How does a man love a woman? Is it true that men love with their eyes? What kind of women do men like, which figure do you like more and what does psychology say about male preferences

There is a famous saying: “Men love with their eyes, and women with their ears!” What is the difference between a man and a woman? We will try to explain it to you.

difference in perception of the world. A man perceives the world with his eyes, he instinctively reaches for the beautiful. Beautiful women have always attracted men's eyes. Regardless of time and era, the male sex has always sought to conquer the female.

The thing is that a man strives to possess what he himself is deprived of - a chiseled figure, graceful curves, chic hair. No, men do not envy women because the latter got a more beautiful “shell”, but the possession of such beauty is on the verge of instincts.

In this case, all chic, beautiful and well-groomed women should be married or surrounded by a sea of ​​admirers. Often the opposite is true. "Ugly women" are not deprived of male attention, and beautiful women are lonely. It turns out that many men prefer only to admire the beauty and grace, preferring to link their fate "with something simpler." They simply complex that such a chic and sexy woman will reject him, and he will be humiliated.

The tendency of a man to "love with his eyes" is also expressed in fetishism. For example, a man only likes blondes or women with glasses. Also, preference is given to some detail of the women's toilet - stockings or high stilettos. It is possible that a man prefers black “holiday” underwear, or, conversely, white and “homemade”. For men, these are very important details. Sometimes, the absence of some component can lead to sexual frustration.

Therefore, men most often have sex with their eyes open. They need to see what beauty they have. Women, on the other hand, prefer sex with their eyes closed, it will be more pleasant for them if the partner whispers affectionate words into their ears. And all because a woman loves with her ears.

For girls and women, the external perception of a partner is not so important. No, of course, first they pay attention to appearance. But, if with a man “there is something to talk about”, then his outer shell ceases to interest a woman. Therefore, it is so important for men to learn how to say beautiful compliments and words to their loved ones. Phrase: "Why talk often, she already knows about it!" is the answer of many men. Women need to hear that they are loved, not to know about it.

Women are created by nature beautiful, and men - in order to idolize this beauty. As often as possible, you need to remind a woman that she is beautiful, smart, attractive, cooks deliciously, and is a wonderful hostess. A woman needs to be praised more often, then she will always love her man.

Unfortunately, many young people and men take advantage of the female feature of “love with the ears” and often hang “noodles” on these ears. This helps some to achieve the main thing from a woman - sex. To achieve intimacy from a woman, men are ready to tell them anything. Even propose in bed. Then they will regret it and take back their words. If women perceive all this as a “romantic moment”, then a man may not even remember what he said.

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As the well-known saying goes - men love with their eyes. I wonder what this judgment is based on? Why do men love to look at beautiful women so much, even if next to them is no less beautiful?

The continuation of this saying states that "women love with their ears." And indeed it is! After all, it is not so important for a woman to have a handsome man next to her, a muscular macho from the cover of a magazine. The visual side does not play such a big role. It is much more important for us to hear compliments, praise and admiration of a loved one. This gives a woman confidence in herself and her irresistibility and necessity.

Men, on the other hand, are wired differently. Their visual channel is much more developed. The ability to respond to female beauty is a natural property of a man, laid down by nature. Therefore, women in short skirts and blouses with a deep seductive neckline are of increased interest to men. This reaction occurs unconsciously, on the verge of instincts.

Why do men love with their eyes

Beautiful women always attract the attention of men. Lovely, delicate, delicate features, a fragile physique with exciting curves, smooth, silky skin, long luxurious hair, graceful gait - all that a woman is endowed with and a man is deprived of. It is so arranged by nature that a woman looks more aesthetically pleasing and attractive than a man. Of course, they do not envy women that they got a more “attractive shell”, but still they strive to get closer to this beauty and admire what they do not have.

Fear of inconsistency

However, many men, admiring a beautiful woman, experience a sense of fear of inadequacy.

After all, the desire of a woman to look bright and catchy speaks of high self-esteem and a certain temperament. In this case, the man is afraid that his courtship will be rejected, that they may laugh at him. Therefore, many men are afraid of women in emphasized sexy, beautiful clothes, with perfect makeup and hair. For the same reason, many men choose “simpler” girls as their companions, and stylish beauties cannot always find a groom.

The ability of a man to “love with his eyes” is manifested in a tendency to fetishism, when some particular detail causes increased attention and excitement. For example, magnificent breasts, slender legs, an appetizing ass, a short skirt, black stockings, tight blouses, or even a certain age of a woman.

