I want my husband to be successful. Joint pastime, recreation, hobby. Getting out of the vicious circle: how to fix the situation

A successful man is the work of a successful woman. Many women do not understand that they need to invest something in a man in order to get some return from him in the future. Successful men do not become by themselves, but gradually, with the constant support of the woman they love.

If you live with a man, think about what barriers prevent you from influencing your husband? If at the beginning of family life a man was active, aspired to a lot, he had leadership inclinations, but then for some reason he began to relax and become less active. Why did it happen?

The concept of success different for men and women. It is important for a man to achieve high results in his favorite business. For a woman, these are the financial results of a man and his status in society. A woman is interested in a man making a career and earning more by providing for her.

Women's role in raising a successful man is very great. If you feel that there is a quarrel in the family: continue the relationship or break up? To save a relationship, you need to consider your husband the best option. What can hinder us in this, what psychological barriers found in many women

  • parent scenarios.
  • Inability to manage your emotions. You flare up like a match and then you're sorry.
  • The unpredictability of a man.

A man needs to develop the habit of fulfilling your desires and at the same time feel like a hero.

How to set up a man for success?

  • Help a man understand what he wants in life. Think together about your plans for the future.
  • Instill in a man a desire to act not under duress, but on personal initiative. He must understand exactly why and for whom he does it. So that he does not break down and is not disappointed.
  • Let a man do what he likes and support him in this no matter what.
  • Praise the man.
  • Treat him as if he has already achieved success. You already see it successful.
  • Emotionally always support a man.
  • Develop a strategic plan for yourself on how to support your man.
  • Correct address to a man: with respect.

How to make a man successful?

  • Confession. Recognize that your man is the best.
  • Gratitude. If a man did something wrong, you don’t need to “nag” him for it, just thank him (this will stimulate him to do everything right in the future). At the same time, speak naturally, without mockery.
  • Delight man, his actions. Men are always “led” to this, this is what all men lack.
  • OK.
  • Confidence. A woman believes in her man. She believes that he will cope with everything in the world, with all obstacles.

Request or demand?

How and with what intonation to address a man when you need something from him? A request is when you are ready to accept any result (yes or no), and a demand does not foresee a refusal. Often women use exactly the requirement.

When a man does something, don't interfere. Praise him for his work. When a man “solves a problem”, for example, around the house, he is completely immersed in the matter - do not interfere with him. With your praise and gratitude, you will inspire him to more serious “feats”.

When you are ready to explode, a lot of claims and dissatisfaction with a man have accumulated, go to the bathroom. Turn on the water and say everything that has boiled into this water. Then smile and go out and continue the conversation with the man as if nothing had happened. Don't bring up the conflict again.

If something doesn’t work out for a man, it’s better to postpone it until tomorrow. No wonder there is a saying "Morning evening is wiser."

What does a woman need to do to make her husband successful?

  • Change your attitude towards him.
  • Surround him with love and care.
  • Appoint him as the main person in the family, while supporting him.
  • shape it authority as husband and father in children, girlfriends, acquaintances. No gossip, reproaches, discussions about what he does.

And when a man feels this, he will find a way to realize himself, including in your relationship.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Every young "princess" dreams of a beautiful, strong and rich wife. And if it is impossible to influence the first and second points (here it is, that is), then with the third point the situation is completely different. Even if the wind constantly walks in your prince's pockets, you can influence the situation.

Is it possible to make a millionaire out of a spouse? Can! And this is not about leaving the billionaire without pants, but about the fact that it is in your power to change the fate of your spouse and, accordingly, your own. And we'll show you how to do it...

  • The man is a hunter by nature. Do not take away this quality from him by taking on all the responsibilities of men. Don't try to earn more than it (and if you do, don't say it), don't carry weights, don't try to master a hammer drill or nail a shelf. Be next to your husband a woman who you want to protect, protect and cherish.
  • Light sawing with regular chip removal is a losing method of “raising a husband”. The saw woman's husband will not be happy. And when a man is unhappy, he does not want anything. Praise and periodic "warming up" in the rays of his talents and masculinity are much more effective than any whim and hysteria. From the phrase "You are just a genius!" a man will straighten his shoulders and find the strength in himself to take new heights. From the words “You have nothing else to do? Why waste time on this nonsense? "Exhaust" will wait years! Work like all normal people!” he will close up and stop initiating you into his plans. Decide whether you need a robot that exhausts itself day after day with a hated routine job with a stable, albeit low, income? Or do you need a self-confident person who enjoys work and develops in every sense?

