Rejuvenating facial massage - features of the procedure at home. How to do facial massage for rejuvenation at home Japanese facial massage for wrinkles law

Rejuvenating face massage at least efficient alternative injections and plastic surgery.

It is preferable to do such a massage in the salon, but at home it gives excellent results.

By learning the techniques of rejuvenating massage, you can on one's own start the processes of facial skin rejuvenation.

At what age can you start doing a rejuvenating facial massage at home? 25 years- the age from which a girl, among other cosmetic procedures, should devote to facial massage at least 5 minutes in a day.

> How to do a rejuvenating facial massage yourself at home?

Mastering the art of massage will help mirror.

You will see hand movements and compare your actions with instruction:

  • during the procedure, the muscles of the face should not be tense- leave anxious thoughts for later;
  • relax it can be difficult when someone is watching you. If possible, try to massage alone, preferably before going to bed: sleep enhances the rejuvenating effect;
  • before starting the procedure wash yourself by removing makeup from your skin, fix the bangs by removing it from the forehead so that the hair does not interfere with you;
  • after finishing the session, close your eyes, think about the good and create yourself mood for sleep.

Types and techniques

Lymphatic drainage

Execution technique:


Capable restore facial contours that have changed due to the weakening of his muscles.

This technique was created for the rehabilitation of people who suffered a stroke, and then with great success it was used in beauty salons for the purpose of facial rejuvenation.

All the muscles and layers of the skin are worked out, as a result, the second chin is removed, the skin becomes elastic, its color improves. Massage movements should be intense Therefore, after the session, the muscles tend to ache for a while.

Sculptural massage is recommended once in two weeks, and 2 times a year to carry out it in a course of 12 sessions. To learn how to conduct sessions on your own, you need to master the basics of anatomy. Check out the step-by-step instructions on how to do a sculpting massage:


How to do a lifting massage for a facelift at home?

To independently carry out a lifting face massage, you need to know the location of the massage lines and perform the procedure strictly along these lines.

  1. Training. We wash our hands, wash off cosmetics from the face, apply a massage agent.
  2. We use 2 fingers: middle and index: smooth the skin with them in the direction from the nose to the temples, then from the eyebrows to the hairline.
  3. 5 fingers we smooth the skin, passing them from the middle of the chin to the ears.
  4. Massaging the skin under the chin tapping it with your palm (back).
  5. All movements must be repeated 8 times. It is recommended to perform a pull-up massage at home twice or thrice a week.

From wrinkles

To avoid wrinkles on your skin, massage for a 5-minute massage every night after applying the night cream.

Basic movements - tingling.

  1. First, the sites are worked out over eyebrows towards the temples.
  2. The skin is warmed up.
  3. Longitudinal are smoothed with movements from one temple to another.
  4. We are working on the areas of formation of "crow's feet" ().
  5. We pinch the skin intensively on the cheekbones(direction of movement - to the periphery).
  6. Working out the skin in the area: from the lips (corners) to the wings of the nose.
  7. With your fingers in fists, stroke the skin in circles. lower face contour(movement from chin to earlobes).

Precautions and frequency of use

Tune in to the massage results will not be visible immediately... It will take several sessions to start the rejuvenation processes.

It is important to thoroughly cleanse your face before the procedure and clean your hands so that inflammation does not appear on the skin later.

Inflammation, acne, herpes and other skin irritations are contraindications for massage. Do only those movements that experts advise to perform. Improper massage technique can worsen skin condition.

Correctly performed facial massage for the purpose of rejuvenation has no side effects, but at home, only persistent and hardworking girls can get a visible result.

But this result will not be an imitation of youth, but its natural preservation for many years. Regularity is important sessions. It's good if after 25 years they become a habit with you.

You can learn how to do facial massage yourself at home from the video:

Not so long ago, facial massage for rejuvenation began to be used by women who strive to look always well-groomed and young, and it is not as difficult to cope with the procedure at home as it seems to some. Simple manipulations are an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetology services. Regular procedures allow you to achieve the desired results - eliminate wrinkles, dark bags in the eye area, improve the shade of the skin. The only rule is to tune in in advance for long-term manipulations, if you occasionally engage in an interesting process, you will have to wait a long time for the effect.

Why massage is good for the face

Surgery or aggressive procedures in the salon to tighten the skin are not always the only ways to deal with defects. Cosmetic facial massage will no worse eliminate age-related changes, provoke active collagen production, and affect muscle tissue.

Regular treatments allow you to:

  • eliminate swelling, puffiness;
  • rejuvenate the dermis;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • improve the relief;
  • normalize blood flow;
  • increase the elasticity, firmness of the dermis.

Do you know? Regular procedures can also improve immunity, refresh the skin tone. At the same time, there is an effect on the vessels - they become more elastic, the walls are strengthened.

When is massage necessary?

  • the appearance of numerous deep wrinkles;
  • the presence of wrinkles around the eyes (“crow's feet);
  • tired haggard look;
  • sagging, flabbiness;
  • loss of turgor by the dermis;
  • uneven work of the sebaceous glands (too dry or oily dermis);
  • uneven shade caused by problems with blood flow;
  • double chin;
  • relief changes.

The main reason to resort to manipulation is the rapid aging of the skin, which does not lend itself to the effects of purchased drugs and home cosmetology products.

Stages of performing a rejuvenating facial massage

  1. Cleanse the skin (use warm water, cleansing foams, gels).
  2. Take a comfortable position (at home, it is recommended to sit in a horizontal position).
  3. Lightly stroke the dermis.
  4. Carry out a series of movements according to a pre-selected technique.
  5. Relax for a few minutes.
  6. Apply the nutrient.

The basic rule of manipulation is that if discomfort or even pain is felt, it is better to choose another technique or take a break for a while.

Cosmetologists recommend that before proceeding with the procedures, you should carefully study all the features of the process. It is better to first go to the salon - the master will select the most effective technique individually, based on the characteristics of the face, dermis defects.

Another advice from cosmetologists is to use milk, cream, oil. Fatty products will provide a pleasant, easy glide on the skin. Otherwise, it is easy to provoke discomfort and even cause pain.

Before carrying out manipulations, make sure your hands are clean, remove jewelry that can easily injure the dermis. It is better to cut nails short - the sharp tips of the nail plates are no less dangerous than the rings on the fingers.

Do you know? Cosmetologists advise using certain movements on the dermis only after 25 years. Rejuvenating procedures at a young age will not bring much effect, but are quite capable of provoking undesirable consequences.