At the same time, the preferences of different men can radically differ, because ideas about beauty are always individual. So don't worry if you don't look like a supermodel. The variety of male tastes is very large, so every woman will be able to charm her man.

Recently, after visiting the cinema, my husband and I almost had a fight. We watched the domestic film "I'm losing weight." The plot is uncomplicated, but motivating: a young pretty girl was seriously carried away by gluttony, as a result of which she lost not only a slender figure, but also her lover. He told her in plain text, they say, my problems began in the male part, because your dimensions crushed my libido. And he left her so as not to completely lose his sexual potential. The heroine, as usual, cried, but nevertheless took up herself and, at the cost of incredible efforts, regained her former forms. Naturally, in order to return a loved one. And he, seeing in the pool a kind of naiad in a bathing suit, again flared up to her. True, the love story did not continue: the naiad realized that a man who is greedy only for a sexy appearance does not really need her.

“What are you, men, primitive! - I argued on the way from the cinema. - Well, yes, the girl lost her shape, but this is not a reason to leave her! It was possible to somehow delicately talk to her and convince her to eat less. Yes, she would immediately begin to lose weight, having learned that her beloved was dissatisfied with her appearance!

“Well, here I would argue with you,” the husband unexpectedly objected. - What does “delicate talk” mean in this case? Didn't she herself see that she was corroded like sow? Moreover, her boyfriend is a swimming coach, and extra pounds cannot but strain him even purely professionally. And, by the way, before packing his suitcase, he invited her to training, if you watched the movie carefully!

“But don’t leave your beloved just because she got better! - I was indignant. - After all, they love not only for appearance, but also for kindness, care, positive character.

“I agree,” the husband nodded. - But no one has canceled the truth that a man loves with his eyes. And if you want to look away from a woman, the beauty of her soul, believe me, somehow fades. In addition, the heroine got fat not because of some illness, but from banal gluttony, so why should he treat this with understanding?

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“From everything you said, I understood that if I become fat, you will stop loving me?” I asked sarcastically, expecting that the faithful would start to dissuade me. Like, they are all like that, but I'm not like that, so I will love you even if you turn from Princess Fiona into a fat troll. But it was not there!

“It's hard to say how I will perceive you if you stop looking after yourself,” he said, choosing his words. “But if that happens, then the physical attraction will definitely decrease. It is difficult for a man with a normal psyche to lust for a fat, unkempt woman at the physiological level. But why this conversation? You are a smart girl, you yourself must understand that external attractiveness is one of the main components of male interest.

“What if I get fat after giving birth? - here I was tensed in earnest. "You're leaving me with the baby, right?"

“Not at all! the husband laughed. - Firstly, after childbirth, all women temporarily gain weight, and this, as far as I understand, is normal. Secondly, I repeat, you are an intelligent girl, so you know that postpartum fullness is surmountable. And I will help you in this matter: I will sit with the child while you go to training.

“But over the years I will get older, and therefore fatter,” I did not let up. “You can’t run away from age.”

“So after all, I will grow older with you! he assured. “Besides, older doesn’t necessarily mean fatter. Wrinkles, of course, are inevitable, but the immense forms are a tribute not so much to age as to excesses in food. You and I will walk a lot and eat little, and I will admire you, a perky age slim girl.

The rest of the way home, I silently pondered what I had heard. My husband did not flirt and assure me that he would love me forever, no matter how much my forms changed. Tough, but sincere and without false illusions. And then I caught myself thinking that I myself could hardly be attracted to a fat, flabby man, even if he possessed at least all the virtues of the world. To appreciate and respect - yes, but to lust - to put it mildly, I'm not sure. So, you need to love food definitely less than your body and, ultimately, your life. And not only to me, but also to my neighbor. So we will keep mutual interest in each other longer. Because the truth that people love with their eyes (and not only men!), indeed, no one has canceled.

Each of us at least once in our lives has heard this magic formula "men love with their eyes." As a rule, along with the realization of this fact, a huge number of reasons for reflection fall on a woman.

It turns out that in order to please a man who is interested, it is not enough just to be educated, well-read or with a good sense of humor. It is even possible that upbringing, good manners or the ability to maintain any conversation will not help the situation. Men love with their eyes, which means that first of all you need to be well-groomed, neat and fit. In general - to have a pleasant, inviting appearance. And women begin to run around beauty salons and fitness centers, go for all sorts of tricks, follow fashion and the latest trends, and every day invariably wake up two to three hours before leaving the house to appear at work “at the parade”.