  • Believe in your husband. Setting “Your hands are in the wrong place. You will never achieve anything. You don't have enough brains. You are lazy, short-sighted and too gullible” initially leads you nowhere. Correct attitude - "You can do everything. You are my smartest. You will succeed. Take action while you can. Listen to your heart and intuition. I'm always there if you need my help."
  • Set a goal - to make a millionaire out of your husband. And create all the conditions for your husband so that he himself wants to become one. First of all, at home. The husband must want to become a leader, hunter, earner. And for this, you yourself must become an ideal wife in every sense. The level of masculinity of the husband rises in relation to the correct strategy of his wife. And leave the man the right to make decisions on his own, and not based on your requirements and whims. Make decisions and ... be responsible for them.

  • Feed your husband right. Only high-quality, tasty, varied and healthy food. Without energy, there is no desire.
  • Designate special places for your family budget. Let it be a beautiful chest or a special hand-made envelope in which you want to put money. Do not throw wrinkled banknotes in the corners and pockets - money likes careful handling.
  • Once you've tried the best, you don't want to go back to the worst. Create the right traditions: only the best products. Dishes - only original. Clothes are of the highest quality. The furniture is only good quality. The habit of living beautifully and comfortably will make you look for ways to increase your income.
  • Four female "elements". In a woman, an independent, self-confident queen, a passionate lover, a tender, trusting girl and a reliable economic friend of life should get along (and get along with each other).
  • Don't laugh at his dreams. Even the most seemingly ridiculous project can come true and bring a considerable income if there is inspiration and desire. Does your husband share his plans and dreams with you? Don't let him down. Be close to him, help him in his work, give him those wings that are not enough for the first flight.
  • Never blame your spouse for his mistakes. His mistakes are his headache. A wife can support men, suggest a way out of the situation, but not reproach or nag. Moreover, a mistake is also an experience. And he is not redundant.
  • Your husband's life is your life. Even if his job is to repair cars, your duty is to be aware, interested in his work and news, listen carefully and help as much as possible (even with a word). An ideal option when a woman tries to delve into all the intricacies of her husband's work. For you, the information will not be superfluous, and with your husband there will immediately be many new topics for communication.

  • Trust is first and foremost. Husband and wife are two halves of one whole. These are communicating vessels. And your task is to ensure that there are no walls and boundaries between you. There should be no mute pauses, irresolvable conflicts and long silences. Any problem should be solved by peaceful constructive dialogue between two loving people. The happier and calmer a man is, the stronger his desire to go forward and achieve his goal.

From a real request (female, 26 years old): “My husband never promised me mountains of gold, and I don’t want to. It's just that when we got married, while still students, it was somehow taken for granted that both of us would develop, strive from some heights. Behind almost 7 years of marriage, so what? He's been a systems engineer for years. Everything suits him. A couple of times I tried to go to another position, they did not take it. How to help him?…”

Ah, those disappointed expectations! Family classic! How many families have you destroyed! Maybe even more than cheating.

Unfortunately, life rarely works out the way you want it to. I sometimes hear the following thoughts from modern young ladies:

“I can do THIS, why can’t HE (husband, life partner)?”
“My husband is a loser! What can I do to change it?"
“Everyone has normal husbands, but mine…”

Let's save for another time the study on the topic "Why did this happen", and now we will deal only with what you, a woman, can do right now to help your husband become more successful.

Formulate your image of success for your beloved husband

What is important, what is secondary? Complete the following statements.

He will earn ... (how much?)
He will dress ... (how, in what? a suit? a tie? perfumed with expensive cologne? wearing a fashionable haircut?)
His education will be… (higher education? MBA? scientific degree?)
His speech will have… (literary expressions only? more smart talk?)

Note that there is no mention of you or other family members here. After all, we are talking about her husband. Therefore, saying something like “I will understand that my husband has become successful when we go to the Seychelles” will not be fair.

Firstly, because you can go to the Seychelles thanks to a sudden inheritance. Secondly, I know a lot of men who have a fair amount of money in their account, but prefer to relax in the country, and invest in real estate or business, but not in some kind of trip to the Seychelles.

