So that a man appreciates and is afraid to lose. Psychology as a man to make afraid of losing. How to behave so that a man shows masculine qualities

Often, after a quarrel with a loved one, it seems to many women that if a man is not afraid of losing them (or simply does not express it in any way, although deep down he is very afraid), this means that he does not love them, does not appreciate them, does not feel for them no feelings at all.

Such women are often mistaken. If it’s not scary for him to lose his beloved, it means that he just hasn’t realized yet how much she is dear to him.

Unfortunately, very often it is at this stage that novels end. She leaves, tired of trying to get his attention, and he realizes his feelings for her, as they say, already after the fact. How to behave so that a man is afraid of losing without breaking off relations with him? The method “by contradiction” will help to answer this question more precisely.

How not to behave

In order for a man to be afraid of losing you, you must adhere to the right line of behavior. To begin with, let's look at what you should never do, because the result will be completely opposite:

  1. Tell him directly that you are going to do something in this direction. On your part, this will be a banal provocation, which will only lead to quarrels and insults.
  2. Flirt openly with other men. This can make him angry and he will simply lose interest in you.
  3. Follow your emotions and call him every five minutes if he is busy at work or out with friends. He will think that you have no other interests besides him, which means that he has nothing to be afraid of, that is, you can behave as you like.

It is very important to know one truth: a man is afraid of losing a woman if he at least once had to think about the possibility of such an incident.

How to put such thoughts in his head?

  1. He is not the only thing in your life . Let him understand it. For example, if he warned in advance that he would go for a walk with friends, do not call him, constantly asking where he is and with whom. If it has become completely unbearable - send an SMS with kind words or a funny emoticon. This will give rise to doubts in his soul why you didn’t call him yourself, what are you doing so interesting without him. If he asks about it, with an innocent look, answer that you watched a movie that you have been interested in for a long time, but your young man still did not find time to watch it together.
  2. Make it clear that other men are paying attention to you . This must be done very unobtrusively, carefully and as if by the way. If a man is afraid of losing a woman, albeit without expressing it in any way, such a "revelation" will be more than enough for him. Tell, for example, how a stranger gave you a seat on the bus and tried to start a conversation, or about a sass who wants to meet you in line at the clinic. The representatives of the stronger sex are hunters by nature, and a man is afraid of losing a woman if he sees potential rivals.
  3. Hint to him that soon you may have a long separation. Of course, this must be done with extreme caution. You can, for example, be interested in exchange programs with other countries. It is not even necessary to take part in competitions to go abroad. It is enough just to speculate aloud how interesting and informative it would be. When is a man afraid of losing a woman? Then, when there is a risk that he will not see her for a long time.

How to behave so that a man is afraid of losing? You just have to follow a few simple rules. About them and will be discussed further.

Develop in yourself what makes him dependent on you

Any relationship is built on interdependence. And that's okay. It is likely that he cannot imagine his life without the comfort that you create in the house, without your tenderness and even a smile, in the end, without food prepared by you. You, in turn, also feel a certain dependence - on his money, position in society and interesting conversations with him ... In general, situations are different. Determine what exactly is dear to him in you, and focus on it, develop it in yourself in every possible way. Does he sleep long on Sundays and likes to treat himself to junk food? Let him do it ... occasionally. Let him sleep, and you quietly get up and cook his favorite dish for him. He will be very pleased. Or run to McDonald's and buy him a big bag of fast food. How to behave so that a man is afraid of losing you? Sometimes indulge his whims, but you should not always do this, otherwise he will get used to and stop perceiving such trifles as joys.

Be independent for him!

How to make a man afraid to lose? Be always as if at some distance from him. Know how to provide for yourself, do not be jealous, do not arrange an inspection check of his phone or e-mail at the first suspicion of interest in other women. If he wants to cheat on you, he will do it so that you do not know. Find your favorite pastime, develop in every possible way, otherwise he will cease to appreciate you and lose all interest. What kind of woman is a man afraid of losing? Smart, independent, unobtrusive, which will easily support any conversation. In general, the one with which he will be pleased to appear in society, which he is not ashamed to introduce to friends or parents. The main thing is not to forget about him during all these activities, to be interested in his affairs, to love him and respect him.

