Erotic see the girl in your own words. Dirty sms beloved girl funny

If you want to pleasantly surprise your girlfriend and add a little variety to your relationship, then a little vulgarity won't hurt them. Only not outright vulgarity, but something more subtle, interesting and mysterious. For example, you can send cool, vulgar SMS messages to your girlfriend, which are guaranteed to cheer her up and create a playful atmosphere conducive to frank communication. With just one message, you can reveal in your beloved new, hitherto unseen facets, and these facets can surprise you very much.

It won't get any worse from what you have in mind. In 99% of cases, they work exactly as they should. You just need to choose the appropriate option on our website and use it for its intended purpose. Please your beloved and, moreover, it will cost you nothing. Imagine what her surprise will be when she reads such words.

Take the best vulgar posts on our site right now and take action. Believe me, you will not have to regret your decision.

I want to come to you,
Well, right after lunch,
You undress, lie down and wait
So let's start the conversation!

More and more often I remember your tender camp
And again I dream to be with you!
Do you remember how good it was for us
When did I come to you in the evening?
Perhaps everything that was repeated?
In bed I will be invincible!

I can't resist before you
I am ready to admire you for eternity!
I want to give you my passion at night
And enjoy sex between us!
I always want you differently!
I'll come, just tell me just YES!

Sexual attraction
I can't escape to you.
To a silent frenzy
I will caress you!

Her eyes shone with kindness
And sincerity knew no bounds
But the most attractive feature
There was a line between the round buttocks.

I want to undress you very slowly
And immediately get down to business, of course!
Hug where necessary or rub
So that everything was as you wanted it!

I will fulfill all your wishes

Believe me, women and girls often turn out to be much more relaxed and open in terms of sexual relations than men. Another thing is that they are revealed from this side only in front of a really loved one. So there is nothing wrong or judgmental about what you are about to do, simply not. With the help of frank, intriguing and truly sexual messages, you will be able to reveal completely new facets in your beloved, which you have never seen before.

Offer her a kind of game, and start playing it first. To do this, you just need to send sexy SMS to your beloved girl and wait for a response from her. And the answer will follow, take our word for it. Moreover, he may be the most unexpected and daring. And who knows what kind of continuation awaits you in the future. Worth a try, anyway. At least out of interest. Bring a dash of variety to a possibly measured relationship and surprise your girlfriend.

the site will offer you a lot of excellent ones that will help you discover your imagination and allow you to beautifully present your thoughts to your loved one. And all this can be done absolutely free. So why wait? Take action now!

I am very sorry that we rarely see each other.
But, forgetting about conscience, intelligence and honor,
I dream of you, my sweetie.
Expand and eat more often!

I'll make my way to your bed and be warm
Tickle the surface of the body with a breath,
Tormented by joyful confusion
I hesitate to warm you.

I invite you to me
I promise you a nice evening
We'll be just you and me.
I want you for a long time!

First I'll press to my chest
My beautiful goddess.
And I want to enter you
And merge in a fiery rush!

My baby you cause excitement
I'm waiting for you to give me pleasure
You're a baby, sexy itself
I see you - I lose reality.

I will touch gently with my lips
And touch your chest
And the flame will rise
When we are woven together!

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Everyone knows that the beautiful half of humanity loves with their ears. But when it comes directly to the seduction and arousal of the chosen one, many men completely forget about the magical power of words, immediately moving on to more active actions.

But touching and kissing is not always appropriate, and you can talk wherever and whenever you want. How to "turn on" a girl with words, you will learn from our tips.

The appearance and behavior of a man

If you want to turn a girl on, you yourself have to look beautiful and sexy. Before meeting, be sure to shower, wear perfume and tidy up your clothes.

If you smell unpleasant, and the general appearance resembles a "battered dog", no words will set a woman to continue the meeting in a more intimate setting.

Your behavior also plays an important role. Girls love guys who are confident and determined, but not obtrusive and rude.

  1. In no case do not "send" or make fun of the girl.
  2. Don't ask explicit, intimate questions on the first date.
  3. Don't be intrusive or rush things.
  4. Observe the young lady: non-verbal signals will tell you exactly how to proceed next.

If a girl moves away, removes your hand, avoids conversations with erotic overtones, then she still does not feel comfortable in your company. And vice versa: if the girl does not take her eyes off you, pulls her curls, holds your hand, continue the love game.

Introductory phrases

Girls love to chat, but they love even more when they are listened to and understood. Before proceeding to the actual seduction of a young lady, talk to her about your day. For example, ask about her mood and state of health, what interesting happened to her today, or ask her opinion about a situation.

