What to do if the pulse is high during pregnancy. Places of the study of the pulse. Main reasons for high values

Many expectant mothers complain of tachycardia during pregnancy, a pregnant woman notes shortness of breath, pounding heart, shortness of breath or interruptions in the heart. Sometimes the pulse is felt even on the neck, many women visually see it. Tachycardia causes a lot of problems during pregnancy, but is an elevated heart rate really a threatening condition?

What is the normal heart rate during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes numerous changes, including an increase in the volume of blood that the heart must pump. By the end of pregnancy, the volume of blood can increase by 1.5 liters, so the heart must also adapt to the new load - the heart rate increases. Thus, an increased heart rate during pregnancy is a normal state, it is another matter to what numbers the heartbeat can and should rise.

For each woman, this norm is different. Usually, the pulse can increase by 10 - 15 units. That is, if the patient had a heart rate of 90 before pregnancy, then in this state, a pulse of 100 during pregnancy will be the norm.

When does the heart rate increase during pregnancy?

    1.2 trimester of pregnancy. That is, until the 20th week there should be a normal pulse during pregnancy. At about 27 weeks, the pulse reaches its maximum and lasts until 32 weeks, and then returns to its normal numbers again.
    2.Physical activities during pregnancy.
    3. Lying on your back.
    4. Weight gain also puts a strain on the heart.
    5. Hormonal changes.
    6. Lack of trace elements, which can not only cause tachycardia, but also hypotension and anemia. It often happens that tachycardia is combined with low blood pressure during pregnancy.
    7. Pathological frequent pulse during pregnancy. The cause of tachycardia can be certain diseases or an unhealthy lifestyle during pregnancy. It must be remembered that during pregnancy the sensitivity of the body changes and those products that previously did not cause any problems for a woman can now become harmful.
  • Any caffeine-containing products and preparations.
  • Medications. Very often, the "light" spray in the nose "Nafthyzin" significantly increases the pulse during pregnancy. Therefore, you should be wary of any drugs, even the most innocent ones.

When is treatment required?

It is necessary to clearly distinguish when a rapid pulse during pregnancy is the norm, and when it is a pathology. Most often, a pregnant woman needs to just lie down and calm down. You should not worry about the child, because not only the woman's body adapts to changes, but the fetus's body is also protected from any influences. Even if the pulse in pregnant women increases to 140 beats per minute, the child's heart beats at a normal frequency for him and he does not experience any hypoxia.

Alertness should arise if, in addition to an increased pulse, the pregnant woman also has other complaints:

  • Weakness,
  • Dizziness,
  • Nausea
  • loss of consciousness
  • Lack of air.

In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination to understand the cause of these symptoms. Most often, there is nothing to worry about, the doctor may prescribe magnesium, potassium, vitamins. It is necessary to regularly visit your gynecologist, who at each examination measures the pulse and pressure during pregnancy. The doctor will be able to adequately assess the condition of the expectant mother, because sometimes pregnant women not only physically feel the problem, but emotionally.

Hormonal changes also affect the nervous system, so a rapid pulse during pregnancy can occur with neurosis. In this case, the doctor should prescribe elementary sedatives. It is not necessary to take medications, valerian and motherwort will completely cope with this problem. If they are not enough, then, for example, Novo-Passit is allowed to be taken by pregnant women.

Permitted sedatives during pregnancy

    3. Mint,
    5. Valerian,
    6. Motherwort.

It is not necessary to use alcohol tinctures of the above medicines, if during pregnancy there is a large pulse, you can buy herbs and brew them as tea. It is worth resorting to medicines only as a last resort, and then only after consulting with your doctor. Despite the instructions, which always include a section on the effects of the drug on pregnant women, your gynecologist may decide that this drug is contraindicated in your condition. It is always worth listening to the opinion of a specialist, and not self-medicating, especially when the life of an unborn child depends on your actions.