Are you sure that you are not confusing the desire to see your husband succeed and the desire to simply achieve your financial goals?

How to help your husband become successful:
Compare your and his perceptions of success

What is success for him? Perhaps your husband is already successful from his point of view. You thought that the prince on a white horse would sooner or later become king on a white Mercedes, but it turned out that the prince harnessed the white horse to the plow and went to plow the garden, while everyone was happy, both husband and horse. You are not.

To understand, you need to talk to your husband. It's a pity that men don't really like conversations from the series "Where do you see yourself in 20 years." It would be better to ask a loved one over a glass of tea which of his contemporaries he admires.

Most likely, he will say: “I don’t know,” and again immerse himself in reading the newspaper. Be persistent and imaginative. For example, compare your husband with one of the famous people, flattering your beloved a little. “And I admire Bill Gates! He is an ordinary person, but he was hardworking and achieved a lot. It seems to me that you are no less talented and hardworking than he is!”

I ask you not to mention close relatives, friends or acquaintances in a conversation with your husband.

Limit yourself to extremely rare conversations about the concept of success.

Once they started a topic - and wait if the husband will raise it himself. From now on, you will have other tasks.

How to help your husband become successful:
Stop looking for suitable vacancies for your husband and edit his resume

Move the focus to the side.... Myself! Are you satisfied with your position? By your work? With your life?

I'll tell you honestly, in 99 cases out of a hundred, when a woman is unhappy with something in her life partner, it's safe to say that she would like to change something in herself.

Therefore, we turn our attention to ourselves. We set new goals for ourselves, work on increasing self-esteem, life satisfaction, etc. Learn new knowledge, learn a new profession, find another hobby. Change something in yourself! And - for themselves, not for him.

Tell your husband about your hobbies and successes

Only, please, not like this: “I opened an online store for wrappers yesterday and already received 100 orders. And you…."

A man should see that you are good! What do you get it all! That you are inspired by yourself and inspire him! Then his thinking will be open to the new.

In the meantime, the always grumbling wife meets him with a sour face and whines that she wants a new fur coat, the husband has only one desire - to switch off and forget. What new peaks there! Book a consultation with me

Men's advice.
As part of counseling, more than once I came across such an interesting fact: for now, a man with one woman lives from bread to kvass. And he found himself another wife, as if spreading his wings. Went uphill very quickly.
I defend the thesis: a woman with a man can do everything:
1 can help a man grow up and become rich, 2 can make him a chronic loser.

* position: I am a princess.
Only if a woman feels like a princess, then the man next to her poses like a prince. It's not about manners and style of dress. It's about the internal state. It is very important that a woman has desires: when a woman herself wants something in her life, then the man responds to it, and all this happens. Thus, if a woman has no desires, there is absolutely no need for a man to be active, try to achieve, etc.

* female planning.
Male planning is a detailed prescribing of specific tasks in relation to time, without taking into account internal changes. The main thing for them is to remain the same, but to have more. Women's planning is clearly, in colors and nuances, to imagine yourself in a situation of the desired future, as if it had already taken place. In other words, by changing herself, a woman begins to see herself as a queen, enters the state of a queen with her whole body, thoughts, feelings, and thereby informs the whole world: "I am ready to be a queen." And then, according to the law of correspondence, the whole world turns to face her and gives a real kingdom. And the real gift for a husband in terms of his well-being is when a wife begins to see (visualize, feel) both herself a queen and his king.
It is very important that there are two in the image of success. The wife intends success for her husband, and therefore for herself. As if in a fairy tale, she went out onto the porch and said: "Mothers of the Nanny, and Sew a Self-woven Carpet by Morning, so that with the Stars for My Beloved." And the carpet is ready for the morning. And the king - the father is happy. And Ivan the Tsarevich is happy. And as in the song: how it all happened, only you will know: "you saved me with your expectation! * gratitude, respect, admiration.
Instead of sawing "you forgot to give me a hand! I will never forgive you!" or Command "I will dress everything myself, I will open it, I will stop the horse, I will enter the burning hut." - Use the Resource of Sincere Admiration, Respect and Gratitude: "you my hero! How you know how to do everything beautifully and pleasantly! Such a position of a woman will make any man a real gentleman, pioneer, hero, lover, etc. everything you need.

