Suppositories from candidiasis for pregnant women. "Terzhinan" to fight a bacterial infection. List of inexpensive but effective drugs

) occurs in most women from time to time. It should be remembered that if you decide to treat these unpleasant manifestations, then you definitely need to treat thrush for both partners. And at the time of taking the drugs, use condoms during sexual intercourse.

All drugs for the treatment of candidiasis are divided into systemic and local. Systemic, which means tablets, must be taken orally. They act primarily in the intestines, and then penetrate into the blood and all tissues of the body. However, experts categorically do not recommend using pills for the treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy.

If you are pregnant and the doctor insists on it, then most likely you will be prescribed local preparations, which means various ointments, creams and, of course, suppositories. When carrying a child, candles are the most preferable. Very often, for the treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy, the same drugs are prescribed as usual, but in the form of suppositories, for example, nystatin and. Sometimes they are also prescribed, however, it should be noted that this medicine is categorically contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and is not very desirable in the future.

Specific antifungal drugs are also used to treat thrush. This is a solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin and ordinary brilliant green. You should be aware that these solutions mechanically remove fungi from the walls of the vagina, and also stop their growth. Solutions also have an anti-inflammatory effect. The method consists in the fact that at night you need to wipe the walls of the vagina with a cotton swab dipped in a solution.

The main advantage of this method of treating candidiasis is that it does not have any side effects. Most often, it is the solution treatment method that is used in the early stages of pregnancy, when you can not take any medications.

It should be remembered that candidiasis is a sign of immunodeficiency and if it cannot be cured completely, then this can be a sign of a serious pathology. In addition, during pregnancy, thrush bacteria multiply more intensively. It is very important to include general strengthening immunomodulators in the treatment. For example, during pregnancy, among such immunomodulatory drugs, you can take rectal suppositories with.

To replenish the number of so-called "normal" bacteria in the body, it is also permissible to take preparations of bifidobacteria.

All drugs, including candles, must be prescribed only by the attending physician. After all, the treatment should take into account all the features of the female body during pregnancy, including the tendency to allergies, the condition of the kidneys and liver, and others.

In no case do not be self-willed, it is very dangerous, especially for women during the period of bearing a baby.

It is best to treat thrush even before pregnancy, at the planning stage. But modern drugs and methods of treatment will help cure candidiasis with almost no harm to the baby, even if you have been diagnosed with thrush when you are already pregnant. Insist that the doctor prescribes local therapy for you and this disease can be cured in a week.

Especially for- Maryana Surma

From a guest

I inserted a Candide v6 candle and Viferon candles)) It helped a lot)) Before that, nothing helped)

From a guest

I don't have any symptoms of thrush at all. was found out after passing the analysis on the sowing tank, the doctor wanted to give suppositories from her bag, but did not take it. went on a bgbk diet. Everything is okay.

From a guest

Helped me at week 23 suppositories ketodin-super

From a guest

I got thrush in the second trimester, I immediately went to the doctor, she told me to try pimafucin suppositories at the beginning. I bought it, came home, googled it and was upset, reviews about it are not important. Well, I think I already bought it anyway. I began to put candles, and they helped me excellently. The itch was already gone by the evening. And by the way, the thrush did not recur later.

Thrush is a common disease, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Some women manage to quickly eliminate the infection, while other representatives of the weaker sex have been unsuccessfully trying to get rid of the disease all their lives. Especially often, vaginal candidiasis occurs during pregnancy, causing expectant mothers to worry and be nervous. For the treatment of the disease, pregnant women are allowed to use far from all drugs. Most often, doctors prescribe suppositories for thrush during pregnancy, as they have few side effects and do not harm the embryo in the womb.

Causes of thrush during pregnancy

Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa that occurs when the immune system is weakened. The causative agent of the disease is a pathogenic fungus of the genus Candida, which actively reproduces in the genital tract. Thrush is not considered a serious and dangerous disease requiring immediate treatment. Therefore, young mothers should not grab all possible medicines to get rid of the infection faster. But the disease should not be started either, otherwise complications may arise during the bearing of the child.

Candida is a sexually transmitted fungus; pregnant women usually become infected from a sexual partner. Men most often do not even realize that they are carriers of pathogens. Vaginal candidiasis is diagnosed mainly during pregnancy, as expectant mothers have significantly weakened immunity. A fungus that reproduces freely with a poorly functioning immune system provokes the appearance of another pathogenic microflora, usually bacteria of the Mycoplasma class. It is strictly forbidden to treat an infection with pills and injections during pregnancy, so doctors prescribe suppositories from thrush during pregnancy. Suppositories do not adversely affect the embryo.

