What is a collagen mask. Basic rules for using masks with collagen. General rules for applying collagen masks

Why makes our skin age? Wrinkles appear, elasticity outlines, ugly folds appear. The beauty of the epidermis depends on the good state of collagen fibers. Collagen is an important substance, a protein that is located under the layer of skin. It creates a peculiar frame that supports the epidermis in the stretched state. But with age (especially after the 25th turn), intracellular processes begin to gradually reduce their activity.

Wonderful assistants

Modern cosmetologists have developed a huge amount of effective tools to restore skin elasticity. These include a collagen mask for a person who will take care of the return of youth. Collagen is three species:

  • Animal origin. It is obtained from the skin of livestock. This is the cheapest product, but also less productive due to the large sizes of molecules. It is not very well perceived by our epidermis.
  • Vegetable. It is made from sea algae and wheat proteins. It usually has a type of powder. Before use, it is mixed with a concentrated mixture, the mask turns into a gel composition.
  • Sea. It is produced from the skin of marine fish. This collagen deeper and more efficiently affects the structure of the tissue and is most suitable for human skin.

How to use a collagen mask

The finished collagen mask is produced in two types: powdered and impregnated on fabric. Before conducting the procedure, carefully clean your face (you can use a soft scrub).

  • The powder means is prepared by mixing the powder and a special fluid that is part of the packaging (collagen hydrogel mask). You will get a thick, jelly mass. It is applied to the face, bottom-up, starting from the chin area.
  • Just need to be removed from the bag and impose on the face from the bottom up, carefully placing it on the skin.

The next 20-30 minutes you will spend in the situation of recreation and relaxation. Turn on the relaxing music, extinguish the light, complete the aromatherapy procedure. After the time expires, the remnants are blocked up with a soft napkin. Face rinse with water comfortable temperature.

Secure the result with a nutrient cream, applying it to the epidermis. Beauty instruction is simple and easy. The only thing that pay attention is: fabric Thai, Korean and Japanese collagen masks, developed under the Asian type of person, and can deliver some inconvenience when overlapping.

To whom collagen funds are suitable

Are you 18-20 years old? Perfect age to engage in prevention and overall complex skin care. The earlier it takes care of her - the longer you will look blooming and young.

Are you 20-30 years old? Take advantage of the excellent opportunity to avoid impending age-related changes. Strengthen your skin, give it the ability to be more beautiful and stronger.

Are you 30-40 years old? It's time to think about restoring the elasticity of the epidermis and maintaining it in the active phase for a long time.

Are you 40-50 years old and more? Forget about the desire to visit Plastic Surgeon. You can restore youth on your own. And will help you in this collagen mask at home.

To achieve a resistant effect, collagen care must be carried out by a monthly basis for one procedure weekly. The only restriction on its use is damaged skin (cuts, abrasions, wounds), as well as the presence of strong rashes and serious inflammation.

Types of masks

The cosmetic modern market actively uses the latest innovative techniques. The most effective for our epidermis. Funds are important - the masks are different.

Collagen eye mask

Collagen eye mask

Our eyes are a special attention zone. The skin in this part of the face is particularly sensitive and gentle. Caring for it should be more delicate, but no less thorough. The dermis in this zone contains very few elastin fibers, and the epidermis has only 0.5 mm thick. And the time primarily affects this, the least protected part of the person. Collagen eye mask created with such features. With regular use in a short time, you can get rid of many problems:

  • increase the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • remove all signs of fatigue;
  • forget about "goose legs";
  • get rid of bags ,.

The collagen mask for the eyelids has an instant tightening effect. Moisens the epidermis, regenerating the tissues in this area. Very often, its component composition includes such active substances as: the extract of the battery, allantoin and hyaluronic acid.

A mask intended for skin care around the eyes can be used more often (every other day). Especially if your eyes are exposed to a strong load (work at a computer, wearing lenses, long-term voltage when reading and working with papers).

Collagen lip mask

Oh, these sponges, they simply must look like a seductive, and have an ideal form. Thanks to the perfect composition, the mask with collagen for the lips will help you:

  • return the puffs and seductive lips;
  • moisten them and emphasize the contour;
  • increase in volume and give elasticity.

As active ingredients, in addition to collagen biomatrix, amino acids, fruit acids, glycerin and hyaluronic acid are included. You can enjoy collagen care for lips 2-3 times weekly.

