Kindergarten teacher requirements. Doe teacher job description

You have every right, as the legal representative of your child, to demand that the educator fulfill his official duties.

Job description of the educator.
1. General Provisions
1.1. Persons with a secondary specialized or higher education who have a medical certificate are accepted for the position of educator.
1.2. Responsible for the head of the kindergarten.
1.3. Works directly under the supervision of the senior teacher.
1.4. He is hired and dismissed by order of the head.
1.5. Passes a medical examination once every six months.
1.6. In his work, he is guided by regulatory documents, this job description and the Internal Labor Regulations.
1.7. The duration of the working week is 36 hours, he works according to the schedule agreed with the trade union committee and approved by the head.
1.8. The duration of the annual regular leave is 42 calendar days.
1.9. Observes labor discipline.
2. Job responsibilities.
2.1. Carries out careful supervision of the children entrusted to him in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions for protecting the life and health of children in the premises of the institution and on children's walking grounds.
2.2. He monitors the state and strengthening of the health of each child in the group, together with the medical staff of the institution regularly conducts complex activities that promote the health, psychophysical development of children, and provides hygienic care for young children. Pays special attention to children who came to kindergarten after illness.
2.3. Plans and carries out educational work in accordance with the program in close contact with other educators and specialists of the institution. Thoroughly prepare for classes.
2.4. It studies the individual abilities, inclinations and interests of children. Skillfully uses the results of the study in his pedagogical activities in order to develop each child. Based on the study of the individual characteristics of children, the recommendations of the psychologist, he conducts correctional and developmental work with his pupils.
2.5. Ensures strict implementation of the established daily regimen and the schedule of classes.
2.6. Monitors the behavior of children during the period of adaptation, helps them; in early age groups keeps a diary of observations.
2.7. Regularly informs the head of the institution and the head nurse about changes in the health status of children. Informs the head nurse about absent children, finds out the reason for their absence, maintains an attendance record.
2.8. Works with parents on the issues of raising children in the family, involves them in active cooperation with the kindergarten. Actively works with the parent committee and individual parents, ensuring the creation of the necessary conditions in the premises of the group and on the site for the successful implementation of the educational program.
2.9. He treats each child in his group with respect and care, shows restraint and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.
2.10. Together with the music director and physical education instructor, he prepares holidays and organizes leisure activities for children.
2.11. Replaces a sick caregiver-shifter during the illness.
2.12. The medical examination is strictly scheduled.
2.13. Fulfills the requirement of the head, the head nurse, the head educator, related to pedagogical work and the protection of the life and health of children.
2.14. Maintains teacher records in a timely and accurate manner.
2.15. Systematically improves professional qualifications and pedagogical level at courses, seminars, open viewings.
2.16. On the site, together with the children, she works on landscaping according to the program of her age group.
2.17. Participates in the pedagogical councils of institutions, methodological associations in the region, district, organizes competitions and exhibitions of children's works for open days, holds parent meetings, participates in holidays.
2.18. Strictly fulfills labor discipline and labor regulations.
2.19. Provides sanitary and hygienic regime in the group.
2.20. When transferring a shift at the end of the working day, he leaves an exemplary order in the group.
2.21. Carefully uses the property of the institution, methodological literature, manuals.
2.22. The teacher hands over the shift personally to the second teacher, transfers the children according to the list.
3. The teacher must know
3.1. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
3.2. Basic state laws.
3.3. Charter of the institution, Rules of internal labor regulations, Instructions for protecting the life and health of children, sanitary and hygienic standards.
3.4. Pedagogy, psychology, age physiology and hygiene.
3.5. Fundamentals of pre-medical medical care.
3.6. Theory and methodology of educational work.
3.7. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
3.8. The order of actions in extreme situations that threaten the life and health of children.
4. Rights
Has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", regional laws, as well as the Charter of the institution and the Internal Labor Regulations.
5. Responsibility
5.1. Bears personal responsibility for the life and health of children during their stay in the institution.
5.2. Responsible for the fulfillment of all duties assigned by this instruction.

A model job description for a caregiver is presented that can be used to develop a job description for a caregiver in your institution.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Persons with a secondary specialized or higher education who have a medical certificate are accepted for the position of educator.


1.2. Responsible for the head of the kindergarten.

1.3. Works directly under the supervision of the senior teacher.

1.4. He is hired and dismissed by order of the head.

1.5. Passes a medical examination once every six months.

1.6. In his work, he is guided by regulatory documents, this job description and the Internal Labor Regulations.

1.7. The duration of the working week is 36 hours, he works according to the schedule agreed with the trade union committee and approved by the head.

1.8. The duration of the annual regular leave is 42 calendar days.

1.9. Observes labor discipline.

2. Job responsibilities.

2.1. Carries out careful supervision of the children entrusted to him in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions for protecting the life and health of children in the premises of the institution and on children's walking grounds.

