The diet of a child at 1 year and 9 months. General development of a child at one year and nine months

Your baby is already 1 year and 9 months old. During this time, he has matured a lot and now it is necessary to reckon not only with the necessary obligations, but also with his character, usually at this time his features are already beginning to clearly emerge. It is necessary to engage daily with the child not only in developing games, but also to do exercises in the morning to strengthen immunity, to cultivate discipline and daily routine. All these skills will be needed closer to the age of three, when the child goes to kindergarten and with his skills it will be much easier for him to adapt.

Physiological features

The child has already learned a lot - to sit, walk, his movements are well coordinated. He can climb the stairs, many can easily climb the children's ladders in the courtyard of the house. And all this is very good. Just imagine for a moment how much effort it required, how many falls the child had until he began to walk confidently.

The following movements should be included in daily exercises:

  • squats;
  • jumping;
  • swing legs;
  • walking on heels, and then on toes;
  • lifting handles;
  • clapping.

And if you do exercises to cheerful children's music, then along with it you can instill a sense of rhythm.

Psychological development

Most children become more sociable. Kindergarten enrollment is much later, not earlier than three years, but you can work out in a group at the development center. There, children communicate with each other in their own special language, a new atmosphere, new people - all this will have a good effect on development. The child will quickly join the new team. All classes in such centers last no more than 30 minutes, children get tired quickly, and everything should only benefit.

Classes have a different focus - they draw, sculpt from plasticine, make applications from paper. And most importantly, they learn to do all this in a team, discipline is being improved. Children fulfill the small requests of the teacher - sit down at the table, pick up a pencil, stand in a circle. In addition, any communication stimulates speech activity. Even if the baby does not speak, he remembers all the words, his stock is constantly replenished, and closer to three years, he can suddenly start talking in whole sentences. On average, a child learns one new word every two days. The need to communicate with the same kids is that children are imitators, they like to repeat after the same as they are, and the whole process will go faster.

What can a child at 1 year and 9 months

Skills and abilities in one year and nine months:

  • have a vocabulary of about 30 words and skillfully use them in life when talking with mom or dad;
  • know the primary colors and distinguish them from each other - red, blue, green, yellow;
  • collect constructors;
  • play games with peers, even if it does not look like a game activity;
  • know the numbers and count up to three, be able to show at least your age on your fingers;
  • repeat the movements for adults, in particular those related to morning exercises.

Now comes a period for parents when much more attention and patience is required, even more than in the first year of life. Let's give the child the opportunity to be independent, at least in everyday life - to independently wield a spoon at every meal. All children cannot sit still for a long time and many parents attribute this to excessive hyperactivity and are desperately looking for ways to cope with this problem. In essence, there is no problem.

Children of this age, as well as up to 3-4 years old, can independently study, play no more than 10 minutes. Everything is interesting to them, they are quickly distracted by something new and therefore this is a completely normal phenomenon of its development. Come up with a new way to lure him every time, touching it with everyday life. For example, ask them to set the table together, take cutlery into the room, excluding especially dangerous ones like forks and knives. More often ask him to clean up the toy, wipe the table. Of course, you will do all the work, but the child will be laid in the subconscious that he also helps and is busy with work.

Video: child development at 1 year and 9 months, learning to draw.

In this article:

The development of a baby in a year and nine months is so active that parents do not always have time to record changes in photos and videos for a home collection of memories. What can a child at this age know, and what is he still learning, what do parents need to know about the baby’s diet, toys and the development process in general? Read about all this below.

Baby's physical changes

It should be noted right away that the physical development of a baby in a year and nine months is marked by an increase in body weight and growth rates. On average, boys weigh from 11 to 13.5 kg, while the body weight of girls ranges from 11-13 kg with the growth of the former from 80 to 87 cm and the latter from 80 to 85 cm. In most cases, children at this age already have about 20 teeth.

As for physical skills, their development is obvious. Children in the year and nine months become noticeably more dexterous and active. They often have fun and have fun, for example, trying to walk backwards, which surprises and worries overly caring parents.

