Modern approaches to physical culture in a preschool educational institution. Modern approaches to solving health problems of physical education in preschool educational institutions

The collective of our kindergarten "Kolokolchik" pays close attention to the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of pupils.

I bring to your attention a plan for the Pedagogical Council on healthy lifestyles for preschoolers.





Pedagogical Council number 4

MDOU kindergarten number 7 "Bell"


Date: 25.02.2015

Topic: "Modern approaches to ensuring physical and mental development

Preschool child "

Implementation of decisions of the pedagogical council No. 3 dated 05.12.2014

1 Formation of a culture of health of preschoolers is the leading direction of activity of preschool educational institutions at the present stage.

The message of Art. educator Davydova I.A.

2 Modern approaches in the activity of the FZK instructor in the implementation of the tasks of the educational area "Physical development".

Instr. Message FZK Ovchenkova A.R.

3 Using health-preserving technologies in working with children.

The message of the educator Shtokova L.E.

4 Organization of healthy meals in kindergarten.

The message of Art. m / s Zueva N.G.

5 The routine of life and its importance in preserving and strengthening the health of preschool pupils

The message of the educator Sablina I.L.

6 Use of non-standard equipment for the development of physical activity in children

The message of the teacher Zhirnova N.A. (presentation of the manual)

7 Guidance of independent motor activity of older preschoolers

The message of the teacher N.A. Fadeeva

8 Brainstorming "Solving pedagogical problems"

9 Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in order to effectively solve problems of physical development

The message of the teacher Strelnikova E.A.

10 Physical culture and music

Message to muses. head Sadovskaya G.Yu.

11 Correctional activities of a teacher-logopedist on the implementation of health preservation tasks for preschool pupils

The message of the speech therapist teacher Pankova E.F.

12 Analysis of the plans of the V-O work with children for the implementation of the tasks of the PA "Physical Development"

13 Results of the parents' questionnaire on the topic "What is the place of physical culture in your family?" and the results of the children's survey "What is health?"

Analytical report of Art. educator Davydova I.A.

14 Reflexive role play "What prevents a child from being healthy in our kindergarten?"

15 Decision of the Pedagogical Council

  1. Formation of a health culture for preschoolers through introduction to a healthy lifestyle and education of safe behavior skills. The message of Art. educator Davydova I.A.

Caring for the child's physical health and mental well-being is a primary task for preschool teachers and parents, who create an environment that ensures the safety of his life and promotes physical activity. The efforts of preschoolers today, as once, are aimed at improving the health of a preschooler, cultivating a healthy lifestyle. It is no coincidence that these are the tasks that are prioritized in the program for the modernization of Russian education.

Today, the concept of "health culture" is being used more and more widely in society. The culture of health is considered as a component of the general culture of a person. The introduction of this concept into the educational process is associated with the modern concept and strategy of health based on the increasing social value of human health. The task of early formation of a culture of health is relevant, timely and rather difficult. How can we improve and maintain the health of our children? How to contribute to the formation of a child's physical culture? How to instill the values ​​and skills of a healthy lifestyle? When should you start? To solve the problems of physical education and development of children, the formation of a value attitude towards their health, reducing their morbidity is possible only through the joint efforts of teachers, medical workers and parents. Therefore, in preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to search for new approaches to the formation of a child's health culture: special attention must be paid to finding new approaches to the physical development of children, based on a multifactorial analysis of external influences, monitoring the health status of each child, taking into account and using the characteristics of his body, creating certain conditions.

Federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program define the qualitative characteristics of a kindergarten graduate as physically developed, "the child has formed basic physical qualities and the need for physical activity ... observes the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle ... Observes the rules of behavior on the street (road rules) ..."

The task of preschool teachers is to create all the necessary conditions for preschoolers to grow up physically healthy and strong.

It is necessary to have a competent, highly effective organization of a health-preserving educational process that corresponds to age and individual capabilities, uses adequate technologies for development and education and contributes to the assimilation of the values ​​of health and a healthy lifestyle by children. Physical education in this direction plays one of the dominant roles, as a component of a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Modern approaches in the activities of the instr. FZK in the implementation of tasks

PA "Physical development".

(reported by FZK instructor Ovchenkova A.R.)

One of the means of solving the designated tasks is becominghealth-saving technologies, without which the educational process of a modern kindergarten is unthinkable.

  1. The use of health-preserving technologies in working with children. (message from Shtokova L.E.)

Health-saving technologies in preschool education are technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of subjects of the educational process in kindergarten: pupils, teachers and parents.

The goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to a child is to ensure a high level of real health of a kindergarten pupil and foster a culture of health, as a combination of a child's conscious attitude to human health and life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and protect it, valeological competence, which allows a preschooler independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, problems associated with the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance. With regard to adults - assistance in the formation of a culture of health, including the culture of professional health of preschool educators and valeological education of parents.

Today, in the practice of preschool education, a large experience has been accumulated in the use of various means - health-saving technologies:

Physical culture and health technologies;

Technologies for providing psychological and social well-being;

Organization of a motor, developmental and health-improving environment;

Technologies for introducing preschoolers to healthy lifestyles;

Technologies for developing the skills of reasonable and safe behavior;

Technologies of health preservation and health enrichment of preschool educational institutions.

An increase in the motor status of children is greatly influenced by the motor regime: morning exercises, physical activity, gymnastics after an afternoon nap with hardening procedures; unconventional walks; joint leisure activities with parents; sports events and entertainment. Compliance with the daily routine in the preschool educational institution, which regulates the time spent by children in kindergarten, is of great importance in maintaining and strengthening the health of children.

  1. Organization of healthy food in a preschool educational institution

(reported by the senior medical officer of Sister Zueva N.G.)

  1. The routine of life and its significance in the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool pupils.

(reported by I. L. Sablinogy)

  1. The use of non-standard physical training equipment in solving problems of preserving and strengthening the health of pupils

(reported by N. A. Zhirnova)

Physical activity is the main means of preventing the development of neuropsychic fatigue in children. However, in recent years there has been a steady decline, both in volume and intensity. It is known that the blow inflicted by hypokinesia on the muscular system affects the state of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Various posture defects are formed.

Movements in any form, corresponding to the physiological capabilities of children, act as a health-improving factor. Any physical activity only then acquires the character of an internal vital need when it becomes conscious and voluntary. In parallel with the improvement of motor skills, enrichment of the child's motor experience, teachers need to pay serious attention to the all-round development of the personality. Forming a conscious control of movements, an adult helps the formation of the personality of a child-creator, and not a simple performer of someone's tasks. Solving the problem in the aggregate of social and pedagogical conditions that ensure a holistic educational process, harmonious, physical and personal development of the child. The most valuable thing for this seems to be: the creation of independently manufactured non-standard equipment. The introduction of new equipment develops children's interest in physical education, motor skills and abilities are formed faster, improves the quality of movements, creates a positive attitude to the lesson. It is important that such equipment is safe, aesthetic, appropriate and functional.

  1. Management of independent motor activity of older preschoolers. (reported by N.A. Fadeeva)
  1. Brainstorming "Solving pedagogical problems on the introduction of preschoolers to healthy lifestyles"
  1. Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in order to effectively solve problems of physical development. (reported by E.A. Strelnikova)
  1. Physical culture and music.

(reported by music director Sadovskaya G.Yu.)

  1. Correctional activities of a speech therapist teacher for the implementation of health care tasks for preschool pupils.

(communicated by the teacher of speech therapist EF Pankova)

  1. Analysis of the plans of VO work with children for the implementation of the objectives of the PA "Physical development".

(Information certificate of the senior educator Davydova I.A.)

  1. Parents' survey results

(analytical reference)

  1. Results of the children's survey "What is health?"

(analytical reference)

  1. Reflexive role-playing game "What is health?"
  1. Decision of the Pedagogical Council No. 4

The materials of the speeches of the PS participants are attached.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

GOU VPO "Altai State Pedagogical Academy"

Institute of Physical Culture and Sports

Department of Sports Games

Course work

MethodologyandmodernapproachesToorganizationhealth and fitnessoccupationswithchildrenpreschoolage

Completed by a student

1 course group 4551z

Klimova Marina Vyacheslavovna

Checked by: Associate Professor of the Department

Kharakhordin Sergey Egorovich

Barnaul 2016


  • Introduction
  • ChapterI... Features of physical education of preschool children
  • 1.1 Morning exercises
  • 1.4 Outdoor games
  • ChapterII... Content, form and methodology of physical culture and health-improving classes with preschool children
  • conclusions
  • Bibliography


Physical education is to children what the foundation is to a building. The more solid the foundation is, the higher the building can be erected; the more worries about the physical education of a child, the greater success he will achieve in general development, in the sciences, in the ability to work and to be a person useful to society.

At no other age is physical education so closely associated with general education as in the first seven years. In the period of preschool childhood (from birth to seven years), the child lays the foundations for health, longevity, all-round physical fitness and harmonious physical development.

Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful is the task not only of parents, but of every preschool institution, as children spend most of the day with them. For this purpose, physical education classes are provided, which should be built in accordance with the psychological characteristics of a particular age, the availability and appropriateness of exercises. The exercise complexes should be exciting, and also provide for the physiologically and pedagogically necessary and justified load that satisfies the child's need for movement.