Pregnancy is one of the most "abrupt" periods in the life of every woman. As well as for the mind, this period is very burdensome for general health, which should be given special attention. Most pregnancies are normal, with minor problems that seem normal. However, during this important period, several factors need to be monitored, including the heart rate and pulse in pregnant women.

During pregnancy, the heart stores much more blood than at other times. Therefore, during pregnancy - this is not a pathology. But why is it important to monitor it, check its frequency? The answer is simple - the heart rate and pulse of a pregnant woman affects not only the overall health, but also the health of your child. The reason is that a rapid pulse is a sign that the heart is beating at a high speed. Therefore, there is a risk that the baby's heart rate will also be elevated.

What is the normal pulse?

One of the most important factors influencing the pulse during pregnancy (in the third trimester - especially) is the number of children you are carrying. Being pregnant with twins, a woman should take into account the fact that her heart will have to pump twice the amount of blood needed for babies. The result is an increased heart rate, hence a high pregnancy pulse, increasing by 10-20 beats per minute.

If a woman exercises in early pregnancy, it also affects her heart rate. The heart rate in women is about 70 beats per minute, during training it increases to 85-90 (when moving, the optimal heart rate is 90-95).

The pulse rate during pregnancy (in the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy) is presented in the table.

TermNormal pulse, beats/minute
1st trimester110 70-95
2nd trimester120 85-100
3rd trimester120 100-115

Note! In babies growing in the abdomen, the heart rate is about 120 beats per minute (the maximum rate is 150-160 beats). Amazing speed!

The problem occurs if the heart rate rises sharply from 70 to 130. This sometimes happens in older pregnant women - in women after 40 years, even in a healthy heart, some muscle cells can be replaced by connective tissue. Therefore, the efficiency of the heart is reduced. Another cause may be a heart disorder in blood pressure disorders (combination of low blood pressure and high pulse or vice versa). Congenital diseases, myocarditis are also taken into account.

Important! A decrease in the number of heartbeats is possible in the warm season, even with normal pressure. Fluctuations can be calmed by body cooling (not abrupt!).

high heart rate

Rapid pulse during pregnancy is a common occurrence, peaking in the second trimester (around fifteen weeks of pregnancy), but present in the first trimester as well. It is considered a normal sign of the child's waiting period.

Increased heartbeat does not cause discomfort, pain (if elevated within normal limits). Usually, the gynecologist discovers abnormalities during pregnancy-related checks. Until then, women and girls do not know about it, do not notice any changes.

Previously, people determined pregnancy by the pulse on the abdomen. To do this, lie on your back with your legs bent. If a beating was not felt in the area 2 cm below the navel, this meant the birth of a new life, if it could be felt, pregnancy did not occur.

However, the umbilical pulse is not related to fertilization in the uterus, it is the umbilical vein pulse. Therefore, determining pregnancy by beating in the lower abdomen is a rather dubious method.

Pathological causative factors

A markedly increased pulse during pregnancy can be just as dangerous as a low one, regardless of whether it occurs at high or low pressure. Sometimes it becomes more frequent, accompanying unfavorable conditions.


To determine the pathology, cardiotocography is used. The device records uterine contractions, fetal heart function, fetal movements, and its response to contractions. This study is carried out for all expectant mothers at the end of pregnancy (from about the 32nd week of pregnancy). If necessary, treatment is prescribed.

Diseases of the thyroid gland

The most common cause of heart palpitations is thyroid disease. The culprits of the condition are fluctuations in the level of hormones, the production of them in more quantities than necessary (hyperthyroidism). The problem with the disease is that, in addition to being uncomfortable for moms, it can also put babies at risk, who aren't getting the nutrition they need in the womb and therefore aren't developing properly.

Consequences of an excessively high heart rate during pregnancy

High rates in an expectant mother can cause fetal tachycardia - this means that the baby's heart beats faster than 160 beats / minute. This condition can lead to premature birth.

