The status of the early birth of a child for a man. Beautiful statuses about son

My baby is he is the most cute, the smartest and beautiful, most native man, my son dear!

The last word should always stay for a man ... And it should be: "Of course, love!"

Probably, this is happiness - when there is a big and small in your life ...

An ideal man can only give birth to the most.

You live in every beat of my heart ...

Smile - and he will smile in response ... :)

Here imagine on your hands lies a small lump of which, besides love and warmth, nothing needs ... and he loves you more than his life ...

Happy ... Because I sing a lullaby ... Because small handles confuse my hair ... Because the meaning of my life falls asleep on his hand ... Because I kiss every evening a chubby cheek ... Happy ... Because Mom ...

Oh, take care of my daughters - my son grows !!!)))))))))

The best man is listed in the Red Book - in my passport))

For me, gold is not what shines, but what crawls, laughs and turns everything upside down ...

The best man in the world got me! He calls me "Mom"!

Only when you approach the bed, where you sleep your little baby, you understand truly what happiness ...

I will reveal to you who is the best of men. And who in the light of all others is more expensive ... He is the most beloved ... He is my son. And no one else can be!

Children are carefulness, difficulties, cry, noise, burdock. But when you come to them sleeping, you correct a blanket, kissing a spout, brushes, and you understand that this is the biggest happiness in life !!!

Nothing can effectively supplement the freshly cored wallpaper in the room, like children's drawing with a felt-tip pen!

What is not important everything is around - money, career, envy, clothes, cars ... When you're quietly sniffing a little treasure next to you!

Even the flour of pregnancy, childbirth and other things can not overshadow those minutes of happiness, when you look at this little creation and understand that this is your child!

The most pleasant in life is to see her little copy, which smiling crawles around the carpet and understand how much you love him!

Happiness is when there is a little miracle with your eyes!

There is someone in whose hands my heart. Whose laughter decorates all my day. Whose smile shines for me brighter than the sun. Whose happiness makes me happy. This is my son.

All the joy of life fits in a smile of a child!

The kiss gently a soft handmade, touched the lips to the spout of barely ... Heart freezes from love for a son ... What is the happiness that you have!

What is the happiness that I have a son, beautiful eyes and chubby cheeks, a cheerful smile and a calling baby laughter and this little man is more expensive in the world of all !!!

The girl will truly happy when she has two happiness: one will say - "Favorite", and the second - "Mom"

The only person for whom to run is the one that will shout you: "Catchy, mom!"

The smile of the child can dispersed the most disgusting clouds, stop the torrential rains, getting a melancholy ...

Nothing sounds so threatening for the cat, as the words of the little child "Kisyayayaya"

If the house is scattered toys, wallpapers are rimmed, wash you every day, all small items lie above your growth ... So, in the house there is happiness!

The best thing that could be in the morning is the wicked smile of the most beloved man in the world of the little man! :)

The most valuable thing that can give a woman a man, this is a child.

Nothing can be better than keeping a piece of yourself in your hands ...

The happiness of the girl is to become an excellent bride, your beloved wife and a happy mother ...

My great happiness is my little son!

I AM A MOTHER! And this is the most important status in my life!

How magic and wonderful just mom be! These legs, these handles ... Well, how not to love them!

To be a son's mother - this is a reward! And you don't need more happiness in life! Heir, defender and dad - Otrada! I am my son's mother and I am glad!

My son is my joy! My strength, my weakness! Nice bright lights, I love you my son!

With the advent of the child, the woman develops inhuman abilities ... to see in the dark ... hear through sleep ... walk awesome and not to sleep for days ...

Happiness is the topot of small legs on the floor, these are kisses and hugs, it is scattered throughout the house toys, bispanic candy and cookies, this is a smile of the most expensive little man in the world!

In my life there is one little man who always raises the mood and for which he wants to live - this is my child)) it's happiness

My morning always begins with the smile of the most expensive little man in the world! Because I am Mom!

