How to get better on the face so that the cheeks appear at home. Calcium-rich foods. Facial exercises, massages, masks and compresses

Why does the face float

There is no escape from age-related changes, as a result of which the body acquires a slightly different shape. No matter what active lifestyle you lead, no matter how you eat right, no matter what expensive body and face care products you use, sooner or later the reflection in the mirror ceases to suit you. And if a man manages to come to terms with them pretty quickly, for a woman it is a disaster.

But at the cellular level, there can be no talk of any catastrophe. The ratio of collagen, elastin and water in the cell simply changes. In order for the first two to function normally, a standardized amount of water is needed. As soon as it becomes less than necessary, the vital processes of the cell are disrupted, including the transport of nutrients. As a result, the face seems to float, a double chin appears, swelling of the cheeks and bags under the eyes.

It also happens in a different way - too much water enters the skin cells, but the former cannot cope with such an amount and quickly remove it. Because of this, puffiness appears on the face.

Another common cause of facial dissatisfaction is overweight. Fat deposits are evenly distributed throughout the body, and primarily on the face. By the way, both man and woman manage to lose weight on the face quickly, which cannot be said about reducing other volumes.

With age, many women, on the contrary, prefer to gain a couple of extra pounds, so that their face becomes more rounded, and small mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.

And finally, another reason that a person cannot lose weight is the presence of diseases. First of all, we are talking about problems with the thyroid gland, which controls metabolism. If she does not cope with her work, a hormonal imbalance begins in the woman's body, which leads to a rapid gain in mass. In a man, this scenario most often occurs with diabetes mellitus. The concentration of sugar in the blood rapidly increases, and tissues and working organs, for various reasons, cannot reduce it. The result is a sharp weight gain, puffiness, a swollen face.

Complex solution to the problem

To lose weight, it's not enough just to sign up for a gym or stop eating harmful foods (sweet, salty, fatty, smoked). Firstly, the remedy itself can be effective, but after a certain time the body gets used to it and the result stands still. Secondly, if you do something periodically, but haphazardly, all attempts to lose weight are doomed in advance. Thirdly, the action of one remedy is superimposed on the action of another (the so-called "cumulative" effect), so you can lose weight quickly and, most importantly, for a long time.

Facial gymnastics

Facial gymnastics allows you not only to lose weight, but also to improve your complexion. This is because during the exercise, small facial muscles are involved and blood flow to the cells increases. The skin receives the required amount of nutrients, and the end products of decomposition are eliminated faster. To feel this, it is enough to perform special exercises or facial gymnastics.

Exercise # 1. Sing the vowels. When pronouncing each letter, stretch the lips as much as possible with a tube and strain the facial muscles.

Exercise number 2. Write the alphabet. You will need a clean pencil to complete the exercise. Clamp the latter in your teeth, strain your facial muscles and, in turn, draw the letters of the alphabet in the air. An alternative is to do the same without a pencil, but with the tip of your nose.

Exercise number 3. Draw a figure eight. To do the exercise, lie on the floor with your back straight. Stretch out your tongue as much as possible and draw an eight in the air. In the supine position, not only the facial muscles are activated, but the neck.

Exercise number 4. Reach your chin with your tongue. The exercise can be performed while sitting or lying down, the main thing is that the back is straight and the head is straight. Stick out your tongue as much as possible and stretch it to the bottom of the chin. Do the same, towards the tip of the nose.

Exercises # 5. Cover the upper lip with your lower lip. It is very important to stretch your lips as much as possible, straining the facial muscles and neck.

Exercise number 6. Smile. While doing the exercise, smile as wide as possible, lifting the corners of your lips. Hold the smile for 5-7 seconds, lower the corners of the lips as much as possible.

Exercise number 7. Head tilts to the right, left, forward and backward. Linger in each position for 2-3 seconds.

Exercise number 8. Extension of the jaw. Pull the lower jaw forward as much as possible, hold it for 2-3 seconds and return to its original position.

Perform all exercises 4-5 times in the morning and in the evening. You can divide the proposed exercises into two groups, each of which should be performed in the morning or in the evening. Every two days, increase the number of repetitions by 1-2 times.

You look at yourself in the mirror every day, and perhaps you would like to know how your face appears to be different. Does it look attractive? This is an odd question to ask, but don't worry: with the right self-confidence and simple skin care, you will be able to shine with beauty.