A sick, physically poorly developed child usually lags behind healthy children in school. He has a worse memory, his attention gets tired faster, and therefore he cannot study well, and parents and even teachers are often mistaken, considering the child a lazy person. This weakness also causes a variety of disorders in the activity of the body, leads not only to a decrease in abilities, but also undermines the will of the child.

Correctly organized physical education contributes to the formation of a good physique, prevention of diseases, improvement of the activity of internal organs and systems of the child's body.

Positive emotions, emotional saturation of classes are the main conditions for teaching children to move. Imitation creates emotions that activate the child. In addition, interest has a positive effect on the motor activity of children, especially those who are sedentary and inert. Mastering movements has a good effect on the development of a child's speech. The understanding of an adult's speech is improving, the vocabulary of active speech is expanding.

That is why the outstanding Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "I am not afraid to repeat again and again: taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, the strength of knowledge, and faith in their own strength depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children."

Therefore, it is extremely important to put physical education correctly at this age, which will allow the baby's body to accumulate strength and ensure in the future not only full physical, but also mental development.

For successful physical education of preschool children, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of age physiology as much as possible. Data on the effect of physical exercises on the body of preschool children allow scientifically, from the point of view of the physiological capabilities of the child's body, to substantiate the choice and dosage of exercises.

As you know, the physical activity of children depends on the level of development of their higher nervous activity and changes under the influence of environmental conditions, an important role among which belongs to the factors of physical education.

In children of preschool age, there is a rapid development and improvement of the motor analyzer. Conditioned reflexes in children of this age are developed quickly, but they are not fixed immediately and the child's skills are initially fragile and easily disturbed. The processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex are easily manipulated, therefore, attention in children is unstable, responses are emotional in nature and children quickly get tired. In addition, in preschool children, excitation processes prevail over inhibition.

Consequently, children of this age need to be given exercises for the development of basic motor skills, teach them to perform rhythmic movements, develop the ability to navigate in space, improve the speed of reactions and develop active inhibition.

Targetwork: to consider physical culture in the system of upbringing of preschool children, to reveal the methodological features of physical education and to reveal the content of physical culture and health-improving classes with children of preschool age.

To solve this goal, I set the following tasks:

1) to reveal the content, form and methodology of physical culture and health-improving classes and the peculiarities of physical education of preschool children.

2) analyze, study and reveal the correct approaches to the upbringing of preschool children and how to correctly and accurately perform the work assigned to the teacher.

Itemwork: features of physical education of preschool children, as well as their content.

An objectwork: specific features of the work of teachers (trainers) with preschool children in various institutions, as well as the correct selected methods that contribute to the correct development and upbringing of children, as well as the preparation of their health in general.

The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the proposed material in the practical activities of educators and physical education instructors when conducting classes with preschoolers. Practical application of the developed methodology of physical education will provide a more complete implementation of the tasks of physical education of children.

Section I. Features of physical education of preschool children

Physical education is a complex of various means that contribute to the harmonious development of a person. In relation to children of preschool age, physical education provides for the solution of three interrelated and complementary tasks - educational, educational and recreational.

In preschool institutions, the tasks of physical education are solved in various forms... Forms of organization of physical education is an educational and educational complex of various activities of a child, the basis of which is physical activity.

The use of various forms of motor activity creates a certain health-improving motor regime, which is necessary for full-fledged physical development and health promotion:

physical education;

physical culture and health-improving work in the daily routine: morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises for a walk, physical education, exercises after an afternoon nap, tempering activities;

independent motor activity of children;

active rest: tourist walks, physical culture leisure, physical culture holidays, health days, vacations;

section-circle classes, health jogging;

home assignments.

Such forms of work contribute to a more complete solution of the health-improving, educational and educational tasks of physical education and the all-round development of the child. Morning exercises, gymnastics after an afternoon nap, walks, hikes in the forest, outdoor games and physical exercises during a walk perform organizational and recreational tasks.

Physical education, motor warm-up relieve fatigue in children and increase their mental performance.

In the classroom, children learn, acquire the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge.

A week of health, physical culture, sports holidays - this is an active rest. Interest clubs develop children's motor skills and creativity. Individual and differentiated work is designed to correct physical and motor development.

Physiotherapy exercises (prescribed by a doctor) solves therapeutic and prophylactic problems and is intended for children with weakened health

Depending on the purpose, all of the above types of activities, their nature can change and be repeated at different intervals during the day, week, month, year, making up the so-called health-improving motor regime of preschoolers.

Attaching special importance to the role of physical activity in strengthening the health of preschoolers, we consider it necessary to determine priorities in the daily routine. The first place in the motor regime of children belongs to physical culture and health-improving work. The second place in the motor mode is taken by physical education classes - as the main form of teaching motor skills and the development of optimal motor activity in children. The third place is given to independent motor activity arising at the initiative of children. It gives a wide scope for the manifestation of their individual abilities. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development of a child.

preschool age exercise physical

1.1 Morning exercises

Morning exercises are a good way to prevent posture disorders: the daily performance of general developmental exercises strengthens the muscles of the back and abdominal muscles.

For children, such exercises are selected that have a comprehensive effect on the body. It should be borne in mind that exercises should be simple and accessible, correspond to the structure and functions of the children's motor apparatus and not cause a large expenditure of nervous and muscular energy (complex movements are difficult for children, causing them to have negative reactions). It is important that the exercises are varied in the types of movements and affect different groups of large muscles (shoulder girdle, back, abdomen, legs). Movements to strengthen small muscle groups (fingers, hands) are inappropriate to give separately due to their insignificant physiological effect, therefore they are combined with exercises for the development of large muscle groups.

Morning exercises should be diversified with exercises with objects: flags, balls, hoops, skipping ropes, etc. This helps to correctly and purposefully perform movements, increases interest in gymnastics.

Complexes of morning exercises for children of three to five years old consist of 4-6 exercises, for children six to seven years old - from 6-8 exercises. Younger preschoolers repeat them 4-6 times (jumping 8-12 times), and older ones 8-10 times (jumping 18-24 times). The number of repetitions depends on the complexity of the exercises and the degree of their physiological load on the child's body. For example, children of three to four years old repeat squatting 4 times, and exercises that require less muscular effort (turns and bends of the trunk) 6 times.

Morning exercises begin with a short vigorous walk. While walking, make sure that the child keeps his torso straight, does not strain, does not lower his head and performs a free swing with his arms. Walking is advisable to accompany the score - "one, two, three, four" or beats to the tambourine (drum). This develops a clear rhythm of steps while walking, which also contributes to the formation of skill in this movement.

When choosing exercises for morning gymnastics complexes, a certain sequence is observed: first, they perform exercises that require less effort from the child (for the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms and back), then with a greater load (to strengthen the muscles of the legs and trunk - bending the legs, bending and torso turns). Next, they give exercises to strengthen the muscles of the trunk and, lastly, for the muscles of the legs (squats or jumps).

Finish gymnastics with a short run at an average pace, which is replaced by slow walking. Breathing exercises should be done while walking (for example, raising the arms over the sides up and slowly lowering them down). These exercises help to bring the child's body into a calm state more quickly.

During the exercise, children are taught to breathe correctly. Deep breathing regulates blood circulation processes, helps to increase the vital capacity of the lungs, the mobility of the costal arches, strengthen the intercostal muscles and muscle groups that keep the spine in an upright position and create the necessary prerequisites for correct posture.

1.2 The main movements of physical culture and health classes

For younger preschoolers, imaginative thinking and a relatively small motor experience are characteristic, therefore, showing movements for them is of paramount importance. With the acquisition of motor experience, the word plays an increasing role. For children six to seven years of age, explanations and directions take the leading place.

At the age of 5-6 years, children have a certain readiness to be aware of the tasks assigned to them, the ability to assess the situation, to control their movements, therefore, it becomes possible, with the help of verbal instructions and explanations, to form sufficiently strong knowledge and skills in their motor activity in preschoolers.

The child learns the basic movements quickly and correctly only if he periodically exercises in their implementation. In the learning process, it is necessary to bring the exercise to a certain result, systematically resorting to reinforcements. This includes the results of children's actions (jumped, hit the target, etc.) and the adult's verbal comments (good, bad, right, wrong).

Exercises in basic movements are selected taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children aged two to seven years. Preschoolers should not be offered exercises with a significant muscle load, during which the child makes maximum efforts and holds his breath, as well as prolonged hangs, bending his arms in a lying position, lifting or carrying heavy objects, etc.

Jumping from a great height or on a solid support negatively affects the development of the musculoskeletal system. This can lead to injuries to the ligaments and muscles of the ankle, to flattening of the arch of the child's foot.

Asymmetric exercises that are performed with one hand or leg are also undesirable: throwing the ball at a distance and at the target with only the right hand, jumping rope on only one leg. They unilaterally affect the development of the muscles of the arms, legs, trunk and do not contribute to the harmonious development of the child's body.

Let's consider the features of the basic movements.

Walking. A child's daily walking exercise early builds a strong skill in this movement. Walking is an integral part of every physical education lesson. The main requirement for teaching correct walking for children of this age group is to teach how to perform this movement easily, confidently, with the correct ratio of the work of arms and legs.

In the second year of life, children develop accelerated and brisk walking, and it is very peculiar and individual, each child walks at a pace that suits him, in accordance with his capabilities. Therefore, it is inappropriate in physical education classes to walk under the count, beats of a tambourine or to music - children cannot do it. The ability to walk is well reinforced by playing imitative exercises, for example, "Pass like a mouse," "Pass like a soldier," etc.

