What to do if there is no sense of style. Natural gift or acquired ability. Style as the ability to present yourself in the best light

"Bad taste has limits,

only good taste endless" /Coco Chanel/

Every woman, however, like a man, is interested in the question - how to dress tastefully, elegantly and fashionably every day. A person with good taste always exists and feels himself to the place and time, because he strives for harmony between the external and internal world. But, you see, it’s not quite easy (this is especially true material side) follow the latest fashion trends.

Taste is the art of being in harmony with the surrounding world; this is a quality that does not appear in a person with his birth, but is instilled and educated from birth, and in the future - this is the work of the person himself on himself.

If a person from the very early age gets acquainted with the beauty and the eternal canons of beauty, it is much easier for him to develop a good taste. Constantly expanding our horizons and discovering new things, we improve our taste. Good taste is often associated with a sense of style, although the two are completely different. different concepts like fashion and art.

Taste in clothes and sense of style are closely connected, first of all, with the environment in which you are, in which you were brought up. It is possible to develop good taste, as well as a good ear for music. It is best, of course, to do this in childhood, when the psyche absorbs everything “like a sponge”. In adulthood, this becomes more difficult, but it is possible - with a steady interest and - without it in any way - by regularly exercising. That is, study, study and study again!

Don't chase quantity. No wonder quality and quantity are considered two opposite categories. It’s better to buy one quality pair of boots that will last you for several years than to buy a cheap pair every year that you can barely carry, as your toes are already starting to “beg for porridge” by the end of the season.

Quality is above all. Very young girls can afford to wear cheap things, because youth and beauty are the best decoration, and they themselves are probably not yet earning for their wardrobe. But adult woman should always look great, preferring quality made things from natural materials.

You don't have to blindly follow fashion. Fashion trends - that's why they are trends, so that today they fly through the streets and alleys, and tomorrow they disappear without a trace. Not all fashion clothes suitable for any people. What compromises are you willing to make to follow fashion? First of all, you need to remember that the most important thing in clothing is how it sits. And if it frankly doesn’t suit you or even disfigures it, then it doesn’t matter in which design house it was invented. A woman wears clothes, not the other way around. Don't forget about it!

You need to learn how to dress with taste by studying your body type. Even the most beautiful and stylish thing will look tasteless if it is incorrectly selected and does not sit well on you. Clothing should emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws. For example, if you have far from model appearance, do not emphasize it short skirts, skinny jeans and T-shirts. Better emphasize the beauty of the chest with a lifting bra and a deep neckline.

Buy a few glossy magazines in stores and kiosks. They publish articles containing tips on how to dress with taste, there you can also find sections on fashion trends. Blindly following fashion is not worth it, but choosing from there a few ideas that suit your style will not hurt. Watch on TV programs showing the reincarnations of people, on television there are such in large numbers. There professional stylists giving advice to women different ages, height and complexion about what suits them and what does not.

Similar advice can be found on the Internet, articles on fashion, advice from stylists, interviews with fashion designers are also there, on special sites. You will only have to coordinate the proposed ideas with personal preferences.

Sort out your wardrobe. Unsuitable for the type of figure, discard the old things, and arrange the rest in combinations of colors and styles. Try not to wear clothes at the same time different styles and mismatched colors. In advance, make several suitable combinations from the available wardrobe items. It is possible that the old forgotten thing will sparkle with new colors in combination with other things, complemented by stylish accessories.

Classic for all time. If in any case you do not know what to wear, then wear something classic. This is a way that will not allow you to fall into the mud on your face or trip on slippery slope fashion.

Color. Very often you can meet people who wear poorly matching clothes of a wide variety of colors. It looks more like they are going to camouflage themselves among tropical birds, but even they, known for their bright colors, are even more reserved. If you are not sure of your taste, choose time-tested color combinations.

Choose the colors that suit you. The wardrobe should be in harmony with the shade of hair, eyes and skin. Besides, dark colors will help to hide the fullness, and bright ones will draw attention to the merits of the figure.

