial babies at this age eat 4-5 times a day, and those who are breastfed eat 6-7 times a day.

Pediatricians advise, when introducing complementary foods, to introduce the baby to the general meal of the whole family - with a bib, napkins, a spoon. This is how the child learns about food culture and family traditions.

Mental and neurological development of a child at 5 months

Continues speech development crumbs, replenishment of his passive vocabulary. The babbling of the baby is becoming more and more legible. These are clear combinations of consonants and vowels. The child pronounces syllables, repeating them several times. He seems to be talking to himself. The baby knows how to distinguish between the usual and gentle intonation of mother's voice. And when mom wants to calm the baby down, then the gentle notes of her appeal act positively. Mom is the best calming agent. Her presence creates an aura of security, calmness, relaxation. This is very important for supporting the baby's nervous system and its healthy development.

The kid becomes silent when they talk to him. He clearly distinguishes between the voices of dad and mom, distinguishes them from strangers, whom he may be afraid of.

Without difficulty, the baby recognizes familiar faces, and when strangers appear, again, it can be on the alert. Sociable and calm in the presence of the mother, a five-month-old baby becomes shy without her. Recognition is a skill that a baby demonstrates not only in relation to living people, but also to objects and toys. If you show the baby his rattle, he will revive and reach for it.

At this age, the ability to visually control hand movements improves. Kid without special labor can take the object that is in front of him. For a minute or two, he can carefully examine it, then send it into his mouth. The baby also reaches for the toys located above his bed. In general, independent movements with toys can last longer than 5 minutes. And this suggests that the baby develops steadfastness of attention, vision, memory.

What a baby should be able to do at 5 months

This age has its own successes, skills, achievements. The child can sit for a short time with back support. If you put it vertically, supporting it by the armpits, then it stands almost straight, its legs do not bend.

When the baby is lying, with the help of the mother and her hands, he can rise, take a sitting position, and hold the head correctly. Lying on his back, he raises his legs up, takes them with his hands, can suck toes and even heels. And in the position on the tummy, it rises on the forearms, holds the head for a long time and confidently.

He stretches out his hand to a moving object or follows it with his gaze. Recognition, grasping, holding a gaze for a long time, focusing on an object are skills that are characteristic of a five-month-old baby.

He already knows how to quickly and independently roll over from the belly to the back, to the side. In a pose on the tummy, the baby simultaneously waves his legs and arms.

His smile can already turn into laughter. The kid very emotionally demonstrates his joy, actively babbles.

Games and activities for children aged 5 months

In that age period classes should be focused on the development of the musculoskeletal system. Exercises for the development of back muscles require special attention, since soon the baby will be able to sit on its own. It is necessary to consolidate the skill of turning from the abdomen to the back and vice versa. Pediatricians advise to devote at least 20 minutes a day to gymnastics and massage. For morning exercises, you can turn on music. It should be rhythmic and light. It is advisable to accompany the exercises with counting so that the crumbs develop a sense of rhythm.

To stimulate physical activity, it is recommended to lay out toys at a distance slightly greater than outstretched arm baby. He has to reach out and take them. Mom must continue to shape the passive vocabulary child, introducing him to the objects in the house. But the words should be simple, memorable, preferably two-syllable. Kitty, dad, ball, aunt, spoon, bunny, doggie - an approximate assortment of words with which at this age the mother should acquaint the baby. The title should always be combined with the demonstration of the object. It is necessary to talk with the baby everywhere and always, to comment on your actions. It is necessary to acquaint him with the language of animals - a cat, a dog, a chicken, a cow. Name the parts of the child's body and your own, do it every day.

For five month old baby games of hide and seek (covering mother's face with a handkerchief), Magpie-crow, Ladushki will be interesting.

You can start looking at pictures in books, but they should be bright, large, attractive. Already at this age, you can buy books with images of pets, plants, gifts of nature.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

5-one month old baby every day it becomes more and more active and independent. He already knows how to roll over from his back to his stomach, examines toys, learns to sit down, or already knows how to do it. And it is very important for a mother to use the child's already mastered skills correctly in order to stimulate further development.

The best way out of the situation is the correct, educational games with the baby, which will be useful and exciting. What exactly should be the games with a child at 5 months old, what should you pay attention to, and what does an integrated approach to daily activities imply?

What do we stimulate during the game?

A 5-month-old baby begins a period of development, when he learns the world, his mobility increases sharply. Therefore, interest in toys on holders will gradually fade away. Of all the variety of toys, in 99% of cases, he will choose the one that is distinguished by contrasting shades.

At this age, it is very important to activate the child's communication, in particular, understanding of speech and the ability to repeat syllables. If up to six months, the intonation with which mom or dad speaks has a tremendous influence on the development of a child, then after that an understanding of the meaning of what has been said begins to form.

Therefore, if you surround the child with the right objects, you can push him to a new round of development in an organic, natural form for him.

How to develop a child with surrounding objects? It is very simple to draw his attention to them, and more than once: children remember the material better if it is repeated. Teach your child the properties of objects, depict the sounds that animals make. When pointing to the sky, explain that it is the sky and it is blue. Be sure to accompany the game with the verbal designation of objects. For example, if you are handing a box, tell your child: “Look how bright and beautiful box, let's open it and see what lies inside. "

Oksana, mother of one-year-old Matvey: “From the age of five months I called and described to my son everything that he saw. Every day, leafing through books, walking, or playing, I called words. He didn't seem to be listening to me. But what was my surprise when, at the age of 8 months, to the question: "Where is the dog?" he pointed to the drawn dog in the book with his finger! Since then we have been practicing even more intensively, and at 10 he was already imitating the sounds of elephants, cats, etc. "

Top 5 games for a child of five months

Consider the basic educational games for children 5 months old, which will appeal to any child.