What techniques can be used at home

There are several types of rejuvenating massage that are recommended to be done on your own. Main classifications:

  • Plucked. Used for profuse rashes, acne.
  • Classical. It is carried out using creams, oils, and consists of stroking movements.
  • Plastic. Talc is used, it is carried out only along the massage lines. Recommended for rapid aging of the skin.
  • Lymphatic drainage. Applied with an uneven dull shade of the dermis, swelling, swelling. The impact activates the movement of lymph, which is reflected in the rejuvenation of the skin.
  • European. A slightly modified classic massage, complemented by more aggressive movements.

If you still have doubts about what is best to use to get rid of defects, it is better to first visit the salon.

What to use for facial massage

A greater effect will be achieved if, in the course of the manipulations, nourishing creams, gels, and combinations of oils are used. The active ingredients of the products penetrate deep into the layers of the dermis, providing excellent results.

The main condition is to test for skin tolerance of the selected product. This is easy to do - lubricate a sensitive area of ​​the body with the drug, wait a few hours. If nothing suspicious was noticed, rashes, itching or burning did not appear, use the selected composition in the manipulations.

Effective types of facial massage

To eliminate unwanted defects, there are many recommended techniques that are easy to carry out on your own. It is rather difficult to choose the best anti-aging massage - it is recommended to get acquainted with the effectiveness and features of each technique in advance.

The most popular among women is the Japanese technique, which has been known since ancient times. It was actively used by geisha, who were famous for their stunning facial skin - smooth and even.

The lymphatic drainage or classical technique is no less effective - regular manipulations can eliminate all manifestations of aging in a short time. It is not necessary to dwell on monotonous movements - an integrated approach will give maximum results.

Japanese massage

In the course of the manipulation, the deep layers of the dermis, muscle tissue and even the bones of the skull are affected. Often, during the manipulation, pain is felt, but it is worth tolerating - the effect will exceed all expectations.

The impact occurs only along the lines of lymph movement. Only three fingers are involved in the process. Different techniques alternate - stroking, vigorous pressure. It is recommended at the first stages to carry out the massage in this way - one by one, work out each separate zone (the triangle of the lips, nose, cheeks, chin, even the eyelids).

Japanese facial massage is presented in the program "All will be good":

Vacuum massage

Carrying out vacuum manipulations requires the use of special devices. It is not necessary to go to the store for an expensive device - in pharmacies, silicone jars are sold for massaging the face.

The process is carried out along the massage lines - first, the forehead area is worked out, then the transition to the cheeks smoothly occurs, and the chin and nasolabial triangle are massaged last. Do not forget about the neck and décolleté area - it is recommended to carefully work them from top to bottom. A prerequisite is to use oil, without the use of a fatty agent, the effect will be negligible.

Lymphatic drainage massage

To carry out manipulations strictly along the lines of lymph movement. The main movements are stroking, patting, circular action. The duration of the procedure should not exceed a quarter of an hour.

By performing the movements correctly, it will be possible to achieve such results - the face is significantly leveled, elasticity increases, signs of fatigue and aging disappear. A pleasant bonus is an improvement in the elasticity of the dermis.

Classic massage

There are several types of classic effects, each of which is aimed at combating certain problems of the skin. Usually, scrubs, cleansing or nourishing masks are used to enhance the effect.

Start from the forehead, smoothly moving to the nasolabial triangle, then to the eyelids. Patting, smoothing, pressing movements are used. The duration of the manipulations is within 10 minutes.

Buccal massage

The technique is aimed at getting rid of fine wrinkles, sagging and sagging. Performed only in a salon. The master with his hands in gloves conducts an impact on the oral cavity. There is pain, but you should not refuse the procedure - regular carrying out will allow you to forget about problems with your face forever.

The results are often compared with plastic surgery - wrinkles disappear in almost 5-8 sessions. For prevention, you will have to take several courses a year.

Lifting massage

Recommended for older ladies. Combines different techniques to eliminate age-related changes in the dermis. The impact begins from the frontal part of the face - smoothing occurs towards the temples, then the nasolabial triangle is processed (massaging is carried out from the center), the chin.

Do you know? Before carrying out the manipulations, it is recommended to practice with the force of pressing - too vigorous movements can end in rupture of capillaries, hematomas.

Spoon massage

One of the most accessible techniques against wrinkles near the nose, dark sagging under the eyes, puffiness. The main rule is to use silver or cupronickel items. Additionally, use chamomile broth, good honey.

The procedure is quite interesting:

  1. Pour hot broth into one container, cold into the other.
  2. Fill a separate container with honey.
  3. Dip a spoon in hot liquid, lubricate with honey, tap and stroke on the face.
  4. Repeat the process using a cold broth, be sure to apply honey to the spoon.
  5. It is necessary to control the force of pressure - too vigorous movements can lead to damage to the capillaries, the appearance of hematomas.
  6. Alternate cold and hot processes.

Repeat the application of hot and cold spoons for a quarter of an hour.


Oriental technique allows not only to eliminate obvious problems of the dermis, but also to improve overall health. The impact occurs at certain points, each of which is responsible for its own process in rejuvenation.

The points responsible for the youthfulness of the skin are located in the eye area - in the pits, between the tendons, on the arteries. Press on the recommended areas at the same time on both sides of the face, using your fingertips. The duration of one press is up to ten seconds.

Spanish massage

Usually used to increase the volume of the lips, for problems with the upper eyelids, nasolabial furrows. The procedure is carried out only with your fingertips - different techniques alternate (patting, vigorous pressure, smoothing).

Do you know? It is not necessary to adhere to certain movements - experiments, alternating different directions will allow you to achieve a greater effect.

Honey massage

The procedure is carried out using a bee product. The main condition is that honey must be fresh, without sugar grains. If necessary, first send the product to a water bath and warm up until the crystals disappear.

Apply an even layer of honey to the dermis, wait a few minutes. Massaging movements should follow the direction of blood flow. Alternate between different techniques (pinching, patting). After the honey changes its color, remove the product with warm water.

Chinese massage

The use of ancient knowledge in modern cosmetology allows you to cope with the main problems of the skin. Stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibrating, and even sticking are the recommended techniques for carrying out the process. The impact also needs to be alternated - to activate the points with one finger or massage the dermis with the palm of your hand.

Simultaneously with the improvement of the condition of the skin, metabolic processes are activated, harmful substances are removed. The rejuvenating effect is observed after the first procedures.

Pinch massage

Often carried out at home. The impact is aimed at improving blood flow and normalizing metabolic processes.

The plucked movements are carried out with two fingers, starting from the frontal part to the temples, then from the chin to the earlobes. In the last turn, the cheeks are treated, the area near the nose.

Sculptural massage

Used for facelift, relief leveling. It is not recommended to do it on your own - knowledge of the atomic structure of the face is required.

Manipulations are carried out with palms, fingertips. The movements are painless, light, and even the deep layers of the dermis are being worked through.

Contraindications to facial massage

Despite the harmlessness and ease of manipulation, there are several prohibitions, it is better to study the contraindications of massage in advance. It is not recommended to use anti-aging techniques in such cases:

  • moles, warts on the skin of the face;
  • too fragile vessels that are easy to injure;
  • carrying out aggressive anti-aging procedures in the salon;
  • neoplasms on the dermis;
  • rashes or single acne with purulent contents;
  • injuries to the face (severe burns, cracks, wounds).

Couperosis is another reason to abandon anti-aging techniques - even the most gentle techniques can harm the skin.

Video lessons of self-massage of the face

It often turns out that even the most detailed description of the procedure is not enough to understand all the features and tricks of the process. A video of a massage in a comfortable home environment will help you find answers to all your questions.

It is easy to find everything in the video - the features of preparation, the rules for applying techniques, schemes of recommended movements. A pleasant bonus - useful advice for those who are just starting to get rid of defects in an effective way of affecting the skin.

How to carry out a facial massage, see the video:

Massage to rejuvenate the skin of the face is an effective procedure, but not entirely simple, as is commonly believed. There are many requirements and rules that must be strictly followed in order to achieve results and prevent unwanted manifestations. To avoid complications and improve the condition of the dermis, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the features in advance and be sure to apply them in practice.

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In ancient times, the healing properties of touch were studied by healers in different parts of the world. Tapping and stroking techniques have been used in both healing and wellness treatments. You can do a facial massage at home today without having special skills. The main indications are the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles, the improvement of skin tone, and the removal of fatigue.

Benefits of massage for the skin

Massage is recommended as an alternative to surgery. Various techniques allow you to act on the muscle frame and deep layers of the dermis, where collagen and elastin synthesis occurs. We also recommend using it for facial rejuvenation at home.

Why the procedure is useful:

  • Rejuvenates and refreshes;
  • Corrects the oval line;
  • You can sculpt a new relief;
  • Make the epidermis soft, elastic;
  • Boost immune performance;
  • Improve blood flow, strengthen blood vessels;
  • Smooth out all types of wrinkles;
  • Copes with puffiness and swelling.
  1. Before carrying out the face, it is imperative to prepare, remove decorative cosmetics, carry out a deep cleaning;
  2. For better sliding and saturation of the surface with nutrients, various products are used - oil mixtures, cosmetic milk, cream and emulsions;
  3. During the holding, there should be no jewelry on the hands, the manicure is very short so that the nail plates do not accidentally injure the skin;
  4. How often to use anti-aging techniques depends on the state of the dermis, they are usually used in courses of ten sessions, two / three times a year, with elements of gymnastics they are used regularly to maintain muscle tone;
  5. All movements are performed strictly along certain lines - from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the ear tragus, from the chin to the ear tragus, around the eyelids counterclockwise;
  6. The points of the lymph nodes should be considered, in these areas intense pressure, vibration are not allowed, only stroking are possible;
  7. You should not use anti-aging procedures at a very young age (under 25), there is no need for this, if you wish, you can make a face sculpture.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are a number of temporary or permanent restrictions that do not allow the use of cosmetic manipulations.

The main contraindications:

  • fragile vessels, the presence of rosacea;
  • postoperative period;
  • neoplasm;
  • purulent formations - acne, acne, pustules;
  • a large number of moles, papillomas;
  • wounds, burns, cracks;
  • recent procedures - thread lifting, hardware cleaning, chemical peeling.

Facial massage techniques

Consider the most popular and what technique is best to learn.

Japanese massage

Japanese massage Asahi (tsogan) is not performed according to classical Western rules. It contains the ancient techniques of rejuvenation, which were successfully used by geisha, today they have found a new life thanks to the cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka. A perfectly flat surface of the face was achieved with constant repetitions.

This is one of the techniques of self-massage, performed exclusively along the movement of the lymph. Two main techniques are used - stroking and pressing, which includes activating beauty points. Each zone is worked out separately - the eyelids, forehead, nasolabial triangle and cheeks. Zogan massage is a panacea for wrinkles and sagging after 35 years. The effect of rejuvenation lies in a tougher effect on the integument, even bone tissue is affected. Only three fingers are involved in the manipulations - the ring, middle and index. Consists of 11 exercises, but the whole procedure lasts no more than ten minutes. Starting to learn Japanese massage, it is worth applying all movements without pressing, when the technology is mastered, force efforts can also be used. We also recommend using for skin rejuvenation and whitening.

Useful video: Japanese face massage Asahi - gymnastics from wrinkles

The results will be most noticeable on aging skin, wrinkles are smoothed, edema and swelling disappear, including in the eyelids. Elasticity is restored due to the natural activation of synthesis.

Russian massage

He combined several techniques to solve a whole range of aesthetic problems. The basic techniques are used - stroking, kneading, vibration, tapping. With the help of ancient practices, you can prevent age-related changes, improve the tone of the integument.

Ten minutes before starting, you need to cleanse, steam your face and apply a moisturizer. Then there is stroking with smooth sliding movements along the lines of the lymph flow. This stage is the longest, from three to five minutes, it allows you to relax your muscles and prepare for the next manipulations. Kneading and tapping is performed with the pads of the fingers, vibration is a light circular motion at one point in a circle. Each is repeated eight / ten times without affecting the eyelids. A sufficiently intense effect is designed for a course of ten sessions. As a result, you can get rid of flabbiness, dull, unhealthy color and drooping cheek and chin line.

Doing an anti-wrinkle massage yourself is easy and at home. allows you to increase blood flow, strengthen blood vessels, restore elasticity. Simple regular actions also help with different types of wrinkles.

Have you tried an effective anti-wrinkle product? If you have a desire to renew your skin, smooth it out or whiten it, then we advise you to apply a chemical peeling, for more details follow the link:. Do you have puffiness under your eyes? - see methods of treatment.

A prepared face is treated with a special cream, possibly with serums with active ingredients. Stroking begins with smooth movements, after which there is a more intense kneading with the pads of the fingers, the maximum possible surface is captured. The popular pinching technique is performed very carefully, they do not cause pain, they have a tonic effect. Nibbling, in contrast to the palm of the body, uses the pads of all five fingers. Correct facial massage eliminates the appearance of hematomas and venous asterisks, the thinner the epidermis, the more gentle the touch should be. Each is performed five to eight times, and takes no more than seven minutes.

To preserve youth and freshness, as well as reduce the number of wrinkles that have already appeared, it is worth using proven methods.

A long-lasting anti-aging effect is achieved due to the metered effect of negative pressure. In the salon, they will often use a hardware device, a massager, as well as special silicone cans. With the help of these devices, air is removed from the treated area and dynamic and static pressure is applied to the skin.

It is recommended to take courses of ten sessions after 30 years. The face is cleansed, then treated with a special cream or oil. Air is removed from the can, and it is installed in the selected area, fixed for a few seconds, then moves with rotating movements to another zone, followed by fixation. On each part of the face, it is repeated from 8-10 times, on the eyelids up to 5. The massage time is from 5 to 15 minutes, starting with a minimum period, gradually increasing the duration and intensity.

The technique allows you to improve oxygen breathing, relax the facial muscles, accelerate cellular regeneration, tighten the contour, especially in the area of ​​the double chin. The effect is on fibroblasts, which trigger the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Allows you to narrow pores and relieve puffiness.

Has a pronounced cosmetic effect, allowing you to look 10 years younger. This is due to the outflow of lymph, a violation of the process of which leads to clear signs of aging and fatigue - bruising, loss of tone and swelling. The movement of venous blood improves, giving uneven color, forming an excess of fluid and slowing down metabolic processes.

Technicians usually combine both hardware ultrasound and manual stimulation. The basic rule is strict adherence to the lines of lymph flow. Circular, stroking, beating manipulations are used. Duration from 10 to 15 minutes. Professional facial treatment will allow for several sessions to improve firmness and elasticity, refresh and rejuvenate the face.

Home techniques help you take care of your appearance and improve your skin condition on your own. There are several varieties - preventive, therapeutic corrective, the choice depends on the condition of the face and age-related changes. It is usually used in combination with other procedures - masks, scrubs to enhance the effect of nutritional and cleansing components.

Self-massage is performed along the lines, starting from the forehead, then the nasolabial triangle and eyelids. The main ones are used - smoothing, pressing, tapping, and also ends with smooth stroking movements. Each is repeated 5–8 times, and the caring manipulations do not take more than 10 minutes. Helps maintain elasticity and freshness, strengthen blood vessels, restore surface relief.

A kind of sculptural massage, the French cosmetologist Joel Siocco came up with an original technique. The method allows you not only to cope with fine wrinkles, but also to forget about flabbiness forever. The ideological inspirer personally teaches all specialists the wonderful way of rejuvenation.

The master performs all movements in the oral cavity with sterile gloves. The cheeks and gums are intensively massaged; rather painful sensations last 15 minutes.

Despite the differences from all types of manipulations, reviews about massage are the most positive. The result is comparable only to facial contouring.

The action of cold is often used against wrinkles around the eyes, as well as to improve the general condition of the skin. Cryoprocedures are one of the few available for do-it-yourself. To carry it out, you do not need to have the skills of a master and deep knowledge of anatomy.

It is carried out in two, you can freeze decoctions of herbs with oils and even concentrated serums. Smoothing movements are carried out along the massage lines. It is important not to dwell on the points so as not to overcool the fabrics. Duration is about 5 minutes, the course consists of 10 sessions. The outflow of lymph improves, oxygen respiration is restored, and the facial vessels are strengthened.

Lifting massage

After 45, a good massage will help to cope with sagging, double chin and drooping eyelids. It may include the basic techniques of Western and Eastern techniques - action along certain lines, with varying degrees of pressure. Affects muscle tissue, restores fiber tone and elasticity.

It is performed for twenty minutes, using stroking, pinching, kneading with both two fingers and the whole palm. Before mastering corrective manipulations, you need to practice preventive procedures. Uncontrolled pressing force can lead to vascular injuries, hematomas. A professionally performed course will help you look younger, reduce the number of wrinkles, and tighten your cheekbones.

Spoon massage

The main advantage of the procedure is the ability to do it at home. The technique available to everyone is effective against puffiness and bruising under the eyes. The knowledge of Chinese healers about Qi has been successfully used to keep the face fresh and firm.

The technique is rather unusual, and the main instruments are cupronickel or silver spoons. You will also need a decoction of chamomile, olive oil and honey. The bottom line is to immerse the spoons in a warm or cold broth, lubricate with oil / honey and in turn apply, tap, massage and carry out on individual areas of the face.

As a result, blood circulation improves, tone is restored, folds are smoothed out.


The eastern practice of shiatsu is based on the doctrine of the presence of a whole network of vital points on the human body. It is their activation that leads to an improvement in health indicators. If you connect them, channels are formed through which positive Chi energy freely circulates.

To perform massage on points, it is convenient to use the scheme of their location. They are found mainly on the tendons, in the pits of the bone tissue, between the muscle fibers and on the arteries where pulsation is felt. Pressing is carried out with the pad of one finger, if paired points are stimulated, two fingers of both hands are used. Pressing lasts from three to ten seconds, there are no strong pain sensations, only warmth and strength of touch.

After carrying out, a general improvement in the condition of the skin is observed, dark spots, swelling disappear, turgor improves.

It is used as an alternative to surgical intervention after 50 years. All problem areas are being worked out, the tightened frame of the oval is re-created. The result is quite persistent, it can last until the next course in six months.

It is carried out exclusively by a specialist with a higher medical education. The technique consists of pressing, pressing, vibration and fixing manipulations. The main difference is in the kneading method, it is used superficial and deep in a circle with reciprocating movements.

An effective cosmetic procedure does not leave bruises, sensations also do not cause discomfort. Smooth, well-groomed skin and a wonderful complexion will delight you after the first session.

The main effect is on the muscular system and tissues. It is used to prevent age-related changes and correct existing ones. Efficiency is achieved due to the complete relaxation of the muscle frame.

The main techniques used by the master are stretching, twisting, squeezing, superficial and deeper. All movements are very slow and smooth, gradually leading to a relaxing state. A certain position of the hands ensures a professional result, which remains after the course for another two months. It is recommended to use it to maintain the elasticity and relief of the integument.

Spanish massage

It is used as an anti-aging procedure, as well as to enlarge the lips and eliminate the individual features of the structure of the face - pronounced nasolabial folds, the absence of sharp cheekbones, overhanging upper eyelid. A combination of different techniques creates a relaxing atmosphere. They are carried out in a course of 10 sessions with an interval of 1-2 days, you can repeat it after six months.

The main manipulations are performed with the pads of the fingers and palms. Pressing force alternates, circular stroking and patting relax and tone. The difference is in the artistic approach - the master rarely repeats the same movement, is guided by his own inspiration, which helps to alternate the processes of relaxation and activation.

Blood circulation improves, mimic folds are less noticeable, and facial features and oval become more expressive.

Honey massage

The main component will be a high-quality bee product. It should be liquid, without hard particles, so as not to scratch the integument. Harm is possible only if there is an allergy, so be sure to check the reaction before carrying out the procedure.

Apply a thin layer of honey paste, you can enrich the effect with fatty oils and esters to enhance the effect. After waiting five minutes, proceed to the massage itself. Correctly massage the face following the direction of blood flow, alternating stroking, tapping, vibration, performed with fingertips. When honey gathers in a grayish mass, wash off with warm water.

Interesting video: Honey facial massage from wrinkles

In the first hours, redness may be observed, it quickly passes without additional effort. As a result - cleaned, renewed covers with impeccable color and structure.

Chinese massage

Ancient knowledge is still used in Chinese medicine today. Exposure to the skin through various techniques helps to stop aging. One of the types includes many different techniques.

The main techniques are kneading, pressing, stroking, rubbing, pushing, thrusting, vibration, sawing. Alternating movements of the palms and the use of the energy of one finger, to activate important points. Toxins and toxins are removed from the integuments, a persistent anti-aging effect is observed. All metabolic processes are restored, the vascular network is strengthened.

Tibetan monks have always struck with incredible youth. The secret of longevity lies in special manipulations, knowledge about which has been collected for centuries and was inaccessible to ordinary mortals. Today, popular treatments are used to smooth wrinkles, restore turgor and freshness of the face.

Special attention is paid to massage oil - it is selected individually for each type of skin, the composition of esters is very carefully compiled. The main movements are smoothing and kneading with the fingertips. Smoothly and slowly move from the chin gradually moving up to the forehead.

As a result, nasolabial wrinkles are smoothed, overall elasticity is improved, and excess fluid is removed.

Pinch massage

One of the most effective methods of rejuvenation available at home. The principle of action is to enhance metabolic processes and blood circulation. Used for tired aged skin, as well as to restore color and increase collagen synthesis.

The grips are held with the thumb and forefinger in parallel with both hands. Starting from the forehead along the lines, then from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the chin to the tragus of the ear. Repeat on each area three times, the duration of the entire procedure is from 7 to 10 minutes. As a result, the skin is fresh and radiant, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the pores are narrowed.

Modeling massage

A sufficiently deep muscle massage allows you to find the desired oval contour, is effective for a facelift. Without knowledge of anatomy and appropriate practice, it is not recommended to conduct it yourself. Exposure to muscles and blood vessels should be performed by a professional for maximum effect and safety.

It is carried out in two courses of ten days with a break of a week, after which it is possible to repeat the caring manipulations no earlier than six months later. Participate in holding both fingers and palms. The movements are soft, smooth, continuous, painful sensations do not arise, despite the entire depth of the layers being worked out. Classic stroking and kneading techniques alternate with pinching. The procedure lasts about half an hour.

The number of wrinkles will noticeably decrease, the clarity of the chin and the oval line in the cheek area will return, and it will be possible to forget about the overhanging eyelids.

The best oils for facial massage

At home, to enhance the effect of the massage, it is worth using natural ingredients. Fatty plant and essential oils help to further nourish and moisturize. Useful components reach the deep words of the dermis, allowing you to saturate the integument with vitamins, minerals, essential acids.

Effective oils:

  • olive and sunflower are versatile, you can prepare various compositions on the basis or use in pure form;
  • for oily, problematic teenage dermis, choose with a light structure that does not clog the ducts - stone fruit almond, grape, peach, apricot, also sesame, rice;
  • for dry, sensitive - St. John's wort, avocado, coconut, shea, cocoa, jojoba;
  • essential - mandarin, bergamot, rosemary, ylang - ylang, patchouli lemon.

Modern cosmetology is developing by leaps and bounds. Innovative components, effective hardware techniques and discoveries in plastic surgery are a worthy solution to age-related skin problems. But, unfortunately, they are not available to every woman. Rejuvenating facial massage is an alternative to expensive procedures that can even out the skin's relief, shape the outline and enjoy youthfulness for as long as possible.

Who is it for

Facial rejuvenation massage is an effective way to restore skin elasticity, smooth out superficial wrinkles, increase tone and turgor. However, do not expect that instantly, after one or two sessions, you will look 5-10 years younger, as after plastic surgery - massage is not capable of this. Stubborn, painstaking work on yourself is ahead.

Indications for anti-aging skin massage:

  • wrinkles of any nature (age, expression);
  • flabbiness, loss of skin elasticity;
  • double chin, flews, tissue ptosis:
  • unhealthy skin tone, unusual grayness, dullness;
  • swelling, bags under the eyes;
  • fatigue, overstrain of individual facial muscles;
  • "Floated" oval of the face, loss of tone;
  • blue under the eyes;
  • frequent acne breakouts, pimples;
  • excessive dryness or greasiness of integuments, peeling.

Massage, from the point of view of cosmetologists, is a mandatory item in facial care after 30-40 years. It is during this period that pronounced age-related changes with the skin are observed: it becomes less elastic, you can notice the appearance of new wrinkles, as well as deepening of existing ones. In this case, massage not only eliminates visible imperfections, but also acts as a prophylaxis for the aging of the integument.

Effect of the procedure

Regularly performing a complex of massage movements, you will notice the following changes:

  • skin tone increases, tissues become taut, elastic;
  • increased blood circulation and lymph flow, improved metabolic processes, regeneration of skin cells; as a result - a healthy, even complexion;
  • fine wrinkles are smoothed, deep age grooves on the forehead, nasolabial folds are partially corrected;
  • a correct, clear oval is modeled;
  • the protective function of the skin increases, so problematic acne, acne does not bother;
  • massage movements stimulate the synthesis of natural hyaluronic acid, collagen, therefore, the problem of dryness, peeling is also eliminated;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and active massaging helps to remove excess accumulated fat deposits.

Interesting fact. The effectiveness, use of massage has been tested by time. For example, the technique of Taoist monks is 5 thousand years old, and the first mentions of Chinese acupressure date back to the 8th century BC.

Execution rules

The ease of movement makes massage accessible to everyone. Having studied in detail the location of the massage lines, the sequence of movements, you can easily perform a rejuvenating procedure at home.

To make the effect incredible, you cannot do without subtleties:

  • The massage is performed only on cleansed, prepared skin.
  • Massage lines are the main guides of movements, you cannot deviate from them.
  • Regularity is required, otherwise the expected, long-term effect will not be achieved.
  • Experts recommend periodically alternating massage techniques so as not to become addictive and reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.
  • Excessive force, strong pressure is unacceptable and harmful to sensitive skin.
  • If you decide to do a rejuvenating facial massage at home, spend the first sessions in front of a mirror - this way you will see mistakes in execution, and you will quickly achieve perfection in performance technique.
  • Some massage techniques are carried out with the use of oils, special creams. Neglect of this rule is fraught with stretching of weakened tissues, the formation of a large number of wrinkles.
  • The products used during the anti-aging procedure should not cause an allergic reaction in the patient. It is recommended that you do an allergy test first.
  • Long-term massages for young skin are harmful, limit yourself to 5 minutes.
  • Increase the rate of exposure gradually, with each subsequent session.
  • Choose an anti-aging treatment based on your age and skin type. For owners of delicate, young skin, gentle techniques are suitable, and for mature, thick skin, more intensive therapy is recommended.

For the nuances of the chosen massage technique, check with an experienced massage therapist, cosmetologist, visit a massage master class.

How to prepare for a session

Before doing massage with the effect of rejuvenation at home, We recommend preparing the skin correctly. Particles of makeup, grease and perspiration accumulated on the surface must be removed.

To do this, use a mild cleanser - milk, tonic, lotion. Scrubs, brushes, and other items that can violate the integrity of the integument are unacceptable.

For a successful result, the environment, the mood of the client is also important. A comfortable temperature, a ventilated room, relaxing music and a good mood will have a positive effect on your transformation, help to completely relax your facial muscles and bring pleasure from the procedure.

Varieties of technique

For facial rejuvenation, modern beauty salons offer many effective massage techniques. Let's take a closer look at the most popular procedures.

Anti-aging (plucked) method according to Jacquet method

Pinch massage, proposed by the French dermatologist Leonard Jacquet, suggests active, sometimes painful effects on aging skin. Active movements stimulate metabolic, regenerative processes inside the epidermis, enhance the movement of blood and lymph, and strengthen the facial muscles.

Jacquet massage is one of the most effective methods of rejuvenation. The first result from the procedure will be felt after 2-3 sessions. Tightening of weakened tissues, normalization of the sebaceous glands, strengthening the immune system of epidermal cells and solving visible age-related defects are the feasible tasks of this massage. The technique is therapeutic, it reduces inflammation, fights problematic acne and acne breakouts.

Note! For a massage using the Jacquet technique, creams, oils are not required. They will prevent your fingers from grasping the skin properly. Experts recommend using talcum powder, baby powder.

To solve skin problems, the master uses the active elements of the massage: deep pinching, kneading, vibration and pressure. Only the thumb and forefinger are involved.

The sequence of actions for skin rejuvenation:

  1. Start at the neck with the head tilted back. Actively knead the skin along the massage lines of the décolleté - chin and in the opposite direction from the ears to the shoulders.
  2. Massaging the chin along the outline of the lower jaw (from the middle of the chin to the earlobes) will help to remove the double chin and give the oval definition.
  3. You can smooth out the nasolabial folds with pinches. Perform them in the direction from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes.
  4. Active movements of the fingers from the central part of the nose to the ears have a lifting effect, give the face a blush.
  5. The area around the eyes is very sensitive, so rough, strong pinching and pressure is not acceptable. Lightly massage the upper eyelid, starting from the inner corner of the eye, following to the outer. The lower eyelid is worked out in the opposite direction (from the temples to the bridge of the nose).
  6. Last but not least, a forehead massage is performed. In this area, the skin is thicker, therefore, vibration, kneading is used.

Jacquet's massage will not take more than 15 minutes, and for those with sensitive skin, it is enough to limit yourself to just 7 minutes. Anti-aging therapy is 10-15 procedures, it is recommended to use it every six months.


Taoist Monk Rejuvenation Technique assumes, in addition to mechanical action, the concentration of internal energy, Chi energy.

Massaging the skin is performed after the concentration of the inner, complete relaxation. To do this, you need to close your palms, calm down, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale into your palms.

Basic exercises:

  1. The left hand is down, the right is raised up. Imagine in your mind that energy comes to your right hand from space, and to your left - from the Earth. Close your palms to reunite the two types of energy.
  2. Perform circular stroking, first with your right palm, then with your left palm. Pay attention, the right palm is directed up - right - down, and the left - up - left - down. The exercise is repeated 24 times.
  3. Place your thumbs on your cheekbones, the other 4 fingers were free to move. Run them over the face, starting from the tip of the nose, to the temples, and to the starting position. Narrow down the circle gradually. Repeat the exercise 22 times.
  4. Cover your eyes with your palms, concentrate on the internal energy. Move your eyes to the sides, up, down, in a circle, and diagonally. Work each movement 12 times.
  5. Apply light pressure to your eyes using the base of your hand. Repeat the exercise 12 times. Start pressing on the eyebrows and the lower part of the eye socket. Keep your fingers on your face for about 30 seconds.
  6. Stroke with your index and middle fingers. Movements are directed from the wings of the nose - along the bridge of the nose - along the brow ridges - to the temples. Move closer to your hairline with each exercise.
  7. Take care of your forehead. Lightly tap your fingers from the middle of your forehead to your temples.
  8. Place your palms at the outer corners of your eyes and slowly move them to the right (left), towards the hairline. To perform the exercise, use the side of the palm. The number of repetitions is 16.
  9. Perform stroking with your fingertips from the center of the cheek to the side, up, down. Only 8 repetitions.
  10. Place your ring finger under your lower lip, index and middle fingers over your upper lip. As if drawing a smile, draw them to the temporal zone. The exercise is repeated 22 times.

Qigong Technique

Qigong massage is one of the secrets of youth and skin health of Chinese beauties. Anyone can use the massage technique. It's simple, safe to do at home. A complex of massage movements or individual elements is performed.

Gymnastics Qigong requires complete inner peace. For ease of movement, specialists use massage oil.

Execution technique:

  1. Start with relaxing, gentle strokes in the direction forehead - nose - periorbital - cheeks - chin - neck and décolleté.
  2. Do the same again, but replace soft strokes with pats.
  3. Pat your face with the palm of your hand. The area near the eyes, mouth is worked out with the index finger.
  4. Perform light pressure in several stages: with the pads of the fingers, the bases of the palms, with a fist.
  5. Imagine that you are forming a skeleton with threads. Use your fingertips to walk along the fictional thread lines (on the forehead, in the cheeks, chin, neck).
  6. To evenly distribute the flow of energy received during the session, circular movements of the feet, head, body will help to consolidate the achieved result.

Despite the safety, the absence of contraindications for Qigong gymnastics, experts recommend massage up to 3 times a week, in the morning, in the evening it does not matter. The rejuvenating procedure will take half an hour.


Prevent a decrease in skin tone, smooth out fine wrinkles and refresh complexion with the power of a toning massage. The elements of the massage are so simple that they allow you to perform the procedure at home.

Note! For a toning massage, you need a massage cream or oil.

How is it done:

  1. Using the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers, perform longitudinal smoothing movements from the center of the forehead to the temples. Repeat the exercise up to 5 times.
  2. Change the direction of movement: from the eyebrows up to the hairline.
  3. Fix the skin at the left temple with your left hand, with your right hand perform smoothing movements from the left temple to the right. Repeat the steps in the opposite direction, having previously changed hands. The exercise is performed 10 times.
  4. Place the index finger of your left hand at the outer corner of the eye, with the middle one start light circular strokes (from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one along the lower eyelid and in the opposite direction, but along the upper eyelid). Repeat 6 times.
  5. With two fingers (middle, ring), stroke your nose from tip to bridge. Do the exercise 5-8 times.
  6. Place your middle, ring fingers at the wings of the nose. Move them in a circular motion to the temples. In this case, the mouth should be open (as if you are saying the letter "O"). Repeat the exercise 6 times.
  7. Starting position: the head is thrown back, the lower lip is above the upper one, the index finger rests on the chin, the little finger and ring finger rest on the chin. Move your fingers to your earlobe 5 times on each side.
  8. Use a cotton pad to remove any remaining massage cream. Use a moisturizing cream.

The set of exercises will take 15 minutes. It is recommended to do a toning massage 2-3 times a week.

Lymphatic drainage

It is believed that lymph congestion, poor blood circulation significantly worsen the condition of the integument and to a premature loss of tone, tissue elasticity. Hence wrinkles, creases, sagging cheeks and the appearance of flews.

The lymphatic drainage type of procedure is performed by hand or with the help of special equipment and devices. The regularity of the sessions, the full course of therapy is able to simulate an oval, correct deep wrinkles and smooth out newly appearing ones. It is recommended to carry out the impact at the first age-related manifestations, after 35 years.

The Japanese lymphatic drainage massage from Tanaka Yukuko is especially popular. The technique of massage movements involves a set of exercises, they will take 15 minutes to complete.

  1. Place your fingers in the center of the forehead, with light pressure move them to the temples, and then along the ear to the collarbone.
  2. We do the same, only we increase the impact.
  3. We work on the area near the eyes: from the outer corner to the inner one along the lower eyelid and in the opposite direction, along the upper eyelid. We finish the exercise by pressing on the temporal regions, we go down to the collarbone. Light pressure is performed with the middle finger of the hand.
  4. In this exercise, focus on the nose. We start by massaging the wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose, along the massage lines, we try to smooth out the nasolabial folds.
  5. Correct the area around the lips. Massage movements begin from the center of the chin to the inner corners of the eyes. We make pressure in the corners of the mouth, the wings of the nose.
  6. We start to lift the cheeks, getting rid of lymph congestion. With the side of the palm (edge), press against the wing of the nose, move to the cheekbones, then to the collarbone.
  7. Massaging the skin along the line of the cheekbones - the corners of the eyes - will help prevent the appearance of flaps.
  8. To strengthen the muscles of the cheeks, we perform massage movements from the wings of the nose to the ears and collarbone. Pressing is done with effort, as if you are smoothing out adipose tissue.
  9. With thumbs, we press on the skin at the wings of the nose, move the fingers to the ears, collarbone.
  10. We work out the cheeks (we perform shaking). After pressing the wings of the nose, mix the thumbs to the temples, collarbone.
  11. We get rid of the remnants of stagnant lymph by moving our palms from the center of the face to the ears, then to the collarbone.
  12. We do light stroking from the center of the forehead, to the temples, collarbone.

Note! The sequence of massage actions is not disturbed, movements are strictly along the massage lines, the exercise is repeated 3 times.

The technique of Japanese lymphatic drainage is simple, but not everyone can control it at home. Experts do not recommend doing self-massage, but trust the hands of a professional.

How many sessions will it take

Regardless of the chosen technique, massage is performed in courses, 2-3 times a week. The course of anti-aging therapy is 10–20 sessions. Experts recommend repeating the course in six months.

To consolidate the effect, to maintain the achieved effect, it is important to provide proper skin care. Use quality cosmetics that are appropriate for your skin type and age.

An important contribution will be made by correcting the diet, walking and playing sports in the fresh air, giving up bad habits, eliminating overwork. Get more rest, don't be nervous. Medicines contribute to skin aging, so strengthen your immune system, taking vitamin complexes will be just right.

The cost of the procedure

Several factors affect the cost of massage:

  • the complexity of the chosen technique;
  • professionalism of the performer;
  • rating and location of the beauty salon.

The cost of one session varies from 500 to 1.5 thousand rubles, in Moscow beauty centers the price is significantly exaggerated. Please note that one procedure will not give a tangible, long-term result, a full course will be required.

You can do a rejuvenating massage at home, but not all techniques are suitable for self-massage. In addition, there is a risk of harming yourself with incorrect pressing, stretching the integument, exaggerating the number of wrinkles. Choose simpler techniques, for example, acupuncture massage, in which the effect is performed on biologically active points.

Precautionary measures

With the exception of a light tonic massage, the procedure has contraindications. It is important to familiarize yourself with them before proceeding with the session.

Refuse from intensive anti-aging therapy in the form of massage should be when:

  • damage to the integrity of the integument in the working area (wounds, cuts);
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes, herpes and purulent formations;
  • eczema, various forms of dermatitis;
  • complex forms of hypertension, vascular problems;
  • increased sensitivity of nerve endings, the close location of blood vessels to the skin.

Fever, feeling unwell is also a contraindication for massage.

Clients with a sensitive type of integument need to carefully choose a technique for rejuvenation. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 10 minutes.

Redness is a normal side effect of intense massage. After a while, the previous tone of the integument will be restored. There are no other side effects provided that the procedure is performed correctly.

Massage is a unique and effective procedure. Professionals, customers unanimously declare, if you massage your face twice a week for 20 minutes, you can delay the aging of the integument for a long time.

Useful videos

Magic facial rejuvenation.

10 minutes of Japanese massage - and you are 10 years younger!

Every woman strives for the perfect appearance. First of all, she wants to have a beautiful, eye-catching face. But the modern world, at times, does not provide an opportunity for frequent visits to beauty salons. These are not only temporary, but also monetary costs. An alternative to salon treatments is facial massage at home. We will figure out how to do a facial massage on our own in this article.

When to consider facial massage

Facial massage is a pleasant and safe process of toning the skin. It strengthens muscles, fights wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. It can help tighten sagging skin on the chin and cheekbones.

Many cosmetologists advise to carry out this procedure from 29-30 years old. Allowing 10-15 minutes for massage every day, it will give the skin a fragrance and a healthy appearance.

Often, when wrinkles appear, women run to the store to purchase various creams for the skin around the eyes or to rejuvenate the entire face to help fight this trouble. For the prevention of aging, you can use not only store products, but also, for example, herbs to rejuvenate the skin of the face and from wrinkles around the eyes.

But not everyone knows that wrinkles appear not only with skin aging. It is also associated with age-related changes in the muscles, blood vessels and bones of the skull. These changes are not visible to the eye. Therefore, no one thinks about them. The massage procedure has the following positive aspects:

  1. Small wrinkles are smoothed
  2. Prevents the appearance of deeper wrinkles
  3. Puffiness is excluded
  4. Improves blood circulation
  5. Facial contours become clearer.

At the age of 30, you can notice the first changes in the oval of the face, skin color. If a girl wants to get rid of these minor troubles, you can safely begin to do a facial massage at home. A procedure is needed to eliminate puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

45-year-old ladies are shown a procedure aimed at combating nasolabial folds. This massage will get rid of saggy cheeks and eliminate fine wrinkles.

By the age of 60, many women are faced with the problem of flaps on their face. The skin sags in the lower part of the face, giving the lady a few more years. With age, the skin ceases to produce collagen in the required amount and becomes inelastic. With these indications, a massage is perfect for a woman, which will help tighten the skin.

In addition to this procedure, you can think about using products for rejuvenating the skin of the face and slowing down aging, as well as effective folk remedies for rejuvenating the face, for example, jojoba oil fights wrinkles around the eyes, and gymnastics to rejuvenate the face and neck will cope with the general problem of skin aging. ...

Massage for different skin types

As you know, there are three types of skin - dry, oily, normal and combination. In accordance with the individual type, self-massage is carried out using the necessary cosmetics, which will only enhance the effect of the procedure.

Dry skin needs constant nourishment. Massage with creams enriched with vitamins and biologically active substances stimulates the development of new cells. The skin regains its elasticity and freshness. Dry skin of the face must be rubbed and kneaded. After the end of the procedure, the remaining cream, which has not been absorbed into the skin, must be carefully wiped off with a napkin or towel. For dry skin, use a variety of natural oils, such as walnut oil for wrinkles, sea buckthorn oil for the skin around the eyes, almond oil for wrinkles around the eyes and skin nourishment.

An unpleasant oily shine on the face is a common problem among the fair sex. To tone the oily and combined type skin, it is necessary to do a massage that helps to stabilize blood circulation. It involves pinching the skin with the capture of the layer of skin and subcutaneous tissue. Not a very pleasant sensation, but a pleasant result. The procedure is done with two fingers - index and thumb. This massage does not use any cosmetic products. The procedure itself takes about 10 minutes. One of the most effective types for this type of skin is the Jacquet technique.

For happy owners of normal skin, any type of massage with the use of various creams and oils is suitable. This is for individual consideration.


Self-massage is undoubtedly an excellent remedy for a youthful face. But, like all procedures, it has some contraindications. For example, some ask the question - can it be done in the presence of herpes or warts on the face? No, absolutely not! Inflammatory processes on the face, open wounds, large moles, warts and herpes are obvious contraindications. If you ignore them, you can face a number of negative factors that adversely affect your health.

Increased fragility of blood vessels is another reason to refuse facial massage. Instead of a positive effect, you can achieve the exact opposite.

Recently, many girls began to get involved in injections of "youth", namely botox. In an effort to look better and better, many ladies after Botox injections are thinking about face massage. It is important to know that it can be done only a month after the rejuvenation procedure. Never before. After botox, the muscles of the face should be in a calm state, nor should they be completely excluded from any impact.


Before starting self-massage, it is important to prepare your skin so that it does not experience stress. To do this, wash your face with warm water. Instead of water, you can use a cleansing toner or any other specialized product. The next step is a warm compress to dilate the blood vessels. The skin needs to be steamed. This will help, when applying the cream, to quickly absorb the necessary nutrients into the skin.

For steaming, you need to take a towel and hold it for some time over a boiling pot of water, over steam. When the towel becomes warm, in no way hot, it should be placed on your face for 10 minutes.
After the skin is steamed, you can take some moisturizer or oil and apply it on your face for 15 minutes. During this time, the skin will absorb all the beneficial substances. It will also help prevent stretching of the skin during the massage. But if the skin is prone to oily cream and oil can be replaced with talcum powder.


A correct and effective facial massage should be carried out along the massage lines. This is due to the fact that the skin is not stretched in different ways.

  1. Base of the neck - chin
  2. The middle of the chin is the earlobes. Left and right, along the contours of the face.
  3. Corners of the mouth - auricles
  4. The middle of the upper lip - the upper part of the ear
  5. The wings of the nose are the upper part of the ear
  6. Bridge of the nose and bridge of the nose - the tip of the braid
  7. The middle of the forehead is whiskey.

Fundamental rules:

  1. The procedure is performed only on cleansed skin.
  2. Movements during massage should be light. Strictly along the massage lines.
  3. After the massage movement, each line should end with a short pressing moment. For example, after massaging the chin, you need to hold your fingers near the earlobes for a second. Then you can move on to another zone.
  4. Do not carry out the procedure if there are contraindications.
  5. After the massage, it is important to lie down quietly for a while. Blot your face with a napkin or towel. The final stage will be the application of the necessary cosmetic product.

Execution technique:

Women often wonder how often to massage their face. It all depends on age. But at the same time, professional cosmetologists are advised to adhere to a regular schedule of facial massage. Young women are advised to carry out the procedure less frequently than older women.

An example course could be as follows:

  • 29-30 years old - 10 procedures once a year;
  • 30-45 years old - 15 procedures two to three times a year;
  • After 45 years - 20 procedures three times a year.

The procedure consists of 4 techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. The massage should begin and end with light, soft movements.
Stroking is carried out with a bent hand. The fingertips should only lightly touch the skin. Stroking is performed in one direction only. The stroking technique can be performed daily.

Rubbing is done more vigorously. It is necessary to make massaging movements with the fingertips. Rubbing improves blood circulation, the skin becomes more elastic. Rubbing is advised to be carried out 3-5 times a week.

Kneading also occurs with the fingertips of both hands. With your fingers you need to grab a piece of skin, squeeze it a little. There is an easy tingling effect. Massage movements should be slow and gentle so as not to cause pain. Muscle work is stimulated. This massage technique is performed no more than 3 times a week.

Vibration is carried out either with the whole palm or with your fingers. These are oscillatory movements in one area of ​​the skin. Such massage movements are performed no more than 3 times a week.

All massage techniques can be performed at the same time. Each of them should be performed 3-5 times per massage session. If the skin is young, you can refrain from the kneading procedure. Fresh skin is unnecessary. But after 35 years, beauticians advise to combine stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration in one massage procedure. This is how the effect will be most noticeable. The skin will be toned.

For home use, there are many simple techniques, for example, you can learn to massage the face with suede, massage the face with brushes, using snails, water, and others.

Instructional video of facial massage at home