Gas formation during pregnancy in early time. Products that provoke increased gas formation should be deleted or drastically limited in the diet. Diagnosis of increased gas formation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman faces many problems and troubles. Someone passes through all the "charms" of pregnancy, and someone experienced them only once for the entire period. But there is not a single pregnant woman who could say that the whole pregnancy proceeded without delicate situations. One of these inconveniences are gases during pregnancy. They, as a rule, do not represent the dangers, but cause a sense of awkwardness in the future mother.

Meteorism in pregnant women

The meteorism is an increased gas formation, as a result of which the abdomen occurs, the almost constant desire to "release" gases, a rumbling, belching and a sense of overcrowding. Often, the meteorism is accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, up to the spastic - gas colic. In advanced cases, meteorism may result in the threat of abortion. Most often, he arises in the second-third trimester of pregnancy, when the size of the uterus is already large enough.

Causes of high gas formation in pregnant women

    the lack of enzymes, which leads to the fact that a large number of undigested food enters a fat intestine, where it is subjected to fermentation and rotting processes;

diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, duodenitis, ulcer of the stomach, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, bubble stones, hepatitis), as well as incorrect and unbalanced nutrition;

violation of intestinal microbiocenosis - dysbacteriosis.

Synthesizing during pregnancy relaxes all internal organs, primarily the uterus, and the intestine does not go without attention;

pregnant uterus presses a thick intestine loop.

All these factors make the intestines lazy, the peristalsis is weakened.

Measures to combat increased gas formation

First, in no case, it is impossible to eat standing or on the go, as a result, you can be suppressed by food or air, which will create an "air pocket" in the intestine, with characteristic pain. Secondly, it is necessary to eat calmly, without experiencing anxiety and anxiety, because it can lead to a swallowing of air. Thirdly, it is necessary to clearly divide the products that can be used, and which cause meteorism.

Diet with increased gas formation

First of all, it is necessary to divide the daily diet into four or five meals. Portions should be small, sufficient only for thickening hunger, and not overeating. Exclude products that contribute to increased gas formation. These include: peas, beans, grapes, cabbage, sauer vegetables, marinades, onions, garlic, sweet dishes, carbonated drinks, rye bread, kvass, fried food. Add to diet Efficiency products such as kefir, ryazhenka, Prostokvasha. They contain lactobacillics that contribute to the elimination of extra gases. It is possible to use cottage cheese daily. It will help not only in the fight against flatulence, but also is a source of calcium, which is necessary during pregnancy.

Other measures to combat increased gas formation

Long-term walks in the fresh air will help, at least one hour. Perfectly stimulates intestines swimming, but only in the pool. Special gymnastics for the intestine, which must be carried out daily. With a strong bloating, you can help yourself. A simple exercise is done: clockwise stroke the belly for ten and fifteen minutes, then turn on the left side, lump up a little and release gases.

Well help with the meteorism of decoction of the following herbs: dandelion root, valerian root, parsley seeds, dill seeds, fennel, mint, donner medicinal. Take one tablespoon (for roots and leaves) or one teaspoon (for seeds) of the proposed plants, brew a single glass of boiling water, insist for four to five hours, covering the lid. Take an empty stomach one hour before eating three times a day. You can also receive medicinal wind turbines that are harmless during pregnancy. This is: and Siemeticone. Even effective with increased chamomile tea gas formation. You can take it two cup per day (fastening).

The formation of gases in the intestine is a normal physiological process. It has been proven that during the day they are allocated on average 20-40 times! And the pregnant woman is even greater, but more often for many reasons their accumulation and bowlings occur.

Let's try to figure out the problem of bloating during pregnancy, which sometimes delivers serious discomfort, provokes pain in the stomach, the extension of gases. Why is it going on during pregnancy and how can it be avoided !?

The meteorism (bloating) appears as a result of increased gas formation in the intestine, when the body is experiencing a feeling of resolving in the abdomen, rumbling and even the extinguishing of extinguishing and gases. Gas gets into the stomach, and then into the intestine when the air is swallowing. On the other hand, the bowel bacterium when digesting food also produce gases.

