A romantic bedtime story: Little bright star. Bedtime story about love

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Search results for the query Short tales of love: found 1000 pages.

    Faith, Hope and Wisdom are eternal companions Love... Love was dressed in translucent pink clothes, ... Love is always fertile ... ............................... **** ************************************************* ********** Continuation fairy tales.................................................. ......................... But one day something unexpected happened: people ... that I am true. " But Love answered: “Your bliss has a life short, and your sweetness is poison, it turns into bitterness, sweet taste ...

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    Stronger and stronger. A charity concert was held in the drawing workshop, in large and bright rooms. Alexandrina diligently learned short a play from Schubert, and played well in public. The performance ended with loud applause. Lieutenant Vorotyntsev ... in a cage. She felt an inextricable connection with the unfortunate tortured woman. When dawn broke, the young lady dressed very modestly, threw short a fur coat and a shawl and quietly left for matins at the Peter and Paul Cathedral. However, in the temple, standing in the shadows ...

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    The Spirit of Fire fell in love with the Fairy of Waters,
    She liked it too.
    But she lives on the lakes
    Well, he is in the fire of the bright sun.

    Red maiden - blue waters Fairy,
    For his fire, the spirit asks to forgive.
    Whispers to her: - Don't be angry, I don't know how,
    Do not burn and we together do not ...

Princess in the mirror

Her heart, hard as stone and cold as ice, has long ceased to feel anything. Pain and joy, love and hatred - these feelings in their fullness were inaccessible to her, she heard only their echoes - a faint echo of true experiences.

Her beauty fascinated, made people look after her; not one daredevil wanted to become her prince - she called such her toys - and she knew the end of such meetings in advance. As a matter of fact, there was no end. She, having played enough with her next toy, just went into the fog, dissolved in the air.

She brought destruction with her, for beauty is a terrible force. Infected with the poison of her love, he could never forget her. It burst into someone's life like a hurricane, and just as quickly disappeared, leaving behind only the ruins of the soul; others, especially persistent, she fell in love with herself on the sly, like water wears away a stone, broke their independence bit by bit, tied them to herself at first with thin, like a spider's web, threads, which later turned into ropes. And then this someone, once proud and brave, and now blinded and submissive, trustingly fell into the abyss of love, waiting to meet her, his Princess there, but she only silently and dispassionately watched his fall. One day, someone had to appear who would make her experience the same feelings that she gave to others. The princess even knew his name - Vagabond. She would gladly accept love and pain, suffering and pleasure from him. She was looking forward to the moment when her heart would beat in rhythm with another.
But the meeting was still far away, and the princess was permeated by hellish cold, then she went in search of another toy, whose love briefly warmed her ...

Winter's tale

Oh, how fun it was!

"Seventh" - whispered the Bear cub and, having admired it to the fullest, licked his nose. But the snowflakes were enchanted: they did not melt and continued to remain the same fluffy in the Bear's stomach.

"It's very nice, - said the Bear cub. - you are the sixty-eighth." And licked his lips.

"Lam-pa-ra-pam?" - the music started playing. And the Bear swirled in a sweet, magical dance, and three hundred snowflakes swirled with him. They flashed in front, behind, on the side, and when he got tired, they picked him up, and he spun, spun, spun ...

Throughout the winter, Teddy Bear was sick. His nose was dry and hot, and snowflakes danced in his stomach. And only in the spring, when drops rang throughout the forest and birds flew in, he opened his eyes and saw the Hedgehog on the stool. The hedgehog smiled and moved the needles.

What are you doing here? - asked the Bear.
- I'm waiting for you to recover, - answered the Hedgehog.
- For a long time?
- All winter. As I found out that you ate too much snow, I immediately dragged all my supplies to you ...
- And all winter you sat next to me on a stool?
- Yes, I gave you spruce broth to drink and applied dried grass to your stomach ...
“I don’t remember,” said Teddy Bear.
- Still would! - Hedgehog sighed. - You've been saying all winter that you are a snowflake. I was so afraid that you would melt by spring ...

Autumn tale

“I love you,” she said, but he didn’t hear. Was it because he didn’t want to hear it, or was it because at that moment a truck was passing by with a noise?
- What, I'm sorry, I didn't hear?
- I want to give you a gift.
- Truth? Which?
A bright yellow autumn leaf slowly sank to the ground right at her feet.
“I’ll give you this,” she said, lifting the leaf from the ground, “let you have it.
"I will put all my love into this piece of paper, can it stop tormenting me? Let him keep it."
"Why do I need this nonsense? But you shouldn't offend her, it's not good."
- Thank you, but what should I do with him?
“I don’t know, this is your sheet now, do what you want,” she suddenly said, somehow indifferently.
He simply slipped the paper into his pocket: "I'll throw it away when she leaves."
- Well, I have to go. Bye - he was really in a hurry: he had a business meeting.
“Happy,” there were new notes in her voice, but he didn’t notice anything.
The business meeting was very successful. He signed a very lucrative contract. "I didn't even expect that everything would turn out so well, but everything worked out!" - he was twirling in his hands the gilded pen with which he had just signed the papers. The pen was very beautiful, only he did not remember where he got it: it just ended up in his pocket just when he needed it. He slipped the pen back into his pocket. "So, now to put myself in order at home, in the evening I have to be at the reception ... Damn, my best suit is still in dry cleaning. And in general, it's time to buy a new one. But I don't have a credit card with me ... But here it is. How could I forget you put it in your pocket? " He pulled out a gold-colored credit card from his pocket.
He chose a suit for a long time: "The price-quality ratio does not tolerate fuss" - lately he had to save money. Finally making a choice, he handed the credit card to the saleswoman. When she saw the amount on the credit card, her eyebrows raised in surprise, but she said nothing, and then, after thinking, asked:
- Would you like to buy anything else?
- Perhaps next time.
She smiled and handed him a credit card: "The rich are all weird," she thought, "he could have bought five of these stores entirely, but he chose this modest suit."
The reception went very well too: "It was not even boring!" And already at home, sitting with a bottle of beer, he thought: "Well, now I can rest. For today all the work is over. Now, perhaps, I don't need anything else." He had a bright yellow autumn leaf in his pocket. "Ah, there you are! I completely forgot about you!" - he smiled, opening the window and releasing the sheet into the street. The bright yellow leaf began to slowly fall to the ground.
In the morning he didn’t find his yesterday’s credit card, he didn’t find his new suit, and the gilded pen was also missing somewhere.
She walked down the street, and her heart was quite light: "How good, now I am free! I can still arrange my personal life, and yet, I am sorry that my love is not with me now. It was such a wonderful feeling. . Maybe I will manage to experience something like that at least once in my life, "she smiled at the bright sun, bright yellow autumn leaves falling to the ground. She never thought of him again.

Seventeen snow-white roses

She was sitting on the roof of a tall building. Today is this very day, the day when she is allowed to remember her past, to relive moments of happiness and grief, and again to forget everything with the first rays of the rising sun. Today she can remember him ... because of whom she became an angel, because of whom she is immortal ... and she so wanted to live a human life, so short, but so interesting. Now she is an angel ... with beautiful white wings and with a heart inside for just one day, only she does not feel pain - this is the privilege of an Angel. There is no pain, no fear, no love, no feelings at all. And only once a year are angels allowed to be people with white wings behind their backs.
She became the Angel of Sadness. I visited people in moments of sadness, sorrow and sorrow. She helped to survive their pain, took it to herself, only she did not hurt, she is an angel, she does not know how to feel. But how did it happen that she remembered Him and cherished her love for Him deep in her soul, and even a trial from oblivion could not kill her feeling? And one day a year she was allowed to remember everything, and she got this love from the depths of her soul, and cherished it like a child. I was living anew my short life. I looked at him and was glad that he lived, that he now had a family and children. She could read minds, because she was an angel. She knew that he still remembered and thought about her. She saw exactly how on this day, the day of angelic freedom, he went to the cemetery and laid flowers on her grave ... After all, this day was the day of her death ... And he came, was silent for a long time, and then quietly cried and prayed, every time he prayed for forgiveness ... After all, he did not even suspect that she had forgiven him, forgiven him even on the day of her death. And when he was too painful and lonely, she leaned over him and whispered words of love in his ear, took away his pain. After all, she was the Angel of Sadness.
Crazy love of two souls. Crazy, unbridled love. The love that made her an angel.
They agreed to meet at 19-00 in their place. She came a little later, but he was not there. She did not see him, but he stood in the shop opposite, the flower shop, bought her 17 snow-white roses, stared at her, could not budge. And she was more and more worried, afraid that something had happened to him, he had never been late before. 17 snow-white roses ... She just wanted to call him from a payphone on the other side of the street, she just wanted to find out where he is and what happened to him. She was crossing the street, and he was already leaving the store, she saw him and slowed down a little, smiled, but horror froze on his face ... how it happened ... how for her the moments suddenly began to go faster than for him, why he did not have time ... but the driver of the car did not know how much they loved each other, how He was late for the first time in his life, how She ran to call him. A scarlet pool of blood on the asphalt, her smile on her lips, his horror in her eyes and 17 snow-white roses on a red background ...
Every year he lived it all over again on the day she could feel. And she could not take away his pain, she so wanted, so wanted to say that today she also feels, today she also remembers everything. She so wanted to say that now she has become a real angel, with snow-white wings behind her back.
Every year he brings 17 snow-white roses to her grave and cries, cries quietly, begging for forgiveness. Only he never finds out that she forgave him even then, on the day of her death, for being late.
She sat on the roof of a tall building, cried and remembered him, opened her heart and poured out pain. White-white wings behind their backs obediently folded on the day of angelic freedom, on the day when angels can remember everything and live their life in memories. The day the angels die. She folded her snow-white wings and fell down like an arrow, but the wings did not open, did not open as usual, because today is the day when the angels die. In the middle of a hot, hot summer, it rains, but one ray of the sun remains in the sky, the wind dies down, and the sea is calm ... so angels die ... die on the day of their freedom ...


