How to glue crafts from pasta. Crafts from pasta

In the existing world of various crafts that educators and parents try to keep their kids busy with, sometimes there are rare and quite exotic options for using improvised materials. Among these options are DIY pasta crafts, allowing you to show your talent in working with flour products and at the same time have fun with your child, creating beauty.

Material Properties

Definition pasta crafts, speaks of the main thing - to harmonize relationships and introduce children to the magical world of skill, you can use all the materials at hand. Especially if these materials are in the kitchen and, as it turns out, is a chic product for creative work.

Simple flour material, has:

  1. *Sufficient strength, which ensures the safety of the finished product;
  2. *perfect shapes and variety of ready-made elements (stars, bows, horns, tubes, etc.), allowing you to get elegant, stylistically verified compositions;
  3. *excellent fastening properties, thanks to which all pasta elements are securely attached to each other with the help of PVA, which does not limit the size of the forms and allows you to create any compositions, of all levels of complexity.


The use of various varieties of flour products for crafts allows you to create:

  1. *key chains, jewelry, flowers;
  2. * New Year's toys and Christmas tree decoration elements;
  3. *wall paintings, panels, creative inscriptions, postcards;
  4. *caskets, clocks, thematic compositions, which not only become a decoration of a separate wall or room, but can also serve as a model for sending entertaining hand-made things to a children's exhibition.


Since the pasta, for the most part, is one-color, then the created pasta crafts will be the same. In connection with this feature of the material, in order to obtain bright, colorfully painted and not leaving anyone indifferent products, paints are needed. Any crafts are suitable for coloring - watercolor, acrylic, gouache, water-based, etc. Pasta “tolerates” everything and therefore creating paintings, obeying the artist’s own talent, will be a real pleasure, and for a child it will become the next stage of creativity. Creativity, in which he will be a full-fledged creator of his own crafts, which can be varnished and stored as a memory of a joint creative tandem - children and parents.

To understand that everything ingenious is simple and to do pasta crafts everyone can consider a step-by-step master class for the manufacture of various products.

Pasta service

The first product we will have is a tea set.

1. For work, you will need Ruote pasta, which is produced in the form of a wagon wheel. The type of product was not chosen by chance, since only such a form of structural elements can harmoniously look in the created tea service items.

2. The main subject of the service is a teapot and therefore you need a balloon to make it. We inflate the balloon to the size of the proposed teapot and tie the tail hole. We start pasting pasta of a three-dimensional figure from the bottom. First, we apply PVA glue to the surface and then we begin to carefully lay the pasta elements, in rows, in an upward direction. We glue the butt places between the “wagon wheels” more carefully, controlling the process so that the glue does not spread. Not reaching 3 ÷ 4 cm to the knot on the tail hole of the ball, we stop the gluing process. We give PVA time to dry and carefully remove the ball from the already formed teapot shape. The bottom of this object, on the outside, is additionally pasted over with pasta of a different type, resembling a spring (Rotini) in shape.

3. Using the second ball, approximately the same size as the first, we make a teapot lid, which should be slightly larger than the hole in the finished teapot. A handle is glued on top of the lid, and springs on the sides.

4. Leaving the finished elements of the teapot to dry, proceed to the saucer. The porcelain analogue greatly facilitates the task, which can only be wrapped in foil. The edges of the saucer, after we have made the background of the product, are pasted over with shells (Conchiglioni or Conchiglie).

5. Let's start creating a mug. The whole process is similar to making a saucer. The basis is a cup that does not have a handle, which is wrapped in foil. On this design, pasta is stacked row by row. The joints between these products are processed with an adhesive composition more carefully.

6. We make handles for a mug and a teapot from any kind of available pasta, the main thing is that they are in harmony with the objects. Of course, you can dream up and pick up some more materials, but still they will most harmoniously correspond to the chosen creative direction - only pasta.

7. We make the spout of the teapot from spaghetti.

8. The last element of the tea composition, the tray on which the resulting service will be placed, is the easiest to perform. On a flat, flat surface, lay the “wagon wheels” in rows and glue them together with PVA glue. Along the edges of this shape, with the help of shells, we create a border and let the resulting structure dry. After the final drying, resulting in the course of creative torment, the tray can be used for its intended purpose. It will be necessary to exclude, only the installation of hot objects on it.

9. The last step on the way to creating a unique tea set will be staining. The color of the paint for the design of the resulting pasta crafts chosen based on personal preference. It will be easier and faster to paint products with spray paint, which are sold everywhere today.

Despite the fact that you can’t drink from such a tea set, it’s quite possible to decorate the kitchen with it and boast of the beauty of the performance.

Pasta decorations

In addition to kitchen utensils, pasta crafts can also be timed to coincide with a holiday. For example, to such as the New Year.

We make a Christmas tree - a gift.

1. To create a Christmas tree shape, you need to choose a conical object on which the composition and pasta bows (Farfalle) will be glued.