From the body, they come out in the form of belching, and from the other end they fall over the thick intestine and the rectum - go out. The occurrence of blinking does not contribute not to digested food (for any reason), which fell into a thick intestine, where bacteria separated by a lot of carbon dioxide. Especially when it is some carbohydrates and fats, which will be discussed below.

Causes of the bowl of the intestine during pregnancy

The most important thing to remember is two of you, therefore, the responsibility for the health is double, and the future mother should understand that the bloating of the abdomen can accompany various serious illnesses and if this state is caused by poisoning, a disease of the stomach (such as ulcer), appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, That you need to seek help to a qualified specialist, since only it can put an accurate diagnosis!

So, the most important reason for meteorism is influence of progesterone on the body of a pregnant woman. On the one hand, it contributes to having tolerance of pregnancy, relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus - there is no tone - no contractions, but on the other - the intestine also consists of smooth muscle fibers, so they are also relaxing, from here and bloating - the gases do not hold on with relaxed intestinal walls and cut it.

And it is in the early deadlines, more often up to 16 weeks, when progesterone still produces the yellow body of the ovaries, the clinical picture is clearly pronounced! Later, with the growth of the baby and the uterus, there is a squeezing of a pregnant intestinal uterus, and we can also observe constipation.

Another reason for the bloating in pregnant women is incorrect nutrition , especially if before pregnancy there were problems with the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative disease, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, biliary disease, hepatitis, gastritis, etc.).

One of the reasons may be congenital enzymatic insufficiency, when, due to the lack of the necessary active enzymes, there is not enough digested food in such a form in a large intestine and where it should already be fully cleft, begins to wander. Friction processes are always accompanied by the formation of gases, from here again the problem is meteorism.

Champions in excess gas production are: bean - beans, peas, beans; Cabbage, sorrel, spinach, apples (sweet varieties), raisins, raisins, pears, gooseberries, kvass, dates, black bread, carbonated water, sauer vegetables, oily and fried food.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to artificial additives, some of them, such as sorbitol and mannitol contained in chewing rubber bands, sweets, beverages, can also cause bloating. Therefore, these vegetables should be boiled, but from fruits to cook champs and compotes.

Long stress contributes to the emission of hormones, which lead to frequent spasms of the smooth intestinal musculature, and further to constipation and accumulation of gases that are concerned with pregnant women.

Also, the cause of the abdomen during pregnancy can be a disturbance of microflora, which is inextricably linked and with the pathology of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis). In the case when the future mothers have a blown out of the abdomen and before pregnancy, the reason should be sick in improper nutrition and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of meteorism during pregnancy:

  • The severity and driving in the stomach, the extension of gases (after which the discrepancy occurs).
  • Decline of appetite, heartburn
  • The appearance of constipation, possibly liquid chair
  • Nausea, unpleasant smell from mouth
  • Sleep disorders, plasticity, irritability, general weakness
  • Abdominal pain, grabs, especially if it is one-sided in combination with diarrhea immediately go to the doctor!

How to avoid the bloating during pregnancy?

Diet and diet. It is unacceptable to use the above-described products during pregnancy, and if we use, then only, repeat, in boiled form. Meals must be small portions and often, up to 5-6 times a day, carefully burning.

It is necessary to quench food hunger, and not to overeat! If you take food less often in large quantities - it will not have time to digest and act in large portions to the intestines, thereby contributing to the formation of gases and constipation.

Limit the consumption of products containing artificial additives and dyes, gas production and coffee.

Adding to the diet of fermented milk products (kefir, ripping and especially cottage cheese, as a source of calcium required for the normal development of the baby and the processes occurring in the muscle fibers of a woman), for the prevention of dysbacteriosis.

Education follows follows at the table, so that it does not squeeze, and so under the pregnant uterus intestine. In no case on the go and in a relaxed atmosphere, to avoid swimming air in the stomach.

We carry comfortable, spacious clothes from natural fabrics, if necessary - a bandage for pregnant women.

Movement is life! For future moms - doubly! Perfect long-term walks in the fresh air or yoga classes, swimming in the pool, all this contributes to the normalization and activation of the intestinal tone.

