How to hint a guy about a relationship: ways, leading questions, friendship and advice from guys and girls. How to hint a guy that you want him? Several effective ways to hint about intimacy How to hint a guy about a relationship phrases

Years go by, and more and more generations of guys ask themselves and those around them: "How do you hint a girl about a relationship and when should you do it?" The question is difficult because it is individual. No two girls are alike, so one can be hinted at at once, and the other will not tolerate such treatment, and the man will lose her. Let's consider the options.

When can a girl hint at an intimate relationship? Courtship is a hint

In general, the question is rather strange. Because when two people of the opposite sex admit sympathy for each other, then this already has a relationship, suggests them. But suddenly something went wrong, and the young man, through a misunderstanding or purposefully, got into the friend zone. In other words, he's just a friend. How to check the guess and, if it is correct, change the state of affairs?

1. Cinema. As the famous movie hero Hank Moody used to say: "A woman knows from the first second what she wants to do with a man - to sleep, send off or get married." And for the most part, this is true. The process of courtship is dust in the eyes of others, so that everything looks decent. Another option is that when women are shy, they need help. In this case, cinema is perfect as a first step (no need to take tickets to the back rows, let it be just a trip to the movie). In principle, after the first date, it will become clear whether the girl likes to spend time with her boyfriend or not. Based on the information received, you can move on.

2. Restaurants. If the first stage of seduction went smoothly, then you can consolidate the success and invite the girl to a cafe or restaurant. There, while talking about life, a man will understand whether there is a spark between them or all this is empty.

3. Home. The third stage involves the direct invitation to tea (euphemism). If at this stage the girl begins to say that she is not like that, then all the efforts were wasted. But there is nothing to be done, this is life. Only by making mistakes can a person understand how to do the right thing. Perhaps there are two other scenarios for the development of events. The man will achieve his goal, or the girl will tell him that it is not in her rules to rush. And here it is very important to evaluate with an inner instinct: a man is being sewn off or really asked not to drive horses.

In any case, the question of how to hint a familiar girl about a relationship should be removed by going through these three stages.

It often happens that a girl really wants to try to build a relationship with a guy who doesn't even think about it. In this case, the girl usually begins to think that the guy does not like her at all. But this is not always the case. It happens that the guy himself is indecisive or simply thinks that he is too quick to develop events.

How do you hint a guy about a relationship?

First you need to make sure of your chosen one. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible about him: how many girls he had before you, and does he generally like girls. It is better to find out everything at once, otherwise it will be very deplorable later if he completely disappoints you.

The second thing to be sure of before starting to drop hints is interest. Does he have an interest in you, are you sympathetic to him. It is likely that he considers you just a good person with whom he would not want to have a joint future.

How to determine this?

If he likes you, he will try to be more close to you and constantly strike up all kinds of conversations. It doesn’t matter what, it’s important what exactly is with you.

If you agree with all these signs, you can proceed with an action plan.

At this stage, you just need to carefully create "random meetings", often be around. But in no case need to be imposed. A man must himself understand that he wants to be with you, otherwise he will be simply unpleasant, and he will decide that you are following him.

If the guy approves of your constant meetings, it is worth consolidating the successful result obtained. Give him a friendly greeting, talk to him.

And after all this, it is worthwhile to step away from him for a while. Stop watching him, constantly looking for meetings. If you are not mistaken in your sympathy, the guy will get nervous and will look for meetings with you himself. He will understand that he needs you and without your attention he can no longer.

The main rule in this matter is patience. Wait, wait and wait. You don't need to take on the role of initiator. A man by nature should be a conqueror,

If you are lucky and the guy has invited you somewhere, you should not immediately throw yourself on his neck with the words "Finally, you made up your mind", "I was waiting for this so much." Be more restrained, do not run after him and do not be intrusive. Otherwise, your relationship that has not yet begun will end with this.

If you've followed the action plan and the guy is still just a friend to you, here are some helpful tips.

You can use a common hobby, if you have one, of course. Go skiing or play volleyball together. It can bring you closer together very well.

If you are studying or working together, it will be much easier to create "chance encounters" and it will not feel like surveillance.

Flirt with him discreetly, but never speak directly about your feelings.