The children's body at this stage is sufficiently developed so that the baby can exercise in the morning. The task of parents is to instill interest in exercises (as an option - to music), showing the order of execution by personal example. By instilling in the baby the habit of exercising from an early age, adults will positively influence his attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in the future.

It will be correct to continue hardening in cases where it has been practiced since the birth of the child. The baby should be allowed from time to time to walk without shoes on grass or sand, jump in warm summer puddles, swim in a pond.

In winter, hardening can be continued by arranging an impromptu seabed at the bottom of an ordinary bath. Just fill it with pebbles up to 4 cm in diameter, fill it with water at a temperature not exceeding 33 degrees with sea salt and invite the crumbs to walk barefoot on the pebbles.

Striving for independence

In a year and nine months, physical and mental development allows the baby to show miracles of independence. The child copes well enough with a spoon while eating, gently drinks from a cup, tries to dress and undress on his own.

At the same age increased interest in peers. The child has already played enough with his parents and gladly accepts the rules of the game for children on playgrounds. Many toddlers are already able to exchange simple remarks, ask and answer questions. A feature of this age is copying each other's behavior.

Taking advantage of the child's desire for independence, parents can begin to teach him simple rules of hygiene. In the morning, a baby of a year and nine months old can wash and brush his teeth on his own, wash his hands after a walk. Just like exercise, these skills should become a habit for the baby, so you need to make sure that he uses them regularly.

Features of mental development

In a year and nine months, mental development, like physical development, occurs at an accelerated pace. Toddlers, as a rule, are able to distinguish between the four primary colors, many try to name them, sometimes confusing the names. Toddlers with whom they are actively engaged in the study of letters using, for example, the famous Zaitsev cubes, by this age are already able to distinguish about 10 letters and sounds.

A baby at the end of the second year of life confidently navigates in pictures with images of animals, plants, insects, may indicate certain images at the request of adults.

At one and nine months, the development of the baby also allows him to remember information about his own personal data (name, address, parents' names, age). The only point is that only those kids who have already managed to master speech skills and successfully use them will be able to voice the information.

At the end of the second year of life, it will not be difficult for a child to count to three. Let the baby still not distinguish between numbers, but he is able to understand that two apples are different from three. You can work on the development of the child in this direction, offering him to count toys, designer parts, and objects of interest to him.

Features of motor development

At the age of one and nine months, the baby's motor skills are quite well developed. morning exercises contributes to the strengthening of its musculoskeletal system, the development of flexibility and elasticity of muscles.

The baby easily overcomes simple obstacles, can maintain balance on one leg, hits the ball into a toy basket of a basketball hoop at the level of his chest and into a children's mini-football goal.

The kid confidently descends and climbs the stairs, independently climbs the hill and rolls down, tries to master the skills of riding a children's tricycle, scooter, rides a bike race without pedals with pleasure.

Speech skills

At one year and nine months, the development of a child's speech cannot be called perfect. Children really try to speak, but often they pronounce words poorly, come up with their own names and designations for objects in a simplified version. Meanwhile, the vocabulary the child is replenished daily with one or two new words, which he tries to voice on occasion.

It is possible to stimulate the development of speech at this age with the help of constant communication, reading books with bright pictures and, of course, games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which, in turn, contribute to the development of speech centers.

Willingness to cooperate

Undoubtedly, the positive moment of this age is the willingness of the baby to obey his parents, fulfilling them requests, making compromises if necessary. You can negotiate with the baby, offering him an alternative, asking him to carry out simple instructions.

Children at this stage of development are especially pleased with the realization of their own importance when they help adults. That is why parents from time to time should give the kids such an opportunity, offering to do what they can and be sure to evaluate the result of the efforts with sincere praise.

Toilet weekdays

No need to insist on using the potty if the child is negative about this. It's important to keep your little one interested in the toileting process by encouraging him to communicate his natural needs.

The best time to wean your baby off diapers is summer. During this period, you can stock up on a change of underwear and, walking on the street, offer the crumbs to relieve themselves from time to time. Over the summer, the child will get used to it so much that by the fall he will quite consciously use the potty or the adult toilet.

