A mixture for removing yellow stains from clothes. Note to the hostess: how to remove sweat stains? Silk and wool fabrics

Excessive sweating often causes the appearance of yellow stains under the armpits. These footprints have an unpleasant odor and attract the attention of others. Deodorants work with sweat, but they also leave stains on clothes that are difficult to remove. How to save your favorite things and remove underarm spots?

Causes of underarm spots

The human body has three million glands capable of producing about 1 liter of sweat per day. When it settles on clothes, it causes the appearance of yellow spots in the armpits.

Sometimes increased sweating, which has a pungent and unpleasant odor, may indicate a disturbance in the functioning of the body. In this case, medical attention is needed.

Why sweat and deodorant stains are hard to remove

Not every industrial product is able to cope with such contamination, especially stubborn ones. This is due to the multiplication of microorganisms and the process of evaporation of moisture. The combination of bacteria with chemical components forms a mixture that eats into tissue.

The use of phosphate powders in washing causes the formation of a yellow silicone coating between the fibers. This complicates the process of getting rid of stains, as a result of which even the washed laundry is sometimes not clean and fresh.

For whites, use expensive detergents in combination with bleach. Use active oxygen and enzyme stain removers to remove perspiration from colored fabrics.

How to get rid of white deodorant marks

In order to clean clothes from traces of deodorant and not spoil the thing, pay attention to the composition and color of the fabric.

  • Wipe fresh white marks from deodorant on any fabric with vodka.
  • Wash dirty synthetic items in cool water with the addition of laundry soap.
  • Use shampoo to cleanse delicate fabrics.
  • Remove stains on woolen and knitwear with vinegar.

How to remove sweat stains on different fabrics

To remove sweat stains from different fabrics, you need to choose a product that will quickly cope with the problem and will not spoil the material.

Remedies for removing stains from different fabrics - table

How to remove sweat stains - gallery

Laundry soap will help get rid of sweat stains on any fabric Hydrogen peroxide is a universal remedy for removing sweat stains from any white fabric Aspirin effectively removes sweat impurities from any clothing Salt removes traces of sweat from silk, woolen and linen fabrics Soda will get rid of yellow marks under the armpits formed on clothes made of wool, cotton, linen and silk Table Vinegar Removes Sweat Traces on Light Cottons Sodium Hyposulphite will help wipe sweat from silk and synthetics You can use vodka to remove sweat stains from any fabric Ammonia will cleanse sweat from fur products Denatured alcohol combined with yolk will remove sweat from any colored clothing

Universal yellow spot remover

Aspirin is a universal remedy to get rid of sweat marks on all types of fabrics, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Instructions for removing stains with aspirin.

  1. Take a few tablets and crush them.
  2. Add a little water to the resulting powder.
  3. Stir the composition until you get a gruel.
  4. Apply it to the dirty areas and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  5. Do your laundry as usual.

Aspirin against stains and sweat odor - video

How to clean cotton fabrics

If the yellow spots on the cotton fabric were not removed in time, you can use a composition made on the basis of hydrogen peroxide. With this recipe, you can easily remove dirt on white T-shirts, tracksuits, shirts and blouses.

  1. Take a container and add 2 tsp into it. soda, 1 tsp. any detergent and ¼ a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Stir the ingredients and apply the resulting composition to the stains.
  3. Scrub sweaty areas with a brush.
  4. Leave the laundry for 1 hour.
  5. Machine wash in the usual way.

We remove yellowness from a cotton T-shirt - video

Also for cotton fabrics you can use 6% wine vinegar.

  1. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. l. wine vinegar.
  2. Apply the solution to the stain.
  3. Wait half an hour.
  4. Machine wash the item.

We clean flax and cotton

If you have sweat stains on linen and cotton clothes, use the following recipe.

  1. Take baking soda, salt, and liquid soap.
  2. Mix ingredients until thick.
  3. Add ammonia and apply the mixture to the contaminated areas.
  4. Leave the laundry for 30 minutes and then wash it normally.

The sooner sweat-stained clothes are washed, the better the end result will be.

For the emergency removal of stubborn sweat stains from white cotton fabrics, use 9% vinegar.

  1. Apply table vinegar to the stains.
  2. Leave the laundry for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse the product in clean water.