Any woman is worthy to be happy, not knowing betraying, betrayal, offense! Queen to be, not a slave, and favorably call yourself to love ...

Moms of boys know exactly that not "all the guys goats" ...

Pelainka, cereal is inevitable; And others do not avoid trouble. But the main thing is that the believer tenderness that the baby gave you. You will bring any testing, now you can not go to you, above the titles of all - the title is only one, one indispensable title is a mother! You will now be no boredom now, now the sadness will come to zero - when the baby stretches to you and says: "Mommy! I love you so much!"

Sleepy smile, look of favorite eyes ... "Mom, I woke up!" - That's the whole story. Gray Monday paints bloomed. Little legs ... "Mom, I came!" Porridge on the wallpaper, in the Bardak Room, the cat in Plasticine is it necessary so it is just the morning, so we always have. Mine lipstick - where was she? So that the flowers on the walls of the room bloomed to smile everything from beauty, to wash off with a cloth with a rag, you need to get this thing with a shelf! Tomorrow will be Tuesday, morning will again. Male handles will bring love. And even the rain outside the window is not important, so that it does not happen, we always together. And even in the world of this war, then the snow, the main thing in the world is children's laughter. So that the flower fondant on the wall flourished to hear in the morning: "Mom, I came" !!!

The family is where the husband is honored, the wife is loved, children carefree and happy ...

medicine from stress, and from any other disease - it is children's hugs, kalovals, walks and cries!

For every moment, for each breath, for the fact that the Son gave me God for pain, for happiness, for luck, for laughing and crying. For the fact that I still love. For everything I thank life !!!

The kitten will grow by a cat, a mouse will turn into a mouse,
And only for the mother of the native child - forever kid ...

My son is the most important, the most intelligent, the most glorious, the most gentle, most - the most best is my mother!

Only moms know that there is nothing more pleasant to children's touch, nothing is a nice smile, nothing more tenderly children's cheek and nothing more than native baby!

If you freeze at night, instead of pulling onto myself, you go and check if your miracle never frozen ... you are mom))))

In the life of every woman, happiness comes sooner or later ... Recognize it is very easy: he has the most delicious cheeks, the most tender smile, and the most sincere eyes!

The quiet child sits in the room, the worse it goes there)))

Children are care, difficulties, cry, noise, mess. But when you come to them sleeping, you correct a blanket, kiss the spout, cheeks, and you understand that this is the biggest happiness in life !!!

The most precious treasure is my son !!!

My happiness: Big bright eyes, long lush cilia, and ringing laughter \u003d)

My son is just a good! My most favorite little man!

More life woman loves her child ... and is predicted to someone who loves them both

Close to the heart, there must be only children, everything else, nonsense!

The smile of a child is the biggest thank you for my mother!

Happiness is when you wake up and you understand that you are not alone that you have the same little one for whom you are ready for everyone, because you are his mom!

A woman in the family as a translator, only she understands and drunk nonsense and children's bow :)

If you are mom, then you are already well done, because next to you your main thing in life Achievement is your child.

There is no happiness in this world more than being mom ...

It happens to fit on this little peacefully snapping creating, hear the heartbeat and feel this sweet smell ... And at this moment you understand, this is the biggest happiness that God gave!

Here it is, happiness - came up, dug, got out and sleeps!

When a child appears, life from Zebra turns into a rainbow.

The child is the only person who can never be blossomed!

Innocent Heart Angel.
To the bed quietly approach
And the kiss in the brush.
I cautiously, a little breathe,
You'll be covered with a blanket.
My soul lives in you
In the child a little tired.
You turn on the barrel,
In a dream, smiling at carelessly.
Slept sweet, my native son, -
Whisper, your hair touching.
Your sleep is badly stored
I will be dark nights.
Ah, Lord, do not let you comprehend
He is anxiety and sadness.
In the hand in the morning I will put
Forest bunny gift.
There is nothing nice me
Your look of mischievous.
And how to wake up, go,
I will see joy in cute eyes.
How good that kids
Such a hunt beliefed in fairy tales.
Oh, mommy, "you whisper to me -
Who was today, guess?
Came to me from the forest came
My kind friend, fluffy bunny!
And joy and delight in the eyes
And laughter is developing and ringing,
And I'm getting up yours
Gift Squeezed Handles!