Skin care

    Decide if your care is right for you. Most dermatologists recommend that you cleanse and moisturize your skin daily to help protect the top layer of your skin. But don't buy expensive creams or serums just because you want your face to be attractive. There are many effective, inexpensive remedies available.

    Cleanse your skin. The first step towards healthy skin is cleansing. Use mild products without strong ingredients or alcohol. Regular soap will be too harsh for sensitive skin.

    Apply a nourishing cream to your skin. A moisturizer will leave your skin soft and hydrated. The cream should be used in the morning and before bedtime. The skin type will determine the composition of the cream.

    Start using sunscreen. It is important to regularly use products with an SPF filter of at least 30. The cream should protect you from UVA and UVB rays. Daily use of sunscreen will reduce the risk of skin cancer and slow down the formation of wrinkles.

    • Apply sunscreen after moisturizing, but before makeup.
    • Sunscreen will even out your skin tone by avoiding dark sun spots on your face.
  1. Exfoliate your skin. The scrub will help you remove dead scales from the surface of the skin, and the outside will appear clean and smooth skin.

    • You can exfoliate your skin with an alpha and beta hydroxy acid scrub or mask. If you decide to use a scrub, massage it onto damp skin so that it penetrates the outer layer of the skin. Rinse and dry your face with a clean towel.
    • If you have an exfoliating mask, follow the directions on the package. You will most likely need to apply the mask to dry skin and leave it on for 10-20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
    • Do not use scrubs with pieces of nuts (such as almonds) or other sharp particles, as these can damage your skin and cause cuts.
    • If you have dry or sensitive skin, exfoliation may not be appropriate for you.
  2. Massage your face every week. Facial massage is very beneficial for the skin: it improves blood circulation and relieves puffiness around the eyes. If you massage regularly, wrinkles will be reduced.

    • Gently massage your face up and in a circle. This can be done after washing your face and applying a moisturizer. You can also use face oil or balm. Do not massage dry skin as this can stretch the skin and damage it.

    Products for improving complexion

    1. Evaluate the whole situation as a whole. It is not worth spending money on cosmetics just because of self-doubt. You don't need to use decorative cosmetics, and there is nothing wrong with that. You can have a beautiful and attractive face without her.

      Use makeup sparingly. Unless you have a special event or are trying new things, make sure your makeup is modest. Makeup should highlight your natural beauty, not hide it.

      Use a good foundation. Of all the makeup products, foundation is the most important because it covers a large area of ​​the skin. If you have an uneven complexion, foundation will solve this problem.

      Cover up blemishes and dark circles with concealer. Sometimes, foundation can't deal with problem areas like acne or dark circles under the eyes. Concealer (in a jar or stick) will help mask these areas.

      Give your face a healthy look with blush. For a more expressive look, apply blush to your cheeks. A peach pink tone will suit most, but there are other colors of blush (from dark red to berry). Blush should be applied with a large fluffy brush to the cheekbones.

      • Blush usually comes in the form of a powder, but if you have dry skin, a creamy blush might work better for you.
    2. Highlight the eyes. It is most pleasant to paint the eyes, because eye makeup with the use of eyeliner and shadows allows you to make the image very expressive. For a more natural look, apply a layer of mascara to your lashes and a neutral eye shadow (light beige or brown) on your lids.

    3. Paint your lips. If you want to brighten your lips, paint them with lipstick or colored lip balm. Lipstick is the brightest makeup item. One study from Boston University in 2011 indicated that women who used lipstick at work were considered more confident and reliable by others.

      • Most often lipsticks on the lips are shiny, but you can also find matte ones in the style of Marilyn Monroe. Lipsticks in peach-pink, pale red and coral shades are suitable for work.
      • If you want to highlight your lips but don't want to make them too noticeable, apply lip balm or gloss.

    Hair and accessories

    1. Talk to your hairdresser and ask which hairstyle will suit you. A good hairdo will best emphasize your facial features. Make an appointment with a hairdresser to find a new hairstyle.