2.2. He monitors the state and strengthening of the health of each child in the group, together with the medical staff of the institution regularly conducts complex activities that promote the health, psychophysical development of children, and provides hygienic care for young children. Pays special attention to children who came to kindergarten after illness.

2.3. Plans and carries out educational work in accordance with the program in close contact with other educators and specialists of the institution. Thoroughly prepare for classes.

2.4. It studies the individual abilities, inclinations and interests of children. Skillfully uses the results of the study in his pedagogical activities in order to develop each child. Based on the study of the individual characteristics of children, the recommendations of the psychologist, he conducts correctional and developmental work with his pupils.

2.5. Ensures strict implementation of the established daily regimen and the schedule of classes.

2.6. Monitors the behavior of children during the period of adaptation, helps them; in early age groups keeps a diary of observations.

2.7. Regularly informs the head of the institution and the head nurse about changes in the health status of children. Informs the head nurse about absent children, finds out the reason for their absence, maintains an attendance record.

2.8. Works with parents on the issues of raising children in the family, involves them in active cooperation with the kindergarten. Actively works with the parent committee and individual parents, ensuring the creation of the necessary conditions in the premises of the group and on the site for the successful implementation of the educational program.

2.9. He treats each child in his group with respect and care, shows restraint and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.

2.10. Together with the music director and physical education instructor, he prepares holidays and organizes leisure activities for children.

2.11. Replaces a sick caregiver-shifter during the illness.

2.12. The medical examination is strictly scheduled.

2.13. Fulfills the requirement of the head, the head nurse, the head educator, related to pedagogical work and the protection of the life and health of children.

2.14. Maintains teacher records in a timely and accurate manner.

2.15. Systematically improves professional qualifications and pedagogical level at courses, seminars, open viewings.

2.16. On the site, together with the children, she works on landscaping according to the program of her age group.

2.17. Participates in the pedagogical councils of institutions, methodological associations in the region, district, organizes competitions and exhibitions of children's works for open days, holds parent meetings, participates in holidays.

2.18. Strictly fulfills labor discipline and labor regulations.

2.19. Provides sanitary and hygienic regime in the group.

2.20. When transferring a shift at the end of the working day, he leaves an exemplary order in the group.

2.21. Carefully uses the property of the institution, methodological literature, manuals.

2.22. The teacher hands over the shift personally to the second teacher, transfers the children according to the list.

3. The teacher must know

3.1. Convention on the Rights of the Child.

3.2. Basic state laws.

3.3. Charter of the institution, Rules of internal labor regulations, Instructions for protecting the life and health of children, sanitary and hygienic standards.

3.4. Pedagogy, psychology, age physiology and hygiene.

3.5. Fundamentals of pre-medical medical care.

3.6. Theory and methodology of educational work.

3.7. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

3.8. The order of actions in extreme situations that threaten the life and health of children.

4. Rights

Has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", regional laws, as well as the Charter of the institution and the Internal Labor Regulations.

5. Responsibility

5.1. Bears personal responsibility for the life and health of children during their stay in the institution.

5.2. Responsible for the fulfillment of all duties assigned by this instruction.

When it comes time to send the baby to kindergarten, every mother is concerned about how the child will feel in the new team. And it depends mainly on the educators who work there. But the subjective attitude towards your child is one thing, and the duties of a kindergarten teacher are quite another. No one can force the garden workers to love your child, but the main duties of the educator are the norms of behavior enshrined in law in specific situations. You can safely demand their observance.

Everything that is included in the duties of the educator is spelled out in his job description, employment contract and sanitary and epidemiological requirements SanPin, which apply to a preschool institution. Hence the conclusion: the obligation is not fixed in the document - the educator is not obliged to fulfill it.

Daily routine in kindergarten

The daily duties of the educator begin from the first minute after the working day begins. They must accept all the children who came to the group, communicate with the parents about the well-being of the pupils. If there are complaints about the health or the behavior of the baby is in doubt, the teacher should contact the health worker of the institution. A child with suspected illness is not allowed into the group. If the parents do not have the opportunity to take him home, then the baby will be isolated from other children.

The issue of nutrition is no less acute. It's no secret that little naughty people often refuse to eat. The teacher should help the child "overpower" the portion, and in the nursery, babies need to be supplemented, since not everyone knows how to eat on their own.

During the working day, educators must ensure compliance, classes,. In the nursery, diaries of observations are usually kept. For the holidays, the educator, with the help of a physical education instructor and a music worker, should prepare morning performances and organize leisure activities for kids.

Daytime sleep is a separate issue. The teacher must find an approach to each child. Toddlers who are light sleepers and fall asleep for a long time are put to bed first and wake up last. Lunchtime naps should always be supervised by a caregiver or nanny (assistant). Leaving children unattended is prohibited!

And what should the teacher do on a walk? Certainly not to sit on a bench and chat with colleagues! Children need to organize outdoor games, as well as involve them in the improvement of the territory, which is provided for by the program of a specific age group.