When a woman accepts a man and masculine power, all that remains for him is to remain himself, that is, strong and courageous. Tell your husband: "You are Strong, you can do everything, I believe in you" - and everything will work out for him. Thus, a woman really inspires a man for real feats.
* Don't be smart, be wise. A smart woman competes with her husband. The wise woman does everything to make her husband feel like the master of the situation. Let the man make his own decisions. Present your opinion gently, in the form of reflections: “maybe it’s worth doing this. What do you think? This will allow you not to waste energy on fighting among yourself, arguing about who is in charge in the family. A man exhausted by such a struggle remains powerless and cannot deal with his growth and career.
* if the husband is in a financial hole.

Distract from gloomy thoughts and designate a new priority in something else: “don’t worry so much! I love you! Everything will work out! Everything will be fine! do? The morning is wiser than the evening. The answer often ripens by morning.

Only if the problem is rather emotional is it useful to look for the cause without delay. In the evening, perform the magical procedure "Separation with the Problem and Problem People" and sleep peacefully. In the morning you will be fresh and healthy, full of energy and strength.
information censorship. Do not allow long whining about why things are not going well and who is to blame. Let them speak and change the subject as soon as possible. Move on to discuss finding a solution, or just talk about something unambiguously good. In the event that we talk about the problem for a long time, it increases. And if you think about the solution - the problem is reduced. And, of course, you don't have to drink. Remain an ally of your husband in all situations. And in sorrow and in joy!
Let me remind you of a wonderful fairy tale by Viktor Krotov, in which we are talking about the enormous role of the feminine in the success of the masculine:
Thick club.

The leader of a savage tribe had a thick - thick club, with its help he became a leader. Everyone was so afraid of this club that they did not contradict the leader, no matter how stupid he thought. So it was until one girl said to her lover: "Do not be afraid of that piece of wood! Drive out the leader, and life will become better." The young man went to the leader and shouted: "get away from us!" The leader ran away. The daredevil became the leader, and the leader's wife was his inspirer. By the way, she - then poured woodworms on a club. Dear women, remember that the success of your man is in your good hands. Yuri Karpenkov.

How to help your husband become successful and rich

  • Do not support a man with money, do not give expensive gifts. Even if a man complains about financial difficulties, you do not need to show dedication and look for a second job to get out of this situation. Do not throw yourself at the embrasure with the words: "I will help you! I will plow like an ox so that you can develop!" This will be a very big mistake, because of which a lot of women have already suffered.
  • If a man "fired up" with some idea, decided to take on some business, support, but do not run "ahead of the engine", let the man mature and show independence, step back. You should not push a man, set deadlines for him.
  • Do not let a man complain to you, give up the role of "vest". Women think that if they listen to his pain, sympathize with him, then the relationship will become deeper. After all, we girls do just that! But it doesn't work with men. Therefore, if your husband is in a depressed state, you don’t need to pull out of him with “pincers” what happened, you don’t need to bring him out to talk, you don’t need to feel sorry for him. Pity humiliates a man. Give him time and leave him alone. He will decide everything.
  • Support your husband like a woman. Pray for him, develop feminine qualities, believe in your man, give him the opportunity to develop, be faithful, engage in creative work, fulfill your female role of helper. The main thing is to do everything in a state of inner peace and joy, trust in the Creator, faith in your husband.

How to make a husband successful and rich?

In fact, helping a man achieve success and become rich or just a well-to-do person is not so difficult. The only difficulty is that it is almost useless to apply some techniques once or even for a couple of weeks. You need to make these simple behaviors become a habit for you. If this happens, then your husband will certainly become rich and successful.

Success is to a man what water and sun are to plants. Success for a man is his life. Success for a man is about the same as beauty, family happiness, children and communication with friends combined for a woman.

The psychology of men and women is quite different, especially in matters of success and wealth. A woman who is unsuccessful in her career, business, profession, may well feel fulfilled, and, accordingly, happy in family life. Such examples - almost every second woman.

A man who has not realized himself and has not achieved success will never be truly happy, self-confident, energetic. Without success, the psyche of a man gradually fades, and after it, health can also collapse.