      • Round faces go with multi-layered cascading haircuts. This hairstyle visually narrows the face. If you have a round face, try wearing a long bob or a pixie haircut.
      • For oval faces, there are haircuts that balance the elongated shape. If you have an oval face, wear straight bangs with a parting in the middle. This will make your face appear fuller and healthier.
      • Square faces sometimes look pretty stern. People with this face shape will go for soft curls or straight hair of the same length up to the shoulder. These hairstyles will smooth out the jawline.
      • Faces in the shape of a heart go hairstyles with a clear parting or with bangs on the side.
    2. Start wearing large necklaces. Large jewelry on the neck draws attention to the face and makes it look fresher. Try wearing necklaces that fit over your collarbone. Such decorations will make even the simplest outfit more interesting.

      • Silver and gold necklaces will brighten your face and make the whole look more energetic.
      • Do not wear chunky chokers as they will split your neck in half.

Many women think about how to lose weight in their face. But it is not always possible to radically change what nature has endowed us with. For example, it is unlikely that a thin girl with wide cheekbones and a chubby face will be able to make her face visually thinner. Whereas a woman, even over the age of 45, will easily succeed if, by nature, her face is not wide. In this case, you may need to go on a diet for some time, do massages and special exercises for the facial muscles, plus home procedures - contrasting compresses with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Let's take a closer look at what to do to lose weight quickly.

Diet and nutrition

This method is relevant only for not very thin, overweight women. You can choose almost any diet, but it is better to simply exclude quickly digestible carbohydrates from your diet and follow the rules below.

1. Completely exclude salt for 1 month, do not add salt to food. Do not worry, you will not have problems due to its "deficiency", as salt is found in small quantities in almost all products. Sausages, herring, canned food, and processed meat should not be consumed. The lack of a large amount of salt in the diet will serve as a good prevention of edema and will not provoke appetite.

2. Eat 5 times a day, at intervals of 2.5-3 hours.

3. The volume of food eaten at a time should not exceed 200 grams. Purchase special electronic scales for weighing products.

4. Drink more, at least 2 liters per day. It is very useful to drink a glass of water 15 minutes before a meal, so you can moderate your appetite somewhat. Overeating will no longer work, as the stomach will be partially full. If you cannot drink so much water for these purposes, replace the glass of water with 1 apple. For some it is even more effective.

Lifestyle and health

Of course, we exclude bad habits. Alcohol only on holidays and in moderation.

We start to play sports - at least 20-30 minutes a day we need to do exercises at home.

Dream. If you do not get enough sleep or, on the contrary, sleep a lot - this greatly affects the face, it becomes puffy. It is believed that an adult should sleep at least 8-10 hours a day. However, with age, the number of hours may decrease.

If you develop swelling that makes your face look full, you need to go to a therapist for a consultation. It is possible that this is due to kidney problems.

Facial exercises, massages, masks and compresses

Let's start with a massage, which is useful not only when you need to lose weight on your face quickly, but also to all women without exception. The technique is simple - you need to pat yourself on the chin and cheeks. This improves blood circulation.

Make it a rule to do a special face mask once a week. To make it, you will need lemon juice, yeast, egg white (if the skin is oily). Or oatmeal, yeast and vitamin A capsules (if your skin is normal or oily). The whole composition is applied in several layers, a procedure in 15-20 minutes will be quite enough for skin rejuvenation. The mask can be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and chest (décolleté area).

A very light massage of the cheeks and chin can be done with a towel dipped in a decoction of sage, chamomile or yarrow.

Here's how to lose weight in the face of folk remedies without large material costs. However, all of these traditional medicines must be used regularly for the effect to be noticeable.

Modern cosmetologists offer to learn special gymnastics for the muscles of the face, which not only helps to maintain the tone of the cheeks and serves as prevention of a double chin, but also helps to avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles. Do it every day, preferably near the mirror.

1. Take a pencil in your teeth (you can use a pen, a straw from juice or a stick) and try to write them some word in the air, preferably longer. The most "useful" is the letter M.

2. Cross your arms and grab your shoulders. Stretch your neck up rhythmically and return to the starting position.

3. Pull your lips with a tube and try to pronounce the vowels as clearly as possible, sing them. Of all the ways to lose weight in the face at home, this one is one of the fastest and most effective.

We visually model the cheeks

In the meantime, folk remedies have not worked, you can give your haircut the correct shape and learn how to apply makeup so that it visually makes your cheeks narrower. By the way, sometimes just a wrongly chosen hairstyle creates the effect of full cheeks, while in reality there is no completeness.

