How long do fingerprints stay on plastic. How long are fingerprints stored on various objects

Many people are interested in how many fingerprints are stored on a particular item. This, as a rule, does not mean that a person is planning to commit a crime - this question is often asked by forensic professionals or ordinary lovers of detective novels. Read more about this below.

How fingerprints appear

Human skin, like all mammals, consists of 2 layers:

  • upper - dermis;
  • lower - epidermis.

Due to the uneven fit, interpenetration and different density of the connection, characteristic folds are formed. They are called papillary patterns. Specifically, they help a person to hold smooth objects with his fingers, creating increased friction - the mechanism of action of car tire protectors is built on the same principle. The described structure also serves as a protection against corns - if the layers of the skin did not have many points of contact, blisters would form literally at the slightest impact.

If in almost all mammals folds are arranged chaotically, then in humans and monkeys they form unique patterns consisting of parallel lines.

This feature was noticed initially in ancient China. Even before our era, it was actively used to identify people.

How long is the fingerprint stored?

A fingerprint in forensic science is called a fat print. This name is not accidental, because the basis of the impression is made up of substances produced by the sebaceous glands. The latter are found in large numbers on the pads of the fingers, while, for example, they are practically absent on the palms themselves. Fat is released constantly and around the clock, respectively, a trace of it remains literally on all objects to which a person touched even fleetingly.

The print on any surface after a certain period begins to disintegrate in the following sequence:

  • moisture evaporates first;
  • then solid particles fall off.

For example, on glass at temperatures up to +28 ° C, and under the influence of sunlight, the print completely decomposes after 2 hours. Less quickly destroys the trail and rainwater.

On average, the process of disintegration of an impression lasts from 2 days to 5 days. Significant influence on speed is exerted by:

  • air temperature;
  • humidity;
  • presence of wind, etc.

To no less extent, the shelf life of handprints depends on the composition of the sweat substance of a particular person and the intensity of its production. It is known that about 10 percent of people on the planet have no excretions at all:

  • amino acids;
  • proteins.

Their imprints do not appear with standard substances (allokean and ninhydrin).

In general, in most people, skin secretions have a quite noticeable stickiness, which allows special powders to adhere well to their traces. However, for each person, as mentioned earlier, the intensity of the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands is unique. Some have wet hands all the time, while others suffer from excessive dryness of the dermis. A number of the following factors also stimulate production:

  • physical exercise;
  • excitement;
  • heat.

An excessive amount of sweaty substance on the palms creates a blurry impression, in some cases completely unidentifiable. At the same time, its lack leads to fragmentation of the print - the papillary pattern turns out to be extremely thin and often dotted. It can be very difficult to find it.

The duration of the preservation of fingerprints is also influenced by the property of the object itself. In 3-7 days, the impression left on:

  • writing paper;
  • newspaper;
  • cardboard;
  • unpainted wood.

Prints will last for several months (and sometimes years) on hard and smooth surfaces:

  • glass;
  • metal;
  • porcelain;
  • polished furniture.

It is almost impossible to identify traces on:

  • textiles;
  • rough surfaces;
  • suede.

Often, prints are revealed that have survived in a closed room with a consistently low temperature after 5 or more years. At the same time, one should not forget that forensic science does not stand still. Even indistinct traces (as well as old and fragmented ones) can be recognized and removed using modern equipment.

However, the classical method, based on the action of iodine vapors, helps to detect handprints left from a week to 3 months ago.

Laser-luminescent technology can easily detect traces within 30 days.

In especially difficult situations, they also resort to vacuum deposition with vapors of some metals - this technology is quite expensive and therefore is not used in ordinary cases. Using this method, it is possible to detect prints even after 2-3 years.

How to take fingerprints

For those who want to try their hand at being a forensic scientist, it will not be difficult to make a powder for developing fingerprints on their own. The easiest method:

  • take a piece of glass;
  • hold it over a burning candle;
  • scrape off the resulting soot.

Of course, not only people who want to commit a crime ask a similar question, but also those professionals who study fingerprinting. Long ago, there have been experiments on matching fingerprints on a local or global basis.

How long fingerprints are retained. Can we hope that they will disappear after a while? Definitely not. Fingerprints can be stored for up to several years. Their preservation is influenced by external environmental factors, deliberate removal and, of course, too long a lifetime. Depending on the above, the time of their existence is revealed.

How are fingerprints taken. Fingerprints are taken using a certain crushed pencil lead. This lead is sprinkled on a specific object with a brush. A special film is applied to the result obtained, on which the entire trace of a peculiar relief is fixed.

Recently, not only people who store such a database are thinking about how to put a fingerprint password, but also ordinary users of, say, the Internet or personal household appliances. A similar service is now available in almost all modern household appliances, it is especially convenient for those people who do not want to share their information. The device fixes specifically the user and reacts only to him.