Does the guy you have a crush on show little initiative? Perhaps he simply does not know what is interesting to you, and therefore hesitates to take the first step. There are many ways in which you can demonstrate your feelings to a young person without speaking directly to them.

Should you tell your boyfriend about your feelings?

The most important question for a girl is whether it is necessary to admit to a young man about her love at all, or is it better to wait for the first step from him, as it should be due to numerous traditions. There can be many reasons to tell a man about this herself. The guy can be very timid, he can be too reverent about the girl and is just afraid to offend or rush her with his confession. Also, some bets are morally afraid to reveal their souls and therefore hide their feelings. Either the young man may have doubts whether he really likes you or is it just a passing hobby. So do not be afraid - recognition from a girl in tender feelings is considered quite normal today.

First of all, it is worth assessing the general situation and situation. A declaration of love, logically, should entail serious consequences, the main one of which is the creation and development of a couple and your love relationship. Therefore, first of all, you yourself must be sure that you want the possible development of relations with this man, you want to see and communicate with him more often. You also need to assess whether he is ready for a potential relationship, whether he now has strong love with another girl, or whether he recently suffered a difficult breakup, after which he will definitely want to be alone for a long time.

Take the initiative if he's shy

You understand that this young man likes, which is indicated by some direct or indirect facts, but there is no recognition of sympathy on his part. If you see that the guy is shy or for some reason not confident in himself, then you can take the initiative in your own hands. His shyness can manifest itself in different ways: for example, you notice that he tries to stay longer in your company, but he is embarrassed if he accidentally touches you or when the conversation turns to personal topics. He can also shade if he catches your eye or is alone with you. Of course, the lack of initiative can be explained by indifference, but most girls, perhaps, will be able to distinguish indifferent behavior from insecure attempts to get closer.

Don't embarrass a guy if he has a girlfriend.

If you know that the person you like is already in a relationship with another girl, and this romance at least outwardly seems to be a wave of prosperity, then you do not need to embarrass him with your confessions. It is unlikely that he will reciprocate under such circumstances. But even if this does happen, it is unlikely that you will want to be in the status of a lovemaker. You can gently hint a guy that you like him, but don't talk about your feelings directly.

Do not intrude if he is not interested in you

When communicating with him, you see that he has no interest, and this is clearly not embarrassment or self-doubt - he really is burdened by this communication. The reasons may not be in you at all - he as a whole may not want a relationship now, or he is looking for a girl exclusively for a certain type, under which you do not fall. In addition, he may have liked another for a long time. There may be a lot of circumstances due to which he does not see you as a potential lover, and in this case, your confession may even cause him to avoid meeting you.

How to show someone that you like them

Just telling a man about your love in plain text - you can always do this, but it's not too romantic and morally very difficult. It is much more beautiful to express your warm sympathy for the person you like with the help of gentle words spoken in a suitable setting and with the right emphasis on your hints for a man. In this case, it is worth choosing the right words depending on how close you are to a young man you like - he may be just cute to you, you may be in love with him and your feelings may well be mutual. The tips below will surely help you find a way to express your feelings to a man, without being confused and not missing your opportunity to become happy with him.

When you just really like him

When a young man is just nice to you, you can express your tender feelings well with the help of hints. For example, appear in front of him in beautiful outfits and in response to his compliments, say that you wanted to look good especially for him. Men generally love with their eyes, so your beautiful appearance will be very important so that the young man has a pleasant impression of you and this disposed him to communicate and get to know you better. You can also use not too explicit compliments to a young man, tell him live or in SMS, as if by chance, how strong he is, how he looks like a handsome actor, what interesting hobbies he has, etc. You can make friends with his friends or acquaintances, and through them learn about the tastes and interests of the guy, so that later in conversations with him, these topics can be used as "clues". And in one of these conversations, you can notice that you have a lot of similar interests and therefore you clearly sympathize with this guy.