2. Promazov the surface of the cone with PVA glue, from the bottom up we begin to glue the pasta in a checkerboard pattern. The order of laying the structural elements will resemble the natural arrangement of the branches of a tree, and therefore the upper “paws” of the pasta should “hang” over the lower ones. The height of such a Christmas tree depends on the number of rows that fit on the product, and therefore, keeping this in mind, you must immediately mark the desired distance, or then you will have to fantasize more to hide the resulting “emptiness”. In our case, we begin to fasten the material from the very bottom. After gluing, we leave our Christmas tree for the glue to dry.

3. The stages of coloring this figurine are somewhat different from the previous composition. In this case, the spray can is used after the final stage, while gouache paints will need to be applied at the very beginning. Having painted the structural elements before their “mounting” on the frame of the product.

4. A stand becomes a separate element of the Christmas tree. It is better to pick it up right away, like the conical part of the structure.

5. After completing work with a small Christmas tree, you can start creating large Christmas toys. The simplest and most spectacular will be pasta stars.

6. You can complement the decoration of a small "forest" beauty, created just with your own hands, with toys and the top of your head. To do this, you need to search the kitchen bins or in stores for pasta in the form of figures. They will serve as the most suitable types of toys.

In principle, the gift Christmas tree is ready, all that remains is to hand it over and you can start creating something else original.

Pasta box

In addition to a spectacular gift, you can try to create something useful from pasta raw materials. For example a box.

1. As a "building" material, you will need pasta in the form of shells, tubules and half rings. In accordance with the intended pattern, they are all pre-painted.

2. Cardboard will serve as the basis for the created box. You can make a box of certain sizes from it yourself, or the easiest way is to take the finished product and work with it.

3. Let's get to work. We begin to fold a voluminous flower, the shape of which will somewhat resemble a female kokoshnik. But it is only in something.

4. While the first element dries, proceed to the second. Along the perimeter of the box, we begin to lay out rows of half rings, alternating them with tubes. The gaps between the created pattern are filled with shells.

5. The flower made at the beginning is glued to the middle of the lid. From it, we shoot tubes and shells with rays in different directions. The lid of the box is made in the style of a tea service tray, only already on a prepared site, of a certain size.

6. While the structure dries up, we select legs for it. The best solution would be corks from plastic bottles. They are attached to the corners of the bottom of our box, on PVA.

7. As another option for a spectacular design pasta crafts, you can apply paint with a spray can only after all work is completed. In this case, by experimenting. you can combine for example gold with silver. Such a connection, as well as a perfectly formed pasta pattern, immediately turn the product into an object similar to crafts made from real expensive materials. It will look much richer and more elegant. The only thing, however, is the need to play around with such a craft, since in order to prevent various paints from falling into neighboring areas, they will have to be sealed with tape or covered with something for the duration of painting. But here you have to choose what you like.

Regardless of which option is preferred, the finished box will always be a good storage for jewelry, various knick-knacks, toys, stationery and sewing accessories. Both for little fashionistas, and for their mothers and grandmothers.

Pasta is not only a delicious side dish, but also an excellent material for creating all kinds of DIY crafts. After all, they are so easy to process, available in large quantities and in a variety of forms. For children of preschool and school age, "pasta needlework" will help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, but for adults it will become an exciting hobby. In this post, you'll find 15 DIY pasta craft ideas, 100 inspiring photo examples, some simple instructions, and a step-by-step tutorial on how to color pasta with food coloring.

Idea 1. Pasta angels

Crafts from pasta in the form of angels can be turned into a garland or a set of Christmas toys. They are made very simply, so you can easily make a whole lot of lovely angels with your child.


  • 20 mm wooden ball (for making the head).
  • Large tubules or Italian rigatoni (for the mantle).
  • Wheels or flowers (for the collar).
  • Horns (for hands).
  • Small stars (for decorating a dress, also suitable for simulating hair).
  • Ditalini (small tubular hair pasta).
  • Bows or butterflies (for wings).
  • Glue gun.


First, glue the wheel to the tube with hot glue, then the head-ball to the center of the wheel, and glue the wings-bows to the body under the collar.

Now glue the ditalini hair onto the ball in several rows. By the way, you can arrange small hair tubes in two ways - across the head and along. Finally, decorate the angel's mantle with stars: glue one on the collar and a few more on the hem.

Make as many angels as you want and then paint them. You can come up with your own design of angels or paint them white as in this master class. To do this, plant the figures on a few pencils or wooden skewers, stick them into the foam or into the ground, and then paint the angels with three layers of paint.

When all the figures are dry, using a marker with a very thin rod, draw closed eyes and a mouth on their faces.

Want to make your angels even prettier? Make a halo for them out of wire and gold beads, and paint the stars on the mantle with gold paint as shown in the photo.

The following selection of photos shows examples of angels made from pasta of other shapes.

Idea 2. Hair accessories

Pasta is so beautiful that you can even decorate your hair with it. So, for example, an ordinary hair band will become more elegant if you stick spikelets painted with gold spray paint on it.

You can also make a tiara for a little princess from the rim and the wheels and flowers glued together.

Butterflies can be used to make hair ornaments. To do this, they need to be decorated, and then glued to invisible, clips or hairpins.