  • How do you feel in this weather?
  • Are you cold?
  • What did you do today?
  • How did you sleep? What was your dream?
  • How are you feeling?
  • Do you think it's good when ...?
  • Do you agree that…. ?
  • What do you think, … ?
  • How are your mom / parents?
  • How is your dog / cat doing?
  • Did everything today, what did you plan?
  • Are you hungry?
  • You are tired? How are you feeling?
  • What movie did you watch? About what? So what do you think about it?

Believe me, the girl will be flattered by your attention and participation in her life. And he will happily continue the conversation in an intimate way.


Use compliments to show your girlfriend how attractive, desirable, and loved she is. You can talk not only about her appearance, but also about her character traits, about what you like about her, what makes her special.

In doing so, speak sincerely and truly what you feel.

You should not lie, hypocrite, and even more so flatter. Any girl will immediately recognize false and untrue.

  • This is the first time I see such beautiful / blue eyes ...
  • You have a very deep look, you would drown in it.
  • You have a perfect figure, probably many girls are jealous ...
  • You have such a thin waist.
  • You have such delicate skin / hands that you don't want to let go.
  • You are the sexiest girl in the world.
  • You have such a gentle touch.
  • What beautiful and well-groomed hair. I would like to get confused in them ...

Accompany gentle words with light strokes, touching your friend's hair, hands, knees.

Voice timbre and intonation

When talking to a girl, watch your intonation and voice timbre. Don't speak loud, fast, confused, or confused. But do not mumble words under your breath either.

The deep, chesty timbre with a slight hoarseness is especially stimulating.

Saying all sorts of romantic nonsense and tenderness, try to look a woman in the eye or whisper words in your ear.

Straight Talk

To further liberate and excite the girl, start a conversation on an erotic topic. When it comes to intimacy (and not necessarily on the same day), she will have more fun remembering all of your preliminary discussions.

The frankness and nature of an intimate conversation directly depends on the duration and proximity of your relationship. Therefore, you should not start this kind of conversation on the first date with an unfamiliar girl.

Excitement by correspondence and telephone

It is desirable to maintain the "flame" of love play between meetings. In seduction from a distance, the phone and social networks will be good helpers. But here, too, there are rules.

1) Draw images in your imagination.

Use words so that the girl can easily imagine the picture in her head. For example, talk / write not just about a "kiss", but about a "passionate kiss on the neck."

2) Ask the questions correctly.

Ask your friend about things of an intimate nature that relate to her personally. For example, ask: "What's under her clothes", "How soft is her bed."

3) Speak / write as simply and clearly as possible.

Try to use short phrases.

4) When writing SMS or messages, do not make mistakes.

A small typo is okay, but an absolutely illiterate text will not add points in your favor.

5) Tease and maintain interest.

Put small calls in front of the girl and always end the conversation so that she has something to answer. Be original and interesting so she doesn't get bored.

6) Pay attention to your voice.

All of the above tips on intonation and timbre are especially important.

7) Do not limit yourself to topics of a sexual nature.

Also take care of your friend, ask about her affairs, mood.

It is best to write / call a girl in the evening. This is the best time for erotic fantasies and the awakening of desire. But flirting and maintaining a playful mood is recommended at any time of the day.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    How to excite a girl on VKontakte?

    To do this, use the information provided above.

    Can a girl be turned on in a text message?

    Can. The main thing is to follow all the rules of correspondence. Write competently and from the heart so that the girl reading your message can immediately imagine with what voice and with what intonation you are saying these words.

    How to excite a girl with sms phrases?

    An example of exciting SMS:
    - I imagine how you are lying next to me, and I stroke your soft and velvety skin, kiss your juicy lips and hear the smell of your hair.
    - I can't wait to hear your gentle voice and touch your sweet lips. Hurry, come to me, my sweet candy.
    - It would be evening soon! And I will be able to hug and kiss you without fear that someone will see us.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    How to embarrass a girl with words?

    What are the vulgar words to say to excite a girl?

    Use diminutives and erotic phrases that most women like. Well, who can resist the phrases "my delicious", or "my sweet".
    Erotic phrases should accompany the touch of weak erogenous zones, which include hair, earlobes and skin on a woman's neck:
    - "You have a divine body."
    - "You turn Me On".
    - "I want you".
    - "I'm going crazy with you" ...

    Can a girl be turned on with songs?

    Of course. The main thing is to choose romantic songs that will "catch" the darling with every word.

    What exciting neat questions to ask a girl?

Many women believe that a man should take the initiative in any area of \u200b\u200brelationship. The behavior of a lady should be like an unapproachable queen.

