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An iron is a must-have gadget for any self-respecting housewife. And it doesn't matter if the family ironing all the clothes down to the socks or fundamentally rejecting the very idea of ​​ironing. At the same time, even with the latest technological novelty of any manufacturer, sooner or later, the sole must be cleaned, whether it is made of aluminum, stainless steel or with a ceramic coating. Let's figure out why to clean the iron, the better to do it, and, most importantly, how not to damage its surface.

Why clean the sole?

The main function of the iron is to iron clothes. This means that its sole should glide perfectly on the fabric. During operation, traces of limescale, burn-in from fabric fibers and dust inevitably remain on the aluminum, steel or metal-ceramic coating. Should the slightest dirt appear on the sole, the process of perfect sliding of the iron will be disrupted. If you ignore this fact and stubbornly not clean the equipment, dirty spots or even puffs may appear on clothes when ironing. Don't risk your favorite things! Think about how to clean your iron in a timely manner!

How to clean your iron?

For this request, the Internet will give out a lot of cleaning options with the help of improvised means. If you like to risk expensive equipment and rely on the traditional "maybe", you can try cleaning the sole with soda or ammonia. Or boil vinegar and salt in a saucepan, inhaling its tart aroma, and then diligently rub the iron with a sponge soaked in the resulting brew. Perhaps, after such manipulations, your faithful assistant will survive and even continue to work. Most importantly, do not forget that cleaning with abrasives or harsh acids can roughen the sole and cause it to gradually degrade.

1. Salt and paraffin

Many housewives recommend using salt and paraffin to clean the old carbon deposits from the soleplate. To do this, take a thick sheet of paper and sprinkle salt on it. With a heated iron, it is necessary to iron the salt crystals several times. The effect will be better if you add paraffin shavings from the candle.

2. Matchbox

To remove carbon deposits from the sole of the iron, some housewives advise using a regular matchbox. Before cleaning, the iron must be heated, and then gently begin to clean off the carbon with a sulfur strip. Sulfur acts as a fine abrasive and copes well with carbon deposits. However, when using this method, it is important not to scratch the surface of the iron.

3. Vinegar

Vinegar is another good way to remove carbon deposits from the soleplate. You need to moisten a cotton pad in vinegar and thoroughly wipe the entire working surface of the iron. When the carbon deposits are removed, it is necessary to iron the woolen cloth several times. If the carbon build-up is too running, you can leave the iron on a cloth soaked in vinegar overnight. The carbon deposit should soften and then it will be easier to remove it.

4. Soap

You can use regular soap to remove fresh carbon stains. Heat the iron and rub the dirty areas with a bar of soap, the carbon deposits can be easily removed. After cleaning, be sure to wipe the soleplate with a soft, wet cloth or iron a stack of tissues to remove soap residues and not ruin your clothes.

5. Toothpaste

Light carbon deposits can be cleaned with toothpaste. On a cold iron, apply a little toothpaste or tooth powder mixed with a little water. Then it is necessary to rub the paste in a circular motion with a corner of a cloth napkin, gradually cleaning off the carbon deposits.

Let's tryHG!

You need to clean the sole of the iron as carefully as possible. And at the same time, I want to do it easily and effortlessly. meets these two conditions. The product is designed to instantly remove black and brown deposits from the surface of the iron, as well as to clean the steam holes from accumulated dirt. At the same time, it does not damage the coating of the sole and provides an easy glide of the iron on the fabric. HG provides a simple answer to the question of how to clean a burnt iron at home. Start the program for ironing silk, and then use a special pencil to clean the surface with light circular motions, with little or no effort. Use a brush to remove dirt from the steam vents. After all the manipulations, the sole must be wiped and polished with a cloth napkin. After cleaning with HG, your home mate is ready to battle a mountain of crumpled laundry!

Comparative test of folk remedies and HG

Perhaps the most common problem of every housewife is carbon deposits on the sole of the iron. Even the most modern coatings cannot guarantee a perfectly clean surface throughout the entire service life of the iron. Many housewives are struggling with this problem using folk methods, and someone prefers only proven specialized means. We decided to arrange a comparative test for both.

