Social health of preschool children. Medico-biological and social foundations of health

Healthy lifestyle for children preschool age- it's not only physical activity, but also a whole range of measures that should become priorities for the parents of the baby. Until the age of 7, a child goes through a huge development path, on which both his physical health and personal qualities are laid. They are interconnected with each other, which is why it is so important at the very beginning of life to form a knowledge and skills base in the baby. healthy lifestyle life.

For many parents, the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers is limited only by the physical development of the child, while the baby's body is a complex system. The normal functioning of a young organism is ensured by the combination of several components:

  • biological;
  • mental;
  • social.

These components interact closely with each other. A child's lifestyle is half of his biological health. However, the second half is influenced by factors such as genetic predisposition, quality medical care, condition environment.

Often the biological health of a child directly depends on the lifestyle of his parents. Bad habits fathers and mothers harm the development of the baby even in his intrauterine life. Negatively affects the development of the fetus and excessive physical activity of a woman during pregnancy, overeating, bad dream, emotional overload.

If the ecological environment in which a child grows and develops cannot be changed by one person, then the mental and social health of the child is completely in the hands of his parents. The formation of a culture of health in preschool children should begin with parent example. Calm environment in the family, an adequate response to emerging difficulties, helping each other - all this will become the basis for the normal mental development of a preschooler.

Social foundations of preschool child health and elementary school student are laid down in communication not only with parents, but also with friends. An unfavorable environment will negatively affect the development of the individual. Therefore, it is so important to find an environment for the child that would influence him positively. In addition, the baby himself must have developed necessary qualities for comfortable interaction with the people around him. This is the formation of moral ideals and values, as well as social adaptation. All this is an important component of the basis for educating a culture of health in preschool children. One of the best ways to strengthen social health is labor activity. It is the introduction of the baby to work that gives him a sense of need and belonging to society.

Physical development

The formation of healthy lifestyle skills in preschoolers cannot take place without a practical component. An example of a healthy lifestyle of parents is important, but the concept of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers is unthinkable without physical development the baby himself. While he does not need sports loads, however, a set of measures to strengthen physical condition necessary. The main aspects aimed at improving the health of preschool children include:

  • motor mode;
  • personal hygiene;
  • hardening.

Games - main way keeping the child active. Firming physical exercises are important, but they only take a few minutes a day. The rest of the time the baby spends in games. However, a reasonable balance must be maintained between vigorous activity and rest. Therefore, it is better to alternate active and calm games, as well as spending time on fresh air and indoors.

Introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle begins with short physical activity. These are morning exercises, motor physical exercises that need to be done both at home and in kindergarten, exercises after daytime sleep. It is useful to conduct wellness activities with the child water procedures in a swimming pool.

Personal hygiene for the health of the child is extremely important. The kid at the very beginning of life must learn that the body needs to be looked after. This is important not only for good condition body, but also the health of others. The child must have personal items: comb, toothbrush, towel and handkerchief. From childhood, you need to teach him how to use these items correctly.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children does not pass without hardening, although many parents associate this procedure with the use of risky measures. However, hardening effective method prevention of diseases and strengthening of immunity. If you follow the basic rules of hardening, then the baby's body will gradually become more resilient to factors external environment. It is important to carry out hardening procedures regularly, especially in winter period. The principle of gradualism is the main one. It will be possible to easily adapt the body to changes in the external environment if you increase the load gradually. It must also be taken into account individual characteristics baby. If he does not tolerate any procedure, then it is better to refuse it.

Health saving technologies

Today at educational institutions great attention is given to the system of educational and health-improving, preventive and corrective measures. Use of health-saving technologies preschool education is an important step in the development of a full-fledged and physically strong child. Such technologies are used in all types of activities. They are aimed at maintaining health and the formation of basic knowledge of healthy lifestyles in children. Preschool institutions use the following forms technologies for maintaining and stimulating health:

  • dynamic pauses;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • breathing exercises;
  • invigorating gymnastics;
  • outdoor games;
  • relaxation.