Girls, if you know any other thing - write!

Statuses about the son beautiful

The combination of emotions experienced by parents with the advent of the child is very large. The feeling of delight can be replaced with sadness, but it is always a manifestation of care and interest to his own baby. The statuses about the Son are beautiful, like the feelings of mom and dad to their little copy.

  • "You can conquer all men in the world. In addition to your son."
  • "The son is a defender who sends the Lord to the woman."
  • "It seems that the whole love of the world is concentrated in one beautiful sound - the ringing of the laughter of our Son."
  • "Do you know what is a happy family? When son is on the question of where his parents are located, puts his hand on the heart and says:" Here! "
  • "None of the book is not interested as my son-chalunca."
  • "Probably, never cease to be proud of your son."
  • "Son! I'm talking about one of God - so that you are happy. And I will love you any."
  • "I will put my life on the altar of your destiny, son."

Statuses about the son with meaning

With the advent of the kid, the life of the family changes dramatically. Parents no longer belong only to themselves, realize the importance of their own behavior and influence on the younger man. The statuses about the birth of the son always reflect the meaning, which each of the parents invest in this event.

  • "Only a mother can teach the Son to be a gentleman and behave correctly in the society of women."
  • "Sons leave the family one by one. And return with couples."
  • "With the birth of a son I didn't need cosmetics. After all, I lead the main decoration."
  • "From early childhood, I treat my son as a man. Let him get used to."
  • "No lullaby is able to fit all the tenderness that the mother is experiencing."
  • "Grow the Son is easy. It is more difficult to rejoice, noticing himself in him."
  • "I want to have time to absorb all the joy from each day next to the son."

Funny statuses about son

How much joy gives parents the appearance of a child in the family! How many fun moments can remember everyone when his son did the first steps, the words had a new one for him and invented the original names to existing subjects, as the dance and bike mastered. The statuses about the birth of the Son and the associated pleasant emotions - hereinafter.

  • "This man always hugs and kisses without a reason. Prepare tea from the leaf of wood and treats them. Dancing to cheer me. He is a real man, the only lack of which he does not like to go to the kindergarten."
  • "Son, because of your tricks, my hair is gray! - Mom, it's how much it was necessary to indulge in to make such a grandmother!".
  • "In the family of optimists, when the son tells that he broke the window in school, hit the ball at the ball, he pulled the girl for the pigtails and received the top five, rejoice that the child is an excellent student."
  • "The future parents of the boy are worth stocking not only by diapers, clothes, a crib and a stroller. But also with pockets, green and bindings."

Touching statuses about the Son

The statuses about the son with meaning are filled with pleasant experiences associated with the adultery of the child, with its development of the world and the formation of character. More touching moments are difficult to imagine.

  • "Two hearts are fighting in our son - Mamino and Papino."
  • "Sometimes he commands, as a general, sometimes - caprizes like a princess, but he always remains our angel."
  • "It is worth a woman to doubt his beauty, she can immediately contact the most important expert. He answers this question equally:" Mom, I have the most beautiful! ".
  • "What this delightful feeling is to watch how two your most beloved men communicate - the son and husband."
  • "It happens when there is a son for the hand, tears are in front of the eyes. After all, I will once be able to take it only at hand."
  • "The surest way to prove a man that he is best to give him a copy of his son."

Statuses about sons

Many parents are happy caregivers not one boy. Is it worth saying that such families own more joy and funny stories? In the next selection, you can find the status about two sons and more.