If the child is already sitting or begins to actively master this skill, the game will help speed up the process. So, an adult gently rolls the child onto the back from a sitting position. The child will try to get up and regain balance.

Body games

We lift the child, gently toss it, lower it down and let it stand on its legs for a few seconds. You can tilt your child forward to take a few steps. This simple exercise allows the child to understand the basic principles of walking and stimulates the development of the vestibular apparatus.

"Little footballer"

The child lies on his back, we put an inflatable ball under his legs so that his feet rest on him. Holding and moving the ball, the adult gives the baby the opportunity to kick or push it away. If the baby can already sit up, you can try throwing the ball into it (avoiding getting into the head) so that he learns how to hit it.

Such games will train his muscles, develop coordination of movements.


Growing up toddlers just love to watch how they fly around the room bubble... This fun activity will definitely delight them. If mom or dad will focus the baby's attention on bubbles small size, the little one will be in game form learn to distinguish objects by their size.

"Hide-and-seek or the game of" peek-a-boo ""

Mom hides behind a scarf, napkin or simply covers her face with her hands and asks the baby: "Where is mom?" Give your child a few seconds of time and then show yourself. The same can be done with the child himself, hiding it under small piece matter that he can remove himself.

Which games will please a particular child to a greater extent depends on the personal characteristics of the character, the development of the central nervous system. Each of the proposed options is worth trying out. Such games with the baby will be for him as full-fledged, but accessible activities, addressed to different zones development: visual, physical, auditory, speech.

Finger games

The easiest way to stimulate active brain activity in a growing baby is all kinds of finger games... This is rubbing, bending and unbending, squeezing and unclenching of fists, accompanied by nursery rhymes, poems and songs that stimulate the perception of information by ear. What are the advantages of finger gymnastics:

  • A series of fine motor exercises with musical or verbal accompaniment stimulates the part of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech. It could be in an additional way accelerate the appearance of the first words in a child up to a year.
  • In a positive, pleasant atmosphere, children listen carefully to their parents, literally memorize every word, trying to understand the meaning of what mom or dad said. They also learn to imitate adults.
  • Such exercises develop memory, since a certain sequence of actions is traced in them.

Examples of finger games

It is always necessary to start the game with a warm-up. This will set the child in a cheerful mood and warm up the joints. So, a warm-up consists of:

  • Alternating flexion and extension of the fingers, first each of them separately, then the entire palm.
  • Stroking the entire palm.
  • Light, relaxing gymnastics of each finger with the development of the phalanges. The exercises are performed as if you were wearing gloves. You can not squeeze the phalanx too much. There is no need to press and be zealous - there will be a lot of sense from a soft, delicate massage.
  • Exercises "open and close the gate": we take the child's hand in our hands and bend it to the right and left, squeeze the cam and scroll it first to the right, then to the left.

Now directly on how to play finger games. Game techniques can be very different. The main thing is to accompany any of your actions with rhythmic songs or rhymes:

  • We stretch each finger as if we are trying to stretch it. In this case, the fingers can be spread out in different sides.
  • We perform movements with each finger, first in one direction, then in the other.
  • We actively use additional simulators (these can be silicone balls, rattles, fluffy balls of different diameters).
  • Exercise "Combing the hair." Raise the baby's arms as high as possible and run them over the head, stroking and straightening the hair.

Games accompanied by rhymes:

"Two kittens met"(any two fingers touch, for example, little fingers).
"And then two puppies: woof-woof-woof"(we repeat, but only pull the ring fingers to each other).
"Two lambs met"(now the middle fingers cling).
"And fought a little bit"(we collect fingers into fists and three of them against each other).
"Two cows came running"(we straighten the little finger and forefinger which will mimic horns).
"Our handles are steel dexterous"(we lift the handles up and shake our fingers).

Anna (mother of 5-month-old Masha): “Masha's favorite nursery rhyme is the good old" Magpie-crow ", she loves this song very much and quickly realized that she needed to bend her fingers. Always shakes her head to the beat of the song. It seems to me that this is a good developmental exercise that raises the child's mood, stimulates memory and fine motor skills. "

What toys are suitable for 5 month old babies?

According to the recommendations of pediatricians, rubber or silicone teethers are the best toys for children 5 months old. of various shapes and size, toys with a mirror surface, big ball, toys, on the basis of which small balls and objects are strung.

The materials from which the toys are made must also be diverse: soft, hard, with bumps on the surface, rough. They can be a little prickly, sliding. A separate layer of toys that the baby must have given age- these are all kinds of musical toys: xylophones, drums, music books, toys with recorded songs, which are turned on by pressing on their surface. Educational toys for children 5 months old must be of high quality and safe, because such Small child will taste them, and constant contact with hazardous chemicals can provoke allergies or food poisoning.

Play mats: features

A good option to combine several varieties of toys at once in one set is to buy a special developmental mat. There are a huge variety of them on sale, but the choice in favor of a particular model must be made based on the age of the child.