Normalization of the pulse

Before taking measures to reduce the heart rate during pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct studies aimed at identifying the stability of excessive indicators. An EKG is usually done. According to the results, pills for high heart rate are prescribed, which should be taken exclusively under the guidance of a doctor!

Important! If a rapid heartbeat is associated with high blood pressure, magnesia is most often prescribed, which is the 1st choice during pregnancy.

But you can lower your heart rate at home. The best option is a suitable movement, especially exercises designed specifically for pregnant women. You can learn more about them from your doctor.

For most healthy pregnant women, aerobic sports are suitable - walking, swimming, slow dancing. During exercise, it is necessary to control the heart rate.

Swimming is the best type of movement for mom and baby. Swimming water pressure facilitates venous return. Exhalation against water resistance strengthens the breathing apparatus. During pregnancy, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the quality of the water in which swimming is carried out (due to the risk of infection).

The maximum effect with minimal risk is brought by rational training of moderate intensity, which is 60-70% of the maximum heart rate.

These recommendations apply not only to those who want to lower their heart rate, but also to healthy pregnant women who did not exercise before pregnancy. A meta-analysis of studies on pregnancy and physical activity showed that physical activity at 81% of maximum heart rate does not lead to any adverse effects.

Decreased pulse - how dangerous is it for the fetus?

A low mother's pulse can lead to fetal bradycardia - a heart rate below 110 beats / minute. Embryo bradycardia (the first 8 weeks of development) indicates a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Edwards-Patau, etc.), diseases of the central nervous system, and heart disease.

Increased heart rate during pregnancy is normal. But its excessive indicators, as well as low ones, can negatively affect both the expectant mother herself and the child. Therefore, monitoring of cardiac activity from the 1st trimester to childbirth is important - this will ensure the prevention of pathologies.

In the article we discuss the pulse during pregnancy - its norm, the reasons for the decrease and increase, recommendations for the prevention of changes. You will learn why the pulse rate rises during pregnancy and whether it is normal, what are the pulse rates in pregnant women and its norm in the second trimester, and what to do with a low heart rate.

During pregnancy, it is important to monitor the heart rate

A pulse is a pulsing movement in the walls of blood vessels that occurs when the heart muscle pushes blood into the arteries and expands them. Due to the normal heart rate, the heart functions properly, so it is important to keep your pulse in the normal range, especially during pregnancy.

With regular checks of the pulse in pregnant women, the heart rate rate allows you to assess the health of the child and his mother and prevent dangerous situations in time.

The rate of heart rate of pregnant women depends on what pulse the woman had before conception, what her physical fitness is. The following factors also affect the heart rate:

  • age of the expectant mother;
  • her height and weight;
  • Body temperature;
  • emotional stability;
  • Times of Day.

In addition to measuring the pulse at the wrist or cervical artery, it is important to monitor the pulsation in the lower abdomen. The pulse in the abdomen during early pregnancy is due to the fact that the growing uterus presses on the nearby inferior vena cava, and you feel it move as the blood is pumped. In the first trimester, this pulsation is not very noticeable. It is felt much brighter in the second and third trimesters, as well as during multiple pregnancy and during the bearing of a large child.

A pulse on the abdomen during pregnancy is normal. Be careful if you feel pain or other physical discomfort at the same time. See your doctor to rule out the risk of an internal aortic aneurysm.

Why the pulse slows down (bradycardia)

The condition when the heart rate drops below 60 beats per minute is called bradycardia.. It is often accompanied by dizziness, darkness in the eyes, trembling in the arms and legs, and sometimes fainting. The pulse during pregnancy can naturally slow down only if you exercised before conception. In all other cases, bradycardia indicates the following pathologies:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • diseases of the central nervous system.

If you do not see a doctor in time and do not eliminate the cause of bradycardia, the child may be born with a lower weight or symptoms of hypoxia.