When you love him, how to confess your feelings

If your feelings are already something more than just sympathy, you should act more confidently so as not to miss your happiness. First of all, exclude flirting with other young people in his presence, so as not to evoke the opinion of yourself as a promiscuous and fickle girl. Try to be positive and cheerful in order to attract attention - it will also be useful to evaluate the jokes of your cute guy, because he will surely appreciate those who appreciate his sense of humor. You can also write to him about your feelings, without naming the very word "love", but quite clearly speaking about your feelings. In this case, if a guy is interested in you, he will answer you, and if not, you can pretend that this message was not there and thereby get rid of unnecessary worries.

Declaration of love when feelings are mutual

In the case when your feelings are mutual and you are also nice to this young man, it will be easier. It will be enough for you to take the first step to start a relationship. You can write in a message or social network a message with the words that you like him and if his feelings are mutual, then let him write you a response message. You can also tell the guy that you have long wanted to go to a movie or play, but you have no one to go with. He will probably offer to keep you company - and this is a great reason to talk and get to know each other better. A good option is to give the guy a small present that would hint to him about the reciprocity of your feelings. For example, pairing mugs or key chains, some of your joint photos in a frame, etc. Do not be afraid to make contact, because young people are also often shy before the first conversation and may be embarrassed to admit their warm feelings.

I want it like a hint of a bed

If you are not in a relationship yet, then such hints may not play into your hands. The guy, of course, can answer your "signals", but there is a high probability that everything is limited to bed only - the chosen one will simply consider you a windy person. However, if you have already started dating, but it does not go beyond kissing, then, of course, you can take the initiative. Try to be alone with your lover more often, hug him and just touch. Also, to take the relationship to a new level, you can invite him home for a romantic dinner - wine, candles and pleasant music will undoubtedly be conducive to your intimacy.

Interesting places

In personal communication or during correspondence, you can mention some new establishments or just interesting places that you would like to visit. Note that you usually go out with your friend, but in the coming days she has other things to do, so you don't even know whether to wait for her or find yourself another company. For a young man, this will be a clear hint that you are inclined to walk together.

His tastes

Find out where your partner likes to spend time, and show interest in his choice. For example, he enjoys skiing. Say that you have never done this or that you cannot learn in any way, but you would really like it. Or he may state that he likes a certain genre of films, which he periodically goes to the cinema. You, in turn, can answer that you are also interested in such pictures, but your friends do not share these tastes, and you yourself do not want to go to the cinema.

Direct hints

Write or tell the young man that you are very interested in communicating with him, and it would be nice to walk together sometime. You can find a certain reason. For example, you told your interlocutor about a place that he has not been to. Note in passing that you will definitely show him "somehow" this institution. If he wants to meet, then your application will be a good chance for him to take advantage of the situation and invite you for a walk or a date.

Hinting a guy about the relationship correctly

Positive mood

In his presence, try to maintain a positive mood, showing the guy that you are pleased to be in such a company. It makes sense not only to show it, but also to voice it. Talk about how interesting and fun you are with him. You can also mention that he, like no one else, is able to cheer you up.

Skin contact

Touch the guy you like. Although, of course, it is also worth knowing when to stop - there is no need to "hang" on it, your touch should be as if by chance. You can take him by the arm while crossing the road or climbing the steps. Light hugs and a kiss on the cheek are also appropriate when meeting or saying goodbye. Telling something important to the interlocutor or needing his support, you can briefly take his hand.

Personal questions

Here, too, it is important not to cross the line. Ask the guy how long ago he had a last relationship, what kind of girl he sees next to him. However, if the young person is reluctant to answer, then it is better not to delve into such questions. True, the detailed answers do not mean at all that you need to show excessive attention to this topic - it will be more appropriate to find out all the details of parting with ex-girls if you are in a closer relationship. For now, it's enough to let him know that you are not indifferent to his personal life.

Say "I love" in other words or actions

It is quite difficult to tell a man about his love in plain text. It is much easier to disguise your confession so that the man himself will guess about your tender feelings. This option eliminates many awkward feelings. Therefore, you can try other good declarations of love below. One of them will surely give a positive result and you will definitely get close to a young man you like.