Any motor activity when moving in space contributes to the development of balance. Walking in a straight line, stopping, changing direction (especially in the first half of the second year of life) requires efforts to maintain balance.

Children are encouraged to walk with a change in pace and direction, stepping over objects that are on the floor.

Preschoolers of all age groups are recommended to walk with a gymnastic stick on the shoulders, shoulder blades, behind the back and in front of the chest, with a bag on the head, as well as with a fixed position of the hands (hands on the belt, to the sides, behind the head). These types of walking are widely used in morning exercises. It is also useful for children to walk with an acceleration and deceleration of the pace, walking on toes and heels, the inner and outer sides of the feet, with a high hip lift. These exercises are performed in the form of imitation exercises: walk like a club-footed bear, horse, heron, chanterelle, etc. It is advisable to alternate such types of imitation walking with ordinary walking. All these exercises contribute to the development of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system and the prevention of flat feet.

Run. A characteristic feature of running, which distinguishes it from walking, is the "flight" phase - unsupported position of the body after pushing off the ground with the leg. The work of the hands when running is somewhat different than when walking: they are bent at the elbows and swinging them is more energetic. When running, the load on the muscular system and especially on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is much greater.

From the age of five, the main goal in teaching running is to train children to get their toes off their toes. In this case, the child should keep the torso level, with a slight tilt forward, the thigh of the swing leg should be vigorously brought forward - upward, the arms bent at the elbows perform vigorous movements in accordance with the work of the legs, the feet are placed in parallel.

A variety of preparatory exercises help to master the running skill: running with a high hip lift, like a horse, running with stepping over objects (cubes, balls, bumps, etc.), running on "bumps" (circles drawn on the ground at a distance of 70 -80 cm apart).

Of great importance for improving the running skill of preschoolers of all age groups are outdoor games with catching and running away (younger groups), running a race, with competition in speed and agility in relay games, where children can show their speed abilities.

Equilibrium. It is known that balance (its preservation and maintenance) is a constant and necessary component of any movement. Delay or insufficient development of the balance function affects the accuracy of movements, pace, rhythm. Exercises in balance contribute to the development of coordination of movements, dexterity, education of courage, determination, self-confidence.

For children three to four years old, simple exercises in balance are recommended. Basically, they are performed in motion: walking and running between two parallel lines drawn at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, between objects, on a board or log laid on the floor or on the ground.

In the older group, exercises are offered in balance on a reduced and increased support, performing tasks with various objects on it. All exercises for the development of balance require concentration, attention, volitional efforts from children; therefore, they should be carried out at a medium to slow pace under the supervision of a caregiver, and if necessary, assistance and insurance should be provided to individual children.

During the exercise in balance on an elevated support (log, bench), an adult, if necessary, insures the child.

For older preschool children, exercises in balance are complicated by various motor tasks: while walking on a log (bench), sit down and turn 180 °, step over a cube (ball) lying in the middle of the log, walking on a log with an object (ball, rope) ...

Climbing and crawling. The baby begins to crawl from 5-6 months. Young children love to crawl, and this desire must be supported by providing as many different exercises as possible in this type of movement (crawling, crawling) not only during classes, but also at the time of independent play activity.

Crawling and crawling exercises are useful for preschoolers. Large muscle groups (back, abdomen, arms and legs) take part in their implementation. These exercises require a lot of physical exertion. To perform them, you need to have simple equipment that is used at home (chairs, bench, hoop, stick). On playgrounds, parks and squares, gymnastic walls, boards, cubes, logs, etc. should be used.

Preschool children quite early and quickly master such types of movements as crawling on the floor, crawling into a hoop, crawling under a stick (a rope stretched at a height of 50 cm), climbing over a log, bench, etc.

When crawling in support, standing with their feet resting on their socks, and with their hands on their hands (like a bear cub). The bent right leg is pulled to the chest, the left arm is simultaneously extended forward, and the body moves forward until the left leg is fully extended. After that, the left leg is pulled to the chest, the right hand is put forward, and the body moves forward until the right leg is fully extended. Further, the movement is performed in the same sequence. You can crawl on your knees and hands, as well as on your knees and elbows.

Children 6-7 years old are faced with more increased requirements: performing an alternating step in climbing on a gymnastic wall, correct coordination of movements.

Throwing. Exercises in throwing objects develop an eye, accuracy, coordination of movements, strengthen the muscles of the arms and trunk. At preschool age, children are taught to throw objects at a distance and at a target from a place.

When throwing an object with his right hand, the child turns with his left side in the direction of the throw, puts his right leg back and transfers the weight of the body to it, while performing a wide swing of the hand; during the throw, the weight of the body is transferred to the left leg. For children three to four years old, throwing exercises are of significant difficulty, since they require coordination of movements, the ability to calculate the strength and accuracy of a throw depending on the distance to the target and its placement (horizontal or vertical). At this age, exercises are recommended that prepare the child for throwing: rolling, throwing and catching a ball, ball and other objects with one or two hands from behind the head. The main purpose of these exercises is to teach a child to vigorously push or throw an object in a given direction.

Children of five years old practice rolling a ball or a ball hitting objects (pins, cubes) from a distance of 1.5--2 m. Throwing of a ball, snowballs at a distance and at a target (tree, wall, hoop on the ground, basket) is widely used from a distance of 2.5-3 m.

Exercises in throwing objects in children of six to seven years are significantly more complicated. At this age, the child must master the elementary skills of passing the ball in pairs, in a circle, throwing the ball against the wall followed by catching it 6-8 times in a row, throwing it up and, returning, catching it, etc. Children of this age improve the skills of throwing objects at a distance and at a target using the "from behind over the shoulder" method. The distance for throwing at the target is increased to 3.5-4 m.

Most children prefer to throw objects with a stronger hand (usually the right hand), as a result of which there is a significant difference in the results of throws with the right and left hands. Therefore, they are asked to do the exercises with both hands. This will provide an even load on the muscle groups on both sides of the child's torso and will contribute to his harmonious development.

In the future, the skills in throwing objects at a distance and at a target are improved in a variety of outdoor games and when performing tasks of a playful nature that are interesting for children.

There are general developmental, sports exercises as well as outdoor games for preschool children:

1.3 General development exercises

In the organization of physical education in preschool institutions, general developmental exercises occupy a significant place, since they are easy to perform and are of great importance for the harmonious development of the child's body. General developmental exercises contribute to the all-round development of the child and must be present at every lesson.

For young children (3-4 years old), imitation movements are quite accessible, which are used as general developmental exercises: we jump like bunnies, flap our wings. Imitative exercises interest, delight the child, help him to better cope with the task, and their play form makes him want to repeat the movement in independent activity. For older children (5-7 years old), exercise can be made more difficult by adding extra movement or lengthening the exercise time. Older children already understand the teacher's speech well and they can be offered non-imitation exercises, but the beginning of classes should still be accompanied by a show.

Classes begin with exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle, followed by movements for the trunk and legs, and usually end with jumping or jogging, followed by calm walking. General developmental exercises are repeated several times.

The lesson must include exercises that contribute to the formation of correct posture and develop the muscles of the foot.

The use of different starting positions allows you to relieve the child's spine (especially when lying down), diversify exercises, and alternate the work of certain muscle groups. When choosing movements, one should be guided by the rule - do not affect the same muscle group with several exercises in a row, which causes fatigue, but distribute the load and in this way exercise all the muscles.

We must not forget about general developmental exercises with objects and toys, which are good because they require significant muscle tension of the child, they are performed more precisely. Children do not get bored of these exercises, since when they are repeated, they can be diversified: once the children raise their hands forward with a handkerchief, another time they hold the ball or show the teacher cones, cubes, raise a hoop, etc.

1.4 Outdoor games

Play is one of the most important means of physical education for preschool children. It contributes to the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic development of the child. Various movements and actions of children during the game, with skillful guidance, effectively affect the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems of the body, stimulate appetite and promote sound sleep. All-round physical development of the child is ensured with the help of outdoor games.

During games, preschoolers develop and improve a variety of skills in basic movements (running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.). A quick change of environment during the game teaches the child to use the movements known to him in accordance with a particular situation. All this has a positive effect on the improvement of motor skills.

It is important for educators to be creative in conducting physical education for children and, if necessary, independently compose game tasks containing such types of movements that the child especially needs at the moment.

In cool weather, it is advisable to carry out games of medium and high mobility, since the child's movements are limited due to warm clothes. In the autumn-winter period, games are most accessible for younger preschoolers, during which they run, jump, throw and roll balls ("Horses", "Roll the ball", etc.).

In summer, games that involve running and jumping are best done during a morning walk or in the afternoon when the temperature drops. Before bedtime, games of great mobility are not carried out in order to avoid overexcitation of children.

In the open air, you can play games of any mobility with running in different directions, with throwing the ball at a distance and at the target, with jumping.

To better master the game, it is recommended to explain the most difficult moments by showing some movements. A detailed explanation of the rules is only justified when the game is played for the first time. When it is repeated, only the main content is reminiscent. In the event that a game known to the child is complicated, additional rules and methods of implementation are explained to him.

