Parent corners younger group winter. What is New Year? The New Year is racing at a trot, In a hurry, knocking into the house; White ice on the lakes The eye is blinding, sparkling. Maple, alder, embracing, stands - So warmer together; Something quietly says to Her, to her bride. The sun will soon fall Fun

Winter fun for the whole family

Winter is a very fun time for kids! Perhaps no other time of the year can please them with such a wide variety of outdoor games and entertainment. Winter Games will certainly benefit the little ones. Walking in winter is most often an active and mobile recreation; it is almost always associated with a variety of activities.


Ski trips - almost best view active rest with a child in winter time... Already at 3-4 years old, your children will be able to ride for 20 or 30 minutes in a row, slide down small slides and even ride in tow. Skis - fascinating activity, riding them can bring real pleasure to your child, while strengthening his health. Many kids love to ride "shorty", which does not need a ski track, and, therefore, special problems no.

Security! Overall, this is the least safe view winter walks. However, please note if the slide you are going to ride is too steep, bumpy or icy? Try to rule out all possible dangerous situations. Of course, you should ride in a park area, either outside the city, or in the area of ​​the city where there is no traffic.


If your kid falls in love with skates - this is for life! The most suitable period for mastering this fast and graceful sport is 3-5 years. Ice skating strengthens the foot and ankle, so it is useful for any child! Ideally, the boot should fit snugly if the child is wearing tights and one pair of woolen socks.

Security! Unlike skiing, skating comes with a certain risk. Do not go to the skating rink on days when there are a lot of people skating on it. Falls cannot be ruled out, so try to keep your child dressed in tight clothes... Make sure that at least the back of the head is well protected (for example, with a thick layer soft tissue). Do not leave your baby a single step in order to support him if necessary and avoid falls.


So that the winter is not wasted for the kid, he definitely needs "transport" for skiing from the mountains and ordinary walks. It can be a sled or ice. Unlike other winter activities that are associated with active movement, you need to dress warmly for a sled ride. V recent times it became common winter fun like tubing. This is also a kind of sled, which is used for skiing from large and long slopes.

Security! You can only transport a child across the road in a sled that is pushed in front of you. If they only have a tug rope, then the baby must be taken out. It is undesirable to sled down the hill. Dangerous situations can arise on tubing due to the high speed.

Downhill skiing.

Ice slides are one of the favorite winter fun for children. True, many kids before a certain age they are afraid to ride a slide, until about 3.5-4 years old, but if you take your mom or dad with you, it’s not so scary! Having fallen in love with this activity, the kids are ready to ride down the hill to infinity and do not want to leave it home. Clothes should not be wet, otherwise after 20 minutes. have to go to change.

Security! Explain to the kid in advance that discipline and consistency must be observed on the slide. You need to make sure for yourself that the slide is safe, so study the area carefully before riding. The descent should not go out onto the roadway, and it is better to ride the kids from small, gentle snow slides, moreover, in uncrowded places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.

Games around the house.

Winter is good because you don't have to go far for entertainment! It is enough just to leave the house, breathe in the fresh frosty air and play snowballs. It always makes you laugh and cheers you up. Make a snowman, and you can also build a snow tunnel, or even make a whole maze! Make an angel in the snow or just lie in a snowdrift! There are many options to do. The main thing is not to be lazy!

Interacting with your child on a walk can be a very important and productive component of their development. But for many parents, walking is simply "walking" the child when he is given the opportunity to breathe fresh air, move around, meet peers.

Despite the frost outside the window, you should not sit at home in front of the TV or computer. The already short winter days are best spent outdoors. So, it is useful to walk with your child in a snow-covered park or square, where it is especially beautiful at this time of year, to breathe fresh air, feed the birds, and make a snowman. If calm walks do not attract a child very much, then sledges, skates and skis will come to the rescue.

Note to parents:

-If you prefer skates, then it is better to choose an open-air rink, where everything is created the necessary conditions: pleasant music, smooth ice surface, a medical center works to provide assistance in case of injury.

-Riding down the hill can be diversified with all sorts of tasks. For example, going downhill on a sled, throwing snowballs at a target, collecting placed flags or twigs on the descent.

-When planning skiing trips, it is necessary to think over the route in advance so as not to tire the child.

Of course, it is not always possible to spend time outdoors in winter due to weather conditions. Then you can find something to do for a friendly family company at home, for example, play board games... You can also invite the child to display in pictures winter walks and games. The stories of parents about the history of the appearance of skis, skates, sledges will be interesting.

Organize for the child and his friends funny Games in the park, in the yard.

Trees are suitable as "inventory", you can hide behind them.

Stumps that you can climb on and jump off, run around them.

Get involved in the game yourself, play fun with pleasure. During joint activities the child develops interaction and communication skills. Usage play exercises and outdoor games, is an effective remedy generating interest in physical activity, which is one of the main in strengthening and maintaining the health of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle.