Beautiful words for a declaration of love

In order to confess your love to a young man, it is not necessary to use banal phrases. It is much better to speak from a pure heart and sincerely. If it is difficult to collect your thoughts alive, write a long confession in a message - this will help you choose beautiful phrases, think over your train of thought. Be sure to use more characteristics that emphasize the qualities of a young person sympathetic to you (strong, caring, reliable, etc.). This will help him understand why you value him. Don't use too many diminutive forms like "bunny" or "cat". A declaration of love is a pretty serious thing, and such words will reduce seriousness to a minimum. Words must be honest - only say what you are really sure of. You should not make abstract reviews of your common future and predict an excellent development of relations. It is better to talk more about the present tense, about your feelings and the positive qualities of this young man. Then the conversation will be more effective.

Confessions through communication on the Internet or by SMS

Modern communication allows you to make a confession on a social network or via SMS messages. This relieves your stress and worries, you can properly prepare. Find the right words, think about what you want to convey to the guy with your messages - and send him. In the correspondence, you do not see the reaction of the young man and you are not so worried. Plus, if a guy refuses or ignores you, it will be much easier to handle it than if he refused you in a personal conversation. In addition, for that declaration of love in this way, too close communication and acquaintance between you are not required - after all, it is enough to find the guy's number or his page on the social network, bypassing the need to meet friends, etc.

Confessions in verse, gifts or selfless help

A beautiful and non-trivial way to hint a guy about your feelings is to write poetry to him. Exactly to write, even if they are not very colorful, since almost every guy has already seen poems from the Internet and you are unlikely to please him with such bad taste. Find an opportunity to write poetry yourself, or ask your friends about it, and send the young man by SMS or on a social network - he will surely appreciate your creativity.

Another option is a nice present or an offer of selfless help to the young man. These gifts or help should not be large-scale; rather, it is just a small sign of attention that will let a man know that you care about him. A present can be something like a keychain for a key, a photo frame, a book that a young man told you about - something pleasant that this man will then associate with you. You can also make a memorable engraving, non-trivial, then in the future it can become a kind of motto for your relationship with this young man.

Declare your love in person

The most honest and open version of a declaration of love is a personal meeting and a one-to-one conversation. In this way, you can immediately see the real emotions of a man in response to your words, clarify some individual phrases and supplement your recognition with some comments and clarifications. Before a personal meeting, you will have to take courage, but this method is really the most reliable and time-tested. This option is also very good because in case of a successful conversation, you will immediately feel a new closeness to each other, you will be able to hug or kiss each other for the first time. And this is a great start for the strong development of your relationship.

I'm afraid to confess my feelings to him, what to do - advice from psychologists

There are often such situations when a girl is very afraid to tell a young man about her love (for example, she is one of the timid). This is a normal phenomenon, because subconsciously the girl is afraid of a possible rejection, rejection of her feelings. In such cases, you need to be able to overcome your fears and understand what goal you would like to achieve: just hint to the guy about feelings, openly declare your love, achieve the beginning of your relationship, etc. And then it is important to actively act until the first impression you make. did not dissipate. It will be useful, when feeling fear and anxiety, to learn about what psychologists recommend to do and what common female mistakes are best avoided by deciding to confess to a young man your feelings.

To relieve fear and anxiety before recognition, many practicing psychologists recommend that you think over your words in as much detail as possible and say them out loud in front of a mirror, in order to evaluate yourself from the outside. First, it will help relieve the anxiety that you may start to get confused in words and say too much or not exactly what you wanted. Secondly, it will be easier to relieve stress, because the body will feel that you are not saying such words for the first time, which means you should not worry too much.

Also, experts often suggest preliminarily assessing the situation - not the best option would be to confess to a guy in love when he is heavily loaded with problems at work or school, or in the family. Both of you should be conducive to a conversation, be in a good mood and be able to think about everything that has been said after communication.

Is it true that guys don't take hints

Many men really do not react as subtly to the intonation of the interlocutor as women, and do not always understand the hints. For example, you can tell him that you would like to go to the movies soon or you are interested in an event. Some guys react instantly, suggesting that they go together to the place that intrigues you, but there are also those who sincerely think that you are just sharing information to keep the conversation going. In the second case, the interlocutor sincerely does not know that something was hinted to him - he can understand what you need only if direct proposals are made.