You may ask why a young handsome guy, who has his own ship, under the sails of scarlet color - the color of tender and romantic, cannot find his love?
The answer is simple! Andre did not try to win the love of girls through his position. He was looking for sincerity, feelings! He wanted to find a loved one who would not pay attention to his property, but saw the open, loving soul of a lonely, romantic guy.

Years have passed ...
Andre has grown much older. But he was still alone.
When the caravel approached the ports, all the girls already knew that this was Andre's ship. And so they watched the sails on the masts with great interest.
They knew that as soon as Andre found his love, the ship should approach the port in full sail!

You may wonder: Why did all the girls care about the fate of this man, who, by the way, was already not so young and handsome as before?
Because every girl dreamed that Andre would fall in love with her. They saw the guy's kind, devoted, romantic, but at the same time lonely soul. And so they sympathized with him as a best friend. And they felt the hope that someday Andre will be able to make happy the one that he has been looking for for so long.

Many more years have passed ...
Andre has grown old. He was no longer able to steer his ship with fine, but lowered scarlet sails.
One autumn day, he anchored his ship in Marseilles. And went down the ladder to the ground. Never again climbing on the deck of your faithful and lonely companion.
Andre ended his life alone.

Since then, his ship has become a symbol for people looking for love.

Centuries have passed ...
The ship survived the storm, it was swallowed up by the sea. Then the water receded. And the masts of the ship reappeared above the surface of the ocean. But the caravel was already completely covered with sand ...

The legend also says:
When people of the whole earth find their love, when there is no evil, hatred, self-interest and deceit on the globe, then the ship will come to life, thereby symbolizing the soul of Andre, who found love.
And the sand will crumble from the ship. We will be able to see a new symbol - a symbol of peace and love.
The caravel of love will float to the stars. And then the brightest star will light up in the sky. Star - Love!

Three kisses

Hello! Your palm is squeezed by my fingers. I deliberately took your hand. I will lead you today ... I see that you already feel the singularity of this evening ...

Your smile ran across the windows with orange lights. I guess I will never know how you can remain so majestic, serious, mischievous, romantic and funny at the same time. Apparently, this is why you manage to pick a cloud from the sky and put it by the collar when I get too preoccupied ... I will lead you ... Do you know that the blue sky, intertwining with green foliage, falls into the lake when the rays of sunset running through the leaves in fearful anticipation of dusk? That's why dew falls out. Do you like it? This is where we go. Only I need your kiss, otherwise it won't work.

We will walk along the streets of this city. Look, they are already scattering in different directions of the street, like the rays of the sun through a thundercloud. You will pick up a cat of city roofs, a dog of gray sidewalks will run after you, on whose back will be attached apartment hamsters, guinea pigs and canaries, stupefied from freedom, chirping to you the song of happy sparrows. The houses you pass by will forget their architects and the gray color of peeling memories. They will whisper to you the tale of an old nap and forgotten dreams. Roofs will drop you drops of spring rain and baby icicle candies, plucked petals of autumn spice will cover your dream with a warm blanket. Are you already tangled in the streets and do not know which one to walk on? Kiss me, and you will immediately remember where your road leads you.

Well, here we are. Yes, the path always seems difficult when ahead. And when you came, he seems naive, light and insignificant. The animals scattered, taking away everything that you called yourself. You don’t believe, you were taught differently, but this is where the sky intertwines with the earth, and this is where we can finally meet. But this will happen if only you forget what you called me. Kiss me and your memories will stop calling me by name.

Now everything is correct. Now you know everything yourself. But there will definitely be someone who will say: “This is not true! It doesn't exist! You invented it all yourself! " But what difference does it make to us now?

Pages of love folklore

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Princess in the mirror

The princess in the mirror was more dangerous than any monster. From her smile they went crazy and lost their heads, but she didn't care.Her heart, hard as stone and cold as ice, has long ceased to feel anything. Pain and joy, love and hatred - these feelings in their fullness were inaccessible to her, she heard only their echoes - a faint echo of true experiences.

Her beauty fascinated, made people look after her; not one daredevil wanted to become her prince - she called these her toys - and she knew the end of such meetings beforehand. As a matter of fact, there was no end. She, having played enough with her next toy, just went into the fog, dissolved in the air.

She brought destruction with her, for beauty is a terrible force. Infected with the poison of her love, he could never forget her. It burst into someone's life like a hurricane, and just as quickly disappeared, leaving behind only the ruins of the soul; others, especially persistent, she fell in love with herself on the sly, like water wears away a stone, broke their independence bit by bit, tied them to herself at first with thin, like a spider's web, threads, which later turned into ropes. And then this someone, once proud and brave, and now blinded and submissive, trustingly fell into the abyss of love, waiting to meet her, his Princess there, but she only silently and dispassionately watched his fall.One day, someone had to appear who would make her experience the same feelings that she gave to others. The princess even knew his name - Vagabond. She would gladly accept love and pain, suffering and pleasure from him. She was looking forward to the moment when her heart would beat in rhythm with another.
But the meeting was still far away, and the princess was penetrated by hellish cold, then she went in search of another toy, whose love briefly warmed her ...

Winter's tale

Snow fell in the morning. The bear cub was sitting at the edge of the forest on a stump, his head raised, and he counted and licked the snowflakes that fell on his nose. Snowflakes fell sweet, fluffy and, before dropping completely, stood up on tiptoe.
Oh, how fun it was!

"Seventh" - whispered the Bear cub and, having admired it to the fullest, licked his nose. But the snowflakes were enchanted: they did not melt and continued to remain the same fluffy in the Bear's stomach.

“Oh, hello, my dear! - said six snowflakes to their friend when she found herself next to them. - Is it also calm in the forest? Is the bear cub still sitting on a tree stump? Ah, what a funny Bear cub!”The teddy bear heard that someone in his stomach was talking, but did not pay attention.And the snow kept falling and falling. Snowflakes more and more often fell on the Bear's nose, squatted and, smiling, said: "Hello, Bear!"

"Very nice, - said the Bear cub. - You are the sixty-eighth." And licked his lips.

By evening, he ate three hundred snowflakes, and he became so cold that he barely reached the den and immediately fell asleep. And he dreamed that he was a fluffy, soft snowflake ... And that he sank on the nose of some Bear and said: "Hello, Bear?" - and in response I heard: "Very nice, you are three hundred and twenty ..."
"Lam-pa-ra-pam?" - the music started playing. And the Bear swirled in a sweet, magical dance, and three hundred snowflakes swirled with him. They flashed in front, behind, on the side, and when he got tired, they picked him up, and he spun, spun, spun ...

Throughout the winter, Teddy Bear was sick. His nose was dry and hot, and snowflakes danced in his stomach. And only in the spring, when drops rang throughout the forest and birds flew in, he opened his eyes and saw the Hedgehog on the stool. The hedgehog smiled and moved the needles.

- What are you doing here? - asked the Bear.
- I'm waiting for you to recover, - answered the Hedgehog.
- For a long time?
- All winter. As I found out that you ate too much snow, I immediately dragged all my supplies to you ...
- And all winter you sat next to me on a stool?
- Yes, I gave you spruce broth to drink and applied dried grass to your stomach ...
“I don’t remember,” said Bear.
- Still would! - Hedgehog sighed. - You've been saying all winter that you are a snowflake. I was so afraid that you would melt by spring ...