Outdoor games with children


Perhaps there is not a single adult who in childhood would not play the snow angel. Show your child how to hit the ground so that they can tumble back into snowdrift and clap your hands and feet in the snow, as if you were flying; the snow will cover the baby, and his clothes will be snow-white angelic, and his hands will become like wings. Then help the baby to stand up carefully without destroying his "angelic" form. Newly fallen snow is a wonderful fluffy bed, and children love, lying on it, as if to soar in the freshness of a sunny winter day.

If the game of angels is no longer new to your family, try to create different ones with your child. snow images resembling different animals. Perhaps your son will be able to figure out how to lie down on one side and bend his arm so that the trail from him resembles an elephant trunk, or the child can get on all fours in the snow and imagine that it is not him, but horse legs in the snow, but himself he is a horse.


Children love to look at their own footprints in the freshly fallen snow. Do not be lazy to find information on the Internet about how the footprints of different animals and birds look. After that, go to the forest or park and try to find and decipher traces of some living creatures.

Bigfoot footprints

Bigfoot paws can be made from cardboard and thick rope. Put them on top winter shoes and go for a walk to create footprints of Bigfoot.

Trace in trail

Tell your child about how wolves walk in a pack (track in track). And after that, offer to play catch-up, but with one condition: the one who is catching up must chase the fleeing trail in the trail.

Stick drawing in the snow

If you like to draw with a stick on wet sand in the summer, then in the winter you can try to draw with it in the snow.

New Year and winter finds

Findings is an educational game in an unusual format. She introduces children to the world around them, develops perception, attention and visual memory... Anyway, what can be better games in the fresh air?

Rules of the game. Print out the form with pictures, put it in a hard folder. Now dress warmly and go with your child for a walk around the winter, New Year's Eve city. Your child will have to find everything in the pictures and mark the finds with a tick. Or you together take pictures of all the finds and make a detailed photo report at home.

Snow flowers

Prepare for the experience:

- a straw,

- solution for inflating soap bubbles

When a cloud forms at very low temperatures, instead of raindrops, water vapor condenses into tiny needles of ice; the needles stick together and snow falls to the ground. Snow flakes consist of small crystals arranged in the form of stars of amazing regularity and variety. Each sprocket is divided into three, six, twelve parts, symmetrically located around one axis or point.

We don't need to climb into the clouds to see how these snowy stars are formed.

You only need to leave the house in a severe frost and blow soap bubble... Immediately in a thin film of water ice needles will appear; before our eyes they will gather in wonderful snow stars and flowers.


Snow itself is very unique! If there is suitable snow outside, consisting of individual snowflakes, then give the child a magnifying glass so that he can see how different and beautiful they are.

A snowflake can be photographed in macro mode against a dark background and you get a great photo!

I would like to offer parents formulated family rules concerning the daily routine, hardening, nutrition and other components healthy way life.

Family Health Code:

1. We start every day with a smile.

2.Waking up, we do not lie in bed, but look out the window and enjoy the beauty of a winter morning.

3.Take cold water as friends, she gives vigor and strength.

4.B Kindergarten, to work - on foot at a fast pace.

5. Don't forget to talk about winter.

6. Let's be generous with a smile, never lose heart!

7. On vacation and weekend - only together!

New Year and


What is New Year?

New Year - a holiday celebrated by many peoples in accordance with the adopted calendar, which occurs at the time of transition from last day year on the first day of the next year.

New Year Story

The history of the New Year goes back about 25 centuries. According to scientists, this custom was first born in Mesopotamia, where civilization was born at the end of the 4th millennium BC. Ancient peoples celebrated New Year in March. It was in March that fieldwork began, and the ancient Romans considered March to be the first month of the year. Only in 46 BC. Roman emperor Julius Caesar postponed the beginning of the year to January 1.

To this day, all European peoples traditionally celebrate the New Year on January 1. For example, Burma and Thailand celebrate the New Year in the very heat, so people pour water on each other when they meet. Bulgarians, having gathered for the New Year's celebration, turn off the lights for a few minutes. These minutes are called the minutes of New Year's kisses. In Italy, on the eve of the New Year, it is customary to throw away old things and replace them with new ones.

In Russia, since the introduction of Christianity, fulfilling the customs of their ancestors, chronology began either from March or from the day of Holy Easter. In 1492, Grand Duke John Vasilyevich III finally approved the decree of the Moscow Cathedral to consider as the beginning of both the church and civil year September 1, when the tribute was collected, duties, various quitrent. The last time the September New Year was celebrated in 1698. Having ascended the throne, Peter the Great changed both the chronology and the way of celebrating the New Year, referring to the European peoples.