When a couple is already in a relationship, this problem does not disappear. For example, before your birthday, you might be praising a new popular book, stating that your friends really liked it and you would love to read it too. Or you can say that your earrings lack a ring in a similar style. It is likely that you are hoping to receive a bestseller or jewelry as a gift, but the chances are very high that the chosen one will not understand this, and will give, for example, perfume you do not need. Coquetry will not work with such men: “I don’t even know what I want, choose to your taste”. He needs to speak directly, and just accept the fact that the hints are incomprehensible to him - this way you will prevent resentment and misunderstanding in the future.

How to understand that your man understood your hint

There are few options here. If you bring up a topic with enviable regularity, and the young man diligently avoids it, despite all the transparency of the hints, or constantly turns the conversation into another direction, then most likely he understood what you are leading to. However, his reaction, unfortunately, indicates that he is not enthusiastic about your message.

There is also a reverse variant, in which everything is more obvious. The man supports the topic with interest, asking clarifying questions, instead of just ignoring your words. It means that he noticed that it is about something important, and does not lose sight of it. In this case, your hints are likely to bring the desired result soon.

The most common mistakes girls make

Negative reaction

You hinted to the guy in every possible way that he was interesting to you, but still did not wait for an invitation to a date? You do not need to hastily remove him from friends in VK or turn away when you meet. Admit the thought that he really did not take the hints, and now your behavior looks completely stupid.

Unnatural behavior

Having decided to hint sympathy to the young man, suddenly you began to behave unnaturally - to flirt excessively, to joke, to actively show him signs of attention. A lot of guys like this approach, but there are some who are embarrassed by this behavior.

Involvement of third parties

You have already discussed with some mutual friends that the young man is interesting to you. However, when you meet him, you show detachment, expecting that he will seek you. This is not the best tactic, which, in his eyes, most likely looks strange.

The aimlessness of allusions

It also happens that a girl actively flirts with a guy, hints at sympathy, but there is no purpose behind all this - she just likes to communicate like that or she wants to surround herself with fans without planning any relationship with them. Realizing that your hints do not mean anything, the young man may even break off contacts with you. If you understand that you do not see a guy as a potential lover, it is better to maintain a friendly format with him.

Very often, girls are held hostage to the stereotype of love relationships.

In order not to break this rule, every girl should know little tricks to attract the attention of a young man without being too persistent.

After all, you can hint a guy about a relationship in a variety of ways.

Where does a relationship begin?

Only in romantic films does it come suddenly like Cupid's arrow really pierces two hearts at the same time.

There is much more prose in real life. Often, lovers look at each other for a long time, not daring to be the first.

It is possible that the first to approach will decide to go exactly a girl... If warm feelings have visited her soul, do not wait for the guy to notice languid sighs in his address.

It is quite possible that such carefully concealed feelings will be completely taken by him for indifference.

Little tricks help the girl to make the guy himself go to rapprochement. For this, the lady does not have to openly admit her feelings.

Viewing an object at a distance

The first thing to do before taking a decisive step towards meeting is to check whether it is worth taking this very step. - a kind of lottery.

You never know who a mysterious stranger will be. In order not to fall into the clutches of the villain, the girl should collect some facts about the "experimental".

In addition, the interested girl may well remain anonymous, which is very important at the first stage of the "offensive".

Should explore all the information available on the page... Everything that he wished to tell the world is important to analyze. Statuses, wall posts and uploaded photos. All this will allow you to sketch out some sketch of the character.

It is worth paying attention to the manner of communication. Comments under the posts will be enough to assess the level of upbringing. Abusive speech and other unpleasant statements can bear witness to bad temper.

Having looked through the list of friends, it is important to find your acquaintances among them. You can make contact with them in order to find out interesting facts about the chosen one.

But do not overly persistently ask the guy's friends, because they can let slip.

Thanks to the page on social networks, you can learn about hobbies young men. Information about his family, hobbies and even pets will come in handy when you get to know each other. It is worth paying attention to the places where the "object" is. Perhaps you should join the same gym?

Acquaintance and friendship

Only in movies and novels does lightning fast.

In life, a guy and a girl will take some time to get to know each other and get to know their partner better.

It's good if the guy has already met. This will allow you to bypass almost the most difficult stage in "convergence"... If the guy does not yet suspect the existence of a beautiful lady, she will have to contrive a little and "juggle" the cards.