Why does the pulse accelerate (tachycardia)

Rapid pulse during pregnancy is called physiological tachycardia, since it occurs due to a global restructuring of the body during the bearing of a child and disappears after childbirth. With physiological tachycardia, the mother’s heart begins to work literally “for two”. An additional circle of blood circulation is formed - placental, which provides oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby. The double circle of blood circulation puts a greater strain on the heart, and it is forced to beat more often.

Especially high heart rate during pregnancy in the third trimester, when the child has all the vital organs, and he needs an uninterrupted supply of nutrients for full development. An increased pulse in pregnant women in the later stages sometimes reaches 110-115 beats per minute.

What other reasons why the mother has a rapid heartbeat:

  • heart disease;
  • overweight;
  • tea, coffee, overeating;
  • SARS, influenza;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • release of the hormone adrenaline;
  • medications.

When carrying a child in women, blood pressure often jumps:

  • If you have a high heart rate with normal pressure during pregnancy, you should not worry. The only cause for concern is nausea and vomiting. They may indicate cardiovascular disease.
  • If you have low blood pressure and high heart rate during pregnancy, it is best to see a doctor. Even if this condition is rare, it almost always brings great discomfort - you feel short of breath when you walk normally, it becomes difficult to breathe, a feeling of heat grows in your chest. Breathing difficulties can cause oxygen starvation of the fetus, which is dangerous.

Weekly and trimester heart rate table

The pulse is also checked in the lower abdomen

If you are interested in what should be the pulse of a pregnant woman in the early stages, or what should be the norm during pregnancy in the third trimester, the heart rate table by week and trimester will help you figure it out.

In this table, the rate of heart rate is estimated by two parameters. These are heart rate indicators during the period of bearing a child and age-specific pulse rates - the norm for ages in pregnant women. The older the woman, the higher the natural values ​​of pulse fluctuations. Therefore, closer to the age of 40, her heart rate always rises.

As for the trimesters, the table shows that the pulse rate during pregnancy in the first trimester almost does not change. But by the middle of the second trimester, a sharp jump up in heart rate is noticeable, as the heart pumps an increased volume of blood.

All figures in the table are averaged. The normal pulse during pregnancy for each woman is determined only by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the results of the diagnosis.

Should You Panic When Your Heart Rate Changes?

Changes in the pulse during pregnancy are quite common, and doctors usually do not prescribe treatment. They determine what the pulse should be during pregnancy in this trimester, and observe the expectant mother, measuring the heart rate at a scheduled appointment. Doctors also recommend self-measurement of heart rate every day.

You should be concerned if you:

  • Heart rate dropped below 40;
  • Heart rate exceeded the allowable maximum;
  • there was a sharp weakness, fainting, nausea.

In this case, be sure to consult a doctor, because it is not only about your poor health, but also about the threat to the health of the baby.

What to do if I have a low heart rate

If symptoms of bradycardia are mild, try the following:

  • review your diet and add black or green tea to it;
  • lead a more active lifestyle, do exercises, gymnastics;
  • walk more often in the fresh air, but not alone;
  • include compulsory rest in the daily routine;

If the doctor decides that a slow pulse is dangerous for you and your baby, you will be prescribed special medications that will speed up the pulse and improve the condition.

What should I do if my heart rate is high

A high pregnancy pulse in a healthy young woman rarely causes serious complications. Her body tolerates such loads without problems.

With age, the situation changes, and the risk of developing gestosis - late toxicosis of pregnant women - increases. It is manifested by a feeling of nausea, weakness, apathy, frequent dizziness, shortness of breath and fainting. If you notice any of these symptoms, do not let the situation take its course and consult a doctor for a diagnosis. He will prescribe safe drug therapy, gradually reduce the heart rate and eliminate the cause of tachycardia.

How to lower your heart rate during pregnancy without medication:

  • give up black coffee and chocolate;
  • add foods rich in potassium and magnesium to your diet;
  • exclude situations when you are nervous or overtired;
  • walk in the fresh air with each jump in heart rate;
  • sleep 8 hours or more.