Short dynamic pauses of 2-5 minutes are necessary for babies. They diversify activities and relieve stress. Short physical activity allows you to join in classes with renewed vigor.

Finger gymnastics in kindergartens is very important. If for schoolchildren the warm-up of fingers and hands only relieves stress, then the kids improve during these short lessons. fine motor skills, speech is stimulated, blood circulation is enhanced. AT speech therapy groups such breaks between classes are simply necessary. Conduct finger gymnastics possible at any time. AT recent times in kindergartens, the technology of bioenergetic plastics has become widespread. This is a combination of movements of the hands and the articulatory apparatus. This exercise helps to stimulate brain activity.

During activities that require a lot of visual concentration, it is necessary to pause and give rest to the eyes. Special gymnastics within 3-5 minutes will relieve tension from the eye muscles. useful to do circular motions eyes, look into different sides, away and in front of you.

Breathing exercises have a good effect on the health of preschool children. It activates oxygen metabolism in tissues, normalizes the respiratory system as a whole. This type of pause is especially useful during physical exertion.

After lunch, it is useful to do invigorating gymnastics. It lasts only 5-10 minutes and consists of a certain set of exercises. This is a kind of morning exercise, but not so intense. You can start a set of invigorating exercises right in the beds. These exercises are aimed at correcting posture and flat feet. In many kindergartens, caregivers use a button mat. Children walk on it after sleep. This track is good for the health of preschoolers, it perfectly massages the feet and strengthens the muscles.

Outdoor games are an integral part of classes in preschool institutions. They not only contribute to strengthening the health of children, but also develop physical activity, improve psychological and physiological state organism. Of course after outdoor games rest is needed. During relaxation, the child can do self-massage. This procedure will improve blood circulation and will be an excellent prevention of many diseases. BUT good tales and pleasant music that complements classes will improve mental health baby.

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"Medical-biological and social foundations health"

Dictionary of concepts

Health is not only the absence of disease and well-being, but also the presence of a hygienic worldview and a hygienic culture (physical, mental and social).

A healthy lifestyle is a person's behavior that reflects a certain life position, is aimed at maintaining and strengthening health and is based on the implementation of norms, rules and requirements of personal and general hygiene.

Immunity is the resistance of the body to infection due to the production of antibodies.

Hardening is a system special training thermoregulatory processes of the body, which includes procedures whose action is aimed at increasing the body's resistance to hypothermia or overheating.

A rational mode of life is a rational duration and a clear alternation various kinds activities and recreation of children during the day.

Adaptation is the process of adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Childhood trauma is damage developing organism the person who is least trained to resist this kind of misfortune.

Injury prevention - measures aimed at preventing the receipt of any injuries.

Allergic conditions

Allergy is an unusual (increased) sensitivity of the body to the effects of certain environmental factors, called allergens. Leads to the development of allergic diseases.

Bronchial asthma is a severe allergic Allergic diseases cannot be classified as hereditary, with a disease manifested by attacks of suffocation with sharply difficult exhalation, wheezing as a result of narrowing of the lumen of the small bronchi. Depending on the reasons disease-causing, there are two forms: non-infectious-allergic and infectious-allergic.

Atopic dermatitis (exudative - catarrhal diathesis, allergic diathesis, eosinophilic diathesis, food allergy) - chronic illness, which is based on allergic inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Acute urticaria and Quincke's edema (angioneurotic edema) is an allergic skin lesion, accompanied by a violation of permeability vascular wall and swelling on the skin and other organs.

Anaphylactic shock is a spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi about the bronchioles (asphyxia). There may be a change in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting). A disease that usually occurs in children long time taking any particular drug.

Scarlet fever

Signs: sore throat, small punctate rash on a reddened body and general phenomena poisoning with scarlet fever.