Baby nutrition: what does the diet include

If we compare the nutrition of a baby in a year and nine months with the nutrition of a year and a half
child, the difference will not be significant. Just like a few months ago, the menu should include both first and second courses. Mandatory in the diet of the baby are:

  • cereals and omelettes;
  • dairy products;
  • fish and lean meats;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • sources of vegetable fats.

For breakfast, a baby can cook milk porridge, for lunch, the first and second meals are based on meat, fish or stewed vegetables. An afternoon snack may consist of homemade yogurt with fruit, pudding or jelly with cookies, dinner - a casserole or porridge with kefir or milk.

Naturally, you can experiment with the menu, taking into account the preferences of the little gourmet and the seasonality of fruits and vegetables, as well as remembering that the baby should consume
at least 500 ml of milk or kefir. Meat dishes (steamed, stewed or cooked in the oven) for a child can be prepared daily, while for fish it is worth allocating 1-2 days a week.

Spices, canned food, sweets, carbonated water, smoked meats are contraindicated at this age.

Walks and leisure of the baby

In order for the development of a child at one year and nine months to proceed normally, he must regularly be on the street. On average - at least two hours in the morning and the same in the evening. You can reduce the time of walking only in case of bad weather. If the baby is sick, at the same time it is energetic enough and does not have a temperature, with
he also needs to walk, adjusting the duration of the walk depending on his well-being.

In your free time from walking, you need to be able to occupy the baby at home, again stimulating his development with the help of exciting games and activities. At the age of one and nine months, children listen with pleasure when books are read to them, and even try to answer leading questions from pictures, repeat the last lines of poems and fairy tales.

A great option for home entertainment is arts and crafts. The baby can be attracted to drawing by offering him to use finger paints, modeling with salt dough or clay, primitive applications with ready-made details and a background.

Such classes should be short in time and take place in a friendly atmosphere without pressure from parents. In the process of classes, kids learn to manage
fingers, will be able to train patience, memory and imagination.

Observing the achievements of the crumbs in the creative direction, it is necessary to gradually complicate the tasks, adding new details to the applications, offering to fashion more complex figures from dough or use a paint brush.

Games and toys

At one and nine months old, play is the main activity of the baby. He enjoys playing himself and accepts the rules of the game for adults and older children in the family. Adults should make sure that the baby has enough toys that contribute to its development.

The most suitable option is toys that make sounds, as well as various kinds of wheelchairs, cars on strings, children's musical instruments, insert toys and all kinds of collapsible structures.

Just great entertainment at this age will be containers and containers with numerous compartments that can be opened and closed, as well as put into each other.

1 year and 9 months is the age when a child turns into something like a “perpetual motion machine”. The person is still small, but there is so much active and cognitive energy in him that parents can only wonder where it all comes from, why it doesn’t end, and how is this even possible?

Around this age, the baby begins to think more broadly, and makes the first attempts to analyze what is happening. Therefore, parents can often come across a new application or a new explanation for long-familiar objects or phenomena.

Physical development of a child 1 year and 9 months

At the age of nine, the baby is already able to independently cope with a lot of things.

  • First of all, it concerns movement in space. . He is already confidently on his feet. He constantly wants to run somewhere, because there is a lot of terribly interesting and unknown ahead.
  • At this age, the baby can easily cope with the task of stepping over low obstacles. He can independently raise himself to a small height, for example, on a low bench in a sports room. Crawls up and down with ease and joy on household surfaces such as chairs, sofas, beds, armchairs, etc. With great joy and almost immeasurable speed, the baby moves from point A to point B at a run. With undisguised pleasure, he undertakes to “help” his parents perform their daily duties, for example, sweep or wash the floor, rinse the dishes under the tap.
  • As for everyday issues, then at the “year and nine” the baby knows how to independently wield a spoon in his own and often someone else's plate. At the same time, he completely copes with the task of not only scooping up food of any consistency, but also bringing it to his mouth, with virtually no loss.
  • Knows how to put on simple items of clothing such as a T-shirt and panties. Things are much better with undressing - the baby happily pulls off something that does not require additional effort to untie or unfasten.
  • At 1 year and 9 months, the child uses the potty with confidence, and is even able to inform his parents that he wants to sit on it, as they say, out of need.
  • At this age, the child knows exactly where books and toys are stored. , with joy can participate in cleaning their things, putting them in their places.

Vocabulary and speech development of a baby at 1 year 9 months

The speech of the baby during this period develops by leaps and bounds. Almost every day you can hear some new words from the child. True, sometimes children pronounce them simply because they heard and remembered, but the meaning of a new word is not always clear to them.

Therefore, now is the very time when adults should monitor their own speech especially carefully so as not to inadvertently replenish the child's vocabulary with unnecessary phrases and expressions.

By the way, many children in the year and nine already actively operate with words so that they are able to compose simple sentences consisting of several words. But this is not a mandatory characteristic of this age. If the baby is still difficult to understand or he is not particularly talkative, then this is also the norm. And, even though the child's speech is poor and difficult to understand, at the age of nine children perfectly understand what they are told!

But do not forget that each child is individual - what one child can do, another child of the same age does not always know how.

Mental development of a child at 1 year and 9 months

A healthy baby at the age of 1 year and 9 months is in a good and joyful mood most of the time. Although the emotional mood is becoming more understandable. So, you can determine whether the baby is upset in the event of some kind of his little failure or not, whether he is satisfied with the result of his activity, whether he is offended by something, etc.

Even those children who, by and large, still can’t really talk, at the age of “one and nine” are able to express both their thoughts and their emotions in one way or another.

Intellectual development of a baby at the age of one and 9

The intellectual development of the baby at this age is literally striking in its progress.

Usually by this age children can do a lot.

  • Distinguish geometric shapes and to distinguish from each other a ball, a circle, a brick, a cube, a prism, a triangle, to accurately select a hole of the required shape in sorter toys.
  • Easily determine dimensions and distinguish small from large, large from medium, choose the smallest or largest of the proposed options, etc.
  • Distinguish colors , easily find similar colors and some of their shades.
  • Draw straight and rounded lines, geometric shapes . The child can already explain what he drew or wanted to draw.
  • Recognize animals and imitate their "speech".
  • Recognize acquaintances adults in photos, videos, etc.

At the age of 1 and 9, it is already possible to teach the baby to fully pronounce his name, as well as learn the names of his parents, grandparents, and next of kin with him.

In addition, the age of 1 year and 9 months is also a great time to start developing logical thinking in a baby. For this, there are simple logic games for the little ones.

Games and toys of a child at 1 year 9 months

Apart from the simplest logic games like puzzles with a small number of pieces or sorting toys, children aged one and nine need a lot of time for physical play and exercise. They just need pour out your energy , so you need to run, jump, climb up and down, throw and kick balls, splash in the bathroom before going to bed and do exercises in the morning.

More relaxed game options are to feed your favorite toy and put it to bed, push the car into the garage, not forgetting to put all the toys in their houses first, build houses and castles from cubes and designers. Since things are much better with the coordination of the movement, it is already possible more often offer the baby to draw in the album Because at this age, kids learn to distinguish between boundaries. Therefore, drawing on a landscape sheet is a great opportunity to practice not to go beyond the designated limits.

And, of course, it is simply necessary to give the crumbs the opportunity to occupy themselves (of course, under the vigilant control of an adult). Freedom in the game is the best means for developing fantasy and imagination.

Baby care at 1 year 9 months and his nutrition

Despite the fact that the baby tends to do many things on his own, the control and support of parents is still needed.

So, it is necessary to follow the daily water procedures - washing and brushing your teeth in the morning, swimming in the evenings, washing hands is done as many times a day as necessary.

The issue of independent trips to the potty should also not be left to chance.

Some children at this age are already actively and quite successfully using the potty, and some are not even familiar with such a household item. And if for some reason parents did not begin to teach the child to use the potty at an earlier age, then 1 year and 9 months is the time to start doing this.

The question of the need to observe the regime of the day should not even be raised. Baby needs daily routine! The only thing that can be changed in the daily routine is to reduce the number of daytime sleeps to one, if the baby is physically ready for this.

In the same way as in the case of the daily routine, the question of the child's stay on the street should not be questioned. The bigger, the better!

And the more active and mobile the walk is, the more benefit it will bring to the baby and the adult accompanying the baby.

As for nutrition, in “year and nine”, as a rule, children eat everything “from an adult table”, with the exception of foods that cause allergies. But you still need to follow the children's diet. . It is necessary to teach the baby to eat 3-4 times a day. The menu should contain first and second courses, cereals, vegetables, fish, meat, fruits, etc. At the same time, junk food, such as sausages, sausages, factory-made convenience foods, fast food, is recommended to be minimized or completely excluded from the children's diet.

For a child at 1 year and 9 months, an important stage in the formation of personality begins. His actions are organized, and his gaze is focused. A little more and the baby will say the first meaningful sentence.

General development

The child continues to develop. The temperament from which the character is formed becomes more and more expressive. Parents often confuse these concepts, attributing to their child the qualities characteristic of adults. They reward the baby with unflattering epithets - “harm”, “stupid”, - not realizing that, having become an independent person, he will remember precisely these moments and act on the basis of such an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhimself. Therefore, a child at 1 year and 9 months is even more in need of understanding and sympathy, despite his sometimes completely unacceptable behavior.

The pace of physical development is accelerating. The child is noticeably gaining weight and height. Strengthens his strength, hones his dexterity. And the sphere of interest expands accordingly. Having mastered the simplest functions in everyday life, the little one begins to be puzzled by what is happening on the TV and computer screens. At this time, it is important to limit or completely exclude the baby's stay next to such equipment. This will help prevent further problems.

Speech at 1 year and 9 months

The number of words that a child reproduces at 1 year and 9 months is rapidly growing. The articulation of the baby is improved. Even now, one can hear from him sentences of two or three words and a clear pronunciation of “complex” sounds: “s”, “w”, “h”, which causes great delight and joy for adults.

Baby care

At 1 year and 9 months, the little one becomes a completely independent little man, trying with all his might to defend his independence. This can also affect his daily routine. The kid desperately does not want to sleep and walk when mom offers. Now it is important to defend the existing way of life, to maintain the regime. After all, it will become especially relevant when he goes to kindergarten.

Child nutrition

The diet and taste preferences of a child at 1 year and 9 months old are formed, it is very difficult to make any changes. But in any case, you should try to enrich the menu with new and healthy dishes, including vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Sleep per year and 9 months

At 1 year and 9 months, the baby's sleep becomes shorter and more restless. Getting your baby to bed at the right time is getting harder and harder. At this stage, books will become indispensable helpers for parents. No sleeping pill can be compared in strength with soothing reading before bedtime.


The kid is getting stronger, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis activity is growing. The time has come to carefully review and improve the security measures taken earlier. The task of parents is to go around the whole house again, studying its hidden and dangerous places, taking into account the abilities and skills inherent in a child at 1 year and 9 months.

What to teach the baby?

The child continues to actively imitate adults, but does it much more consciously. You can safely begin to teach the little one to independently follow the rules of personal hygiene. He must have his own washcloth, toothbrush, soap and towel at his disposal. The kid will quickly remember the technique and sequence of actions, associating them with specific personal items and accessories.

Educational games

Sorting objects by color and size remains an important area that a child at 1 year and 9 months understands and masters. The following options can be used as games focused on the development of this knowledge.

We assemble the pyramid according to the rules. It's time to teach the kid to pick up the pyramid rings in descending order, thereby introducing him to the concept of number. When the child has mastered this intricate process, his actions will be accompanied by an account. In such a relaxed form, you can conduct the first practical classes in mathematics.

We collect the harvest. It is necessary to cut out paper circles of different sizes and colors and, in accordance with these characteristics, call them fruits and berries. Next, you should ask the baby to sort the mugs into two baskets. During the game, you can discuss with the child the types, properties and benefits of these foods.

The development of a child at 1 year 9 months is distinguished by the peculiarity of obtaining new knowledge by the method of own trial and error. The kid touches everything with his hands, tastes everything, listening and sniffing. The child likes to analyze independently received information and share it with his peers in the process of communication.