  • "I never understood the question, whom I love more - a senior or younger son? It's how to choose which one's share is important to me - right or left?".
  • "They say that the youth of parents lasts until their children grow up. So: My life is infinite, I am a happy mother of three sons!".
  • "The more sons in the house, the smaller the sockets that everyone can repair."
  • "The family fire is brighter, when two sons live in the house."
  • "The birth of twins is the multiplication of joy, fun, hassle and diaper on two."

Statuses about Son and Father

Father and son's relationships are special. In his heir, a man sees the continuation of himself, he wants to convey knowledge and experience, divide the pleasure of male hobbies with him and finally be proud of him how once his father was proud. The statuses about the Son are short help to describe the entire spectrum of feelings and relationships, which make up between two native people.

  • "The Son has always forced me to think about. Like that time asked why I married his mom."
  • "The son will be able to understand the Father, when the Pope itself becomes."
  • "The father loves his son stronger than the son of the Father. All because everyone goes to create his own way."
  • "When dad and son go to the store for ice cream, they only enough money for beer."
  • "The only man, the love for which the husband will forgive his wife, is their son."
  • "Father is the first superhero on which the son is equal."
  • "Never of the Father does not show so much wisdom as he advises something to her son."
  • "Only for the success of the son of the Son, the Father is rejoiced more than his".
  • "You know why Pope is more waiting for the birth of a boy, not the girls? They dream of those toys that give his son."
  • "I will teach you to fish, ride a moped and write to girls. And you teach me to rejoice in everybody's stay."

The statuses about the son with meaning make it possible to divide with other the joy that parents are overwhelmed - the joy of being mentors, teachers and just loved people for the younger man.

Thanks to God for giving the opportunity to become a mother!

  1. Maternity is when a bunch of various emotions fell upon you in one moment. And after a few more moments you understand, it is happiness.
  2. No money will bring you awareness that now you are definitely not alone, you have a baby.
  3. I live so that these eyes never cry. The sacred debt of each mother ...
  4. It does not matter at all, do you raise the words "thanks" from her husband or from anyone. At some point you understand what it was necessary for you.
  5. She is completely defenseless. But already infinitely loved. My daughter…
  6. The most cherished desire for a real woman can only be upbringing another real woman.
  7. I have imagined myself what you will be, daughter. But the fact that you will have such a beauty, I definitely did not expect!
  8. "I have a girl." How little words like a lot of emotions.

Her meek smile - our huge joy

At this time, even sleepless nights do not seem so hard, even days will not be boring over the crib at all. Read more - in the status with the proud sign "My daughter was born."

  1. It would seem that just yesterday was born, and already so much changed in my heart!
  2. How nice, when your daughter has your eyes. So what, what will they change then?!
  3. This child loves very much: opens eyes to the joy of mom and dad, they also closes their joy ...
  4. My daughter is not a subsidiary. This is a full, though a very tiny man.
  5. Most fathers want sons, but our dad broke the system. Dad, who is incredibly pleased with her daughter !!!
  6. My slightly crazy husband did not become a father. He became a daddy, because we had a girl ...
  7. How much is you waiting for you, cute daughter. And takeoffs and falls. You just know that mom will always be there.
  8. Native, I know that you will be even better than me. I'm ready to fight for it!

Her smile dazzling, though still toothless

Remember that the status "I was born my daughter" was lucky enough to put a far from every girl. Therefore, if you are a mother's little princess, be sure to be proud of it ...

  1. And, you know, I am the best mom. Apparently, so my daughter smiles so much, barely born.
  2. Now I need to become more beautiful, even smarter, more proud. Because I have someone to give an example!
  3. The most expensive thing I have is you. The most expensive thing that I will have is also you, daughter.
  4. When you become dad, you understand that it is capable of tearing away the head to anyone who dares to offend your princess.
  5. I do not thirst for you to grow very successful or unbearably beautiful. I want you to be happy. And then everything else ...
  6. Yes, to become a mom and be it is not easy. But the girls are worth it ...
  7. It seems that this is the delicate girl on the planet. And at the same time the strongest stimulus. Stimulus move on.
  8. If my girl someday asks, what a dream I have, I will say that she has long come true. As soon as she was born.