How to make a man successful. The secret to moving mountains

Whatever happens in your life, never doubt your man. Believe in him! Infect him with faith and optimism if a man gives up!

Let him feel strong, important and needed, at least you. Mackenzie Bezos was well aware of this secret. They got married to Jeff, being regular office workers. And they lived in an inexpensive apartment in a residential area.

When the future billionaire decided to open his own business, his wife not only believed in him, but also became the first employee of the new company. She was engaged in a business plan and led his accounting for several years.

If you want to succeed and make your husband rich, share the interests of your man. Dive into the area where he wants to achieve something. Help him look for information, generate ideas - but just don't advise anything.

Worse than advice can only be a wife who comes to the office and sets her own rules there - at this moment the dignity of a man drops, and to the level of the plinth, if not lower.

The key to success in family life is, above all, patience. As far as people can stop their uncontrolled emotions and abuse in time. It depends mainly on the woman, because the man looks up to her. Even having married for great love, people may not succeed financially. The reason for this
incorrectly chosen pattern of behavior by the spouse. She needs to understand that any man needs emotional support and energy nourishment. That is why he hurries home in the evening - to rest. He dreams that he will be greeted with a smile, and even if there are difficulties with work, they will support and calmly advise how to solve the current difficult situation. And it can happen every day. Economic crises, the possibility of dismissal, layoffs, non-payment of wages, making contributions to pay foreign currency mortgages. All this can unsettle even the most wealthy, self-confident and successful man. In any situation, he expects empathy from the family, so a woman must show not only tolerance, but also endurance.
Every man wants to have a real princess at home, and to keep the house clean. When, after coming home, his wife meets with a rolling pin and interrogations, life loses all colors for him. Especially if he understands that she does not appreciate him at all. The world is arranged in such a way that reality is a reflection of our thoughts and aspirations. It only seems to women that after several years of life or even marriage, a man stops paying attention to trifles. Makeup, home clothes, well-groomed hair, sparkle in the eyes - all this can make him a hero, because he will be proud of such a woman and try to win her again.

Description of the book by Larisa Renard: How to make a husband successful and rich.

Larisa Renard's new book is a novel and training under one cover. The four heroines have different fates, marital status, wealth, but they are all united by one desire: to become the kind of woman for whom a man is ready to conquer the world and earn millions. Every month during the year they get together to move step by step towards the intended goal under the guidance of Larisa. They will learn what determines a man's desire to be more successful and how to inspire him to develop; learn effective financial planning and master effective ways of handling money; determine the psychotype of their man and find "keys" that will help to interact with him more effectively; they will understand how to “monetize” talent and make money on what they do best. As a result, the heroines will change not only their men, but will change themselves: together with their husbands, they will achieve financial success, prosperity, abundance, and mutual understanding and harmony will reign in their families.

Video how to make a husband successful and rich

As part of communication, I have come across such an interesting fact more than once: for now, a man with one woman lives from bread to kvass. And he found himself another wife, as if spreading his wings. Went uphill very quickly.

I defend the thesis: a woman with a man can do everything:

  1. can help a man grow up and become rich,
  2. and can make him a chronic loser.

Position: I am a princess

If a woman feels like a princess, then the man next to her sits down like a prince. It's not about manners and style of dress. It's about the internal state. It is very important for a woman to have desires: when a woman herself wants something in her life, then the man responds to it, and all this happens. If a woman has no desires, there is absolutely no need for a man to be active, try to achieve, etc.

Women's planning

Male planning is a detailed prescribing of specific tasks in relation to time, without taking into account internal changes. The main thing for them is to remain the same, but to have more.

Women's planning is clearly, in colors and nuances, to imagine yourself in a situation of the desired future, as if it had already taken place.

In other words, by changing herself, a woman begins to see herself as a queen, enters the state of a queen with her whole body, thoughts, feelings, and thereby informs the whole world: “I am ready to be a queen.” And then - according to the law of correspondence - the whole world turns to face her and gives a real kingdom.

And the real gift for a husband in terms of his well-being is when the wife begins to see (visualize, feel) both herself and his king and queen.

It is very important that there are two in the image of success. The wife intends success for her husband, and therefore for herself. As if in a fairy tale, she went out onto the porch and said: “Nannies, and sew a self-woven carpet by morning, so that with stars for my beloved.” And the carpet is ready for the morning. And the king-father is glad. And Ivan Tsarevich is happy. And as in the song: how it all happened, only you will know: “You saved me by your expectation!” ...