Prevention : isolation of the patient. All his belongings (bedding, clothes, dishes, books, toys) are disinfected. Children who are not ill are not allowed in preschool for 7 days, adults are subject to medical supervision for a week.

signs: fever, mucosal lesions respiratory tract, rash.

Prevention: isolation of the patient, thorough ventilation of the room and wet cleaning, vaccination.


Signs: rash, damage to the lymphatic tissue.

Prevention : patient isolation, medical supervision for children within 17 days from the first day of contact.


signs : phenomena of general intoxication, fibrous inflammation of the tonsils, pharynx, larynx, nose, eyes, ear and genital organs.

Prevention : isolation and showing to the doctor, the introduction of antidiphtheria serum. Send the patient to the hospital. Chemical disinfection. Within 5 days, each vaccinated child or adult with diphtheria must take blood. Children are isolated for 7 days. Vaccination.

signs : defeat nervous system, respiratory tract. Attacks of coughing.

Preventive a: patient isolation. Children who have been in contact with the patient are in quarantine for 14 days.

Coughing children from the quarantine group are transferred to an isolated round-the-clock group for observation. Children need to be outdoors often. Vaccination.


signs: general intoxication, damage to the salivary glands, nervous system.

Prevention: patient isolation. For the first 10 days, contacted children can attend preschool. Children who have not had early mumps and are not immunized are subject to quarantine. Vaccination.

Chicken pox

Signs: spotted blistering rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Prevention: patient isolation. Thorough ventilation of the room. Contact children who have not had chickenpox are subject to quarantine from 11 to 21 days.

1. Role kindergarten in shaping children's health

Preschool childhood is a very short period in a person's life. Formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle is one of the key goals in the system of preschool education. And this is quite understandable - only healthy child can develop harmoniously. Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. Until the age of seven, a child goes through a long developmental path that is not repeated throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that intensive development organs and formation functional systems organism, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others are formed. That is why with early age it is necessary to involve the child in taking care of his health, to educate him in his interest and activity in self-development and self-preservation.

Table: "The main factors affecting human health"

Positive influence (health factors)

Negative impact (risk factors)


Healthy heredity; the absence of morphofunctional prerequisites for the onset of diseases.

Hereditary diseases and disorders; predisposition to disease.

State of the environment

Good living and working conditions, favorable climatic conditions, environmentally favorable environment a habitat.

Harmful conditions of life and production, unfavorable climatic and natural conditions, violation of the ecological situation.

Medical support

medical screening, high level preventive measures, timely and complete medical care.

Lack of permanent medical control for the dynamics of health, low level primary prevention, poor quality medical care

Conditions and lifestyle

Rational organization of life: sedentary lifestyle, adequate motor activity, social lifestyle.

Absence rational regime vital activity, migratory processes hypo - or hyperdynamia.

The formation of cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children is one of the most relevant in the education of children of this age. And how it is initially thought out, planned and organized, depends on whether it will promote health, physical and mental development as well as fostering a culture of behavior. A hygienic culture is as important for a person as the ability to speak, write, read. Self-care gives a person a feeling of cleanliness, health. It is necessary to accustom the child to hygienic individualism: his own comb, his own bed, his own potty, his own handkerchief, his own towel, his own Toothbrush. To bring children to the understanding that keeping the body clean is important not only for protecting personal health, but also for the health of others.

In kindergarten, educators teach pupils to take care of their health and the health of those around them, develop personal hygiene skills, give knowledge about healthy food, and orient children towards a healthy lifestyle. Ways to solve problems: classes, games - classes, visual activity, walking, hygiene procedures, hardening events, games, sports events, holidays, conversations, reading literature, the use of emotionally attractive forms. Education is organized not only in the classroom, but also in all regime moments when situations arise that push children to make a decision on this problem. Undoubtedly, the main allies in this work should be parents. From the first days of meeting them, educators show and tell everything that awaits their children in kindergarten, turn Special attention questions related to children's health.