Idea 3. "Jewelry" decorations

Here is another idea for ladies - earrings, bracelets, beads and macaroni necklaces. In the next selection of photos you can see examples of bead designs for younger girls. Children can make such accessories with their own hands even without the help of adults, because here you don’t even need glue, but only paints and threads.

But such necklaces, earrings and bracelets can be worn not only by young ladies, but also by their mothers.

By adding feathers to pasta beads, you will create decorations for an Indian party or children's games.

Idea 4. Panels and paintings from pasta

From pasta of different sizes, shapes and colors, you can create wall panels or “write” real paintings - portraits, landscapes, still lifes and abstract scenes. There are at least two techniques for making pasta paintings.

Method 1: Find a suitable embroidery pattern on the Internet and select the same small size pasta. For example, it can be very small tubes or stars. Paint the pasta in the desired colors (see at the end of the article), and then glue them to the canvas on a stretcher according to the selected embroidery pattern. You can glue the parts on PVA glue or hot glue (in this case, it is better to apply the glue to the pasta, and not to the canvas).

Method 2: Manually or using a ready-made / home-made stencil, sketch a sketch on the canvas. Think about what kind of pasta is suitable for your drawing. So, for example, spirals are suitable for depicting hair, tubes can depict the bricks of a house, shells can be themselves, and all small horns, stars, etc. can be used to “fill” or “draw” contours. You also need to plan what colors will be used for the painting. Keep in mind that you can make a composition not only from pasta, but also from cereals and beans. Having decided on the palette, paint the pasta (see at the end of the article), and then glue them in the right order.

The following selection of photos shows examples of pasta panels and paintings that children can make, for example, to decorate their room, for school assignments, or to give to a loved one.

And here are the ideas of crafts from cereals and pasta for creative adults.

Portrait of Ernest Hemingway from pasta and cereals

Abstract composition of spaghetti and pasta based on cds

Idea 5. Garland of butterflies

Depending on the color of the butterfly pasta, you can create garlands for the New Year, Easter, children's birthday, Halloween and any themed holiday.

You can also decorate a children's room with such pasta crafts.

Making a pasta garland is very easy. To do this, you only need a pretty thread, a pack or two of butterflies, and glitter paint or glue.

However, you can make a garland not only from bows, any curly pasta and tubules will do as in the photo below.

Idea 6. Organizer for stationery

Any glass and even a tin can can be turned into a pretty organizer for office supplies. To do this, you only need pasta, glue and acrylic paints.

Idea 7. Christmas decorations

From curly pasta, you can make wonderful Christmas decorations with your own hands. So, for example, wheels, flowers and shells easily fold into snowflakes. Moreover, the combinations of parts can be so different that each decoration on the Christmas tree will be unlike any other.

The principle of creating a pasta snowflake is simple - first a core is made from one or more parts, and then 5-6 rays are built up around it from different or identical pasta glued together. Before gluing the snowflake, the whole combination must be folded on paper and make sure that all the details fit together. After the glue dries, you can start painting. If you want to cover the craft with sparkles, then you need to do this immediately after staining so that the sparkles have time to grab the paint. Spray the snowflake with hairspray for a better hold on the glitter. In the next photo slider, the stages of work are presented clearly.

And here are other options for Christmas toys that are easy to make with your own hands from pasta.

Idea 8. Pasta box

A box of wheels or flowers may seem like the result of the finest work of a master, but, in fact, anyone can make such a craft with their own hands. To do this, you need to pick up a small box, line up the bottom of the box according to its size, then assemble the walls of the box with glue directly around the walls of the box, and finally, make a lid of the appropriate size. If desired, handles assembled from several parts can be glued to the sides of the box, and legs can be glued to the bottom. Next, the lid and the box should be connected to each other using pieces of flexible plastic or leather. When the product is ready, it remains only to cover it with spray paint.

There is also an easier way to make a box of pasta with your own hands, when a finished box or box is taken as the basis, and pasta is used only for decoration.

The main thing here is to create beautiful and neat patterns and carefully paint over both the box itself and the pasta decorations. For painting such pasta crafts, it is best to use aerosol cans.

Idea 9. Bookmark for a book

Figured pasta, for example, bows, can perfectly decorate bookmarks for books and textbooks.

To make the bookmark itself, you need to cut a rectangle out of cardboard, glue it with scrapbooking paper (or any other beautiful paper), and then laminate the bookmark with transparent tape.

Pasta can simply be dyed in bright colors and/or covered with glitter as in this master class. To make the pasta shiny, you only need to process it with PVA glue, sprinkle generously with glitter and brush off the excess.

After 2-3 hours, when the glue becomes transparent and dries, pasta can be glued to the bookmarks using a glue gun.

Idea 10. Postcards with pasta decor

The same bows or, say, pasta hearts can be used to make DIY postcards. The principle of operation remains the same as for making bookmarks (see Idea No. 9). And here is a selection of photo examples of "pasta" postcards.

Idea 11. Elegant photo frames

Curly pasta can decorate frames for photos, paintings or posters. To do this, you only need hot glue, a frame, paints and the pasta itself. In the following selection of photos, you can get frame decor ideas for children and adults.

