Snowdrop patterns for beading parallel weaving. Master class "Snowdrop from beads

Beaded snowdrop

Master Class

Flowers are the adornment of our planet. Everyone loves them. No celebration is complete without flowers. It is sometimes said that the absence of flowers indicates a lack of taste.

Nothing decorates your home better than handmade crafts. Beading of flower bouquets and arrangements is very popular today. This activity is very exciting, and the result often exceeds all expectations. Beaded snowdrops are very delicate flowers that will fill the atmosphere with coziness. They will harmoniously fit into the design of your home.

The snowdrop is not only the first spring flower, but also the first flower in nature created by God, which is listed in the Red Book. In the given master class, I will show how you can create snowdrops with your own hands using beads, thread and wire.

The purpose my job is to make a snowdrop from beads.

I set the following in front of me tasks:

To improve and consolidate the knowledge and skills of weaving from copper wire by the method of "parallel lowering", the ability to determine the size of a petal close to the natural size of a flower

Develop creativity and aesthetic taste in flower decoration activities.

To cultivate perseverance, accuracy and hard work in making flowers.

Organization of the workplace

Before starting work, you need to properly organize your workplace, so that everything is at hand. It is necessary to remember about safety when working with scissors. Working with small beads is tiring on the eyes, so it's best to work at a desk in daylight. If the lighting is low, turn on both the ceiling chandelier and the table lamp. The table lamp should have a dim matte light bulb with a power not exceeding 40 W. Otherwise, the light will blind the eyes, and we will not reduce the load on the organ of vision, but increase it. The disadvantage of electric lighting is that it gives a lot of glare, because the beads reflect light very well, and under artificial light, the perception of the color range is distorted. It is necessary to position yourself so that the shadow does not fall on the work surface. You need to sit comfortably so that your back does not get tired and your neck does not get numb, and the work goes easier and faster. If the workplace is organized correctly, it will be easy and pleasant to work.

Rules for working with beads

Spread a soft, fleecy napkin or tablecloth on the table, preferably a plain one, so that the beads are clearly visible on it. The pile will interfere, the beads will crumble. You need to pour the beads onto the fabric in small slides, it is desirable that the slides are farther from each other. This is to prevent the beads from mixing. If the beads are still mixed, you can work a miracle by turning on your imagination.

Before you start making beaded products, you need to carefully read the weaving technique. There are many beading techniques: parallel, loop, needle, arc (French), etc.

In my work, I used the French technique of weaving with beads, which is designed to create flower arrangements. Thanks to this weaving, individual leaves, flower buds are so realistic that it is not always possible to distinguish living flower bouquets from those created from beads. Beading is a process that requires tremendous eye strain. Of course, this fact is unlikely to have a positive effect on the state of the visual organs without outside assistance. More often you need to take breaks from work so as not to spoil your eyesight, as well as do gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Starting position - sitting on a chair. Slowly look from the floor to the ceiling and back (the head is motionless) - 8-12 times;

Starting position - sitting on a chair. Slowly move your gaze from right to left and back - 8-10 times.

Starting position - sitting on a chair. Circular movements of the eyes in one and then the other direction - 4-6 times.

Starting position - sitting on a chair. Perform frequent blinks for 15 to 30 seconds.

Looking at needlework with rested eyes, it is easier to see mistakes and appreciate the merits.


Wire # 3, thick wire, beads, scissors, plaster of paris, thread, saucer with a cup.

Weaving technique - French


At the beginning of work, we take a piece of wire about 30 cm long and twist it, as shown in the photo. We should have two ends, one of which is a small 3 centimeters and a base of at least 2-3 cm. We string 10 white beads onto the small end - they will turn out to be the middle of the petal. We string a little more beads on the long end and weave it around the small one. Then again we string beads onto the long end of the wire and weave it around the base of the petal. This is how we made the first row of the petal.

In total, we have to make 2 such rows in the petal, in each of which we increase the number of beads. For one flower, we need to make three such petals. The number of colors is the decision of the master. There are 15 of them in my product.

For the snowdrop, you need to make the middle. To do this, cut off a 10 cm piece of wire. Take one green bead and tighten it as shown in the photo. Next, on each end of the wire we string one green and four white beads and again take one bead, only this time in white, and tighten it. So we got a loop. For the middle, you need to make 3 such loops. We twist them together and our middle is ready. We make the middle by the number of flowers.