Be a friend to him

It's not just women who need to be heard. Men need it just as much. Be interested in his affairs, ask about work, friends, hobbies, plans, successes. But don't overdo it. This shouldn't look like an interrogation. If he does not want to talk about something - do not impose yourself, postpone questions until the next time.

Calm is the most important

Always be calm. Even if a conflict arose, and the man made a mistake in something, calmly explain to him what exactly he was wrong about. Some, of course, like the Italian passions and scandals that entertain the whole street. But this is rather an exception to the rule. The main part of the representatives of the stronger sex still wants meetings with the woman they love to be not a burden for them. Understand, they need a "safe haven" in which to relax after a busy day.

A man should always feel like a winner

Since ancient times, men have fought or at least simply competed with each other. They fought for the best land, the best food, the best woman. How to behave so that a man is afraid of losing? You just need to let him fight for you and... be the winner. Be a goal for a man, a dream ... Together with him rejoice in his victories and do not take into account his defeats. He will definitely appreciate it and will be afraid to lose.

Little tricks

How to behave so that a man is afraid of losing his love? Sometimes cancel your appointments citing important matters. The main thing is not to overdo it and endure such a period that he gets bored, but does not think that you have found another or are simply avoiding a meeting. Of course, it's hard not to see your loved one for several days, but you need a result, don't you? In order not to be so hard, take care of yourself - visit a beautician, take a walk with your friends, go shopping. There is one more variant of behavior - always be different. All women are actresses to one degree or another, so change your looks every day. Today you are a Turgenev girl, the dream of a poet, tomorrow you are a sexy kitty that will drive any man crazy, the day after tomorrow you are a smart little intellectual or a cheerful girl - “her boyfriend”. He will not know which one he will see you next, and this will add novelty to your relationship and even some piquancy.

He is not the only man in your environment

We have already touched on this topic a little higher. Give him the opportunity to understand that you are only his woman ... at least for now. Never force yourself on him. Just casually mention that today you are meeting in a cafe with a classmate (of course ... you haven’t seen each other for so long, you have something to talk about!) or that you will be late at work, because a colleague promised to help you finish a difficult report. Do not hesitate - he will immediately want to meet a classmate or come running to meet you from work. The ideal option would be to be together in a company where there are several men who like you. Give everyone small signs of attention - smile at this, joke with the other. But not more!

You don't have to flirt openly. Behave in such a way that they enjoy talking to you, but not in such a way that they can make far-reaching plans. You want men to compete with each other for your attention, and not see you as a cheap doll. How to behave so that a man is afraid of losing you? Show that other guys are interested in you, but so far the only one for you is only him.

Hello dear readers! Many girls think about what to do to make a guy afraid of losing you. They think that this will make their relationship stronger. So we seek, betrayal, indecent behavior on the part of a man. You just need to decide on a plan of action and everything in life will go well. Is it really?

Today I will tell you about whether it is worth doing something so that a young man is afraid of losing you, what consequences this can lead to, what reckless methods most girls use and what is the best thing to do so that your relationship with your partner is harmonious, and he never wants to leave you.

I will explain all this from the point of view of a psychologist. No magic or conspiracies. Only useful advice for relationships.

Your own fear and its danger

Women who look for different birth techniques in a partner with separation anxiety tend to be not very self-confident. This is completely normal and indicates that you really like the person you are dating.

The only problem is that you initially put your man a little higher than you. You are subconsciously afraid that he will commit some meanness and therefore want to protect yourself. Also, in connection with a bad experience, you may not, and therefore subconsciously expect some kind of catch.