Collagen Mask of Seed Algae

Algae are the oldest inhabitants of our planet. It was they who became an active source of oxygen, which was a prerequisite for creating life. This is the best product in the protein protein fiber collagen. Seeds of algae are able to reanimate the skin in the most difficult cases. Their possibilities are simply endless.

There are many species of such masks, their composition depends on what type of algae is used.

Such masks are powerfully affected by the face, completely rejuvenating it, restore lipid and water exchange, have an effective intra-influence. They are ideal for any skin type.

Golden collagen mask

The main component of this fund is a unique nanofield, bio-gold. In combination with collagen, it has a powerful comprehensive effect. The maximum activates the bloodstream, the adhesive balance. Nanoparticles help all active ingredients penetrate the deepest layers of the demes.

This instant action mask, it does not require coursework. It is recommended to use it 3-4 times with a break in 2 days.

Its composition often include a placenta that helps to clean the epidermis, whiten the face and narrow the extended pores, getting rid of acne. At the biochemical level, the placenta activates the regeneration and the creation of young cells.

In stores you can find packaging masks of different manufacturers. Thai collagen masks, Russian production, leading European cosmetology companies - what better? The choice remains for you - any collagen face mask at home will benefit (with the condition that collagen in their composition will be at least 3%).

Be beautiful!

This is one of the latest developments of cosmetology that has returned the hope of rejuvenating the skin of the face without operations and complex procedures. The popularity of collagen funds is growing due to their proven effectiveness.

Collagen owns a third of the overall protein mass of the human body. The superfoot structure of collagen is represented by three protein chains connected to a triple helix. The ring-shaped collagen network performs the role of a frame, maintaining the structure of the cell cells. The production of collagen corresponds to fibroplasts that also produce elastin, glycosaminoglycans.

The process of synthesis of collagen is constantly over the course of life, replacing damaged tissues and forming new ones. As far as the person is aggravated, starting from 30 years, protein synthesis decreases, and its degradation increases. So wrinkles appear, ptosis, debrity of the skin. The need to replenish the level of collagen is dictated by the desire to extend the youth and health of the skin, as well as the whole organism.

Collagen is three species. The cheapest and ineffective is the animal collagen. The lack of it lies in poor compatibility with human skin. The vegetable collagen generated from wheat proteins penetrates the skin and gives an excellent rejuvenating effect. Marine collagen has the same properties. The lack of them is high cost.

The rejuvenating effect of collagen is enhanced due to the presence of additional active components as part of masks:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins;
  • fruit acids;
  • algae extracts, medicinal herbs;
  • extras from the placenta.

Change the process of synthesis of own fibers of collagen is impossible. The regulation of this process occurs inside the body, but there is an opportunity to protect them from destruction. The large size of collagen molecules prevents their penetration into the dermis. But the use of additional components in the composition of the mask allows us to facilitate the process of assimilation.

Indications and contraindications

Collagen is a very active substance, therefore it is pre-testing it on the inner side of the elbow to avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction. Indications for the use of masks with collagen are the following age-related changes in mature skin:

  • wrinkles;
  • bryli;
  • folds;
  • debrity;
  • double chin;
  • ptosis.

The use of collagen masks for the skin of the face has some contraindications. During pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary test. You should not use the tool if there are damage on the face, the foci of inflammation in the form of acne, acne. Occasionally, the individual intolerance of some components of the composition can occur.


Collagen masks are available in several forms:

  1. On a tissue or gel basis. Created in the form of napkins with the necessary slots. Consumer mask is ready for use, you only need to remove it from the packaging and reappear up on the skin of the face.
  2. Powder. The mask is prepared by mixing the fine powder with a special liquid in the packaging.
  3. Jelly. The finished mass is distributed up the face, ranging from the chin area;
  4. Patches for the eye area. Convenient shape in the form of crescents.

Before using the collagen mask, you need to prepare the skin of the face. It is necessary to clean it from makeup and pollution, to handle a scrub, wash off the remnants of detergents with water. Preliminary peeling helps twice the effect of active ingredients due to the removal of dead particles and increased blood circulation in the skin. After applying the tools, it remains only to relax for 20-30 minutes, after which the skin has a napkin and wash the room temperature. The procedure is enough to spend 1 time per week, but it is possible and more often.