Idea 14. Mini tree

If you like the idea of ​​making pasta angels, garlands or Christmas decorations, then we suggest adding a pasta Christmas tree to your collection of New Year's decor. This craft would look great on a holiday table, console table, or mantelpiece.


Prepare thick paper or cardboard, a glass bottle or a large glass, hot glue, spray paint (for example, gold), a pack of butterfly pasta and some additional decor like beads. Cut a semicircle out of cardboard, roll it into a cone and fix it with glue. Keep in mind that the higher the height of the cardboard, the taller the tree will be. Putting the cone on the bottle, start sticking butterflies in one row on its lower edge. Then proceed to the second row, but now place the pasta so that they overlap the gaps in the first row.

Continue gluing the butterflies in the same way to the very top so that the cone is completely hidden under the Christmas tree "branches". When the glue dries, spray the tree with paint and then glue on the beads to decorate.

In the next selection of photos, you can get other ideas for creating Christmas trees from pasta.

Idea 15. Christmas wreath

Another DIY pasta craft idea for celebrating New Year, Christmas or Easter is a pasta wreath. To make it, you will need a foam hoop blank, glue, figured pasta, ribbons, paints and the rest of the decor.

Master class - How to color pasta

In some cases, pasta crafts can and should be painted only after they are made. For example, if you are gluing several parts, then the paint will have to cover both the gluing points and, possibly, some flaws. Suitable for this purpose:

  • Gouache;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Nail polishes;
  • Aerosol paints.

But sometimes it is better to paint pasta in bulk and before starting work. For this purpose, all the same standard paints or ... food colors are suitable.

Below is an instruction on how you can use them to color pasta quickly and easily.


  • Alcohol or vinegar;
  • Food coloring in desired colors;
  • Resealable plastic bags (based on one bag per 1 dye);
  • Tablespoon;
  • Napkins.

Step 1: Fill ziplock bags with pasta about ¼ cup each.

Step 2. Add 2 tbsp to each package. l alcohol or 3-4 tbsp. l vinegar in a bag.

Step 3 Add 5 to 10 drops of food coloring, depending on the intensity of the color you want to achieve. Close the bag by releasing air from it.

Step 4. Gently shake the bag so that the dye and alcohol cover all the pasta.

Step 5. Remove the pasta from the bag, put it on a napkin or parchment paper and leave it to dry completely for 3 hours or overnight.

If you and your child are tired of brightening up your leisure time with plasticine modeling, drawing, coloring, making various applications on the theme of spring, winter, autumn, summer and the like, then there is a great win-win option - to do unusual creative work, as a result of which your house will turn into to true splendor. And guess what our needlework will be connected with, of course, this is pasta. Do not be surprised, because their purpose is not only to nourish and saturate us, but also to fascinate with beautiful works of art in the form of paintings, spectacular decorative dishes, caskets, animal figurines, fairy-tale characters and so on. If this is really some kind of innovation for you, then take a look at our article. In it, we will provide you with 10 photo ideas for unusual pasta crafts with master classes for beginners and video tutorials that will certainly come in handy in your home art. So, let's get started, dear friends!

Christmas pasta wreath

Pasta crafts can be different, both everyday and festive. So, for example, you can make a Christmas wreath with your own hands with your child. And what, the material at hand, which is required for creativity, is always at hand with our caring housewives. It remains only to awaken your imagination and desire. And for this, we recommend you our step-by-step master class for beginners, which will reveal to you the inexhaustible possibilities of needlework, and for free.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • stationery glue;
  • pasta of various shapes;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbon;
  • golden spray paint.
  • bell with a bow for decorating the finished product.

Work process:

  1. For this pasta craft with a master class for beginners, you need to familiarize yourself with it so that the work turns out to be neat and beautiful in appearance, like in a store. To do this, we will first need to make a cardboard base in the form of a dense ring with our own hands, the size of which will depend on the size of your future product.
  2. After the cardboard base is ready, we need to start decorating it with pasta. We take glue and, turning on our imagination, we attach various figures so that no gaps in the work can be seen. You can refer to our photo or create something of your own, more beautiful.
  3. Upon completion of the assembly stage of the Christmas wreath, we need to decorate it. We take golden spray paint and process our product completely with it.
  4. As a decor, you can use a red satin ribbon. She should wrap our craft, and glue the cut ends with glue.
  5. At the base of the wreath we hang a bell with a bow. Here's a New Year's alternative to store-bought holiday items. Try and you will certainly succeed!

decorative cup

A cup made of pasta can be used for decor, as well as crafts for kindergarten. Use only a little imagination and be patient, as a result you will have a joint activity with your child. To understand how to make a cup with your own hands, you can see a detailed description with step-by-step instructions in our master class for beginners.

You will need:

  • Pasta,
  • Cup,
  • food film,
  • PVA glue,
  • Paints.