It remains to make only the snowdrop leaves. We make them in the same way as all the petals, only with a lot of beads. The middle of the leaf is 45 beads, we make only one arc on each side of the middle. The length of the leaves should be different. Some are longer, others are shorter. The number of leaves at the request of the master. I have 15 of them.

Let's start assembling the flower. First, we twist two petals and attach the middle to them, and then another petal.

We take the base wire and fasten it to the flower, wrap it with green thread.

First, we twist three flowers each, we fasten three green leaves to them, and then two more snowdrops and two leaves. In just one bunch, we got 5 snowdrops and 5 leaves. We need to make three such bouquets. Next, we combine them into one bouquet.

Place the finished flower in a cup and fill it with plaster. Let the plaster dry and paint with black gouache if desired. Our bunch of snowdrops is ready! Let him make you happy and constantly remind you of spring.

Today we will tell you how to make a snowdrop with your own hands. A master class with step-by-step photos and a flower weaving pattern will help us with this.

Tools and materials Time: 2-3 hours Difficulty: 5/10

  • beads in white, green and red colors;
  • a needle for working with beads and a fishing line.

Snowdrops are the first flowers that tell us about the approaching spring heat. Unfortunately, they have already faded and made room for other equally beautiful flowers. And that is why it will be very pleasant and unexpected to receive a beaded snowdrop flower as a gift.

Weaving pattern

So, let's get down to our master class.

Step 1: form the petals

First, we need to form the petals for the future snowdrop. To do this, you will need to remember the skills of mosaic weaving.

  • We string 14 white beads on the fishing line, and send it all to the end of the segment. Weaving will go in one thread, so the longest tail remains for the worker.
  • Next, we insert another one between the beads of this row (at the same time, for each step, one bead must be skipped to form a base of crosses).

You can make it even easier, and string one bead on both tails, then the next bead on two tails at once, and a couple of beads, until 7 pairs and 7 single beads are in the work.

Form the sharp end of the sheet over 7 beads. To do this, simply string the beads, and send the needle back through 7 beads. We fill, according to the principle of mosaic weaving, the voids between the beads of the previous row, moving down. At the end of the row, add two more beads, and continue to form one of the sides of the petal.

In total, we need three of these ready-made petals.

Step 2: make the inside of the flower

Next we will shape the inner part of the flower. To do this, you need to remember the Ndebele technique.

We recently used it to shape small bells. If the diagram seems incomprehensible to you, then you can go back a little and read a detailed master class. We use green and white beads to work on the inside. And for the very last row, we do not take a couple of beads, but three to form a sharp edge of the inner part.

And everything begins with three beads strung and connected in a circle. Since Ndebele implies the use of paired beads, the tourniquet will become a little wider after the second row.

Now we insert a low of red beads into the resulting tourniquet and collect our petals together.

It remains only to add green beads in a circle at some distance to continue weaving the stem with the same mosaic weaving. Once the bottom of the flower is formed, you simply use the fishing line to tighten the loose beads to round off the bottom of the flower.

Step 3: making the stem

Separately, with the same mosaic weaving, not a thick rope is woven, with a small petal on it (the technique does not change, although you can use the French technique to form this petal). It is on this cord, right in front of the petal, that our finished flower is fixed.

DIY beaded snowdrops in a master class (photo)

DIY beaded snowdrops in a master class (photo)

Spring is a time of flowers and love. And what is the very first flower that appears from under the snow through the green grass, of course, a snowdrop.
However, now, it is too early for them to please yourself now you can make snowdrops from beads with your own hands.
These flowers will be a wonderful decoration for your home.

Snowdrop beading workshop

From materials for beading flowers you will need:

  • white, transparent beads;
  • deep green beads;
  • 2-3 meters of wire, 0.3 mm in diameter;
  • threads to hide the wire;
  • weaving patterns.

In addition to the materials for the bouquet, you can pick up the made for the pot. In search of solutions, you can overlook the photos in our article or in needlework magazines. Alternatively, you can make a vase or basket for unusual snowdrops with your own hands.
Also in the work on the composition, you will need nippers, an organizer, so as not to lose small details.
So, let's start our master class on weaving snowdrops from beads.
Petals The first thing we will do is weave the petals of the future flower. Each element will need at least 3 beads. In total, we should get 15 petals. Following the scheme, we carry out the detail: we take a wire, 40 cm long and one green bead.