Be wise when shopping for clothes. It is better to buy several sets that can be combined with each other than dozens of motley things, some of which you will never wear. Find the right combination of price and quality for you. The high cost of things is sometimes due to the quality of fabric and production, and sometimes only to a famous brand. Most people will not pay attention to what brand your clothes are. But if it is small for you or does not decorate at all imperfect figure, that's no good! So don't fall victim to fashion.

Believe me, it's better to buy one designer thing than ten T-shirts with the famous logo. No one will believe that a real Armani or Burberry costs $10. And when the whole city is literally flooded with the same things, it seems that their owners were raised in an incubator.

Linen. Buy only really high-quality and beautiful underwear. Even if it is not visible under clothes, you yourself know about it. It's impossible to feel like a queen when you wear holey tights under your trousers.

Only nice shoes. Sometimes you can save a little on clothes, but shoes should always be of high quality. It is for her that most people form an opinion about the image of a person, and it is shoes that some people pay least attention. You don't have to spend half your salary on it. quality shoes you can buy very inexpensively, if you do not chase brands.

Aroma. Perfume is an indicator that a woman is serious about her style. You may prefer a certain fragrance all your life or change it depending on your mood, but having your own perfume is very important. They must be real, not fake.

Everything must be in harmony. Choose clothes according to where you are going in them. Coming to the theater in sneakers or walking on ten-centimeter high heels on fresh grass is not only inappropriate, but sometimes even traumatic.

Don't try to be someone else. Choose clothes so that they emphasize your dignity, become an extension of your character. Then the integrity of the image and a tasteful wardrobe will allow you to really look great.

If you want to develop your taste and sense of style, regularly devote time and some internal resources to:

- admire nature in the richness of its colors and phenomena, noting subtle nuances colors, the play of light and shadow, textures, the variability of its states (clouds run across the sky, green buds open, dusk descends ...)

- look at works of art: paintings by artists, sculptures, architectural creations, etc., paying attention to details and, of course, what strings they affect in you (what, roughly speaking, “catches” you and why)

— to develop the ability to contemplate, to enjoy the beauty of the world, absorbing it into oneself, to see beauty in everything: in every moment, in a person: to notice, to be inspired.

look at beautiful people, be interested in the history of fashion, stylish and interesting, from your point of view, personalities of the past and present, borrow what you like;

- learn to distinguish between shades of colors, textures of fabrics, styles of clothing, types of cut, proportions of the human body;

- make peace with your nature; accept and love what is given to you from birth: your body, color and features of the skin, hair, eyes and other traits, including character, inclinations;

- learn to understand your natural data: figure, features of your color scheme, in other words, determine your type of figure and find out what is best for him, find out your color type, decide which lines prevail in your face and body: soft or clear, what would you like to highlight, and what, on the contrary, to disguise; What are your "highlights"?

Also, clothing should be appropriate. For a picnic - jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers, to the theater - a dress, shoes and a clutch, to the office - formal suit. If you do not comply with these simple rules then fashion and style will be yours sworn enemies, and you will not be haunted by exclamations of admiration, but by sympathetic looks.

If you are a bright personality with clear ideas about what beauty and style are, then no fashion trends you don't need. You are your own source of fashion. And those around you look up to you. In the end, many simply do not care what people think of them. And there is something in this.

Be fashion's colleague, not its slave. Develop good taste in yourself and always dress appropriately and beautifully.

There is a famous saying: "There is no limit to perfection."

And every person tries to strive for it. Literally at every step on the net you can find articles that offer to find out if you have a sense of style.

Turning to the Internet, you can understand that everything is more than banal. Some recommend completely sorting out and buying more fashion glossy magazines.

Others advise you to start by studying your own, and then buy some things. Moreover, among them there must be several classic styles and colours.

If you turn to professionals, they will tell you what to pay attention to and what not to do at all.