Varieties of the most efficient masks with collagen

The choice of collagen masks pleases a variety. There are products from Thai, European, Russian manufacturers. There is only one important nuance - the amount of collagen must be from 3%. Almost all varieties of collagen masks have tightening properties. Collagen lifting mask With a hyaluronic acid content, ceramic actively smoothes wrinkles, regenerates cells and increases the immunity of the skin.

Bio-gold in this cosmetic product produces a common rejuvenating and lifting effect. Thanks to the golden nanoparticles, the active components are penetrating into the very depth of the skin, reinforcing processes of rejuvenation. There is regulation of body balance, blood flow. An additional component in the form of a placenta activates the regeneration properties of the skin. A powerful cleaning effect is performed, the narrowing of the pores, getting rid of acne. Golden collagen mask It is used 3-4 times after two-day intervals. But even one-time application gives a noticeable effect.

Alginates are called alginic acid salts mined from brown algae. They contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins. One of the unique properties of alginic acid is the ability to bind and retain the water molecules needed by mature skin. Moisturizing, nutritious, lifting effect. Collagen alginate masks accelerate metabolism, have drainage effects, contribute to the outflow of lymph. They also have a property to activate the synthesis of their own collagen. There is a powerful rejuvenating effect on the upper and middle layers of the dermis. In this case, alginate masks are suitable for any type of skin, including thin skin in the eye area.

For lips

Principle of action mask for lips - filling in the main substance of all irregularities, wrinkles. The lips acquire a tone, smoothness. Wrinkles around the mouth smoothed. Thanks to the activation of the blood circulation, the lips become bright. Collagen gives not only the rejuvenating effect, the size of the lips is also significantly increased. The volume is preserved just over 2 hours. If hyaluronic acid is present among the components, the effect effect is extended to 5 hours. The composition may also contain amino acids, glycerin, fruit acids, vitamin E. The collagen lip masks are recommended to use no more than 3 times a week.

For eyes

Collagen mask is necessary to increase the elasticity of the finest skin around the eyes, eliminate dark circles, smoothing wrinkles. The variety of products presented allows you to select a tool with the desired action. But the maximum effect can be obtained only from the means with the formula of natural collagen, denoted by Q5-26 ° on the packaging. Allantoin, and hyaluronic acid extract, are most often the additional ingredients. The abundance of wrinkles in this area requires the application of the mask twice a week. In a younger age, you can restrict ourselves to a one-time weekly use. If the eyes are subjected to constant load, for example, at a computer, the means is applied every other day.

Collagen masks affect the broad spectrum, allowing you to carry out a rejuvenation session even at home. Regardless of whether it is carried out in the cabin or at home, the effect of the action of the mask is comparable to expensive cosmetology procedures.

After 25 years, age changes are becoming noticeable - the skin loses its elasticity, the first wrinkles appear, the contour of the face gradually loses clarity.

This is due to the decrease in the production of collagen skin, which is aggravated by environmental pollution.

Modern cosmetology proposes to solve this problem in different ways.

Collagen - protein, which is part of the connective tissues, bones and man picking and mammals. It provides skin elasticity, supports it in a tone. Collagen fibroplasts (special cells of the connective tissue) are produced, the activity of which decreases after 25-30 years.

Several types of collagen are used in cosmetology:

  1. Animal.

Collagen is synthesized from skin of harvest cattle and pigs by hydrolysis, therefore the cost of its low. The product is part of inexpensive face creams. The animal collagen molecules are large, so difficulty is penetrated into the cells of the epidermis and give a brief external effect. Sometimes it causes allergic reactions.

  1. Vegetable.

Collagen is synthesized from wheat proteins. The molecules of such protein are small, so it is easily penetrated into the cells and are well absorbed by them. Allergic reactions does not cause, but has a high cost.

  1. Nautical.

Collagen is obtained from mollusks and skin of some fish. It digested completely and penetrates the deepest layers of the skin. Due to the complex production technology, this type of collagen is more expensive than the rest. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to a foreign protein is possible.

Recently, animal collagen is practically incorporated into cosmetic products due to low efficiency and high risk of allergic reactions.

Innovative skin care products are created on the basis of vegetable and sea protein, complementing them with components that enhance their action. Vegetable collagen acts on the surface, filling the upper layers of the skin moisture. Sea restores epidermis on cell damage.