From 1700 to the present, chronology begins from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the day of the creation of the world. Peter I ordered "to make some decoration from the trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper in front of the gate, and to stand that decoration from January to the 7th of the same year." As for the story of the main character of the New Year - Santa Claus - in some countries his ancestors are considered gnomes, in others - medieval wandering jugglers or wandering sellers of children's toys. In other words, the image of Santa Claus has been taking shape for centuries.

New Year's ditties

Melnikova T.

Santa Claus slept in bed
He stood up, jingling icicles:
Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?
Why don't you wake me up?
I am a cheerful Snow Maiden,
I'll play blind man's buff with you,
But I'm afraid to drink tea -
I melt from hot.
May your dreams be any
Come true, come true.
Let the lights on our tree
Light up brightly.
Everybody sculpts a snowman
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball.
Frost with a white beard,
With a lush mustache,
Like a young boy
Dances with us.
Look, Santa Claus,
Festively dressed.
He brought us gifts,
Gingerbread, sweets.

There is noise and laughter in our hall,
The singing never stops.
Our tree is the best!
There is no doubt about that.
Children lead a round dance
Clap their hands.
Hello hello.
New Year! You are so good!
A flock of snowflakes outside the window
Also leads a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year.
Everybody sculpts a snowman
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball.
I sit on the sleigh
I roll boldly from the hill,
Let it be white from the snow
But how brave!
Near the house, at the rink
I made a snowman
Made a nose out of carrots
It turned out Santa Claus.

Dad put a suit on me
I didn't have time to look back -
I'm hanging from the ceiling.
They dressed up a Christmas tree with my mother,
And the flashlights turned on.
My Christmas tree will be
The most beautiful!
V kindergarten my
We will go to the matinee
And for Santa Claus
Sing a song together.
I got up early today.
I immediately ran to the tree.
Thank you, Santa Claus,
What gifts he brought me!
Grandma made a suit for me
Little white bunny
I forgot to give a carrot
To a little boy.
Happy New Year,
New Year's greetings!
I wish mom and dad
To live up to a hundred years.

Poems about the new year

Children will go to bed early

Children will go to bed early
On the last day of December,
And wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar.

The year will begin with silence
Unfamiliar from past winters:
The noise behind the double frame
We can barely catch it.

But the guys are calling out
Winter day through the ice of glass -
Into the refreshing cold
From the cozy warmth.

We will remember with a kind word
Years old care,
Starting early in the morning
New day and new year!

The animals met the New Year

Zakhoder Boris

The animals met the New Year.
The animals led a round dance.
Around the green Christmas tree.
Both the Mole and the Behemoth danced,
And even - evil Wolves!

The Porcupine also began to dance -
Spiky needles
And all - to tremble
And that's all - scream
And that's all - run away from the tree!

And he trembles with fear! ..
-But you can't get me through! -
Said Che-re-pa-ha!
-We are dancing with a snail's step,

What is New Year?

Elena Mikhailova

What is New Year?
It's the other way around:
Christmas trees in the room are growing
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,

Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy
On New Year's Day it is golden

It shines with all its urine,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

December 31st

We are waiting for one all evening:
When will the tree come to our house?
A window flashed across the street -
The tree was removed there a long time ago!
A light came on in another window -
There grandfather climbed onto a stool
And attached a star to the top of my head
And handed out to the grandchildren on a firecracker!
The New Year is about to come!
What if the tree doesn't come to us?
Hooray! Call!
Together with my sister, we gallop at the door.
First the tree enters the house,
And dad - after her!

New Year's round dance

If the piano tries
If we like the motive,
If we're spinning in a dance
So we will all be friends.
Hares dance with bears.
Tigers and lions - with monkeys
The rams are dancing with the scarecrow
A cat under the arm with a poodle.
Elephant in a striped scarf
Dancing as if in Africa.
Spins with the robot
Cheerfully waves his trunk.
Here comes a chicken.
The chicken is just smart
He treats everyone with gingerbread
And congratulates you on the holiday.


White, white in December, in December
Fir-trees, fir-trees in the yard, in the yard.

Slippery, slippery in December, in December
Little hills, little hills in the yard, in the yard
Spins and spins and sings and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!
Voiced, voiced in December, in December,
Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.
Spins and spins and sings and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

The animals met the New Year

Boris Zakhoder

The animals met the New Year.
The animals led a round dance.
Around the green Christmas tree.
Both the Mole and the Behemoth danced,
And even - evil Wolves!

The Porcupine also began to dance -
Spiky needles
And all - to tremble
And that's all - scream
And that's all - run away from the tree!

Look: Oh, at least he's good himself! -
And he trembles with fear! ..
-But you can't get me through! -
Said Che-re-pa-ha!
-We are dancing with a snail's step,
But, perhaps, we will dance all of them!

Christmas ball

Valentin Berestov

Lily of the valley blooms in May,
Aster blooms in autumn
And in winter I bloom
I am at the tree every year.
I lay on the shelf all day.
Everyone forgot about me.
And now I'm hanging on the tree
Slowly ringing.
The whole tree to the top
Decorated toys!
Get up in the round dance!
Meet the New Year!