Your partner feels all this and his own fears and concerns subside. You are more interested in him than he is in this love. By doing so, you harm yourself. The desire to keep a man does not give anything except his own confidence that you value him, are afraid of losing him and will not go anywhere. He feels that you will go to great lengths to keep this union, you will forgive him and take the first steps after a quarrel when necessary.

The more freedom you give a young person and the less you depend on him, the more interest on his part. He will strive to do the right thing, not out of fear, guilt, or, but because he wants it. With him is a full-fledged girl who will not tolerate inflicted insults. This will give you much more than other methods.

Let your first step towards losing be letting go of your own fears. You feel good together, you are in love, but you are by no means dependent on your partner. Love yourself more than him and do not even allow the thought that if he leaves, life will end. You will find someone else. Perhaps better.

This approach will allow you to correctly respond to the actions of a man, not to be offended, and subconsciously show how you can act and what is better not to do.

The path of jealousy

Not all girls know how to behave so that a man does not want to lose a woman. Please note that the key word here will not be “afraid”, but “did not want to”.

Fear leads to rash acts, dependence on another person. These are not very pleasant emotions, and sooner or later any person begins to be guided by the instinct of self-preservation and tries to get rid of negative emotions in life. Everyone strives for happiness, harmony is impossible if there is fear in the relationship.

So, some young ladies strive to make a guy jealous, because they think that this will help the man appreciate them more. I don't think it's necessary to explain what thoughts they are guided by when applying various techniques, but does the method work in the first place?

Jealousy is another negative emotion and it gives the wrong characterization of the person who is actually jealous. Do you think a young man will be proud of a woman who attracts the attention of hundreds? Unfortunately, this is often not the case. They get tired of jealousy very quickly and begin to blame not young people who show signs of attention, but the girl herself, suspecting that she is behaving somehow wrong, not modestly.

Jealousy is a manifestation of insecurity in yourself and your partner. A man begins to feel next to a woman who is in demand, less beautiful, smart, he has to constantly compare himself with others and try to match. Ultimately, people in whom this feeling prevails begin to behave inappropriately and the reason for this is fatigue from their own emotions.

Sometimes they even refuse relationships altogether in order to restore strength. The most interesting thing is that with the next girl the situation repeats itself.

How to act

If you want a man to be afraid of losing you, create such conditions for him that he would never want to be next to another woman for anything in the world, so that he understands that you are the best thing that happened to him in this life. How to achieve this? Everything is quite simple.

All men lack self-confidence. From birth, they are forced to prove something to others, they talk about the need to match their gender: “You are a boy”, “You are a man”.

Compliment your boyfriend more often. Sounds kind of strange, doesn't it? However, it works.

Tell him how well he coped with the problem, quickly came to the rescue, how interesting he is, how much his friends and you appreciate him. Men are not used to such behavior and at first they are very embarrassed, however, it is hard not to notice how their face breaks into a satisfied smile when they do not have to prove once again that they are worthy of the title of “man”. This is recognized by the woman. They subconsciously begin to praise her so that the opinion of his masculinity would be of great value.

One of my friends used this technique not quite correctly, periodically making it clear that without a specific young man, she would almost die. Tell me, why would a man meet with such an insecure young lady? He is her top bar and she will never have anything better in her life.

Still, whatever you say, the insecurity of men plays into our hands. I already said that using facts that cause jealousy is not the best idea, but if a man comes up with something himself, that's great. You must not forget about yourself. You are no worse, and he must understand this in order not to be arrogant.

Remember that you are not afraid of losing him?

I do not share the opinion that a young man should be given complete freedom and allowed to go out with friends even when you do not want it, thereby proving his own independence. Some believe that everyone needs space. If you yourself belong to this category of people, then why do you need advice? You know how to navigate between relationships and freedom. If not, why torture yourself and show qualities that you do not have? Thus, we deceive the partner.