On the one hand, all this seems a little unfair - a woman, for example, pays less attention to the appearance of a man. Moreover, if a man does not smell like a flower bed, but look like a handsome man from a magazine, this can even play into his hands.

A woman, looking at such a man, will understand that he is appropriate in everyday life: she can nail a shelf and fix a stool, she knows where the candles are in the car, she will be able to fix the fence in the country. You can live with such a man without fear that physical work will fall on the fragile female shoulders.

Why do men love with their eyes?

With men it's a little different. It is important for him that the object of his love is certainly an object of admiration and desire. And not only him, but also preferably those around him. That is why a man loves with his eyes. For any representative of the stronger sex, a well-groomed woman nearby is an indicator of his own success and wealth.

There is nothing surprising. It's like a beautiful package of delicious candy. Many men are visuals, and the way men love with their eyes helps a woman to interest him in herself.

However, there is a scientific explanation for all this. Scientists at the University of California conducted a study to find out why men love with their eyes. And it turned out that in many ways they are driven by chemical reactions in the body. Looking at the beautiful, well-groomed A woman in men produces two vital hormones.


03/15/2005 13:53:02, Dinara

trusting her heart and female intuition, men appreciate you as unique and unpredictable, as inexplicable and therefore always desired. A primitive man-made creation, they call you to transform in the direction of this, they don’t need it, because there are enough toys in the garage. So it would be useful for the author to fall in love, for real, throw out books on psychology, stop counting and reflecting, just trust your intuition. What?!! Have you been deceived?! You fell in love with all your heart, and he turned out to be married, and the second just wanted sex, the third wanted your living space. It's clear. You are a victim. But you don’t have to trap others, because not everyone has such a big tragedy in their personal lives, well, men don’t appreciate you, well, you’re probably a damn seductive person, well, all brains go over when they see you. You try to find happiness for yourself, the fact that you are endowed with the gift of seduction will not be able to somehow solve the problem of choice for you. Many women love with their hearts, but many are rational and simply use the weaknesses of men to achieve selfish goals by the illusion of love. Many men love with their hearts, but some have no brains at all in their heads, they do not want love from the heart, only to satisfy animal lustful passions. There is no balance between them in society. In any case, you always remain the measure of a sincere attitude. Do not be hardened by the world if your husband left you, your beloved did not want to marry, or simply there was no one for 10 years already. Do not think that a woman is destined to live her whole life with one person, that there can not be more than several lovers in a lifetime. You don’t like your chosen one, and it doesn’t matter, on the wedding night, on the first date, or after 20 years of a prosperous married life, don’t live with him anymore, delete this person from your life, Spit on his feelings from the big bell tower. Love is not one-sided. and do not console yourself with senseless expectations of love in the Hereafter. Because when you forcibly smile at your partner, know that you kill yourself irrationally, the craving for perfection, the progressive movement towards progress. Terribly, of course, you have to fuck half the city, break more than a dozen hearts, reject more than one hundred marriage proposals, earn a reputation as the most experienced whore. Who cares? The conventions of society are one now, tomorrow they will be different, in the last century they would have been burned at the stake for the current style of relations! You have one life and only one happiness. you have only one version of ideal love, to hell with it, that this ideal is far away and for decades, and for many thousands of kilometers from you, go for it. And don’t use the poor techniques of psychologists who make money on your personal misfortune, but when you really need help, they are simply powerless, because they are such sinful people, they lack an understanding of the truth, you don’t have to try to revive your old feelings, well, yes, nostalgia for youth, insane sex in the back seat in the car, the joy of the first child in the family, all this keeps you, keeps you from love, dreams, you are in slavery, and not with your husband, not with children, with yourself, with your complexes and fears. This is immoral, many will say, others will simply see themselves in these variants of misfortune, let it be tomorrow, let it be in five years, and if you are now crazy about your boyfriend and are going to get married, do not throw these ideas out of your head, at the right time, they will help you find your ideal. After all, time changes everything and the ideals of love, and people, and conventions. Do not be afraid of divorces, disagreements, scandals, there should not be a single disagreement between you, for all two hundred, you must be sure every minute of your life together that he is yours, he is your destiny, ideal. But if you see that this is not so, collect your things and go for the ideal. There is only one life, one world, one time, and one concept of the ideal, it is you yourself, as nature created you. Are you your own judge, god, family, church, children, husband, mother, conventions, well-being, whatever - are they holding you back? don't let it fly? To hell with them. Yes, and avoid attachments, they are a source of suffering. Love is not slavery, affection or habit, only an equal dialogue, a leisurely conversation about the meaning of life, about the ideal, about a person of the soul, and if the conversation does not go well, it is always easier to find a more gifted interlocutor than to scatter pearls in front of pigs. Alles Gute! The truth is somewhere near. Yes, the author of the article just needs to look for his ideal. Do not be afraid that you have been going to bed every single day with different men for many years, one day you will find him, your ideal man, the only problem is that your ideal lasts exactly one night, and the wrong one is worth more than a couple of hundred . Well, no matter how rare this phenomenon, but the happiness of such a woman also has the right to exist. Only this is your personal happiness, devoid of the irrational, spiritual, positive. You don't have to make all the girls look like you. You know that you are suffering, but it is not given to you to know what you are striving for, stay every morning in proud solitude. Your happiness is in your suffering, search, perhaps meaningless, perhaps doomed. It's so hard to look for love when it's not even in your soul. Only carnal animal lust. Alles Gute!