Application for skin in cosmetology in the form of capsules and tablets

Collagen includes in creams, serums, face masks, eyelids and lips. In addition to outdoor use in cosmetology, it is also used in other types.

Subcutaneous injections are the most effective way to improve skin condition. Fillers with marine collagen contain anesthetic, so the introduction is absolutely painless. After such injections, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes an elastic, the contour of the face acquires clarity.

After the procedure, the appearance of edema, discomfort and traces of injections, which disappear completely in a few days. The effect is saved from 6 to 12 months depending on the skin condition.

To increase the amount of collagen, it can be taken inside. As an additive to food collagen is available in the form of capsules, powder and tablets. Powder is dissolved in liquid and take once a day. There is one minus - a specific taste. Capsules - essentially the same powder, only metered, covered with a shell and having odorless and taste. Collagen in tablets take 2-4 pieces per day. The drug has no taste, but slowly absorbed.

Instant from the internal use of collagen does not happen, the result becomes noticeable after 3-4 weeks. Preparations take courses for 2-3 months with an interval of at least 8 weeks.

Useful properties and action collagen

Collagen refers to the protein of youth due to its unique effect on the skin:

  • protects against external chemical impact;
  • restores cells outside and inside;
  • attracts moisture and holds it;
  • enhances intercellular communication, which makes skin elastic;
  • prevents the emergence of neoplasms and melan.

In addition, when penetrating the epidermis, the yoke protein is split into amino acids that run the mechanism for the formation of its own collagen.

Prevent collagen loss and how to stimulate it

Reducing collagen generation after 30 years is a natural process. He is accelerated due to:

  • effects of ultraviolet;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • autoimmune violations;
  • disadvantage of fluid in the body;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue.

The effect of these factors violate the protein synthesis and contribute to the rapid decay of molecules.

It is possible to normalize the process of developing collagen in the body using salon and home procedures, nutrition correction, biological additives and plant hormonal means.

Amino acids that stimulate the production of collagen are contained in the following products:

  • marine fish of fatty varieties;
  • yolk;
  • citrus;
  • legumes;
  • red meat;
  • some fruits (strawberries, blackberry, cherry).

Protein synthesis activate hormonal preparations for internal and outdoor use (hormonal ointment of vegetation use by Qi-Klim). Means for intakes must be appointed by a specialist.

Professional face procedures

In beauty salons, various procedures are carried out, which replenish the lack of collagen and stimulate the production of protein with fibroplasts.

Mesotherapy injections

Introduction by 1.5-4 mm under the skin of the collagen gel with a thin needle with a thin needle or a special apparatus. The gels for the procedure consist of marine collagen (ziplast), hyaluronic acid and other additives, therefore, it is sometimes possible to manifest allergic reactions.

Some salons use bio-gels that contain a human protein (cosmoplastic, dermologist). The beautician selects the agent on the basis of the skin of the skin and the accompanying problems. The procedure is contraindicated in pregnancy, renal failure, blood diseases.

Ionophoresis with ampoule serum

The procedure is to apply to the face of the collagen-containing agent (masks, serum), followed by the impact of low-frequency current. A specialist conducts manipulation by a special device that improves blood flow and synthesizes oxygen in tissues, which allows collagen molecules to penetrate into the deep layers of cells.

All procedures are carried out by masks and serums designed for professional use:

  • preparations from France: Levitasion, Oligodermie;
  • great Britain: Montagne Jeunesse, Bellitas;
  • Holy Land - Cosmetics from Israel;
  • PREMIUN - Russian collagen cosmetics.

The advantage of salon procedures is the rapid effect, noticeable immediately after the procedure. The use of special devices allows collagen to penetrate the deepest layers of the epidermis, which cannot be achieved at home. The procedure is carried out by experienced cosmetologists who guarantee security and a noticeable result.

The disadvantages include high cost and the need for correction in 6-10 months.

Collagen care at home

Increase the level of collagen in the skin can be at home. To do this, you can use ready-made masks or prepare them yourself.

Regardless of which product is preferred, there are general recommendations:

  • the mask is applied on carefully cleaned skin;
  • exposure time - at least 20 minutes;
  • during the procedure, it is necessary at rest;
  • after removing the face, cream or gel from the same series or the usual moisturizer must be applied.