How to quickly wash stains from a white shirt

Use hydrogen peroxide to remove sweat stains from a white linen or cotton shirt.

  1. Stir 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Soak your shirt in the solution.
  3. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  4. Then wash it and rinse thoroughly.

Attention! This method is only suitable for removing stains from white clothing. It is better not to use hydrogen peroxide for colored fabrics.

How to remove sweat stains from a colored shirt - video

How to remove underarm stains from silk, synthetics, wool and fur

If sweat stains appear on silk and synthetic clothing, use sodium hyposulfite. You can buy it at a photography store or pharmacy.

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. sodium hyposulfite in a glass of water.
  2. Dampen a dirty cloth liberally.
  3. Rinse clothing in clean water.

Sweat stains on silk can be removed with rubbing alcohol. Wipe the dirty areas with it, and then rinse the clothes thoroughly in boiled water.

A saturated saline solution can deal with yellow spots on woolen clothes.

  1. Mix half a glass of salt and 1 liter of water.
  2. Leave dirty clothes in the solution for 1 hour.
  3. Rinse it in clean water.

If fur items are damaged, mix salt, ammonia and water in a ratio of 1: 10: 100. Manually treat the contaminated areas with the resulting solution, then rinse it off with clean water.

How to remove yellowness from colored fabrics

In case of contamination of colored fabrics, a mixture consisting of a 10% solution of denatured alcohol and one yolk will help.

  1. Apply it to contaminated areas, wait for the yolk to dry.
  2. Scrape it off by hand or with a little warmed up glycerin.
  3. Wash the product as usual.

Saving black clothes and a sweaty leather jacket

If spots from sweat or deodorant appear on black clothes, it is enough to wipe the stains with vodka. Other effective recipes can be used:

  • rub the stains with table salt, without making great efforts, so as not to spoil the structure of the fabric;
  • use ammonia diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Usually, after such treatment, the stain disappears within two to three minutes.

If you notice a fresh stain while wearing your leather jacket, cut the onion in half and wipe the soiled areas with its juice. You can also use orange peels. Their essential oils help to cleanse natural skin.

We remove yellow marks under the armpits from a dark T-shirt - video

Preventing underarm spots

In order to avoid the appearance of yellowness or white marks from deodorant, follow these simple rules:

  • apply deodorant to dry, clean skin, wait until it dries completely, and only then put on clean clothes;
  • To prevent yellow spots, use over-the-counter burnt alum instead of deodorant. This powder effectively adsorbs moisture.

You can remove sweat or deodorant stains from almost any fabric. Choose the right product carefully, consider the origin of the dirt and the type of fabric. With the right processing, you can restore your items to their impeccable appearance with a minimum of effort.

Light-colored items are one of the important parts of a wardrobe. White shirts are usually worn in offices, light trousers and dresses are preferably worn in the summer. Their fresh and snow-white appearance remains as long as the structure of the tissue is not disturbed.

At high temperatures, vigorous activity of the sweat glands, yellowish spots appear. Getting rid of them is not so easy.

Therefore, the question arises, how to remove yellow spots from white clothes?

Dark marks on products can appear for a variety of reasons: the most common are deodorant, tea and sweat marks. It is not so easy to remove them from the fabric.

In order for washing to be effective, you need to adhere to some tips:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to clean dirty things with hot water. High temperature values ​​adversely affect not only the composition of the tissues, but also their appearance. To remove yellow stains from white items, it is best to use cool water.
  2. Clothes made from natural materials can be discolored using sunlight. Ultraviolet light has excellent whitening properties.
  3. Often people use chlorine-containing products to whiten things. For delicate fabrics, it is advised to use vinegar or acetone.
  4. There should be no mechanical impact on pollution. The more careful the dirt is handled, the longer the paint and texture of the fabrics will last.
  5. It is forbidden to use hydrochloric and nitric acid on cotton fabrics. And alkali is not advised to use for wool and silk.
  6. Before using home methods, you need to do a test. Apply the product to an inconspicuous area and wait a few minutes. If the fabric has not deteriorated, then you can continue the procedure.
  7. It is better to handle stains from the wrong side.
  8. Hydrogen peroxide will help remove yellow stains from sweat from clothes. After using this method, the item must be thoroughly rinsed.

To prevent streaks on your clothes, it is better to wash them immediately after wearing them. Old dirt is removed worse.