2. Factors included in the structure of a healthy lifestyle

health preschool cultural hygienic

a) Rational nutrition;

b) Full sleep;

c) Compliance with the regime of work and rest;

d) hardening;

e) Ventilation;

e) Hygienic basics healthy lifestyle;

g) Physical exercise.

3. Basic requirements for the main regime moments held in the preschool educational institution

Kindergarten mode aims to use as much time as possible for play and free activity children. meal time, daytime sleep, the time of the walk are stereotypically repetitive regime moments. All other components of the regime are dynamic. Some changes are allowed in the sequence or duration of certain types of children's activities during the day. At the same time, the basic principles of building a regimen are necessarily preserved: a sufficient daily duration of children's stay in the air, good sleep, rational alternation of mental and physical activity, regular nutrition, leisure. The daily duration of the children's walk is four hours. It is organized 3 times a day: in the morning, in the first half before lunch and in the afternoon before the children go home. When the air temperature is below minus 15 degrees and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced. During a walk with children, games and physical exercises are carried out, individual work and independent activities of children are carried out. The walk is not carried out at air temperatures below minus 15 degrees and wind speeds over 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5-7 years old at air temperatures below minus 20 degrees and wind speeds over 15 m/s, as well as on rainy days. weather. The walk is replaced independent activity children, joint activities educator with children (organization of games, including mobile, individual work etc.) with a visit to the music (physical education) hall to organize the ventilation of the group room. AT summer period the duration of the walk is maximized, games, physical exercises, educational activities are carried out in the fresh air. A mandatory component of the regime is a meal, which provides for four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. The time after sleep is used to organize hardening procedures and self-study. gaming activity children. In the premises for activities and recreation of children, a favorable hygienic environment is created, which provides for systematic ventilation and maintenance of air temperature. In the course of hardening activities with preschoolers, various forms and hardening methods, the basic principles are respected. For hardening children, the main natural factors (sun, air and water) are used differentially depending on the age of children, their state of health, taking into account medical indications. Hardening measures vary in strength and duration depending on the season of the year, air temperature, and the epidemiological situation. When implementing regime moments the individual characteristics of the child are taken into account (medical indicators, pace of activity, etc.). Leading activity is a game in which children learn the purpose of objects and methods of action with them, as well as a certain layer accessible to them. human relations. Socially useful work of children of the eldest and preparatory groups is carried out in the form of self-service, elementary household work and work in nature (table setting, assistance in preparing for classes). When organizing directly educational activities, various forms of children's activities are used: excursions, didactic games, children's experimentation, dramatization games, project activity etc., using specific preschool organization techniques (game and surprise moments, including the use of toys, dolls, etc., cooperation with adults and other children), which makes the lesson not only interesting for the child, but also personal significant, initiating the child himself (search for ways, solutions, including variable ones). Education in the form of directly educational activity begins from the third year of life. Children are offered such content that they cannot master on their own in free activity without the help of an adult. On directly educational activities allotted: - for children 2-3 years old - no more than 10 minutes; - for children 3-4 years old - no more than 15 minutes; - for children of the 5th year of life - no more than 20 minutes; - for children of the 6th year of life - no more than 25 minutes; - for children of the 7th year of life - no more than 30 minutes. Physical Culture organized 3 times a week, one lesson is held outdoors in the absence of medical contraindications in children and the presence sportswear corresponding to weather conditions. Its duration depends on the age of the children and is: in 2 junior group-15 minutes; in the average -20 minutes; in the eldest - 25 minutes; in the preparatory group - 30 minutes. Work on physical education is carried out taking into account the state of health of children with regular monitoring by a nurse and a pediatrician. When organizing the educational process in working with preschoolers, methods are used to relieve psycho-emotional stress (dynamic pauses, physical exercises, finger gymnastics, changing the position of the body of children: standing, sitting on high chairs). Preschoolers of middle and older age in the morning and in the evening independently assess their emotional state.