A little later, when the relationship becomes more ordinary, you will want to show your own "I". He will be very offended if you do not continue to make concessions.

Use other methods to show your worth. One of my acquaintances, for example, always lacked words. Instead of standard messages: “I will love you all my life” or “You are the best thing that happened to me”, she periodically sends her beloved something like: “I don’t know what will happen next, but now I am very happy because you with me".

Give men freedom, even illusory, and they will never want to use it.

In the book Steve Harvey "Act like a woman, think like a man" you will find even more useful tips, although you already know the basics, and therefore are ready to take the first steps towards creating a truly ideal relationship.

See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Someone claims that in order to cause a man's fear of losing a woman, it is necessary to keep him on a short leash, not allowing him to relax for a second. Someone, on the contrary, believes that it is necessary to blow off dust particles from a man, monitor his body temperature, nutrition, in a word, analyze his life activity in detail, and in case of malfunctions in his body, immediately proceed to decisive action.

A smart woman will reject both options, quite rightly noting that these are extremes and will suggest preferring the golden mean. So how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing a woman?

1. Look at everything ... not even a hundred, but two hundred!

The fact that an impeccable appearance is a woman's EVERYTHING has long been beyond doubt. Well, in relationships with the opposite sex, appearance is a key nuance. You need to look great, and not only to please the eye of your beloved man. Let him believe that such beauty can be lost at any moment and do not relax even for a second!

Here, however, the main thing is not to overdo it. Too sexy is already defiant, if not vulgar, and sooner or later will provoke a conflict. Many women mistakenly believe that shining with seductive forms and impeccable taste is a single whole. You need to find a balance and stick to it. Otherwise, the prospect of losing a woman will not be so terrible, rather, on the contrary.

2. This notorious path through the stomach ...

In fact, this is not entirely true, the cult of food is not welcome - many men do not need any three-course dinner with dessert and compote, and a woman standing at the stove is not the limit of his erotic dreams. Nevertheless, in the saying that the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach, there is still a grain of common sense.

Men love to eat tasty, and this is not discussed. It is possible and necessary to pamper your beloved man with culinary delights, but here, too, a measure is needed. If you feed him beyond measure, sooner or later he will think: does life really only consist of food? Yes, and he will prefer the one that does not exclaim at the invitation to the restaurant: “Why spend money if you can stay at home and cook something tasty ?!”

The portal site draws your attention to the fact that in the matter of nutrition of a loved one, balance is also required.

3. What about intimacy?

Oh yes, sex. This is also important. It is better for a woman to know what her beloved man likes and actively implement all preferences. A woman simply has to be desired and liberated. And this is not just an axiom, but a feature. When a man is skillfully caressed by a beloved woman, he, one way or another, consciously or subconsciously, will think: “With whom did she so sharpen her skills?” in addition, taking exquisite caresses, he simply enjoys. And a normal man would never agree to sacrifice wonderful sensations in favor of another male!

4. Give him space

There are many women in the world who not only want to invade the personal space of their beloved, but also make appropriate attempts. Therefore, one should strive for a minority that recognizes a man's right to this very personal space.

And even if passion, how interesting it is to find out with whom and what he is corresponding with, such interest simply needs to be suppressed and nipped in the bud! Such women are highly valued among men and, as a result, they are subject to the same, sought-for fear of losing them.

5. A little flirting is sometimes good.

This refers to flirting with another man, and there is no need to be afraid of this. True, with a slight amendment - you need to flirt within reason: no ambiguous hints, vicious smiles, frank phrases. A light friendly smile addressed to a neighbor sitting at the table on the other hand is enough, an offer to put “that salad over there”, after which you should immediately take your beloved by the hand encouragingly.

And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe! In the head of a loved one, it will immediately take shape: “But mine is very personal, she knows how to like it! Oh, they'll take you away!" Nevertheless, a sense of pride in a loved one in most cases, if we are talking about an adequate person, will still prevail. And at the same time for myself: “She is with me! And she took her by the hand, as if emphasizing how dear I am to her!