How to meet a guy:

  1. Set up an appointment... After observing the object of attention, the girl can easily determine where this very object is most often. The best option is a supermarket. Sweets unobtrusively scattered under the guy's feet will give him the opportunity to take care of the confused girl. You should not choose products that are "difficult" to clean.

    It is unlikely that the boy wants to collect sugar from the floor. The ideal option would be an orange rolled under the counter.

  2. Request for help. Option for brave girls. Having loaded heavy things into a bag, you can meet a guy on his way to the house. If a man has even a bit of a gentlemanly disposition, he will definitely agree to help with a heavy burden. The main thing is to ask him about it.
  3. Phone search... An old but effective method that has become a classic of the genre. You should hide your mobile phone in the deepest pocket of your bag. Playing sincere confusion, we ask the boy to dial his number, simultaneously assuming that the phone has been lost. When the melody sounds, we thank the assistant and leave. With the guy's number in the list of missed calls.

There are, of course, many other ways to meet. The main thing is not to show excitement and act as succinctly as possible.

Gradual convergence

Wait for attention from a guy, without taking any action, you can take a very long time.

Sometimes you can even see him fall in love with another girl.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to apply all the tricks and quietly grab his attention.

Before taking the initiative, it is worth making sure of the intentions of the young man himself. An interested man is very easy to spot. In the company, he is trying in every possible way to reduce the distance, being next to his passion.

He will not miss and opportunities to talk, chat. In this case, the guy will choose topics that are interesting only for the two of you, avoiding the participation of the rest of those present in the conversation.

Will give out an interested person and. Eye contact for more than 2 seconds indicates an increased interest in the person. A girl can also use this trick by playing short peepers.

If the guy's behavior betrays his interest, you can't hesitate. It's time to get closer... The main thing is not to overdo it:

To shift communication from friendly notes, the girl is advised to act actively, but carefully. Violating the boundaries of personal space, you can greatly interest a young person.

When communication becomes regular you can move on to more active actions... However, if the guy shows signs of attention, it is advised to wait and pretend to be a "victim", not a predator.

Shortening the distance

How to shorten the distance:

  1. Don't be afraid to touch. After joking, lightly nudge him on the shoulder. Enter his space slowly but surely. Be at arm's length as often as possible.
  2. Arm yourself with humor. Kind jokes can help defuse the atmosphere if there is an awkward pause in the conversation. Teasing a guy's appearance will also keep him interested. "After all, if a girl noticed a wrinkled T-shirt, then she is not indifferent to me." The main thing is not to offend the guy with barbs.
  3. Be weak. Ask a man for help, even if you can cope with the problem on your own. Take down Windows on a laptop and ask the young man to reinstall the system.
  4. Hide behind the guy's courage. Grab his hand while watching a horror movie or keep your hand in a dark park.

    For a man, albeit a young one, there is nothing sweeter than a demonstration of his own strength.

Strengthening communication

If the tricks used did not give the expected result, and the guy still hesitates, the girl should not give up. One has only to arm himself with "heavy artillery".

There is no need to be afraid of failure. If a young man communicates with a girl for a long time, it is unlikely that he completely excludes the romantic development of events.

The relationship between a guy and a girl is rarely fast-paced.

Most often occurs more than a dozen meetings before young people become a couple.

At the same time, there is no clear boundary when love is born.

To accelerate the emergence of a relationship, the girl is advised:

  • give him a little surprise. Give your guy a nice little thing, like a keychain or a cool cup. Let a thing appear in his interior, reminiscent of a passion;
  • treat him to baked goods... Invite a guy for tea, arguing the invitation with a sudden culinary inspiration. The young man will surely connect your flight of fantasy with his special person. If the cake seems like an incomprehensible magic, just buy a cookie from the store and pass it off as yours;
  • retire... For a while, disappear from the guy's field of vision. The sudden disappearance of an active girlfriend will further inflame the man's thoughts;
  • inquiry... Find out if the guy was interested in your person during the artificial "separation". If so, you can be congratulated;
  • appearing after fading should be fantastic. Don't skimp on hair and makeup. Let the hero understand how much he missed him.

If, after all the measures taken, the guy invites the girl out on a date, it's in the bag.