Of course, fingerprints are very individual, it is with their help that you can find out the identity of both tracks and their belonging. In order to reduce fingerprints, two results are compared: on the subject and directly from the person. Only if a bold trace left by a hand on any surface converges with the resulting fingerprint of a person by no less than 65%, we can assume that they completely coincide.

How to trick a fingerprint scanner. Recently, there have been optimal and new methods for verifying fingerprints. Not only with the help of graphs, but also with a scanner. In order to deceive the scanner, a special print should be made on the printed laser printer.

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The question of how to collect fingerprints is of concern to many people. Fingerprint matching is done not only by criminologists, but also by ordinary people interested in fingerprinting.

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How many fingerprints are stored on an item

The forum is available at the following addresses:

Situation: The dacha was hacked, there are objects that were moved by intruders. The season is autumn, the temperature is 10-15 degrees. A week later, the police were called. An employee who arrived said that fingerprints only live so long in the cinema, and we obviously have nothing left here because of the conditions - ventilation and cold. Although one of the options were samovar (metal), glass, plastic dishes.

How long can fingerprints remain on the street in moderate weather?

I'm just kidding, just kidding. There are plenty of places!

Slaves are not allowed to heaven

I'm just kidding, just kidding. There are plenty of places!

Originally Posted by the Thinker View Post

And why fumigation with acial-krianid vapors was not called?

this method is not familiar to me.

If every chief will carry pipes, then where will so many pipes come from? (c) Anofriev. The cat in the bag.

Forever on the lists

Everyone dies alone!

If every chief will carry pipes, then where will so many pipes come from? (c) Anofriev. The cat in the bag.

Forever on the lists

Everyone dies alone!

"On the contrary, all work will be built in order to destroy what has been accumulated over the years." V. Chernomyrdin

Actually, I caused it because of them. believed that if it was possible to search, it was only by prints. And I thought that for any theft, this is a mandatory procedure.

"Pink faces, roar Olver yellow

My police are taking care of me. "(WITH)

I do not like when they crawl into my soul, especially when they spit in it. (V. Vysotsky)

Copyright © 2000 - 2017, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. Translation: zCarot

YurClub conference

Retention period for fingerprints on paper

- Demand (then) so - 13 Jun 2006

The opposite :) side claims that the witness was holding a document in his hands. More precisely, I read for a long time, holding it in my hands. A few months ago. We are sure that the witness did not touch the document (the original in the case, before that, too, was peacefully lying in the folder).

ZRS 13 Jun 2006

There is a desire to declare knowingly false testimony.

The opposing side claims that the witness was holding a document in his hands. More precisely, I read for a long time, holding it in my hands. A few months ago. We are sure that the witness did not touch the document (the original in the case, before that, too, was peacefully lying in the folder).

Does it make sense to ask for an examination, or do fingerprints disappear over such a period?

A few months ago. Something I doubt that the fingers are preserved. Of course not, assuming that the document was stored in ideal conditions, then maybe. But this is not real.

And how does the opposite side confirm the fact that the witness was holding a document in his hands? And how is the establishment of this fact fraught with you?

duke777 13 Jun 2006

And how is the establishment of this fact fraught with you?

Depends on the quality of the paper. In fact, prints (fingerprints) are layers of perspiration. It dries and is absorbed, so that a maximum of three to five days (depending on storage conditions) Potozhir, like any biological environment, carries DNA - a code that is inherent only in an individual person. About 10 years ago there was information that such examinations are being carried out, but they are worth it. (then the figure of 10 tons of Baku was mentioned)

And if he did? Was there text on the media? You can also question it. They gave the brow to hold the envelope out of paper and then the document was printed on it.

scorpion777 13 Jun 2006

kesych 28 Jan 2010

Dachnik 28 Jan 2010

Human Rights Defender 28 Jan 2010

Dear Sirs members of the forum! Please inform me if fingerprints remain on paper money. And can they be erased with the hands of another person who is beyond suspicion.

Considering that you posted the topic in the criminal case..fingers on pieces of paper are fixed in the form of a special paint applied to the marked bills in advance..imho you have a bribe or extortion or some other thread of action .. am I right?

Kolka 28 Jan 2010

duke777 28 Jan 2010

artem1 28 Jan 2010

It is believed that the suspect in that short period of time (from the call to the police until they arrived) could erase their fingerprints from them with his own hands, thereby leaving only his own prints on them.

By the way, the money was taken for examination only for 4-day. Does it matter for the result?

Taken together, this is nonsense, sorry for the harshness. The money is not taken, but confiscated, indicating the reasons for the seizure in the decision to conduct a search or seizure.

How do you know what was seized for the purpose of precisely fingerprinting examination? Did you get acquainted with the decision on the appointment of an examination or did you "say"?

duke777 28 Jan 2010

Or the prints of the owner of the money can be easily recognized?