6. No need to try to change a man

Here you need to be afraid of God - after all, we are talking about an adult with already formed habits and views on life. Nevertheless, some women are downright obsessed with the idea of ​​"fitting" what is at hand to their ideal, driven only by them. “I blinded him from what was” - it became a motto for them. And what was something? An ordinary, living person who does not want to be either plasticine or clay.

And those women who, even in their thoughts, do not even allow to try to change a man, are worth their weight in gold. They are afraid to lose.

7. Do not impose your interests on him

This is unnatural, although there are women who do not think so. And the woman begins to persuade him to watch his favorite TV shows, sincerely not understanding why he is not interested in how the lovers will resolve their conflict and when will they finally be together ?!

Yes, let him play his “shooters”, watch football-hockey-action movies and be happy knowing that there is a woman nearby who understands that male and female addictions are fundamentally different in most cases!

8. You shouldn't force a man to take care of a woman.

It is one thing when a man cares about the health and safety of the woman he loves, and it is quite another to abuse his care. Well, a man doesn’t like it when a woman is always whining and whining in a childish voice, how bad she is now and in general, she needs affection and care. In the end, everything has a limit. Moreover, a man is absolutely not obliged to take care of a woman - she is not a child and not a disabled person.

But if a woman does not indicate to a man that now, at the moment, she wants his care, and sometimes even defiantly moves away from her manifestations, the man will feel his desire to take care of THIS woman.

Sometimes the question arises: “Is she needed, the fear of losing a woman? After all, you can just calmly love each other and enjoy this love? But a woman who knows her own worth will only answer in the affirmative!

The less we love a woman,
The more she likes us.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

It is the same with men - so as not to ask. If you want to tie a guy to you, then don’t try to do it with the help of a “short leash” - it won’t work, it will break. A man will be afraid to lose you only when you relax this “leash” or even let go of your hands, while remaining just as beloved and seductive for him.

Imagine, once in the "ancient" Soviet times, if a husband tried to fade away from the family, then his wife knocked on the thresholds of all kinds of instances:

    She wrote a statement to the police. They'll figure it out for sure!

    Contacted the place of work. It's time to break the bastard career!

    Raised the alarm in various organizations. Let him be subjected to public censure!

    Complained even to the house management. Neighbors should be aware too!

What a storm rose - sentry! The “scoundrel” was exposed, reprimanded, deprived of bonuses and some well-deserved titles, expelled from the Komsomol and even threatened to take away the party card if the husband held a high position.

In general, you can’t wash off the shame, and even your career was flying downhill. Most often, the husband returned to his "cell of society." But it is not clear what the wife was counting on by acting by such methods. That love for his wife will return to him? So after all, he began to hate her more than ever!

Surprisingly, even hating his wife, such a husband was afraid of losing her. Frightened by public censure and threats from above, he was ready to endure his wife until the end of his days, if only his personal life and career would not give a roll.

Now, thank God, there are no such formidable organizations. But still, some wives try to rein in their husbands with the help of threats: if you quit, you will lose everything, I will sue an apartment, I will set up at work, I will gossip around me - life will not seem like a paradise.

Therefore, many men are still in no hurry to tie the knot. Yourself is dearer! Passed love, parted and goodbye! No courts and censures - except that "his ex" will stick around with gossip.

So never try to keep a man. Even if for some reason he will be afraid for the future "thanks" to you, then you will definitely not return feelings for him. Or he will spit on his own future, hide from you and start life from scratch.

If you have just started a relationship with a man, then let him tame you a little. About the same as people get a cat:

    Character. At first, the owner looks closely at the behavior of the cat: how affectionate or vice versa is it aggressive. If she's crazy, she's tearing up the wallpaper, and there's a lot of wool from her, then what for is she needed like that. So is a man - if he feels that women will have a lot of problems from her bitchiness, then it is better to stay away from her.