Where does the new year come from?

Usachev Andrey

New Year's Eve flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or was hiding like a feather
Frost's beard?

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve ...
And no one knows where
New Year is coming to us!

New Year

What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles -
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

What is New Year?
New Year - frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Discreet springs -
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

Fifteen to twelve


It's fifteen to twelve
But now I won't go to bed.
After all today Holy holiday
We will meet with the whole family.

From distant Lapland
Santa Claus rushed to us.
He is a cart of gifts today
He brought us with the guys.

Here the crackers are mischievous
AND sparklers.
Fancy dresses,
Multicolored balloons.

Around the festive Christmas tree
Let's play fun
And at the table at twelve sharp
Let's sit down to celebrate the New Year.

New Years is soon

Z. Orlova

Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on the door to us:
Children, hello, I'm here!
We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers ...
Soon Santa Claus will come
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, sweets ...
Santa Claus, where are you ?!

Bear dream


Sympathizes with the bear
In winter, forest people.
Never clubfoot
Didn't celebrate the New Year.
Him a keg of honey
Left by Santa Claus,
And he snores in a den,
Covering your nose with your palm.
But who will congratulate him?
You will not meet a daredevil.
You will wake up the lazybones -
What if the sides get wet? "It happens in the world ..."
Tokmakova Irina

It happens in the world
That only once a year
Light on the tree
A lovely star.
The star burns, does not melt
Beautiful ice glistens.
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!

"The forest and the field are white ..."

E. Trutneva

The forest and the field are white, white meadows.
Snow-covered aspens have branches like horns.
Under the strong ice the waters of the rivers slumber.
Snow fell on the roofs like white snowdrifts.
In the sky, bright stars are dancing in a circle.
The old year says goodbye - the New Year enters.

Old year

E. Grigorieva

Everyone is waiting, of course, for the New Year,
And I regret Old.
After all, he will completely leave us!
I even felt sad.
And I'm already used to it,
I became friends with him for a year.
I became friends with him because
Learned to swim
What the sea saw for the first time
And that a little sister was born.
I really felt sad
That the year is leaving Old.

On shaggy, prickly paws ...

Y. Shcherbakov

On shaggy, prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings a smell to the house:
The smell of heated pine needles,
The smell of freshness and wind
And a snowy forest
And the barely audible smell of summer.

What a holiday - New Year!

What a holiday New Year is - wonderful!
He brings us joy, and songs!
And children lead a merry round dance on the New Year,
New Year, New Year, New Year.

Gives everyone New Year gifts,
He will light our Christmas tree brightly.
A clean, peaceful firmament will give us the New Year,

Sadness and sadness will fly away somewhere ...
And let the guys always laugh
Let the New Year sing this song quietly,
New Year, New Year, New Year.

New Year is marching across the planet
Adults and children love him.
In a year will come again
Happy New Year to us,
New Year, New Year, New Year.

On New Year's Eve

V. Shumilin

On New Year's Eve, as in a fairy tale,
Full of miracles.
A tree is hurrying to the train
Leaving winter forest.
And the stars are shining brightly
And they lead a round dance.
On New, New Year's Eve!

Giggles like snowflakes
All night long they fly, they fly.
And songs are everywhere
They sound merry.
The wind is whistling
The blizzard sings
On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve,
On New, New Year's Eve!

New Years is soon

V. Tatarinov

New Year, New Year!
New Years is soon.
We are about him, we are about him
We sing a song.

New Year, New Year!
New Years is soon.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Will come to visit us.

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Santa Claus,
Show, show
What did you bring us?

New Year

Vanshenkin Konstantin

New Year's Eve cleaning,
And an evening with many undertakings,
And the obligatory tree
In houses where there are no children,
And I sympathize today
Friends, offended by fate, -
To all those who on New Year's Eve
He does not see the tree in front of him.
... A whisk shines around the candle.
And silence. And sweet to everyone.
A old year less, less ...
And now he is not at all.
And we smell it
Standing on the edge of a year
Although which year we meet
We are New Year for our lives.
Dry snow, blowing frost,
He is coming to our celebration.
But every year everything is newer,
Our kind guest, our New Year.

New Year

A. Stepanenko

New Year! New Year!
The stars in the sky are sparkling.
New Year! New Year!
All nations are calling.

Here are elves, here are dwarves-
Everyone gathered under the tree!
Even orcs and dragons
We got to the green one!

The war is over for a while!
They do not cut themselves seriously!
And found a way to make the world
Old, kind grandfather Freezing. All the gifts were here!

The head orc grabbed the crown
The dwarf king received the hammer,
Even a fat black raven
The flock grabbed a donut.

The elf forester has taken Bel-Tree,
Ont stayed with his.
The man has adorned the body,
Well, the hobbit is a vat of wine.