Features of the use of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy

Usually, vaginal candidiasis is treated with antifungal and antibacterial drugs, but they should not be used during childbearing. When a person takes antibiotics orally, the active components of the drug enter the digestive tract, are absorbed into the blood vessels of the intestine, and are sent along with the blood to diseased tissues. But the circulatory systems of the mother and fetus are closely connected, the active ingredients of antibiotic drugs inevitably penetrate the placenta, sometimes causing serious developmental disorders in the embryo. Therefore, it is forbidden to take antibiotics in tablet form during pregnancy, it is especially dangerous to do this in the first trimester of bearing a child.

Candles from thrush during pregnancy is the only acceptable method of treatment. When using suppositories, the active components of the drug do not enter the circulatory system, do not have any effect on the body of a child developing in the stomach. Positive feedback from young mothers proves that suppositories from thrush during pregnancy do not have side effects, they work well and quickly. Suppositories can be safely used both in the first and in the last trimester of bearing a child. But it is advisable for pregnant women to purchase candles from thrush for pregnant women after consulting with their doctor, because it is not known how the female body can react to strong antibiotic substances.

The best candles for thrush during pregnancy

In pharmacies, you can find candles from thrush during pregnancy for every taste and budget. Both expensive and cheap suppositories are sold, and the quality and effectiveness of the medicine does not depend on the price. Some inexpensive suppositories help to cope with vaginal candidiasis better and faster than advertised counterparts with scary price tags. Expectant mothers should not purchase suppositories at their own discretion; it is better to entrust the choice of a drug to a gynecologist. The most effective are antibiotic suppositories based on ketoconazole, clotrimazole, nystatin, as well as a complex of the above antifungal substances. Almost all suppositories are allowed to be used in the third trimester of pregnancy, some - in the earlier stages of bearing a child. So, what suppositories can be used during pregnancy from thrush? The following describes which suppositories can be used during pregnancy from thrush:

  1. Pimafucin. Pimafucin is the leader in popularity and frequency of use among all drugs for thrush. It is this drug that pregnant women purchase most often, since it has a low price, but at the same time it effectively destroys a fungal infection. The active substance is the polyene antibiotic natamycin, which kills the fungus without harm to the embryo in the womb. There are no contraindications for suppositories. The medicine is injected into the vagina once a day in the evening before bedtime, the course of treatment is 3-6 days. Price - 250 - 275 rubles.
  2. Terzhinan. The drug is not available in the form of suppositories, but in the form of vaginal tablets. The drug goes well with other medicines, so it can be used for the complex treatment of thrush. Terzhinan tablets do not have side effects, but they are not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy. The course of treatment is 10 days. Before insertion into the vagina, the tablet should be immersed in water for half a minute. Price - 320 - 575 rubles.
  3. Polygynax. Polygynax - highly effective vaginal capsules recommended for use during pregnancy, consisting of neomycin, polymyxin, nystatin. The antibiotic drug destroys pathogenic bacteria that multiply in the vagina after the onset of candidiasis. Polygynax capsules contribute to the restoration of the mucous membranes of the genital tract, relieve inflammation. Side effects when using the drug are not observed. The capsule is immersed deep into the vagina in the evening before going to bed. The course of treatment is 12 days. Price - 305 - 775 rubles.
  4. clotrimazole. Clotrimazole is an inexpensive and high-quality suppository used for thrush during pregnancy. These suppositories can successfully treat not only candidiasis, but also trichomoniasis. The medicine is allowed to be used in the second and third trimester of gestation, but it is strictly forbidden to use it in the early stages of pregnancy. The composition of suppositories includes substances that can adversely affect the embryo in the initial stages of development. The therapeutic course lasts a week. It should be noted that the Candida fungus quickly gets used to the antibiotic, so when the disease recurs, other drugs should be used. Price - 15 - 215 rubles.
  5. Livarol. Livarol - highly effective suppositories for thrush during pregnancy. The medicine is used in the later stages of bearing a child, but it is absolutely impossible to use it during the first trimester of pregnancy. The active substance is ketoconazole. Candles are inserted into the vagina in the evening before bedtime. The course of treatment is no more than 5 days. In the morning after using the drug, many women observe liquid discharge from the genital tract. There is no need to worry: it comes out polyethylene oxide - an auxiliary component of the drug. Price - 405 - 790 rubles.
  6. Hexicon. The drug is a suppository that is used to treat thrush. The tool can be used throughout the entire period of bearing a child, as well as during breastfeeding. Hexicon acts locally, which prevents it from penetrating into the blood. Many patients are prescribed suppositories immediately before childbirth. This ensures effective prevention of infectious diseases and complications after the birth of a baby. The course of treatment is 10 days. Candles are inserted into the vagina. Frequency of use - no more than twice a day, but the appointment should be carried out by a doctor. Some patients experience severe itching after the start of therapy, but very little time passes and the discomfort disappears. The pricing policy in Moscow and St. Petersburg is approximately 270 rubles.
  7. Fluconazole. Expectant mothers on the forums claim that Fluconazole is an effective drug to combat thrush. However, this drug is not recommended for use during the first trimester of pregnancy. If you ignore the warnings, you can harm the baby. According to foreign studies, those women who used Fluconazole during early pregnancy exposed their child to a significant risk, since the drug contributes to the formation of complex congenital heart disease in the baby. And when using the medication during the third trimester (400-800 mg / day), in rare cases, doctors diagnosed brachycephaly, cleft palate, abnormal facies, developmental pathologies of the cranial vault, etc. The safest for mothers and babies is taking Fluconazole once 150 mg. But doctors rarely prescribe a remedy to avoid side effects, because the use of Floconazole to combat thrush becomes real only after the birth of the baby and the end of breastfeeding. The use of Flucostat to eliminate thrush is also undesirable. The main active ingredient in this drug is also fluconazole. There is evidence that the drug can cause deformities and have a toxic effect on the baby in the womb. Gynecologists can prescribe this medicine only to those women whose thrush has affected important organs.