Removal of fresh dirt

How to get rid of yellow stains on clothes while they are still fresh? There are several dirt-removing agents. They are considered inexpensive and affordable. At the same time, they are always at hand at any person.

Using laundry soap

Laundry soap does an excellent job with any kind of pollution. But this method is best used only on fresh spots.

To complete the procedure, the item must be washed in the washing machine. At the same time, put in the tray twice as much powder as usual.

Application of hydrogen peroxide

How to remove yellow stains on clothes? Hydrogen peroxide can be used.

To complete the procedure, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Soak the laundry in water and pour the peroxide over the specks.
  2. We are waiting until the hissing ends.
  3. Rinse your clothes thoroughly.

Fresh contamination should come off.

Whitening with Aspirin

How to whiten white clothes? Aspirin tablets will help to clean the laundry. To do this, you need to take two tablets, grind them and mix with one tablespoon of water.

Soak clothes in water. And then rub the resulting gruel into the traces of tea, dirt and sweat. Leave on for 4-5 hours. After the time has elapsed, rinse the product well.

Multi-component product

If you do not know how to remove yellow stains on white linen, then you can prepare the following remedy. To do this, you will need one spoonful of washing gel, two tablespoons of baking soda, four tablespoons of peroxide and one spoonful of vinegar. Mix all ingredients.

Using a brush, rub the resulting gruel into the trail of sweat and leave for three hours. To complete the procedure, clothes must be washed in the washing machine.

The use of dry alcohol

To whiten your laundry, take one tablet of dry alcohol and grind it to a powder.

Apply on dirt, soak clothes and leave for two hours. After the expiration of time, things must be thoroughly rinsed in order to wash out the remnants.

Removing stubborn stains

How to remove yellow stains on white clothes if they have long been embedded in the fabric? Washing such laundry is more difficult, but there are several options that can help solve this problem.

Use of oxalic acid

Oxalic acid will help remove yellow stains from a white shirt.

To do this, stir one teaspoon of acid in a mug of water and then treat the contamination.

Wait 10-15 minutes, and then wash in the washing machine.

Vinegar with laundry soap

You can remove old yellow spots from fabric using two components: vinegar and laundry soap.

To remove dirt, moisten the area with vinegar. After 10 minutes, rub with laundry soap. Leave clothes overnight, rinse in the morning.

Uses of citric acid

How to remove the macula? Citric acid works in the same way as oxalic acid. The only difference is the concentration of the solution.

To make the product, you need to take two tablespoons of acid and stir in a mug of water.

Multi-component product

How to remove yellow spots? Old sweat marks can be removed with the following remedy. To make it, you need to take 40 milliliters of gasoline, 45 milliliters of technical alcohol, 30 milliliters of ammonia.

The resulting mixture is applied to the dirt and left for 5-10 minutes, then the clothes are washed in the washing machine.

Combination of white spirit and ammonia

How to wash a white shirt that has poorly cleaned dirt? They can be washed off with a combination of ammonia and white spirit. The resulting solution must be wiped off the fabric. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse.

When we remove old traces with this tool, we must first make a test - if the dosage or time is not followed, the product may deteriorate.


You can use a powder called Persol as a bleach. Wash your clothes with this product to get rid of dirt.

To carry out the procedure, you need to add about 20 grams of powder to the water. And then boil for 30-40 minutes.

Removal of contaminants depending on the type of material

How to remove old yellow stains from laundry? The processing of things also depends on the type of product.

Stains can appear on a cotton blouse, you can remove them, observing the following conditions:

  1. You can prepare a product based on salt and ammonia. To do this, pour three liters of water into a basin, add one spoonful of salt and 500 milliliters of ammonia. We soak the item for 30-40 minutes, then wash it in the washing machine.
  2. If you don't know how to remove yellow stains on white cotton clothes, you can use regular baking soda and water. You need to take four tablespoons of baking soda and mix with a mug of water. Apply the bleaching agent to the dirt with three soft brushes. After 15-20 minutes, the laundry is rinsed. Old traces of sweat from a blouse are quickly washed off.
  3. How to remove yellow stains on clothes? The usual boiling will remove the old stain from the clothes. To do this, put the shirt in a pot of water and boil for 2 hours. After that, the fire is turned off, but the clothes are not taken out until the water has cooled. To improve the effect, you can add 50 grams of soap shavings to the saucepan.