Ready-made means with collagen

Many manufacturers produce masks and other cosmetics from age-related changes with collagen. You can buy them in a pharmacy, professional stores or internet.

Most often, vegetable and marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, extracts of medicinal plants, essential oils, fatty acids and vitamins are added to such masks.

Masks with collagen are distinguished by the method of application. Allocate:

  • powder;
  • gel;
  • fabric.

Powder dry

Powder masks are sold packaged in large containers or sealed packages for disposable application. The dry composition is bred by water immediately before applying.

Gel liquid

Gel masks are sold in hermetic packaging with special fluid. Before use, the package is lowered into the water on half a minute, then the hydrogelihelium on the skin is distributed.


Masks are particularly popular, which are impregnated with a special fabric with cutouts under the eyes, nose and mouth. Wet fabric is applied to the face and leave up to dry.

Varieties of masks with collagen

Powder with seaweed

They include the seaweed powder, which removes all contamination from the pores and from the surface of the skin, soothes irritated areas, stimulates blood circulation, increases elasticity and introduces toxins.

Masks with collagen and biosolot

The tool is recommended to use after 35 years. Such masks include vegetable collagen, gold ions, vitamins, sturgeon caviar extract. Gold acts as a conductor, helping other components to penetrate the deep layers of the epidermis. Noble metal ions accelerate cell division and damage recovery.

Placental masks

Some of the most efficient, give a noticeable result even when used after 60 years. The hood from the placenta of mammals slows down the process of aging, moisturizes the skin, returns elasticity to it.

Japanese and Korean Product

Korean and Japanese funds are considered to be the leader among all collagen masks. The beauty of the beauty of Asian women has a centuries-old history whose secrets are used in the production of rejuvenating cosmetics. They differ from European analogues and price - it is noticeably lower.

Collagen homemade masks for nutrition and alignment

Means for maintaining youth can be prepared at home from products containing collagen: gelatin, sea cabbage, tomatoes, citrus. To enhance the effect, you can use capsules, ampoules or powder with this protein.

The basis of all masks is the usual gelatin. Adding other ingredients enhances and complements it.

The gelatin base is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon of powder is poured with cool water or milk (approximately 50 grams). After swelling, the mass is heated for complete dissolution, the additional components are cooled and mix:

  • To power the skin, natural yogurt, sour cream and honey (1 tablespoon) are added to the database. Owners of dry-type epidermis are recommended to add oat flour, with a wheat greasethor of wheat.
  • The lifting effect has a mask with the flesh of a banana: 2 teaspoons of fruit puree are added to 50 grams of the base. In the summer period, the banana can be replaced with strawberries, and the owners of oily skin with grapefruit juice.
  • The rejuvenating effect of gelatin will strengthen the addition of 10 grams of melted honey and 40 grams of conventional glycerol.
  • To align the tone of the face and bleaching pigment spots to the base liquid, juice of cucumber (1-2 teaspoons) are added.
  • Mask from Sophie Loren. The famous actress regularly uses this tool. The result of application is noticeable to everyone. A teaspoon gelatin is poured with cream (100 ml) and left in a cool place for 6-8 hours. After swelling in jelly, add a teaspoon of honey and dry wine (white).

There are certain rules for using masks with gelatin:

  • the composition inflicts from the chin towards the forehead, without affecting areas near the mouth and lips;
  • it is more convenient to apply a mask with a tassel, it will allow you to "drive" it in the pores and delete the available black dots;
  • before drying the composition (20-30 minutes), mimic movements should be avoided;
  • for removal, the film is wetted by yogurt or ordinary water and removed after 1-2 minutes.

Masks with gelatin are not applied to the lips and near the eye, the skin on them is very thin. For these seats, it is possible to use the crushed sea cabbage, adding milk, honey or fruit fleet to it.

The effectiveness of collagen for the person confirms the reviews.

In this video, the car tells about some effective masks with collagen.

Skin aging is inevitable, but this process can be significantly slowed down, if you constantly care for the skin of the face. The main manifestations of aging are wrinkles, pigment stains and a loss of elasticity. All this comes from a lack of collagen in the body. Save youth skin skin as many as possible collagen masks, which can be done both in beauty salons and at home.

What is collagen?