11/28/2003 12:16:41 PM, Ein Gottisches Kritiker

The author of the article has a lot of experience. You can immediately see, or sypshno ... Or felt in the atmosphere. Fu you! Completely bewildered!!! Well, of course, the list should be supplemented by the following types of men, since they have already begun to conduct an autopsy of feelings of love, so the girl just had a young man, and you immediately - analyze !!! think!!! count!!! God forbid, just do not rely on female intuition, on your feelings, on inner feelings, because a happy union is largely based on this. And then the little one didn’t have time to be born, you, the author, immediately sent him to the pathologist, but why, you don’t have other methods other than an autopsy to make a diagnosis! Yes, after such an analysis, people will not love each other, but like spiders in a jar, have you forgotten about forgiveness, tolerance, and compromise? Find fault on every occasion, you advise them. My God, they fell in love, well, there is sympathy, affection, why the hell, to sort things out?! Maybe he loves not with his ears, not with his eyes, not by touch, fu, what a disgusting thing, that now you will order all the girls you know to be cancerous and literally feel that it is softer, warmer, juicier, or smells better, nooo! You are deeply mistaken, men love first of all with their hearts, and you don’t have to laugh that all men are bastards, these are all the machinations of feminists whom God punished to be born a woman, because they are like men, and when the feeling disappears from your betrothed, because you began to smell, laugh, smile differently, go with claims to the author of the article, you can go straight to court, if you have enough strength. You will become artificial, hypocrisy and mathematical accuracy of all your actions, appearance and feelings, can attract a robot, but not a person. Think about what is the reason for a person’s stupid craving for everything esoteric, for the irrational, for timid attempts to trust the inner voice, intuition? Yes, because we are not angels, we are part of nature, the animal world of the planet, we had our own sixth senses, animal instinct, intuition from mother nature, finally. It was in this way that unions were made in those distant times, when the author of this article was entrusted with the maximum to serve the guests of men from a neighboring tribe at night, because this is the highest degree of fall for a biological being, in addition to pretending to be the children of the Lord, to try to count everything. In those distant times of a technocratic society, after many millennia, when everything will change, only one thing will remain - an irrational feeling of love, an intuition inherent in us at the time of the creation of the universe, this is what allows humanity to continue the human race. And so ... Well, now we'll all go and calculate all the pros and cons, why we love, why we are loved, we'll get to the truth by ten percent. It's like playing with a nuclear missile, after reading half the instructions, it will fly back on your head anyway. Are we going to love more after your advice? Will we be more appreciated? Huge doubts, huge, most likely you will simply become more cynical, prudent, treat your partner with hypocrisy, you will not love as it should be, you will begin to benefit from the weaknesses of the person who loves you. This is exactly what you are being called to! Do you know why? Nah... Come on.. Not for your benefit, of course, how wrong you are, no, it's just that when you start controlling others with this technology, you yourself will become a more manageable predictable and half-dried machine. There will be no irrational grain in you, intuition will never help you, and by old age you will be eaten by mortal longing that there is no miracle, there is no mystery of love, don’t even dare to complain then, you, and only you, yourself, have killed love, killed feelings, have become inanimate object. Okay ... you probably aren’t loved so much anymore, because 20-30 years have passed since the first kiss, after which you didn’t sleep all night and admired the stars, experiencing bliss, and it’s not so easy to talk to your husband at night when you want a little affection , but believe me, there are few rational women, and if you become a robotic machine, you can always be replaced by some stupid fool,

11/28/2003 12:15:56 PM, Ein Gottisches Kritiker

Isolde .... - a real man, don’t worry, however, you yourself know this (it’s not good, of course, that he calls his ex just to listen to her voice, and not because of any common problems ( children, for example), but after all, the article is not an indisputable truth, and people are different, different, - someone can find all the qualities together, and who does not have any of them (it happens) ..... ..I agree with the WAD, but you only need to limit yourself - you can "all at once" only within the family, in marriage.

and my husband constantly follows me with a camera, endlessly pawing and stroking, while calling his ex-wife to listen to her drop dead voice ... well, who is he after that?