Quite often, the cheeks look full in women who wear high hairstyles, framed by curls on the sides of the face. While the cheeks are visually thinner, the voluminous hairstyles on the top of the head and the hair tightly adhering to the cheeks, it is possible with "torn" strands. Correct makeup is very important in this situation. It is necessary to purchase, in addition to the classic loose powder to match the tone of your face, another one - a tone darker. So this darker powder should be applied along the jaw and under the chin. You can try applying dark powder or blush directly under your cheekbones. A well-defined face always looks neat and aristocratic.

Plastic surgery

Fat is pumped out of the cheeks. The puncture is made from the inside of the cheek to avoid scarring and scars. The duration of the operation is 1-1.5 hours, it is carried out in a hospital after a thorough examination, with general or local anesthesia. There is no significant discomfort after the operation, but you will have to stay in the hospital and at home for about 1 week. It should be noted that this type of surgical intervention involves the excision of adipose tissue. Whereas in most cases, liposuction is enough. However, after this procedure, it is recommended to wear a special mask for 3-4 weeks.

Any woman dreams of having a slim figure and being attractive. In pursuit of beauty, ladies resort to various diets and physical activity.

At the same time, all these efforts are not immediately reflected in the state of the body, but the face loses weight in the first place.

Many women with a thin physique would also not mind adding some roundness to their face, because the pointed outlines and excessive thinness give a tired, haggard look, visually add age.

A rounded face with liquid cheeks has always been considered a sign of youth and beauty. So how to get better on the face so that the cheeks appear but at the same time maintain a slim body?

The shape of the face is determined by a number of factors. Firstly, this is the anatomical structure of the skull, which is individual for each person. Secondly, it is a skin condition. The outlines of the face depend on its firmness and elasticity.

These are the most basic factors, but there are additional, the main ones:

  • Smoking;
  • Stress;
  • Alcohol;
  • Exhausting diets.

Let's take a closer look at each of them further and still find out: is it possible to make the cheeks appear? Looking ahead, I will say: yes, it is possible. And read about this below.

If the skin is dry and dehydrated

In the event that the skin is dry and dehydrated, then the face will appear thin. Thus, in order to get better on the face and cheeks, at the same time, it is necessary to exclude a number of factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Smoking. Nicotine leads to an imbalance in the water balance in the skin cells, which leads to dehydration. Due to this, the cheeks simply “melt” before our eyes, and the face looks thin and painful.

Stress. All nerves are reflected in the face. Under stress, many metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, due to this, the skin loses moisture.

Alcohol . Similar to nicotine, alcohol also removes fluid from the body and disrupts water balance. In addition, under the influence of this poison, microcirculation of blood and lymph is disturbed.

Exhausting diets... Even if your goal is to lose weight, you should not follow too strict diets or even give preference to fasting. Facial muscles need proteins and proteins, so they must be present in the diet.

Facial massage

A special massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the facial muscles. When carrying out it, it is necessary that the hands are clean, and the skin of the face is dry and also pre-cleaned. It is better to carry out this complex every day.

Exercise # 1. It is necessary to place three fingers of both hands above the eyebrows. Next, lightly press on the skin and gently raise the eyebrows. Next, you need to relax your fingers and slowly lower the skin.

Exercise number 2. The lips must be tightly closed, then you need to take a deep breath, while puffing out your cheeks as much as possible. Through the closed lips, it is necessary to exhale the air in jerks.

Exercise number 3. After taking a deep breath through the nose, you need to hold your breath and press with your fingertips into the corners of the mouth so that the air comes out.

Exercise number 4. Close your lips tightly, put your palms on your cheeks. Next, you need to try to smile as wide as possible, while straining the facial muscles as much as possible. In this case, the lips should not open.

Exercise number 5. It is necessary to take the deepest possible breath. Next, jerks need to introduce air into the oral cavity. With each new push, the cheeks should puff up more and more. Then, it is also necessary to release the air in a jerky manner.

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Exercise number 6. Gymnastics. Particular attention should be paid to articulation, because it has a direct effect on the condition of the facial muscles. After that, it is necessary to alternately quickly pronounce the vowels: "a", "e", "i", "o", "y", "s".

Food for liquid cheeks

An important influence on the outline of the oval of the face is the state of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In this regard, she must be in good shape. To do this, you need to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. It is also worth excluding foods that cause fiber breakdown, such as coffee, sweets, tobacco, alcohol.