Collagen - This is the so-called youth protein, which supports the elasticity and elasticity of tissues, and not only outside, but also inside the body. With regards to the skin, this substance gives it special silkiness. If in the body of collagen in sufficient quantity, then early aging does not threaten a person, at least, it looks good. Thanks to this substance, hair and nails also do not lose their attractiveness.

When the collagen in the body is not enough, it is, first of all, noticeably on the skin on the face, because it is most susceptible to negative impacts of external factors. With age, the resources of the body for the production of collagen are dried. And if you consider poor ecology, constant stress and improper nutrition, it can be said that the aging process begins before nature is laid.

Thanks to the innovative developments of cosmetologists, it is possible to significantly delay the aging of the skin of the face, as well as activate some internal processes. If dry skin is visible in the mirror, with small rashes and wrinkles, then this indicates a lack of collagen. For young girls, cosmetologists can recommend a diet rich in vitamin C. It is ascorbic acid that stimulates the production of natural collagen.

Benefit of collagen masks for skin

To preserve the beauty and attractiveness of the face, it is necessary to use cosmetic masks. These funds are peculiar doping for skin cells, they prevent premature aging, increase the elasticity of the skin and activate metabolic processes.

No wonder collagen masks are considered a source of youth and beauty, since they contain the main component, which supports the elasticity of tissues. With regular use of collagen masks, such results can be achieved:

  • Improved blood circulation;
  • The complexion becomes smooth;
  • Harmful substances are derived from skin;
  • Exchange processes are activated;
  • The natural production of collagen and elastin is being established;
  • Slow face aging processes;
  • Eliminate dryness and peeling;
  • The contours of the face are becoming clear and tightened;
  • The swelling is removed, and dark circles decrease under the eyes.

With the help of masks, the subcutaneous collagen reserves are replenished, due to which the cells of the epidermis are updated and heal.

Types of collagen masks

There are several varieties of collagen masks that are especially popular among women of all ages. They can be used both at home and in beauty salons.


Fabric masks with collagen are one-component or composite. The first there are only collagen, the second are supplemented by other components that enhance the effects of collagen. Fissure masks get out of packaging before use and impose on the face by motion from the bottom-up. Often, aloe juice add to tissue masks with collagen. This component improves the structure of the skin and activates the production of natural protein.

Fissure masks are convenient because they do not require flushing and do not dump the dishes and interior items. After using the mask, it is enough to remove and throw out.

About other fabric masks you will find information in the article "Fabric Masks for Face".


Such masks are sold in the form of a powder, which before applying to the skin you need to dilute to the cascoretory state. In the application instructions, usually there is a detailed description how to cook a mask. In addition to the powder in the package there is serum, these two components are stirred in glass or clay dishes until a homogeneous state, and then applied to the skin uniform layer.


The jelly-like collagen mask is sold fully ready for use. It is applied to pre-purified skin and withstand about half an hour, then washped with warm water and wipe the face with a special napkin if it is in the package.

Such masks are well suited for dry and sensitive skin, on which signs of fading are noticeable.


Such a mask is very similar to the tissue, the only difference is impregnation with a special enveloping and sticky composition. The mask is imposed from the bottom-up, then smoothed and kept on the face of 15-20 minutes. Then the fabric from the face is removed and the special gel is applied, which is attached. Give gel to absorb well.

Similar masks are suitable for age and fading skin. They contribute to the smoothing of wrinkles and pull up the contours of the face.

Golden collagen

It consists of special gold particles that give the effect of lifting, contribute to the rigoration of the skin and remove inflammation.

The mask is getting out of the packaging, smooth on the face and slightly massage about 5 minutes. After that, the cosmetic means are withstanding about half an hour and removed. Washing is not required.


Produced in the form of tissue masks to certain parts of the person. These collagen masks are used to combat skin aging on local areas. Masks for lips, nasolabial triangle and areas around the eyes are particularly popular.

Contraindications for the use of collagen masks

Contraindications to the use of such cosmetics a little, they include:

  • Individual sensitivity to some components, which are included in the masks;
  • Inflammatory processes on the face - acne, acne and other rashes;
  • Disturbance of the integrity of the skin.

With caution you need to use collagen masks to women during pregnancy. Even if they did not observe allergies before entering the child, during pregnancy there is a complete restructuring in the body and the sensitivity increases.