Children are also interested in an imaginary situation presented to them in a vivid figurative form and associated with the unusual conditions in which they must act. For example, adventures while "traveling" along the river. These conditions encourage children to find new characteristics of movements for them. Any game needs to be played lively and interestingly. Only then will it be an effective means of physical education.

With children of three to four years old, games are carried out on material that is understandable and close to them. Preschoolers are mainly attracted by the process of movement itself: they are interested in running, catching up, throwing objects, looking for them. For them, games with one or two basic movements are selected. It is also important to take into account the fact that at this age the child does not have a good command of movements: he often loses balance, falls, makes significant efforts during physical exercises. Games for younger preschoolers are selected simple, with the obligatory alternation of movements and rest. Their content is made up of feasible and interesting tasks ("Catch the ball", "Run to me", etc.). The main movements in these games are short running and walking followed by rest. Walking, running, light jumping are the most accessible movements for babies. The duration of the game of medium and high mobility for children of three to four years should not exceed 6-8 minutes.

Children of five years old show great interest in games with dynamic movements (running, jumping, climbing exercises, balance, etc.). They like to catch up with each other, to run away from the driver. Gradually, they begin to take an interest in the results of their actions: to hit the target with the ball, it is easy to jump over the "trickle". However, it is not recommended to conduct games with complex types of movements (jumping, climbing) until preschoolers master them. First, they are taught to perform the movement correctly, and then they play a game where this movement is leading. The total duration of outdoor games for children of this age group is no more than 8-10 minutes. Higher physical readiness of six-year-old children makes it possible to use various movements more widely in games (throwing and catching the ball in the game "Toss and Catch", throwing rings in the game "Serso", jumping in the game "Catch the Moth", etc.). For children of this age, games with a ball, rope, hoop, flags are of great importance.

In the system of physical education of seven-year-old children, outdoor games play a significant role. A characteristic feature of the behavior of children of this age in the game is their great independence. They themselves determine the elementary rules, they can change them at will. The content of games is often associated with the use of a variety of equipment, which encourages children to take certain actions: a rope - to jump, a ball - to throw at a target, toss or roll. The total duration of the game is 12-15 minutes.

Physical activity is regulated by the size of the distance that children run, by reducing or increasing the number of obstacles to overcome, complicating the rules, introducing short breaks for rest or analyzing errors.

Given that the child's movements are limited in winter, the load is reduced or increased by the breaks between repetitions of the game. The same is done in summer at high air temperatures.

Play is an extremely valuable way of engaging a child in motor activities. Based on positive emotions associated with an understandable, close plot, and the availability of movements, the baby gradually develops a desire to participate not only in games, but also in exercises during classes and independent activities.

1.5 Exercises of a sporting nature

Of great interest among preschool children are sports exercises: sledding, ice skating, cycling, skiing, badminton, swimming, etc. They diversify the activities of children during walks, enrich their motor experience, and contribute to an increase in the level of physical fitness. Preschoolers quickly master the basics of the technique of these movements. In the future, this will help them choose one of the sports for serious training.

In order for the elements of sport available to children to firmly enter the system of their physical education, it is necessary to purposefully teach these motor actions.

Let us consider the methodology of initial teaching of some exercises of a sports nature for preschool children.

Sled. Sledding is a popular sport among preschoolers. They especially enjoy the roller coaster ride. It is of great health-improving value. Climbing the slide with the sled, the child receives a certain physical activity. During the descent, children learn to overcome the feeling of fear, acquire the ability to control themselves.

Some kids like to sled down on their stomachs. This is quite dangerous, since during the descent you can run into other sleds, a tree, hit your head or body.

When descending a hill, sometimes it becomes necessary to turn the sled to the side or slow down its movement. To turn to the right, lower the heel of the right foot on the snow next to the front of the sled; when turning to the left, lower the left leg. Another method can be recommended for older preschoolers: holding on to the rope and pressing the sled with your knees, tilt the body back and slightly in the direction where they need to be directed. To slow down the movement, both bent legs are lowered onto the snow and, pulling the rope, tilt the body back so as to slightly raise the front of the sled.

Sledding children spend a lot of energy and are so carried away that they do not notice fatigue. Therefore, the sliding of preschoolers down the slide must be regulated. After the descent, you should rest a little (1-1.5 minutes). Climb the hill at a slow pace, not overtaking other children. After the descent, you need to wait until the child standing in front of you slides down to the bottom of the slide.

Children of five to seven years old love to roll their comrades on a flat surface. Care should be taken to ensure that one (older) child or two carry only one rather than several children and that they switch roles more often.

Skis. They begin to teach preschoolers to ski at the age of three to four. Skiing has a positive effect on the development of muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, contributes to the formation of a number of physical qualities (strength, endurance, agility, speed).

Skis are selected according to the child's height (length 100-130 cm). Longer skis are inconvenient to move around because they are heavy and much more difficult to control. Ski poles are selected so that their upper end reaches the arm extended to the side. At the upper ends of the sticks, belt loops are attached, which provide stable support for the hand on the stick when pushing off. Children are taught skiing during morning and afternoon walks, increasing their duration from 25-30 to 45-60 minutes. For children six to seven years old, a ski trip can last 1-1.5 hours.

The training begins with showing the skier's stance (the position of the torso while skiing). In this stance, the skis are kept parallel, the legs are bent so that the knee is behind the level of the foot, the body is slightly tilted forward, the arms are bent and lowered. With preschoolers, it is useful to repeat this stance on every walk before starting skiing. The easiest way to ski is a stepping step. This walking method is used on fluffy snow on flat terrain or when climbing a slope. Learning to move with a stepping step begins without sticks, with the lifting of the ski toes from the snow; the body is slightly tilted forward, the right leg is bent at the knee joint, lifted up and carried forward. This makes it possible to slightly raise the toe of the ski, with the heel pressing the rear end to the snow, take a step forward and transfer the weight of the body to the right leg. Then a step is performed with the left foot. The movements of the arms are coordinated with the movements of the legs, as in normal walking.

After one or two sessions, children are taught a sliding step. Performing it, the child glides on one or the other ski, trying to take wide steps and fully straighten his legs at the knee joint. At the same time, the body is tilted forward, its weight is transferred from one leg to the other. The arms move vigorously, as if walking.

Having mastered the sliding step, preschoolers move on to the study of an alternating two-step move with sticks, which consists of two sliding steps and two alternate push-off with sticks. They put a stick in the snow at an acute angle near the toe of the leg extended forward and vigorously push off until the arm is fully extended at the elbow joint. When doing it, the child slides on one or the other ski, pushing off strongly with his legs and alternately with sticks.

Much attention is paid to teaching preschoolers how to ascend, descend and brake on gentle slopes. All these movements are performed by beginner skiers without sticks. They can be given only when the child is already confidently skiing. There are the following lifting methods: "stepping step", "half-tree", "herringbone" and "ladder".

The "stepping step" resembles a similar skiing, only with a greater forward bend of the torso and with more support on the poles. It is used when climbing gentle (6-8 °) slopes.

"Half-step" is used when climbing a hill obliquely. One ski, which is higher on the slope, is rearranged in the direction of travel, and the other with a toe turn across the slope; both skis, especially the lower one, rest on the edge. When lifting with a herringbone, the toes of the skis are widely spread to the sides, and the heels are transferred one through the other. The steeper the slope, the wider the socks are spread, and the skis are placed on the inner ribs. The poles are used as a support and are placed alternately behind the skis. The steep and steep slopes are climbed by the "ladder" method. First, it is studied on a flat area, where the child, skiing sideways (left and right), tries to put his legs in parallel. Then the lifting technique is fixed on the slope. Leaning on a stick and a ski, which are located higher up the slope, a second ski is attached to it, and then a stick. Thus, the child overcomes the slope. Herringbone and ladder lifts are used only by older preschoolers, since they are still very difficult for kids. Children descend from the slide in the main stance: the body is slightly tilted forward, the legs are bent, the arms are laid back and bent at the elbows.

Children are taught the simplest methods of braking - "plow" and "half-plow". Braking is used not only to stop completely, but also to slow down the movement. When braking with a "plow", the heels of the skis are bred, and the wears are brought together, the skis are placed on the inner ribs, the prick is brought inward, the arms are brought forward. Braking with a "half-plow" is convenient when going downhill obliquely. To do this, only one ski, located below the slope, is placed on the inner edge at an angle in the direction of travel. The knees come together, and the toes of the skis are held together.

When teaching skiing, a significant place is given to games. They provide an opportunity to improve skiing skills on flat terrain, to perform descents, ascents and braking.

Badminton. You can play badminton on any level court. This game develops speed of reaction, dexterity, strength of muscles of arms, legs and trunk, coordination of movements, endurance and an eye in children of five to seven years old.

First, the child is taught to hold the racket correctly. It is taken with a stronger hand (perpendicular to the ground), clasped with all fingers, and held with the thumb to the left. This method makes it possible to hit the shuttlecock from any position (left, right and top) without moving the handle of the racket in the hand.

Before teaching the hitting technique, the child must master the correct stance: the badminton player stands slightly with bent legs at the knees, the left leg is in front at a half-step distance (if the racket is in the right hand), the racket is held with one hand, its rim is slightly raised up. The stance of the badminton player should be relaxed in order to be able to quickly execute the movement behind the shuttle in any direction.