Working process:

  1. We wrap the cup with cling film so that its edges are bent inside the cup.
  2. We apply glue to the bottom of the cup and begin to put the flour products on the glue, not forgetting to coat between them.
  3. When the bottom is ready, we begin to glue the walls of the cup with flour figures from below. Thus, you need to glue the entire cup, leaving only the handle.
  4. We wait several hours until the glue dries completely.
  5. Remove the cup from our blank and continue to glue the pasta to the place where the handle was.
  6. Further, from the same improvised material we make a handle for our craft.
  7. You can glue small flour figures in the form of shells or circles on the top edge to make the edge of the cup look smoother.
  8. When the product is completely dry, you need to paint over the entire cup with white paint, and the edges with silver.
  9. With the help of small pasta, you can make a decoration for our cup in the form of a snowflake or a star, and paint it in silver. Our cup is ready!

Video: do-it-yourself pasta cup making master class

Pasta box

For little fashionistas from pasta, you can make a very beautiful and unusual jewelry box with your own hands. This craft is not only beautiful, but also useful. Any little fashionista will like not only her appearance, but she will get great pleasure from the work done together with her mother. To do this, you can use our instructions with a step-by-step description in the master class for beginners.

You will need:

  • Pasta of different varieties,
  • cardboard box,
  • PVA glue,
  • Paints.

Working process:

Video: master class on making a box of pasta with your own hands

Flower "Rose" from pasta

If you really like flowers and want to surround yourself with them everywhere and always, then we invite you, dear needlewomen, to study our interesting and useful master class for beginners. He will give you a wonderful photo idea of ​​how you can create a whole bouquet of roses from ordinary pasta. This craft, by the way, is also suitable for a gift to your grandmothers, mothers and just friends. Let's start!

For work you will need:

  • pasta in the form of scallops;
  • glue for foam;
  • green wire;
  • spray paint red and green;
  • small foam ball
  • pasta in the form of spikes.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take a foam ball and attach a green wire to it, the length of which will depend on the size of the stem of your future flower.
  2. Attach pasta in the form of scallops neatly to our foam base. This must be done tightly, trying to avoid even the slightest distance between the flour elements.
  3. When the rosebud is ready, we will need to decorate it with red using spray paint. This work is also done carefully.
  4. Now we need to create leaflets for our craft. We glue together flour products in the form of ears so that they resemble a leaf. We paint them with green spray paint and attach them to the wire stem of our flower. It is necessary to create several such blanks.
  5. When the rose is completely made, start creating the next flower, as you should end up with a bouquet consisting of three or five branches of decorations. It's so easy to make a cool bouquet at home, especially in the winter, when you really want warmth, sunshine and the fragrance of summer.

Curly pasta hedgehog

From pasta, you can make a very cute hedgehog that will decorate your interior and surprise your friends. The main thing is that even small children of 3, 4, 5, 6 years old can cope with such work. You can also use such a hedgehog as a craft in kindergarten or at an exhibition. To understand how to make such a hedgehog, check out our tutorial for beginners with step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • Macaroni (spiral, small stars and one medium-sized shell),
  • Salty dough,
  • Bow,
  • Beads for decoration and for the eye,
  • PVA glue.

Working process:

Pasta application

For very young children, a simple but no less beautiful craft is perfect - pasta appliqué. Such an application, made with your own hands, can be attributed to kindergarten and school in grade 1. Let's see the detailed instructions of our master class for beginners on how to make this creation.

You will need:

  • A sheet of paper or colored cardboard
  • Pasta rings, leaves,
  • Black pepper,
  • Marker brown,
  • PVA glue,
  • Dye.

Working process:

  1. We color in advance all the details of our application. The leaves are green, the rings are golden, the pepper is red.
  2. Paste the pasta in the form of rings around the edges of the cardboard so that a frame is obtained.
  3. Mark the branches with a felt-tip pen.
  4. Glue leaves and pepper berries around the branches.
  5. You can also glue a few berries in a free order.
  6. When all the details are glued, paint the background of our craft in yellow so that there is a white background near the branches, berries and frame. In this way, you can make various applications that will look very beautiful.

Original Christmas tree

On New Year's Eve, we all decorate our home, and handmade crafts bring a special atmosphere and comfort to the room. And one of these decorations can be a beautiful Christmas tree made of pasta. You can make it together with your child and bring comfort to your home. To do this, we recommend that you view our step-by-step master class for beginners.

You will need:

  • Pasta (bows, stars),
  • Cardboard,
  • Scissors,
  • disposable glass,
  • glue gun,
  • Spray paint green and gold.

Working process:

  1. We remove the leg from the glass and begin to glue it with pasta - bows from the wide part, moving up. Stick the bows vertically.
  2. As you get closer to the top, start gluing half of the bow so that the tree has a natural taper towards the top.
  3. Take two legs from wine glasses and glue them together so that the wide parts are on the outside.
  4. Now glue our leg to the Christmas tree with glue.
  5. Color the craft with green paint.
  6. Paint the pasta in the form of stars in golden color and, when the paint dries, decorate the Christmas tree with these “toys”.
  7. In order to decorate the top of the Christmas tree, you need to glue several flour figures together to make a star. Glue it on top. We got a very elegant and beautiful Christmas tree!

Christmas tree house made of pasta

We offer you our original and colorful pasta craft with a step-by-step master class for beginner adults and their children. If you liked the idea in the photo, then rather to make it at home.