If you are still smoking, be sure to throw! I will tell you the case from my practice, the future mother turned for help with complaints about a strong bloating, when surveyed, no factors contributing to the formation of gases, a woman was examined - the reason was not found!

And at the end of the working day I saw her on the threshold with a cigarette, all the problems decided to refuse smoking, as Nicotine enhances the rebar of the intestines and there is a swallowing of air, which does not have time to go through the entire intestine and accumulates, as a result, we get a scrawl.

And yet, if the abdominal bloating during pregnancy failed, it will help:
First of all, consultation with an experienced specialist who sobering in the problem may recommend you:

  • Light abdominal massage, lying on the left side. Massage stroking movements are carried out in a circle (clockwise), from the navel and spirals to the left iliac region (the connection of the left leg with the belly), for 10 minutes.
  • Tea from the beam of chamomile or grasses of dill (selling in a pharmacy and in the absence of contraindications).
  • And the selection preparations - espumizan, which is allowed during pregnancy and does not adversely affect the baby. The drug refers to the defoamers, and in the lumen of the intestine forms bubbles that burst and turn into larger, which significantly improves the movement of gases by the intestine.
  • When heartburn, peptisan can help, which also helps to reduce the formation of gases in the intestine.
  • In the event of a constipation, pregnant women can be applied - lactuvitis, it also contributes to the growth of its own useful intestinal microflora.

And most importantly, you should not forget that the bloating during pregnancy is not a diagnosis, but a symptom of any process in the body (pathological or functional), this is a temporary phenomenon that attention should be paid together with your doctor! Do not self-medicate! Your health is in your hands, take care of it!

Women who are preparing to become moms know about the problem of bloating. The main provocateur during this period is a changed hormonal background, which literally rebuilds the work of the whole body.

Of course, the reasons may be others, but it is important to know everything when the bloating appears during pregnancy, what to do to not harm the fetus and yourself.

The main causes of meteorism

During pregnancy, each woman changes the hormonal background, since a lot of progesterone is produced. Such a hormone allows you to relax the muscles of the uterus, due to which pregnancy is preserved.

In addition, progesterone affects not only the uterus, but also on the muscles of the stomach, intestines and other gastrointestinal organs, due to which the activity of the organs is reduced, and the digestion changes.

There are a number of reasons for which bloated in pregnant women may appear:

  1. Lack in the body of some enzymes, which helps to digest products. Due to this digestion gives failures, the food is stood and can provoke meteorism.
  2. Improper nutrition of pregnant women or selection of certain products, which can cause gases. As a rule, this item includes products in which many carbohydrates, as well as a large fiber content. During pregnancy, bloody may appear due to fat and smoked dishes, as well as as a result of a lack of vitamins and nutrients.
  3. Small consumption of water and liquid food, also provokes gases and bloating.
  4. The reason may be the disease of the gastrointestinal diseases occurring in chronic form, for example, gastritis, colitis, duodenitis and other pathologies.
  5. Dysbacteriosis provokes discomfort.
  6. The second and third trimesters are characterized by an increase in the uterus, due to which it begins to put pressure on the gastrointestinal organs. This causes bloating.
  7. Often, the fear of childbirth, experiences or excitement becomes possible during pregnancy, it is possible to load both moral and physical.
  8. The problem appears in infectious diseases and infection with worms.
  9. In some situations, ecology affects unpleasant sensations.
  10. During pregnancy, the problem may hide in clothes, which is badly fitting, squeezes the already big belly.

Knowing the main causes of bloating during pregnancy, young mothers are useful to learn the symptoms of such a manifestation not to confuse meteorism with other pathologies.

Basic symptoms

The reason may be diseases, which flow in chronic form, and during pregnancy begin to sharpen. Symptoms and factors should be aware when the future mother will need to seek help to the doctor.