When playing, you have to constantly move, you have to constantly move around the court, move with side steps, avoiding crossing your legs, so as not to lose your balance and not fall. All strikes on the shuttlecock on the left and right sides are performed with a light and abrupt movement of the hand. During the strike, the player seems to be leaning on the shuttle, moving a little forward with the racket. An overhead strike is used during the serve, as well as in the case when it is necessary to repulse the shuttle that flies overhead. The racket raised upwards is tilted backward with the hand (at an angle of 30-45 °), and after the shuttlecock approaches the racket by 25-30 cm, they hit it with a sharp movement of the hand. At the same time, the arm straightens at the elbow joint, and the body weight moves forward onto the left leg. Playing badminton through the net in compliance with all the rules is not usually practiced with preschoolers. The main goal of two-way play is to teach children the simplest elements of play technique so that they can use them in the future in this sport.

Section II. Content, form and methodology of physical culture and health-improving classes with preschool children

2.1 The structure of physical education classes with preschool children

With children of early preschool age (1-3 years old), it is recommended to conduct physical education classes 2 times a week (10 - 20 minutes each).

The structure of physical culture lessons is generally accepted and contains three parts: introductory (18% of the total time of the lesson); the main one (67% of the total time of the lesson); final (15% of the total time of the lesson).

Such a distribution of material corresponds to the capabilities of children and provides an increase in physical activity during the lesson and with its subsequent decrease towards the end.

The purpose of the first part of the lesson is to put the body in a state of readiness for the main part. The first part of the lesson offers exercises in walking, running, building, rebuilding, simple game tasks. The teacher should pay special attention to the alternation of walking and running exercises: their monotony tires children, reduces the quality of the exercises, and can also lead to undesirable consequences (poor posture, flattening of the foot, etc.).

The second part (main) of the lesson is the longest and contains exercises of a general developmental nature, the main types of movements, outdoor games are carried out in it. At the same time, it is important for a developing child's body to receive all types of exercises. This part is the most physically demanding.

General developmental exercises have a directed effect on the body as a whole, on individual muscle groups and joints, and also help to improve coordination of movements, orientation in space, and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory functions of the body. The starting position is important for the correct performance of general developmental exercises. Various starting positions are used: standing, sitting, kneeling, lying on the back and stomach. By changing the starting position, the teacher can complicate or facilitate the motor task.

General developmental exercises with objects remind children of games. They are happy to play with a rattle, ball, flag, doll. In exercises with objects, imitation exercises ("chickens", "sparrows", etc.) are also used. Depending on what kind of equipment will be used in the lesson, the teacher thinks over and plans the construction; for example, in exercises with sticks, flags, it is advisable to build in columns and at a sufficient distance from each other, since building in ranks will not allow reaching the required range of motion and, in addition, can lead to injuries.

In the main part of the lesson, games of great mobility are used, including movements that, if possible, are performed by all children at the same time (running, jumping, throwing, crawling, etc.), for example: "Airplanes", "Mother hen and chickens", "Sun and rain", "Horses".

The third, final part of the lesson is small in volume; games and play exercises of low intensity are held in it, contributing to a gradual decrease in physical activity. It uses walking exercises, simple game tasks. It provides the child with a gradual transition from an excited state to a relatively calm one, makes it possible to switch to other activities.

A systematic, gradual and affordable increase in the load has a beneficial effect on the general development of the child and contributes to the improvement of his motor fitness. In the beginning, as a rule, children perform new movements inaccurately, with excessive stress. Therefore, you need to make minimum requirements for them.

The strength of the assimilation of exercises and basic movements depends on the obligatory repetition of the passed (a sufficient number of times).

Repetition should not be mechanical and monotonous; interest in motor activity is lost. Therefore, at the first stage of teaching children, repeating the material, you should use various manuals, change the situation without changing the nature of the movements.

Thus, when planning physical education classes with children of early preschool age, the teacher should take into account the following factors:

remember that exercises should be appropriate for the age and functional capabilities of the child;

provide for exercises for all large muscle groups of the shoulder girdle, back, abdomen, legs, which must be alternated;

do not completely replace all the exercises of the previous lesson, but leave 2-3 acquaintances that the children have poorly mastered, requiring repetition (it is advisable to repeat those exercises that give children pleasure);

provide for a gradual increase in the load on the child's body and its reduction at the end of the lesson;

avoid prolonged static position, waiting;

the methods and ways of organizing children should be coordinated with their age capabilities;

give an active game after all the exercises, which should be completed by calm walking;

skillfully evoke positive emotions in the child;

take into account the time allotted for the direct execution of the movement.

The teacher's speech during class should be calm and expressive in order to attract the attention and interest of children. Play techniques, addressing the child with the mention of his name, timely help and encouragement activate, captivate the baby, strengthen his desire to independently perform the movement.

According to the content and methods of conducting the lesson, they can be game, plot and mixed.

Game activities are distinguished by the fact that outdoor games with appropriate movements are selected for solving problems. Classes of this type include familiar movements, the task is to consolidate motor skills, develop physical qualities in changing situations.

Subject lessons (movement story) increase children's interest in movement. Subject lessons in physical culture also consist of three parts: preparatory, main and final.

The preparatory part increases the emotional state of children, activates their attention, prepares the body for the upcoming load. In this part of the lesson, game motivation is created and a game task is set. But in some classes, the motivation of motor activity, based on the game, is transferred to the beginning of the main part, and the involvement of children in the exercise is mediated: musical accompaniment, the sound of a tambourine, reminiscent of familiar exercises, etc.

In the main part of the lesson, children form the skills of performing movements, learn and consolidate them, develop physical qualities, coordination abilities. This part of the lesson is characterized by the culminating richness of the plot. In the final part of the lesson, there is a gradual transition from enhanced muscular activity to a calm state, the children continue to communicate with the game characters, the kids are tuned in to independent play. Mixed classes consist of gymnastic exercises (drill, general developmental exercises, basic movements) and outdoor games. Gymnastic exercises with children of early preschool age are carried out in the form of game exercises. Periodically, it is useful for teachers to conduct control sessions. The level of motor skills and physical qualities of children is checked on them, their inclinations and interests are revealed. In different types of lessons, the number of parts and their sequence remain unchanged and do not depend on the content of the lesson, i.e. used gymnastic and sports exercises, outdoor games.

2.2 Selection of physical exercises and organization of activities with young children

Movements in preschool children have their own characteristics and change with age in their quantitative and qualitative indicators. Well-organized physical education work helps each child to master the basic movements faster.

However, it should be remembered that some kind of movement appears and is formed earlier in some children, later in others. It depends on individual characteristics, conditions for the development of babies, the influence of adults, the organization of children's activities and the process of upbringing and education itself. In the second year of life, children know how to walk, keep balance on a limited, uneven, elevated surface, etc., are able to perform a throw, roll any object, crawl and climb a lot on a stepladder. However, they master the basic movements unevenly, therefore, in their training, they need individual help from adults.

Physical education classes in the early age group (1 - 3 years) include walking (developing balance), crawling (climbing), throwing, rolling, some game and general developmental exercises, as well as games with movements.

Children of the second year of life are not able to perceive the frequent change of movements, however, too long repetition without changes does not create the basis for the development of the child. It is most advisable to repeat one of the complexes for two weeks (4 sessions). Then, leaving the same names for the main types of movements (walking, crawling or climbing and throwing), you should include other exercises or make changes to those already familiar to children, making them somewhat more complicated. For example, walking in a straight line can be replaced by walking on an oilcloth path, then on a flat or ribbed board lying on the floor, etc.

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Compiled by:


on physical education

A.A. Sobolev

2018 Nov.

The protection of life and the strengthening of the physical and mental health of children is one of the main tasks of preschool education in accordance with the Model Regulations on Preschool Education.

The health of the younger generation is a global problem of the 21st century. One example of the importance of this problem is the data on the impact of the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world, which led to the fact that 25% of diseases and 23% of deaths in the world are caused by exposure to adverse factors. environment, which was the cause of every third disease in children under 5 years of age. Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It was during these years that the foundations of health and harmonious development of the child were laid. From time immemorial, our ancestors paid constant attention to physical education.

Ensuring the protection and strengthening of the health of preschool children is always a priority in the work of preschool institutions. The importance of this direction is due to the fact that the unfavorable trends towards a decrease in the level of health among children have not yet been overcome. Physicians and teachers continue to search for ways to improve the efficiency of health-improving work in preschool educational institutions.

The main areas of innovation in the field of physical education in a preschool educational institution are:

  1. Systematization of medical, health-improving technologies used in modern preschool educational institutions. Currently, the preschool educational institution uses health-improving technologies, some of which are traditional, others are innovative.
  2. One of the conditions for the successful implementation of innovative activities is the individualization of the assessment of the level of psychological, physical and social development of the child.
  3. Creation of a physical culture and play environment in a preschool educational institution as a necessary condition for the implementation of the content of physical culture and health culture.
  4. Formation of a culture of health for children, parents and teachers

Children become the object of almost any innovation process.

Innovations have become so firmly embedded in the theory and practice of education that the work of a modern preschool institution is no longer conceivable without the use of certain innovative pedagogical technologies. Any innovation introduced into the system of traditional education is most often considered as an innovation. Special attention should be paid to innovations in the field of physical education of preschoolers, which, with many positive aspects, in particular increasing the creative role of the teacher in the educational process, often have certain costs. Thus, a significant share of innovative developments in recent years is based on the idea of ​​integrating the physical and mental education of preschoolers. In the practice of traditional education, this direction was realized in various forms of physical activity in order to maintain the mental performance of children in the course of classes (physical education, dynamic pauses).