Here on this wonderful holiday
Love, peace and kindness.
The cold will not hammer desire
Light, sun and warmth!

New Year's rhyme

M. Galtsova

Summer has passed, flowers have faded.
Autumn has also passed, the leaves have fallen.
The time for snow and ice is approaching.
It will be cold - in short, winter.
Soon everything will be covered with snow with snow.
It will be beautiful and will beckon everyone into the forest.
Snowflakes will shine in the sun
And big snowdrifts lie under the tree.
Everyone will play snowballs, have fun,
Singing songs and frolicking with friends.
And then the magic time will come
Wonderful fairy tales, gifts and warmth.
All the trees in the houses will be decorated,
Hang toys, light candles.
There will be many flags on the street
Bright garlands and colored lights.
People will go to shops in droves
And they will bring bags with gifts home.
Everyone is fussing, worrying, waiting
When the chimes strike twelve.
When the long-awaited moment comes
To forget everything together we could
Problems, worries, misfortunes.
To forget a bunch of adversity
Have become happy
After all, the New Year is coming.
With big steps your house will come
And it will bring great happiness to everyone.
Everyone should congratulate each other,
Wish each other happiness and love.
Well, I wish you Santa Claus
I brought you a huge bag as a gift,
Joy and laughter, fun, success,
Health and a lot of what you dreamed of,
They wished and waited.
Your sorrow, your melancholy
Put it in a bag for him.
Let him take it all away
And it will take it to the forest with it.

New Year

I. Usovich

Here comes the New Year -
This is a hassle-free holiday.
The year that is coming to us
Only happiness will give us.
Away from nightmares and bad weather!
Have fun, walk people!
What a holiday in the yard
Coming in December?
At this time, we are all happy
Kids are waiting for gifts.
For a few minutes, the family gathers:
Mothers, grandmothers, relatives-
And they see off with a smile
All things days gone by.
From the Christmas lights
Everything appeared in the best light,
Because the planet is New Year!
And holding glasses in my hands,
With the counting down the blows,
Everyone squeals with joy,
Except for small preschool children.
Those have long been in bed
After all, on next week
They will be sent to the garden again,
In the meantime, grapes
Cake, lemons, oranges,
Plums, pears, tangerines.
And overeating secretly
The child sleeps in a sweet dream.

New Year's carnival

Yuri Kushak

Put on your mask soon!
Run into a fairy tale soon!
In our fairy tale, in our fairy tale
In the middle of a fun dance
Painted, magic snow
Drops down on everyone!
A hedgehog is dancing near the tree,
All needles are in the serpentine.
- Oh yes hedgehog, oh yes hedgehog:
Who do you look like?
"To whom" yes "to whom", -
On yourself on yourself!
- What is there to ask
To no avail: I am a dancing Christmas tree!
Ded Moroz is dancing in a fairy tale,
Like a sailor on deck.
Was he the captain?
And walked the oceans?
And fourteen guys
Did you take his frigate aboard?
... Waves howl like wolves,
Black eyes are not taken from the tree.
The bell rang in the darkness
On a pirate ship.
But the firecrackers hit
Like little guns
And pirates are like frogs
Have flopped into the ocean!
The hedgehog got out of the tub,
Rubbing the needles on top of my head
And laughs at the hedgehog
New Year's captain!
Put on your mask soon!
Run into a fairy tale soon!
In our fairy tale in our fairy tale
In the middle of a fun dance
Painted, magic snow
Drops down on everyone!

New Year

N. Naydenova

Smells like fresh tar again
We gathered at the tree
Our tree was dressed up,
Lights lit up on it.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Here and there masks flicker ...
You are a bear. And I am a fox.
What miracles!
Together we will be in a round dance
Hello, hello, New Year!

Before the holiday, winter ...

T. Volgina

Before the holiday winter
For a green tree
The dress is white itself
Sewed without a needle.
Shook off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And it is more beautiful than everyone
In a green dress.
Her green color to the face,
The tree knows this.
How well she is dressed for the New Year!

On New Year's Eve

Sergey Mikhalkov

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

They can even have the guys
All desires come true
You just need, they say,
Make an effort.

Do not be lazy, do not yawn,
And have patience
And do not count learning
For your torment.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not think
A humble desire -
Perform excellently
School assignments.

To disciples so
Began to study,
To make a deuce in the diaries
Couldn't get through!

Round dance

Everyone has a New Year
And we have a New Year!
Near the green Christmas tree
Round dance, round dance.
Santa Claus came,
Santa Claus came to us.
He's toys and crackers
And he brought us sweets.
He is kind with us,
He's funny with us, -
Near the green Christmas tree
Himself went to dance with us!