The title of a real mother is pride

In a moment, when on your hands - the life for which you are responsible only you, you are overcome mixed feelings. In order to deal with them, set the status "My daughter was born."

  1. It seems to be such a noisy fidget ... And now learned to walk like a mouse as soon as the baby falls.
  2. Looking at it, I understand that it was far from vain all the previous 9 months ...
  3. Grow, girl, and do not be afraid. Love mom and dad loves you. And she - does not know the borders.
  4. My girl, you will be fine in this life. And what will not be obtained, we will overcome together!
  5. You are so tiny, and my mother already wants you better. Be confident, but not bald. Be modest, but not quiet.
  6. If you ask me, the girl, that was the most joyful in my life, I will answer just: "Your first crying."
  7. I'm losing my head simply from what I became a mom of such a beautiful girl. Let your life begins and passes easily and cloudless.

You are my one more reason to survive childhood

Short statuses about the birth of daughter will understand only those who were lucky to feel all the joy of motherhood or fatherhood. In any case, share this joy with the whole world, if the soul really asks!

  1. My daughter, I wish you to feel what I feel.
  2. To see in the dark, you need to give birth to a child ...
  3. Present happiness has nothing to do with money.
  4. Daughter, thank you for making it better!
  5. The beginning of my new life came up with the appearance of yours.
  6. One - good, and twins are better.
  7. You are not just a girl, you are a real fruit of love.
  8. Now the family has become full. We had a daughter born !!!

If you are - and there is a parent of a little princess, then you congratulate you on the soul. Do not hesitate to fully immerse yourself in a new life, without forgetting before installing the desired phrase in the status bar.

Who knows the others- Write!

What is the happiness that I have a son, adorable eyes and chubby cheeks, a fun smile and a ringing laughter ... and this little man is more expensive in the world of all !!! ​ ​

Lictery gentle, Chestochka Each, spout sniffing snaps! Money, career ... All this is an unimportant ... Important - asleep asleep!

That is the only one for which I will run, will scream to me "catch up, mom!".

The kiss gently a soft handmade, touched his lips to the rose barely, heart freezes from love for a son, for me there is no better creature in the world!

* ♡ * Happiness is soft, warm palms! For the sofa of candy, on the sofa crumbs! What happiness is easier not to answer, everyone has happiness - who has children! * ♡ *

I'll climb into my palms, your little legs. And I will not give them to your lips - I will not give them to anyone.

Take care of your daughters !!! My son grows!

First, the first cry and the world froze when the kid said his eyes: "Thank you, my mother, that I was waiting for me and led to this world ..."

Son, Son, Little Son ... Affectionate, Favorite, Warm Click ... Sunny Baby, Cute Child ... How we lived with dad without you !!!

Happy ... Because I sing a lullaby ... Because small handles confuse my hair ... Because the meaning of my life falls back on his hand.

Born a small lump,

And now it's not at all to sleep!

So many care needs, caress,

And now - nestle,

To laugh these eyes!

And no more beautiful hassle

A loved man appeared in my life and my legitimate husband is simply crazy about him.

There is someone in whose hands is my heart. Whose smile adorns my entire day. Whose laughter shines brighter for me. Whose happiness makes me happy. This is my son.

What a cool guy! .. And he is my son

You sleep, my little friend, innocently heart angel. To the bed quietly approach, and the kiss in a brush ...

Status about the birth of a child - I take your palm in my hand! And the whole wreath on the wrist. I am not in vain experienced flour to give yourself such happiness!

Thanks to all the celestial forces that the mother allowed me to become. And it seems the incredible happiness of the child in the hands of keeping

You are my little rome. How much I waited for you ... nine months walked, and the tummy shore. Every day you give happiness, the meaning of life, joy, laughter! I love you my bunny! Every day and most!