As folk remedies that can be found in the kitchen cupboard of every home, we took two of the most common and safest remedies - vinegar and a matchbox. For the experiment, we took an ordinary iron with carbon deposits on the sole and divided the pollution into two sections, where we checked our products in turn.

On the right side of the iron, we tested the vinegar performance. To begin with, it was necessary to turn on the iron in the silk ironing mode. Then it was necessary to moisten a cotton pad in vinegar and actively rub the contaminated area. Unfortunately, no matter how much we rubbed, the carbon did not give in one iota. The remedy turned out to be completely ineffective.

On the left side of the iron, we tested the matchbox. The iron also needed to be slightly heated, and then with progressive up and down movements, it was necessary to wipe off the contamination with the edge of the box where the sulfur strip was applied. To our surprise, the carbon gave in and gradually began to rub off. However, this method must be used with care so as not to damage the glossy surface of the iron. Fine abrasive sulfur strips can scratch the bottom of the appliance and cause carbon deposits to form even faster. It is for this reason that we did not test the products using soda and salt, so as not to spoil the iron itself together with cleaning the carbon deposits.

Here is a comparative table of the results of cleaning the iron with folk remedies and a specialized HG product:



Time spent cleaning

Extra effort

You need to actively rub the contaminated area

It is necessary to actively rub the places of contamination. It is important not to touch the clean area or scratch the iron.

It is necessary to lightly rub the places and additionally process the holes for the steam

Cost of 1 cleaning


Didn't cope with carbon deposits

Removed the top layer of carbon deposits. Failed to clean steam holes

Removed all carbon deposits, including from the steam holes

Cons of the method

Pungent odor, ineffective

Pressing firmly may scratch the surface of the iron. Does not clean steam holes

It is necessary to rub and carefully remove the remnants of the product from the holes

Advantages of the method

Cheap and affordable

Cheap and affordable

Delicately cleans the soleplate and steam holes from carbon deposits, safe


To prevent things from getting damaged during ironing, the iron must be kept clean. It should be borne in mind that different types of contamination of this household appliance involve the use of different cleaning methods.

Knowing how to properly clean the iron from plaque, carbon deposits and limescale, and doing it in a timely manner, you will be able to ensure its long service life and the impeccable look of your family's clothes.

Due to the formation of carbon deposits on the sole of the iron, sliding on the laundry becomes much more difficult. Moreover, things can get dirty and deteriorate when ironing. In order to avoid such a problem, after each ironing it is necessary to check the sole of the iron: if carbon deposits have begun to form there, it is advisable to eliminate it immediately.

Removing carbon deposits from an iron with a metal soleplate

To clean the iron at home, the sole of which is made of metal (without a non-stick coating), from the carbon deposits formed on it, you can use:

  • edible salt or soda;
  • vinegar;
  • nail polish remover;
  • ammonia.

Using finely ground salt

To clean the iron with salt, it must be poured onto a regular cloth, then heat the iron and iron the surface with salt with it. This method is great for "old style" irons. For modern models with a ceramic (or Teflon) coating, it is better to choose a different cleaning method to avoid damaging it.

With vinegar

Food vinegar is a proven and popular way to clean your iron. All that is needed is to moisten a cloth with it and thoroughly wipe the carbon deposits on the sole of the device turned off from the network.

It should be borne in mind that vinegar evaporates quickly, so the cloth used to remove carbon deposits must be periodically moistened. The cleanliness of the sole of the appliance can be checked by cutting off unnecessary fabric: if the iron does not leave marks on it, you can safely start ironing the linen.


You can also remove carbon deposits from irons with metal soles with toothpaste. The toothpaste should be applied generously to the sole surface with a soft sponge and left for several hours. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

We clean carbon deposits on a modern iron

As a rule, modern irons come with a non-stick coating. And, if you treat the device with care, carbon deposits will not form on it, in principle. If you are still faced with such a situation, remember that such coatings must absolutely not be cleaned with aggressive chemicals.

