Test which dress suits me. Flash test "Which dress suits you

Many young ladies begin to prepare for the prom in a few months, and some, on the contrary, even a week before the celebration do not know what outfit they will wear. Doubts are experienced even by those representatives of the fair sex, whose wardrobe is literally bursting with various things for every taste, suitable for festive events... If you also cannot decide on the choice of an image for one of the most important events in your life, take our test "Which dress suits you for prom?" By answering the questions below, taking into account individual preferences, you will know which styles and colors of dresses you should pay attention to first.

This test will be especially useful for those girls who are completely confused and cannot choose suitable outfit for a celebration. However, young ladies who want to save the time required for study, walking with friends or guys, can also answer questions and, thus, quickly decide which dress should be bought or sewn on prom... For the result to be correct, you need to answer as honestly as possible, having previously analyzed your preferences, which will ultimately allow you to get the recommendations that are ideal for you.

Questions of the online test "What dress suits me for a prom?":

1. How important is clothing comfort to you? Should Prom Dress to be comfortable?

For the sake of a stunning evening dress, I am ready to endure any discomfort!
I like clothes to be both comfortable and effective, but on prom I can quite put on an unusual and not entirely comfortable dress to wear.
I think that party clothes may not be too comfortable, but the opportunity to look beautiful is worth it!
Undoubtedly, a dress for a celebration should be as comfortable as possible, but, at the same time, stylish and elegant.

Each representative of the fairer sex sooner or later asks herself: which dress will suit me? It should be noted that the selection of a dress depends on different factors... Of course, any girl or woman wants to follow fashion trends, but sometimes it is better to give preference to the long-known classic dress fit perfectly on your figure, rather than wearing any thing from the latest collection of a fashionable couturier that spoils your figure.

In order for your dress to emphasize all your advantages, hide flaws, give your image elegance and femininity, you must be able to choose dresses in accordance with your figure. To do this, you need to determine its type.

Dresses by type of figure

There are 5 types of figures in total: hourglass, rectangle, apple, pear and inverted triangle.

  • If the figure is marked thin waist and of the same width for the hips and shoulders, this is an hourglass type. Almost any dress style is suitable for women with such a figure. You should only avoid baggy models, loose fit. Owners lush breasts it is better to refuse a dress with a high waist.
  • A figure with a weak waist and the same width of the hips and shoulders is called a "rectangle". For such a figure, you should choose a dress that can make it look like an hourglass. These include low-waisted models, loose shirt dresses, semi-fitted dresses with a wrap, as well as dresses with long straight or pleated skirts... However, straight dresses should be avoided.
  • In a figure of this type, like an "apple", the hips and abdomen stand out clearly. V in this case preference should be given to models that distract attention from the abdominal area. It is better to choose a dress with a straight, loose silhouette with a laconic cut. Thinking about which dresses fit the full, you should also understand that important role plays and drawing on the dress. So it is necessary to give preference to dresses with vertical elongated elements and patterns.
  • The triangle shape assumes narrow shoulders and wide hips... Therefore, you should choose a dress model that can visually expand the shoulders, make the hips less noticeable and emphasize the chest. Such dresses include models with a lantern sleeve or simply with a freely falling sleeve, as well as with various decorative elements in the chest area, soft shoulder pads and tailored obliquely. Owners of this type of figure are strictly prohibited from wearing dresses with a tight top, low waist and too voluminous skirt... Signs of an inverted triangle shape include a loose waist, narrow hips and broad shoulders... Women with such a figure need to choose a dress that will visually add volume to the hips, reduce the width of the shoulders and focus on the lower part of the figure. For this, dresses with a trapezoidal silhouette, as well as models with a low waist, are perfect. Models with one or both bare shoulders can already help to visually make the shoulders. It is undesirable to wear dresses with shoulder pads, sleeves-lanterns, as well as with a V-neck.

Choosing a pattern

It should be noted that when choosing a dress, great attention you must also pay attention to its pattern. So, the owners of the "hourglass" figure should avoid large drawings, it is better to give preference to small ones, for example, simple flower patterns, speck or pea. Women with an "apple" figure are generally not recommended to wear dresses with a pattern. And those who got the pear shape can wear a dress with a patterned top and a solid bottom.

Dress length

In addition, be sure to pay attention to the length of the chosen dress. So, dresses with a long floor are only suitable for evening dresses or summer resort dresses. And very Long Dresses not suitable for girls short stature... Short or so-called "mini-dresses" can only be worn by happy owners of slender long legs... It should also be borne in mind that it is necessary to wear such dresses only in a number of special cases... Answering what dress will fit full girl, we can safely say - this is a midi dress with a length slightly lower or vice versa - slightly above the knee. This model is generally considered universal.

It should be noted that mid-calf dress models are not suitable for everyone, since they can visually change the height and figure not in better side... By the way, on the Internet you can easily find a test: which dress suits you. By answering just a few questions, you can find out the model of the dress that suits you best.

Most of the fair sex spend hours in front of the closet, choosing which dress to wear for a walk, to the office or on a date. In the fitting rooms of stores, many face the same difficulties, and sales assistants are far from always able to objectively assess whether a particular dress looks good on a customer.

Today we will try to answer the question "Which dress suits you?" The test for women below consists of ten questions to clarify your personality traits, individual preferences and daily habits, and then, based on the data obtained, recommend different options dresses in which you will look organic and feel as comfortable as possible.

V this test there will be no binding to the physique and color types of appearance, which will allow you to get the maximum reliable result and choose exactly the dress that will allow you to harmonize internal state and appearance... That is why you should answer the questions honestly, and use the received recommendations not as a dogma, but as a direction in which you should move when choosing an ideal suitable styles and models of dresses.

Questions of the online test "What dress suits you?":

1. Do you often wear dresses and how comfortable do you feel in them?

Most often I wear elegant dresses or suits. I feel like a fish in water in them.
Most of my closet is full of cute, romantic dresses, and I wear them a lot and feel very comfortable. I believe that it is the dress that is the best option women's clothing.
In my everyday wardrobe there are not enough dresses, because I think they are not the most comfortable clothes.
Most of my looks are built around dresses or skirts. I find these wardrobe items very comfortable and perfect for women of all ages.

If you need to choose a dress for a wedding, prom or just good party, you need to have at least some idea of ​​the combination of colors and shapes. It is also important to understand which dresses suit you not only by the shape of the waist, but also by the type. If you have been like all your life female, wore old sweaters and jeans, then immediately put on a chic White dress may be a mistake. In that case, it's probably better to take a polka-dot dress, middle length and not lush at all. Then you will not become the laughing stock of the evening. Of course, if you have to choose a dress for a prom, then it is better to trust the professionals - after all, graduation is once in a lifetime. In other cases, the question "What dress to choose?" should not even arise, which will help this flash test. Just answer a few questions, indicate your mood and desires, and the test will select the dress that will suit you today. We already had a place where you could choose your everyday wardrobe. But stop wearing jeans and T-shirts! This one will choose a dress for you that will change your life!