Autumn tale

The bright yellow autumn leaf finally broke away from the branch and began to slowly fall to the ground.
“I love you,” she said, but he didn’t hear. Was it because he didn’t want to hear it, or was it because at that moment a truck was passing by with a noise?
- What, I'm sorry, I didn't hear?
- I want to give you a gift.
- Truth? Which?
A bright yellow autumn leaf slowly sank to the ground right at her feet.
“I’ll give you this,” she said, lifting the leaf from the ground, “let you have it.
"I will put all my love into this piece of paper, can it stop tormenting me? Let him keep it."
"Why do I need this nonsense? But you shouldn't offend her, it's not good."
- Thank you, but what should I do with him?
“I don’t know, this is your sheet now, do what you want,” she suddenly said, somehow indifferently.
He simply slipped the paper into his pocket: "I'll throw it away when she leaves."
- Well, I have to go. Bye - he was really in a hurry: he had a business meeting.
“Happy,” there were new notes in her voice, but he didn’t notice anything.
The business meeting was very successful. He signed a very lucrative contract. "I didn't even expect that everything would turn out so well, but everything worked out!" - he was twirling in his hands the gilded pen with which he had just signed the papers. The pen was very beautiful, only he did not remember where he got it: it just ended up in his pocket just when he needed it. He slipped the pen back into his pocket. "So, now to put myself in order at home, in the evening I have to be at the reception ... Damn, my best suit is still in the dry cleaner. Anyway, it's time to buy a new one. But I don't have a credit card with me ... But here it is. How could I forget you put it in your pocket? " He pulled out a gold-colored credit card from his pocket.
He chose a suit for a long time: "The price-quality ratio does not tolerate fuss" - lately he had to save money. Finally making a choice, he handed the credit card to the saleswoman. When she saw the amount on the credit card, her eyebrows raised in surprise, but she said nothing, and then, after thinking, asked:
- Would you like to buy anything else?
- Perhaps next time.
She smiled and handed him a credit card: "The rich are all weird," she thought, "he could have bought five of these stores entirely, but he chose this modest suit."
The reception went very well too: "It was not even boring!" And already at home, sitting with a bottle of beer, he thought: "Well, now I can rest. For today all the work is over. Now, perhaps, I don't need anything else." He had a bright yellow autumn leaf in his pocket. "Ah, there you are! I completely forgot about you!" - he smiled, opening the window and releasing the sheet into the street. The bright yellow leaf began to slowly fall to the ground.
In the morning he didn’t find his yesterday’s credit card, he didn’t find his new suit, and the gilded pen was also missing somewhere.
She walked down the street, and her heart was quite light: "How good, now I am free! I can still arrange my personal life, and yet, I am sorry that my love is not with me now. It was such a wonderful feeling. . Maybe I will manage to experience something like that at least once in my life, "she smiled at the bright sun, bright yellow autumn leaves falling to the ground. She never thought of him again.

Seventeen snow-white roses

The quietest summer evening, the coldest. Evening when it rains. Clouds cover the sky and leave only a small ray of sun. The day the angels descend to earth. The day that angels can feel pain.
She was sitting on the roof of a tall building. Today is this very day, the day when she is allowed to remember her past, to relive moments of happiness and grief, and again to forget everything with the first rays of the rising sun. Today she can remember him ... because of whom she became an angel, because of whom she is immortal ... and she so wanted to live a human life, so short, but so interesting. Now she is an angel ... with beautiful white wings and with a heart inside for just one day, only she does not feel pain - this is the privilege of an Angel. There is no pain, no fear, no love, no feelings at all. And only once a year are angels allowed to be people with white wings behind their backs.
When was it? When did she love Him? There is no time in the sky, no days, weeks or years. Everything is different there. It is so bright there, only there are no faces. And sometimes you walk, and the same angel passes by you and it seems to you that you know him ... but you cannot recognize this. Angels don't have real faces.
She became the Angel of Sadness. I visited people in moments of sadness, sorrow and sorrow. She helped to survive their pain, took it to herself, only she did not hurt, she is an angel, she does not know how to feel. But how did it happen that she remembered Him and cherished her love for Him deep in her soul, and even a trial from oblivion could not kill her feeling? And one day a year she was allowed to remember everything, and she got this love from the depths of her soul, and cherished it like a child. I was living anew my short life. I looked at him and was glad that he lived, that he now had a family and children. She could read minds, because she was an angel. She knew that he still remembered and thought about her. She saw exactly how on this day, the day of angelic freedom, he went to the cemetery and laid flowers on her grave ... After all, this day was the day of her death ... And he came, was silent for a long time, and then quietly cried and prayed, every time he prayed for forgiveness ... After all, he did not even suspect that she had forgiven him, forgiven him even on the day of her death. And when he was too painful and lonely, she leaned over him and whispered words of love in his ear, took away his pain. After all, she was the Angel of Sadness.
Crazy love of two souls. Crazy, unbridled love. The love that made her an angel.
They agreed to meet at 19-00 in their place. She came a little later, but he was not there. She did not see him, but he stood in the shop opposite, the flower shop, bought her 17 snow-white roses, stared at her, could not budge. And she was more and more worried, afraid that something had happened to him, he had never been late before. 17 snow-white roses ... She just wanted to call him from a payphone on the other side of the street, she just wanted to find out where he is and what happened to him. She was crossing the street, and he was already leaving the store, she saw him and slowed down a little, smiled, but horror froze on his face ... how it happened ... how for her the moments suddenly began to go faster than for him, why he did not have time ... but the driver of the car did not know how much they loved each other, how He was late for the first time in his life, how She ran to call him. A scarlet pool of blood on the asphalt, her smile on her lips, his horror in her eyes and 17 snow-white roses on a red background ...
Every year he lived it all over again on the day she could feel. And she could not take away his pain, she so wanted, so wanted to say that today she also feels, today she also remembers everything. She so wanted to say that now she has become a real angel, with snow-white wings behind her back.
Every year he brings 17 snow-white roses to her grave and cries, cries quietly, begging for forgiveness. Only he never finds out that she forgave him even then, on the day of her death, for being late.
She sat on the roof of a tall building, cried and remembered him, opened her heart and poured out pain. White-white wings behind their backs obediently folded on the day of angelic freedom, on the day when angels can remember everything and live their life in memories. The day the angels die. She folded her snow-white wings and fell down like an arrow, but the wings did not open, did not open as usual, because today is the day when the angels die. In the middle of a hot, hot summer, it rains, but one ray of the sun remains in the sky, the wind dies down, and the sea is calm ... so angels die ... die on the day of their freedom ...


They say that many years ago, a young merchant lived in France who really wanted to find his love. His name was Andre.He had his own ship, which he inherited from his father, also a merchant. On this caravel, Andre went to all corners of the globe. To India - for spices, to America - for tobacco. And also Andre tried to find love in all the countries he visited.

You may ask why a young handsome guy, who has his own ship, under the sails of scarlet color - the color of tender and romantic, cannot find his love?
The answer is simple! Andre did not try to win the love of girls through his position. He was looking for sincerity, feelings! He wanted to find a loved one who would not pay attention to his property, but saw the open, loving soul of a lonely, romantic guy.

Years have passed ...
Andre has grown much older. But he was still alone.
When the caravel approached the ports, all the girls already knew that this was Andre's ship. And so they watched the sails on the masts with great interest.
They knew that as soon as Andre found his love, the ship should approach the port in full sail!

But every time the ship approached the city, the girls with a little chagrin and hidden hope, sighing, returned to their business. Since the caravel was still sailing under the scarlet, but not fully opened sails.
You may wonder: Why did all the girls care about the fate of this man, who, by the way, was already not so young and handsome as before?
Because every girl dreamed that Andre would fall in love with her. They saw the guy's kind, devoted, romantic, but at the same time lonely soul. And so they sympathized with him as the best friend. And they felt the hope that someday Andre will be able to make happy the one that he has been looking for for so long.

Many more years have passed ...
Andre has grown old. He was no longer able to steer his ship with fine, but lowered scarlet sails.
One autumn day, he anchored his ship in Marseilles. And went down the ladder to the ground. Never again climbing on the deck of your faithful and lonely companion.
Andre ended his life alone.

Since then, his ship has become a symbol for people looking for love.

Centuries have passed ...
The ship survived the storm, it was swallowed up by the sea. Then the water receded. And the masts of the ship reappeared above the surface of the ocean. But the caravel was already completely covered with sand ...

The legend also says:
When people of the whole earth find their love, when there is no evil, hatred, self-interest and deceit on the globe, then the ship will come to life, thereby symbolizing the soul of Andre, who found love.
And the sand will crumble from the ship. We will be able to see a new symbol - a symbol of peace and love.
The caravel of love will float to the stars. And then the brightest star will light up in the sky. Star - Love!

Three kisses

Hello! Your palm is squeezed by my fingers. I deliberately took your hand. I will lead you today ... I see that you already feel the singularity of this evening ...

Your smile ran across the windows with orange lights. I guess I will never know how you can remain so majestic, serious, mischievous, romantic and funny at the same time. Apparently, this is why you manage to pick a cloud from the sky and put it by the collar when I get too preoccupied ... I will lead you ... Do you know that the blue sky, intertwining with green foliage, falls into the lake when the rays of sunset running through the leaves in fearful anticipation of dusk? That's why dew falls out. Do you like it? This is where we go. Only I need your kiss, otherwise it won't work.

We will walk along the streets of this city. Look, they are already scattering in different directions of the street, like the rays of the sun through a thundercloud. You will pick up a cat of city roofs, a dog of gray sidewalks will run after you, on whose back will be attached apartment hamsters, guinea pigs and canaries, stupefied from freedom, chirping to you the song of happy sparrows. The houses you pass by will forget their architects and the gray color of peeling memories. They will whisper to you the tale of an old nap and forgotten dreams. Roofs will drop you drops of spring rain and baby icicle candies, plucked petals of autumn spice will cover your dream with a warm blanket. Are you already tangled in the streets and do not know which one to walk on? Kiss me, and you will immediately remember where your road leads you.

Well, here we are. Yes, the path always seems difficult when ahead. And when you came, he seems naive, light and insignificant. The animals scattered, taking away everything that you called yourself. You don’t believe, you were taught differently, but this is where the sky intertwines with the earth, and this is where we can finally meet. But this will happen if only you forget what you called me. Kiss me and your memories will stop calling me by name.

Now everything is correct. Now you know everything yourself. But there will definitely be someone who will say: “This is not true! It doesn't exist! You invented it all yourself! " But what difference does it make to us now?


Since childhood, I love fairy tales. Probably the most beloved of them: Azerbaijani - there are so many feelings and romance in them that I wanted to listen to each of them to the end. Now I have grown up, and the love for mysterious magical stories has remained with me.