Gratitude, respect, admiration

Instead of nag: “You forgot to give me a hand! I will never forgive you!" - or command: "I'll dress everything myself, I'll open it, I'll stop the horse, I'll go into a burning hut ..." - use the resource of sincere admiration, respect and gratitude: "You are my hero! How you know how to do everything beautifully and pleasantly! ”... Such a position of a woman will make any man a real gentleman, pioneer, hero, lover, etc. Anything you need.

Remember, your main currency is gratitude, respect, admiration. The more often you tell your spouse that he is the best, the more your chances of being the only one increase. He stops looking for other ways of self-affirmation. Internal complexes cease to torment him, and he becomes able to develop and improve.

When a woman accepts a man and masculine power, all that remains for him is to remain himself, that is, strong and courageous. Tell your husband: “You are strong, you can do anything, I believe in you,” and everything will work out for him. Thus, a woman really inspires a man to real feats.

Don't be smart, be wise

A smart woman competes with her husband. The wise woman does everything to make her husband feel like the master of the situation. Let the man make his own decisions. Present your opinion gently, in the form of reflections: “Maybe it’s worth doing this ... What do you think?” This will allow you not to waste energy on fighting among themselves, arguing about who is in charge in the family. Exhausted by such a struggle, a man is left powerless and unable to pursue his growth and career.

If the husband is in a financial hole

Do not bury it in a pit with claims and nit-picking, lower a saving ladder of support and encouragement there. Reassure!

Distract from gloomy thoughts and designate a new priority in something else: “Don't worry about it! I love you! Everything is formed! Everything will be fine!"

Set aside for tomorrow. If the problem is rather intellectual, it is useful to simply postpone the search for an answer to the question: "What to do?" The morning is wiser than the evening. The answer often ripens by morning.

If the problem is rather emotional, it is useful to look for the cause without delay. In the evening, perform the magical procedure of “separation from the problem and problem people” and sleep peacefully. In the morning you will be fresh and healthy, full of energy and strength.

information censorship. Do not allow long whining about why things are not going well and who is to blame. Let them speak and change the subject as quickly as possible. Move on to discuss finding a solution, or just talk about something unambiguously good. If you talk about the problem for a long time, it increases. And if you think about the solution - the problem is reduced. And, of course, you don't have to drink. Remain an ally of your husband in all situations. And in sorrow and in joy!

From birth, every woman is endowed with great psychic power. And depending on how and where the force of a woman is directed, she is capable of either destroying the aspirations, will and desires of a man. Or, on the contrary, give the beloved man strength for accomplishments, victories and success.

No wonder the ancient Vedic philosophy says that a wife can be both a curse and a blessing for her husband. And to understand who you are for your husband, just look at how he is developed, how he looks, how others treat him.

And if now your husband is not a role model, cannot realize himself to the fullest, or you think that you are not married very successfully, then do not despair. There are many ancient ones, incl. Vedic practices on how to inspire your man, how to become a blessing for your man, how to help your husband develop, become responsible and successful. They include: astrology, prayers and meditations, spiritual practices, the development of femininity, the secrets of home economics, cooking, beauty and much more. Using these techniques, you can become a wise and inspiring sorceress for your husband, as well as attract abundance in a feminine way. In this article, I will briefly talk about a few of them. At the initial stage, these rules will already be quite enough to change your life for the better.

Start with yourself

First of all, I wanted to tell you about the first and most important rule. Always and in everything, changes occur as a result of work on oneself, and not on others. Therefore, you need to start with yourself, and you need to change yourself, and not your man.

Forcing a man to change and "reshaping" him to his own standards will not achieve positive results, because it will be violence. And the human mind is designed in such a way that it will resist violence in every possible way.

But by changing YOUR inner qualities, you can become that woman, next to whom a man will believe in himself and in his strength. The woman for whom the man himself wants to develop. The woman who will become a blessing force for her man, who will inspire him to exploits.

But I repeat, the changes of a man are the result of your internal work on yourself, and not on him.

Interested in a woman

Be sincerely interested in the plans, thoughts and goals of your man. Sincerely rejoice in his achievements.