What is better not to do?

Opinion as if in love and all methods are good in war, for the initial stage of the relationship is not entirely appropriate.

Hints that seem quite understandable to a girl can push the guy to a cosmic distance.

What a girl shouldn't do:

  1. You shouldn't talk to a young man about his potential girlfriends. Advice on how to behave with other ladies, the girl personally writes herself in the category of "friends".

    It will be very difficult to get out of it, because the girl will know all the ins and outs of the young man, with which he is unlikely to put up with.

  2. No need to voice your big dreams... Dreams of a strong family and four children will surely scare a guy off if a relationship is just beginning. It is important to focus not on the plans, but on the personality of the young man.
  3. Immediately introduce him to his parents. Serious intentions are good, but you should not invite a young man to a family dinner in the first week after meeting. First, it's best to make sure that the friendship has already flowed into a love affair.
  4. Be unrestrained. Men claim to love sexy ladies, but in fact prefer modest ones.
  5. Don't talk incessantly... Men love it when a girl listens carefully. Try to portray interest even if you don't know what a carburetor is.

How to keep interfacing?

To not only strengthen, but also continue, the girl should warm up the guy's interest, but don't be too intrusive.

It is not necessary to completely absorb the young man's free time.

Deprive part of his leisure time of your participation. And never tell the chosen one that you have nothing to do without him. Respect your partner and don't take it as entertainment for my own bored nature.

Look for common interests. Joint activities bring people closer together. If you are not interested in a guy's hobbies, look for new points of contact.

Play tennis or dance together. Maybe you both will enjoy baking cakes?

Thinking about how to hint a guy about a relationship, it is worth using simple feminine tricks. Later, when friendship turns into romance, it will be possible to laugh together at the girlish tricks to conquer a man's heart.

What should I do to get a guy to offer to date? Learn from the video:

For a long time you want to kiss a guy you like, but he does not dare to take a step, and you don’t know how to hint at this? Today I will tell you what needs to be done and reveal a few little secrets. And if a guy really likes you, then the kiss will be yours!

Sometimes, in order to get what you want, you do not need to build complex schemes and resort to tricks, just seize the moment. The necessary situations and the necessary moments are often, we just do not notice them. Or maybe we see them, but we don’t use them ... everyone is scared - be brave.

Let's imagine a situation. Dasha with the class went on a hike. There is a guy among her classmates who she really likes. At first, the whole company sits by the fire, but gradually everyone dispersed and only the heroine and her lover remained. And Dasha takes the first step ... It's so simple, she moves closer, talks about something and suddenly starts kissing him.

In this situation, she took advantage of the right moment and made the right decision. Do you know what is most important? Do not wait for an awkward moment "after" and confused explanations.

In the case of Dasha, the best option is to go to your tent, slightly looking around. Believe me, the taken aback guy will think about what happened for a long time and will most likely want to repeat everything.

The same moment can be captured when a young man escorts you home. During goodbye, kiss him, and then hide in the house leaving him surprised. Are you embarrassed to do it directly on the lips? Then give him a hint that you want it by kissing him on the cheek.

Our Dasha is a brave girl, but not everyone can decide to take such a step. Perhaps you want him to kiss first. In this case, I have several options in stock of how to correctly hint and let know about my desire.

The eyes are your main weapon, and this is not just a phrase. A gaze is sometimes better than many words.

The main thing is, if you do not want the guy to be scared of you, do not get carried away. And no glances from under the brows, otherwise the chosen one may decide that you are going to attack, and not kiss.

So what to do and how to watch? First, choose the right time (yes, the same moment). Try to be alone so that no one bothers you. First, talk to him nicely, react to his jokes. After a while, look intently into his eyes, and then at his lips, and again into his eyes.

Not the fact that it will work right away. Then repeat this technique again after a while. Be persistent, but don't be annoying.

It will be nice to glance at the guy from under half-closed eyelashes in the process of communication. The languid looks make the girl more mysterious and romantic. But here, too, do not get carried away, otherwise you will look just vulgar.