The meteorism itself during pregnancy is manifested as:

  1. The feeling of resolving the abdomen begins, it is possible a rumbling inside and a feeling of transfusion of products and gases.
  2. There is a constant feeling of gravity.
  3. Gaza starts hard and often to move.
  4. It is possible to nausea in the morning on an empty stomach, just as it happens during toxicosis.
  5. The appetite is reduced, as a result of the unpleasant sensations of women, they are simply afraid to eat, so as not to provoke even stronger drilling and gas formation.
  6. In some cases, the stool changes are noted, constipation or diarrhea may appear.
  7. Pregnant women appear permanent belching, which is accompanied by an unpleasant aroma.
  8. Since the symptoms have a lot and the woman is experiencing for the state, then there may be pain in the head, dizziness, as well as weakness in the body. Women's sleep deteriorates, and the work of the heart is knocked down, pressure jumps are possible.

It is worth noting that the symptoms described and the mood decay is not the worst thing that happens during the meteorism.

There may be complications, then intestinal loops are increasing, which are beginning to put pressure on the uterus, while its tone is not excluded, which may cause abortion or early childbirth.

Any changes in the digestive system, as well as changes in appetite during pregnancy, can lead to a violation of the development of the fetus in the mother's womb.

This is due to the fact that the fruit will not receive the required amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Futive mothers should be remembered a simple rule - under any ailments not to carry out independent treatment, and immediately contact your doctor.

There are a number of dangerous symptoms of accompanying meteorism when urgent help needed during pregnancy:

  1. The meteorism is accompanied by a strong diarrhea, vomiting, and also manifests all signs of dehydration.
  2. Begins to increase the temperature, and fever appears.
  3. There are pains that are always different in the nature of the manifestation.
  4. The appetite disappears at all and begins to hriendly.
  5. In Kale, there is mucus and blood.

It is important to know what to do during pregnancy at bloat and what can be used as the prevention of meteorism.

Power adjustment

The first thing to do is when the bloating appears in pregnant women - to adjust the power. For this, it is important to eat fractionally so that the portions were small, but their use is frequent about 5-6 times a day.

An ideal position for meals during pregnancy - midstage. All food is carefully chewed.

As for the adjustment of the diet, it should be removed from it that can provoke bloating, gases, fermentation.

From such products, you can not refuse at all, but simply minimize their consumption:

  1. Any kind of cabbage, especially raw. If there is a strong desire to eat cabbage, it is better to use color or broccoli.
  2. Radish and radish are excluded.
  3. Eggplants.
  4. Pepper in any form.
  5. Any bean cultures.
  6. Mushrooms in any form.
  7. Berries and fruits need to eat dosage and reduce the consumption of fresh apples, grapes, drain, apricot. It is not recommended to drink juices from the described fruits, as well as the Cucats.
  8. Corn.
  9. Nuts.
  10. Dairy products, including kefir, yogurt.
  11. Any drinks with gases, especially sweets, should be excluded at all, because there are many chemistry in them, even the home is excluded.
  12. Fatty dishes, meat, smoked.
  13. Yeast products, snob.
  14. Sweets.

So that the meteorism does not appear during pregnancy, such products must prevail in the diet:

  1. Rice, oatmeal and buckwheat, which you need to boil on the water.
  2. Bird, as well as other types of dietary, low-fat meat.
  3. Bread can only be wholegrain.
  4. Carrot and beetted in boiled form.
  5. Fish low-fat species, as well as seafood.
  6. From drinks should include compotes, especially from cherry, as well as green tea.
  7. Omelet for a pair of egg squirrel.
  8. Fresh greens, namely parsley, fennel, dill.

Power correction is only the first thing to do when the abdomen is swollen. In addition, some exercise should be carried out, which will help leaving gases and improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Adjustment of the Day of the day

In pregnancy, easy exercises should be carried out, which improves the work of the intestine and other organs. To do this, it is necessary to initially lead your time for your day. Sleep should be about 9-10 hours at night.

In the afternoon, it just needs to fall for half an hour a couple of times, and raise a little legs, for this you can use a couple of pillows under your feet.

As for exercises, they should begin from frequent streets on the street, as well as to use a complex of classes for pregnant women in which the respiratory procedures are included.

All clothes and shoes should be comfortable and free to make each movement. It is forbidden to use heels and corsets.

During pregnancy, it is good to engage in aerobics and go for swimming.