Currently, the first thing that can be noticed in children is the poor physical development of children. Therefore, many children need special technologies of physical development, in which the whole complex of somatic, physical and intellectual problems must be taken into account. These technologies should, first of all, contribute to the correction of not only psychomotor, but also speech, emotional and general mental development.

One of the ways to solve this problem is the purposeful use of well-known physical culture and health-improving techniques and innovative health-saving technologies, adapted to the age characteristics of children, in the process of physical education of preschoolers.

Health-preserving technology is an integral system of educational and health-improving, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between a child and a teacher, a child and parents, a child and a doctor.

The goal of health-saving technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach

use the knowledge gained in everyday life. Health-saving pedagogical technologies are used in

different types of activities and presented as: conservation technologies and

promoting health; technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles, correctional

technologies. It is necessary to create pedagogical conditions for the health-preserving process of upbringing and development of children, the main ones of which are: the organization of various types of activities of children in a playful way; building the educational process in the form of a culture model; organization of cultural creativity of preschoolers; equipping children's activities with equipment, toys, games, game exercises and manuals. All this work should be carried out in an integrated manner, throughout the day and with the participation of medical workers. It is necessary to pay special attention to teaching preschoolers the basic movements and skills of a healthy lifestyle, applying in practice the introduction of various methods and techniques to create an environment for a health-preserving process.

In our preschool educational institution, special attention is paid to teaching preschoolers the basic movements and skills of a healthy lifestyle, applying in practice the introduction of various methods and techniques to create an environment for a health-preserving process.

Children's mental health requires a balance of positive and negative emotions to maintain peace of mind and life-affirming behavior. Our task is not to suppress or eradicate emotions, but to teach children to feel their emotions, control their behavior, and hear their bodies. For this purpose, in my work, I use specially selected exercises to relax certain parts of the body and the whole body - relaxation.

Respiratory gymnastics is carried out in various forms of physical education -

health-improving work using sound pronunciation on the exhale. In children, oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which contributes to the normalization and optimization of its work in general.

Finger gymnastics is carried out individually or with a subgroup of children daily. Trains fine motor skills, stimulates speech, spatial thinking, attention, blood circulation, imagination, speed of reaction. Useful for all children, especially those with speech problems. Held at any convenient time.

Corrective orthopedic gymnastics is used to prevent flat feet using massage paths, perfectly massages the baby's feet, strengthens the muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the foot, protecting the body as a whole.

Health-saving educational technologies are, first of all, a technology of upbringing valeological culture or a culture of health of babies. The purpose of these technologies is the formation of a child's conscious attitude to human health and life, the accumulation of knowledge about health and the development of the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it, the acquisition of valeological competence, which allows the preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior. In other words, it is important to achieve such a result that children, crossing the threshold of "adulthood", not only have a high potential for health, allowing them to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also have a store of knowledge that allows them to do it correctly.

Regular physical education strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in the classroom helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child's body.

Self-massage is also of great benefit.

Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself in a playful way. It improves blood circulation, helps to normalize the functioning of internal organs, and improve posture. It contributes not only to the physical strengthening of a person, but also to the improvement of his psyche.

Funny poems, vivid images that play up massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, the ability to use in different environments and at any time.

Other health-preserving technologies are also used that bring enormous benefits to the health of the child: rhythmoplasty, various corrective gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, etc.

Thus, each of the technologies considered has a health-improving orientation, and the health-preserving activity used in the complex ultimately forms the child's habit of

healthy lifestyle.

We can say with confidence that not a single, even the best, innovative health-preserving technology can give full results if it is not implemented in collaboration with the family. It is necessary to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, including in matters of strengthening the health of children, to include them in the process of active interaction with preschool educational institutions. In the process of organizing a single

health-saving space for preschool educational institutions and families. Our garden uses a variety of forms of work. Display stands acquaint parents with the life of the group, with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, with the age-related physiological characteristics of children, individual consultations are held, sports events are held together with parents. The ongoing physical culture and recreation work allows parents to be attracted to joint efforts to improve the health of the child's body during the entire stay in the preschool institution. The use of health-preserving pedagogical technologies in work increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms value orientations for teachers and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, and for the child, a persistent motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, innovative health-preserving technologies can be considered as one of the most promising systems of the 21st century and as a set of methods and techniques for organizing the education of preschoolers, without prejudice to their health.

Shtanova Elena Viktorovna


State Treasury Healthcare Institution of the Vladimir Region "Murom Specialized Orphanage" (GKUZ VO "Murom Orphanage")

One of the main tasks in pedagogical work with children, in accordance with the federal state educational standard, is protecting and promoting the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being.

At the present stage, the requirements for the physical education of children provide for the solution of the following tasks:

Gaining experience in the motor activity of children, including those associated with the implementation of exercises aimed at the development of such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility;

Correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, the development of balance, coordination of movement, large and fine motor skills of both hands, as well as with the correct, non-damaging of the body, performance of basic movements (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions, etc. .;

Formation of initial ideas about some sports, mastering outdoor games with rules;

Formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere;

Formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, mastering its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, physical activity, hardening, in the formation of good habits, etc.).

In this regard, physical culture and health-improving work in a child's home is of great importance, both for maintaining and strengthening health, and for the formation of motor skills, which are significant components in the cognitive and emotional development of pupils.

The main areas of innovation in the field of physical education in working with children are:

Systematization of medical health technologies used in the institution;

Substantiation of differentiated motor modes with different functional capabilities, health conditions and disabilities;

Creation of physical culture and play environment in groups as a necessary condition for the implementation of the content of physical culture and health culture.

In accordance with modern requirements, innovative processes and technologies are developing in this area:

1.Technologies for the formation of the desire for a healthy lifestyle:

- Health-saving- are aimed at preserving health: technologies for diagnosing and monitoring health and physical development; technologies for optimizing the pedagogical process; organization of a balanced diet; preventive measures to relieve emotional stress, reduce morbidity; organization of a health-preserving environment in the institution;

- Health-strengthening- aimed at strengthening and stimulating health: the optimal mode of physical activity: outdoor and indoor and outdoor sports, physical education and dynamic pauses, games in a dry pool, breathing exercises, finger gymnastics, health jogging, independent physical activity, physical culture holidays and leisure ;

- Treatment and health technologies aimed at compensating the health of children (massage, corrective exercises for the prevention of flat feet, aromatherapy, hardening, health bathing in the summer, vitamin and homeopathic complexes, physiotherapy and medical procedures as prescribed by a doctor, psycho-gymnastics and correctional and developmental classes with a psychologist, music therapy, fairy tale therapy , isotherapy.)

- Health shaping technologies - are aimed at improving the health of children: physical culture and health-improving activities in a traditional and non-traditional form.

2.Technologies of fostering a culture of health in pupils:

Lexical topics that tell children in an elementary form about the structure and functioning of the human body and various motor abilities of boys and girls: "Man: parts of the body and face", "Toilet items", "Physical exercises" - the meaning and purpose of specific exercises, etc. etc. ;

3. Sports game technologies: introduction of elements of sports games into work with children - volleyball, football, basketball, hockey;

4. Technology of project activities: information and educational projects to introduce healthy lifestyles (lexical topic "Personal hygiene items", etc.);

5. Complex-thematic planning of direct educational activities in the field of "Physical culture";

6. Children's fitness can be viewed as an innovative system of physical exercises associated with improving the physical development and physical fitness of children, consistent with the individual state of the psychophysical sphere: exercises on fitball, trampoline, training on children's exercise equipment.

A system of physical culture and health-improving work has been created in the children's home, which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, the improvement of their physical development, and the introduction to a healthy lifestyle. For this, all conditions have been created that meet medical and educational requirements for the preservation and strengthening of children's health. Kindergarten teachers use various forms of physical culture and health work with children, taking into account their level of development and health. The use of various forms of motor activity creates an optimal motor regime necessary for the full physical development and health improvement of the child.

The forms of organization of the child's motor activity include:

Physical education classes;

Physical culture and recreational work in the daily routine: morning gymnastics, outdoor games and physical exercises for a walk, physical education, exercises after a nap, energizing activities;

Independent motor activity of children;

Active rest: walks outside the institution, sports pre-sug, sports holidays, health days.

Morning exercises are one of the important components of the motor regime; its organization should be aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children. Daily physical exercise promotes the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, developing a useful habit in children to start the day with morning exercises. Morning exercises gradually draws the child's entire body into an active state, deepens breathing, increases blood circulation, and promotes metabolism. Morning gymnastics of a game nature includes: 2-3 outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity, or a game plot is taken. Morning exercises using an obstacle course are of great interest to children. It allows children to be offered exercises with a gradual increase in the load, to complicate motor tasks, to include different types of movements, to alternate physical education aids. Morning exercises with elements of sports games (dribbling, throwing the ball, catching, throwing into a basketball hoop) will take place on a great emotional uplift. In the summer, while walking, it is useful to include health jogging with elements of breathing exercises, but it should be started with a short warm-up, consisting of 3-4 exercises.