Kidnapper denies involvement in theft? Like money, this is my personal and cops, in order to find the "fingers" of the owner on the banknotes, they want to conduct an examination? And then build the evidence base on this? Or am I misunderstanding?

duke777 29 Jan 2010

Dachnik Jan 29, 2010

Thanks to Dachnik. But the money was still taken for examination with full confidence that they would find the prints. Any opinions on this?

Did the expert pick it up? "Ponty is more expensive than money" (c).

Now think for yourself. What are fingerprints? We sweat + the skin tends to secrete fat to lubricate ourselves (otherwise, our skin would be parchment on our body (fat-free dried skin)). By putting our finger on something, we transfer this composition (fat + sweat) to the surface. Moreover, sweat and fat are transferred from the protruding surfaces of the finger (papillary lines). The amount of sweat and fat is small. Try to press your finger against the polished surface of the table and you will see your print there. BUT. The table is flat and rigid (table surface). And the bill?

Genetics can establish the presence of a substance, but it is troublesome. From used bills, fingerprints (grease) will not be taken. If there is a positive examination, then this is a reason to contact a lawyer in real life.

I don’t know how in the Moscow region, but in our Far East they don’t make genetics for sweat deposits. And as far as I know, science has not yet reached this point. Genetics is done by bones (and even then not all) and by blood.

Now, actually according to the situation. They reported something similar (about fingerprinting) to the suspect. He will start to "rush". You look and confess. Moreover, they will wave paper in front of the nose that the examination showed that your fingers are yours, but they won't let you read the paper. An ordinary divorce of operas.

In any case, good luck to you.

Lisichenko Jan 29, 2010

They are erased (or rather, smeared to the point of non-identifiableness) - easily and almost instantly.

duke777 29 Jan 2010

science has not yet reached this point.

Dachnik Jan 29, 2010

reached, on the website of the manufacturers of these expertises look

Thanks for the info. ... We will use it in our work.

kantor Jan 30, 2010

What to do if, nevertheless, somehow the mistress's fingers are found on the seized bills. Is it possible to refer all this to the fact that the money was seized after 4 days and they were in the house where the theft took place. Moreover, the suspect himself, at the time of the arrival of an employee of the other authorities at the scene of the incident, to withdraw money for examination. But at that moment they refused

The main thing is that the seized banknotes do not have the suspect's prints, and when the money was seized, it does not matter for the investigator.

For protection, it is important to prove that from the time of the possible theft to the seizure of the banknotes were in practically free circulation. You should also pay attention to the observance of the conditions of seizure, inspection, recognition as material evidence and attachment of banknotes to the case.

Findirector May 27, 2011

Findirector May 27, 2011

The new Sledkom equipment finds fingerprints even on paper and chewing gum

Edya 27 May 2011

Findirector May 27, 2011

Edya 27 May 2011

Edya, maybe you don’t believe in the modernization polygraph either?

Findirector, I believe, I believe, I believe in everything today. Friday

Igor Michailov 27 May 2011

But earlier, stationary cameras were created for its use.

Sirchie portable cyanoacrylate cigarette lighters have been around for a long time.

Pavel Ekb 27 May 2011

You are a serious person, so why do you post science fiction in the criminal case?

yeah, many people still use soot

Forseti 28 May 2011


in my opinion this article is already covered with moss .. the end of the nineties. made a mistake?

Our fingers

A question to the experts on what items do not leave fingerprints? Can a forensic expert take fingerprints from metal in freezing temperatures of -20 degrees?

  • Quote
  • Apply

call 52-29-60 or 53-40-15 there should be in the course

How long do fingerprints last?

There is no single answer to this question. It depends on many factors.

what objects do not leave fingerprints on

How long do fingerprints last?

Depends on subject and conditions, but not 5 seconds.

Can a forensic expert take fingerprints from metal in freezing temperatures of -20 degrees?

Maybe it all depends on the method used.

Remain on everything except the fabric

"Fingerprints", as you put it, is a combination of the papillary pattern of the fingers and sweat-fatty secretions on the fingers. In this regard, prints can remain on any hard material (including fabrics). The pattern itself, under certain conditions, can be preserved even for centuries.

frost -20 degrees

no prints remain on the reflective surface

Nonsense, they're just harder to pull off.

I can write short posts, but usually there is not enough time and therefore I write long ones.

They remain on everything, except for the fabric.

No, they also remain on the fabric, but it is very difficult to remove prints from it.

"I will shut up anyone's mouth for freedom of speech!"

A question to the specialists on what objects are fingerprints not left? How long are fingerprints preserved? Can a forensic expert take fingerprints from metal in freezing temperatures of -20 degrees ?