Consider the advice of pediatricians on choosing a developmental mat for a 5-month-old baby:

  • The size. For children up to six months, compact rugs with the provided sides, which can be fixed and unfastened, are suitable. This will provide additional protection if the rug is placed on the sofa instead of on the floor.
  • The form. The optimal shape of the play mat is rectangular. There are also compact round models on sale, but they are suitable for babies up to 3-4 months. Rectangular - this is an option "for growth".
  • Material... This is a key parameter when choosing a rug. It is quite logical that the children's rug will be colorful, therefore, dyes were used in its manufacture. But they are different. Most Chinese rugs are made with hazardous chemicals that can cause significant harm to a child's health.
  • Filling... A rug for a 5-month-old does not have to have arcs for attaching toys. At this age, the child spends a lot of time on his stomach and can already sit with support. For such large toddlers, it is reasonable to give preference to models with an interesting playing field. For example, musical buttons that will turn on each time you hit them.
  • Colour... A 5-month-old baby sees only large images, so if a toy consists of many small parts, he will perceive them as a set of colors. Therefore, toys should be catchy and catch the child's attention, but not excessively. The best optionplay mat with large bright drawings on it. This will be enough, since the child will be able to distinguish between images, and at the same time he will not be lost at the sight of the abundance of small details that he does not understand.
  • Texture. Many manufacturers add textured elements to the main surface of the rug. For example, the tail of an animal can be bumpy and rough, and the flower can be soft, velvety. Contact with them will stimulate the development of tactile sensations in the child.

Oleg (father of 5-month-old Arina): “My wife and I bought for my daughter a large rug with a mirror, windows, inserts and various sewn-on details. A very convenient thing - a child both plays and develops motor skills, and learns to recognize objects that differ in texture. He also loves to admire himself in the mirror. "


Games for a 5-month-old child are daily exercise, which will develop it and awaken interest in the world around us, interaction with parents. Games that stimulate physical activity, finger games are the most relevant at this age. At 5 months, bright toys with many elements are important, attracting attention and developing sensory perception.

Video: Toys for a baby at 5 months

But don't be intimidated. The baby still cannot get out of the crib, although it urgently requires attention if it is there for a long time alone. A favorite place is a carpet on the floor, where you can freely spin, tumble, make the first attempts to crawl and even sit down.

Features of the physiological development of the baby

The 5th month of a child's life is devoted not only to physical activity, but also to teething. Most likely, you have already noticed white bumps on his lower gum, which will grow and redden as the teeth grow. The teeth do not cause pain in the child, but the gums itch and itch very much. Help the baby cope with negative feelings that can make him restless and moody, and make him literally pull everything into his mouth. Buy a safe teether for him, and preferably several, for example, rubber, plastic and wooden, different shapes and colors, with different relief. Let the baby decide which teether he likes best.

In the question of what a child should be able to do at 5 months, one should not rush. Many parents, noticing that the baby is more confident in sitting, sit it surrounded by pillows for a long time. It's too early to do this, wait at least until the baby's muscles and back are a little stronger. However, 5-10 minutes in a special high chair or on the couch under the supervision of mom will not hurt.

Also, if the child is five months old, his development forms a natural interest in own body... The crumbs enthusiastically feel their legs, and sometimes pull their fingers into their mouths, study the genitals. Do not scold the kid for this and you do not need to sharpen your attention either. Play with him by naming parts of his body. It will benefit and please both of you.

If you are considering introducing complementary foods, consult your pediatrician. Exactly in a month it will be not only possible to do this, but also necessary. But so far, there is no need to introduce additional food other than breast milk. The exception is made by artificial people, who from 5 months of age are recommended to introduce complementary foods in the form of cereals or kefir.

Of course, the district pediatrician told you about how the baby has grown, how the weight of the child has changed at 5 months. So that you can more confidently navigate the standards for your age, we give the data for the weight, head circumference and height of the child at 5 months.

Basic skills of a 5 month old baby

What can a 5-month-old baby do? Seems like so many! But first things first.

Games and educational activities

Games with children 5 months old are a lot of fun for everyone. The crumb takes an active part in them. All kids love the game of peek-a-boo, which is also important for mental development... Mom can hide her face behind her hands, a towel, she can hide behind a closet or door. You can close the face of the crumbs with his own handles. If he is well rested and not hungry, he will definitely laugh at your every appearance.

For lessons with a 5-month-old baby, toys such as bracelets or socks with rattles are also suitable. Put the crumbs on their legs, and let him stomp them. He will definitely love the way they ring. At the same time, the muscles of his legs will train. A ball with a bell rings interestingly, and it is also very convenient to hold it in a handle and transfer it to another. The child will certainly be interested in a tumbler, with which he will be happy to play for a few minutes. And any musical toy that you can pick up.

Another interesting game for a 5 month old baby is Finger paint... Dip the baby's pen into the jar and slide it across the sheet of paper. Many colors - a lot of emotions and a lot of new impressions for you and your child.

When the baby is 5 months old, development, the regimen allows a decrease in the period of daytime sleep to three approaches of two hours each. Therefore on Interesting games you will have more and more time!

In this article:

By the age of five months, the child gains a little weight and grows by about 15-18 cm. At the same time, he continues to actively develop and grow, his body is noticeably strengthened. And for a 5 month old baby to be strong and healthy, it is important for him to develop correctly.

Physical activity

At this age, the child can boast of good mobility and flexibility in all limbs. He can even independently do, without knowing it, "gymnastics". It is worth putting the child on his tummy, he begins to raise his head, spread the arms to the sides, and raises his legs up. When doing these exercises, the muscles of the child's neck and back are trained and strengthened.

And since the child is very mobile and can easily roll over from his back to his tummy and vice versa, he should not be left alone on the bed to avoid falling.

Every day the child's coordination and accuracy of movements improves. It is useful to arrange toys for a 5 month old baby around him. This will encourage him to crawl and roll over.

At the age of five months, every child strives to grab something. Such an action is vital in order to be able to manipulate various objects.

But besides the fact that the child wants to touch and touch everything, he still can't wait to taste it. No wonder many advise to clean everything small items further away, otherwise the child may choke on them.

However, the baby tries to touch and touch not only objects, but also food, immersing, for example, his fingers in mashed potatoes or porridge and licking them with pleasure.

During this period of life, the child develops his hands by squeezing and unclenching various objects. Do not scold him for throwing his toys out of bed. Let it be another fun game... Of course, if the mother no longer has the strength, then the baby's attention should be switched to some new toy.