Nothing makes a girl as attractive and alluring as her sincerity and naturalness. They should be in everything:

  • in the choice of makeup (less bright shades, more naturalness and tranquility);
  • in laughter (laugh only when you really find it funny, and smile also sincerely; feigned behavior is noticeable and repulsive, and although you like cold beauty, its influence is fleeting);
  • in gestures;
  • in the conversation itself (the most important thing is to remain honest, lying repels people).

Someone may disagree with me and say that guys are attracted only by external beauty, insolence, coldness. At first glance, it may be so, and for some time they will be carried away by this. But then they choose an open and sincere girl and it is with her that they want intimacy and kisses.

How does that help hint a kiss, you ask? Being next to a man and sincerely laughing at his jokes, you draw his attention to your face and, most importantly, to your lips. And they are especially attractive when there is real emotion on the face. If he likes you, he will not be able to resist and will start kissing.


Another way to hint a man about kissing and developing a relationship is by touching.

Don't be afraid to touch him. This will close the distance between you and let him know that he is interesting. Do it gently, unobtrusively, lightly touching his hand or shaking off an invisible speck of dust from his shirt.

He invited to the cinema? While watching, lightly, as if by chance, touch your hand to it, and leave it so that your fingers lightly touch it.

You can try another method of rapprochement. Ask me to take you home at night. And then stumble a little, so that the guy supports (the main thing is not to fall for real, there is little romantic in this).

As a result, the man will offer to take his arm. Didn't you? It doesn't matter, unobtrusively ask him about it yourself, here he definitely won't be able to refuse.

Shortening the distance will allow you to establish contact and create a special atmosphere between you. Touching the skin or hugging is especially effective. Do not hesitate to hug the guy goodbye and stay for a few seconds. This will be a good signal to him that you want to continue and you can kiss.

A kiss can not only be hinted at, but directly provoked. There are several ways to do this. For example, shorten the distance between you as much as possible or talk about kissing, suggest a game. But let's go in order.

One of the most effective ways is to be so close that the man has nowhere to go and can only kiss. But remember that you only need to do this when you meet for a while.

Such a provocation can also be applied to a boy if you are 100% sure that he likes you (read about how to understand this in the article). Otherwise, you can only scare him away or seem vulgar and windy.

So, you were left alone, and you tried the described methods, but there was no result. It's time to move on to the next step.

During a conversation, start approaching him, bend over slightly, but continue to speak, gradually lowering your voice. Look him straight in the eyes, and then slyly close them.

Bring your head closer so that your faces are almost touching each other (like your lips), And go to a whisper. Now you need to pause. Being in such closeness with a girl he likes, a guy simply cannot resist.

Courage, determination and straightforwardness

This method is more radical and will suit a brave and determined girl. Are you just that or did you decide to become her? Then go ahead.

Men love to compete and when they are told directly what they want. So let's take advantage of this and provoke him into a kiss.

You don't have to resort to all the tricks and feminine tricks. Ask the guy directly if he likes you. When the question was asked "head-on", he had nowhere to go and would have to answer.

Such a decisive step will let him know that you are not indifferent to him and that you can act. The kiss may not follow right away, but your step will make him decide on it.

Another option is to offer a game that will reward you with a kiss. It could be poker or another card game.
Your main task is not to seduce, but to make the man understand that you like him and you want a relationship with him. If he likes you, then after such a provocation he will begin to act.

Be yourself and know when to stop. And then that cherished kiss with your beloved will not be long in coming. Remember, you definitely have some peculiarity or feature of your own. You may not even suspect about it, but it definitely makes someone's heart beat faster.

Finally - an easy way to avoid problems

It happens that now everything is fine in a relationship, and then bang - and something happens: a major conflict, betrayal. And maybe everything will continue to be fine. It is impossible to predict this in advance, no one knows the future.

In fact, this is not true. All events can be predicted in advance if you can.

You have probably experienced such that it seems to you that you have already been in this situation. This is called déjà vu. It is possible that you were given a sign from a fragment of your future in a dream. The Universe warns us of future events - good or bad.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Tatiana Panyushkina. She is the leader of schools, seminars and trainings on energy information literacy and personal growth. She taught many girls to predict events in their lives in order to turn the situation in their favor and become happier.

If interested, this course is available on Tatiana's official website. She usually sells it for money, but we asked her to open free access to our visitors for a while.