Are you going to steal a car at night?

the wheels were removed along the way.

no prints remain on the reflective surface

Remain, they are simply more difficult to remove.

Cold metal remarkably retains fingerprints - sometimes even a layer of skin with a papillary pattern remains. In addition, the frozen fat-sweat layer can be used for genomic forensics.

Stored in the freezer almost forever. They do not remain on living skin, if I am not mistaken.

They do not remain on living skin

Brother, I got stuck in my nature.

They do not remain on living skin, if I am not mistaken.

On the dead, there is no sweat and fat of its own, 100% yes. TS, don't steal sofas in winter.

No, there may be imprints on the skin too.

A question to the experts on what items do not leave fingerprints?

since when was the internet in prisons?

If you do not drink and do not swear, then you do not follow the situation in the country.

I admit it. Only, probably, it is harder with them.

Skin imprints last for about 1-2 hours. After that, they cannot be removed.

Skin imprints last for about 1-2 hours.

I can write short posts, but usually there is not enough time and therefore I write long ones.

Not entirely true - this is only a sweat-fat trail at ambient temperatures over 34 degrees Celsius.

In short, wear thin rubber medical gloves, they don't leave fingerprints!

"I will shut up anyone's mouth for freedom of speech!"

wear thin rubber medical gloves, they do not leave fingerprints

Brother, I got stuck in my nature.

one question: why?

the prints remain on the metal of the weapon for more than 3 years, even if I cleaned it with oil and wiped it 10 times during this time. but the prints remained and not mine!, but brothers, and then only after 6 months. investigation and 3 previous examinations that showed nothing. It all depends on the desire and the task set for the investigation. If you wish, they will find your fingers on the outer hull of the KURSK submarine lying at a depth of 1.5 km, they will bring you an incredible charge of sinking it, and the court will issue a guilty verdict. And to your arguments that you cannot even swim and dive to a depth of 800m, then you are lying. You accomplices, whom you did not name, threw you off an airplane or spaceship. Justice in Russia - THE RIGHT TO JUDGE! (According to V. I. Dal's definition, "justice" is "a right court, a decision according to the law, according to conscience, ... true").

pattern with fingers wash off

Brother, I got stuck in my nature.

you can also wash your hands regularly with acid

why so cruel?

it is enough to degrease with any organic solvent (alcohol, ether)

plus, with constant use, leather is tanned, respectively, the pattern is less expressive

and god created a woman

the creature came out stupid, but funny)

Why is this interest? Are we planning something?

Me, too, this question worries me very much, but not because I am planning something. We get a lot of information from watching detectives and crime fighters. On a bare spot, a person can be substituted as not to do figs. So you are afraid to fall into a trap. It's scary to pick up any thing, what if it falls into the hands of scoundrels? So I want to be a little protected. After all, there is no longer where to wait for protection. Law enforcement agencies will not protect (their job is to plant, not protect), so you need to be ready to defend yourself.

Hello, tell me how long the imprint on the glass bottle is kept in the cellar on the ground

say such passions. horror! the expert is responsible, including criminal, for his findings. the investigator is an independent figure, but he submits his conclusions for verification to the assistant prosecutor, who is also responsible, and all this is under the supervision of a lawyer. Of course, it is possible to stretch the matter, but here a lot of people should be tied up. so feel free to touch the bottles in the cold, they will not plant you, unless, of course, you killed anyone.

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Fingerprinting examinations

Fingerprinting examination is a forensic examination aimed at identifying a person and establishing the circumstances of the incident by examining the traces formed by the relief surface of the skin of a person's hands and feet.

In modern science, such a direction as criminal registration is based on fingerprinting, the function of which in forensic science is to assist in the search and registration of persons who have committed a crime. Fingerprinting is considered a scientific method of identifying a criminal by the papillary pattern of the fingers, which occupies a significant place in the practice of law enforcement agencies in our country. Volumetric, colored, superficial, traces that remain on a dusty surface can be detected by careful visual inspection of the objects on which they are located.

The technical difficulties in detecting invisible traces during fingerprint examination made it necessary to use special optical methods for this purpose, as well as methods based on the use of means of mechanical and chemical action. Traces on glossy, transparent, shiny surfaces that are poorly visible are detected by examining these surfaces from different viewing angles or by using transmission illumination.

The following must be sent for fingerprint examination:

  • all traces of fingers and palms that were removed at the scene of the incident (even those on which papillary lines were partially displayed), as well as photographs of traces and negatives;
  • samples of prints of the corresponding parts of the fingers or palms of persons, whose fingerprints may have remained on objects. Under the methodology of expert research, it is customary to understand the system of methods (techniques and technical means) that are used in the study of objects of forensic examination in order to establish facts related to the subject of forensic examination.

What is the fingerprint examiner examining?