Recipes of collagen masks at home

You can make effective collagen masks on your own, while you do not require large financial costs, and there are not many time for cooking. The active substance of domestic masks is the usual food gelatin. On its basis, cosmetics with different nutrients can be prepared. Well established homemade masks well.

With kefir.

For preparation take a tablespoon of food gelatin, dissolve it according to the instructions. After that, placed on a water bath and with constant stirring melts. The jelly-shaped mass is stirred with a tablespoon of kefira or sources. For women who have oily skin, it is allowed to add a little bit of any flour into the mask.

With banana

A tablespoon of gelatin is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe. Then, half a fork of a ripe banana is added to a viscous fluid and mixed thoroughly. After the mixture becomes homogeneous, it is applied to the face with a thick layer. After drying, the mask is washed off with warm water.

Such a home mask feeds well and moisturizes the skin of the face. Leather color becomes smooth and healthy.

The "gelatin-based face masks" will help you improve the condition of the skin and fill it with collagen, besides, you can choose a mask for any type of skin of the face.

How to apply collagen masks

In order for a collagen mask to be as efficient as possible, you need to stick to a number of rules:

  • The skin of the face is pre-purified from cosmetics;
  • For some masks, it is permissible to use as the base of the nutrient cream, which only enhances the effect;
  • So that the protein penetrates as closely in the layers of the epidermis, the mask must be kept on the face at least 20 minutes;
  • Cook or get from the packaging the collagen mask is needed immediately before use;
  • The course of cosmetic procedures should be at least a month. Periodicity is from the 1st to 3 times a week, it all depends on the skin condition.

After applying the mask on the face it is desirable to lie down and relax. In such a state, maximum efficiency is achieved.

Overview of store collagen masks

In the pharmacy chain and cosmetics stores, many different ready masks for home use are sold. When choosing, it is worth considering the needs of the skin.

Biocon Mask Instant Beauty Collagen

This mask is recommended for women who have already been 40 years old. In the composition of cosmetics there is a healing extract leech. Already after the first use, the skin face becomes tightened, elastic, pigment spots are noticeably covered. With regular use, minor wrinkles smoothed, and the skin acquires a healthy look.

Shary Napkin Mask

As part of this mask there is chamomile Extract, Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen. Such a cosmetics perfectly tones the skin of the face, relieves fatigue and feeds cells. After use, the skin looks fresh and young. Such masks can be used before important meetings or reception of guests, they allow you to quickly lead yourself to order and return the attractiveness.

Belkosmex face art mask

The mask includes sea Collagenwhich has smoothing and tightening effect. The mask helps to improve metabolism and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. With constant use, the cosmetic helps prevent premature fading of the skin.

Video: Use of collagen masks for face care

Time does not stand still, but every woman dreams to extend the youth and return the skin to the former beauty. This will help collagen masks that saturate skin cells with nutrients. Thanks to masks with collagen, the skin of the face becomes tightened, soft and attractive.

  • Wonderful assistants
  • Types of masks
  • - For eyes
  • - For lips
  • - from seed seaweed
  • - Golden

Why makes our skin age? Wrinkles appear, elasticity outlines, ugly folds appear. The beauty of the epidermis depends on the good state of collagen fibers. Collagen is an important substance, a protein that is located under the layer of skin. It creates a peculiar frame that supports the epidermis in the stretched state. But with age (especially after the 25th turn), intracellular processes begin to gradually reduce their activity.

Wonderful assistants

Modern cosmetologists have developed a huge amount of effective tools to restore skin elasticity. These include a collagen mask for a person who will take care of the return of youth. Collagen is three species:

  • Animal origin. It is obtained from the skin of livestock. This is the cheapest product, but also less productive due to the large sizes of molecules. It is not very well perceived by our epidermis.
  • Vegetable. It is made from sea algae and wheat proteins. It usually has a type of powder. Before use, it is mixed with a concentrated mixture, the mask turns into a gel composition.
  • Sea. It is produced from the skin of marine fish. This collagen deeper and more efficiently affects the structure of the tissue and is most suitable for human skin.

How to use a collagen mask

The finished collagen mask is produced in two types: powdered and impregnated on fabric. Before conducting the procedure, carefully clean your face (you can use a soft scrub).