You can get rid of yellowish marks on silk by following these steps:

  1. You need to buy hyposulfite at the pharmacy. It is sold in the form of crystals.
  2. Dilute them in a mug of water, and then wipe the product with the resulting mixture.
  3. Leave on for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Washing in an automatic machine will lead to the final removal of yellow traces.

This method is also great for thin synthetic fabrics.

It is also possible to remove yellow spots on white clothes from wool. You should deal with them with laundry soap. You need to take a piece of soap and grate it on a fine grater. Take 30 grams of shavings and dilute in water. You will get a soapy solution.

To remove stains, you need to apply foam to the trail of sweat or tea. Leave in this form for two to three hours. Woolen clothes should be washed by hand.

Snow-white things are a symbol of freshness and purity. To always look like new, you need to know how and how to wash them. There are many different methods. And which one to choose depends on the material of the product and the complexity of the pollution.

White clothes are most in demand in summer. She looks impressive and always refreshes. However, snow-white blouses, T-shirts and sundresses have one significant drawback: after a certain time they become covered with ugly stains from sweat and deodorant. Let's talk about how to remove yellow stains from white clothes.

Wash your clothes more often in summer

Sweat marks are the most common problem you face in summer. Due to its organic nature and high salt content, the liquid secreted by the human glands leaves a reminder of itself in the armpits, back and chest. Fresh sweat stains can be easily dealt with with regular powder. In some cases, you will need to soak your clothes for a couple of hours before washing. Not sure how to remove yellow stains from white clothes? You can use bleach or a special product to remove stubborn stains, of which there are many in stores today. For old stains, grandmother's recipes are also suitable, which have not lost their effectiveness.

How to remove yellow sweat stainsusing hydrogen peroxide?

This tool is famous not only for its disinfecting effect, but also for its whitening effect. Previously, women lightened their hair, and we will try to return the old whiteness to the clothes.

You will need a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a cotton pad. Apply the liquid to the cotton wool and gently wipe the stain. Next, wash it thoroughly with soap and hang the item to air dry. Peroxide can only deal with small and not too old stains.

acetylsalicylic acid?

In medicine, it is often called aspirin and is used as a pain reliever. Surprisingly, a remedy designed to fight headaches is great for whitening things. Crush two tablets into a fine powder and mix with warm water. Apply the solution to the stain with a tissue. You will have to wait a couple of hours for the contamination to disappear completely. A regular wash will be the final step.

How to remove yellow stains from white clotheswith salt?

The most common table salt was often used by our grandmothers as a substitute. It fights well with any kind of pollution, and is also able to return things to a snow-white color. However, salt is quite corrosive, so do not use it on delicate fabrics.

Stains from cotton and linen can be easily removed using salt and ammonia, which should be mixed in equal proportions. A small stain will take a teaspoon of each ingredient and a glass of warm water. Soak the stained area in this mixture, and you will forget about such a minor nuisance as a yellow spot.

How about deodorant?

This is another common question that many housewives ask. Deodorant is designed to fight perspiration, but he himself sins with marks on clothes. How to get rid of yellow stains on your favorite things? Make 4 teaspoons of regular baking soda. Mix it with warm water until thick. Soda has a wonderful whitening effect. After applying the mixture to the stain, the latter disappears after an hour.

Stubborn stains can be dealt with. Wipe the area with a cotton pad and wait a quarter of an hour. Next, the thing must be washed and rinsed well.

Yellow spots under the armpits are a familiar problem to all housewives. And each of them asks the question: how to get rid of yellow spots under the armpits?

The process of sweating itself is good for the human body. It allows you to get rid of excess moisture, remove salts and a number of harmful substances.

It can even turn out to be much worse - as a result of interaction with deodorant, sweat forms such stains that it is almost impossible to remove in the future. This is especially the case with white clothing.

However, there are a number of products, both manufactured in factories and folk, that help to remove even an old stain of sweat on a white T-shirt or shirt.

Laundry soap is a fairly reliable remedy to

The main thing here is to detect the problem in a timely manner and get rid of it. It is worth noting that soap allows not only to remove sweat stains on clothes, but also.

Upon returning home, the spoiled clothes are immediately removed and the stains are washed with ordinary laundry soap. After that, the item can be sent to the washing machine.