Instead, it's best to use ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.

How to remove burnt-on synthetics from the iron?

If synthetic fabric is burnt on the sole of the iron, you should not try to remove carbon deposits immediately, especially with the help of the first metal objects that come to hand. Plug in the appliance and wait until the burnt-on synthetics on the sole are completely melted, and then gently remove the dirt with a wooden spatula or stick.

Kitchen powder for dishes can also help remove carbon deposits from improperly ironing synthetic fabrics. Add a little water to it (you should get a thick gruel), apply to the soiled iron soleplate and leave for 1-2 hours.

After the carbon deposits have softened under the influence of the powder, it can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

How to remove fresh carbon deposits from the soles of the appliance?

To the question of how to clean the iron when fresh dirt forms on its sole, there is another very simple answer - ordinary laundry soap. Soap tends to melt when heated. Therefore, in order to clean the iron from fresh carbon deposits, they need to abundantly smear the entire surface of the heated base.

After the iron has cooled down, carefully remove the melted soap and carbon deposits with a soft sponge and rinse with plain water.

We clean the iron from rust

Rust often forms on the soleplate. It can be fought with a descaling agent - "Anti-scale". To rid the iron of rust, you need to pour the substance into the water tank, and turn on the device for 20-30 minutes. After the iron has cooled down, rinse the rusted surface with water.

In the absence of "Anti-scale", it can be replaced with "Silit". In this case, harm is done directly to the sole of the iron. To prevent further rust formation on the appliance, manufacturers recommend using boiled water when ironing and steaming.

How to descale my iron?

Scale on the iron can form both outside and inside. You can get rid of it at home both with the help of a special pencil or liquid, which can be purchased at any hardware store, and improvised means that every housewife has in the house.

We clean the bottom of the appliance from scale

Using the "Self-cleaning" function

It is very simple to descale the iron using this function: you need to pour water into the internal reservoir of the device up to the top and turn it on to the most powerful temperature mode, choosing ironing without using steam.

After the device heats up, it should be disconnected from the mains and over the bathtub, sink or basin in several passes to release steam from it by pressing the "Self-cleaning" button. The method is effective when the above steps are repeated 2-3 or more times in a row, since at the beginning steam will come out of the sole of the iron, and only then scale.

With a special pencil

To clean the soles of modern irons (for example, with a Teflon coating) from carbon deposits and scale, it is easiest and most effective to use a special pencil. Warm up the iron before cleaning and then coat the soleplate with a layer of cleaning pencil.

With citric acid

Also, the scale formed on the sole of the iron is perfectly cleaned with citric acid. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of acid in 0.5 liters of water, moisten gauze with the resulting solution and carefully wipe the sole of the iron with it.

How do I clean the inside of my iron?

Using lemon juice

Squeeze lemon juice into a glass of water (or put a teaspoon of citric acid), then pour the resulting mixture into the internal reservoir of the iron. Then we turn on the maximum power mode and steam boost on the device (it is better to do this over a bathtub, sink or basin).

As a result of manipulations, together with the steam, the limescale formed inside the iron will also come out. Make sure that all liquid also comes out of the reservoir. Then let the appliance cool down and once again rinse the inside with clean water.

This cleaning method is presented more clearly in the following video:

With the help of mineral water

As in the first case, liquid is poured into the internal reservoir of the iron, only this time sparkling mineral water. Similar to the previous method, set the iron to maximum power and turn on the steam generation mode.

After all the plaque is gone, the device will need to be cooled, and then repeat the same steps using ordinary boiled water to wash the remnants of "mineral water" out of the iron.

Iron, determine which method is right for your technique. Ceramic or Teflon soles, for example, cannot be rubbed with abrasives. Use the more gentle methods below.

Method 1. Salt

Sprinkle salt on a sheet of paper in an even layer and run it over it with a hot iron until the blackness disappears.

get rid.rf

Method 2. Paraffin candle

Wrap the candle with a cotton cloth and rub the hot soleplate in a circular motion. Hold the appliance over a tray or a layer of newspaper: in the process, the candle will melt, the paraffin will flow down.