4. Types of injuries and typical situations child injury

Injuries by the nature of damage: mechanical (fall, impact); physical (high or low temperature, burns, frostbite, current, radiation); chemical (chemicals).

Closed damage

Injury- closed mechanical damage tissues or organs without visible violation of their anatomical integrity. Frequent injury in children when falling. A bruise and a bluish-red spot appear at the site of the bruise. With severe bruises, damage to internal organs can occur.

Sprain of ligaments and tendons . Occurs when sudden movements, unsuccessful jumps, awkward turns. There is pain, swelling, limitation of movement in the joint. Sometimes there may be a tear or rupture of the ligaments and articular bag with a persistent displacement of the ends of the bones included in a particular joint. This is called a dislocation. Characterized by a sharp increasing pain in the joint, a change in its shape, swelling and bruising.

fracture- complete or partial violation of the integrity of the bone.

Closed - if a bone fracture skin remained intact.

Open- along with a broken bone there is a wound.

Sharp pain, aggravated by the slightest movement, bone mobility in the place where there is no joint, change external form broken limb.

Open damage

Wound - damage in which the integrity of the bone or mucous membranes, and sometimes deeper tissues, is disturbed. Wounds include: scratches, abrasions, cuts, abrasions of the legs, splinters.

Bleeding .

Arterial- occurs when large arteries are damaged. A pulsating stream of scarlet blood.

Venous- is a consequence of damage to more or less large veins. Dark red blood flows from the wound in a uniform stream.

capillary- damage smallest vessels. Blood oozes in drops.

Nose bleed . Occurs with bruises of the face and nose and some diseases (measles, influenza, whooping cough).

burns . Can be caused by flame, boiling water, steam, various chemicals: acids, alkalis, some medicines (lapis, iodine, ammonia), electric shock, radioactive substances, sunlight.

There are thermal, chemical, electrical, radiation. Most often observed on the skin, but there may be burns to the eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus and even the stomach.

Burn grades:

First degree: redness, painful swelling of the skin, local fever.

Second degree : detachment of the surface layers of the epidermis and the formation of blisters filled with gelatinous fluid. The blisters break easily, forming a bright red wound underneath.

Third degree : occurs from a flame, prolonged exposure to boiling water or incandescent objects. The entire thickness of the affected area of ​​the skin dies, a scab is formed - a crust. After the rejection of dead tissue, a deep wound remains.

fourth degree : prolonged exposure to flame. There is charring of tissues down to the bones.

The severity and danger of a burn depend on the depth and extent of the lesion. Children suffer burns much harder than adults.


A child can get frostbite not only at very low air temperatures, but also at zero, +3, +5, if high humidity or strong wind. Usually affected: tip of nose, ears, cheeks, fingers and toes (especially if tight shoes). Under the action of cold, the blood vessels of the skin narrow, normal nutrition, and gas exchange in them is disturbed, the skin turns pale, a tingling or tingling sensation appears in it, followed by a complete loss of sensitivity.

First degree: with prolonged exposure to cold. Paleness of the skin, decreased sensitivity and the appearance of slight pain. With further cooling, the sensitivity disappears. After warming, the affected areas turn red and swell, burning pain and itching appear.

Second degree: sharply pale skin, after warming it acquires a purple-cyanotic color, edema and a bubble appear in the frostbite area and around it, filled with a light or bloody liquid.

Third degree: necrosis of the skin, soft tissues. It happens with prolonged cooling and very low temperatures.

Fourth degree: necrosis of soft tissues and bones. Over time, the affected part of the body is rejected.

Heat and sunstroke

A child who has been in a very heated room for a long time or in hot calm weather outdoors in the shade may have a heat stroke. Body temperature rises, lethargy, reddening of the face, profuse sweating appear, headache, coordination of movements is disturbed. In severe cases, the child's breathing quickens, the face turns pale, loss of consciousness occurs.