For work you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • stationery glue;
  • scissors;
  • pasta in the form of pipes, bows and spirals;
  • spray paint;
  • acrylic paint red and white;
  • wooden stand;
  • loop cord.

Manufacturing process:

  1. From colored cardboard we make four equal walls of the house and the floor. We glue them together. The size of the product should be whatever you like.
  2. We make a roof from a rectangular piece of cardboard by bending it in half. We fix the finished roof on the walls of the house. Stationery glue will help connect all the details of the craft. Do not forget to immediately take care of the loop for hanging the future toy on the Christmas tree. We place it on the base of the roof. You can glue it, or you can simply tie the ends of the lace into a knot at the moment when the roof itself was just being made.
  3. On a wooden stand or on the one you have, we install our product and proceed to decorate it with pasta. We do it, as in the provided photo. We decorate the walls, roof, cardboard fence. Flour products must first or at the end of the work be painted over with acrylic or aerosol paints. How convenient for you, dear friends!

Decorative basket for sweets

You can impress with your handicrafts by serving sweets for tea in a beautiful pasta basket. Making such a craft is very simple, you just need a little patience, and the result will please you. This basket is suitable for children 5, 6, 7, 8 years old. Let's move on to the master class for beginners with detailed instructions, as well as photos and videos.

You will need:

  • Pasta (wheels, shells, leaves, spirals),
  • spray paint,
  • PVA glue,
  • Balloon,
  • Marker.

Working process:

  1. We inflate a medium-sized balloon so that the basket is neat.
  2. With a felt-tip pen, mark a line horizontally - this will be the edge of the basket.
  3. We apply glue, starting from the very bottom (bottom), glue the pasta in the form of wheels, and continue to glue to the marked line.
  4. Next, we make a basket handle from flour figures in the form of leaves. We glue them in two rows slightly at an angle from each other.
  5. We wait until the glue is completely dry, then we burst the ball and get an almost finished craft that needs to be decorated.
  6. Decorate with pasta in the form of shells along the top edge of the basket and on the top of the handle.
  7. At the junction of the base of the basket and the handle we glue a round flour figure, and along the edges of it - spirals. Such a composition will resemble the sun.
  8. When everything is dry, we start painting. Cover the basket completely with blue paint, and paint the decorative details (shells and the sun) in silver. So your vase will look more spectacular.

Video: do-it-yourself pasta basket making master class

In the modern world, there are a lot of developing techniques and kits for creativity, designed to develop the creative perception and imagination of the child at all stages of his development. Handy materials deserve special attention, which include, in particular, pasta.

The food industry makes them in various shapes, colors and sizes. This allows you to fully enjoy the process of not only eating them deliciously, but also using them as a basis for making a variety of pasta crafts.

What can you need for an exciting pastime? Consumables for making children's pasta crafts are often pasta of different shapes and colors. You don't have to buy expensive colored pasta! It is enough to take gouache or an aerosol can of paint, and the most ordinary horns, tubes or bows will turn into a beautiful bright material for creativity.

If you are creating with a baby, use the sizes of pasta appropriate for the development and age of your child. Also, always keep an eye on the process to avoid being swallowed and swallowed by the youngest masters!

Also, for creativity, you will need PVA glue or any other fast and strong glue, cardboard, colored paper and scissors. Further, the process depends only on the flight of your imagination.

Types of pasta crafts

Increasingly, at school exhibitions or children's competitions, you can find a large number of pasta crafts, because they are a universal material for creativity. Below we will consider in detail the main techniques for using pasta for fakes and children's leisure. On the Internet, there are more master classes and methods on how to develop a child using such unpretentious material. So let's get started!

Application - simple, fast, beautiful!

The most common pasta craft for children is an applique. Both young children and older children can be involved in the process. The only requirement is perseverance and, of course, the help of an adult. The main consumables are leftover pasta of various types from the kitchen.

  1. Cut out any picture from a sheet of plain paper - be it a house, a butterfly, a flower, a typewriter or something else.
  2. Glue this picture onto a sheet of thick cardboard.
  3. With a brush, apply PVA glue on top of it with a not too thick layer.
  4. Small hands lay out pasta of various shapes and colors. Thus, fine motor skills and attentiveness of the baby are trained and developed.

You can prepare a blank picture in advance and stick pasta together with your child, creating your own unique story!

You just need to take a sheet of paper to decorate it, creating a canvas for the application. Pasta in the form of funny animals can live in a painted forest, and pasta in the form of fish can swim in a painted sea or on the bottom of a painted aquarium.

Decorate the bottom of the sea or aquarium with noodles, after painting it green. The theme of the application depends only on you and, in fact, on the pasta that you can find in the store.

Below we have placed options for crafts that you can easily do with your child:

Interior crafts for room and home

Together with children of three years of age and older, you can use pasta to make interior products. These do-it-yourself pasta crafts will delight little geniuses and become a unique decoration for your home.

Alternatively, these can be homemade photo frames lined with flower or tube-shaped pasta along the edges. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Take the most ordinary photo frame and cover it with a thick layer of PVA glue.
  2. Together with your child, start gluing pasta of various shapes.
  3. You can add such embellishments with beads and ribbons at your own discretion.
  4. After the pasta is finally glued to the frame, it is necessary to apply aerosol paint from a spray can on top of them or decorate everything with gouache by hand.