Physical education, finger gymnastics is carried out by the teacher as needed (within 3-5 minutes) depending on the type and content of educational activity, mainly at the time of the appearance of signs of fatigue in children.

Motor warm-up (dynamic pause) is carried out during a long break between classes, allows you to actively relax after mental stress and forced posture.

Exercise for the eyes is used for preventive and recreational purposes to prevent visual fatigue in children.

Outdoor and sports games, physical exercise for a walk. Outdoor games are a complex motor, emotionally colored activity. Outdoor games serve as a method of improving the motor skills already mastered by children and the upbringing of physical qualities. The content of outdoor games, as a rule, is cognitive material that broadens the horizons of the child.

Physical culture is the leading form of organized, systematic training of children in motor skills and abilities, as well as the development of physical qualities. To conduct a lesson, the teacher selects physical exercises, determines the sequence of their implementation, draws up a synopsis plan, thinks over the methodology, prepares the equipment, places it, monitors the creation of sanitary and hygienic conditions, and the clothes of the children.

The plot-play lesson is built on a holistic plot-play situation, reflecting in a conventional form the world around the child. It consists of different types of basic movements and game exercises of a general developmental imitation nature ("We are in the circus", "Zoo". "We are little athletes"). Imitation games are very interesting. In games, children imagine themselves in different ways: animals, plants, objects. Game lessons are based on a variety of outdoor games and relay games. Training type lessons are aimed at developing the motor and functional capabilities of children. They include a large number of cyclical, musical-rhythmic movements, various elements of sports games, differentiated motor tasks aimed at developing speed, dexterity, strength and endurance. In our group, a sports corner has been created, where, in an accessible place for children, there are aids for the development of physical activity: massage paths for the prevention of flat feet, ring throws, soft targets, multicolored flags, ribbons, sultans, etc. Physical education is held in a sports hall equipped with sports complexes and inventory.

Corrective exercises for the prevention of scoliosis, postural disorders, and flat feet must be included in morning exercises and physical education.

After a nap, it is important to improve the mood and muscle tone in every child, as well as to take care of the prevention of posture and foot disorders. This is facilitated by the last day sleep gymnastics complex , which is variable in nature, depending on this, its duration will also change (gymnastics of a play nature consists of 2-3 exercises; warm-up in bed - children gradually wake up to the sounds of melodic music, while lying in bed perform 4-5 general developmental exercises; children perform arbitrary dance music-rhythmic movements to music.

In our institution, great attention is paid to carrying out hardening procedures, which especially affect health promotion and reduce morbidity. Hardening is a complex of measures using natural factors of nature that form and improve the functional systems of the body, direct them to increase immunity: sunbathing, contrasting air and water baths in the summer in the air, swimming in the summer, corrective gymnastics, walking barefoot, facilitated clothes for children, washing hands, face, neck with cool water, rinsing the mouth, sleeping without T-shirts, "health paths", body wiping, etc.

In addition to organized activities in physical culture in the daily routine of children, active rest takes a significant place. In the system of physical culture and health-improving work of the kindergarten, physical culture holidays, sports leisure, Health Days, walks - excursions take a strong place. Interesting content, humor, musical accompaniment, games, competitions, a joyful atmosphere contribute to the activation of motor activity. When organizing outdoor activities, climatic conditions, season characteristics and natural factors are taken into account. The greatest benefits for the health improvement and hardening of children are brought by sports events organized in the open air.

Preventive work includes:

Lightweight clothing for children;

Observance of seasonal clothes for children on a walk, taking into account their individual health status;

Compliance with the temperature regime during the day;

Compliance with the ventilation regime;

Washing hands with cool water, brushing teeth and rinsing your mouth;

Correct organization of the walk and its duration;

Non-specific prevention of respiratory diseases (fortification of dishes, aromatherapy - onions, garlic), etc.

One of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life is a walk. In order for it to really have an effect, we change the sequence of activities of children on a walk, depending on the nature of the previous lesson and weather conditions. During a walk with preschoolers, it is necessary to carry out games and physical exercises. To make the time spent in the fresh air interesting and as useful as possible for the pupils, it is important to rationally use the walking area of ​​the kindergarten. So, in the cold season and after a joint activity on which the children were sitting, a walk should begin with a jog, an active game; in warm weather or after physical education and musical GCD - with observation, quiet games, etc. It is necessary to teach teachers to identify signs of fatigue in children by changing skin color, facial expression, breathing rate, the appearance of sweating and to timely regulate the nature of their activity, switching to a calmer or, conversely, intense type of activity. The presence of a sports ground in the kindergarten, the effective use of equipment for walking areas also contributes to the improvement of children and the development of their physical qualities.

During GCD, motor and health-improving moments are also held: in musical lessons (music and didactic, in imitation games, games with imaginary objects, when performing musical and rhythmic movements, in games and exercises aimed at sensorimotor development, in special games and exercises, during which the basic movements, gestures, facial expressions, articulation are reproduced, in the classroom, where correct perception and reproduction of expressive movements is required to understand the meaning of situations, the nature of characters, emotional states, in labor and visual activities, in individual correctional work.

The federal state educational standard identifies a number of principles that pedagogical work with children must comply with. One of the most important is the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with their specificity and capabilities. According to the principle of integration, physical culture and health-improving work with children is carried out not only in the process of specific physical culture and sports games, exercises, classes, but also in the organization of all types of children's activities through physical education, didactic games with elements of movement, outdoor games with elements of speech development, mathematics , construction, etc. An important feature of an integrated lesson is the change in dynamic postures and types of children's activities.

The system of working with children involves various forms, means and methods of forming ideas about healthy lifestyles. The main forms of our work are organized activities, regime moments, sports competitions, leisure activities, during which we inform children of new information and consolidate previously received ideas. In the process of getting to know the world around him, he forms ideas about a person as a living being, his body and health; about lifestyle and dependence of health on lifestyle. When developing cultural and hygienic skills, we form the habit correctly: to wash, dry, take care of the oral cavity, use a handkerchief, and behave correctly when coughing and sneezing. We expand our understanding of healthy lifestyle through: role-playing games "Hospital", "Pharmacy", "Family", reading fiction "Moidodyr", "Doctor Aibolit", etc.

It is impossible to imagine the implementation of the integration process without the interaction of the entire teaching staff: teaching and medical personnel, specialists. The tasks of educational areas are solved in various types of activities, integratively, with the interaction of all participants in the educational process.

In the orphanage, work is carried out systematically and systematically to preserve and strengthen the health of children. In order to timely identify deviations in the health of pupils in the kindergarten, the state of health of children is monitored. The control of the physical development of children is carried out on the basis of monitoring the physical development of children, which allows not only to analyze the dynamics of the individual development of the child, but also to trace the conditionality of physical development and the dynamics of the overall percentage of morbidity. All this increases children's interest in physical education, develops vital physical qualities, increases the density of classes and allows children to be exercised in all types of basic movements. The medical staff determine the group of physical development of each pupil on the basis of anthropometric data and the health group based on the anamnesis and examination of children by specialist doctors.

Prospects for work on this issue are as follows:

1.Reduction of the number of diseases due to the implementation of an individual approach to each pupil and a system of health-improving measures.

2. Tracking and identifying children with frequent colds, identifying the cause of the disease.

3.Improving the system of physical education based on the introduction of new

techniques and technologies.

Prepared by the instructor for physical education GBDOU No. 50 Petrogradskiy district of St. Petersburg Olga Vinogradova

Currently, the state of health of children in our country is of serious concern to society. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, the Scientific Center of Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in Russia, 60% of children aged 3 to 7 years have functional deviations in health and only 10% of children come to school completely healthy.

Unfavorable environmental and climatic conditions lead to a weakening of immunity, and, as a consequence, to an increase in colds and infections. In an educational institution and at home, children spend most of their time in a static position. (at the table, at the TV, computer, etc.).

This increases the static load on certain muscle groups and causes them to fatigue. Decreases in strength and performance of skeletal muscles,

which entails a violation of posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet.

Physical development is the process of changing the forms and functions of a child's body under the influence of living conditions and upbringing. In a narrow sense, this

the term is used to denote anthropometric and biometric concepts (height, weight, chest circumference, posture, vital

lung capacity, etc.). Broadly understood, the term includes physical qualities (endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, balance, eye)... Physical development is not only a biological process that characterizes the formation, changes in the forms and functions of the body, but a social process. The activity of the personality itself, her attitude to her health, mastering experience in the process of socialization develop natural anatomical and physiological

preconditions of the organism.

The mastery of movements, the technique of their implementation, the development of physical qualities occurs with the active participation of an adult. Thus, the physical

upbringing is leading in the development of the child's personality. Thanks to pedagogical work, the child has a need for a healthy lifestyle.

Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at creating conditions conducive to the achievement of good health, physical and

motor development of the child. The teacher carries out this process from the standpoint of the integrity and harmonization of development tasks (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor)... Physical education is based on examination data of children of the level of physical development, its harmony, compliance with age-related physiological indicators is determined.

The goal of physical development is to protect and improve the health of children.

Relevance: the improvement of the system of physical education of modern preschool children is largely determined by the level of scientific substantiation of the methods of physical training of preschool children. Until now, the theory and methodology of preschool education is a transposition of the theory and methodology of physical culture and the adaptation of its provisions to the physical education of preschool children. However, the development of the methods themselves is impossible without knowledge of the nature of the development of basic physical qualities, depending on many factors, but especially on physical activity and the very

type of child. At the same time, age-related characteristics of the development of motor abilities of modern children, differences in physical education and training in each year of life have been insufficiently studied.