The same phenomena are observed in long acting on the uncovered head of a child in direct sunlight.


Caused by anemia of the brain. Causes: fatigue, nervous shock, hunger, loss of blood, fumes, prolonged stay in an unventilated room, etc. Signs: pallor, loss of consciousness, rare breathing, weak pulse.

Animal bites

AT summer time, children are often bitten by mosquitoes and other insects, snakes. For summer holiday children should choose places where poisonous insects and snakes do not occur. You should not walk with children in damp, low and especially swampy places, go with them into tall grass, thick bushes, allow them to play and wallow on hay and straw.

Bites from rabid animals

Rabies is an acute infectious disease. It occurs after the bite of an infected animal - wild animals (fox, wolf, jackal, badger) and domestic animals (dog, cat, herbivores). Infection occurs through bites and subsequent contact with the saliva of a sick animal on the wound.

When the child becomes ill, depression, drowsiness, rapid development paralysis. Children should be prohibited from approaching unfamiliar animals and playing with them.

Entry into the body of a foreign body

Foreign bodies ( small items, bones, buttons) often fall into the pharynx and esophagus of children, and getting stuck there, lead to difficulty in eating, to damage, and if they stay there for a long time, to the development of a purulent process in the surrounding tissues.

When it enters the larynx, trachea or bronchi, the child suddenly has an asthma attack, accompanied by a blue face and lips, convulsive cough.

A foreign body in the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​​​the eyes (sand, eyelash, midge) causes burning, lacrimation, photophobia.

When it gets into the ear (a pea, a button), the child complains of noise, the presence of something extraneous in the ear, hearing loss is often noted.

A foreign body in the nose makes breathing difficult and causes sneezing.

5. Measures to prevent child injuries and infectious diseases in preschool

1. The preschool educational institution clearly complies with the safety requirements for equipping the territory of the kindergarten:

equipment located on the territory (small forms, physical education aids, etc.) twice a year in without fail(if necessary - more often) are inspected for their being in good condition with the obligatory drawing up of inspection reports. In addition, educators and the administration at the preschool educational institution daily check the condition of the furniture and equipment of groups and walking areas: they must be free of sharp corners, nails, roughness, protruding bolts, all furniture in groups and equipment in the areas must be fixed;

Play slides, ladders must be stable and have strong slats, railings, meet the age of children and sanitary standards.

2. In spring-autumn period measures are taken to eliminate stagnant waters after rain before starting a walk; garbage collection; bringing decorative pruning of shrubs; felling of dry and low branches of trees and young growth;

3. In winter, measures are taken to clean the roofs of all buildings, paths, playgrounds, porch steps, outdoor stairs from snow and ice from snow and icicles before starting a walk, sanding.

4. Kindergarten teachers in order to prevent injuries, control and insurance is carried out while children are rolling down a hill, climbing, jumping off hills, skiing in the winter, and testing of portable material (blades, skis, ice makers, turntables) is carried out.

5. Massage nurses conduct individual conversations about the rules of conduct during a massage, senior nurse Participates in outreach activities. Physical therapy instructor and physical fitness instructor organize physical culture leisure according to traffic rules, educators together with music director organize holidays and entertainment. All these activities are carried out only after a thorough inspection of the venue and the equipment used.

1) 6. Inventory and play equipment must also comply with safety requirements: children's equipment and play equipment must be in good condition, allowing you to measure the motor load in accordance with the season of the year, the age of the children and the requirements of SanPiN.

Prevention of infectious diseases

It is carried out in three directions:

1) identification and isolation of the source of infection;

2) exclusion of transmission mechanisms;

3) increasing the child's resistance to infectious diseases.

There is an insulator in the preschool educational institution where the identified patient is placed. In order to prevent the spread of infection, disinfection is carried out. Disinfection is divided into preventive, current and final.

Preventive disinfection is carried out daily and includes disinfection drinking water by boiling, wet cleaning of premises, airing, etc.