Below are nine steps that will guide you towards developing neatness and taste.

1. Confidence in your beauty is half the battle.

As it turned out, the sense of style and taste directly depends on self-esteem and self-confidence. There are those who can help in "increasing" the sensations of their irresistibility.

  • At home, you need to dress like a friend will run in for tea any minute. Not in stretched leggings and a washed out T-shirt to meet her? No, you don't need extra frills either. Pretty clean and tidy appearance.
  • Get your hands right. You can get a manicure. So what if the varnish comes off tomorrow? The main thing is that today you will feel beautiful.
  • The head should be clean, and the hair should be neat.

    3. Broadening your horizons

    You can introduce a rule: systematically look at photos of clothes, shoes, some images, in general. You can study new collections of branded clothes of the European level. They have new seasons.

    Walking on the street, you should pay attention to the appearance of others. So you can find some interesting combinations or, on the contrary, unsuccessful. Thus, you can take something interesting and useful for your images from someone else's experience.

    Tracking fashion trends will eventually become a kind of island of relaxation. In separate bookmarks or folders, you can save options that you like. When studying photographs, a sense of taste develops.

    4. Emphasize advantages, hide disadvantages

    Each figure has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to decide what needs to be hidden, and which parts of the body, on the contrary, should be emphasized.

    If in doubt, it is worth trying on several images. It can be tailored, fitted skirt with loose top, tight top with fluffy skirt.

    So it will be possible to decide exactly what is better to highlight and what to hide. In the future, choosing clothes, you should be guided by this. You need to look for what suits your figure and you like it.

    Expensive clothes may not always be good. Therefore, you do not need to immediately run to haute couture boutiques and buy everything that catches your eye. The wardrobe should reflect your character and personality traits.

    5. More variety

    Do not be afraid to experiment with colors, styles, accessories. If in the wardrobe things are presented in “fifty shades of gray”, what kind of taste can we talk about?

    It is very difficult to imagine a wardrobe of a fashionista, which consists only of basic things. There must be bright and unusual elements that will characterize your personality.

    6. Change should be gradual

    Everyone eventually understands that it is time to change something in life. And then it is important not to overdo it. It is better, for starters, to pick up one thing for the wardrobe in a new style.

    It should be such that it can be put on right now. When choosing an element of clothing, it is necessary to mentally scroll through future images.

    Why is it worth doing it? First of all, for the development own style you can treat yourself a little. You will also feel refreshed and uplifted. This will inspire future taste development.

    7. The image must be created

    Is it possible to distinguish stylish woman from the usual? Certainly. It is important to remember that style is a holistic image, where every detail is thought out.

    As mentioned earlier, you need to imagine images and combinations when buying new thing. There should be at least one option in your head. As an exception, you can purchase this item as the first. Over time, buying what you need.

    The main thing is the image in the head.

    Clothes are a reflection of the soul. Looking through photos, evaluating styles, choosing colors, you are looking for perfect combination. And here it is - perfect!

    Here you can do big mistake- Ask someone for advice. Why do it? Allow yourself to be the way you like yourself. At any moment you are wearing what you want.

    At different people different views and tastes that may not drastically converge. So, putting on a thing that your sister did not like, for example, you will remember that this element did not please someone.

    9. Be able to teach yourself

    The concept of "style" includes not only clothes. You need to be able to walk and talk beautifully. The head should be proudly raised. No, you don't have to keep it that way.

    It is important to be confident in yourself and your abilities. What you wear should be comfortable and comfortable. This image will give a feeling of charm and lightness. This is true?

    Then you can safely forget about clothes and enjoy the surroundings.

    You can learn to enjoy what is happening around you from children. Any look looks great on them. And the whole secret is in their naturalness. They are not obsessed with clothing or its evaluation. Their attention is drawn to more interesting points.

    One more key point can be added to the listed key points. This is reading worthy blogs. Now everyone who wants to write about fashion, so it is important to be able to sort information. You can refer to articles famous fashion designers, photographers.