We carry out weaving using the parallel weaving technique, i.e. each next row will contain one more bead in relation to the previous one. In the third row, add white beads and then continue alternating with green beads. Then you work only with white beads, continuing parallel weaving, only the number of beads in a row will change. So, according to the diagram, the drawing should be:

  • 4th row - 5 beads;
  • 5th - 6 beads;
  • 6, 7th - 7 pieces each;
  • 8th - 6 beads;
  • 9th - 5 beads;
  • 10th - 4 beads;
  • 11th - 3 pieces.

Then, in the 12th row, turn on the green color again. So in this and other rows we use green beads, weaving three beads in a row. Leave only one bead in the last row. We do not fix the finished petal, since it will need to be connected to the second. We make two more petals for the snowdrops, for this we weave them up to the 13th row and connect them together. We make connections of flower parts using the parallel weaving technique. So you have one full petal and two incomplete ones. First, connect the second and first, for this, pass the end of the wire between the 12th and 13th rows. After that, thread the free end to the third petal. On the free end, collect two green beads, thread the free end of the wire through the 14th and 13th rows of the first petal, and after the second. The result is something that resembles a calyx, which is usually found under the base of the flower. Finish the element by weaving the 14th row for the third petal, where, according to the pattern, there should be one green bead.

The core of the flower To weave the core, you need a wire - a piece of 25 cm long. 4 white beads are put on the wire from the beginning, after one green and at the end 5 white beads. To form a ring, it is necessary to pass the working end through the first white bead. Align the resulting ring and tighten the loop. After repeating the technique, make three more pieces of the core. When everything is ready, connect the parts, the resulting parts should fit snugly together.

Now connect the petals and the core of the flower. To do this, twist the free ends of the wire, connecting the parts. So you got the finished flower. Repeating the scheme, make the rest of the flowers.

However, this is not the end of the master class for making flowers from beads, the composition still needs to be supplemented with leaves and a pot.
Weaving leaves
Making leaves for snowdrops is perhaps the easiest thing in all the work. For the harmony of the bouquet, it is better if there are no more than 1-2 of them.
For the leaves, you need a wire 70 cm long and green beads, a shade darker than the base of the flower. Beading takes place in the already known way of parallel weaving technique. So in the first row there will be 2 beads, in the second - 3. Starting from the third row and up to the 32nd, weave 4 beads in each row. In the 33rd - go to a decrease - 3 beads, in the 34th -2 and so on in the 35th - you will have one. The leaf is ready. Fasten the wire. For a spring bouquet, you will need to make 5-7 leaves, depending on the number of flowers in your bouquet.
Assembling a flower When all the elements are ready, you should turn to practical video tutorials, which will clearly show how to assemble snowdrops from beads with your own hands into a finished composition. To do this, the middle of the flower is put into the petals connected to each other, the so-called corolla, and the wire is twisted. The ends should be joined at the calyx. Then attach the flower to the stem, which is made of stiff wire, to hide the wire, wrap it with threads, and then attach corrugated paper using PVA glue. Similarly to attaching the core and the flower itself, connect the leaf to the main stem.

Alternatively, to just white snowdrops, you can make an alpine meadow flower. To do this, you just need to add blue or pale blue beads to the weaving in the rows of petals. The whole weaving pattern will be similar to the classic version, only in the places where you took the white beads, using the diagrams and photos, you will type blue in the middle.
The bouquet is almost ready. If you wish, you can leave it that way, or put it in a basket or vase.
Base for ready-made flowers A vase for snowfields made of beads, you can also do it yourself, for this you will need:

  • alabaster - in order to combine the bouquet and container into one whole;
  • 2 small cans. They are necessary for mixing the mixture, and the second will help shape the pot.
  • package;
  • brush, paints;
  • PVA glue;
  • water.