The current one is carried out in the environment of an infectious patient or a bacteriocarrier until he is isolated.

Final after the child's recovery

When infectious diseases occur, a set of measures is carried out with the participation of a doctor and an epidemiologist - quarantine is established. This is the separation of children who had contact with a sick child from other healthy children for a period equal to the incubation period of the disease, the prohibition of accepting new children, the transfer of children from one group to another. Proper planning and operation of the premises, strict adherence to the daily routine, balanced diet, physical education, especially, hardening, good staging of general medical care and educational work increase resistance child's body to various harmful effects external environment.

An important event is proper organization receiving children. Sanitary control over the recruitment of personnel


1) Golubev V.V. Fundamentals of pediatrics and hygiene of preschool children - M.: Academy, 1998.

2) Sokovnya - Semenova I.I. Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle and first aid: Proc. allowance / I.I. Sokovnya - Semenova - M .: Academy, 1998.

3) Subotyalov M.A. Human hygiene in questions and answers / M.A. Subotyalov, A.V. Petrova. - Novosibirsk: Science Center, 2005.

4) Ten E.E. Fundamentals of medical knowledge - M .: Academy, 2008. - (secondary vocational education).

5) Tonkova - Yampolskaya R.V. Fundamentals of medical knowledge. - M.: Enlightenment, 1993.

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The health of a child at any age is the greatest treasure, which means that you should not regret anything for him, from time to time. parental care and forces. Today in a formed society child health is perceived as something socially significant, and therefore, on the basis of a social problem, it covers a whole group of psychological, physical, social, health-improving and biomedical sciences.

The upbringing of a preschooler, no matter how it happens, to the last drop should be permeated with concern for the physical health of the child, as well as for his psychological well-being. Special meaning in solving many problems with the formation of the health of preschoolers is given hygiene education and education, which in turn is aimed at promoting healthy and active image life. Often, one of the main reasons for the decline in positive health readings in preschoolers is the loss of the natural desire to move, which is given to all of us by nature. After all, it is thanks to this that the child’s body grows and develops all the time.

Today, already at preschool age, many children develop such a diagnosis as "physical inactivity", which is a violation common functions organism with limited active motor activity. as show medical research, a child aged 4-6 years can stay in the correct statistical position for only 4-5 minutes, which is necessary for carrying out educational process. This problem arises due to the fact that the child's body muscles are poorly developed. Strengthening the health of preschool children should be based on a whole complex special organization educational process in kindergartens.

Such a process, as a rule, includes compliance with hygienic and age-related load regulations, a combination of those items that require increased cognitive activity and are statistical in nature, and subjects related to dynamic activities, such as swimming or physical education.

They are especially good in the demi-season, when it's cool outside. You open the windows in the house for 10-15 minutes, undress the children to their panties and fool around with him according to the principle - "movement is life."

This procedure allows 1.5-2 times to reduce colds. Moreover, it stimulates the brain. But never use too much cold water. And pre-warm the child's feet. Gradually turn the dousing of the feet into dousing the legs up to the knee. Approximately every 1.5 minutes, alternate warm and cool water. This is a good way to harden children.

Long simple not terry towel moisten with a warm saline solution (from sea or ordinary table salt) and spread on the floor. Let the child run along this path for a while. cloth soaked in saline solution cools down much faster than plain water. And besides, salt is a natural irritant and disinfectant. Tempering a child in this way will take place in a playful way.

Children don't like to rub. It's not very pleasant. In addition, there is a great opportunity to get sick, overcooled. For hardening children from 9 summer age such the way is fine OK.


Most the best remedy hardening of children after pouring feet. Pour warm water over the child for one and a half minutes, cold water for 20-30 seconds. And so several times, ending warm water. Too excitable it is better to water the sutra, and not before going to bed.

Bathing - what a hardening! Classes in water strengthen bones, prevent flat feet, form the correct posture and improve blood circulation.