    And the last

    It can be noted that the taste and style is reflected not only in the selection of wardrobe. This is a kind of feeling of harmony, balance. You need to develop yourself, your intellect - read more, communicate, try something new.

    It is worth studying not only fashion trends, but also areas of art - visiting theaters, operas, going to exhibitions.

    A sense of beauty must develop, and a sense of style will follow by itself.

Often I hear complaints about the lack of taste and sense of style. Like, only the elite can make delicious color combinations, easily combine what you can’t imagine even in the wildest fantasies, and finally, dress in such a way that it takes your breath away ...

I will not argue with the fact that there really are people with excellent taste by nature, they have a special flair for making sets and always look spectacular. But frankly, there aren't many.

I believe that even the most ignorant girl in the world of fashion can really develop a sense of style, but a lot of work will be required. Imagine that taste is a kind of muscle that needs to be pumped up, so gradually and regularly we will work it out, striving for the result, because only regular “training” will help us achieve what we want.

So the first thing I would suggest is to start analyze the sets that you see on the streets of your city on girls and women of different ages. Most of the time you won't see anything very stylish, but that's exactly what we need. Try to understand what exactly is wrong in each case. Here the skirt is too short, and here the colors drown out the appearance. At the same time, seeing good option, note for yourself what you liked the most and why.

Further. Getting started browse as many fashion and style websites as possible. quality sites. For example, style.com or vogue.ru. Also suitable for viewing:

  • lookbooks famous brands(for example, Zara, Mango, H&M, etc.)
  • photos of fashion bloggers
  • street style on Pinterest

Your goal is to analyze (did you notice that this word has been repeated more than once?) and mentally break the sets into parts, noting for yourself the successful, in your opinion, techniques. Make it a rule to save yourself in a separate folder on your computer the most interesting options. Don't let too bold color combinations or combinations of items in the set fool you. Much of what you will be viewing is not wearable, just ideas. Gradually, you will begin to distinguish really stylish images from boring and not interesting ones.

Another way - practice making kits inPolyvore(www.polyvore.com). This a great opportunity get your hands on the drafting various images in online mode.

And, of course, nothing can replace live fitting. Here, first of all, it is necessary to thoroughly study yourself: your natural color, type of figure, style type. You can try to do it yourself (however, there is a high risk of making a mistake) or you can seek help from a professional. Believe me, this knowledge is priceless. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try on completely different things (which you might not have noticed before). So you will clearly see what suits you and what is completely contraindicated.

AND last tip. Don't focus on fashion. Develop your horizons: visit museums, theaters, read books on different topics, communicate with interesting people, learn something new. All this will contribute to the development of your taste and sense of style.

They say that a sense of style is innate, that only a small amount of people have taste. It's a delusion.

Even if you are just a beginner in fashion, you can develop your sense of style in a short amount of time. It just takes practice. And in fact, those who dress beautifully and stylishly simply practiced much more than you.

We want to tell you about 5 ways to develop your tasteand sense of style even if you are completely new to fashion.

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Method 1: Watch carefully

Use what surrounds you every day: you can sit in a cafe and watch passers-by, pay attention to the images of your colleagues and friends, subway passengers going to work.

If you like any image, think about what makes it special. Maybe these are separate things that together make up interesting image(for example, preppy style, bohemian or minimalism), color combination Or one specific detail?

This is how you train your sense of style by paying attention to what other people are wearing, what resonates with you and what doesn't. This is the base, and if you ask people who have good feeling style and passion for fashion, perhaps they will tell you that they have been doing this for a long time

Method 2: Decide in detail what your own style is

Determine what makes your favorite pieces stand out from the rest in your wardrobe. why do you wear them more often. Think about colors, fabrics, silhouette, style and details.

Be precise in your reasoning. Instead of “I like these pants because they are comfortable and fit well”, find out what exactly makes them comfortable and fit. natural material, high waist, thin cloth?