    Cleanliness. If she goes to the tray, licks her fur, does not wallow in the dust, then this is a good animal, you should take it. A man also appreciates the appearance of a woman. Of course, she should not go to the tray, but she must be clean and well-groomed.

    Devotion. Just like that - feline, without dog obedience, but with a share of pride and disobedience. But if she climbs into everyone's arms and constantly runs away from home, then the owner begins to ignore her pet. And if she is always in the hands of the owner, and gives herself to strangers only to stroke and play a little, then she is really a favorite.

This is how a girl should be when she starts a relationship with a guy: affectionate and neat, for whom her beloved, even if not “king and god”, but in any case she values ​​​​him. And it's good that without fanaticism!

But everyone around her admires her. Still - such a queen! She graciously allows other guys to flirt with her and she herself does not mind flirting, but changing: “What are you, dear! Never! And how could you even think such a thing! And - "mur-mur" to your beloved in the arms! But the devil knows what's going on in that pretty head?!

In general, jealousy and pride in your woman is born without any reason or conjecture. Enough for you to be everywhere in the first place:

  • the main irritant of envious women,
  • prom queen at a big celebration,
  • your kid among your boyfriend's friends.

Just don't be a jerk. On the contrary, you should not be "many". You should be "on topic". You can outshine all the ladies and cause conflicting feelings in your young man if you follow the advice from the article.

Why contradictory? Well, because he will still be jealous - as an owner. But on the other hand, surrounded by friends who will admire you, your man will rejoice in his soul: “Ha ha, men! You're stressing out! This is my woman, not yours!”

Sex “with a quality mark” is what can “turn your head” to your boyfriend. But this sign of quality should be not only at the very beginning of the relationship, but also in later life too. Otherwise, if you lose your qualifications, then there will be another madam in your place, eager for sex.

If you are good-looking, and even a panther in bed, then it won’t even occur to a man to change something. Unfortunately, this is often forgotten by the ladies who have achieved the same marriage proposal from their lover. And rushed:

  • "I'm tired!"
  • "My head hurts!"
  • "You are punished!"
  • "I'm in a bad mood!"

But for now, a man knows what you are capable of in bed, and sometimes he endures all these “Tired!” and "Not in the mood!". At first, he still agrees to be a good boy and a personal doctor. But if these whims drag on and begin to annoy, then of course he will look to the left.

It's like the way medicine works. When a person is very ill, he takes the best and most effective medicines for himself. Phew, the disease has receded! Already not bad, and you can “finish off” the disease with some cheap pills. And then - bam: a relapse! And again, you need to run for quality medicine.

The comparison with pills is not accidental. Quality sex really heals the soul and body. Even a man who has physically exhausted himself in bed feels a surge of vigor and good mood for the whole day. Look, I must have seen the joggers in the morning? All of them are so athletic. Charging is certainly good, but they would get a real buzz and a surge of strength in bed with a girlfriend.

Therefore, if you want a man to be afraid of losing you, drink analgin and do not punish the guy. Yes, and this is “On you, just hurry!” don't practice either. No need for "Christ's sake!", We need what was before. And if you don’t lose your qualification, then a man will be scared even at the thought that you will repeat something like that with another guy.

How often women are frightened by all sorts of maniacs. “Here he is stalking the victim, sneaking on her heels in a dark alley, and suddenly his shadow appears on the brick wall with a knife in his hand, a woman’s scream is heard and everything falls silent overnight.”

It's a hackneyed movie thriller. But in life, there are also maniacs, and in a female guise. No, they do not walk down the alley with a knife, they make it worse - with their obsession, they break the life of a man piece by piece, believing that he will somehow fall madly in love with her.

Here are the methods by which the "maniac" works:

    He runs around the grandmother-witnesses, and then pours all sorts of rubbish into his drinks or steals personal items in order to “conjure” them later.