Do not make too hot water. It will be enough to wash the item at the temperature that is more suitable for it.

To remove underarm yellow spots, it is undesirable to use bleaches that contain chlorine. This substance is not able to remove traces of sweat, but fabric fibers will corrode very quickly.

There are many types of laundry soap on sale. If you can't get the stain out of your clothes, you can use a different variety or turn to a different method.


Sweat stains are difficult to wash off, especially on white cotton fabrics, when they are already several days old. An unpleasant odor here is relegated to the background, since it will disappear by itself much faster compared to a persistent armpit stain.

If you think about how to remove yellow spots under the armpits, then you can use such a proven remedy as hydrogen peroxide.

You can not use soda and liquid soap, take ammonia instead.

This formulation helps to remove yellow stains from cotton and linen clothing. A strong salt solution removes sweat marks on woolen and silk fabrics.

Removing stains from silk colored clothing is the most difficult thing, since in this case you will have to use a substance such as sodium hyposulfite. This substance is otherwise called "antichlor" or "neutral fixer", it can be purchased either in a specialized store of chemical solutions or in a pharmacy.

A tablespoon of this product is diluted in a glass of water and treated with stains. This tool is not able to corrode the fabric, on the contrary, it can be used to return the clothes to their previous colors.

Vinegar to fight sweat stains

It is used to remove perspiration from heavy cotton. This method is one of the most aggressive when yellow spots have already appeared on the surface of the fabric.

At home, the fabric is poured with concentrated vinegar, after which the thing must be left for a few minutes. The acid interacts with the stain and gradually dissolves it.

To know how to get rid of yellow spots under the armpits, you need to take into account the physiological characteristics of your body.

In particular, if the smell of sweat is too harsh with very active perspiration and poorly removed traces, then this is a signal to consult a doctor and it is better to monitor your own hygiene.

There are a number of tips to get rid of stains quickly.

  • Deodorant marks are removed by wiping them with vodka.
  • Burnt alum (usually sold at a pharmacy) is able to absorb moisture and fight odor. Similar characteristics are observed in Teimurov paste, formidron and some other agents.
  • The deodorant is applied to the skin surface in a thin layer.
  • Wait a while for the deodorant to dry before dressing, otherwise you can add a hard-to-remove deodorant stain to the sweat stains.

In order for the clothes to serve as long as possible, they need to be washed in a timely manner. This is a key rule that allows you to prevent the formation of yellow traces of sweat and all sorts of unpleasant odors on fabrics.

Yellowish stains on clothing can be of various origins. The most common are pollution on things from tea, deodorant or eau de toilette, as well as sweat. Such spots should not be difficult. However, for those who do not know what to do, we recommend that you figure out how to remove yellow stains from clothes.

There are many products available to help remove macular stains on clothing, such as powders, gels, sprays, and self-prepared solutions. But whichever one you choose, do not immerse the stained item in hot water. The fact is that, under the influence of high temperature, the stain will bite into the fabric even more, often even more yellow stains appear on the clothes, which are practically impossible to remove.

So, yellow stains on clothes are washed only in cool water, not higher than room water. In addition, it is not only the process of removing the stain that is important, but also the drying of the product after washing. For example, white cotton or linen clothing can be dried in the sun. Under the influence of UV rays, the thing will become whiter.

Attention! Stubborn or fresh yellow stains should not be removed with chlorine stain remover.

Chlorine can react with substances on fabrics, causing the stain to darken. How to get rid of yellow spots on things, consider all the ways further.

Removing tea stains

Many housewives have probably encountered tea stains on jeans, a shirt or a dressing gown. These are pretty stubborn stains. If they are not removed immediately, then you will have to use "heavy artillery" in the fight against them, which will complicate your work. Wash off a fresh stain with plain water and soap or powder. And for the elderly, you can use the following substances.

  • Oxalic acid effectively removes yellow spots. You need to dilute 2-3 grams of acid and wet the stain with the resulting solution, wait a little, and then wash the product.
  • Glycerin heated to 35 ° C will also help remove the stain. Apply it on the stain for 15 minutes, and then rinse the item.
  • Ammonia mixed with glycerin in a ratio of 1: 4. The mixture is applied to the dirt, and then the product is washed in warm water with the addition of washing powder.
  • Stain remover for white or colored clothes.