Since educators work in shifts, before the end of the working day they must put things in order in the group and transfer the pupils to the second educator according to the list.

"Invisible" responsibilities

Diligence, responsibility, sensitivity, the ability to find an approach to any child - these are far from all the qualities that a modern educator should have in order to be a truly valuable professional. Pedagogical work requires constant advanced training, interaction with parents and other employees of the kindergarten. And how many various documentation it is necessary to conduct daily! Teachers' councils, methodological associations, various competitions, exhibitions of children's work, parent meetings - a truly titanic work that deserves respect.

Before complaining about the teacher who did not see that your child put his right shoe on his left foot, think about the fact that there are 20 of them in the group, or even more. Duties are duties, and human relations are above all, because it is with this person that your Treasure spends most of the time.

The kindergarten is recorded in such documents as job description, requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station for preschool institutions, an employment contract between the employer and the preschool educational institution. Everything else not specified in these documents, the educator is not required to perform.

Responsibilities of a Kindergarten Teacher

Every day the teacher accepts children in his group. Every morning he asks parents about the health of their child. He also strictly monitors the daily routine and conducts scheduled classes, constantly monitors how the children adapt in the group, and gives advice to the kids. The specialist tries to find an individual approach to each of his pupils. He is attentive to the characteristics of the character of a child and builds the learning process based on the identified personal qualities.

In addition, his duties include reporting to the head nurse and the head of the children's about the health of the children.
He also informs the eldest about how many children are not in the group and for what reason, and takes into account the overall attendance.

The teacher treats any of his group with care and attention, with pedagogical tact and restraint communicates not only with children, but also with their parents. His duties also include communication with the families of the child on the upbringing and development of the baby.

It is known that in kindergarten it is customary to put children to bed. This, as a rule, is monitored by the educator, in the same way as the organization of walks in the fresh air. On a walk with a teacher, children should play and exercise physically. They are engaged in outdoor games before the end of the walk. On the site, older children are taught to improve, in the spring they plant flowers, and then water them.

During the transfer of the shift, it should be remembered that the room must be in order.
The teacher hands over the shift personally, and the children are transferred strictly according to the list.

Among other things, the educator must plan pedagogical activities, write reports, and improve their skills. He fulfills all the instructions of the leadership that relate to pedagogical activities, the protection of the health and life of children. Continually and thoughtfully maintains documentation. Attends courses and seminars to improve the pedagogical level and qualifications.

What the educator should know

The responsibilities of the educator also include knowledge of special documents, namely: the conventions on the rights of the child, the charter of the organization, the job description and internal labor regulations, the main state laws, the rules for the provision of first aid, the procedure for actions in situations that threaten the health and life of children, the methodology and the theory of educational work, age physiology, pedagogy, psychology and hygiene, etc.

I. General provisions

1. The teacher belongs to the category of specialists.

3. Appointment to the post of educator and dismissal from it is carried out

4. The teacher must know:

4.1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

4.2. Laws of the Russian Federation, resolutions and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on education issues.

4.3. Convention on the Rights of the Child.

4.4. Pedagogy, psychology, age physiology and hygiene.

4.5. Fundamentals of pre-medical medical care.

4.6. Theory and methodology of educational work.

6. During the absence of an educator (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the institution. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities


1. Plans and organizes the life of students (pupils, children) and carries out their education.

2. Carries out daily work that ensures the creation of conditions for their socio-psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation.

3. Uses a variety of techniques, methods and teaching aids.

4. Based on the study of individual characteristics, recommendations of a psychologist, he plans and conducts correctional and developmental work with students (pupils, children) (with a group or individually).

5. Together with medical workers, it ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of students (pupils, children), conducts activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, is responsible for their life and health.

6. Organizes the implementation of the daily routine by students (pupils, children), their preparation of homework, assists them in learning, organizing leisure activities and in obtaining additional education, involving them in artistic and scientific and technical creativity, sports sections, circles and other associations for interests.

7. Organizes, taking into account the age of students (pupils, children), self-service work, their compliance with the requirements of labor protection, safety, participation in socially useful work.

8. Promotes the manifestation of interest among students (pupils, children) in a certain type of activity, in a conscious choice of profession, promotes their employment and further education.

9. Carries out work on the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits.

10. Provides assistance in organizing self-management principles in the activities of a team of students (pupils, children).

11. Studies the individual abilities, interests and inclinations of students (pupils, children), their family circumstances and living conditions.

12. Interacts with the parents of students (pupils, children) or persons replacing them.

13. Coordinates the activities of the assistant educator, junior educator and other employees within the framework of a single educational process.

III. Rights

The teacher has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the institution regarding its activities.

2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.

about all the shortcomings in the activities of the institution (its structural divisions) identified in the course of the performance of official duties and to make proposals for their elimination.

4. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the institution from structural divisions and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head of the institution).

6. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

IV. Responsibility

The teacher is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.