    Calls and writes to his girlfriends, friends and relatives on behalf of some anonymous person, slandering and gossip.

    He waits at home or work and constantly follows him: sometimes with threats, sometimes with belittling.

Yes, these love spells and calls do not work! There is no such spell that, after all these eccentricities, a man would fall in love with a maniac so that he would be afraid to lose her later. On the contrary - at best, he will ignore her, and at worst, he will impose a three-story mat and give a pendal in the ass to speed up.

Shot from the movie "Scream"

arrow_left Shot from the movie "Scream"

Don't make him a jerk

It is these - frightened henpecked, their wives call goats. And what will he, the "goat", say in response to this? Nothing - he is a coward before the wrath of his wife. He is a goat that he forgot to buy bread in the store, that he did not wipe the dust on the cabinet, that he did not add salt to the soup.

Driving a man under the heel, a woman does not take into account only one thing - thereby she will cease to respect her husband, and, accordingly, love. Yes, and then she herself will become disgusted with living under the same roof with him. So is it worth bringing love to insanity, trying to intimidate the man you love?

Finally, an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man - and you immediately know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You would be able to get any man and have an ideal relationship and would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem.

Who said it's impossible? Of course, you won’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

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Marina Nikitina

Do you have a man, husband, lover, whom you are afraid of losing? How to keep an adored object near you? You won't say to his face: "I'm afraid to lose you"! This is not worth doing.

Do not show weakness and lack of will in the matter of relationships and attachments, otherwise it will only get worse.

Below are approximate options for tying a man to invisible ropes to yourself, but remember: the actions you take after reading the advice remain, because not all of them are honest.

“Like cheese in butter…”

“I’m afraid of losing my husband,” is that phrase stuck in your head? Probably because of the fear of losing the love of your betrothed, you want to turn everything upside down. Do you want him to be afraid of losing you, and not you? Then this completely honest and easily doable way for a loving wife will suit you. This method is called “like cheese in butter”.

The bottom line: if you create the most satisfying living conditions for your husband, he will not exchange you for any other super-beauty and super-hostess. Everything is easy to implement here, the main thing is that the desire to “bind” him be stronger than everyday prejudices. If he likes to eat sandwiches at the computer, do not impose the rules of etiquette on him and do not force him to memorize the rules of behavior at the table, do not yell at him after every crumb that falls from the sandwich. Estimate: what is better, once again to wave a rag or sit then at the broken trough and cry? Remember this question and every time a similar situation occurs, ask it mentally to yourself.

If he likes to drink a bottle of beer in front of the TV, then give him this long-awaited holiday, and invite your friends too. Yes, such a treasure, such an understanding wife, everyone will be afraid to lose! Analyze when a man's mood deteriorates, then you will understand what little things he lacks for comfort.

Assessed merits

This method is suitable for fresh relationships, when a girl wakes up and goes to bed with only one thought: “How afraid I am of losing a guy!”

If you are afraid of losing him, then he has many virtues, so tell him about it.

It is advisable, when listing all the “pluses”, not to lie, but to praise for real superiority, then they will be afraid of losing you, not you. How else does the faithful know how you are thrilled at the sight of his biceps or adore his sharp funny jokes? If he does not find out about this from you, then he will go to the place where he will be told about this three times every day, that is, to another girl.

If he lacks intelligence and biceps, find something special in his character, appearance, behavior. Does your loved one need support and has more troubles and problems than you? So come up with a phrase like: “You have such stamina!”, “You look so majestic in that coat!”, “Your friends were delighted with you when you beat them”, “I feel safe with you”, “ You have exceptional taste, unlike most men.”