Folk remedies

It is worth remembering that during pregnancy any, even the safest funds of traditional medicine must be taken only with the permission of the doctor.

The bloating can be removed by such recipes:

  1. Infusion of Coriander. For the preparation of seeds, we need to crush the spoon in the amount of 1 tbsp. And add 250 ml of boiling water. It is possible to draw a drink, then take 1/3 cup three times a day, for a quarter of an hour before the start of food.
  2. Helps with meteorism tea from Melissa and Chamomile.
  3. Infusion watch. For cooking you need 2 tsp. The dried watch add 250 ml of boiling water and leave to appease. When the remedy cools, it is filtered and accepted at half a glass to the meal.
  4. Dill water. Dill is recommended to use not only for the preparation of infusion, but also as a separate seasoning for various dishes. For therapeutic water you need to use dill seeds and 1 tbsp. 500 ml of boiling water is added, after which the tool is insisted until complete cooling. The driver of 120-150 ml is accepted before the start of food.
  5. Ginger. Root can be used as seasonings or spices for cooking. The bloating is treated with tea, which must be drunk in the morning and in the evening. It is necessary to make ordinary tea and add ¼ C.L. Ginger powder or fresh root slice. Such tea is used after the meal.
  6. Medical paste. In this case, you need to skip 100 grams of walnuts through a meat grinder, one lemon with a zech, and add 50 grams of clay, which is sold in pharmacies.

For sweetness paste use honey to taste. The ingredients are carefully mixed, after which they are accepted by 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals twice a day. Keep the paste in the refrigerator.

If the described measures during pregnancy do not give results, the bloating does not pass, then the use of drugs will be used.

Medical Help

The doctor at the bloating of the belly is always guided by the position of the woman, so the medicines are used, which will not harm neither the mother nor the child.

During pregnancy can be used:

  1. "Espumizan". The remedy destroys gases in the intestines and improves the state. Used 2 capsules per night.
  2. "Iberogast". Warm ingredients based on vegetable ingredients. Take 20 drops to eat 3 times a day.
  3. "Siemetikon". The treatment is carried out in the dosage of 25 drops after the meal of 3-4 times.

There are other tools that can be used during pregnancy, but they should be appointed exclusively by the doctor, indicating the accurate dosage and reception rules.

Useful video

The theme of increased gas formation during pregnancy (however, not only during pregnancy), despite its relevance, is at least uncomfortable. This becomes a cause of a huge problem, because many women simply shy to tell her even a doctor about her, not to mention relatives and loved ones. And in vain. First, because the condition is not harmless. And, secondly, because a woman who is driving a baby under its heart and suffering from increased gas formation, you can help.

The fact that during pregnancy the body of each woman is rebuilt (each body and each system "works" to ensure the normal development of the baby) is a well-known fact. But sometimes because of these rearrangements, there are problems that the future mother did not even suspect. This is especially true of such a delicate issue as increased gas formation in the intestine. And, despite the fact that many are in no hurry to talk about their problems in this area, statistics argue that 75% of pregnant women face with them. At the same time, the question remains at absolutely different terms.

Increased gas formation during pregnancy is characterized by (in other words, flatulence), its ration, separation of gases. Also, the symptoms of reinforced gas formation during pregnancy is to increase the circumference of the abdomen and the feeling of cutting. The woman in such a situation worsens well-being. All these phenomena in most cases are accompanied by soreness in the intestine. But it also causes huge psychological discomfort.

It has been established that the retention of gases reflexively provokes a variety of manifestations. These include raising, shortness of breath. In addition, there are seemingly not associated with this state - nausea, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, the absence of appetite, which is far from the best way to make an emotional state of the future mother. And stress, as you know, further aggravates the listed symptoms.

Soothes the fact that gas formation is not a disease. This is a natural physiological process that occurs in the human body every day. Pregnancy is a special physiological state of the female organism - becomes a period when gas formation in a number of reasons is enhanced. All this leads to functional disorders of the digestive system. In order to know how to help a pregnant woman to cope with this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to be aware of the reasons for its occurrence.

What are the causes of gas formation during pregnancy?