However, if you stick your nose into men's affairs and interrogate him, squeeze information out of him, and then also insert your comments, correct his ideas. Or argue with a man, proving that his goals are imperfect, or that the man is wrong. All this is not interest, but CONTROL.

By such behavior, you demonstrate to a man your superiority over him. Raise your importance by lowering his self-esteem. You put on the shoulder straps of the general, and put the man in the place of the ensign. Which, in turn, will only irritate and weaken the man. So take off your general epaulettes and let the man be the leader in the family.

Support like a woman

  • Do not support a man with money, do not give expensive gifts. Even if a man complains about financial difficulties, you do not need to show dedication and look for a second job to get out of this situation. Do not throw yourself at the embrasure with the words: "I will help you! I will plow like an ox so that you can develop!" This will be a very big mistake, because of which a lot of women have already suffered.
  • If a man "fired up" with some idea, decided to take on some business, support, but do not run "ahead of the engine", let the man mature and show independence, step back. You should not push a man, set deadlines for him.
  • Do not let a man complain to you, give up the role of "vest". Women think that if they listen to his pain, sympathize with him, then the relationship will become deeper. After all, we girls do just that! But it doesn't work with men. Therefore, if your husband is in a depressed state, you don’t need to pull out of him with “pincers” what happened, you don’t need to bring him out to talk, you don’t need to feel sorry for him. Pity humiliates a man. Give him time and leave him alone. He will decide everything.
  • Support your husband like a woman. Pray for him, develop feminine qualities, believe in your man, give him the opportunity to develop, be faithful, engage in creative work, fulfill your female role of helper. The main thing is to do everything in a state of inner peace and joy, trust in the Creator, faith in your husband.

Sincerely believe in your man

Your sincere faith for a man is very important. She feeds him and gives strength to develop, to achieve success. But, you should know that when a woman actively praises my man, showers him with compliments and encouraging phrases, this is not a sign of sincere faith.

On the contrary, an excess of compliments most often indicates that there is no faith in a husband. And the woman in this case "masks" it with excessive activity and flattery.

Therefore, it is important to understand yourself, to ask yourself the question: "Do I REALLY believe in my man, that he will succeed? Or do I WANT TO BE the woman who believes?"

Be honest with yourself, determine your imaginary or true faith in your man? Because, it is important not what you say to a man, but what you think about him in the depths of your soul. And sincere faith in her husband has tremendous power. We can tell our husband only one phrase, but with sincere faith, and this will have tremendous power than eloquent compliments. Tell the man that he will succeed, that you believe in him. In this case, you help the man with your support.

A story that once again convinced that behind every great man there was a woman who believed in him.

In the late 1990s, a young mechanic worked for an electric company in Detroit for $11 a week. He worked 10 hours a day, and when he got home, he often worked half the night in his barn, trying to invent a new type of engine. His father believed that the guy was wasting time, the neighbors called him crazy, no one believed that anything good would come of these activities. Nobody but his wife...

She helped him work at night, holding a kerosene lamp over his head for several hours. Her hands turned blue, her teeth chattered from the cold, she caught a cold every now and then, but ... She believed in her husband so much !!! Years later, a noise came from the barn. Neighbors saw how a madman and his wife rode along the road without a horse, in the same cart. The eccentric's name was Henry Ford...

When, interviewing Ford, a journalist asked who Ford would like to be in another life, the genius answered simply: “Anyone ... If only my wife was next to me” ...

Create the right image of a man

Ancient wisdom says: "The way we think about our man, that's how he becomes." What matters is not what we say about him, but what we think about him in the depths of our souls. Therefore, whatever your man is at this stage of life, try to THINK good about him.

Like a treasure hunter, look for his strengths, positive qualities of character, notice good deeds towards you and other people. And when you find it, cultivate this feeling, think and remember it. Praise a worthy deed, the action of a husband.

And when you see some kind of imperfection in his character, or a mistake, try not to attach too much importance to it, do not wind yourself up.

Develop a state of trust

Women tend to worry, worry, be afraid. Especially when a man takes risks, or takes responsibility in the form of loans, opening a business, etc.

Track feelings such as distrust, fears and anxieties in relation to the aspirations of your husband and develop a sense of TRUST in the Creator of the Universe and your man. Choose the appropriate setting for yourself: "All the will of God!" or "Everything that is done is for the best!" etc. And practice this knowledge at any moment of your life.