05/06/2003 12:19:33 pm, Isolda

It is better to love everyone at once, without limiting yourself in anything :-))

Comment on the article "Do men love with their eyes?"

I like to look into the eyes of a woman during sex. I love it when she looks. I love eye contact. It turns me on. If you look into your eyes, you will not see anything else! Your horizons are limited. Unfortunately, most men are...


So far I have read it to the end ... imagining all this (I have a fantasy here) I already slid down from my chair and moved to meet this macho ... oh mom ...

And in general, when I experience an orgasm, I don’t close it, but on the contrary, I open my eyes wide and roll them up strongly. My MCH is so turned on that he can't contain himself anymore. I have such a bad body.

Do you like "sex one time?" then go ahead. Although there is still a certain percentage who flirt not for sex, but for "so that she continues to visit me," here About flirting. I wonder if this can be cured at all? Why can't I flirt with men, show them that I'm interested in them.

Therefore, both theoretically and practically, I understand and know why husbands, in the presence of their beloved wife, look at other women, both living and in pictures. If a man is a male, then even if you are Sophia Loren, he will still stare at other women. Either change the man or kill him.


Lord, what have you brought yourself to! If a man is a male, then even if you are Sophia Loren, he will still stare at other women. Either change the man or kill him.

uh ... well, I'm looking. And I love my wife ....)) If you have a car that you love dearly and that suits you in everything, you don’t lose the right to look at other cars, find out their technical characteristics and post their photos on your desktop?))) Think about it more often, and it will become easier.

Who just loves sex and attractive men with charisma, who are her And then I still couldn’t understand why she seemed to me from time to time in bed She and I really liked it, it’s a cool sight to watch my wife being fucked in front of me.

I like AS, but just like that .. and without straining what is there and how .. one time without an enema was enough for a lifetime ... beee .. and so - everything is clean and tidy ... I definitely didn’t endure to the detriment of myself would, even for the sake of a loved one. I am alone.


I didn’t want to translate theory into practice under any sauce: I read a lot ...
After a couple of years, I decided to just give it a try. my husband approached the issue very cautiously and "quiveringly" and since then I myself sometimes suggest myself. I really like the mood. almost always before - half a liter of chamomile tea for accuracy, already in the process of "preparation" we start both:) The husband receives his portion of chamomile and then gets excited from prostate massage. more or less like this...

05.11.2008 14:35:17, there was a case

I don’t understand why this is necessary, one hole is not enough?

10/30/2008 08:50:47, Marmeladova

Kinesthetic men love women by touch. For them, the sensations that they receive by touching the object of their adoration are important. Don't be scared that you've been in bed every single day with a different man for years, one day you...


Of course, in different ways ... my husband and I almost didn’t feel anything for 8 years, so, weakly, now I’m divorced and I’m dating a man - I just blow the tower from his caresses, from everything :)))

There is a difference, but not fundamental, if a man or a woman does not have any global problems. For me, it depends on how passionate I am about the person. Technology is in the background. Apparently, I put a lot of emotions into relationships. Sorry, I do not believe that a man cannot caress a woman's breasts the way a partner needs it.

01.04.2008 16:37:32, **__**

Since we are constantly in the same club, all the waitresses whom he grabbed by the asses and put on his knees, as well as the regulars now adore me. For after I stick around, I FAST make friends out of them - it's not difficult - basic pearls that all men are goats bring together girls of that level who flirt with a man in the presence of his woman.

You should have seen the eyes of my man when, entering society, the objects of his flirting rush to me in order to talk and whisper about something. And I hardly talk to him. He began to miss me

Why am I. If you react corny - get a banal result. And so I have a BF who looks at me with hidden horror - they say, I will stick to one more, so I won’t see my woman at all.

I don’t know how it is with anyone, as the surgeon’s mistress, I can assure you that his hands are really cool, very correct and strong, not even in terms of physical strength, although this is also, but some kind of energy or something. But at the same time, he is so cold and detached from life in principle, so indifferent and unemotional due to his profession, that this creates oh what problems!