So, almost every woman knows that, starting from the very first week of pregnancy, there is a global hormonal restructuring in her body. First of all, the level of progesterone increases in the blood. This hormone is relaxing smooth muscles, which is simply necessary for pregnancy. Otherwise, the emerging cuts of the uterus can cause miscarriage. Therefore, the wise nature took care that the muscles of the reproductive female organ for a period of pregnancy until time was in a relaxed state. However, as everywhere, there is a "but" in this matter. Progesterone relaxes not only muscle fibers of the uterus. It makes relax the muscles of other internal organs. Therefore, the muscles of the intestinal walls also weakens. This, in turn, leads to the fact that food is much slower than usual, passes through the intestines, causing and increasing gas formation. The reason for the accumulation of a large number of gases during pregnancy is also a growing fruit. As a result, the uterus increases, and there is a significant mechanical pressure on the intestines. This situation becomes the cause of not only increased gas formation during pregnancy, but also the emergence of constipation. It is especially difficult for women who have been diagnosed with chronic bowel diseases and dysbacteriosis. During the dysbacteriosis in the intestine of a pregnant woman there is a dominance of pathogenic microflora, which contributes to the decomposition of food and, as a result, an increased separation of gases.

Another reason for the occurrence of increased gas formation during pregnancy is a sedentary lifestyle. Some women move little and do not lead an active way of life, because lazy in their essence. Others - due to the threat of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy or.

An important role is also played by the food culture and adherence (or non-compliance) of the diet. If you rarely eat (1-2 times a day) and large portions, there are no problems. Especially if a woman in a fairly large quantity consumes black bread, legumes, a large amount of raw vegetables, grape and apple juice. Separately, it is necessary to mention the carbonated drinks. First, it is a direct way to increased gas formation, and, secondly, this is a very dangerous product for pregnant women. This is important for both early and late pregnancy.

Also, the increased separation of gases is possible as a result of the reception of certain drugs. For example, iron preparations for anemia, as well as drugs that reduce pressure affect the work of the intestine.

Sometimes elevated gas formation signals the presence of pathology, which requires a solid, and in certain cases even surgical treatment. That is why it is not worth hiding from your doctor the presence of this problem. After all, it is sometimes necessary to take urgent measures.

Diagnosis of increased gas formation during pregnancy

One of the most common methods for the diagnosis of this state is to conduct an ultrasound study of the abdominal organs. In some cases, a colonoscopy is used. This is necessary if the selection of feces is often accompanied by bleeding, which may indicate the organic lesions of the intestine. Also, if there is a suspicion that a woman has a strengthened secretion of progesterone, it is necessary to determine its level. If suspicions are confirmed - to take the necessary measures.

How to help a pregnant woman to cope with high gas formation?

Facilitating the described state in almost 100% of cases occurs after natural gases. Since constipation is a frequent gas formation satellite, you need to solve this problem. During constipation, the chair is rare - once every two or three days, and even then small portions. In this case, the act of defecation in most cases is painful and can be accompanied by the release of blood from the anal hole.

But, unfortunately, it does not always have the opportunity to eliminate increased gas formation during pregnancy. Experts explain these by the physiological characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman. Nevertheless, it is quite realistic to facilitate the state.

What do you need to do? First, normalize nutrition, both in high-quality and quantitative plans. The most optimal will be the decision on small portions of food, taken quite often (from 5 to 7 times a day). Now the future mother needs to be loved by products containing enough fiber. These include coarse bread, grains of cereals, vegetables (stew or steamed). In addition, it is worth taking care of sufficient liquid consumed per day.

An excellent means of struggle against increased gas formation are exercise. Better, if the complex is a doctor, given the characteristics of the body of a woman during pregnancy. In this case, an excellent opportunity appears to improve the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the regulation of intestinal emptying. You need to perform such exercises before eating or 2 hours after. To achieve the effect, you will have to do at least three times a day. Especially useful will be swimming or an aquatic activity for pregnant women.