I celebrate the New Year

Tatiana Bokova

Dad decorates the tree.
He said that to all children
Allows this night
Do not go to bed at all.
Once a year this is possible
Only once, on New Year's Eve.
But imagine, as on purpose,
As luck would have it, the mouth yawns.
Watching my apartment.
I am waiting for an answer to the question:
"Like gifts in this world
Does Santa Claus bring us?
How will he get to the Christmas tree?
Where is his magical path? "
I will fight with myself
To wait, not to fall asleep!

Cockroach Timosha and New Year

The New Year is racing at a trot
He hurries to the house, knocks;
White ice on the lakes
The eye dazzles, sparkles.

Maple, hugging an alder, stands -
It's so warmer together;
Something is quietly saying
To her, to her fiancee.

The sun will soon fall
Fun up the hill;
Will forget it, it will sing
The forest is like a blizzard.

Snow will dance in a round dance
It will whirl like a whirlwind;
Soon, soon the New Year!
At a trot rushes to visit.

The Legend of Why Spruce Was Chosen as the Tree of Christmas

The meaning of ate

Tell the children a story about why the fir tree was chosen as the tree of Christmas. The plot of this legend is as follows.

When night fell to earth in the city of Bethlehem, in a cave where shepherds drive their cattle for the night, a baby was born who was destined to become our Savior. The shepherds were the first to come to worship him. And from afar, led by a guiding star, the Magi hurried to see the newborn Jesus and bring Him their gifts.

All nature is in great triumph: flowers in the meadow, and trees growing at the entrance to the cave. And there were 3 trees: a beautiful slender palm tree, a fragrant olive tree and a modest green tree... All of them tremble with leaves, spreading their branches into the cave, which has now become a real temple thanks to the miracle of the birth of the Savior.

Both a palm tree and an olive tree hurried to bring their gifts to the baby: one overshadowed him with its leaves, bringing coolness, and fragrant oil spilled from the delicate branches of the other, filling the cave with a fragrance. Only the modest spruce had no gifts and therefore did not dare to approach the Divine baby. But the angel rewarded the poor spruce for not murmuring. From the dark sky, dotted with beautiful sparkling stars, stars began to roll down one after another on the furry paws of the spruce. And the spruce shone like a fiery tree, shimmering with gold, sparks, long rays of stars. The awakened baby in delight stretched out his hands to her.

But she did not take pride in her grandeur, but tried to illuminate with her radiance the olive and palm trees, which were in the shade. Therefore, every year now on Christmas Day of the Savior, a modest spruce in its unchanging green dress and in the shine of beautiful lights pleases little children. This is how the modest spruce became a symbol of a merry Christmas holiday.

A great miracle happened that night.
God sent us a Savior.
In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger
The baby, the Son of God, was lying.
The star above the cave, like a guiding light,
Shone to the learned magicians,
And the loud song of the shepherds majestically
And gracefully rushed to heaven.
All nature rejoiced with people that night:
Rustling in the trees, the leaves
They praised God in a mysterious whisper,
And the flowers smelled stronger.
Three trees - palm, olive and tree -
At the entrance to the cave were growing;
And in the early days in a proud delight
The bow was brought to the baby.
A beautiful malma overshadowed him
With your green crown,
And from the tender branches of a silvery olive
He dripped fragrant oil.
Only a modest tree stood sadly:
She had no gifts
And the eyes of people did not captivate with beauty
Her unchanging veil.
The angel of the Lord saw it
And the tree said with love:
"You are modest, you do not murmur in sorrow,
For this from God you are destined to reward. "
He said - and stars from the sky
They rolled onto the tree one by one,
And everything shone, and a palm tree with an olive tree
Eclipsed by its beauty.
Baby from bright starlight
I woke up, looked at the tree,
And the face suddenly lit up with a smile,
And he held out his pens to her.
The Savior fulfilled his high feat,
He taught and worked miracles
Suffered for us
And, having risen from the dead,
Ascended to the Father in heaven.
And since then, every year we remember
And we piously honor Christmas:
Whether a child, an adult -
Everyone is happy for the holiday
And there is a celebration in every family.
Where there are children - there is a Christmas tree, richer, poorer,
But all in golden lights.
And how much fun and how much delight
In gentle children's hearts!

Customs and signs of Christmas. Christmas and Kalyad chants

It should be especially noted that, perhaps, there was no other such holiday in Russia that would be accompanied by such an abundance of customs. Especially a lot of rituals and will take from the peasants. And this is understandable, they are closer to nature, more dependent on it. Will accept so many of them that there is no way to bring them all. The main question is the question of what will be the harvest, the offspring of livestock, will there be prosperity in the economy? Here are some of the signs.

  • Frost for Christmas - a harvest for bread.
  • Snowstorm on Christmas Eve - there will be early foliage.
  • If Christmas is warm, spring is cold.
  • Blizzard - bees will swarm well.
  • The starry sky is a harvest of peas.
  • A good sled route is a buckwheat harvest.
  • Dark Christmastide - dairy cows, light - long-haired chickens.