For more information on how to measure the pulse yourself, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Tachycardia during pregnancy occurs due to hormonal changes, bradycardia is explained by a sports past or pathologies.
  2. The normal heart rate in the first trimester is 65-95 beats per minute.
  3. The normal heart rate in the second trimester is 75-105 beats per minute.
  4. The normal heart rate in the third trimester is 95-120 beats per minute.
  5. In case of any deviation of the heart rate from the norm, consult a doctor.

Indicators of pulsating movements characterize the work of the myocardium. By how fast the heartbeat, when probing the pulse, one or another disease can be detected. In view of this, it is recommended for pregnant women to control their condition by measuring it daily.

In the course of reading the article, the reader will find out which pulse in pregnant women is normal. In addition, the review will consider what types of pulsating movements are. From the article, the reader will get an idea about how to measure pulsating movements.


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Pulse is called cyclically repeating fluctuations in the volume of blood vessels. Fluctuations in the volume of blood vessels are associated with the heartbeat.

The relationship between the pulse and the work of the myocardium is as follows. The number of cyclically repeating fluctuations in the volumes of arteries, veins, capillaries, occurring in one minute, coincides with the number of contractions of the heart muscle. Heart rate is abbreviated as heart rate.

There are the following types of pulsating movements:


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  • arterial;
  • venous;
  • capillary.

Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the heart muscle to the organs.

Veins are vessels that carry blood to the heart.

Capillaries are vessels that connect veins and arteries.

Measure the correct pulse

The measurement of pulsating movements consists in counting the numerical value of cyclically repeating changes in the volumes of arteries, veins, capillaries, occurring in the course of one sixtieth of an hour.

Before starting to measure the quantitative characteristics of cyclically repeating changes in the volumes of arteries, veins, capillaries, a pregnant woman should:

  • take a horizontal position;
  • for some time before the start of counting, to be in a calm state, or, in other words, at rest.

It is necessary to follow the rules listed above due to the inconstancy of pulsating movements.

It should be noted that in pregnant women, the number of cyclically recurring changes in the volume of arteries, veins, capillaries that occur in one minute, when in a horizontal position, differs from the number of recurring changes in the volume of arteries, veins, capillaries, occurring in one minute, when in a vertical position. position. For this reason, the expectant mother should take a horizontal position before starting to count the beats of the heart muscle that occur in the sixtieth of an hour.

In addition, the quantitative characteristic of fluctuations is affected by:

  • physical exercise;
  • emotional condition;
  • hormonal changes.

For this reason, pregnant women should be at rest for some time before the start of the count.

Pulse rate during pregnancy

It was said above that the quantitative characteristics of myocardial strokes are affected by hormonal changes.

Due to drastic hormonal changes during the first weeks of pregnancy, women experience a strong increase in the number of periodically recurring fluctuations in vascular volumes that occur in 60 seconds. The condition associated with increased fluctuations is called tachycardia. After the first weeks, the rapid pulse in pregnant women returns to normal.

Due to drastic hormonal changes during the first weeks of pregnancy, women may also experience a decrease in the numerical value of periodically repeating fluctuations in the volume of blood vessels that occur in 60 seconds. The condition in which slowing of the oscillations occurs is called bradycardia.

And some secrets...

  • Do you often experience discomfort in the area of ​​the heart (stabbing or squeezing pain, burning sensation)?
  • You may suddenly feel weak and tired...
  • The pressure keeps dropping...
  • There is nothing to say about shortness of breath after the slightest physical exertion ...
  • And you have been taking a bunch of medications for a long time, dieting and watching your weight...

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The pulse during pregnancy throughout the entire period is the most important biological indicator, the study of the properties of which is necessary to monitor the physiological and psychological state of the health of the mother and fetus.

Heart rate (HR) is an individual indicator that largely depends on what the pulse was before pregnancy, on the physical fitness and emotional stability of the expectant mother.