Once you figure out exactly what you like about your favorite things, you'll get a "list" of things that match your style. This “list” can be used as a guide while shopping. And since you're wearing these things already long time, the likelihood that you will not put on a new thing will decrease.

You can also make a list of the 5 longest and 5 most changing elements of your style.

Method 3: Use movies for inspiration

Check out these films which show very beautiful scenes in terms of aesthetics. If you were one of his heroes, what would you wear?

  • Great Gatsby
  • Elizabeth: The Golden Age
  • Memoirs of a Geisha
  • Roman holiday
  • Bonnie and Clyde

Step 4: Get out of your comfort zone

To change your taste, it is important to constantly try something new. Transform your wardrobe. From the things in your wardrobe, make at least 10 complete looks that you have never tried on before.

Method 5: Experiment with appearance

Try changing your appearance. Within three days, change your hairstyle and do the following: if you spend more than 15 minutes in the morning on makeup and only comb your hair, it’s better not to make up, but make yourself a new one every day beautiful hairstyle. Or if you tend to emphasize your eyes, try conversely to focus on your lips.

About style and fashion. The meaning of the concept of "sense of style" and the factors that influence it. What style is manifested in, how it can be brought up in oneself.

Style versus fashion, mass and patterns

Style is not at all identical with fashion, and in some cases these two concepts are even capable of sharply conflicting. Fashion, in fact, is a kind of seasonal art. Style is a way of reflecting inner peace a person, his unique individuality, expressed in clothes, accessories and other attributes of the external form.

A sense of style inherent in a person, we help him competently beat his image. Fashionable things easily lose their charm if they are chosen without taking into account the principle of compatibility. Clothing should be in harmony with the features of the appearance of its owner. It is this sense of harmony and the ability to choose things based on one's own strengths and weaknesses that is called a sense of style.

Style as the ability to present oneself in best light

Style is the ability to virtually hide flaws and focus on best features and features own appearance, emphasizing them with clothes, shading them with make-up and hair styling appropriate for the occasion. Do not immediately remember the image. This concept is also not identical to style, like fashion. The image of a person depends on his taste and the presence of a sense of style. As a rule, a person is endowed with a sense of style from birth. However, it can be brought up in oneself by studying the laws of style, the rules for choosing a wardrobe, the art of visage. If you are not yet able to fully trust yourself in matters of style, you can seek advice from a stylist.

People's clothing style is determined by their personal preferences, sex, age, social position, professional affiliation and other features. The style chosen by a person is able to tell a lot about him to others, to inform about his character, habits, occupation.

Style like subtle understanding my "I"

Style begins with an understanding of one's own individuality and a critical attitude towards patterns and mass character. The sense of style of the most non-standard natures is manifested in trust in one's own instincts, and not in generally accepted rules invented for everyone. A real person is not afraid to stand out from the crowd with an unusual appearance. However, in this freedom of choice, one should not forget about the sense of proportion. Clothes are just a background that emphasizes your individuality, so it’s unnecessary bright colors you can turn this background into a real screen that will make you invisible behind your clothes, diverting all the attention of those around you to the form, and not to the content.

The basis of style lies in the exact understanding of which styles and cuts of clothes suit you, giving refinement to the figure and hiding its small defects.

Style depends on the age of the person. Usually at 20 years old people tend to experiment more, change images and therefore look less stylish than in more adulthood. At the age of 30-40, an understanding usually comes of what exactly suits you and a competent tendency to match the chosen line is formed.

Style is manifested in every detail of the image, starting from the degree of ironing of things and ending with the quality of the selected accessories. By the way, the right accessories play in in a stylish way, perhaps a greater role than the clothing itself. Not everyone knows how to play with accessories, and those who have got such a talent will always be on top. After all, it is with the help of little things that you can create a unique entourage that will demonstrate to the world the harmony of your taste and the ability to turn even ordinary things into exclusive outfits.