So you will develop in yourself feminine qualities of character, such as relaxation, peace and tranquility. And when you are in the feminine energies, the man will be able to develop in the masculine energies.

A woman needs to cultivate a state of relaxation, trust, and a man - enthusiasm.

And the bottom line is that everything in the world strives for harmony. And if a woman practices "enthusiasm", then the man has no choice but to become "relaxed". A woman, seeing the infantility of her husband, begins to worry about her future, to be afraid and to develop and work even harder, thereby the man will relax even more, and lying on the couch will become his favorite pastime. It looks like a vicious circle. Maybe it's time to stop and transform the destructive model of relationships into creation?

If at any stage of your relationship, you begin to return to the feminine essence, relaxation of acceptance and trust, then the man will gradually begin to develop in masculine energies. Therefore, in order for a man to “strain” and work, a woman needs to relax.

Do not torment a man with phrases: "What if you fail?", "What if you can't?" etc. If your imagination sends disturbing thoughts or scary pictures of the future, such as "we will have nothing to eat and nowhere to live", or "we will be on the porch", etc.

Track such feelings and change your internal settings. It is important to know that no matter how you hide your fears under optimistic slogans, know that it is with such thoughts that you influence the atmosphere in your family.

consecrate food

Consecrated food has great power and affects not only the health and consciousness of a person, but also the atmosphere and well-being in the family.

And if you feed your husband with food consecrated and prepared with love, then your relationship will become more elevated, harmonious and happy.

I talked about how to consecrate food in this article "Prasad or How to consecrate food in Christianity and Vedic culture"

Love yourself

Even if your family is in a difficult financial situation. Never say to a man the phrase: “Why did you spend so much, we don’t have money” or “why did you buy such expensive perfumes (flowers, earrings ...), what are we going to live on now?”. With these destructive and destructive phrases, you cut off the wings of a man and close the channels of financial growth.

If a man has a message to pamper you, let him spend money on you, pamper you, give you gifts, take care of you. Sincerely rejoice and thank him.

Eliminate attitudes such as "everything is expensive" or "we can't afford it." Tune in to a state of acceptance and abundance that you deserve a successful life.

Enjoy life

The main female duty is to enjoy everything that you see, touch, eat, do, etc. The ability to glorify her husband, gently smooth out corners, the ability to make beauty in everything, the ability to inspire, speak beautifully, and therefore think beautifully. And in order to think beautifully, you need to communicate with people who have beautiful thinking. Worthy communication nourishes, gossip creates a garbage dump in the mind.

Train your ability to enjoy EVERYTHING. And when a woman is in a state of joy and pleasure, she energizes a man.


Sincerely Thank your man for everything: for help, for what he is, for his gifts, for what he does for you ... Less criticism, more Gratitude.

I wish everyone happiness

Practice the universal happiness formula that helps change your destiny. Wishing happiness to your husband and everyone around you will have a beneficial effect on your relationships and destiny. In more detail about this technique, I told in this article the Universal Formula of Happiness or How to improve relationships with others.

Summing up, all this is internal work on oneself. Learn to dream, to want, to accept gifts with joy, to trust the Creator and your man, to be grateful, to be sincere.

And next to such a woman, a man can develop to incredible heights. Maybe, but you don't have to! Let me remind you once again that a man is not obliged to strive for something just because you want it and work on yourself.

This is your path. And the other person has his own way. And if you will rely on the results of men, and not change their personal qualities. That such selfish activity in itself will not bear fruit.

Keep working on yourself, not on a man. Pass your test of fate. Take charge of your life, take care of yourself, grow.

If after some time you feel that you are spending a lot of effort, but the situation with your man does not change. That all your efforts do not bring effect and the man remains infantile and uninitiative. Give it time, don't rush things. Trust the Creator and your man, trust that the situation will change.

After all, it’s not just that you “pulled” just such a man into your life. It is important to know that the causes of suffering or happiness are in ourselves. Our loved ones and those around us are a reflection of our inner world and destiny.

But by working ON YOURSELF and developing your inner qualities, when the time comes, either your man will become different, or another man will be with you.

Change your inner world - and you will see how the world around will change.

© Vlada Kucherova