Not only a photo frame, but also an ordinary vase, covered with PVA glue, and then lined with curly pasta and decorated by a child, will decorate any room and become a wonderful memory and memory for many years to come!

Accessories for little fashionistas and their parents

Young fashionistas can make a crown on their head from pasta of various shapes and colors, like a real fairy princess! All you need is some free time and:

  • hoop;
  • glue;
  • pasta;
  • paints.

Take the base, which can serve as an old hoop, preferably plastic. Apply glue to it and attach pasta along one or two tiers. Decorate the finished crown at your discretion with gouache.

And together with the child, you can string pasta-scallops on a thread, then paint them with paints and make a bracelet on your hand or a pendant.

And pasta-butterflies, pre-decorated with an aerosol can and varnished, can become a wonderful brooch for a little fashionista's favorite outfit. To do this, you will need: a brooch, a piece of coarse fabric (for example, felt) and instant glue.

  1. It is necessary to apply a layer of glue on a flap of fabric and stick it to the brooch.
  2. As soon as the base dries well, drip a couple more drops of glue on top of it and plant a colored pasta butterfly.
  3. Decoration is ready!

Educational pasta games

Pasta is an ideal material for games with children of the first year of life. DIY pasta crafts for playing with a baby can be done by every mother without spending much time and money.

With the help of pasta, you can teach your baby to distinguish the colors that surround him in everyday life. Considering the fact that children under one year old put everything in their mouths, stock up on larger pasta. Then cover them with child-safe paint using the basic color palette. Everything, great material for the gameplay is ready!

Tube-shaped or butterfly-shaped pasta can be used as counting sticks. For ease of use, they can be painted in a neutral color and laid out on the table one by one, studying the account and such a concept as many and few.

In the future, it will be possible to ask the child to independently choose a certain amount of pasta from the general pile at the request of an adult.

The assortment of pasta on supermarket shelves makes it a great choice for a baby's first sorter. For such an activity, you need to buy special children's pasta in the form of animals or geometric shapes. Next, make boxes with compartments from improvised materials, or simply use ordinary transparent disposable cups.

Set the task for the child to put figures of a certain shape into the compartments of the box or cups, gradually filling them. Thus, the baby will learn not only to concentrate, but also succeed in the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Thematic products from pasta and cereals

With the help of pasta and cereals, you can create original themed crafts for the holidays. We have selected for you the most interesting, in our opinion, ideas for hand-made gifts for loved ones for a particular holiday date.

Do-it-yourself gift for the New Year

The most important and beloved winter holiday is undoubtedly the New Year. The central place is given to the main beauty - a magnificently decorated Christmas tree. A pasta Christmas tree craft will surely become not only a nice gift, but also a thematic addition to a festively decorated room. To make such a Christmas tree, you need pasta (the larger they are, the more magnificent the product will turn out), a sheet of thick cardboard, glue and a can of spray paint of the color that your Christmas tree will be.

The manufacturing principle is as follows:

  1. A piece of thick cardboard must be rolled into a cone and glue the edges with Moment type glue or with a glue gun.
  2. This is followed by the most time-consuming moment - gluing the pasta around the cone. The most successful option is to use tubular pasta with oblique ends. Yes, this process is very long and tiring, but the result is worth it!
  3. When all the pasta is glued, you can take a can of paint and boldly paint the Christmas tree. For a brighter and more saturated color, it is better to apply the paint in several layers.
  4. To make the Christmas tree stand more confidently, make a stand for it from improvised materials, and also lay out illuminated festive lights around its base. A perky New Year's mood will be provided to you and your family!

With the help of simple products that are in every home and in every kitchen, you can make wonderful crafts from cereals and pasta with your own hands. By the bright Easter holiday, be sure to try creating wonderful postcards for relatives or a festive panel.

  1. Draw or print any thematic drawing on a sheet of cardboard - a chicken that sits in an egg, an Easter bunny or Easter cake.
  2. With a coarse brush, apply PVA glue in the right places and with small cereals (rice, millet, corn grits, etc.) lay out the drawing.
  3. With thin pasta (such as noodles or spaghetti), make a frame along the outline of the postcard.
  4. When the cereal dries, you can color the rice with paints.

It's so simple and in a short period of time you will get an original Easter card or craft made from cereals and pasta.

On the holiday of March 8 or Mother's Day, you can make the cutest flowers from pasta and plasticine for a gift to your mother or grandmother. Roll the balls of the desired size from plasticine, which will serve as the center of the future flower. Then carefully recreate the flower petals from some form of pasta.

As a result, you should get a voluminous fluffy flower, which will only have to attach a stem from any thin wire or pencil. The flower arrangement might look something like this:

Sources of inspiration for creating masterpieces

Sources of inspiration for making crafts from pasta and improvised materials are usually all sorts of entries in Internet magazines and blogs. Master classes of pasta crafts can be viewed on the youtube channel and step by step following the author to create a wonderful product.

If you are still wondering how to make a unique pasta craft, we want to offer you a master class on making a vase with flowers from pasta.