Fairy tales are such uncomplicated stories that are described in a special language, as if you were little. But this does not hurt you at all, because it seems that you and the author have some kind of extraordinary secret, which you will surely be told about.

I admire the world around me, I love the people who live in it. I like to find something unique in every seemingly inconspicuous thing - something that no one has noticed before (or maybe he just didn't want to admit it to himself?).

Fairy tales are not as ephemeral as you might think at first glance. After all, if you have never seen the planet Saturn with your own eyes (pictures and even videos do not count, because nowadays everything can be faked and edited), this does not mean that it does not exist. So it is with any "magic" story. Of course, there are many different epithets, metaphors and "little" exaggerations in it, but its very essence is always very true.

Reading or listening to any fairy tale stories, we, imperceptibly for ourselves, involuntarily plunge into their plot. It develops imagination in us, makes us think.

My fairy tales are very romantic and, perhaps, someone will say - idealistic. I completely agree with you. But if you have your own ideals, then you have something to strive for. You are on the right track. After all, only a sensitive heart will tell you where to go, what to believe in and how to behave in any situation.

Believe in yourself! Trust yourself! Feel free to create your future, because it begins here and now.

A fairy tale makes you better and kinder. It instills in a person hope for the best, makes him take a closer look at the world around him. Indeed, in life there are so many interesting, inexplicable and very, very touching.

And now we settle down and plunge into the magical world of romantic fairy tales, where any obstacles can be overcome on the way to the fulfillment of our most cherished desires.

Small bright star

Darling ... My little Ray of Light ... My Princess! I'm so glad that you and I are together.

It is so nice to feel such a dear, warm fragile little body next to you. Feel your breath. Inhale the scent of your hair ...

I almost whisper to you so as not to frighten off your sweet half-asleep.

You smile at my words - and my heart starts beating even harder.

I am grateful to you that so suddenly burst into my life, charming me. Now all my thoughts are only about you. And everything I do is for you.

In the meantime, you closed your eyes, enjoying the words that I whisper in your ear, - I will tell you a fairy tale.

* * *

Once upon a time there was a small, but very bright star.

She was so beautiful - almost brilliant in appearance.

She really liked to appear in the sky when the sun went down the horizon. She believed she was of immense benefit by illuminating the Earth at night. Although her friends, who were next to her next to in the sky, and took it for granted.

The star tried very hard to shine brighter than anyone, except, of course, the moon. After all, it was very important for her to benefit people. This little girl was very happy when, as she herself believed, she helped the lost evening traveler find his way home. Or if some man could not sleep - he had the opportunity to admire her through the window, hoping for something good, deep in his hidden thoughts.

But lately she began to feel that something was wrong. Something darkened the happy thoughts of the little star.

She began to ponder what had saddened her so much.

And then a small bright star realized that she was very sorry for a beautiful girl with golden-red silky hair. Every evening, the little girl watched as the girl sat on the windowsill, turning her sad eyes to the sky.

The little star really wanted to help the stranger, but she still didn't know how.

From her heavenly friends, she heard a legend that when a star falls from the sky, people make a wish - and it will definitely come true.

- But then you will die ... - her friends were saddened.

- But I will be of great benefit! She answered happily.

The little star really wanted to help the sad girl at the window, for this she was even ready to give her life.

Having looked at the beautiful red-haired girl for the last time, the star, having broken away from the sky, began to rapidly fall down. She no longer felt anything except the noise of her own flight ...

And then, suddenly, an indescribable all-consuming frantic joy seized her - this girl took advantage of the moment and made her cherished wish. The little star was very glad that she was able to help the beautiful stranger. Now this little girl knew that she had fulfilled her true destiny. She, somewhere deep inside, felt calm. This is the last thing that the asterisk thought about before disappearing into oblivion ...

The asterisk's act was not in vain - the wish of the stranger soon came true ...

And another small star appeared in the sky, even brighter than the previous one ...

Who knows, maybe it is she who will be able to fulfill some of your innermost desires, Darling ...

* * *

You are already asleep, My Lovely ... I will kiss you on the top of your head, gently touch your eyelids with my lips and also fall asleep, greedily wrapping you in my arms, guarding your sacred dream ...

Sweet Dreams, my angel!..

Little New Year's Miracle

This year, the winter was especially beautiful: trees and roofs of houses were wrapped in snow, shimmering with silver in the gentle rays of the sun. Today was the last day of the outgoing year.

A girl sat by the window, peering into the fluffy flakes of falling snow. She had long, dark brown wavy hair and a slender figure. The sun blinded her blue eyes, but transparent crystals of tears slowly trickled down her pale cheeks for a completely different reason. Today Leela will have to celebrate her favorite holiday all alone ...

It seemed that they had quarreled with Dan for a very long time - she no longer remembers how many nights in a row she cried into her pillow. But only two weeks have passed since he left, slamming the door loudly - she then jumped up at the sound.

Because of what they quarreled, you can't remember. You know, it happens “to smithereens” you quarrel with your beloved, firmly believing that, of course, HE is to blame. But, then, some time passes and you do not fully understand: “What was that?” So Lilya was now in the same condition. She would be glad to be the first to apologize, only he does not answer phone calls, and no one opens his house. But the girl reassured herself that she at least tried to rectify the situation.

Now she was sitting alone in the apartment, which THEY were decorating together with such tenderness and love. She did not want to go to celebrate the New Year with friends, because this holiday was very personal for her ...

She and Dan met a week before New Years, when she was in 5th grade. Lilya was going home with her friends that day after school. The girls had fun talking, sharing their expectations of what they will give to whom for the holiday. Suddenly, the girl suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head from a blow with a blunt object, and her head quickly began to grow cold. Lilya lost her balance and fell. Next to her, a snowball drowned in a snowdrift, finally detached from the top of her head.

Suddenly, next to her was a tall, handsome boy with light brown hair and honey-colored eyes.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you,” he said, guiltily dropping his black fluffy eyelashes.

Lilya from confusion could neither move nor say anything in response. Then the guy held out his hand to her, prudently freeing her from the snow-covered glove and said:

- Let me help you up.

Lily's girlfriends giggled and whispered to each other, circling around the formed couple.

“My name is Denis, but my friends call me Dan,” said the young man, helping the girl to shake off the snow from her clothes.

“And I’m Lily,” she finally managed to answer.

The young man volunteered to help the girl who suffered from his snowball by taking her home and making sure she was okay. Lilya said goodbye to her envious friends, and Dan said goodbye to the boy with whom he played.

- How does such a lovely and fragile person manage to lug such a heavy backpack? - the guy was surprised, picking up her things.

Lilya loved to study and every day she took with her to school all the books she might need. She thought it was completely normal.

“If it’s very hard for you, I can carry it myself,” the girl answered offendedly and tried to take her backpack away from him.

“No, it won't give me much trouble,” Dan said, grabbing her hand with his free hand.

The girl felt that she was beginning to blush from his sudden touch. The guy, seemingly sensing this, gently lowered her hand ...

So young people walked through the snow-covered city, talking about themselves in general terms. Lilya was not verbose because she was still embarrassed. She felt a little dizzy, but she no longer knew: the reason for this was the snowball that hit her or this beautiful boy walking beside her.

From a conversation with Dan, the girl learned that he is in the 8th grade of her school, loves to create beautiful ice figures in winter, and when it gets warmer, he carves his masterpieces out of wood.

“Probably, his creations are amazingly beautiful, like himself,” Lily thought, and again realized that she was starting to blush.

Dan smiled as he looked at the girl, and when they approached her house, he said:

- So this is where such a beautiful, a little embarrassed and very touching girl lives!

Lily felt that her face was beginning to blush entirely.

- You drive me into paint ... - she answered timidly.

“Wait, this is just the beginning.” He smiled a sly smile. - Besides, you have a healthy blush to your face.

Parting, they agreed that from that day on, he would accompany her home after school every time.

The remaining days before the New Year, young people spent practically without parting. Lilya gradually began to get used to the beautiful compliments of this amazing guy and began to tell him more about herself. The more they got to know each other, the closer they became. It seemed that they were always together, and the time, before meeting him, simply did not exist in the girl's life.

Years passed, and young people constantly managed to find something new and interesting in each other. They had already grown up, life went on as usual. Lilya was already in her final year at the University of Art, and Dan opened his own antique firm. Only their New Year's tradition did not change: before the stormy celebration of the holiday, they went out and played snowballs - only they did it tenderly, in a kind way. And somehow they were always lucky on snowy winter days ...

Lilya was distracted from her memories by the loud rumbling of a fluffy white Persian kitten, which was basking in her arms. Dan gave it to her about a month ago, they called him Snow. The girl smiled at this warm little lump, which was only 3 months old.

The eyes of this creature seemed to say: “Calm down, everything will definitely be fine. Today is a magical evening and you can count on your Little Miracle. ”

Having cheered up a little, the girl tidied herself up and checked if everything was ready for the festive dinner.

"This time there won't be too many dishes: only the most favorite".

When she finished serving the table, she noticed that she had arranged the cutlery, as if there would be two to celebrate the New Year: “Me and ...”.

Sighing sadly and brushing aside not to plunge into memories again, she decided to leave the extra devices in their places.

“What if they come in handy…” - for some reason she thought.