All the time while the child is awake, you can devote to games or joint game gymnastics. Any pediatrician can note the benefits of gymnastics. It is enough to devote only 10 minutes a day to this, and the result will be obvious. Usually, the exercises are very simple and their implementation gives the baby great pleasure: spread the arms to the sides, and then cross them on the chest; raise the baby by the elbows, stimulate him to rise on his knees, and then on his legs. You can come up with your own exercises, or consult a doctor, and then do a massage. It will be useful for the baby to arrange water procedures.

Physiology and psychology of the child

A feature of any child 5 months old is great curiosity. He passionately wants to explore the world around him, and in some cases he can take the initiative in communicating with strangers.
Of course, the most dear person for any child at this age, his parents are, because they spend most of their time together: they feed him, play with him, bathe him and put him to bed.

However, any mother can easily “lose” her child if she leaves for work in the early mornings and constantly leaves her child in the care of relatives or hired nannies. Despite the fact that it was she who gave birth to him, the one who spends most of the time with him will be the native person for the baby. Every woman should know about this fact of affection for her baby.

At this age, children are very fond of when his parents play with them: from simple tickling to tossing up. However, here you need to observe the measure and not get carried away too much. It is worth remembering that the transition from a state when the child is having fun, and then becomes scared, is almost imperceptible, which can disturb the psyche of the child.

Games, of course, should be fun and energetic, but you should not play too actively before bedtime, as the child will be in an excited state for a long time and it will be difficult for him to calm down, let alone fall asleep.

Hearing, sight and speech

At the age of five months, the child's hearing becomes better. He can easily find out which side the sounds are coming from. At the same time, he can express his emotions: if he doesn’t like something, he may cry or scream; however, if he liked something, then a smile and laughter are confirmation of this.

It is worth noting that for any baby 5 months old, the most pleasant and desirable voice is mother's. Parents should, if possible, pay more attention to their baby, talk to him, name the surrounding objects to enrich his vocabulary.

Testing your child's hearing is not difficult. To do this, at a distance of 5-6 meters from the child, you can clap your hands or say something not loudly. The child will react to any issued sound by turning his head towards the source of the sound, and when he finds you with his eyes, he will smile cheerfully. However, if your child's hearing is a concern, then you should see a specialist.

A child at the age of 5 months is already able to noticeably focus on the subject that his parents show him. And even if you drive them in different directions, the baby will accompany him with a look. To develop the eye muscles, one exercise will be useful: position an object at a distance of 30-35 cm from the child's eyes bright shade and drive them up and down, left and right for a few minutes, until the baby gets bored.

In addition, a five-month-old baby begins to make more sounds, and his personal sound reserve is constantly replenished.

An interesting fact! Scientists noticed one characteristic phenomenon: regardless of the sex of the child, his nationality and place of residence - they all emit identical sounds. And even children with hearing impairments.


Walking is very important for any growing toddler. At the same time, his mother may notice that he began to sleep less, he became more interested in everything that is happening around him: fluttering snowflakes or falling raindrops; people running back and forth on business, cars; rustling foliage in the trees; singing birds and much more.

For a kid, every walk means new impressions, emotions and moods, so it is very important to include as many walks as possible in the daily routine. Especially it concerns summer period time, because in winter it is unlikely that you will be able to walk for a long time.

Walks are good not only with new impressions, but have a positive effect on the health of the child: with each walk, the brain is saturated with another fresh portion of oxygen. Walking with the baby, each mother should tell him about everything and note for herself what he focuses on.


As a rule, the sleep of a 5 month old baby is from 14 to 16 hours, and 10 hours of them is night sleep... The rest of the time is distributed throughout the day. Usually, the first sleep occurs after the first morning feeding and walking.

The second time the baby can fall asleep after 13 o'clock, just after lunch. Often times, the baby can fall asleep on the second walk, which is even healthier.

The third time the child can fall asleep in the interval from 17 to 19 hours.


The regimen for a 5 month old baby is very important because it affects his further development... In addition, the observed order is convenient for the mother herself, who also needs rest and strength.

The daily routine might look something like this:

  • From 6 to 8 o'clock is allotted for morning procedures and feeding;
  • From 8 to 10 o'clock the baby can sleep;
  • From 10-10: 30 to 11 o'clock the second feeding begins;
  • From 11 am to 1 pm, daytime activities are carried out: you can do massage, gymnastics or go for a walk;
  • From 13 to 14:30 the second is shown daytime sleep, which is desirable for outdoor activities;
  • From 2:30 pm to 3 pm, the third feeding begins;
  • From 3 pm to 4:30 pm it's time to play active and educational games with your child;
  • From 16:30 to 18:30 hours fall on the third sleep, which is also desirable to spend in the fresh air.
  • From 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm, the fourth feeding takes place;
  • From 19:00 to 22:00 active time for the baby;
  • From 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm the last fifth feeding;
  • Sleep at night from 10:30 pm to 6:00 am.

When drawing up a daily regimen for a 5-month-old baby, consider the following:

  • Day and night sleep should be 14-16 hours.
  • V daytime the child can sleep 2 or 3 times, it all depends on his individual characteristics.
  • Every day, the child should receive milk, milk formula or complementary foods in an amount of 360 to 1000 ml throughout the day.

Each mother will be able to set the daily routine for her baby herself, so that both she and him are comfortable.

Useful video about baby development at 5 months

Your baby is 5 months old. 4 more eventful weeks will pass, and he will cross the coveted mark of six months. Observing the development, training of your little one, you have already noticed that he has changed dramatically. This is no longer the clumsy fool that you brought from the hospital, but active, smart, sometimes even cunning small man... Yes, he still does not speak, does not crawl and does not even sit, but his skills and mental development stepped far forward.