Be careful if the work surface of your iron is embossed or has steam holes. Paraffin wax can get into the grooves and stain your clothes when you iron them later.

After defeating the burn, carefully remove any remaining dirt and molten candle.

Method 3. Hydrogen peroxide

Soak a cotton swab or cloth in 3% hydrogen peroxide. Carefully and vigorously scrub dark stains off the surface of the cold iron. The peroxide will help dissolve plaque and make it easier to remove.

Method 4. Table vinegar

Soak a cotton swab in vinegar and wipe down the sole of a cold iron. If the burn is strong, add ammonia to the vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio.

If that doesn't work, soak a cloth with vinegar and cover the work surface of the appliance with it for several hours. During this time, the plaque will soften. Remove it with a sponge or soft brush.

Method 5. Baking soda

Dissolve a few tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of water, soak a piece of cloth in this solution and wipe the cold surface of the iron with it. When finished, clean the iron from streaks with a damp sponge.

Method 6. Liquid for nail polish remover

If a piece of polyethylene sticks to the soleplate, you can remove it with nail polish remover. When cleaning, try not to touch the plastic parts of the iron: substances in the liquid can damage them.

Never use sandpaper, a knife or other sharp objects to clean the iron! This will scratch the soleplate and may cause the appliance to malfunction.

How to prevent burn-on

To avoid burn-in again, follow these simple tips:

  1. Observe the temperature regime for each type of fabric.
  2. Iron especially delicate items such as wool through wet gauze.
  3. Wipe the work surface of the iron with a soft cloth after each ironing.

How to descale your iron

If the feeding function does not work well, and the iron leaves red spots on the clothes, most likely, scale has formed in it. Three win-win recipes will help to remove it without a trace.

Method 1. Self-cleaning function

In many modern models, the manufacturer has taken care of the problem of scale. If you are not sure about the purpose of some buttons on your unit, check the instructions: you may be the lucky owner of an iron with a self-cleaning function. To carry out it, carefully follow the advice of the manufacturer. In short, the algorithm is:

  1. The maximum possible amount of water is poured into the tank.
  2. The temperature controller is set to maximum.
  3. The appliance heats up, cools down, heats up again.
  4. The iron leans over a bowl or sink.
  5. After pressing the self-cleaning button, limescale is removed from the steam holes on the soleplate.

After the procedure, rinse the reservoir with clean water several times and dry the iron.

Method 2. Citric acid

Dissolve a tablespoon (20-30 grams) of citric acid in a glass of water and pour into the reservoir. Heat the iron to maximum, shake well several times and press the steam release button. Carry out this procedure over a sink or container: scale will come out along with the steam in hot dark spray. Then rinse the reservoir with clean water and wipe the soleplate of the iron from the remaining dirt.

Method 3. Sparkling mineral water

Carbonated drinks contain acids to help dissolve sediment inside the iron. Just pour the mineral water into the tank and follow the instructions from the previous point.

How to prevent limescale build-up

So that you do not have to descale in the future, control the quality that you pour into the iron. For this, the best suited:

  1. Distilled water: available at any gas station.
  2. Bottled water from the nearest supermarket.
  3. Water purified with a home filter.
  4. Standing tap water: in a few hours, the salts will precipitate.

Do you have your own home appliance cleaning secrets? Share them in the comments!

Hello dear housewives and householders! You probably know how difficult it can be to clean some household appliances and, especially if you have no idea how and how it can be done.
How to clean the iron at home depends on the degree of pollution and its nature. Let's consider all the options in more detail and find out the nuances of effective cleaning.

Before you find out how you can clean your iron, let's find out what types of dirt exist. Most often, descaling is required.

Steam treatment requires water, which is often taken from the tap. Therefore, unpleasant limescale deposits form on the inner walls.
Some common problems with your iron include adhered material.

This is due to non-observance of the temperature regime that is recommended for ironing.