Looking at her watch, the girl noticed that it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

“During this time, Dan and I… always went outside and played snowballs,” she almost burst into tears. - Well, okay, this time I'll go there myself. And I would not hurt to get some air ”.

Waving her hand to Snow, putting on a warm fur coat and putting on boots, she quickly went down the steps.

The weather was wonderful outside. The sky was clear and starry, and the snow crunched softly underfoot. Everything around seemed somehow magical in the lights of street lamps. Lilya took a deep breath of the fresh frosty air and turned into the park, which was not far from the house.

In some places, noisy joyful cries of young people who had already begun to celebrate were heard. Passing a small clearing, Lilya felt that something hit her lightly from her back, and cold snow began to fill her collar. The girl turned around, peering into the darkness, and was already ready to shout at the offender:

"Nobody dares to throw snowballs at me, nobody but ..."

- Defend yourself, - someone shouted from the darkness, throwing another portion of snow at her.

“… No one but… Dan,” the girl finished her thought, deftly dodging a new attack.

Dan stepped out of the gloom, smiling slyly. Lilya, without hesitation, threw herself into his arms.

“Forgive me,” the girl said quietly, clinging tightly to his chest.

“And forgive me,” the young man replied, inhaling the scent of her hair.

- I was so worried ... I don't even know what caused everything ... I'm so sorry ... I ...

The girl did not have time to finish, as Dan covered her mouth with his hand.

- I was also very wrong ... Only in separation from you I realized that my love for you is a thousand times stronger than I thought before. Moreover, this business trip ... It made me be even further away from you ...

Lily still wanted to tell him something, but he stopped her.

- You're starting to freeze. Let's go home or we'll skip everything. It's already half past eleven! And Snow is his first New Year.

Dan grabbed a couple of bags from the tree. Winking at the girl in response to her curious look, he hurried towards the house, holding her hand tightly.

When they entered the apartment, the kitten was already impatiently waiting for them at the door, as if afraid that they would be late. It seemed that he was not at all surprised to see again together the two people most dear to him.

They had barely had time to undress and open the champagne when an antique clock in another room began to chime 12 o'clock.

“For your newfound love,” Dan said, bringing his glass to the girl.

“For our love and for being together again,” Lily said quietly.

Snowball settled comfortably on the girl's lap and meowed contentedly.

Young people talked for a long time about their ardent feelings for each other. They were happy and now both were sure that it was FOREVER ...

Delicious dessert

Alika got a job as an illustrator almost immediately after graduation. She was infinitely happy with this event - after all, this is exactly what she always wanted to do.

Ever since childhood, she has always drawn beautiful pictures that were on the walls, notebooks, albums, napkins - on everything that unconsciously came into her hands. Alika was glad that her obsessive hobby would now benefit someone. Now she could draw pictures for book covers and their interiors. Others liked her work very much, some approached her and praised her personally. In general, the girl was satisfied with both her position and the close-knit team.

And when after a while a new cafe “Delightful Dessert” was opened next to her firm, Alika was simply delighted. After all, sweets are her second favorite pleasure, right after work.

It was a special cafe: everything about it was somehow extraordinary. The building itself was in the form of a dome, the entrance to it was dignified by an arch with two elaborate columns. The interior design of Delightful Dessert was even more unusual: the entire interior was focused on the play of light and shadow. The dome of the ceiling resembled the sky, and skillfully made lighting created the illusion of clouds, stars, sunbeams, falling snow or dripping rain. The “weather” in this cafe has always been the exact opposite of the actual weather outside. That is, if it was a cloudy winter day outside, then there was a starry summer night in this room. Even the tablecloths on round tables changed depending on her: the color of ripe cherries, young grass, golden, deep blue, intriguing purple.

On the walls of "Delightful Dessert" were very unusual paintings in fancy frames. Some of the tables had “sweet” images in the form of toys and various decorations (rings, brooches). Near the other tables were photographs of cocktails with "dizzying" splashes, which created an overall picture of unreality and, at the same time, some kind of simple naturalness. There were also pictures of huge cakes in the form of stunning doll houses. And the drawn pictures of desserts in the form of forest glades simply excited the imagination with their “fabulousness”. Near Alika's favorite table were coffee-themed photographs with splashes of milk in white cups on a black background.

The menu in this institution also did not lag behind in its ingenuity from everything else. What was missing here: “Tarte Tatin” apple-caramel pie, delicious “Magically tasty cheesecakes” with marzipan decorations, fried ice cream, “Waiting for the paycheck” cookies, “light as a cloud and fast as a deer dessert“ Winter's Tale ”. Moreover, the ingredients of your favorite dishes changed periodically. For example, a banana sorbet made from sugar syrup and fruit juice on one day could be made with champagne or wine the other day. You can never guess what the surprise will be tomorrow! Moreover, all dishes were prepared in a certain quantity. Each time a dish of the day was chosen, the portions of which were larger than the others. And if the visitor got the latter, then he could choose a “delicious dessert” the next day. There was something childishly funny and funny about it!

Alika has already tasted almost all the desserts in this cafe since its opening. But most of all she loved triple chocolate cheesecake and “Tarte Tatin” - these dishes the girl often ordered when she came here for lunch.

Today she had a bad day - she still couldn't think of a cover for a new book. Everything that came to her mind seemed somehow faded and expressionless. With a sad expression on her face, she sat down at her favorite table. The “weather” in the cafe was rainy, although at that time the sun was shining brightly outside.

Just like the state of my soul, she thought.

As she absentmindedly began to paint the napkin on the table, Alika ordered herself a piece of triple chocolate cheesecake. She was very surprised when the waiter told her that today this dish is “a delicious dessert” and that her portion is the last one. Such an event happened to the girl for the first time, and she was in some confusion.

“Don't rush with your choice of“ dessert ”for tomorrow,” the waiter reassured her. - You can think about it while eating.

Alika was left alone at her table. She was slightly confused: all her thoughts were confused.

- Can I have a “light” with you? - a pleasant male voice interrupted her reflections.

Alika looked at the stranger who asked her a question. He was a tall, handsome young man with golden hair and dark green eyes. In all his appearance, greatness was felt and, at the same time, some kind of simplicity.

“He has a very beautiful smile,” the girl thought when the guy smiled, waiting for her answer.

“Yes, of course,” she said. - I just scored one place for you.

- Well, how can I leave a person to fend for themselves in such a crowded place? .. There are so many people that there is nowhere to sit directly.

- You are my savior! - the young man supported her, sitting down opposite. - By the way, I'm Roman.

- And I am Alika.

“What a rare and beautiful name,” said a new acquaintance. - I am sure that this should belong to a very extraordinary person with many hidden talents.

Next to their table was a small glass partition on which drops of "rain" flowed down. The girl automatically looked at her reflection, which was clearly visible in the dim lighting. Light brown short hair revealing a graceful neck. Large almond-shaped dark blue eyes with fluffy black eyelashes, like a doll's. A graceful fragile figure, like an elf.

"I somehow look fabulous today!"

- Yes, I am! - Alika smiled coquettishly. - Only my talents are not hidden at all ...

- I really hope to find out about them.

- May be…

A waiter came up to the table with their orders. He asked the girl if she had decided on the main course for tomorrow. Alika chose the “magic” cheese cakes, which smelled so appetizing in Roman's plate. The girl was asked to formalize her wish in a beautiful old book. She had a whole page at her disposal, so she added a pile of cheesecakes to her inscription, which a pretty jug poured with jam on top. The waiter smiled sweetly at this idea and added a gift “surprise treat” to its menu.

“Now, if you will allow me, I need to photograph you,” he said politely. - We attach all the photos of the “lucky ones” to the “Wish Book”, we give the second copy to the owner ... If you want, a young man can join you ...

The most beautiful heart

One sunny day, a handsome guy stood in a square in the middle of the city and proudly boasted of the most beautiful heart in the area. He was surrounded by a crowd of people who sincerely admired the impeccability of his heart. It was really perfect - not a dent, not a scratch. And everyone in the crowd agreed that this was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The guy was very proud of this and just beamed with happiness.

Suddenly, an old man came forward from the crowd and said, addressing the guy:
- Your heart in beauty and did not stand close to mine.

Then the whole crowd looked at the old man's heart. It was crumpled, all with scars, in some places pieces of the heart were taken out and in their places others were inserted that did not fit at all, some edges of the heart were torn. In addition, in some places in the old man's heart there was clearly not enough pieces. The crowd stared at the old man - how could he say that his heart is more beautiful?

The guy looked at the old man's heart and laughed:
- You may be joking, old man! Compare your heart to mine! Mine is perfect! And your! Yours is a jumble of scars and tears!
“Yes,” the old man replied, “your heart looks perfect, but I would never agree to exchange our hearts. Look! Every scar on my heart is a person to whom I gave my love - I tore out a piece of my heart and gave it to this person. And he often gave me his love in return - his piece of his heart, which filled the empty spaces in mine. But since the pieces of different hearts do not exactly fit together, so there are torn edges in my heart that I cherish, because they remind me of the love that we shared.

Sometimes I gave pieces of my heart, but other people did not return theirs to me - so you can see empty holes in your heart - when you give your love, there is not always a guarantee of reciprocity. And although these holes hurt, they remind me of the love that I shared, and I hope that one day these pieces of my heart will return to me.

Now do you see what true beauty means?
The crowd froze. The young man stood dumbfounded in silence. Tears flowed from his eyes.
He went up to the old man, took out his heart and tore off a piece from it. With trembling hands, he held out a piece of his heart to the old man. The old man took his gift and inserted it into his heart. Then, in response, he tore a piece from his beaten heart and inserted it into the hole that had formed in the young man's heart. The piece fit, but not perfect, and some of the edges were protruding and some were torn.

The young man looked at his heart, no longer perfect, but more beautiful than it was before, until the old man's love touched him.
And they embraced and walked along the road.

He and she

There were two of them - He and She. They found each other somewhere and now lived the same life, somewhere funny, somewhere salty, in general, the most ordinary life of two most ordinary happy.
They were happy because they were together, which is much better than being alone.
He carried Her in his arms, lit the stars in the sky at night, built a house so that She would have a place to live. And everyone said: “Why, how can you not love him, because he is an ideal! It's so easy to be happy! ” And they listened to everyone and smiled and did not tell anyone that She made Him an ideal: He could not be different, because he was next to Her. This was their little secret.
She waited for Him, met and saw off, warmed their house so that He would be warm and comfortable there. And everyone said: “You bet! How not to carry it on your hands, because it was created for the family. No wonder he is so happy! ” And they just laughed and did not tell anyone that She was created for a family only with Him and only he could be happy in Her house. It was their little secret.
He walked, stumbled, fell, became disillusioned and tired. And everyone said: “Why is He to her, so beaten and exhausted, because there are so many strong and confident around”. But no one knew that there was no one in the world stronger than Him, because they were together, which means they were stronger than everyone else. This was Her secret.
And She bandaged His wounds, did not sleep at night, was sad and cried. And everyone said: “What did he find in her, because she has wrinkles and bruises under her eyes. After all, what should he choose young and beautiful? " But no one knew that She was the most beautiful in the world. Can anyone compare in beauty to the one they love? But that was His secret.
They all lived, loved and were happy. And everyone was perplexed: “How can you not get bored with each other for such a period? Don't you want something new? " And they never said anything. It's just that there were only two of them, and there were many of them, but they were all one at a time, because otherwise they would not have asked about anything. It was not their secret, it was something that cannot be explained, and it is not necessary.

Very beautiful fairy tale

They say that once all human feelings and qualities gathered in one corner of the earth. When BOREDOM yawned for the third time, MADNESS suggested: "Let's play hide and seek!" INTRIGA raised an eyebrow. "Hide and seek? What is this game?" and MADNESS explained that one of them, for example, it, drives - closes his eyes and counts to a million, while the rest are hiding. The last one to be found will drive the next time, and so on.
ENTHUSIASM danced with Euphoria, JOY jumped so much that it convinced Doubt, but APATIA, who was never interested in anything, refused to participate in the game, TRUE, chose not to hide, because in the end she would always be betrayed, PRIDE said that it was completely stupid game (she didn’t care about anything except herself) SHOWING didn’t want to risk it.
-Once, two, three - start counting CRAZY.
The first to hide was LAZY, she hid behind the first stone on the road.
FAITH ascended to heaven, and ENVY hid in the shadow of TRIUMPH, who, on his own, managed to climb to the top of the tallest tree.
NOBILITY could not hide for a very long time, because every place it found seemed perfect for his friends.
Crystal clear lake - for BEAUTY.
Cleft in a tree? So this is for FEAR.
Butterfly wing is for PONDER.
A breath of breeze is for FREEDOM! So, it hid in a ray of the sun.
EGOISM, on the other hand, has found a warm and cozy place for itself.
The FALSE hid in the depths of the ocean (in fact, it hid in a rainbow).
PASSION and DESIRE hid in the nozzle of the volcano.
FORGETTING, I don't even remember where she hid, but it doesn't matter.
When MADNESS counted to 999.999 LOVE was still looking for a place to hide, but everything was already taken; but suddenly she saw a marvelous rose bush and decided to hide among its flowers.
-Million, - MADNESS counted and began to search.
The first, of course, it found LAZY.
Then it heard VERA arguing with God about zoology, and it learned about PASSION and DESIRE by the way the volcano trembles, then MADNESS saw ENVY and guessed where TRIUMPH was hiding.
There was no need to look for selfishness, because the place where he was hiding turned out to be a hive of bees who decided to drive out the uninvited guest.
In search of MADNESS went to get drunk to the stream and saw BEAUTY.
Doubt sat by the fence, deciding which side to hide from.
So, all were found - TALENT - in fresh and juicy grass, SADNESS - in a dark cave, FALSE - in a rainbow (to be honest, it was actually hiding at the bottom of the ocean). But they could not find love.
MADNESS searched behind every tree, in every stream, on the top of every mountain, and finally, it decided to look in the rose bushes, and when it parted the branches, it heard a cry of pain. Sharp thorns of roses hurt LOVE eyes.
MADNESS did not know what to do, began to apologize, cried, prayed, asked for forgiveness and even promised LOVE to become her guide.
Since then, when they played hide and seek for the first time on earth,



Ah, Love! I so dream to be the same as you! - Amorousness repeated with delight. You are much stronger than me.
- Do you know what my strength is? - Asked Love, shaking her head thoughtfully.
- Because you are more important to people.
- No, my dear, that's not at all why, - Love sighed and stroked Love on the head. “I can forgive, that's what makes me like that.
- Can you forgive the Betrayal?
- Yes, I can, because Betrayal often comes from ignorance, and not from malicious intent.
- Can you forgive Treason?
- Yes, and Treason too, because, having changed and returned, a person got the opportunity to compare, and chose the best.
- Can you forgive the Lies?
- Lying is the lesser of evils, silly, because it often happens from despair, awareness of one's own guilt, or unwillingness to hurt, and this is a positive indicator.
- I don’t think so, there are just deceitful people !!!
- Of course there are, but they have not the slightest relation to me, because they do not know how to love.
- What else can you forgive?
- I can forgive Anger, as it is short-lived. I can forgive Harshness, since it is often a companion of Chagrin, and Chagrin cannot be predicted and controlled, since everyone is upset in their own way.
- What else?
- I can also forgive the Insult - the older sister of Chagrin, as they often follow from one another. I can forgive Disappointment, as it is often followed by Suffering and Suffering purifies.
- Ah, Love! You are truly amazing! You can forgive everything, everything, but at the first test I go out like a burnt-out match! I envy you so much !!!
- And here you are wrong, baby. No one can forgive everything, everything. Even Love.
- But you just told me something completely different!
- No, what I said, I can actually forgive, and I forgive endlessly. But there is something in the world that even Love cannot forgive.
Because it kills feelings, eats away at the soul, leads to Longing and Destruction. It hurts so much that even a great miracle cannot heal it. This poisons the life of others and makes you withdraw into yourself.
This hurts more Treason and Betrayal and hurts worse than Lies and Resentment. You will understand this when you face him yourself. Remember, Falling in love, the most terrible enemy of feelings - Indifference. Since there is no cure for it.

About the most beautiful woman

Once, two sailors set off on a journey around the world to find their destiny. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. The eldest is beautiful, and the youngest is not very.

One of the sailors said to his friend:
- That's it, I found my happiness, I stay here and marry the daughter of the leader.
- Yes, you are right, the eldest daughter of the leader is beautiful, clever. You made the right choice - get married.
- You did not understand me, friend! I will marry the leader's youngest daughter.
- Are you crazy? She's so ... not very.
- This is my decision, and I will do it.
The friend swam further in search of his happiness, and the groom went to woo. I must say that in the tribe it was customary to give a ransom for the bride with cows. A good bride was worth ten cows.
He drove ten cows and went to the leader.
- Chief, I want to marry your daughter and give ten cows for her!
- It's a good choice. My oldest daughter is beautiful, smart, and she is worth ten cows. I agree.
- No, leader, you do not understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
- Are you joking? You can't see, she's so ... not very good.
- I want to marry her.
“Okay, but as an honest person I can't take ten cows, she's not worth it. I'll take three cows for her, no more.
- No, I want to pay exactly ten cows.
They merried.
Several years passed, and a wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit the remaining comrade and find out how his life is. Swam, walks along the shore, and towards a woman of unearthly beauty. He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. He comes and sees: his friend is sitting, the kids are running around.
- How are you?
- I'm happy.
Here comes that beautiful woman.
- Here, meet. This is my wife.
- How? Why did you get married again?
- No, it's still the same woman.
- But how did it happen that she changed so much?
- And you ask her yourself.
A friend came up to a woman andasks:
- Sorry for the tactlessness, but I remember what you were ... not very much. What happened to make you so beautiful?
- It's just that one day I realized that I was worth ten cows.

About how young people chose their life companions ...

Two young people invited two girls to become companions in their lives. One said:
“I can only offer my heart, into which one of those who will agree to share my difficult path can enter. Another said:
- I can offer a huge palace in which I want to share the joy of life with my companion. One of the girls, thinking, replied:
“The heart that you offer, stranger, is too cramped for me. It will fit in the palm of my hand, and I must enter the monastery myself and feel the spaciousness and light that can bring happiness. I choose a palace and I hope that it will not be cramped in it and will not be bored. It will have a lot of light and space, which means there will be a lot of happiness.

The young man who offered the palace took the beautiful woman by the hand and said:
“Your beauty is worthy of the splendor of my palaces.
And he took the girl to his beautiful abode. The second stretched out her hand to the one who could offer only a heart, and quietly said: - There is no home in the world warmer and more comfortable than the human heart. None, even the largest palace, can compare in size with this holy abode.

And the girl went the hard way up the hill with the one with whom she wished to share her happiness.
The road was not easy. They met many hardships and trials on their way, but in the heart of her beloved she was always warm and calm, and the feeling of happiness never left her. She was never cramped in a small heart, because from the Love that it radiated to everyone, it became huge, and all living things had a place in it. At the end of the path, at the top, which was hiding under the clouds, they saw such a radiant light, felt such warmth, felt such an all-embracing Love that they understood what happiness a person can experience if the path to him lies through the heart.

The beauty who chose the rich monastery did not feel satisfaction for long from the spaciousness and light of the palace. Soon she realized: no matter how huge it was, it has boundaries, and the palace began to remind her of a beautiful gilded cage, in which it was hard to breathe and sing. She looked out of the windows, darted between the columns, but could not find a way out. Everything pressed on her, stifled, oppressed. And there, outside the windows, there was SOMETHING that was not tangible and beautiful. No splendor of the palace could compare with what was behind its windows, in the boundless expanses of the radiant space. The beauty realized that she would never experience that distant happiness. She never understood what the road to this happiness leads through. She was only saddened, and sadness enveloped her heart in a black canopy, which stopped beating. And the beautiful bird died of melancholy in a gilded cage, which she had chosen for herself.

People have forgotten that they are birds. People have forgotten that they can fly. People have forgotten that there are vast expanses in which one can descend and never drown.
Before making a choice, you need to listen to the heart, and not touch the icy severity of the mind, which is more calculating than sensitive.
People have forgotten that there is no close happiness, that happiness must be followed along a difficult, long and long path, and this is the meaning of human life.

Pages of love folklore

He and she

There were two of them - He and She. They found each other somewhere and now lived the same life, somewhere funny, somewhere salty, in general, the most ordinary life of two most ordinary happy.

They were happy because they were together, which is much better than being alone.

He carried Her in his arms, lit the stars in the sky at night, built a house so that She would have a place to live. And everyone said: “Why, how can you not love him, because he is an ideal! It's so easy to be happy! ” And they listened to everyone and smiled and did not tell anyone that She made Him an ideal: He could not be different, because he was next to Her. This was their little secret.

She waited for Him, met and saw off, warmed their house so that He would be warm and comfortable there. And everyone said: “You bet! How not to carry it on your hands, because it was created for the family. No wonder he is so happy! ” And they just laughed and did not tell anyone that She was created for a family only with Him and only he could be happy in Her house. It was their little secret.

He walked, stumbled, fell, became disillusioned and tired. And everyone said: “Why is He to her, so beaten and exhausted, because there are so many strong and confident around”. But no one knew that there was no one in the world stronger than Him, because they were together, which means they were stronger than everyone else. This was Her secret.

And She bandaged His wounds, did not sleep at night, was sad and cried. And everyone said: “What did he find in her, because she has wrinkles and bruises under her eyes. After all, what should he choose young and beautiful? " But no one knew that She was the most beautiful in the world. Can anyone compare in beauty to the one they love? But that was His secret.

They all lived, loved and were happy. And everyone was perplexed: “How can you not get bored with each other for such a period? Don't you want something new? " And they never said anything. It's just that there were only two of them, and there were many of them, but they were all one at a time, because otherwise they would not have asked about anything. It was not their secret, it was something that cannot be explained, and it is not necessary.

The most beautiful heart

One sunny day, a handsome guy stood in a square in the middle of the city and proudly boasted of the most beautiful heart in the area. He was surrounded by a crowd of people who sincerely admired the impeccability of his heart. It was really perfect - not a dent, not a scratch. And everyone in the crowd agreed that this was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The guy was very proud of this and just beamed with happiness.

Suddenly, an old man came forward from the crowd and said, addressing the guy:
- Your heart in beauty and did not stand close to mine.

Then the whole crowd looked at the old man's heart. It was crumpled, all with scars, in some places pieces of the heart were taken out and in their places others were inserted that did not fit at all, some edges of the heart were torn. In addition, in some places in the old man's heart there was clearly not enough pieces. The crowd stared at the old man - how could he say that his heart is more beautiful?

The guy looked at the old man's heart and laughed:
- You may be joking, old man! Compare your heart to mine! Mine is perfect! And your! Yours is a jumble of scars and tears!
“Yes,” the old man replied, “your heart looks perfect, but I would never agree to exchange our hearts. Look! Every scar on my heart is a person to whom I gave my love - I tore out a piece of my heart and gave it to this person. And he often gave me his love in return - his piece of his heart, which filled the empty spaces in mine. But since the pieces of different hearts do not exactly fit together, so there are torn edges in my heart that I cherish, because they remind me of the love that we shared.

Sometimes I gave pieces of my heart, but other people did not return theirs to me - so you can see empty holes in your heart - when you give your love, there is not always a guarantee of reciprocity. And although these holes hurt, they remind me of the love that I shared, and I hope that one day these pieces of my heart will return to me.

Now do you see what true beauty means?
The crowd froze. The young man stood dumbfounded in silence. Tears flowed from his eyes.
He went up to the old man, took out his heart and tore off a piece from it. With trembling hands, he held out a piece of his heart to the old man. The old man took his gift and inserted it into his heart. Then, in response, he tore a piece from his beaten heart and inserted it into the hole that had formed in the young man's heart. The piece fit, but not perfect, and some of the edges were protruding and some were torn.

The young man looked at his heart, no longer perfect, but more beautiful than it was before, until the old man's love touched him.
And they embraced and walked along the road.

Love tree

She always dreamed of children, a white wedding dress, a loving husband and a happy old age. She hoped that sooner or later happiness would find her by itself. She had many men: beautiful, smart, rich, but for some unknown reason, relations with them always did not end the way she wanted. They all loved her madly - they showered them with flowers, jewelry, wrote poetry, but she did not give her love to any of them.

When the relationship came to an end, it was often tragic: some went crazy, others dropped to the level of an animal, and still others completely deprived themselves of their lives. Not understanding why this is happening, the girl went to the tree of love. It was rumored that it helped many to find happiness, and the girl piously believed in this.

In the morning she packed her things and went on the road. It went on for a long time. On the way, there were dense impenetrable forests, swampy fetid swamps, deep and fast rivers, but in spite of everything, she continued on her way. I really wanted to find this tree, no obstacle could stop her.

Many years of wandering passed, and the girl still could not find the tree of love. Years once turned a beauty into a decrepit gray-haired old woman. One day, almost exhausted, she saw a familiar house. Coming closer, she realized that she had returned to the same place from where she began her journey many years ago. The old woman sat down on the porch of a dilapidated house and began to cry.

And suddenly in the middle of the yard she saw a small dry tree. There was not a single leaf on it, the birds did not sit on it, flying past, and the sun did not warm it with its rays. The old woman got up from the porch and went up to him.

I don’t remember planting you, ”the exhausted old woman whispered to herself.
“I remember you,” the tree replied unexpectedly.

The old woman recoiled in fright and, overpowering her fear, stammered, asked:
- Who are you?
- Don't you guess? I am that very tree of love.
- How so?! - the old woman cried out crying. - I went around the whole world in search of you, and you were here all this time ?!
- Stupid woman, I was waiting for you and knew that sooner or later you would return to this very place, but still hoped that this would never happen. Alas…
- Why? I so wanted your help, so dreamed of meeting you! All my hopes were connected with you!
“You were looking not so much for me as for happiness, but all these years you were blind and stupid.
- What are you talking about ?! Look at me, who I have become - an unnecessary old woman for anyone. And all because I once believed in your existence.
- Yes, it's true, but you never believed in the power that raised me. That is why there is only a decrepit, dry tree in front of you. - What power are you talking about?
“I’m talking about the power that you have treated with disdain all your life and did not know how to appreciate, when it was disinterestedly shared with you. And if you could reciprocate at least once, you would not be looking for me. If you still don’t understand what I’m talking about, then I can’t help you with anything.

The old woman knelt down, put her head in her hands and cried harder, muttering through her tears:
“You’re talking about love. How stupid I am!
- Yes, about love.
“But… but you know,” the old woman stammered. - I could not love against my will!
- You're wrong. Will has nothing to do with it. You just never wanted love, and did not believe in it. You dreamed of walking in a wedding dress, but not for your husband, but for yourself, for girlfriends and friends, for everyone except him. You wanted a child, but only because you were afraid never to have one; because others had it. Did you want to hear his laughter, crying and see the shine of unintelligent little eyes? No!

You wanted to make a man happy, but not at the moment when he was already next to you, but at the moment when he would become what you wanted him to be, drawing the image of an ideal, looking well at other people's husbands. You did not want to accept sincere, disinterested care, wanting not to feel obligated, but at the same time imposed your own, selfish, and then hid behind it in the eyes of other people in order to count on understanding in moments of your own mistakes.

During quarrels, you sought consolation in the arms of a stranger, while the one who really loved you tormented and suffered, looking for a way to reconciliation, not knowing about your betrayals.

You accused others of lying, and with this you covered your own. You never left forever, you left to continue your cruel game with the souls and thoughts of those whose hearts still loved you and kept in memory. But, thinking that you are going forward, in fact, you walked in circles, each time returning to the very place from which you began your journey.

And then the old woman realized everything. She did not go around the earth, but lived her life in a circle. There was only one question left in her mind:
- But if there was no love in my life, how then were you born?
- Oh no, the love in your life was ... to yourself! I was born by the love of those you rejected. I didn’t wait for your love.

The last tear dripped down the wrinkled cheek of the old woman. She lay down on the ground next to the tree, closed her eyes tired from tears and ... her heart stopped. The tree bent over the woman, grabbed her with crumbling branches and, together with the body, turned into dust, and did not give rise to new life sprouts.

Rock of tears

In ancient times, there were many orchards on the Black Sea coast, which were owned by one rich prince. He had a daughter, the beautiful Guache. Her favorite place was the seaside rock, which the Circassians later called the Rock of Tears.

After the death of the prince, Guash became the owner of the estate. She hid the treasures that she inherited from her father. Once Guash fell in love with a dzhigit named Dyshek from an aul located in the area of ​​modern Dzhubga. Dzhigit wooed Guash, and she appointed a place from where he was to secretly take her away. It was a rock. She said that it would be possible to find her by the burning fire.

Gouache was waiting for her beloved, but decided to try him for the last time. She put the lamp on the log and pushed it into the sea. Dyshek came to the rock in rich clothes, under which there was chain mail. He understood the cunning of his bride. He went down on horseback to the sea and led him into the water to the fire.

When it got deep, the horse swam, but quickly fizzled out in the waves. And the fire still beckoned.

When the horse went under the water, the horseman only managed to throw off his cloak. He is strong and dexterous, but clothes and chain mail pull to the bottom. So he got to the fire and grabbed him, but there was no longer enough strength to swim back. He loved the beautiful Guache more than anything in life, and he valued honor more than life itself. She saw Gouache, how her beloved rushed into the sea, and how the light went out. She began to wait for his return. And the sea seethed and raged, huge waves crashed against the rock. For a long time, but in vain, the beauty called her fiancé.

Since then, Gouache has become quiet, and in the evenings she stood by the cliff, looking into the depths of the sea. There she sang songs and shed rivers of tears. That is why the rock was nicknamed - the Rock of Tears. Once Guache was sitting on a cliff and knitting, but the ball ran away from her down the cliff. Gouache realized that she could not live without her beloved, and threw herself off the cliff into the sea. And the waves buried her there, next to her beloved.

It took a long time. Not a trace remained of the prince's possessions, and the folk memory keeps legends about the treasures and ardent love of Guache and Dysheek. Shepherds say that sometimes groans, crying and sad songs are heard on the rock at night. And every year, on that terrible night when Dyshek died, as if you can see how a horseman comes out of the sea, and a young maiden rushes to him from the cliff, after which everything disappears.

Happiness and love

Where does love go? - the little happiness asked his father.
“She’s dying,” my father replied. People, son, do not cherish what they have. They just don't know how to love!

Little happiness thought: Here I grow up big and start helping people! The years passed. Happiness has grown and become greater. It remembered its promise and tried its best to help people, but people did not hear it. And gradually Happiness began to turn from big into small and stunted. It was very scared, as if not to disappear at all, and set off on a long journey to find a cure for its illness.

How long did Happiness go short, not meeting anyone on its way, only it became really bad for him. And it stopped to rest. I chose a spreading tree and lay down. I just dozed off when I heard approaching footsteps.
He opened his eyes and saw: a decrepit old woman was walking through the forest all in rags, barefoot and with a staff. Happiness rushed to her:
- Have a seat. You are probably tired. You need to rest and refresh yourself.

The old woman's legs gave way, and she literally collapsed into the grass. After a little rest, the wanderer told her story with Happiness:
- It's a shame when you are considered so decrepit, but I am still so young, and my name is Love!
- So are you Love ?! Happiness was amazed. But I was told that love is the most beautiful thing in the world!
Love looked at him carefully and asked:
- And what is your name?
- Happiness.
- How is it? I was also told that Happiness should be wonderful. And with that, she pulled a mirror out of her rags.
Happiness, looking at its reflection, cried loudly. Love sat down to him and gently embraced him.
- What did these evil people and fate do to us? - sobbed Happiness.
- Nothing, - said Love, - If we are together and begin to take care of each other, we will quickly become young and beautiful.

And here, under that spreading tree, Love and Happiness concluded their union never to be separated. Since then, if Love leaves someone's life, Happiness also leaves with it, they do not exist separately. And people still cannot understand this.

Do you want to tell a fairy tale to your beloved? You're not thinking about that! We're not going to deceive him. The conversation turned to a real bedtime story about Love for a beloved boyfriend or man.

You, of course, could calmly tell old - good fairy tales of childhood…. "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots"…. Well, you can already see that there is a choice.

But it is better to be more original and tell a fairy tale that he does not know. How do you feel about such a proposal? Hope it's good. If I was not mistaken in my hopes, start reading a fairy tale so that you have something to tell your dear and beloved.

In fact, that little fairy tale will surprise him. With its help you can easily make your dream come true…. Do you want to marry the one you love? In this case, this fairy tale is what you need.

The city slept so soundly that it did not hear the music of starfalls. Autumn was the main decoration of the city. The girl, quietly wandering the streets, remembered forever this "time of gold".

It was raining

He walked toe-to-toe with the girl. She listened to his steps, imagining that these are the steps of the one with whom she had quarreled recently. Thoughts flashed, street scenes, people's faces.

She walked without noticing the traffic lights and their "winks". She would have walked for a long time if a very strange intersection had not stopped her. Not far from the border, the girl noticed a huge bouquet of roses, which seemed to be lying and waiting for her. She lifted him off the ground, even though she was scared at first. But curiosity was stronger than fear.

As soon as Lena's hands touched the bouquet, time began to run much faster. Thoughts overwhelmed my mind and brain. She thought about Kirill….

She thought about him and hated autumn

It seemed to her that she would separate him from his beloved forever. Tears and rain mixed. Clouds and rays of the sun were mingling, barely flickering behind the trees.

She wanted to see him. She dreamed about it. Tears fell on the roses. Helen wanted it all to be a dream. After a while, the girl found herself in a completely unfamiliar place, because she did not notice how she missed the turn she needed.

Lena could not believe her eyes, because they saw the carriage. A real carriage! A princess came out of her in a very elegant dress.

Girl, dear, give me the bouquet, and I will fulfill any of your wishes. - She said.

Lena could not come to her senses for about three minutes from surprise

But, of course, I gave up the bouquet. She did not notice how the mascara spread over the flowers, and they became like ladybirds.

You were crying because you had a fight with your loved one, right? And your desire is to make peace with him? - The princess guessed. - You know, but I have almost the same problem. True, I quarreled with the groom, because, because of my carelessness, I lost the flowers that you helped find. The fact is that these flowers are not entirely simple: my happiness is hidden in them. And my fiance, having learned that I had lost my happiness, thought that I did not love him. A strange story, but it happened to me.

When Lena gave the flowers to the princess, she, as a token of gratitude, gave her a beautiful dress. Asked:

Do you want to marry your beloved?

Of course I want! - The girl answered happily. She spoke sincerely and warmly. But she remembered the quarrel that had taken place between them. I remembered and wanted to forget.

Get in the carriage with me! - Shouted the girl. Lena obeyed. Once she did that…. The carriage flew off into the distance. From surprise, Lenochka could not even ask where exactly they were heading.

It turned out that they landed on the roof of the house where her Kiryusha lived. A moment later he appeared in front of the carriage. Very beautiful music began to play, the nightingales began to sing…. The girl was dissolved in all this charm. The guy stood and waited for something.

Lenka was frightened that she herself began a conversation. She just asked the question:

Do you want to marry me?

At this moment, the tale ends. You look into the eyes of your beloved. He will answer your question. So he will understand that you are dreaming about him as an adult. You will give him a reason to think! And do not be afraid of anything: loves - will answer what you want to hear.

Opinions of girls in love about a fairy tale

I myself would be the heroine of this tale. Even the quarrel is forgotten there. Not that in reality. They also throw mud at each other when they quarrel. In a fairy tale, it is easier and more pleasant. Moving into a fairy tale, ladies and gentlemen!

Good tale. But it doesn't look like reality at all. No girl can ask a guy such a question. If only under the beer. I, too, would not be able to say right away that I want to get married. And she could not give a hint.

And I would say! But I don't have a boyfriend now. We broke up a month and a half ago. And I read the fairy tale with pleasure, because there is some kind of "zest" in it. Eh, if I had a boyfriend, I would definitely recommend reading.

I didn't like it. Dry, little…. I love huge fairy tales. From childhood I got used to such. Well, and at the expense of marriage, you can talk without fairy tales. Am I not right about that? Rights, of course! Whoever disagrees is ready to argue to the last.

I am interested in the title of this tale. I would sit down and write a sequel to her. But my hands do not reach. Maybe it’s not given to me to write such things. Got used to rhymes. And I’m afraid to switch to prose, or I simply don’t want to. Or I'm not ready for such life changes.

I only read the end of the tale. I always do that. I liked the last line very much. Boldly, however! I respect the girl who dares to say so. That is…. Ask. I am weak. I can't do that for sure. But it’s not about me.

Fairy tale - so-so. The name is very romantic. Nicely so, albeit simple. It will be necessary to scribble something myself. But I'm just going always. As a rule, things do not reach practice, alas. It pisses me off. I love to teach, but I myself - zero without a stick.