It is in childhood that vital basic, locomotor skills and abilities are formed, the foundation of motor experience is created, the alphabet of movement is mastered, from the elements of which all motor activity of a modern person is subsequently formed.

Considering that the physical activity of modern children is both a condition and a stimulating factor in the development of intellectual,

emotional and other spheres, it becomes obvious the need for intensive development of issues of physical education of modern children under

school age.

Therefore, it became necessary to search for new approaches in the formation of health, in the organization of the process of physical education, in

continuity of the family and kindergarten - those social structures that mainly determine the level of health of children.

A way out of this situation is possible with the introduction of programs to promote the health of pupils in the kindergarten, in the creation of conditions conducive to the full-fledged physical and mental development of children.

The main role in a preschool institution belongs to the improvement of the system of organization of physical education, the establishment of the relationship of all

links, continuity with the previous and subsequent stages of work. This approach to the problem made it possible to organize in our preschool educational institution cooperation between teachers, doctors, parents and children; instill in children a sense of responsibility for their health; the need for physical education through the development and strengthening of a sense of satisfaction from movements, physical

exercises, which in turn made it possible to obtain positive results in the growth rate of physical qualities; in reducing the incidence of children;

to create the most favorable conditions for the formation of the timely physical development of the child's body.

Any delay and any disruption in the physical development of the child,

is reflected on his behavior, as well as on his motor activity in its various forms. Decrease in the level of motor activity of preschoolers in

first of all depends on the state of health, which, one way or another, affects their development.

About the need for physical education of modern children, about the role of movement, about its exceptional significance for the development of a child, and not only about physical

Much has been written physically, but also intellectually and emotionally. But on-

walks its embodiment in the practice of only a few preschool

institutions, and in family education, basically, the declaration remains

tive. Prepare your child well for school, lay a solid foundation for

health promotion is possible only in the process of serious joint work with the family

When developing: psychological and pedagogical support of physical education

vitality and health improvement of modern preschool children as a basis for

whether the following principles are taken:

1. The unity of diagnosis and correction - annually at the beginning and end of the educational

to conduct a survey of the level of development and health status of each

child group. Based on the data obtained, the prospects for financial

the physical readiness of each child and the group as a whole for the current year.

2. The consistency of developmental, preventive and correctional

dachas. The work is carried out in a system that covers all aspects of the physical

upbringing: (development of motor activity, motor skills, psy-

hophysical qualities, achieving physical perfection, mastering general

human and national-cultural values). The development of each side

physical education has its own dynamics and a wide range of

dachas. A full-fledged study of such material requires a lot of effort and time.

change costs. However, this can be avoided by establishing a relationship with

other activities of preschoolers. This saves time

motor activity takes a natural place in the life of children.

3. The complexity of the methods of psychological and pedagogical influence. In addition to

well-known, proven in practice, traditional activities, games, exercises,

4. Taking into account the age-psychological, individual characteristics of the child,

as well as the state of his health. This principle allows us to notice the optimization of a-

tion of development for each specific child with his personality.

5. Active involvement of the closest social environment to work with

a child - is determined by the role played by parents, educators,

preschool health workers. Family interaction and

kindergarten a prerequisite for maintaining and strengthening the health of

benk ​​and increasing his physical fitness, since the best re-

results are celebrated where educators, parents and healthcare professionals

act in concert.

The proposed psychological and pedagogical support of physical education

the vitality and health improvement of modern preschool children is lined up

in three directions in accordance with the tasks defined by the financial system

physical education:

1. Wellness: first of all, the problem of quality

improving the physical development and physical condition of the child;

preserve and strengthen the health of children; develop functional and

adaptive capabilities of children and improve their performance;

to form the ability to maintain correct posture; satisfy a need

children on the move; contribute to the development of all morphological and functional systems

themes of the child's body, the correct functioning of internal organs. Thus, in the group of health problems, a special place is occupied by oh-

wound of life and strengthening of children's health, their all-round physical development,

the focus of attention of all participants in the educational process is natural

venous-biological basis of the child's body.

2. Educational: the organic relationship of physical and spiritual

the whirl of preschoolers; the development of morality, the formation of aesthetic

views and beliefs, fostering in children a sense of responsibility for their health

rovier; foster interest in active motor activity; develop

moral and volitional qualities of the child (organization, mutual assistance,

mutual assistance, independence); educate the child's subjective position

ka in different games and exercises; to educate cultural and hygienic qualities

Thus, educational tasks are aimed at a versatile

the development of children, the formation of interest and need for systematic lessons

exercise pits.

3. Educational: teaching natural types of movements and the development of movement

nutritional qualities; to form ideas about your body, about health;

to acquaint children with various ways of performing basic movements;

to form ideas about the regime, about the relevance of rest; create us-

conditions for the child to show agility, speed and other physical skills

Thus, educational objectives provide for an active position

ration of the teacher on the implementation of the content of the physical development of children.

all means of physical education: physical exercise; natural

forces of nature; hygienic factors of our environment. We offer

use preventive and corrective exercises, breathing and

sound exercises; sets of exercises that form the correct

posture; hardening; acupressure; sets of exercises aimed

for the prevention and correction of flat feet; games: "Transforming wand" ,

"Trap with ribbons" etc. To form the principles of a healthy lifestyle

life of the child, mimic projects were developed.

The process of physical culture and health-improving joint work with the family includes


1) purposeful propaganda of general hygienic rules, not

the need for a rational regimen and a full balanced nutrition

tion, hardening, optimal air and temperature conditions.

2) familiarization of parents with the content of health and fitness

work in a preschool institution aimed at the physical, mental and

social development of the child.

3) the results of diagnostics of the child's state of health and his psychomotor

developments are communicated to each parent. The strengths and weaknesses of development are noted, ways of providing assistance are outlined (if necessary,

mo), in strengthening health, physical development and its further improvement

staggering. It is determined what the teachers will do and what the parents will do. At

medical workers are involved in talking with parents

ki kindergarten.

4) teaching parents specific techniques and methods of health improvement (exercise therapy,

breathing exercises, self-massage, various types of hardening.

5) familiarization of parents with treatment-and-prophylactic measures,

conducted in a preschool institution, teaching individual non-traditional

methods of improving the child's body (herbal medicine, aromatherapy and

Every game or exercise, physical education or holiday is not

an integral part of the complex process of forming a healthy, comprehensive

harmoniously physically developed child. If parents are removed from this

work, then the integrity of the pedagogical process is violated. As a result,

their child suffers.

So that parents can use the information base of education and

preschool education, which is owned by teachers, medical workers

kindergarten, it is necessary to determine the most optimal forms of interaction

family and kindergarten actions. This will help the survey of the parents themselves (no

gray hair, questioning). We offer various forms of collaboration

teachers and parents on strengthening and maintaining the health of children and improving

their physical qualities: information for parents on the stands, in folders

traveling; consultations; oral journals and discussions with the participation of psychologists

hectares, doctors, physical education specialists; instructive-methodical classes

for the prevention of posture disorders, foot deformities; seminars-

workshops; business games and trainings; "Open days" for parents with

watching a variety of activities in the gym, at the stadium; hardened

vyvuyuschie and medical procedures; sports activities and holidays with participation

parents; classes in family clubs "Dad, mom, I am a sports family" ;

"Health" and others. Caring for the correct, timely psychophysical development

tii of the child and his health should be expressed in the following

1.satisfy the child's natural biological need for movement

2. to ensure the development and training of all systems and functions of the body re-

Benka through an engine specially organized for preschool age -

new activity and physical activity;

3. to form skills in different types of movements;

4. to promote the development of the child's motor qualities and abilities;

5.stimulate the functionality of each child and activate

to promote children's independence;

6. to create optimal conditions for the diversified development of children:

visualization of mental activity, the search for adequate forms of behavior,

the formation of positive emotional and moral-volitional manifestations

laziness of children. Parents and educators "Armed" a unified program of physical education

nutrition will undoubtedly achieve the desired result.


The developed psychological and pedagogical support of physical development

development and health improvement of modern preschool children, not only

allow in practice to carry out an individual approach to each child, but also

involve parents in joint efforts to improve the health of the child's

nism and increasing their physical fitness; stimulates self-reliance

lization of everyone and mutual enrichment of all. Interaction system model

contributes to the creation of a microclimate based on respect for personal

humanity, care for everyone, trusting relationship between adults and

children, parents and educators. The result is a relationship

all components of health - physical, mental, social. What in

in turn speaks of the achievement of the goal of physical education,

promoting the upbringing of a healthy comprehensively harmoniously physically developed

Electronic educational resources

1. Shebeko V, N. Formation of the personality of a preschool child by means of physical culture: author. ... diss. Doct. Ped. sciences. - Moscow,

2011. [Electronic resource]

2. Preschool education [Electronic resource] //

3. Preschool education [Electronic resource] //

4. Preschool pedagogy [Electronic resource] //

5. Kindergarten from A to Z [Electronic resource] //

6. Journal "Management of a preschool educational institution"

7. Journal "Courier of Education" ... - Access mode:

8. Russian portal of open education. - Access mode.