Different types of fabrics are ironed in the same mode.
The soleplate of the iron also has to be frequently cleaned of rust deposits. This happens when the sole comes in contact with metal objects, as well as if the water contains a large amount of iron.

Polyethylene adhered to the surface can be the most difficult task. Such material can not only spoil the fabric, but also spread an unpleasant odor throughout the house.

In order to properly clean the surface, it is important to consider the coating material. If there is no special coating, then cleaning can be done with salt or soda.

But the Teflon version should not be cleaned in similar ways.
Traditional sole materials. These are stainless steel and aluminum. They heat up quickly and are budget options.

But different types of fabrics can stick to them.

Therefore, manufacturers apply the following coatings to the sole:

  • titanium is a durable coating and resistant to mechanical damage;
  • ceramics allows for easy sliding and quick cleaning;
  • the advantages of Teflon include the fact that artificial fabrics do not stick to it;
  • sapphire or mineral chips are resistant to damage;
  • enamel is a smooth and durable coating.

To avoid damage to some fabrics, follow safety precautions.

Home cleaning methods

The best way to quickly clean the surface is with a wet cloth. Warm up the appliance to the maximum temperature and then place the wet material on the ironing board.

Work hard on the surface of the fabric. After that, the sole should be cleaned, and the dirt will remain on the fabric.
Regular coated surfaces can be cleaned with dishwashing detergent or baking soda.

In this case, it is not necessary to heat the device. You just need to stir in a teaspoon of baking soda and detergent. And then add some water to make a lather.

Then you need to rub the sole with the mixture so that the iron will stand with it for a while. After that, the surface should be wiped with a wet cloth.
The ceramic device can be treated with citric acid, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia.

The iron needs to be warmed up, and then ironed on a piece of woolen cloth.

The old way of cleaning with salt.

Sprinkle a little salt on a white sheet, and then run an iron over it. Then wipe the surface with a wool rag.
You can use regular soap to remove carbon deposits.

The burn should be lathered when the appliance is still warm and then allowed to cool. Use a damp sponge or cloth to rinse off the soap from the surface.

To remove rust from the soleplate, first sand the surface with sandpaper, then warm up the appliance and lubricate it with candle wax.

Then the iron should be turned off and wiped with salt. Finally, wipe the surface with a terry cloth.
Ammonia is effective on slightly whitish holes through which steam passes.

To do this, you need to moisten a cotton swab in the solution, and then wipe all the holes with it.
After each use, wipe the surface of the iron with a damp cloth. This removes all kinds of starch particles and tissue fibers.
One of the ways to descale is with a special pencil. To use it, you need to heat the surface of the iron, and then apply a pencil to the most dirty areas.

Then they should be wiped with a soft cloth. The holes are also rubbed with a pencil and then a jet of hot steam is released.

How to remove the burn-on?

Many cleaning options can be seen in the video. Before proceeding with the procedure, you should determine the method that is best suited. An abrasive is not suitable for Teflon and ceramics.

Better to use more gentle methods.
Here are some options you can try:

  • wrap a cotton cloth around the candle and then rub the hot surface with it. The appliance must be held over a pallet. In this case, the candle will melt, and the paraffin will flow down. Be careful if there are steam holes in the surface. Paraffin can get inside;
  • Soak a piece of cloth in hydrogen peroxide and wipe dark spots with it. This solution will dissolve the plaque, making it easier to remove;
  • you can soak a cotton swab in vinegar, and then wipe the surface with it. You can also soak a cloth in the solution and cover the soleplate with it for a few hours. In this case, the plaque will soften and can be removed with a sponge;
  • in a glass of water, dissolve a few tablespoons of soda and moisten a piece of cloth in this composition. Then wipe the cold surface with a damp cloth. You can walk away from stains with a damp sponge;
  • if a piece of polyethylene stuck to the bottom, then it can be removed with a nail polish remover;
  • the method with toothpaste will also help. To do this, squeeze a little paste onto a damp cloth and wipe the stains on the sole. Then the surface is wiped with a damp cloth and woolen dry.