Save clothes from sweat stains

How to remove yellow spots from sweat gland secretions? A similar problem is more often encountered in the summer. Sweat containing salt leaves dirt on clothing, usually in the armpits, back and chest. Yellow sweat stains are more common on light and white clothing.

If you wash a "sweaty" thing right away, then ordinary detergent is enough. It will easily remove dirt and odors from both hand and machine wash.

In some cases, the process of how to remove yellow stains from clothes involves prolonged soaking; simple washing is not enough. You can use one of these methods to remove yellowness.

  1. A solution of ammonia and denatured alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio will help to cope with stains on silk products.
  2. A strong salt solution is suitable for wool products. If after the treatment the stain does not come off, you can try rubbing it with alcohol.
  3. Other fabrics can be washed in a solution of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of ammonia, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of table salt and 10 tbsp. spoons of water.
  4. In some cases, a mixture of ethyl alcohol and ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio can cope with the stain. After treating the stain with it, the products are washed in cold water.
  5. You can remove yellow spots on white clothes with hydrogen peroxide, it has a whitening effect. It is necessary to wipe the place of contamination with a swab dipped in peroxide, and then wash the thing.
  6. Another remedy suitable for whites is regular aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid as it is correctly called. To remove the stain, you need to take a couple of tablets and dissolve them in warm water. Wash the dirty place with the resulting solution, and then carry out a regular wash.

Removing other yellow spots

How to remove yellow stains from clothes caused by iodine? This is also a topical issue, especially for those who have children. Such contaminants can be sprinkled with baking soda, which every housewife definitely has in the house. Then the soda is poured with vinegar and left for a long time at least 12 hours. After a lapse of time, the product is washed in water with the addition of powder.

For those who are wondering how to remove rust stains from clothes, it is advisable to use a solution of one tablespoon of acetic acid with 0.5 liters of water. The solution must be warmed up to 80 0 С, and a dirty thing must be immersed in it. Because the temperature is so high, not every fabric will pass this test. After treatment with the solution, sprinkle the contamination with soda.

Faced with the problem of how to remove yellow stains from white wine or beer? In this case, table salt can help, which is sprinkled with pollution and waited. Then the product is washed in the usual way. Well, of course, a good stain remover will cope with such a stain.

Yellow stains can appear on clothes after washing. Many people wonder why yellowness appears on clean fabric? Perhaps the powder turned out to be of poor quality, or perhaps the water is simply contaminated with substances that, reacting with the powder, give a yellowish tint to clothing. In order for the item to regain its previous appearance, you need to wash it again with the addition of a stain remover.

And yet, if after washing there are yellow spots on things, then pay attention to the condition of the washing machine. Maybe the water is stagnant in the drain and needs to be drained, or oil from the internal parts of the machine gets into the drum.

Erase the white tulle

Over time, yellow spots may appear on the white tulle, which cannot be removed with a regular wash. Therefore, the question of how to remove the yellowed tulle is very relevant. You can try to cope with the task at home. Before bleaching, you must wash the tulle from dust and other dirt. This should be done in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 30 0 C.

  • When bleaching your curtains for the first time, you can use a good bleaching stain remover such as Vanish, BOS, SA8 from Amway. According to the instructions, the product is diluted in the required amount of water and the tulle is soaked for 30 minutes. After that, the tulle is thoroughly rinsed.
    But! This method can only be used once. On the second time, the desired effect cannot be achieved, the curtain may be slightly gray.
  • You can wash curtains from yellow spots in the "grandmother's way", which involves the use of blue. A small amount of blue, near the cap, is added to the water, stirring well. The tulle is immersed in it, and then rinsed in warm water.
  • You can whiten the tulle from stains with a brilliant alcohol solution (brilliant green). After washing, the tulle is placed in water with coarse table salt (3 tablespoons) and powder, and left for 2 hours. Then you need to add 3-4 drops of brilliant green and rinse the product. This will not only remove yellow stains from the curtains, but also give them elasticity.

Now you know how to wash the tulle. Use the suggested methods with caution.

So, many are faced with such a problem when yellow spots appear on their favorite clothes. At the same time, most housewives do not immediately throw out their clothes, but try to wash them on their own, especially since there are enough funds for this. We hope that our article has found a suitable way for you on how to remove yellow spots.