First, we make a mixture: mix the alabaster with water until it becomes thick sour cream. We put a plastic bag in the jar that we took for the form. Fill in the resulting mixture. Until the alabaster is frozen, place the flowers. To create the effect of thawed patches, you can make bumps. Wait until the mixture hardens (on average a day) and complete the work by painting the pot. Here, in its design, your imagination plays a completely main role - it can be a blue tint, you can add the effect of dark spots of the earth.
Completed work, it remains only to varnish.
The bouquet is ready! Now beaded snowdrops will delight you all year round.
You can additionally study this option of weaving snowdrops in printed literature or with the help of practical video lessons, admire the possible options (photo) and make your own.
It was a master class on weaving snowdrops from beads, enjoy your work!

Video: Weave snowdrops from beads


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Methodical development

master class

"Snowdrops from beads".

Zakharova Galina Gennadievna

additional education teacher

MBU DO DEBTS "Naturalist"

Amursk 2016


March is the first month of spring. Deep fluffy white snow still lies everywhere, but under its thick layer the first flowers of spring - snowdrops - await their time. And as soon as the first thawed patches appear, snow-white flowers appear to replace the melted snow. This spring miracle could not leave indifferent human imagination. Many legends and fairy tales have been created about primroses. We did not remain indifferent to this delicate spring flower, reflecting the beauty created by nature in our work.

For work we need beads: No. 10 white - 25 grams, green - 25 grams, as well as light green and yellow - 3 grams each. We also need two types of wire, thin for weaving and thicker for stems, green floss threads, varnish, wire for stems, gypsum, PVA glue, a stand for installing the composition.

Beaded snowdrop petals

Petals are made as follows:

Cut off about 50 cm of the wire.

Collect one light green bead in the first row and place it in the middle of the wire.

In the second row, on one end of the wire, we collect 2 light green beads and pass through them with the other end of the wire.

We tighten the wire so that the beads lay flat.

In the third row, on one end of the wire, we collect one white bead, 1 light green and again 1 white, then we pass through them with the other end of the wire.

Weave the fourth and subsequent rows with white beads in parallel weaving according to the scheme 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-7-6-5-4-2-2-1.

Weave the three penultimate rows with light green beads. We twist the wire under the petal.

Weave the second petal in the same way as the first, but weaving the first light green beads at the bottom of the petal, we draw one working end of the wire behind the side wire in a similar row of the already finished woven petal, collect two green beads and pass the other end of the wire through them.

We tighten the first rows of the petal, then again pass the wire over the side of the first petal in the next row, string one green bead onto one end of the working wire, and pass through it with the other.


We twist the wires under the new petal. It turned out that we dragged the second petal to the first petal.


We weave the third petal in the same way as the second, but below we will weave it to the two previous petals, i.e. we hook one working end of the wire to the first petal, and the other end of the working wire to the second petal.


Snowdrop stamens from beads

We take a wire 20-30 cm long, collect five white beads and three yellow beads, return the wire through the white beads.

Collect 5 white and three yellow beads again, return the wire through the white beads and again collect 5 white and three yellow beads, return through the white ones.

We twist the wire under the stamens.

Beaded snowdrop leaves

Since leaves of the same size in a bouquet do not look natural at all, we will make foliage of different sizes. Let's make two types of leaves - small and large.

We need 7-9 large leaves, here you need to look at the bouquet. We will try to make it lush enough, but here it is also important not to overdo it, too much foliage on a small bouquet does not look very nice.

We take a wire 70 cm long.

Weave the first half of the sheet according to the pattern 1-1-2-2-4 (20 times) -2-2-1-1.

The second half of the sheet is woven in the same way. One bead is put on the wire and one end of the working wire clings to the side wire of the first half of the sheet between the first and second rows.

In the same way, we weave small leaves, we carry out two halves of a leaf according to the scheme 1-2-3-4-5 (15 times) - 4-3-2-1.

When all the elements are ready, we proceed to assembling the flower:

We insert the stamens into the center of the flower and slightly twist the wire from the petals and stamens.

Insert a thicker wire for the stem and wrap it with green floss.

After 6-7 cm of winding, we begin to weave the leaves - first 2-3 small leaves, then one large one.

Ready-made flowers can be "planted" in a vase, you can form a soil from gypsum and cover with white acrylic paint, imitating snow, sprinkle with white beads. There are many options. Imagine!

For weaving a bouquet of snowdrops, we will get acquainted with the technique of parallel weaving.