What a 5 month old baby looks like

The baby's movements are conscious and clear, the voice is loud and emotional, desires are understandable, the daily routine is established. A little more, the baby crawls and sits down, consciously utters “mother” for the first time, rises to his feet and walks. Each child does this at his own time and at his own pace. Your task is to support him in mastering the necessary skills.

Every day you will observe how quickly the child learns new things, every day reaches small, but heights of perfection. A baby in the sixth month of life performs the same exercises several times in a row, training muscles and realizing how this or that movement is performed. Due to the improvement of the nervous system, the child can already be aware of his actions and strive for new skills.

A pleasant feature of this period is the filling of the house with babbling and children's laughter. The kid needs communication and actively participates in dialogue with adults. A little more time will pass and the first words will begin to appear instead of babbling.

Physiological changes

The baby's body becomes strong and strong. The crumb can already do a lot, strives to move and change position, turns over from the stomach to the back and back. The child grabs toys, shakes them, brings them to the eyes and mouth, knocks. The muscles of the abdomen and back become developed, soon the baby will sit down and laugh happily.

Depending on the characteristics laid down by nature, temperament, character, children learn to sit in different time... Some cope with the task in 5.5 months, others - have already passed the mark of 6 months. No matter how much you would like to help the little one, you should not force events. You can suggest muscle training exercises, massage and attract him with toys on new level, but do not force to do what he cannot yet.

At underdevelopment muscles of the back, the load on holding the body falls on the spine, which is fragile and easy to bend. This is especially true for girls. It's all about the formation of the reproductive system. The girl's uterus and ovaries are located directly at the bend of the trunk and are protected from external factors abdominal muscles holding internal organs... The influence of early planting of babies on the formation of infertility has not been proven, but such suspicions exist. Of course, if your daughter sits down on her own before 6 months, having developed enough muscles, you should not stop her, but you should not force her either.

In the sixth month, there is a tendency to move after the object. The stronger this desire, the faster the little one will crawl. The basis for the future ability to crawl is the constant flips from the abdomen to the back and back, lifting the torso up, lying on the stomach. Every day the muscles of the arms and legs become stronger, allowing the baby to crawl without lifting the stomach, spinning, crawling away. To help master this skill, offer to reach for toys more often, stimulate the desire to change location.

By six months, the baby may well stand for several minutes, holding on to the support. The development of the muscles of the legs and arms allows him to keep himself upright. But you shouldn't offer him such entertainment too often. Everything has its time. First, the baby needs to master the ability to sit or crawl, only after that he can move to the rise in a standing position.

The emergence of the ability to stand upright, when the parents are holding the armpits, appears as a result of the complete attenuation of innate reflexes. Now the baby, being in this position, does not touch the legs and does not seek to bend them, but straightens them completely at the knees and hips.

Physical development

The rate of weight gain is still quite high. For the next 4 weeks, the goal is 600 grams. Growth increases on average by 1-3 cm. The head grows by 1 cm, and the chest - by 1.5 cm. The baby has grown to the age when the chest girth should gradually become larger than the head girth.

The most active children, who learned to crawl and sit early, by the end of the 6th month of life can gain a little less than the established norm. This is due to the increased waste of energy, motor activity... If the baby is slowly gaining weight, but at the same time actively moves, plays, eats with pleasure, is cheerful and cheerful, then there is no reason for concern. At your monthly pediatrician appointment, tell the doctor about your progress.

Boundary indicators of the physical development of a child at 5-6 months, depending on gender

Psycho-emotional development

Along with the emergence of new motor skills and an increase in daily activity, progress is noticeable in improving the nervous system. The toddler already responds to the name, reacts to the presence of strangers, tries to imitate speech. If you are engaged in the development of speech, then already during this period the baby can repeat some syllables quite well and pronounce sounds unmistakably.

To stimulate the development of speech during this period of life, it is necessary to talk with the child as much as possible, read books to him, and sing songs. Between 5 and 6 months, active speech perception is formed. The more your baby hears, the better he will understand you.

When talking with a baby, you should try to use his name as often as possible. You shouldn't constantly call him a bunny or a cat. The perception of one's own name is an important stage in the formation of a personality. Application affectionate nicknames perhaps, but several times less often than the child's own name.

The kid is happy to communicate with familiar adults, attracts attention with a variety of sounds, babbles. New emotional expressions of joy appear. The baby may cry out at the sight of mom or favorite toy. The child really likes the expansion of sound possibilities and during the waking period he constantly improves this skill.

With strangers, the baby behaves wary. The basic instincts of self-preservation are starting to work. He understands intonation, distinguishes between sounds, associates a voice with a person. If even 2 months ago any person could pick up the baby, then at the moment it may end in crying and attempts to return to his mother's arms. The baby's memory for faces is still short-term. The person whom the baby saw 2 weeks ago becomes a stranger and a stranger. If grandparents want to play and communicate with the baby, then they need to take care of frequent visits.

Normal development is impossible without calm atmosphere... The crumb needs a daily routine, the absence of an overabundance of emotions, and constancy. Up to six months, it is worth refraining from a large number of guests, not taking a crumbs with you to noisy events. With excessive nervous stress, babies become moody, sleep and eat poorly.