What is this happiness - motherhood !!! Hear a long-awaited first cry, feel sacred unity, and forever remember this moment !!!

With the birth of children in the house, the order, money, peace and serenity disappear ... and happiness appears.

Happiness can not be bought. But you can give birth!

At first, the first cry and the world froze when the kid said his eyes: "Thank you, my mother, that I was waiting for me, and in this world with love I led" ...

A small lump was born, and now not at all before sleep! So many care is needed, caress, and things are now - a pavement, so that these eyes laughed! And no more beautiful hassle

Let this day are not a noisy holiday, not a red day in the calendar, but he is happy and beautiful - I became my mother! Best Mom on Earth!

Happiness is when he takes a little miracle on his hands, hugging you ... Quietly whispers in the ear: "Thank you, my dear, for my son, he is cool

Fate has opened an interesting book
On the new page: Silka was born!
No greater happiness for dad mom
Consider how centimeters and grams grow!

Little, defenseless, tiny life ... will see the sun, mom, love, the whole world ... Little handles, small legs, little heart ...

Here it is a miracle - lies in front of us,
This is over dad, and mom.
Quietly, calmly - like an angel - you sleep,
Our precious beloved baby!

god sent me to me, so that I understand everything:
Why do I need life and sea tests.
I am insanely grateful to the sky for you!
You are the most cherished of all my desires!

Nothing can be better than keeping a piece of yourself

You can only fall in love at first sight in your child when you first take it on your hands ...
This love is indeed, until the last breath, until the very end ...

Not everyone can boast,
What angel saw her.
And I know him,
And I can be proud!
He is warm. Small...
And I love him!

The birth of a child is the only date blindly, on which you can be sure ... that you will meet the love of your life!

Children are flowers of life that are born heads down.

Where, as not in classmates or in contact, tell everyone that I have a baby !!!

Only with the birth of the baby, the man becomes a man, and a woman - a woman.

With the birth of children in the house, the order, money, peace and serenity disappear ... and happiness appears.

I really wanted you. I loved you before your birth. I am ready to die for you. I like being mom.

Nothing helps planning the schedule of the day as the birth of a baby.

When children are born, in the house disappears: order, money, calm, rest - and comes happiness!

The most valuable gifts are put in the envelope ... and are taken out of the maternity hospital!

Pregnant one thing, understand what is pregnant, to endure this miracle, and give birth, God, it hurts, but tears of happiness in your eyes. The happiest ... with the baby in his arms ... he sleeps sweetly ... Angel

God has a favorite place -
This is a small children's heart.
He comes there
In the first moment of the baby Birthday.

The birth of a child as the birth of a moth - saw, wrapped and waiting for it to turn into a butterfly.

The birth of a child is the greatest happiness in the life of a man and a woman!

With the birth of a child, a woman develops inhuman abilities: to see in the dark, hear through sleep, walk silently and not sleep in days ...

So lasts in the world
By the law of beauty:
Children come to our life
Like spring flowers.

No, even the most acute feeling of any comparison with the sensations that the man receives, who is present at the birth of his child.

The long-awaited birthday finally happened. And now one task, you grow healthy, mom, dad to good luck, and we will give them flowers.

A great miracle of creativity - a new man was born,
I will remember the happiness of the moment from now on forever

Eyes - Beads, and cheeks - snaps,
So beautiful and native
That will grow up - and say "Mommy",
Grow healthy, golden!

After the birth of the Son, you begin to understand that there are no inaccessible places in the house, and toilet paper, a great design solution for decorating an apartment.

Children are born from love, the same as we were with you. And our kid will appear in the world, giving us a lot of happiness and love unearthly!

Previously, I was told that the children brings a stork. But, in fact, the birth of a child is a complex biochemical process in a woman's body caused by the influence of the impact of men ... although there is no better stork.