Do not use a knife, sandpaper or other sharp objects for cleaning. They will only scratch the surface.
To prevent burn-in, follow these rules:

  1. The correct temperature regime for certain types of fabrics is important.
  2. Iron delicate clothes through cheesecloth.
  3. Wipe the surface with a soft cloth after each ironing.

How to descale?

If, after ironing, red spots remain on things, and the steam function does not cope, then this is evidence of scale.
To remove it, the following recipes will help:

  • some models have a self-cleaning function. You can read about it in the attached instructions. The required amount of water is introduced into the container inside the device, and then the device is set to the maximum value. Tilt the iron over a bowl or sink. After pressing the self-cleaning button, the scale will be removed from the holes. After that, you need to rinse the tank and rinse it with clean water;
  • you can also use citric acid. Dissolve a tablespoon in a glass of water and then pour it into the tank. Preheat the iron to maximum, shake it and then press the steam release button. After that, rinse the container and wipe the sole;

Did you know that carbonated drinks contain acids that help dissolve sediment inside the iron.

To prevent scale from appearing in the future, it is necessary to use the following water options:

  1. Distilled is sold at any gas station.
  2. Bottled can be purchased at the supermarket.
  3. A home filter will also help to obtain clean water.
  4. Tap water can be left to stand for several hours.

Features of cleaning different irons

Devices with different coatings require a separate approach. For ceramic iron try using baking soda.

It should be mixed with water, and then wipe the surface of the iron with a soft cloth. Also, the equipment can be cleaned with toilet soap, hydrogen peroxide and citric acid.
Teflon iron cleans up in the same way as everyone else. the platform can be cleaned by warming up the instrument.

The molten material can then be scraped off. For this, a scraper is used.
There are some guidelines for individual brands as well. In the Philips technique, there is a special container in which scale accumulates.

To clean the device, you need to pull out the container using a special button. The reservoir must be rinsed and dried and then wiped down with a cloth.
If the Tefal iron is burnt, then you need to pour mineral water into the water container and turn it on at full power.

This method perfectly removes scale, because this technique most often has a non-stick coating. After washing with mineral water, repeat the same thing with plain water only.

You can also use citric acid.
For such types of devices as Brown, Bosch, Vitek and Bork, there are the following recommendations:

  1. If the water is hard, it should be diluted 1 to 1 with distilled water.
  2. Do not use only distilled solution, as it boils at higher temperatures.
  3. It is important to drain the water from the tank after finishing work.
  4. All deposits on the outside must be removed. In this case, a water-vinegar essence is used.

Regular and timely cleaning will save your electrical appliance from burning and it will serve you for many years. After all, it is a clean iron that will save your things from the appearance of burnt holes.

Take care of your equipment and she will answer you with gratitude! That's all for today.

If you have something to add, please write in the comments. Goodbye, my dear guests!

If the iron gets dirty, ironing turns into a complete punishment. Suddenly appearing stains, spoiled clothes, an unpleasant smell ... You don't need this trouble at all.

Use these detailed tips and thoroughly clean your iron. It is easy to carry out, in addition, the crystal cleanliness of the iron and favorite items are worth it. Choose the way you like and get started!

Cleaning the iron

Using salt to clean burn-on on the soleplate

Using salt and vinegar to clean iron deposits

Using chemical cleansers

How to clean the steam vents on the soleplate

Other ways to clean the soleplate of your iron

One of the popular ways is soda cleaning... Mix baking soda with water to a pasty consistency. Apply this product to a rag, then wipe the sole of the iron with it. After cleaning, remove any soda residue with a clean cloth.

Distilled water with vinegar in equal parts is poured into the iron reservoir. After that, you need to heat the iron and turn on the steam. Next, you need to iron any cotton fabric for a few minutes. After that, remove the solution from the reservoir, and wipe the sole with a clean towel.

Toothpaste can also be used to clean the soleplate of the iron. Apply a small amount to the surface, grease the most problematic areas especially well. Then wipe the paste off with a clean cloth. Turn on the iron, warm up and iron the old fabric with it. That's all!