Gestational ageWoman's agePulse rate
First trimester
(from 1 to 13 weeks)
20-30 years old
30-40 years old
from 40 years old
65-85 bpm min.
65-90 bpm min.
70-95 beats min.
Second trimester
(from 14 to 26 weeks)
20-30 years old
30-40 years old
from 40 years old
75-95 bpm min.
85-100 beats min.
90-105 bpm min.
third trimester
(from 27 to 40 weeks)
20-30 years old
30-40 years old
from 40 years old
95-110 bpm min.
100-115 beats min.
110-120 bpm min.
When calculating the change in heart rate, depending on the age and duration of pregnancy, the average heart rate for women was used.

The table shows how the pulse rate in pregnant women varies depending on the period of bearing the child. Throughout the entire period of the 1st trimester, this may be barely noticeable, but by the middle of the second, it is simply impossible not to notice an upward change in the pulse rate. Still, the heart has to pump a much larger volume of blood than just a few weeks ago.

The pulse at rest from 1 to 13 weeks of pregnancy should not exceed 100 beats, and it is customary to take a frequency of 80-90 beats as the average rate. But as we have already said, the exact value of the heart rate is determined by the doctor, based on the ongoing diagnostic studies and the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, do not miss consultations with a specialist observing you, even if you do not feel any changes in your well-being.

The third trimester is accompanied by an even greater increase: in the later stages, the pulse at rest can reach up to 120 beats per minute. And only after 32 weeks, the indicators gradually return to the norm we were used to before pregnancy.

Change in heart rate in pregnant women

A natural increase in heart rate during pregnancy occurs in women due to changes in some physiological processes in the body. The body learns to cope with the load that the process of bearing a child delivers to it. An increase in heart rate at indicates that the heart muscle received a large load, for which it was not ready, and now, in order to disperse the blood through the vessels, it has to contract much more often.

Natural factors for changing the pulse in a pregnant woman:

  • the formation of a new circle of blood circulation, associated with the need to supply vital substances to the uterus and placenta;
  • an increase in the amount of blood circulating in the body;
  • weight gain;
  • increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Sometimes during pregnancy, receiving an excessive load, the heart muscle increases in size and slightly changes its anatomical location due to the displacement of the diaphragm. This behavior of the heart should not affect the violation of the rhythm of its contractions. The only change may be the appearance of a physiological systolic murmur, which can be heard already in the second trimester and is explained by the contraction of the ventricles due to the expansion of one of the atrioventricular valves.

A short-term and relatively safe change towards an increase in heart rate is observed in the following situations:

  • physical exercise;
  • stressful situations;
  • rare ventilation of the room;
  • long stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • overeating, eating excessively spicy foods, drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol.

Changes in the pulse may be associated with the consequences of infectious and cardiovascular diseases. Late toxicosis (preeclampsia) is also accompanied by an increase in heart rate, which, depending on the condition of the woman, can sharply decrease or increase, leading to convulsions and the development of coma.

Avitaminosis and electrolytic imbalance in pregnant women are quite common pathologies, lack of microelements and vitamins in the body, which can negatively affect the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Another factor that can affect the heart rate is being overweight. Its sharp set in a short time is especially dangerous.

What diagnosis is necessary during pregnancy

For a complete diagnosis of the body, the properties of the arterial pulse are examined according to 6 indicators, measuring it:

  1. Voltage;
  2. value;
  3. Shape (speed).

At each scheduled visit to the gynecologist, be sure to insist on a complete pulse diagnosis by a general practitioner or cardiologist. The oscillation frequency of the walls of the artery can be normal (average value at rest is 60-80 beats per minute), and the intervals between pulse waves are different, characterizing such a pulse as arrhythmic.

Important! Even with normal health, an increase in the frequency or irregularity of the rhythm of the pulse is an alarm signal from your body. Inaction (especially with systematic pulse failures) can lead to serious complications during pregnancy.