Physiology of children at 1 year 9 months

The children's body grows stronger by leaps and bounds. Among the main indicators characteristic of a child aged 1 year 9 months:

  • height - 80-91 centimeters for boys and 77-90 centimeters for girls;
  • weight - from 10 to 15 kilograms for boys and 9-14 kilograms for girls;
  • head circumference - 46-50 centimeters.

In addition to already fully developed motor functions, a child at the age of 1 year 9 months manages to freely step over obstacles, as well as walk on gymnastic benches raised from the surface, accurately throw the ball into the basket.

Eating no longer gives the child any difficulties: without much loss, food of any consistency is skillfully sent to the mouth.

Children love, and most importantly, know how to dress. Boys cope with T-shirts and T-shirts, and girls deftly put dresses over their heads. Unbuttoning, untying and pulling off clothes and shoes is even easier and faster.

When a physiological need arises, babies increasingly go to the potty themselves, knowing full well where it, the potty, is territorially located, freeing parents from the obligation to run after this toilet item when necessary. Parents get control after a walk and after sleep, the rest of the time the children try to do it themselves.

Babies aged 1 year 9 months are very fond of gymnastic exercises, therefore, for the development of the musculoskeletal system, it is useful to do morning exercises. If the child has already been presented with a place in a nursery, then he is engaged in physical education together with his peers. If your baby is still at home, you should include a warm-up in the morning exercise.

Depending on the level of development in children of 1 year 9 months, up to 20 teeth already live in the mouth, which actively cope with solid food.

Diet, sleep and rest patterns at 21 months of age

The total duration of sleep does not differ much from that which was a month or two ago and is about 12-13 hours a day, which is quite enough for a child to replenish the required energy. As before, pediatricians and psychologists advise parents not to insist on mandatory daytime sleep, but to be content with a quiet pastime in the form of listening to music and reading books.

The children's menu for a child aged 1 year 9 months includes all products from an adult table, if he does not have individual intolerance. It is not necessary to remind that, in addition to the main dishes, the diet should include fruits and seasonal berries, and fast food, sausages and smoked products should be forgotten and not shown to the child at all.

If your child is not yet familiar with the taste of sweets, 1 year 9 months is not the best age to start. Take care of the newly appeared milk teeth, they still have a long work to do.

If your child has reduced the number of meals from four to three meals, do not insist or try to force feed. In any case, he will not remain hungry, and apples, bananas, cookies and kefir are well suited in the form of snacks.

Intelligence and psychology of children by 21 months

By the age of 1 year 9 months, it is necessary to further develop the speech apparatus, and this happens at a rapid pace, the number of words reaches 30. Every day brings replenishment to the children's vocabulary. Often the baby just says what he overheard somewhere, so adults should pay attention to their speech and be careful when choosing their words. Not necessarily, but quite often at the age of 1 year 9 months, children speak in simple sentences of several words.

The emotional state of babies of this age, as a rule, is more associated with joy than with tears. By his mood, it is already unmistakably possible to determine whether the baby is happy or upset about something.

The development of color knowledge and the size of objects is progressing at a high pace - the baby does all this already without doubts and difficulties. Children begin to draw straight lines and circles. Particularly skillful on the fingers indicate that they will soon turn two.

More and more, a child of 1 year 9 months seeks to communicate with other children, entering into a relationship of cooperation. Sociability becomes a bright feature for the age of 1 year 9 months, children are easier to make contact with strangers.

Game activities

The development of a child at 1 year and 9 months occurs using various game activities, but now they give preference to physical activity. Therefore, do exercises in the morning, include exercises with balls in the walk, arrange a bathroom with toys in the evening. This will help throw out excess energy, add positive emotions to the child and increase appetite.

You can develop intellectually using long-established cubes-puzzles-constructors. An important addition at the age of 1 year 9 months is an album for drawing and the first paints and felt-tip pens. Modeling both from soft mass and from plasticine will further develop the child's motor skills and will contribute to perseverance, which is now very lacking.

    Drawing for kids. Drawing for the little ones. Child 1 year 9 months.