  • objects with fingerprints (papillary patterns);
  • detected fingerprints, which were copied onto a fingerprint tape;
  • fingerprints with fingerprints of people.

In what cases is it necessary to carry out a fingerprint examination?

Fingerprint examination is carried out in the investigation of criminal cases related to theft of property, illegal entry into citizens' homes and protected areas, as well as in other situations in which it is necessary:

  • determine the identity of the person who left fingerprints (papillary patterns) on the object;
  • state the presence or absence of fingerprints (papillary patterns) on the object.
  • identify weakly visible and invisible fingerprints (papillary patterns);
  • determine which hand or finger mark is left on the object;
  • determine the number of persons present at the scene.

What materials must be provided for the production of a fingerprint examination?

  • An object or object believed to have fingerprints;
  • Fingerprints with fingerprints of a certain person.

What questions are asked to an expert?

  • Are there fingerprints on the item provided for research?
  • Are the fingerprints on the object suitable for identifying the person to whom they belong?
  • Do the presented fingerprints belong to a specific person (indicate full name)?
  • Are there any structural features of the hand or fingers of the person to whom the existing fingerprints belong?
  • Which finger and which hand have left traces (prints)?
  • By what mechanism are the fingerprints on the presented object formed?
  • Do the presented fingerprints belong to one or more persons?
  • What is the gender and age of the person who left fingerprints on the presented item?

Cost and terms

Forensic examination

Extrajudicial investigation

Expert opinion review

Obtaining a written expert consultation (reference)

Obtaining preliminary expert advice

Additional services


Frequently asked questions

What materials are sent for fingerprint examination?

  • all traces of fingers and palms that were removed at the scene of the incident, even those on which papillary lines were partially displayed, as well as photographs of traces and negatives;
  • protocols of investigative actions, as a result of which traces were found and removed;
  • samples of prints of the corresponding parts of the fingers or palms of persons, whose fingerprints may have remained on objects.

My grandfather's seal on the birth certificate and marriage registration has faded from time to time. Documents are needed at the OVIR to obtain a TRP. I would like to know if it is possible to read these stamps, how long it will take, if I can send you documents by mail or a scanned copy is enough.

How long are fingerprints stored on an enamel box, on polyethylene and on a netting?

The storage time of prints depends on external factors: temperature, sunlight, humidity. Depending on them, the retention time of prints can vary from a few days to one year.

In the case when the imprints of seals and stamps in the registration certificate for a car, the declarations may not be authentic (there is such a possibility) that it is necessary to send for a technical and forensic forensic examination and what questions need to be formulated for an expert?

To conduct a technical and forensic examination of documents, you need to provide the originals of the documents that are subject to research. To resolve the issue of the identity of the seal impressions (one or another printing form has been applied a seal impression), it is necessary to provide samples of the seal impressions. To resolve the issue of the compliance of the document forms with the standard forms, it is necessary to present sample forms. The questions may vary. In order to determine the necessary questions and formulate them correctly, we recommend that you contact the Center for a free consultation.

What is the term of the technical and forensic examination?

Technical and forensic examinations are carried out in order to establish the method of manufacturing or forging a document. The subject of these examinations is the factual circumstances associated with the execution of documents, the identification of documents' materials and means of their production. Today, two main types of technical and forensic examinations can be distinguished: the study of document materials and the study of the details of documents. Depending on the type, as well as on other factors, the lead time varies, but as a rule it takes 5-10 business days.

What kind of examination is necessary to prove that the signature was put before the printed text? This is a signature on a blank sheet on which the text was later printed. Thanks.

In your case, in order to establish the sequence of applying the details of the document, it is necessary to conduct a technical and forensic examination of the documents. It is within the competence of the experts to establish whether the specified details were applied at the same or at different times.

A debt claim has been filed against me. I did not sign the document on which the claim is based. The handwriting examination established that the signature was mine. I can see it myself. I think that a form with my signature and the necessary seal fell into the hands of the plaintiff (there really is such a possibility). I applied for an examination of the document in order to check what had been done earlier, the signature or the text of the contract - the court refused, found that I had insufficiently substantiated the request. What needs to be done in order for the examination to be appointed?

In your situation, undoubtedly, you need a technical examination of the document on the issue of the sequence of drawing strokes. If there is a possibility of obtaining the original of the contract, a preliminary, extrajudicial investigation will be carried out, which will serve as a sufficiently weighty basis for the appointment of a forensic examination. This will increase the chances of your application being approved.

If a preliminary study is impossible (if there is no object of study), you need to try to substantiate the application by attaching documents to it about the possibility of conducting an examination by specific experts. To obtain documents confirming the consent of our experts to conduct a technical examination of the document, as well as confirming their qualifications, you need to drive up to our laboratory.

At the last meeting, the defendant provided a contract and an act of completion with the counterparty dated by the end of 2010. We have every reason to believe that this agreement was prepared immediately before the meeting. Is it possible to establish the date of its compilation?