Behavior change

“How to make them afraid of losing,” the girl thinks, although she fulfills the man’s whims, but he is still not always satisfied, “sat on his neck, and also hung his legs.” In this case, the previous strategies will only exacerbate the situation. Here you need to irrevocably change your behavior. A feigned indifference, an attitude towards an ungrateful man, like a child who does not understand, will help. Stop doing everything he says. When the conversation is about work, events for the day, prices, weather - communicate, take a keen interest in everything. And if orders, reproaches and conversations in a humiliating mentoring tone begin, do not react at all or show indignation at such behavior in a different way: go to another room, slamming the door lightly, do not cook dinner for him, show offense.

This is where the opposite strategy comes into play. With a change in behavior, and a sharp one, your man will at least be surprised and pay attention to you differently, and not just as attendants. In addition, his level of comfort will decrease: there will be nothing to eat, things will remain dirty, there is no one to yell at, no one to humiliate, in general, the pattern will break. A man will definitely notice a change in behavior.

friend and psychologist

Become for a man not just a wife, lover or cohabitant, but an irreplaceable person, girlfriend and personal psychologist. Surely, he suffers from misunderstandings, and wives often do not fulfill the role of both wife and girlfriend of a man, so do it! Let him tell you how to involve him in a conversation, what are the unresolved issues, the problems of a loved one.

Let him know that you appreciate him more than before. Do not laugh at his seemingly trifling problems, do not perceive them as the babbling of an unintelligent child. Be imbued with those questions that do not allow him to live in peace, be happy or look to the side in search of pity and understanding. If you're guilty, don't start an “old record” like “I won't apologize to this ungrateful fool”, especially if you do it regularly.

In the event of a change in figure (for example, you got fat after giving birth and or because of breastfeeding, the latter took on a different shape), think about whether an attractive appearance will correct the situation? Sweat for glory, try for mutual future happiness, he will appreciate your efforts. And if he asks what's the matter, why such zeal appeared, then say so, I want you to like me. He will be proud of you and himself.


One of the answers to the question “how to behave so that a man is afraid of losing” sounds like this: become unsurpassed in bed. This is an important factor that plays a very important role for men. Especially for long-term relationships, in which everything quickly gets boring. Do what he asked for a long time, but you did not. Learn the class method. This will give him great pleasure, especially after a hard day at work.

General rules

So, below are the general rules that will be useful to any girl, woman who wondered “how to behave so that a man is afraid to lose”:

Do not impose your opinion if he strongly disagrees with it.
Don't do anything that annoys him.
Do not wear ugly clothes with stains or holes at home (this does not apply to fashionable ripped jeans).
Maintain a balance between caresses and proud coldness.
Do not cry, especially if the man is clearly annoyed.
, do not program in the mind unpleasant, undesirable situations.
Admire the virtues, but ignore the flaws.
Don't make decisions for him.
him (to understand the meaning of what was said).
Do not upload your problems.
Be restrained.
Be cheerful.
Be beautiful, slim, interesting.
Don't treat him like a child.
Don't let your relationship drift.
Don't call him every half an hour.
Total control is excluded.
Come up with a hobby to your liking, not only wash the dishes for him!
To be a bit of an unsolved mystery always.
Remember: a man is the same person as you with slight anatomical and social differences, support him in everything.
To love a man.

Only you yourself will give exact answers to the question asked, because every relationship is unique.

Who, if not you, knows for what qualities you are loved, what does a man like in you? What in his eyes distinguishes you from other women? After some thought, you will understand what these super-qualities or character traits are, because of which he chose you. They need to be insisted on, and they need to be developed.

Let him understand that while living or communicating with you, he is free to do whatever he sees fit, free, that he is not in the golden cage of your control, but has entered into an alliance (even if verbal) on free grounds. Let a man know that there are no responsibilities, you just love each other and therefore have the same rights and freedom to express yourself in life as you see fit.

If you want to bind your beloved one and only man to yourself, let him go.

If you are beautiful, smart, self-sufficient, interesting, addicted, ready for change, loving, attentive, caring - great! And also kind, smiling, joyful and happy, then any man will be afraid to lose such a treasure.

March 23, 2014, 04:07 PM