Motor skills

The period between 5 and 6 months of life is filled with many various changes in the motor skills of the baby. Some children master them a little earlier, others - closer to six months, and still others - having passed the mark of 6 months. Among the most striking motor skills of a 5-6 month old child are:

  • Confident lifting of the torso from a supine position to a sitting position with the help of parents. Some children master the skill by 5.5 months self-fulfillment this exercise. Keep the body in a sitting position for a while. It is considered correct to raise the torso from a position on all fours, but in most cases, babies first learn to sit through raising the torso from a supine position, leaning on their hand.
  • Attempts to crawl or mastering this skill. Depending on the development of the muscles, the baby may begin to crawl or only attempt to move his body. Quite often, this skill begins with backward movement. The baby backs away, because the mechanism for moving the body backward is easier for the baby to understand. You can help the little one to master this skill by showing the position on all fours. Keeping the belly at some distance from the surface, move the baby's arms and legs, imitating movements. In order to properly move the limbs of the toddler, it is worth remembering that crawling is obtained if the hand moves with the opposite leg. If you move right hand forward, then along with it you need to move the left leg.
  • Strong arching of the body, lying on the stomach. The kid confidently raises his shoulders, resting on his hands. Can take one hand out of the support to reach the toy. During this exercise, the spine flexes, giving the baby the opportunity to rise higher and see more. Being in such a stance, the child rolls his head around in search of interesting objects. Conducting such exercises involves placing bright objects and toys from all sides.
  • Quickly and confidently turns from back to stomach and back. Can do this by holding a toy in his hands. The maturation of the psychoemotional sphere gives the baby an understanding of a comfortable body position. Depending on the desired manipulations with the toy, the baby can choose a position lying on his back or stomach. During this period, you should give him small rattles for independent study so that the coups are easy.
  • Lying on his back, raises his legs high, pulls them into his mouth. The flexibility and plasticity of the spine, the development of the back muscles make such a pastime available for the baby. It is necessary to monitor the length of the toenails and the cleanliness of the crumbs' feet so that germs do not get into the mouth and it does not scratch the delicate body.
  • Makes confident grasping movements. He holds the toy, transfers it from hand to hand, pulls it into his mouth and examines it. Copying the behavior of adults, he can knock it, shake it, pat it. Can find a rattle hidden under a diaper. Development of basic fine motor skills very good for the brain. It is good when the baby has several small, lightweight toys that fit comfortably in the hand. On them, he will hone the skill of manipulating his hands.
  • When raised to an upright position, the baby fully stretches his legs at the knees, seeks to find support.

Hearing, sight, reaction to sounds

The capabilities of the senses are increasing. They are playing crucial role in the formation of the knowledge base, therefore they continue to improve. The eyes can distinguish between primary colors and several shades. The kid with pleasure carefully examines the faces of adults who take him in their arms, touches his cheeks and nose, hair. During the dialogue, he tries to touch his lips.

The child actively reacts to the changes taking place around him, babbles joyfully when replacing toys. A complete change of rattles once a week is recommended. Do not rush to buy new ones, it is enough to hide already studied subjects from the toddler for a week and they will become interesting again. This happens for several reasons. First, preferential use short-term memory and secondly, the formation of a knowledge base. Every day the amount of information received about the world is increasing, the crumb is mastering new movements. If today he used his entire arsenal of research skills on a rattle, then in a week he will realize that he did not perform new exercises with this object.

The hearing becomes more perfect. The toddler constantly listens to the sounds around him and reacts to them. The usual measured sounding calms him down, new harsh sounds frighten him. The need to see an object that makes a sound is growing. Now the baby demands to see what he hears. The reason is the development of the brain. It requires more and more sound-visual information to expand the knowledge base.

The formation of connections between visual and sound information in the first year of life is the basis for future mental success. Do not seek to create complete silence in the room, exclude natural sounds. The more of them the kid hears and refers to certain objects, the better. White noise from TV and radio is still unwanted. It is advisable to reduce the time spent with these items to a minimum.

Being in the same room with the TV, the baby will look at the screen, trying to understand what makes the sound, will try to understand the changing picture. Fragile nervous system, sight and hearing will be subject to an information attack, which can affect the baby's calmness and comfort.

Hair and nails

Already in the previous month, hair and nails began to grow faster, making adjustments to hygiene procedures. In place of the bald patches on the back of the head and the lateral parts of the scalp, new smooth hairs appear, and the fluff with which the baby was born gradually disappears.

If you haven’t bought a brush for brushing yet, then this is worth taking care of. It is recommended to use a special comb-brush for babies. It differs from the objects used by adults by soft, dense fibers. It is better not to use an adult comb. The scallop can scratch the head, the massage is too voluminous, it is inconvenient for it to put the child's head in order. It is recommended to carry out the combing procedure twice a day as part of morning and evening hygiene procedures.

The use of hair shampoo is not required yet. The kid is still in minimal contact with the outside world, and excessive use soap solution on the scalp can lead to excessive dryness of hair, a decrease in their growth.

Toddler's nails require weekly monitoring. It is worth carefully monitoring their length, cutting off the protruding parts in a timely manner. It is necessary to do this special scissors with rounded ends. It is not recommended to use tweezers or items from an adult manicure set. The child should have their own scissors, designed only for cutting the nail plates. It is not recommended to perform other actions with them or use for another person.

Trim the nails in a straight line, without rounding off the shape of the marigold. Thus, you will preserve the shape of the nail plate, you will be able to avoid improper growth, the formation of burrs. Perfect timing for this procedure is a hygiene block after an evening swim.

First tooth

Children who have not acquired their first teeth earlier will definitely do this at the age of 5-6 months. They will have increased salivation and swelling of the gums will be noticeable. Babies react to this process in different ways. Some pass it quite calmly, almost imperceptibly. Others become moody, sleep and eat poorly. Still others experience the appearance of teeth very hard. Among the most frequently encountered difficulties accompanying the appearance of teeth are:

  • Disturbance of night and day sleep. Children who are on HB often ask for breasts and cry while eating. Infants receiving artificial feeding have a hard time falling asleep and sleep anxiously.
  • Diarrhea. Often, on the eve of the appearance of the top of the teeth, babies begin to empty themselves, the structure of feces becomes more liquid.
  • Temperature. On the days of active teething, the crumbs' temperature may rise to 38.5 degrees, which does not require the use of antipyretics. With a combination of tooth formation and infection, the temperature can be higher, so you should have a suitable antipyretic and pain reliever on hand.
  • Runny nose and increased salivation. Some children experience nasal congestion, itching in the gums.