  • The powder means is prepared by mixing the powder and a special fluid that is part of the packaging (collagen hydrogel mask). You will get a thick, jelly mass. It is applied to the face, bottom-up, starting from the chin area.
  • A tissue mask is simply necessary to remove from the bag and impose on the face from the bottom up, carefully placing it on the skin.

The next 20-30 minutes you will spend in the situation of recreation and relaxation. Turn on the relaxing music, extinguish the light, complete the aromatherapy procedure. After the time expires, the remnants are blocked up with a soft napkin. Face rinse with water comfortable temperature.

Secure the result with a nutrient cream, applying it to the epidermis. Beauty instruction is simple and easy. The only thing that pay attention is: fabric Thai, Korean and Japanese collagen masks, developed under the Asian type of person, and can deliver some inconvenience when overlapping.

To whom collagen funds are suitable

Are you 18-20 years old? Perfect age to engage in prevention and overall complex skin care. The earlier it takes care of her - the longer you will look blooming and young.

Are you 20-30 years old? Take advantage of the excellent opportunity to avoid impending age-related changes. Strengthen your skin, give it the ability to be more beautiful and stronger.

Are you 30-40 years old? It's time to think about restoring the elasticity of the epidermis and maintaining it in the active phase for a long time.

Are you 40-50 years old and more? Forget about the desire to visit Plastic Surgeon. You can restore youth on your own. And will help you in this collagen mask at home.

To achieve a resistant effect, collagen care must be carried out by a monthly basis for one procedure weekly. The only restriction on its use is damaged skin (cuts, abrasions, wounds), as well as the presence of strong rashes and serious inflammation.

Types of masks

The cosmetic modern market actively uses the latest innovative techniques. The most effective for our epidermis. Funds are important - the masks are different.

Collagen eye mask

Collagen eye mask

Our eyes are a special attention zone. The skin in this part of the face is particularly sensitive and gentle. Caring for it should be more delicate, but no less thorough. The dermis in this zone contains very few elastin fibers, and the epidermis has only 0.5 mm thick. And the time primarily affects this, the least protected part of the person. Collagen eye mask created with such features. With regular use in a short time, you can get rid of many problems:

  • increase the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • remove all signs of fatigue;
  • forget about "goose legs";
  • get rid of bags, bruises and swelling under the eyes.

The collagen mask for the eyelids has an instant tightening effect. Moisens the epidermis, regenerating the tissues in this area. Very often, its component composition includes such active substances as: the extract of the battery, allantoin and hyaluronic acid.

A mask intended for skin care around the eyes can be used more often (every other day). Especially if your eyes are exposed to a strong load (work at a computer, wearing lenses, long-term voltage when reading and working with papers).

Collagen lip mask

Oh, these sponges, they simply must look like a seductive, and have an ideal form. Thanks to the perfect composition, the mask with collagen for the lips will help you:

  • return the puffs and seductive lips;
  • moisten them and emphasize the contour;
  • increase in volume and give elasticity.

As active ingredients, in addition to collagen biomatrix, amino acids, vitamin E, fruit acid, glycerol and hyaluronic acid are included. You can enjoy collagen care for lips 2-3 times weekly.

Collagen Mask of Seed Algae

Algae are the oldest inhabitants of our planet. It was they who became an active source of oxygen, which was a prerequisite for creating life. This is the best product in the protein protein fiber collagen. Seeds of algae are able to reanimate the skin in the most difficult cases. Their possibilities are simply endless.

There are many species of such masks, their composition depends on what type of algae is used.

Such masks are powerfully affected by the face, completely rejuvenating it, restore lipid and water exchange, have an effective intra-influence. They are ideal for any skin type.

Golden collagen mask

The main component of this fund is a unique nanofield, bio-gold. In combination with collagen, it has a powerful comprehensive effect. The maximum activates the bloodstream, the adhesive balance. Nanoparticles help all active ingredients penetrate the deepest layers of the demes.

This instant action mask, it does not require coursework. It is recommended to use it 3-4 times with a break in 2 days.

Its composition often include a placenta that helps to clean the epidermis, whiten the face and narrow the extended pores, getting rid of acne. At the biochemical level, the placenta activates the regeneration and the creation of young cells.

In stores you can find packaging masks of different manufacturers. Thai collagen masks, Russian production, leading European cosmetology companies - what better? The choice remains for you - any collagen face mask at home will benefit (with the condition that collagen in their composition will be at least 3%).

Be beautiful!