You will need:

  • any curly pasta;
  • a can of nuts or a lid from an old thermos;
  • glue gun;
  • Scotch;
  • aerosol enamel.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Glue curly pasta to a tin or lid by applying glue from a gun to the base, leaning them in a circle. Rows of pasta should be perfectly textured so that the vase looks neat.
  2. Then make a handle for the future vase. For example, by folding scallops in two rows.
  3. Using adhesive tape, carefully remove the glue droplets that may stand out during gluing.
  4. Your vase is ready. If desired, decorate it with gouache or with a can of paint.
  5. Cornflower flowers can be made from pasta in the form of bows. To do this, split the bow in half, and then split each half in half again. Glue them with a glue gun and plant the bud on a thick wire.
  6. Leaves can be made from flat types of pasta. If the flowers are decorated with bright multi-colored gouache, then your bouquet will be just like a real one.
  7. Fill the void in the vase with millet or other cereals, and then insert cornflowers into the vase. So the vase will stand steadily, and the flowers will not bend.
  8. The craft is ready. We can safely say that a gift made with your own hands and love will give warm memories to your loved ones.

As you can see, such a seemingly ordinary product as pasta can become an excellent material for creativity and even the development of your child. To start creating, just stock up on a variety of pasta, inspiration and read our article! Great mood for you and your children will be guaranteed!

Do-it-yourself pasta crafts can be made even by the youngest art lovers. Often, it is pasta that becomes one of the first materials that children learn in kindergarten and at home: first they learn to sort through them, sorting them by size and shape, and then they begin to create different pictures and three-dimensional figures from them.

The creation of such crafts does not imply the constant and direct participation of an adult - the teacher can simply explain the progress of work and observe the process that children usually cope with on their own.

The simplest pasta crafts for children are an applique using a key element made according to a template. For example, if you glue the muzzle of a lion to a sheet of paper in advance, all that remains is to lay out its mane with long pasta.

For gluing pasta, it is better to use transparent stationery glue or a glue gun.

You can prepare the core of the flower and its stem with a chenille leaf, and turn the pasta into petals.

If the pasta is pre-colored, the scope for creativity will become even wider.

So, a few colored pastas and an ice cream stick painted with bright colors easily turn into an elegant dragonfly.

Very interesting applications are obtained from colored pasta.

You can lay out a beautiful Christmas tree with green pasta.

The Christmas tree can be painted - it will turn out very touching and elegant.

Interesting pictures can be created using pasta in the form of bows.

Pasta "bows"

They are very easy to turn into fragile colorful butterflies and grass.

The image of butterflies is completed by the antennae painted with a felt-tip pen and the bright trajectories of their flight.

From pasta "horns" you get very beautiful scales for a fish.

Application of pasta "Fish"

From pasta "small shells", amazingly touching leaves are obtained.

Application of pasta "Autumn tree"

If pasta is boiled, then from them and other products you can create a real edible application!

Craft from products "Steam locomotive"

From an ordinary cardboard box and pasta, you can create a stand for pens and pencils.

Mosaic of pasta "Flowers"

Sliced ​​and dyed pasta can make amazing mosaics. As a basis, we can take any mass for modeling, which tends to harden in air. By pressing pasta, we create any desired pattern or image.

A mosaic of pasta "Flowers" can be created even by our smallest student.

You can create a bigger flower. By laying out colored pasta, you can create more complex images.

Mosaic "flower"

Such simple ideas will help the kids take a fresh look at pasta that is familiar to them and will certainly become the basis for creating unique, inimitable, children's masterpieces.

DIY Easter egg from pasta

Pasta snowflake (option 1)

From pasta, you can create a beautiful Christmas decoration "Snowflake". Creating crafts is possible if you have a different type of pasta: spaghetti, "spirals", "bows", "rounded bows".

We break the spaghetti into two parts and put it into piles of 3-4 pasta. We need to glue the spaghetti together. At the end of the glued spaghetti, a “rounded bow” is glued.

Cut out the paper snowflake base.

We fix the glued pasta on a paper basis. We decorate the paper base with bow pasta.

Glue the "bows"

We decorate the rays of the snowflakes with pasta “rounded bow” and put them on the bows inside the snowfields. Coloring the snowflake in frosty colors. Our beautiful snowflake is ready!

Pasta snowflake (option 2)

You can make a slightly different pasta snowflake. To do this, we glue together five pasta "shells". We get the middle of the snowflake.

We connect five pasta "shells"

Glue spirals to the edges of the middle. Glue the shells between the spirals.

Color our snowflake white and sprinkle with sparkles.

It remains to tie a white openwork ribbon to the snowflake. Our New Year's pasta craft is ready!

Christmas tree made of pasta with your own hands

Another great option for pasta crafts is to make a beautiful Christmas tree out of them. To do this, we twist a cone out of cardboard. We begin to glue pasta “feathers” to the cone.

We decorate the entire cone in this way.

Paint the Christmas tree green.

Decorate the ends of the pasta with glue or glitter gel. Glue decorative bells and bows. Christmas tree of pasta is ready!

Look at the video, what other pasta crafts you can do with your own hands: