Scenario for the holiday of the world day of Russian women. International Day of Rural Women is a beautiful and bright holiday

Today is the holiday of rural labor,
And this is not just chatter and nonsense.
We can't live without you in the world,
We must always appreciate and love you.
Agricultural day today,
We are happy about it, believe me.
You always grow us bread,
So that we eat it, of course, for lunch.

Let them say that agriculture is
it is not prestigious, but we all
we continue to absorb at the same time
products that are given to us by the fields!

Rural women of arable land and fields,
Gardens and farms, and delicious cheese dairies,
We congratulate with all our souls,
And we give fresh bouquets for the holiday.
Thank you for the bread and milk,
For butter, meat, fruits and pickles,
Which are not easy
And they require a lot of patience.
May your life be bright in everything
So that no misfortune happens,
And the earth pleases like a warm home,
Giving you only mercy every year ...

Russian beauty, country woman,
Braids up to the waist, black eyebrows spread apart -
We are all used to this image.
Congratulations to her, success in everything to her!

Happy Holidays to all of you,
Workers Agriculture!
Every day you try for us
Work for the good of the state.
Let the harvest be rich
And the weather is sunny and clear
Joy illuminates the path of life
To make it bright and beautiful!

Gardens and farms are your everything
You give love, warmth!
Agricultural workers
Congratulations on your day!

In the open spaces
You work for us
Thank you very much,
Gifts are all for you!

In Mother Russia, women were famous,
That they lived with a pinch in the dashing times.
They managed a big farm with difficulty,
But they did not murmur and did not whine capriciously.
And how many troubles the war measured out for them,
Lost husbands, sons, married with grief,
But without giving up, they believed in victory
And the rural women stood firm.

Country woman is destiny
I wish it to be easy
Strong women have always been famous
You have always managed everything.

You get up early in the morning
To harvest the land
Feed your vast cattle
Quietly everything, the children would not be woken up.

Thank you dear ones for your work
Not everyone will understand your destiny
Let happiness not pass by
Always be healthy and young!

Country woman has time for everything
She does not know what rest is.
Washing, cleaning, and the field went
She brought her contribution to the country!

Although bread is the basis for the table,
We need different food.
We are grateful to the food scientists:
What do we not eat!
We congratulate rural women
We wish you health!
Invent and create -
Feed us even tastier!

Poems for the day rural women, congratulations on the day of the rural woman

The village helps us in the choice of products,
Eating problems quickly solves everything.
Thank you, agricultural workers,
You do not allow any sloppiness.
You are sensitive to plants, animals,
So that no one is hungry like that.
We wish you, wonderful rural people,
So that life is filled with solid comfort.
So that happiness flies in a bright ball,
And it never disappeared from your horizon.

Our congratulations to you today,
They contain wishes for health and goodness,
And with bright autumn gilding,
Prosperity in the house, peace and warmth.
Let it shine with purity and joy
Your wonderful plans for the path
And never fade away in my soul
The lights of your immeasurable kindness.
May thoughts and bright aspirations
A joyful route will be shown to dreams
And with endless autumn caress
Love will tenderly bloom in your soul!
May everything you wish succeed
Luck never fails
And endless happiness will turn
Wonderful autumn time!

Our breadwinners and drinkers!
Why do you need all these verses?
Who, besides you, plows in the state?
Who is the real one - from the plow?
Do not tolerate the hands of slovenliness,
Minds do not know idleness ...
Happy Agriculture Day to all of you
We are in a hurry to congratulate you today!

Poems for the day of rural women, congratulations on the day of rural women

Rural woman is strong
She can do everything with her hands
Collect vegetables from the garden
And knit clothes for the whole family

Happy holiday of village workers!
Everyone needs such a woman in the house
Although your fate is not easy,
But you are the main keeper of the hearth.

May your strength not leave you
Your harvests will be rich
Let all worries go away
And in the soul there are always singing birds!

Woman is the creator and keeper of the hearth
Let her fate be easy.
For dedication, patience and understanding
Please accept our recognition!

God grant that you have good luck in your house!
And so that you save her forever!
After all, everything should be the only way, and not otherwise
On the Day of our lovely women workers of the village!
May your harvests be rich!
And a husband with hands that of the right places grow!
May good never leave you!
Let the nightingales always sing in your soul!

October 15 - International Day of Rural Women

The proposal to celebrate the International (World) Day of Rural Women was first proposed back in 1995 at the Fourth United Nations Congress in Beijing. It was motivated by the great role that women living in rural areas play in the development of the economic sector. different countries and continents, in solving social and other problems. But it took twelve years to implement this wonderful idea - the bureaucracy is so clumsy even in such a solid and universally recognized organization on a planetary scale as the UN. Nevertheless, justice nevertheless triumphed - in 2007, the General Assembly of the United Nations nevertheless decided to establish an International (World) Day of Rural Women, marking it on October 15th.

More than a quarter of the total population Globe and there are rural women - quite an impressive figure, bearing in mind that today the number of all its inhabitants exceeds 7.1 billion.
In 1971, a feature film by the remarkable director Nikolai Moskalenko was released on the screens of the USSR " Russian field". It was widely replicated abroad. Of course - a galaxy of good actors was shot in it. known to the world artists - Nonna Mordyukova, Vladimir Tikhonov, Leonid Markov, Inna Makarova, Lyudmila Khityaeva and others. After the Great Patriotic War there were not enough men in the countryside. Their hard work was undertaken by women who drove both tractors and combines, and by the sweat of their brows weeding vegetable beds under the merciless sun. There is no need to talk about milkmaids, pigs, hen-women and so on - it's a common thing! A family concerns, and raising children! My head was spinning from all these worries. And nothing - they have withstood, and now they do!
It goes to them, the poor, both in Europe and in the West! Personal farms, cooperatives, entire agricultural complexes, and everywhere you need caring female hands... Either sowing, now watering, or harvesting, livestock breeding also has its own difficulties - you have to get up on a par with men even at dawn, and until you redo all the work, you can't even dream of rest. And just like in Russia - family, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren - just have time to spin!
Of course, in a number of countries, measures are being taken to protect the labor of rural women. In Russia, for example, in the regions of the North and equivalent areas, even a 36-hour work week... But will you strictly adhere to such indulgences ?! The truth is known - a summer day feeds a year. Therefore, the hourly limits of the week are often violated. Spring, summer and autumn are the hottest times. Rest is generally postponed for the winter. But even during this period of trouble, as they say, is full of mouth! In particular, in the same livestock or poultry industries.
In times the former USSR the foremost workers in various sectors of the national economy were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. There were also those who were awarded twice - only 172, of whom ninety worked in the agricultural sector, a third were women. In our time, the title of Hero of Russia has been established. Workers of fields and farms were also honored.
As in other countries, we celebrate the International Day of Rural Women widely. Awards, flowers, congratulations - all to our women in agriculture. In Cheboksary, for example, a Republican Council has been created from them, the focus of which is on improving working conditions for them, raising children, building new kindergartens, and so on. Festivals, gatherings, concerts, picnics are practiced, and this day remains in the memory of rural workers for a long time.

Living in the countryside, one cannot fail to note the wonderful day of the calendar - October 15 - World Day of Rural Women. Karsun librarians did not stand aside. On this day, many interesting festive events took place in the libraries of the region.

"And Russian women names" dedication evening rural woman trained and conducted by workers Central Library them. N.M. Yazykova... The guests of the meeting were readers of the library of all age categories... What reorganizations have not affected the village, and therefore women, in the entire history of Russia. And our Karsun region can rightfully be proud of a whole galaxy of such wonderful women hard workers. The story was about them. During the evening, songs and poems about a woman were sounded; information about the meaning of the most popular Russian female names aroused considerable interest. Bright beautiful e-presentation slides added festive mood this meeting.

In the same day Language Model Library together with the research staff of the Museum "Yazykov Estate" held a very interesting event dedicated to this day.

Librarians told the children about the history of the creation of the holiday, that the pride of the Ulyanovsk region, Karsunsky district is the museum "Yazykov Estate". This unique collection of history native land we owe it to Nadezhda Mikhailovna Demidova. Her name was somehow lost among many brilliant representatives of the Simbirsk ethnographers. But it was Demidova N.M. played a leading role in the cultural development of the rural area and was the initiator of the creation of the museum, and what she did was so great! Scientific staff The museum introduced the children in detail to her biography: where she studied, what family she grew up in, and much more.

The event used electronic slides with images of N.M. Demidova, her photographs, as well as an exhibition of photographs of the estate.

On this day, nature made a gift for the female half of the village - sunny and clear. And the morning for many women Ust-Urenya also happened with a surprise. The point is simply that, together with my readers-assistants (sixth graders), they managed to conduct promotion - congratulations on the day of rural women. Autumn flower as a gift, and with it a postcard, in which briefly about the history of the emergence of the holiday and congratulations. The same greeting poster welcomed female half sat in the library, in the administration, on the doors of the shops. Our grandmothers and mothers read and smiled.

And also in rural branches : "What a woman » themed evening ... There were 9 people - milkmaids (Krasnopolkovsky branch)

"The history of the village is in their names" exhibition-portrait. Pensioners, young women - 12 people.(Belozersk branch)

"There are women in our villages" meeting over a cup of tea with library readers. Pensioners - 10 people and etc.

Karsun Library

What reorganizations have not affected the village, and therefore women, in the entire history of Russia! The village lived under serfdom, "went through" dispossession and collectivization, as well as revolutions and wars. So, after the Second World War, villages, villages and roads - everything was burned, destroyed. Not only during the war, but also after it, it was women who worked on farms, gathered crops, built roads, houses, taught and raised children. Everyone worked, from old to small, burning with one desire - to rebuild their village, their land as soon as possible ...

And only during the period of the "thaw" was wages introduced in the countryside. It was then, in the 60s and 70s of the last century, that many families began to reduce their subsidiary farms, people lost interest in living creatures, without which no family had lived before. The slogan of eliminating the differences between town and country has become topical. At the same time, there was a noticeable outflow of the population from the village. As they said then, they say, the city is easier and more interesting. The village girls went to the city, and there, as it turned out, there were an abundance of their brides.

And now you can still find abandoned villages, once declared "hopeless", and in the villages - empty houses. In 1974, in connection with the adoption of a decree on the development of the Non-Black Earth Region, the central estates of strong farms were enlarged. This had its advantages. Houses, schools were built, production expanded. But at the same time, small villages "died out". The development of virgin lands also brought a lot of damage to the village, which was also associated with the outflow of the rural population.

In the 90s, many farms that could not "find" themselves in market conditions went bankrupt. All this could not but affect the economy of the village, the family, which has always supported the village, its traditions and moral foundations.

In 1995, the participants in the IV World Conference of the United Nations, where they considered the issue of the status of women, proposed annually celebrating the Day of Rural Women. This idea was supported by the International Federation of Agricultural Producers, and the holiday was also initiated by the World Women's Summit Foundation, the World Association of Rural Women and the network of African rural women associations. So the day of October 15 became the "red" day of the calendar for all rural women in the world.

Today, the Union of Women of Russia, being an active member of the World Association of Rural Women, considers the problem of the life of women in the countryside to be one of the main issues in its work. During the creation of women's unions in all regions of the country, an action "Rural women" was held, during which women raised such vital important questions, such as unemployment, poverty, lack of specialist staff, as well as low level mechanization and automation in production, etc.

In Russia, over 21 million women live and work in the countryside.

Whichever side of country life you take, you will find women everywhere. They work not only in the "female" sphere (life, education and upbringing, service), but also in the main branches of production - crop production and animal husbandry. Everything more active than women master various forms small business in the countryside. So, the head of the Chelyabinsk Women's Business Center, Lyubov Konareva, is herself engaged in small business, involving rural women in this work. Many of them have opened bakeries, mini-shops for sewing and repairing clothes, shoes, shops, and private kindergartens. And this is done not only in the Urals ...

Women willingly work in women's councils, unions, and participate in citizens' gatherings. To improve the situation of women in the countryside, they conduct seminars, “ round tables"On the themes:" Women of Russia and the revival of the village "," Young family and a private household "," The owner of the village is a woman "," Clean yard and best vegetable garden" other.

Many rural workers go to leadership jobs. So, almost every third head of an agricultural enterprise is a woman. Many women are heads of rural settlements (former village councils). There are women in the administrations of small towns and districts (25%). And in 2009, for the first time, a woman became the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation - Elena Skrynnik.

At one of the last meetings of the board of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Elena Skrynnik named such indicators that characterize social aspects development of the village. In 2010, over 1 million square meters were commissioned. meters of housing, including 712 thousand - for young families and professionals. In this plan the highest indicators reached the Belgorod Region, Dagestan, the Chuvash Republic. As the minister noted, "the program for the development of agriculture, adopted in the pre-crisis time, is being implemented in full and the volume of its funding will grow from year to year."

Today, almost one third of the country's population lives in rural areas, including women and children. In order for people not to leave their homes, the village needs new agricultural complexes and settlements, where schools, kindergartens, hospitals, shops, hairdressing salons, etc. would be located. And there are examples of such agricultural enterprises. Now there are already many farms in the countryside, where managers pay their workers, including pensioners, at the end of the year 13 wages give out free food. For example, a worker receives a bag of sugar and a bag of flour at the end of the year. But so far this situation has not been fixed everywhere.

Today, in many regions, the practice of holding city-wide fairs has appeared, to which villagers bring their products. And she, as a rule, is in great demand among the townspeople.

They say that a summer day feeds the year. Summer 2010 turned out to be extremely hot. Agricultural crops have been seriously affected on an area of ​​about 6 million hectares. At least 6.5 thousand farms are now experiencing considerable difficulties from drought and fires (Ulyanovsk, Saratov, Astrakhan, Samara, Voronezh and other regions of the country). According to the Chairman of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov, the government has already taken measures to delay the payment of loans by agricultural enterprises in the regions that suffered this summer. It is also important that this difficult period for the village, the prices of mineral fertilizers, gasoline and diesel fuel did not grow.

Let's hope that these difficulties did not frighten the women of the village. They have never been aloof from common troubles. However, I would like our rural women on October 15 to find time for relaxation, fun and songs, as well as sincere conversations, kind congratulations and wishes ...

Some modern girls we are sure that you can become successful and happy only by living in a metropolis. In fact, this is absolutely wrong, you can be satisfied with your life, and living in the countryside. After all, almost a quarter of the population of our planet are rural women.

In support of the villagers, the World Day of Rural Women was organized. The purpose of this holiday is to remind people how important the work of women living in the countryside is.

All women living in rural areas are considered rural women, regardless of what they do. Rural women include not only women engaged in traditional peasant labor (agriculture and animal husbandry), but also teachers, doctors, cultural workers, and others who live in the countryside.

Unfortunately, people living in rural areas often do not have the opportunity to access the necessary services - medical, banking, educational, etc. Therefore, one of the goals of the holiday is to remind the authorities of the needs of the women in the village.

A bit of history

Rural life in Russia has never been easy. For several centuries, peasants lived under serfdom, which is a milder form of slavery. Then the country was shaken by revolutions and wars. Men left for the battlefields, all the burdens of peasant labor and village life fell on fragile female shoulders.

Despite the fact that a significant part of the population lives in the countryside, rural women have their own holiday quite recently - in 1995. The idea of ​​holding a holiday celebrating villagers was first announced at the fourth UN-sponsored women's conference.

The idea received warm approval from the conference participants, after which it was founded new holiday celebrated annually 15 october.

Features of the holiday in Russia

The Russian "Union of Women" actively cooperates with international women's organizations... The idea of ​​holding a holiday dedicated to rural women was actively supported in Russia. Indeed, more than 21 million women live in villages and villages in our country.

Among rural women workers of agricultural enterprises, teachers, doctors, service workers, signalmen, salespeople, etc. leadership positions in the countryside, heading rural settlements and agricultural associations.

Thus, rural residents of Russia are a significant stratum of the population, the needs of which must never be forgotten. In addition, it is also a huge force on which families are held, and, therefore, life itself in the countryside.

Purposes of the holiday

Living in a city is certainly more comfortable than in a village, so many people dream of moving from their native places closer to "civilization". But a city without a village cannot survive, someone must grow wheat in the fields, take care of garden trees and vegetable gardens, work in poultry and livestock farms.

Therefore, the primary task of the state is to ensure normal conditions life in the countryside. Rural residents should have access to the necessary services - medical, educational, informational, banking, etc. If life in a village does not differ strikingly from life in a city in terms of comfort, many villagers will not want to leave their homes. And if the townspeople are offered good conditions, then some will gladly move from the stuffy and dusty metropolis to the countryside.

How is the holiday celebrated?

There are no specific traditions in celebrating Rural Women's Day. Therefore, village administrations and women's councils independently decide how to celebrate this important date in accordance with local conditions and customs.

As a rule, they timed to this day celebrations, on which women are honored by presenting them valuable gifts and, of course, flowers. After the solemn part, a festive and entertaining part is organized - concerts, performances by artists, dance evenings, etc.

The holiday of rural women is also celebrated in cities. Photo exhibitions of portraits of rural women, fairs, contests, festivals - all these events are aimed at reminding once again that rural women make a huge contribution to the country's economy by their labor. In addition, the purpose of the activities is to popularize life in the village and return poetry and attractiveness to the image of the villager.

Of course, such wonderful holiday can also be celebrated in a family format. This is a great occasion to congratulate all the women I know who live in the countryside on the holiday. And also come to visit relatives living in the village, bring them gifts and organize a fun family celebration in honor of always beautiful women.