In your situation, it is necessary to conduct a technical examination of the document on the issue of the limitation period for the execution of the document (its details). In the course of such an examination, it is impossible to establish the exact date of the execution of the details (signature and seal), however, it is possible to identify an approximate difference between the actual and indicated dates. The effectiveness of the examination depends on the object: not all types of dyes used in the application of props allow conclusions to be drawn about the prescription of their application.

It should also be borne in mind that in some cases, partial destruction of a document during research is possible.

Right now you can:

Forensic Center

and research by ANO "Judicial Expert"

PSRN 1117799018061 INN 7743109219

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Tulskaya, 10, bldg. 5.

In work; with hand marks, the timing of the preservation of such marks on various surfaces in various conditions is of great importance. Knowledge of these terms allows you to correctly choose the appropriate means and methods for their identification, to determine the relevance of the detected traces to the crime event. On the other hand, an urgent problem in the investigation of many crimes is the determination of the time of the formation of handprints on the objects of the scene of the incident.

Lack of awareness in this regard often leads to the fact that the search for handprints for crimes of two or three weeks ago is not carried out due to the incorrect assumption that it is impossible to identify such "old" traces. In other cases - on-

turnover: objects on which traces remain for only a few hours are sent for research a few days, and sometimes weeks after their discovery.

The importance of the temporal characteristics of handprints for the investigation of crimes can be illustrated by the following examples.

When examining the place of murder of Mrs T. (in her apartment), on the wall painted with oil paint next to the corpse, experts found clear handprints, which were diagnosed as quite fresh. Soon the suspect L. was identified and a fingerprint examination was carried out - with a positive result. However, during interrogations, L. categorically denied his involvement in the crime and claimed that he could have left traces eight months ago, when he came to repair the phone. Obviously, in such a situation, determining the age of the discovered traces was of decisive importance for confirming the testimony of the suspect or exposing him of the murder.

In another case, as a result of an inspection of the scene of the murder of B.'s spouses, a large number of handprints were removed. Comparison with the prints of the victims made it possible to exclude most of them - except for the marks on the plastic bags: checking on these traces of the handprints of all relatives, neighbors, acquaintances did not give a result, and thus one could reasonably assume that they belonged to the offender. However, the absence of traces on other objects that the offender was holding in his hands gave rise to a special study, the purpose of which was to determine the time of formation of traces on plastic bags. The data obtained indicated that the preservation period for these traces exceeded five months. This means that they could well have been left by unauthorized persons (for example, sellers). This allowed a different assessment of the seized traces and their significance for the evidentiary process.

The timing of the preservation of handprints depends primarily on the properties of the sweat substance, determined by its composition and quantity. Some people (about 10%) in sweat secretions do not have proteins and amino acids. Because of this, it is not possible to show the traces of their hands with ninhydrin and allokean. In all people, sweat compartments have sufficient stickiness to ensure that the powder particles are firmly attached. However, different people produce different amounts of sweat, and it depends on a number of circumstances. Excitement, physical stress cause increased sweating; in conditions of low air temperature, sweat production decreases, in heat it increases. Excess sweat on the hands leads to a vague, indistinct, and sometimes even negative display of capillary lines. Lack of sweat substance causes incomplete display of papillary lines; they are dotted, unusually thin. Such traces are not able to retain a sufficient amount of powder and therefore stain poorly.

The composition of the sweat substance in the traces and its amount of ca

Changes over time. Under the influence of temperature, humidity, air movement, dust in the track, the amount of moisture, salts decreases, amino acids decompose, etc. The adhesion properties of the track substance decrease over time, it loses its ability to retain powder particles and adsorb iodine vapors. Amino acids last the longest, but over time they stop reacting with ninhydrin - the trace disappears, it can no longer be shown and used as material evidence.

It has been established that the timing of the preservation of traces also depends on the properties of the object on which they were found. If a trace is on an object whose substance absorbs moisture (paper, unpainted wood), then the ability of such a trace to react with powders will disappear much faster than a trace on a surface that does not absorb or weakly absorbs moisture (glass, porcelain, etc.)

Table 11 shows experimental data on the timing of perspiration traces and the possibility of detecting them by various methods. It specifies maximum the timing of the preservation of traces. Most of them remain for no more than half of these periods.

Table 12 contains the maximum age of the marks that can be detected by the most common and effective fingerprint powders.

It should be borne in mind that the indicated information about the retention time of the traces and the time of their reaction to certain reagents are approximate.

The data presented give an idea of ​​the conditions under which the methods used are most effective, and therefore it is recommended to take them into account when choosing methods for detecting handprints, depending on their age, the properties of the receiving surface and the properties of the reagents themselves.

Establishing the time of formation of the identified traces on the objects of the scene of the incident is an urgent, but rather difficult problem. In the simplest version, this can be done using the ones given in table. 10 and 11 data. For example, if in the summer on a painted tree, which is in the open air, traces are revealed with powder, then it is possible to assume with a high probability that their age does not exceed 11 days.

However, tabular data should be used quite carefully, within certain limits and mainly in probabilistic

Form. Too many factors - some of which are simply impossible to take into account - affect the timing of the retention of traces.

Table 12 The maximum periods of limitation of traces, detectable by powders

Powders used

Carbonyl iron, "Malachite", aluminum, zinc oxide

"Malachite", carbonyl iron, "Ruby", graphite, copper oxide with soot, sealing wax

"Malachite", carbonyl iron, copper oxide, manganese peroxide, talc, lycopodium

"Malachite", "Ruby", copper oxide, lead oxide

Opal, Topaz, Malachite, zinc oxide Aluminum

"Topaz", copper oxide with carbon black, carbonyl iron

Chalk, manganese peroxide, lead carbonate

Copper oxide with carbon black, "Malachite", "Opal", zinc oxide

"Ruby", "Topaz", "Opal" (only for non-ferrous metals), copper oxide with carbon black, zinc oxide

"Topaz", "Opal", zinc oxide, "Malachite", carbonyl iron, zinc oxide, lead oxide

"Topaz", carbonyl iron, "Malachite", zinc oxide

On lacquered surfaces painted with nitro and synthetic enamels - “Opal”, “Malachite”, copper oxide with carbon black, zinc oxide, aluminum On surfaces painted with oil paints - the same powders

Graphite, copper oxide with carbon black, infrared photography, fluorescent powders, ultraviolet photography

Fabric, sealing wax, lead oxide

Of those methods and means that are usually used at the scene of an accident to detect handprints, certain temporary signs, which make it possible to judge the age of traces, have powders and iodine vapors. For powders, they consist in a change in the adhesion properties of the fatty substance over time, since the traces dry out. Experienced experts usually use this property, distinguishing old traces from fresh ones in the degree of adhesion of powder particles to the sweat substance. Fresh traces of lapillary lines are intensely colored even when lightly touched with a magnetic or pile brush with a small amount of powder, and to reveal old traces, the powder has to be rubbed into the surface with a certain effort.

For iodine vapors, a temporary sign is a decrease in the contrast and clarity of the detected traces as a result of the "spreading" of the formed layer and a decrease in the ability of organic substances to react with a developing substance.

The presence of such fairly easily established dependencies makes it possible to roughly date the traces during special studies. Moreover, iodine vapors have more pronounced signs, and if, during an inspection of the scene, it becomes necessary to determine the age of sweat traces, then it is better to use iodine vapors to identify them.

An indispensable condition that provides the possibility of further investigation of the detected handprints to establish temporal characteristics is their removal from the scene together with the investigating object. The method of copying traces onto sticky layers significantly impairs and sometimes even excludes the possibility of determining their age. During the examination in such cases, it is also necessary to provide for the fixation in the protocol of environmental factors affecting the timing of the preservation of traces: humidification, high or low temperature, being in the open air, dustiness, etc.

In practice, a simple method can be used to determine the time of formation of traces, with the help of which, in the example above, it was possible to establish that traces on plastic bags could have been left at least five months before they were found. For this purpose, the clean side of the bag, "on which there were handprints, was drawn into squares and the experimental fingerprints of several people were left. Then, periodically, once a month, several squares were treated with the same powder that was used to detect handprints at the scene. By a comparative study of the color intensity of the detected experimental and

The available handprints were able to date them and thus put forward a reasonable assumption that the traces could well have been left not by a criminal, but by an accidental person.

Similar results could be obtained in the second "case. For this, the wall, on which the handprints were found, had to be drawn, left on it a series of experimental traces with different trace formation conditions, and investigated in a similar way. Perhaps this would require continuing work in during all eight months indicated by the suspect, but most likely the experiments could be completed in a shorter time.

The disadvantage of this method of dating traces is that it does not take into account the effect of the amount of trace substance on the time of its preservation: the more substance, the better, all other things being equal, traces remain and the later they can be identified. So, the last of the fresh fingerprints in a row imprinted in a row are revealed by powders worse than the older traces with an abundant amount of trace substance. When establishing the time of formation of handprints, this circumstance must be taken into account, and when setting up experiments, various conditions for the formation of tracks must be ensured.

In addition to powder methods and the use of iodine vapors for dating handprints, in some cases it is possible to apply the method of silver nitrate, which, along with the identification of traces, makes it possible to record the time-dependent effect of the spatial movement of chlorine ions. So, in a dry, heated room, the trace of the patshllar pattern becomes indistinct within a month, but the image of this trace on the back of the paper remains suitable for identification for three months. Revealing traces five to six months old rarely gives a clear picture. Temporary signs are also characteristic of the ninhydrin method: with an increase in the limitation period, the brightness of the detected handprints also increases.

The laser method and TVN have great possibilities in terms of establishing time dependences. So, the TWN method allows you to accurately differentiate fresh and ancient traces, regardless of the number of touches preceding the trace formation. When the laser detects old traces, the effect of the luminescence shift from yellow-green to orange is observed

1 Such studies should be carried out in the order of expertise. In this case, the maximum purity of experiments can be achieved if experimental handprints are obtained from a suspect.

the band of the spectrum of line groups associated with some components of sweat matter. This makes the laser method quite promising for establishing the time of formation of handprints /;

How fingerprinting studies are carried out, the correspondent of the agency "Minsk-Novosti" found out.

Imagine a situation: a trinity drinks in a rented apartment, a quarrel flares up, one of the participants grabs a knife, in a fit of anger kills drinking companions and hastily retreats. In the morning the owners come for the keys and see two bloody corpses in the kitchen. Of course, they immediately dial 102. Soon, police officers, investigators, experts are already working there ...

Law enforcers pay attention to the traces of the recent feast. There are two corpses, and the glasses from which they used the "little white" were three. For example, in a hurry or on a drunken head, the killer did not bother to remove the evidence.

The expert identifies fingerprints on the glasses and, through electronic communication channels, transfers them to colleagues in the management of the State Committee for Forensic Expertise (GKSE) of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk. Those, in turn, identify them in an automated fingerprint information system (AFIS).

I decided to conduct an experiment. Knowing for sure that my prints are in the database - many years ago I underwent obligatory fingerprinting registration - I left a mark on one of the three circles, suggesting that Olga Porechnaya, the state forensic expert of the Department of Forensic Examination and Accounting of the Department of Criminalistics of the Republic of Belarus for Minsk, Olga Porechnaya, establish who it belongs. The girl applied a fingerprint magnetic powder to the surface of the cups with a special brush.

Then, with the help of adhesive tape, I transferred the developed trail to a paper backing, took a picture and sent it to colleagues in the department, who, by the way, work around the clock.

Those, having assigned a cipher to the image, in a special program manually traced the most obvious signs of the trail in order to speed up and simplify the process. Further, it is up to the technique: identification with dactocards available in the AFIS.

Among millions of prints within 15 minutes, the program identified a list of persons most suitable in terms of the location of identifying signs - that is, those who could presumably leave it. Then the expert once again personally compared the traces seized from the crime scene with the dactocards of the suspects. And voila! - the most suitable turned out to be mine. Everything took no more than 40 minutes.

In order to be able to prove the involvement of a person in the commission of a crime, the imprint must coincide with the trail not on one basis - more than a dozen of them are required.

If this does not happen, the expert will never give a positive opinion - the likelihood of undeserved punishment cannot be allowed. This kind of examination should give an unambiguous answer - without any “maybe” or “most likely”.

There are three types of patterns: arc, loop and curl. However, there are no identical prints. Even in identical twins, they can be very similar at first glance - the same type of pattern, shape, size, but the papillary lines are still located differently.

There may not be a fingerprint card of the alleged criminal in the database at all, but the trace will coincide with the one that was previously identified at the scene of another crime. Experts will certainly transfer such information to the interested authorities. .

- Of course, when committing a burglary, the expert will not cover the entire apartment with powder, fixing all traces in a row, - explains the specifics of the head of the department of forensic records of the department of forensic examinations and records of the department of the SCSE in Minsk, Maxim Duk. - Together with the investigator, they will simulate the possible trajectory of the criminal's movement, paying special attention to those places where something is missing or is not in its place..

Not all surfaces are processed with fingerprint magnetic powder. For example, the victim assures that the sheet of paper left by him on the table lies in a different way. The expert will seize it as material evidence with possible fingerprints and transfer it to the laboratory, where specialists will identify them using other special chemicals. Even on the body of a person who died from mechanical strangulation, it is possible to reveal the traces of the killer's fingers.

Last year, the specialists of Maxim Duka's division conducted about 30 thousand requests for AFIS. Sometimes his colleagues spend the whole day at the crime scene, because the resolution of the crime largely depends on the quality of their work. And there was a case when experts spent about two days examining one apartment where the triple murder took place.

Some criminals prefer to wield gloves, mistakenly believing that they will not inherit in this way. However, papillary lines tend to protrude, and in any case, a trace will remain on the subject. .

In the practice of metropolitan experts, there was a case when a burglar was exposed by the footprints left in the restroom, where he went to relieve himself. And one poacher, who was fishing on an industrial scale, was detained on a trail on the ice, which was well preserved in a 30-degree frost.

Photo by Sergey Lukashov