V different places Russia had its own special rituals and customs of celebrating Christmas Eve, Christmas and Christmastide.

For example, in Ukraine and Belarus, as soon as the first star rises in the dark sky, the owners sit down at the table and eat "rich" kutya. Such kutia is made with honey or poppy seeds rubbed in sweetened water. They also treat themselves to oatmeal jelly, boiled mushrooms. Even before evening comes, the owner brings a sheaf of hay or rye from the threshing floor and places it in the front corner. On top of the sheaf is placed a pot with kutya and a candle lit in it. On the table, he scatters the brought barley or buckwheat, covering it with a clean tablecloth. After dinner, they "treat" the frost in the courtyard to the remnants of kutya, asking him to "kuti isti" and not to go "on crop, wheat and all kinds of arable land."

In the huts, a wooden log was put into the fire, previously coated with honey and sprinkled with grain of bread. Every Christmastide tried to keep the fire in the hearth, it portended good luck.

There was a rite of "sowing" the huts. Shepherds performed it. Entering the hut and congratulating the owners on the holiday, they scattered a handful of oats, saying at the same time: “On the floor of the calves, under the lamb's bench, on the bench - children!

Early in the morning, in the still bluish dawn, church bells were heard from dozens of churches. From the very morning of Christmas day, it was customary to praise Christ. To praise, or carol, everyone loved to go home Orthodox Russia... It is known that Peter I went with the singers to praise the boyar and merchant houses. V Ancient Rus all the clergy also praised. In the south of Russia, with his special love for caroling, each praised in his own way: the girls sang under the windows of the most prosperous peasants, who presented them with money for outfits. Young guys were caroling with the "goat" that one of the Christians wore, putting on a sheepskin coat turned inside out. Carollers wished people happiness and a rich harvest.

At the owner's house
The guys would be led
The calves would be led
The lambs would be led
The foals would be led
Piglets would be led
The kids would be led
Chickens would be kept
If only ducklings were led!

The sexton walked around the courtyards with the image and sang the festive troparion, receiving bread and bacon for this.

In Belarus, members of church fraternities, taking a bell and a decorated Christmas star with a candle burning inside, from the church elder, walked under the windows of houses and sang verses inherited from the old students. Everything they were given was given to the church.

After the end of the festive caroling, it was necessary to swim in the ice-hole, because the carolers dressed up, put on masks, in other words, someone else's mask.

Children of today probably need to be taught that praise, or caroling, is by no means trivial begging. This is old Slavic tradition based on folk wisdom"Guest to the house - God to the house." In this one must see the strengthening of the ideals of goodness and love for one's neighbor.

Children went to their homes to praise, carried with them a star, which was made of paper and painted with paints. Candles were placed inside such a star, and its windows were highlighted with multi-colored lights. They sang Christmas poems, for example, with the following content:

Give shelter to the Magi,
Holy things drain,
It's Christmas time
Let's start the celebration!
The Star goes with us,
Sings a prayer ...

A "holy performance" was performed, in which a participant in the performance dressed up by King Herod was "cut off" with a cardboard sword. And the choir sang at that time.

Herod you, Herod,
What were you born
What was not baptized,
I am the king Kastinkin,
I love the baby
I'll cut off your head!

In conclusion, the praising ones said: "We glorify and carry Christ, we do not ask the owners for anything, but what they impose - we will not abandon!"

Of course, the owners always presented the children with small money and pies. Caroling was especially widespread in Ukraine and southern Russia.

Sometimes the carolers carried with them nativity scenes or battleships (distorted from Betleem - in Polish "Bethlehem"). The nativity scene was a small box (house) made of boards or thick cardboard... Candles were placed inside and wooden dolls... The drawer had slots for driving dolls. The hitch on which the action took place was draped with a cloth, colored paper... In the background were images of icons and stars. In the nativity scene, the worshipers, moving the figures, acted out scenes based on biblical subjects. The whole performance was also accompanied by the singing of various songs (or carols).

Today is the brightest
Queen of heaven and earth,
Christ gives birth to the king.
And feeds him with milk,
Covers with shrouds,
Believes in the manger
The star of the path reveals
Shines over the nativity scene.
Wolves is lower
I came to Christ the king,
I brought three gifts:
Zlato, Lebanon, myrrh -
I will foresee a thing.

In the houses of rich and well-to-do people (merchants, shopkeepers), the bell in the front door rang until nightfall: many people go to congratulate and praise. Dinners are arranged for the poor, the needy, the orphans. They are treated well, nourishing.

It was customary to give alms. The custom of giving alms comes from ancient times, and the tsar himself and all other classes took part in this. In the XVI-XVII centuries. on Christmas Eve, the sovereign visited prisons and almshouses and gifted their inhabitants with his own hand. The poor and the poor, knowing that the tsar, passing through the streets, would distribute money, gathered in advance from all over Moscow. In fairness, it must be said that not a single big holiday in Russia.