On the one hand, the approach is correct and corresponds to stereotypical notions about relationships, but on the other hand, men with such ladies get bored.

Any man likes it when a lady starts to flirt with him, but how to do this if the dear one constantly disappears at business meetings, business trips.

For this, short SMS messages were invented, exciting the imagination of a man from a distance.

Exciting SMS to a man in your own words

Most inexperienced women in sexual correspondence often commit a common offense - they try to fill up a man with vulgar messages.

From assertive behavior, the young man does not know whether to continue the communication further. Of course, there are men who love this behavior, but many of the stronger sex prefer to keep the intrigue.

The main the girl's task is to interest the guy and arouse interest in the personality, so that he instantly wants to be next to his beloved.

Therefore, it is better to start the correspondence with a non-annoying declaration of love in your own words. Further, it is recommended to move on to more explicit messages, supported by intimate photos.

Examples of short phrases and mind-boggling SMS:

  1. Day all the while, thoughts of you never leave my head. I dream that I would be close, pressed tightly and kissed passionately!
  2. Can't imagine how much I miss you. I think your scent accompanies me everywhere.
  3. Now morning, but I am looking forward to evening with great impatience. I dream of relaxing my body as gently as I did yesterday.
  4. Going to sleep and can't decide: take off cute black stockings, delicately tight-fitting slender legs?

    Or not touch them - rush in and help pull them off? - a calling phrase can be written at night.

  5. I wanted fall asleep, but did not work out. I close my eyes and see your pumped-up beautiful body: various vulgarities arise in my head.
  6. Want caress your body and enjoy passionate kisses.
  7. Come tonight, if you want to see a sweet and long striptease performed by the priestess of love.
  8. Favourite, can we shower together today? Me and you, and a minimum of clothes!
  9. there is a great idea to strap you to the bed and do whatever I want!
  10. Want see your naked body on a soft bed.
  11. Imagine me in my favorite black lace lingerie. Meet you today!
  12. When caress my body, I go crazy. I have never met big strong and tender hands.
  13. So I really want you that I’m going crazy now.
  14. Want at night to extend the pleasure that we started this morning.
  15. I am now completely naked. I'm bored at home and I'm alone.
  16. Favourite, I was cooking your favorite dish, and I realized how bored I was. I have already rented a costume of a Japanese schoolgirl and brandy - I'm waiting in the evening.
  17. Read See an article on how you can please a guy. Come - let's try!
  18. Bought new underwear - a man's assessment is needed.
  19. I decided no longer wear clothes at home - I'm waiting for a reaction.
  20. Today I signed up for yoga to get my heels to the head - I think you don't mind.

It is worth noting: the longer the couple is in communication, the more varied you will have to invent words.

On initial stage meetings, a young man has only to imagine a girl without underwear - and he is ready to run to her.

Dirty SMS to a guy to cheer up

To cheer up your loved one, you don't have to call them every hour. It is enough to write lecherous or vulgar SMS to the guy.

After reading the exciting text, he will immediately want to be next to the chosen one. Frank messages can be written in prose or poetry - it depends on the girl's imagination.

Note! To cheer you up and not only it, you can support the message with an erotic photo - it will have to be in place during a hard working day.

The proposed short messages will delight a loved one, he will have a desire to do what is indicated in the text.

Do not be surprised if after the SMS there is a call with passionate words:

SMS Description
Don't worry, I can handle all your desires Suitable if the guy must come to visit or when the husband returns home
If you need a sex slave - call! This SMS is optimal at the initial stage of dating, if both partners know why they are dating
I feel very agitated. I want to make love with you Suitable for married women, for girls who are in the role of a bride - a man is unlikely to refuse a tempting offer
Now there is no mood for sex, but we can do it quickly and passionately Suitable as a good night wish if people live separately. A man will have a desire to instantly come to visit
I want to hug me under my light dressing gown Calling words will make even a married husband pay attention to his wife
I will put on any erotic clothes you say! If experiments are constantly taking place in a pair, you should try to send this SMS
Maybe you want to take my virginity away? I'm ready! Submit your message after carefully considering a major decision
In my head, only thoughts - to lie with you in a warm bed Suitable for new acquaintances and for married couples
I want to see you, hear you and touch you An ambiguous message will help spark a guy's fantasy
Rule over me, I want to obey strong male hands Characterizes a woman as a passionate mistress. Men are crazy about loving ladies

Carefully pick up messages if there was a minor quarrel the day before. Romantic correspondence and a delicious dinner combined with lovemaking will help to establish a connection.

Become available to your beloved man, then he will be able to appreciate the feelings and continue a long, exciting conversation in the bedroom.

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