Usually, the most difficult process is the appearance of the first teeth, and then the manifestations will be less intense.

A decrease in the intensity of the manifestation of negative symptoms is facilitated by:

  • Frequent breastfeeding. Mother's milk has an analgesic effect. If the crumb during teething changes the frequency of eating , let him do it.
  • Using teethers. In pharmacies and children's departments, special toys are sold, made from materials that allow you to scratch your itchy gums. They often contain a gel inside them, which helps to cool the inflamed skin, to some extent, relieves pain. When using teethers with cooling gel, read the instructions carefully and use them correctly. Most require pre-cooling in the refrigerator. The duration of preparation for use is indicated by the manufacturer on the package and can be from 10 to 40 minutes.
  • Pain relief gels prescribed by a pediatrician. Usually, specially formulated teething gels containing an analgesic are prescribed. Their use is possible after consultation with a pediatrician and strictly in the indicated dosage and frequency.
  • Suppositories prescribed by a doctor to reduce fever and pain. Most often they contain ibuprofen and are used when the temperature rises. Their use is possible only after consulting a doctor, in the absence of allergic reaction into components.
  • Manual mode. During the period of teething, many children begin to intensively ask for pens to mom or dad. The increased need for being on hand is due to the discomfort that the toddler experiences. If you clearly know that the baby is bad, then do not deprive him of a sense of comfort and tranquility. The teeth will appear soon, and your little one will again set off to explore the world on their own.

The appearance of teeth is the most difficult period for mom and baby. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of unpleasant manifestations. You just need to get through this time.

Digestive system

By five months digestive system the toddler is already fully formed. Left behind intestinal colic accompanying the colonization of the gastrointestinal tract with useful microflora. The crumb no longer spits up or does it very rarely. The body is ready to receive new, more varied food.

Usually, in the sixth month of life, healthy babies who are on HBV begin to receive complementary foods. Children who eat the mixture begin to get acquainted with porridge. The volume of non-dairy food gradually increases and by 6 months it is advisable to replace the second feeding with it.

Social contact

The child is more and more in need of communication. Conversation and reading books are becoming an important way of forming the sound base of a toddler, contributing to the development of speech perception, establishing contact between a child and parents.

During this period, it is worth filling the life of the crumbs with various types of communication: dialogue, body contact, joint dancing and singing. The more you communicate with the baby, the faster and better he will speak.

Care rules

Caring for a 6 month old baby remains the same. As before, in the morning, it is necessary to carry out a gymnastic complex, wash, clean auricle and nose. During the day, do not forget to keep your groin area clean, clean your hands, feet, body as it gets dirty. In the evening, every day, you need to bathe the baby in a bath or offer to swim in the bathroom with a special circle.

It is good to gradually wean the baby from constantly wearing a diaper. You can wear it for a night's sleep and a walk on the street. At home, it is advisable to keep him in panties. Weaning off diapers early will make it easier for you to potty train your toddler. The kid will not get used to the constant absorption of urine and feces, he will understand the difference between dry and wet pants. All of this will quickly show you the benefits of using a pot and the need to communicate your urge to pee.

Bathing and hygiene

Bathing a 6-month-old baby remains a daily routine. Soap is still not required. If desired or prescribed by a doctor, herbal decoctions can be used, but do not be zealous. Any herbs with misuse have side effects, you should treat them reasonably.

Bathing of a child is 15-20 minutes long and consists in complete ablution and rubbing of the whole body. It is good to use cotton swabs to wash your face. Soak in separately standing water cotton pad... Wipe the face of the little one in the direction from the nose to the ears.

You should be careful about cleansing your fingers. It is necessary not only to rinse your palm, but also to wipe the skin between your fingers.

The groin requires special attention... It is imperative to wash all the wrinkles. When washing a girl, do not part the labia and rub the vaginal area. This area is very gentle and self-cleaning. Simply rinse with water.

The water when bathing in the tub should be about 37 degrees, while swimming in the bath - about 27. The difference in temperature for different types of bathing is determined by the purpose. In the bath, you relax the baby, wash, while bathing in the bath, you stimulate muscle movement.

After any kind of bathing, the baby should be additionally rinsed. clean water not from a tub or bath. It should be prepared before bathing so that it is a little cooler than the water in which the little one bathed.


Between 5 and 6 months of age, all babies are introduced to complementary foods. The bottle-fed babies continue to increase the amount of fruit puree and juice they receive, and the crumbs on the GW begin to receive additional food during the second morning feed.

In the second feeding in the first week of the 6th month of life, the baby receives juice for dating. Usually parents give preference to apple juice. If no reaction is observed, then during the first week the amount of the offered juice is increased to a teaspoon. After a week, you can offer another type of juice. By 5.5 months, you can invite the baby to get acquainted with fruit puree.

Age table for the introduction of new products, depending on the type of feeding

LureArtificial feedingGW
Juice3-4 months5 months
Fruit puree4 months5.5 months
Vegetable puree4.5 months5.5 months
Porridge4.5 -5 months5.5-6 months
Meat puree6 months6 months
Cottage cheese6 months6 months

Table of allowed foods for children under 6 months

Introducing complementary foods to your baby, you can cook your own food or buy ready-made foods. When using canned and boxed food, it is worth carefully examining the packaging for age assessment. For different ages food passes varying degrees processing, so you should not choose porridge for a 5 month old baby, on which there is a mark of 7 months or more.