Traditional medicine recipes

Quite often you can hear from expectant mothers that they use folk methods to eliminate thrush, which women consider safe for the baby. But pregnant women should be aware of all the responsibility for their actions, and also remember that the use of safe medications while carrying a child will not harm him. But folk methods can only be appropriate in combination with medication. Naturally, they are unlikely to cope with the infectious nature of the disease, but they will perfectly eliminate unpleasant symptoms (burning, itching). A complete rejection of traditional drug treatment can harm the baby.

The use of soda to eliminate thrush is a popular alternative to drugs. Soda solution can be used for douching and washing. To prepare the solution, you need a tablespoon of soda per liter of boiled water. The liquid should be warm, but not hot. After douching, tablets or suppositories from thrush during pregnancy, which are prescribed by a doctor, are injected into the vagina. The course of soda douching is from 5 to 7 days. Soda baths can be used: a tablespoon of soda and the same amount of iodine are needed per liter of liquid. The expectant mother needs 15 minutes to be in sitz baths.

You can also douche with the use of other antiseptics of natural origin:

  • Garlic, onion. To prepare a garlic bath, you need to boil a head of garlic in a liter of water in combination with 1 tbsp. chamomile.
  • Tea tree oil. For douching, you will need a small syringe, which must be filled with calendula oil and add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil to it.

Vaginal candidiasis, or thrush, can occur in any woman, and pregnancy is no exception. In itself, this disease does not pose a serious danger and will not bring harm to the child, but the course of pregnancy will be overshadowed by unpleasant symptoms, and other organs of the reproductive system may suffer. In addition, the lack of treatment will lead to infection of the newborn during the passage of the birth canal. Candidiasis stomatitis - this diagnosis will be received by the child already at birth.

Candles Pimafucin are allowed for use during pregnancy

Why candles

During pregnancy planning, it is imperative to treat thrush in order to prevent complications and not expose the fetus to unnecessary risk, since the use of systemic agents is prohibited during childbearing due to toxicity. Therefore, candidiasis in pregnant women can be treated mainly with the help of suppositories or folk remedies.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer many drugs that are effective for thrush and safe for the fetus. After confirming the diagnosis of "vaginal candidiasis" by a doctor and passing the necessary tests, funds are selected that will be useful in this particular case. The type of fungus and the degree of its sensitivity to drugs are determined by the results of the analysis for bakposev. It should be borne in mind that both partners will have to be treated, although in men this disease does not show symptoms and external signs, but they are carriers of the infection.

In addition to tests, the doctor will try to find out the cause of the occurrence and activation of the Candida fungus in order to prevent future relapses. This is a very important point, given the onset of pregnancy in the near future.

Reasons for the appearance

The main reasons for the appearance of thrush are:

  • decrease in the body's defenses, weakened immunity;
  • taking hormones or antibiotics;
  • unbalanced diet low in vitamins;
  • diseases, especially infectious ones, of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • wearing tight or synthetic underwear;
  • genital trauma.

Wearing synthetic underwear leads to the development of candidiasis

Benefits of using candles

Candles from thrush during pregnancy are prescribed because they work exclusively in the focus of the disease, without affecting the unborn baby and without having a toxic effect on the body as a whole. Adverse symptoms occur infrequently, mainly individual intolerance or allergic reactions. In addition, vaginal suppositories are convenient and comfortable to use, they dissolve easily in the vaginal environment, and the medicine is evenly distributed over the mucous membranes. All of the listed properties of these funds explain that it is the candles that can be used during the gestation of the fetus, without fear for the health of the mother and the unborn baby.

Types of candles used

Candles from thrush during pregnancy act directly on the source of infection - Candida fungus, but not all women can use them in position. When choosing a drug, you must clearly and strictly follow the recommendations of the attending gynecologist, because some drugs contain undesirable components in their composition. Vaginal suppositories are usually made on the basis of one of the substances:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Nystatin;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Natamycin.

The presence of Clotrimazole as an active ingredient is highly undesirable during pregnancy, but it can be replaced with Pimafucin. It is a gentle antifungal agent that is safe for the placenta. Even its long-term use is possible, both in early and late pregnancy. The main component of Pimafucin is Natamycin. When used, burning and irritation may occur, especially at the beginning of use, but this quickly passes and does not require cancellation. The reason is the presence of such auxiliary components as soda and carboxylic acid.

An almost complete analogue of Pimafucin are Primafungin suppositories, approved for use in pregnant women. They differ only in cost, Primafungin is cheaper.

Primafungin is quite inexpensive

Candles in the first trimester

It is possible to treat thrush in the first trimester with the help of Bentadine suppositories, but only in the absence of an allergy to iodine and thyroid diseases. Starting from the second trimester, taking the drug is not recommended due to the fact that the active substances are able to cross the placenta and provoke malfunctions of the thyroid gland.

Macmirror complex - contains the active components Nifuratel and Nystatin, which enhance the mutual action, providing both antifungal and antibacterial effects. It has no systemic influence, does not participate in hematopoiesis. It is used not only while waiting for a child, but also when breastfeeding.

Hexicon - suppositories can be used during pregnancy without restrictions. The local action of the drug excludes entry into the bloodstream without affecting the fetus. Hexicon suppositories are prescribed even before childbirth in order to prevent complications in the postpartum period. It is necessary to treat thrush with Hexicon within 10 days - this is a full course.

Polygynax. One of the best and safest means for use in pregnant women. Available in the form of capsules containing nystatin, neomycin and polymyxin. Actively destroying the fungus, restores the mucous membranes of the vagina and quickly relieves inflammation. The treatment time is 12 days, one capsule per night. There are no side effects.

Candles Betadine are used only in the first trimester

Candles in the 2nd and 3rd trimester

Starting from the time of the onset of the second trimester, Terzhinan candles can be used. Sometimes they use it in the first, but only if the benefits outweigh the risks. Scientists and doctors about this drug have not yet come to a consensus: the French manufacturer Bouchard Recordati assures women of the safety of Terzhinan, and the US FDA believes that there is still a potential risk. This may be due to the presence of prednisolone in the composition, which can reduce local immunity.

It is necessary to treat candidiasis with Terzhinan within 10-14 days, immediately before administration, the capsule is dipped into water for 30 seconds. Itching and burning go away some time after the injection.

Candles Livarol is another drug that can be used in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The active substance is ketoconazole, which acts in the area of ​​​​inflammation, but does not enter the bloodstream. Therefore, its use in pregnant women will be safe. The cure occurs in almost 100% of cases, which is confirmed by studies conducted by the Leningrad Mycological Laboratory. The experiment involved 50 women who were treated with Livarol, which included only 5 suppositories.

Candles Livarol - a safe and effective remedy for thrush

Candles used with care

All of the above types of suppositories can be used by pregnant women, but there are still a number of drugs that can be considered conditionally acceptable, that is, if the benefits outweigh the risks. These funds include Zalain. Candles with an antifungal effect are used during the second and third trimester of pregnancy without restrictions, in the first - strictly as directed by the doctor, in special cases. While the placenta has not formed, medicinal substances can affect the fetus. The advantage of the drug is its ability to treat thrush with a single application. One Zalain suppository is inserted into the vagina at night, if necessary, the procedure is repeated after 7 days. The risk of recurrence after application is significantly reduced.

Means unacceptable for use during pregnancy

Fluconazole is strictly prohibited for the treatment of thrush in expectant mothers, it is prescribed only in case of emergency. Conducted studies of the effect of this drug on fetal development have shown that taking Fluconazole during the first trimester leads to the development of heart disease in newborns, and in the later stages it can cause serious deformities and anomalies of the fetus. Flucostat, an analogue of Fluconazole, has a similar effect, since their active substance is identical.

If pregnancy is planned, then first you need to cure all diseases that can interfere with the normal development of the unborn child.

This fully applies to vaginal candidiasis, that is, to thrush. Its chronic form can lead to miscarriage, and a constant inflammatory process will make the walls of the vagina rough, which is fraught with protracted and difficult childbirth. To prevent this, gynecologists strongly recommend undergoing examinations on time and eliminating infections that have arisen.

When choosing candles from thrush during pregnancy, you should remember how important it is to take care of your body during this period.

Unfortunately, Pregnancy has many women prone to various diseases., even those that have never been observed before - including thrush, or vaginal candidiasis.

Candles against thrush: features of use

Thrush in itself does not pose any threat to the life of a pregnant woman and her unborn child. However, the very course of pregnancy due to this disease can be much more difficult, and the fetus may develop intrauterine defects over time.

That is why it is better to use suppositories against thrush, especially since they are presented in a fairly wide range on the medical preparations market.

Candles are considered much less dangerous to the body than tablets or capsules - these types of drugs, unlike candles, can be toxic or have side effects. So for treatment it is better to use suppositories from thrush for pregnant women and suppositories. These are local preparations.

Tablets and capsules, even the most modern ones, are contraindicated for expectant mothers: after all, they take such drugs orally, while passing through the gastrointestinal tract and directing the active substances into the blood. Despite the best efforts of the pharmaceutical industry, the side effects of these drugs can still weaken the pregnant body and harm the baby.

Candles from thrush during pregnancy usually do not give any side effects, however, their pregnant women should be chosen with caution, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and consulting a doctor. So, some substances in the composition of suppositories and suppositories may be contraindicated during pregnancy. However, there are also very safe drugs - they treat thrush even in newborn children.

The choice of suppositories from thrush during pregnancy

With the help of suppositories, you can effectively act on the fungi that are directly the causative agents of candidiasis. Consider the most effective and popular of them:

1. Pimafucin

It ranks first in demand in the treatment of thrush. Its basis is natamycin, an effective fungus destroyer that does not have side effects that are harmful to a pregnant woman and her child.

After all, doctors quite often prescribe "tested" suppositories with clotrimazole, considering it the best way to fight fungi. Meanwhile, in the first trimester of pregnancy, this drug is unacceptable, and it is best to refuse it if possible.

It is much better to use pimafucin and its analogue, nystatin, at this time. In addition to candles, they are part of ointments, gels and creams. Meanwhile, candles along with capsules are recognized as the best options for today.

2. Betadine

Betadine is a very effective suppository for thrush during pregnancy, which, in addition, has a general antiseptic effect. It can be used not only to prevent and treat fungal infections, but also to fight many viruses, fungi and bacteria.

A distinctive property of Betadine should be considered its exceptional safety. It does not have allergies and side effects, since the composition of this drug is quite simple - its basis is iodine.

Due to this, Betadine has antibacterial and antifungal effects on the body and does not allow thrush pathogens to actively develop. It does not irritate the vaginal mucosa.

3. Polygynax

Polygynax are suppositories based on neomycin and nystatin, which are powerful in their antibiotic action. By itself, Polygynax is a combination drug, and it can be used during pregnancy.

But this, of course, must be done under the supervision of a doctor, since antibiotics can disrupt the natural vaginal microflora.

All of these drugs have a fairly high efficiency, but they should be used only after contacting a doctor. Thus, it will be possible to accurately and reliably guarantee the absence of harmful effects for the pregnant woman and for her child.

Vaginal candidiasis, or thrush, is an infection of the mucous epithelium in a woman's vagina. With a decrease in the natural resistance of the body during pregnancy, an increased reproduction of the Candida fungus occurs. For the treatment of thrush during childbearing, any pills are contraindicated, usually doctors prescribe suppositories for thrush during pregnancy.

During childbearing, the body's resistance to infections decreases.

General information

Pros of using

Candles are a topical preparation and have a number of advantages:

  • convenience of self-administration;
  • dissolve easily;
  • evenly distributed over the mucous surface of the vagina;
  • are not absorbed into the blood.

Application features

Suppositories are topical drugs, while tablets have a systemic effect on the body, which is highly undesirable during pregnancy. Even the most modern and “advanced” tablets for thrush are strictly contraindicated for expectant mothers, as they have an undesirable effect not only on her body, but also penetrate the placenta. A toxic lesion of the fetus develops, the course of the development of the child changes up to premature birth.

Candles from thrush during pregnancy practically do not have any general effect on the body of the expectant mother and do not affect the fetus.

Varieties of suppositories

Candles directly act on the opportunistic microflora in the vagina, destroying Candida fungi.

The price range for suppositories is quite diverse, but it is important to remember that the high price of drugs does not always guarantee a 100% and quick result.

In addition, during pregnancy, candles (as, in principle, tablets for women who are not expecting a baby) should be prescribed only by a gynecologist, based on a preliminary examination.

Any medicines for a pregnant woman should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Any drug is prescribed only after a clinical examination of the patient, it is then that the fastest and most successful result will be achieved with minimal pathological effects on the body of the mother and child. In no case should you self-medicate and, moreover, follow the advice of "know-it-alls" from various forums.

All candles differ in composition, duration of local exposure and active substance: nystatin, ketoconazole, clotrimazole. However, the first place in terms of therapeutic effect and safety is occupied by Pimafucin candles. Although clotrimazole suppositories remain very popular, they are prescribed only in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Nystatin and Pimafucin are considered more harmless, they are produced in the form of gels, creams, ointments, but vaginal suppositories remain desirable for use during pregnancy. Also shown is the drug "Betadine", suppositories (at an early stage of candidiasis) - "Ginezol", "Livarol", "Ketoconazole". Suppositories with fluconazole are prescribed to pregnant women extremely rarely, only with advanced forms of thrush, when "the risk is justified."

Description of medicines by intended use

"Betadine" - has an antifungal and complex antiseptic effect. The drug is safe, its effectiveness is clinically proven, it does not have side effects on the body of a pregnant woman, does not cause allergies. Candles have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, stop the further development of the Candida fungus, without irritating the vaginal mucosa.

"Pimafucin" - has a pronounced antifungal effect against the Candida fungus, is effective and affordable. The active ingredient is natamycin, it blocks the synthesis of sterols, which are part of the cell membranes of the microorganism (it destroys the fungus with lightning speed).

"Polygynax" - nystatin and neomycin, which are part of the drug, are powerful local antibiotics. It can be used during pregnancy, but under the strict supervision of a physician.

"Livarol" - has a pronounced antimycotic effect, the antimycotic ketoconazole inhibits the biosynthesis of sterols and disrupts the lipid composition of the cell membranes of the fungus. When carrying a child, it is allowed to use during the period of the 4th-9th months and breastfeeding.

"Geksikon" - vaginal suppositories, have antiseptic properties. Indicated for thrush complicated by infection. Candles are approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Suppositories Hexicon are effective in the treatment of fungus

"Clotrimazole" - has pronounced antimycotic and antibacterial effects. The imidazole derivative (active ingredient) is active against molds, yeasts, dermatophytes and pathogens of erythrasma and some other microorganisms. The drug is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy and during menstruation.

"Miconazole" - is active against yeast-like fungi, dermatomycetes and some Gr + bacteria. The drug is the first choice when prescribing the treatment of candidomycosis. But miconazole is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and lactation in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Systemic drugs (tablets) - "Clotrimazole", "Miconazole", "Ketoconazole", "Fluconazole" are not prescribed during pregnancy. There have been cases of negative effects of tablets on the fetus.

In the treatment of thrush (vaginal candidiasis), suppositories are inserted into the vagina once a day. The general course of application lasts from 3 to 10 days.

An integrated approach to treatment

Candidiasis (thrush) indicates a clear sign of immunodeficiency in the expectant mother. That is why, along with eliminating the symptoms of thrush and treating the fungus locally, it is important to undergo a course of general strengthening therapy and include the use of immunomodulators. For example, rectal suppositories with viferon are suitable. To replenish the ranks of beneficial bacteria in the body, preparations containing bifidobacteria (Bifidumbacterin, capsules) are prescribed.

Undoubtedly, the ideal option for getting rid of candidiasis is to treat it before pregnancy in order to protect both yourself and the fetus. But, if the need to take an antimycotic drug arose already during the period of the “interesting situation”, it must be remembered that only the leading doctor should prescribe any drugs.