Christmas was one of the most loved, it gave people a feeling joyful feeling renewal with birth God's son... This holiday combined a high celebration of the event with simple human joys - fun, hearty food.

At Christmas, after 6 weeks of fasting, they ate a lot, varied and tasty. The houses smelled of meat pies, fatty cabbage soup with pork, goose and pig with porridge. In some provinces, figurines of bulls, cows, and cockerels were baked from wheat dough, and these "roes" were handed out to relatives and neighbors with the wishes that there would be more animals in the peasant yards.

In butchers' shops, frozen pork carcasses are piled up to the ceiling like logs. Geese, turkeys, hazel grouses, black grouse are brought to the cities by Christmas carts. In the squares there are rows: pig, goose, chicken, huge vats of corned beef. Trade went straight from the sleigh, without weights, by the piece, by sight. The butcher chops pork, a piece, even a large one, will bounce off - it doesn't matter, the beggar will pick it up. Russia was wide!

The men will sell everything: both horses and sleighs. Horses still come from their steppe factories, but they will buy the goods they need on the farm - and back by rail.

Christmastide, which lasted from Christmas to Epiphany, was a noisy and cheerful holiday.

Everything went on as usual: strict fasting- cleansing, repentance, prayers; blissful chores, then anticipation of the holiday - Christmas Eve, all-night vigil - a solemn service in all Russian churches and merry entertainment.

It was Christmas time. What a joy!
Windy youth guesses
Who regrets nothing
Before which life is far ...
A.S. Pushkin

Chernikova Nina Gennadievna,
teacher speech therapist

Find out if your child knows what time of year it is. Ask your child winter questions and explain to answer them in full sentences. For example:

What time of year is it?
- It's winter now.
- Why do you think so? Try to list all the signs of winter.
- It's frosty outside, the ground is covered with snow, snow lies on the branches of trees and on the roofs of houses, reservoirs under the ice. People put on warm winter clothes... Children go skiing, sledding and ice skating, making snowmen and playing snowballs. Bullfinches have arrived.

2. Find out if the child knows the names winter months... The following quatrain will help you remember them.

December January February
Are passing by
With frost, with snow,
With a Christmas star.

3. Invite your child to do the Before - Between - After exercise.

What is the month before January?
What month after January?
Which month is between February and December?

4. Clarify from the child the meaning of the words "ice", snowfall "," snow "," blizzard ", blizzard".

5. Help your child choose as many adjectives as possible for each noun.

Winter (what?) Is cold, frosty, snowy, long, protracted ...
Snow (what?) - white, soft, clean, light, fluffy, cold.
Snowflakes (what?) - white, light, patterned, beautiful, cold, fragile.
Icicle (what?) - hard, smooth, cold, sharp, shiny.
Ice (what?) - smooth, shiny, cold, hard.
Weather (what?) ...

6. Help your child match verbs to nouns.

Snowflakes in winter (what are they doing?) ...
Ice in the sun (what is it doing?) ...
Frost (what is he doing?) ...
Snowstorm (what is it doing?) ...

7. Invite your child to play the game "Name it affectionately."

Snow is snowball.
Ice - ...
Winter - …
Freezing - …
Blizzard - …
The sun - …

8. Game "From what - what?" will help to train the child in the formation of high-quality adjectives.

Snow slide (what?) - snowy.
Ice path (which one?) - ...
Frosty weather (what?) - ...

9. Exercise your child in the selection of antonyms by inviting him to play the game "Say the opposite".

The days are hot in summer and cold in winter.
In summer, the sky is bright, and in winter - ...
In summer, the day is long, and in winter - ...
In summer, the sun shines brightly, and in winter - ...
In spring the ice on the river is thin, and in winter - ...
The snow is soft, and the ice ... - ...
Some icicles are long, while others are ...

10. Ask your child to retell the story “ Winter».

The sun is shining, but it does not warm. Snowing. Blizzards are sweeping. The night has become long and the day is short. The trees are bare, only the pines and spruces remain green. The rivers were covered with ice. People put on fur coats fur hats, warm boots, mittens. A cold and harsh winter has come.

11. Play with the child the game "The fourth extra" for the development of logical thinking.

Skates, jump rope, skis, sleds.
Crow, dove, sparrow, swallow.
Fox, wolf, bear, giraffe.

12. Development of fine motor skills.

Finger exercises. (Development of coordination of speech with movement, development of imagination)

One two three four,
(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)
You and I made a snowball,
("Sculpt" by changing the position of the palms)
Round, strong, very smooth
(show a circle, squeezing palms together, stroke one palm with the other)
And not at all, not at all sweet
(shake your finger)
Once - toss
Two - we'll catch
Three - drop
And ... let's break
(Perform actions corresponding to words)