Sleep and daily routine

A child's nighttime sleep reaches 10-11 hours and most children do not wake up for a snack. During the day, the baby sleeps 2 times. Daytime sleep usually lasts 2-3 hours and coincides with a walk.

During the period of active teething, nighttime and daytime sleep may become intermittent. It is worth consulting with a pediatrician about the use of pain relievers to maintain the usual regimen.


The hardening of the child at the 6th month of life remains the same. Air and sun baths must be performed several times daily. Rub down with water room temperature can be done in the morning and evening after waking up.

How to develop your baby

Separately, in the sixth month of life, it is worth paying attention to a variety of developmental activities. Strengthening the cognitive function of the brain allows you to introduce crumbs into life the first games and training sessions. Adults can offer a child:

  • Learn to throw toys, knock them on different surfaces.
  • Exploration games. Offer your baby a bright toy and object. Let him examine it, feel it, taste it. Name the thing. Show what you can do with it, what sounds it makes.
  • Mirror games. First, let your baby see his reflection. Then you can wave to the baby, show the articulation exercise. It is good to sing in front of the mirror, recite poetry.
  • Capture game. Try to train your child's fine motor skills by inviting him to take objects of different sizes and shapes from your hands.
  • Games with music. While listening to a musical composition, turn the sound on and off, knock and clap to the beat of the melody.
  • Dance with your baby in your arms.
  • Give the opportunity to feel the surrounding objects. This greatly helps the kid in the formation of the knowledge base.
  • Sniff different smells. Offer to smell a flower, perfume, fruit, etc. Name the subject proposed for study.
  • Sensory development. It's good to let your kid study subjects different texture... Special soft rugs made of different types fabrics.

The development of a child at the 6th month of life presupposes a versatile study of the surrounding world with the help of the senses. Logical and analytical operations are not yet available to the crumb, but in order for them to arise, they must be formed strong ties between an object, its name, sound, appearance, taste, sensory qualities.

Development toys

In the sixth month of life, in addition to rattles and garlands, you can offer the little one new types of toys. Increased motor skills allow you to play:

  • A pyramid. Please note that the plastic from which the pyramid is made must be safe. Its structure must be even and uniform, color scheme elements - close to the primary colors of the spectrum. As the first pyramid, it is enough to take a small one, up to 6 elements.
  • Tumblers. Children of 5 months are very fond of this type of toy. They are happy to push them, touch them, make them sound.
  • Soft earbuds. For babies, special sets of large mosaic-inserts are sold, on which, at the age of 5 months, the baby can develop fine motor skills, and as he grows older, study the depicted objects.
  • Books for babies. There are many books on sale for children under one year old. They can be made of fabric, hardboard or even plastic. The main requirements for such products are safety, durability, brightness and image availability.
  • Developing rugs. There is a huge variety of baby rugs. To enhance the developing and massaging effect, it is good to use options filled not only with soft materials, but also with small details. But when using them, you should carefully monitor the integrity of the thing in order to prevent the ingestion of fine filler. Babies do not understand the danger, they just play with what they see, pull into their mouths.
  • Sensory pads and cubes. For the development of hand motor skills, you can offer the baby to feel special sensory toys filled with different small objects of different sizes. After each game, carefully examine such toys for integrity. If holes, puffs or tears appear, it is worth removing the item from permanent use or repairing it.

Do I need to go to the clinic every month

Many parents, by the age of 5 months of the child's life, have the question of the need for a monthly visit to the pediatrician. In the absence of developmental and behavioral problems, some adults consider it unnecessary. This is not a correct judgment. In the first year of life, the baby's body goes through a difficult stage of development, which requires constant monitoring by specialists. Control is imperative harmonious development, the establishment of the normal operation of all systems, the emergence and formation of basic skills. Parents may not always notice some deviations from the norm in time and choose correct sequence action.

Modern medicine allows you to notice and eliminate in a timely manner a large number of undesirable manifestations, so you should not neglect the need for a monthly visit to the pediatrician and be sure to go through narrow specialists... The control of a neurologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist and orthopedist is mandatory.

What should be alarming

At the sixth month of a child's life, it is necessary to closely monitor the timeliness of the appearance of skills. You should urgently contact your pediatrician if your baby has:

  • congenital reflexes have not disappeared;
  • skills of rolling from back to side did not appear;
  • there are difficulties in raising your torso from a prone position;
  • decreased activity. During wakefulness, he does not want to move and play, the reaction to the offer to work out becomes sharply negative;
  • no reaction to given name, he does not turn his head towards the sound;
  • the decrease in the rate of weight gain and growth is very noticeable. Its indicators are very different from the lower limit of the age norm;
  • if everything looks good on the outside, but you feel unreasonable anxiety.

Weaning off the nipple

Many children from birth use as sedative pacifier. In case of untimely weaning from the use of this subject, unwanted consequences... The use of a nipple does not give the baby sufficient jaw freedom and reduces the activity of the muscles responsible for speech. In addition, the nipple can negatively affect the health of the teeth and the formation of the jaw.

To avoid the consequences, it is worth reducing the frequency of the use of the nipple by the child. It is optimal to completely get rid of this item by 6 months. If required by the baby, it is worth offering him something to do, talking to him. Distract and entertain him. Gradually, the child will get used to new circumstances and will stop asking for a pacifier.

The sixth month of life - wonderful period... The child has changed dramatically and is improving every day. The emergence of new skills, a gradual transition to a new plane, active socialization allow you to introduce new options for spending time, paint life with new activities. During this period, mom should think about herself, remember the need for rest and proper nutrition... The older the baby gets, the more strength you need.