If the measures described above do not give the necessary result, the doctor will register medication. The most harmless are those that are produced on the basis of medicinal herbs, such as fennel, cumin, dill, peppermint. Also prescribe medications called "defoamers". They are able to break the walls of mucus bubbles in which gas is in the intestine. The composition of these drugs includes dimethicone or sytlecones, which improve intestinal motorcy, reduce gas formation, and also have a systemic effect. As a rule, adsorbents are prescribed (for example, activated carbon) capable of sucking part of the gas. But abuse them, still do not. The same applies to the laxatives that are prescribed to combat constipation.

Especially for Olga Rizak

Pregnancy - an unforgettable period in the life of any woman. However, it may proceed accompanied by many unpleasant moments, among which heightened gas formation or gases (flatulence). Gaza can even disturb those women who have never had problems with digestion. Gaza does not represent any danger for the future kid, but they deliver many inconveniences to his future mom.

Gaza accompany the bloating of the abdomen, the emergence of belching, the crop and feelings of overcrowding. Increased gas formation in some cases can be combined with painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, up to the appearance of gas colic. In rare cases, meteorism can provoke a threat to abortion. As a rule, gases arise in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, when the uterus achieves considerable sizes.

The reasons for the appearance of gases during pregnancy is quite a lot. First of all, they are due to the hormonal background of pregnant, that is, a large amount of progesterone in the blood relaxes the whole smooth muscles in the body, including the intestines. Plus, this in the second trimester of pregnancy occurs pressure on the intestines of a growing uterus and a violation of its location. All this provokes increased gas formation in the intestines, disrupts its emptying, leads to a decrease in the peristalsis. It should not be forgotten that many future moms (which shower to crush) allow themselves to be indiscriminate, not balanced and abundant food, which in the aggregate flows into a serious problem. Other reasons for the occurrence of gases during pregnancy can be called dysbacteriosis, the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the lack of enzymes, which contributes to the ingress of non-digested food in huge amounts in the thick intestine, where its fermentation and rotting processes occur.

Of course, somehow affect the hormonal background or physiological displacement of the intestine is impossible, but here is the problem of gases during pregnancy associated with food, it is possible to solve, observing a certain diet. But before that, it is necessary to consult with the therapist, in order to eliminate the presence of deviations or pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, diseases of the pancreas, intestines, liver). When discovering any bowl diseases is prescribed and treatment is prescribed depending on the period of pregnancy. In the event that the reason for the formation of gases has become directly pregnant, it is recommended to solve this problem with a diet.

Diet to eliminate gases during pregnancy is not particularly different from any other diet. The diet should be diverse and balanced to ensure the intake of the necessary nutrients to the child and mother. Food receptions during the day should be from five to seven small portions, which eliminate the possibility of overeating. In addition, it is important to exclude products that cause increased gas formation from its diet. Among them you can highlight bean, apples, bananas, grapes, cabbage in any form, corn, rye bread, sweet, carbonated drinks, oatmeal and other grain products, onions, reverse, and fried food, pickles and marinades. More to use such products as rippy, prokobvash and kefir, as they prevent the formation of gases. This can also be attributed to the use of cottage cheese, who is rich in calcium, which is very important during the pregnancy period, and also eliminates the possibility of gases.

In other ways to combat gases during pregnancy, there may be a daily long stay in the fresh air, swimming in the pool (effectively stimulates the intestinal activity), daily special gymnastics for the intestine, which is stroking the abdomen clockwise in a position lying on the side for ten Fifteen minutes, after which you need to turn on the left side, lift the leg and release gases.

An excellent means of helping gases during pregnancy are ragners of dill seeds, parsley, fennel, dandelion root and Valerians. To prepare a decoction, you should take one tablespoon of roots or leaves or a teaspoon of seeds of one of the above grasses and pour boiling water (200 ml), cover the lid and insist for four to five hours. The resulting decoction should be taken three times a day per hour before meals. Also harmlessly take medicinal winds such as Espumizan and Simetikon. Chamomile tea can also become an excellent helper in the fight against increased gas formation, only drinking it impossible and no more than two cups per day.

In order for pregnancy to become joyful, not overshadled unpleasant feelings, take care of yourself, take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle, and our advice will help you with it.