Drawing at an early age. Synopsis of GCD on fine arts in the early age group “Visiting a bunny Abstract on drawing for an early age group

This manual contains notes on the development of speech perception in children 5-6 years old with mental retardation, as well as planning work with this category of children.

This manual contains notes on the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children 5-6 and 6-7 years old with mental retardation, as well as planning work with this category of children.
Lesson notes can be used by teachers of kindergarten correctional groups, speech therapists, parents, as well as primary school teachers-defectologists in working with children who experience problems in mastering educational material in preparation for school.

Abstracts of complex lessons with children of the third year of life are offered to your attention. The book presents recommendations for conducting extended classes with children of primary preschool age (2-3 years). The author talks about the methodology for conducting them, and also gives detailed notes of 56 classes with the smallest.
The publication is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions, institutions of additional education, as well as for parents who want to have fun with their kids.

The methodological manual contains all the materials necessary for conducting classes on the development of speech and familiarization with fiction in the preparatory group of a preschool institution: a program, methods for identifying the level of speech development, class notes and methodological recommendations for them.
The book also includes texts of literary works recommended by the authors for children.

The book for the first time presents abstracts of speech therapy classes on the development of speech of children of middle preschool age in kindergartens, nurseries, kindergartens, orphanages and orphanages.
The book is intended for teachers, methodologists, speech therapists of preschool educational and medical institutions

The book provides thematic planning and notes of classes in various areas of development of children of senior preschool age: familiarization with the outside world, development of speech and mathematics, drawing and application, design and manual labor. All classes are united by one common theme "Winter". To help the teacher, materials are also provided on planning classes, on organizing children's games and experimentation.

The book contains a system of developing visual activities with children 2-3 years old (65 abstracts with methodological recommendations). All classes are interconnected, meaningful and aimed at the implementation of the basic tasks of the artistic and creative development of children, formulated in the preface. The "Appendix" provides materials for carrying out aestheticized entertainment with children in the classroom and in everyday life. The teaching aid is included in the author's program of artistic education, training and development of preschool children "Colored hands" (the full structure of the program is presented on the color tab in the "Appendix").

This manual contains methodological recommendations, class notes, diagrams and applications for teaching older preschoolers the art of origami. Using the materials of the manual, children will learn how to independently fold the simplest origami figures according to the schemes, create their own toys and crafts, and gain confidence in their strengths and abilities.

GCD for fine arts (drawing)

Topic: Sun and grass.

Program content: To teach children to create an elementary landscape, use paints of different colors at the same time, consolidate the ability to draw rounded closed lines and draw vertical lines, cultivate interest in drawing.

Material: paint in two colors: yellow and green, paper, landscape pattern.

Preliminary work: Watch the sun and grass through the window. The sun shines above, and the grass grows on the ground, below.

Vocabulary work: Yellow sun, green grass.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Children, let's sit down correctly: handles on the tables, legs together on the floor, back on the back of the chair. (A knock is heard.) Oh, children, someone came to us. Will we let him in or not?

Children: Let's go.

caregiver: If so, let's say "Come in please" together. (The door opens and the doll "Tanya" enters).

caregiver: Tanechka, how glad we are that you came to us. Come on, children, to the doll Tanya, say "Hello."

Children: Hello.

caregiver: Tanechka, you must be tired, sit down on a chair. Like this. (The teacher puts the doll on a chair and notices the picture in the hands of the doll).

Educator: Look, children, our doll has brought something with it. Can we, Tanechka, see what you have there? (The teacher takes a picture from the doll and shows it to the children).

Educator: What does she have?

Children: Painting.

caregiver: What else is in the picture?

Child: Grass.

caregiver: What grass?

Child: Green grass.

Educator: Show me the color green. Well done, children. Children, do you like the picture?

Children: Like!

Educator: Children, come on, and we will draw the sun and grass. Now I will show you how to draw, Look carefully. Here at the top we will draw the sun. It is round like a ball. Like this. (The teacher shows.) And green grass grows below. We will draw a lot of grass, side by side - side by side. Here is grass, next to it is more grass. (The teacher shows.) How much. Here is the picture. Let's draw in the air together. Take everything correctly with a brush and draw a round sun. Educator: That's right, let's draw green grass. Like this. Well done, children. And now I will distribute the leaves, and we will draw on the leaves. (Teacher distributes paper). Well, now let's draw you, show the doll that we can draw. Take the right brush and draw the sun at the top. Everyone drew the sun

Educator: Many have already drawn. Doll Tanya wants to see your drawings. (The teacher, together with the doll Tanya, goes around the tables. At each table, the children, together with the teacher, choose the best drawing and give it to the doll).

Educator: Well done, children. Worked well in class. Doll Tanya is very happy for your drawings. She thanks you and says goodbye to you. Goodbye!

The lesson is over.

Message from work experience

"Methodology of visual activity in the 2nd group of early age"

Educator: Glintsova Julia Gennadievna

MBDOU d / s No. 14

"Red Riding Hood"

G. Safonovo

Smolensk region

Drawing and sculpting is one of the greatest pleasures for a child. They bring a lot of joy to the baby. Drawing, the child reflects not only what he sees around, but also shows his own imagination. In the visual activity there is an intensive cognitive development. In a young child, the first sensory orientations in the color, shape, size, and texture of objects are already being formed.

In our classes, children are going through the initial development of instrumental actions with visual material. Children learn to take a pencil (brush) correctly: with three fingers, hold it with the thumb and middle, not close to the honed end (pile), holding it with the index finger from above. I make sure that children do not strongly squeeze the pencil with their fingers, which leads to overstrain of the hand, stiffness of movements; and too weak fingers do not hold the pencil (brush), it constantly falls out. Working with paints and a brush, I draw the attention of children how not to use a brush and clarify the correct position of the brush while drawing (the pile runs after the iron tip). Also, from the first lesson, with paints, I show how to carefully dip the brush with all the pile into the paint (the brush should first be moistened in water - otherwise the paint will not pick up well), how to squeeze the brush pile on the edge of the jar of paint and only after that draw. I show all the techniques for using paint and remind you with each drawing. From the very first lessons, I teach children to sit up straight, not leaning over the table too much, to draw with their right hand, and to hold a sheet of paper with their left.

Our drawing classes began with an introduction to the pencil. Children learned to draw straight vertical and horizontal lines, completing the drawing (short vertical lines - rain, grass, fence; horizontal - path, ribbon, etc.). The next stage, which I gradually bring the children to, is drawing circular lines (smoke from a pipe, balls) and circular closed lines (steering wheels, ball, balls, etc.) In the first drawing lessons, I gave the children paint of the same color to focus their attention is on the ways of working with a brush and using paint. In the next lessons, the color of the paint changed, but again gave the paint of the same color. Only when the kids mastered the actions with a brush and paint, she put paints of different colors on the tables. In this case, I use the following methods of drawing with paints:

Priming ("Autumn leaf fall");

Pulling the brush over the sheet (from top to bottom “beautiful ribbon”, from left to right - “On a flat path”, “Decorate the towel”, etc.);

Prints with leaves (non-traditional technique "Beautiful leaves");

Drawing with poke (with cotton swabs “Decorate the doll with a sundress”);

Drawing with palms ("Funny palms").

The main technique I use in my drawing class is the full display. With children who are having difficulty, I use a technique - passive movements, when the child does not act independently, but with the help of an adult, that is, I put a pencil in the baby's fingers and draw drawing movements with the child's hand. During the lesson, I follow the movements of the hand and correct those children who hold the pencil (brush) incorrectly (two fingers, in a fist, left hand). I do not limit myself to verbal remarks, but show it practically by taking the baby's hand in mine.

Another technique that I use in my drawing classes is to draw in the air. I invite the children to take brushes (pencil) and show in the air how we will draw (it's raining, it's snowing, the light is burning).

In order for children to have a desire to complete a learning task, I carry out special work aimed at developing game motivation. Reading poems, songs, nursery rhymes, as well as the arrival of guests. This increases the positive emotional attitude of children to the lesson.

Also, viewing all the drawings at the end of the lesson educates children in the results of their peers, their own activities. Analysis of the work comes from the game character.


At the first modeling lessons, she introduced children to the properties of the material (soft, plastic - can be torn off,you can tear off a piece from it and, putting it between your palms, roll out a sausage, a bun). Then she taught the simplest techniques: pinching off, sticking, flattening (rain, pies, etc.).

Modeling classes are of a substantive nature, i.e. children sculpt individual figures.At first, the children sculpted objects of the simplest cylindrical shape (posts, pencils, sticks). Then a spherical shape (koloboks, balls, balls). At this age, not only the show is important, but also the explanation. Therefore, I explain each of my movements (“I will put a piece of plasticine on the palm of my hand, and then I will cover it with the other palm, and then I will roll it between the palms back and forth - I will get a column”), I repeat once again (“When you roll the plasticine between the palms back and forth, you get a column "). Similar explanations are given in every lesson.

A necessary condition for teaching kids is the introduction of game techniques, playing around with the objects that they will sculpt. So before sculpting the ball, I suggested that the children play with small balls (roll them between the palms) so that the children better understand the rounded shape. As well as in drawing, in order for children to have a desire to complete a learning task, I carry out special work aimed at developing game motivation. Reading poems, songs, nursery rhymes, as well as the arrival of guests.

An important point in the conduct of the lesson is the assessment of the activities of children. Be sure to tell the children how they worked during the lesson and how they followed the rules of modeling, I praise everyone (praise can also come from the character).

Sections: Working with preschoolers

“Paints are truer than words, they are a deeper symbol of our life…”
(A. Blok)

In early childhood, the spiritual foundations of the future personality are laid. The child needs to awaken a conscious interest in various kinds of creativity as early as possible. Such a fertile extensive basis is the early involvement of children in visual activity. Creativity gives the child an incentive to explore the world, to be surprised, to join art. “Children's drawing, the process of drawing is a particle of a child's spiritual life. They do not just transfer paints to paper, but live in this world, enter it as creators of beauty.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

Early age, which, unfortunately, not much attention is paid by teachers, stands apart in the system of raising children. This is the first step, a kind of springboard, on which much depends on the future development of the child, helps to accumulate the necessary skills and abilities to become the basis for quality education in the future.

Why is this age singled out by teachers as a separate period in preschool development? The reason for this is the psychological and physiological development of the baby. All his behavior is situational, his emotional mood is unsteady and changeable. Emotions and affects at this age appear momentarily, directly in a certain situation. Children are extremely impressionable and receptive to the environment, every thing for them has an emotional charge. Imagination, being a reflection of the surrounding reality, closely connected with the child's experienced experience, begins to develop in the process of play, when familiar actions of adults, possible variants of their behavior and experienced experiences of the child himself are played out. An additional impetus to the development of imagination is the development of speech. In the future, a more complex one begins to develop - associative perception, substitutions gradually enter the repertoire of game actions. The main content of the game in early childhood is to imitate the actions of an adult, and then develops independent activity, creativity.

Three most important stages in the activities of children should be distinguished: reproductive, productive, creative. At an early age, the reproductive stage develops in children, which looks something like this: “do as I do”, “repeat it yourself”.

Creative imagination at an early age requires reliance on the object, its features, operating and playing with it in plot game episodes, in combination with speech and actions with the object.

At an early age, the leading activity is subject. A kid aged 1.5 years old recognizes the image. At first, the child perceives a sheet of paper as an unlimited plane. Therefore, he draws, filling it with various images, turns it over, draws on the table, if his plan does not fit. The first steps of the child: select the top and bottom of the sheet of paper, and then the center, placing the main object (element) in the picture in it. It reflects the subject in a generalized way, highlighting the most essential. Perception and emotions are not yet separated from each other, which causes the extreme impressionability of babies, the brightness and transience of their emotions.

The process of perception by a child always includes motor components: feeling objects and moving the eyes when perceiving the whole and the part.

An important stimulus for the development of imagination is the formation of a game activity in a child (for example, a fictional story about a character - a bunny, a bear, we encourage the children to help them, cause a good attitude towards the game characters, a desire to help the heroes.

Stepping up the steps from the simplest to the complex, following the main principle - continuity in learning, we get further results: the ability to see the whole in an object before its parts, expanding the horizons of a small person, the joy of creativity.

Toddlers are very receptive to information, especially to its visual range. They are interested in any kind of activity: from simple elements of drawing spots with fingers, traces on the path, rain, grass to a finished visual image made with various materials.

The general scheme for constructing classes on art activity consists of several parts:

  1. psychological entry (it can be, among other things, musical, in the form of listening to music, or a song, or visual when looking at a picture, and even olfactory - to recognize an object), includes sensory study of an object - palpation, stroking, turning, squeezing;
  2. cognitive, in which the topic is revealed in a playful way, tasks are set, questions of similarity with something are asked (“what does it look like? - like an icicle, carrot, bridge, moon”, that is, familiar images), or differences - one from the other ;
  3. final - discussion, analysis, singing songs, emotional completion, a sense of joy, pleasure.

For young children, at first it is useful to use finger, aerial drawing in a plot-role-playing game - these are associative-motor shows by children: “how we stroke a cat”, “how the swing swings”, “how the wheels of the car rotate”. Children, raising their hands, show a tall tree, crouching - low. Hand movements show waves - large and small.

In drawing, kids get acquainted with a colored pencil, the properties of wax crayons, learn how to press the material differently and get lines of various thicknesses, how to paint over without going beyond the contour; learn the elements of repeated stroke, combinations of two colors, a sense of rhythm, master red, green, yellow, blue, white, black colors. In each lesson, you must use a visual image.

Young children should be taught to draw lines from top to bottom (vertical) and from left to right (horizontal). It can be long, short paths, fireworks, grass that has bent from the wind, strings with balls, etc. Then, having mastered the lines, lead to the image of objects that have a rounded shape (cloud, snowball, puddles, balls, rings, etc.)

Rules for painting with a brush include the following points:

  1. Hold the brush behind the iron tip in a pinch.
  2. The hand with the brush moves in front of the line in horizontal lines, and behind the line when drawing vertical lines.
  3. When drawing wide lines - lean on the entire bristle of the brush, hold the stick obliquely to the paper.
  4. A thin line is drawn with the end of the brush.
  5. When painting with a brush, draw a line in only one direction and only in one direction, and not back and forth, like with a pencil.

The fantasies of children, which are depicted on paper or made in plasticine, in clay, speed up and facilitate the speech of the child, since the motor activity of the hand, fingers is directly related to the activity of the cerebral hemispheres. Therefore, in training, it is necessary to develop the participation of both hands of the child: hold the brush, the pencil with the fingers in the “pinch” of the leading hand, and hold the sheet of paper with the other hand, if necessary, advance it, turn it over, for which it is very useful to perform exercises to develop synchronism of hand movements.

As a result of the system of these classes, children develop:

  • visual-motor coordination, eye;
  • fine motor skills of hands, fingers (especially the movement and interaction of the “pinch” fingers - index, large and middle);
  • imagination;
  • spatial, figurative thinking;
  • the emotional state becomes more complicated (children enjoy creativity);
  • children begin to notice "beautiful";
  • the ability to notice the characteristic features of objects, to find similarities and differences between them;
  • color sense;
  • children get acquainted with the simplest concept of "pattern", "rhythm".