The principle of this technique is quite simple: we collect three beads on one end of the wire and draw the other end of the wire into 2 outer beads. Pay attention to the fact that the ends of the wire are the same length. Then, at the first end, we collect three beads and pass the second end through them, and so on. When finishing the detail, reduce the number of beads again.

March is the first month of spring. Deep fluffy white snow still lies everywhere, but under its thick layer the first flowers of spring - snowdrops - await their time. And as soon as the first thawed patches appear, snow-white flowers appear to replace the melted snow. This spring miracle could not leave indifferent human imagination. Many legends and fairy tales have been created about primroses. We did not remain indifferent to this delicate spring flower, reflecting the beauty created by nature in our work.

In the given master class, we will show how you can create snowdrops with your own hands using beads of different colors, threads and wires.

So, for work we need beads: No. 10 white - 25 grams, green - 25 grams, as well as light green and yellow - 3 grams each. We also need two types of wire, thin for weaving and thicker for stems, green floss threads, varnish, wire for stems, gypsum, PVA glue, a stand for installing the composition.

How to make beaded snowdrops?

For weaving a bouquet of snowdrops, we will get acquainted with the technique of parallel weaving.

The principle of this technique is quite simple: we collect three beads on one end of the wire and draw the other end of the wire into 2 outer beads. Pay attention to the fact that the ends of the wire are the same length. Then, at the first end, we collect three beads and pass the second end through them, and so on. When finishing the detail, reduce the number of beads again.

Beaded snowdrop petals

Petals are made as follows:

1. Cut off about 50 cm of the wire.

2. In the first row, pick one light green bead and place it in the middle of the wire.

3. In the second row, on one end of the wire, collect 2 light green beads and pass through them with the other end of the wire.

4. Tighten the wire so that the beads lay flat.

5. In the third row, on one end of the wire, we collect one white bead, 1 light green bead and again 1 white, then we pass through them with the other end of the wire.

6. Weave the fourth and subsequent rows with white beads in parallel weaving according to the scheme 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-7-6-5-4-2-2-1.

7. Weave three last but one rows with light green beads. We twist the wire under the petal.

8. Weave the second petal in the same way as the first, but after weaving the first light green beads at the bottom of the petal, we draw one working end of the wire behind the side wire in a similar row of the already finished woven petal, collect two green beads and pass the other end of the wire through them.

9. Tighten the first rows of the petal, then again pass the wire over the side of the first petal in the next row, string one green bead onto one end of the working wire, and pass through it with the other.

10. Twist the wires under the new petal. It turned out that we dragged the second petal to the first petal.

11. Weave the third petal in the same way as the second, but below we will weave it to the two previous petals, ie. we hook one working end of the wire to the first petal, and the other end of the working wire to the second petal.

Snowdrop stamens from beads

Stamens are very simple to make:

1. Take a wire 20-30 cm long, collect five white beads and three yellow beads, return the wire through the white beads.

2. Collect 5 white and three yellow beads again, return the wire through the white beads and again collect 5 white and three yellow beads, return through the white ones.

3. Twist the wire under the stamens.

Beaded snowdrop leaves

Since leaves of the same size in a bouquet do not look natural at all, we will make foliage of different sizes. Let's make two types of leaves - small and large.

We need 7-9 large leaves, here you need to look at the bouquet. We will try to make it lush enough, but here it is also important not to overdo it, too much foliage on a small bouquet does not look very nice.

1. We take a wire 70 cm long.

2. Weave the first half of the sheet according to the pattern 1-1-2-2-4 (20 times) -2-2-1-1.

3. The second half of the sheet is woven in the same way. One bead is put on the wire and one end of the working wire clings to the side wire of the first half of the sheet between the first and second rows.

4. In the same way we weave small leaves, we perform two halves of a leaf according to the scheme 1-2-3-4-5 (15 times) - 4-3-2-1.

When all the elements are ready, we proceed to assembling the flower:

1. Insert the stamens into the center of the flower and slightly twist the wire from the petals and stamens.

2. Insert a thicker wire for the stem and wrap it with green floss.

3. After 6-7 cm of winding, we begin to weave leaves - first 2-3 small leaves, then one large one.

4. Ready-made flowers can be "planted" in a vase, you can form a soil from gypsum and cover with white acrylic paint, imitating snow, sprinkle with white beads. There are many options. Imagine!