Often, even with a satisfactory condition of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, a visually excessive thinness of the face is given by a grayish skin tone.

To avoid this unpleasant factor, it is worth taking a course of vitamins and minerals.

Dehydration of the skin has a negative effect on the condition of the face of the oval of the face. In order to avoid this, you need to drink about 2 liters of clean water per day.

When choosing drinks, it is better to give preference to green tea and natural juices. Sugary and carbonated drinks should be eliminated from the diet.

Cosmetology procedures at home

In order to have liquid cheeks, you need to take a responsible approach to skin care. Indeed, the beauty of the face oval depends on its firmness and elasticity.

Cold compresses are a fairly effective procedure for increasing skin tone. However, it is better to refrain from this technique for people with fragile vessels.

Pieces of ice must be wrapped in a cloth and applied to the cheeks and chin. After that, you should massage and apply the cream, while patting the cheeks and chin.

Professional cosmetology procedures

In the event that it did not work out on your own to get better on your face and get liquid cheeks, then professional cosmetologists can come to the rescue. For this, it is not necessary to carry out any surgical interventions; quite harmless procedures are quite enough.

Mesotherapy is a very effective technique that allows you to increase the elasticity of the skin and tighten problem areas in the cheekbones. During this procedure, a special fortified composition is injected. As a result, the skin becomes smoother and tighter.

After the course of treatment, the cheeks cease to be saggy, become taut and full. Vacuum lifting is also a very effective procedure. Its effect is based on pressure differences.

Due to this, microcirculation of blood improves in problem areas, the skin becomes more taut and elastic. In salons, it is carried out using special devices, but at home you can use ordinary medical banks.

In order to obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to apply all the above methods in combination and monitor your health.

Nutritional Coach, Sports Nutritionist, Evehealth Emeritus Author


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This article is based on scientific evidence written by experts and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed dietitians and beauticians strives to be objective, impartial, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Most often, they are looking for an answer to the question: how to lose weight in the face of girls with chubby cheeks and a rounded face. And sometimes every extra kilogram immediately goes to the chin or cheeks. What to do, how to make a person lose weight quickly and effectively?

Nutritional advice on what to do to lose weight on your face?

  1. It is important not to allow swelling of the face, which means that you drink at least two liters of water so that the body does not accumulate it in the middle. Avoid carbonated drinks, preferably green tea or herbal infusions.
  2. It is forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages, no matter how weak they are. This nuance is due to dehydration of the body, which turns into swelling on the face.
  3. Eat more vegetables and fruits, fiber is necessary to maintain water balance.
  4. It is necessary to reduce the intake of salt, they do not allow fluid to leave the body.
  5. It is also useful to fully rest, sleep for at least 8 hours, walk in the fresh air, do light gymnastic exercises for the whole body.

A simple massage, patting the chin and cheeks, will help improve circulation and relieve fatigue. Do the procedure several times a day, while you should be completely relaxed and focused on the massage.

How to quickly lose weight on your face? There is a special highly effective face mask. To prepare it, you need lemon juice, yeast, egg white (for oily skin). For normal or combined - oatmeal, yeast and vitamin A capsules. The composition is applied abundantly on the face, neck and chest and washed off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Cosmetologists suggest using special gymnastics, which will give a positive result for slimming the face, strengthen the tone of the cheeks and help avoid mimic wrinkles.

Exercise - how to lose weight in the face!

What to do to lose weight on your face:

  • we take a pencil in our teeth and try to write some word in the air, the letters M and W are considered useful;
  • cross your arms and grab your shoulders, rhythmically stretch your neck and hold the position for a few seconds, return to the starting position;
  • stretch your lips with a tube and pronounce the vowels clearly.

At home, these procedures are very effective and in a few days the first results will already be there.

It is necessary to give up the habit of drinking tea or water before going to bed, this should be done during the day. Saturate the body with useful ones, do rubbing with herbal decoctions.

You can brew black tea and wipe your face with a napkin instead of balms for washing.

As for the diet, in order for the face to lose weight, the use of smoked meats, salty foods, sour, spicy, flour and confectionery products should be minimized. You can effectively do fasting days, on buckwheat, watermelons, apples, cucumbers, it is advisable to season dishes with lemon juice instead of salt and spices.

It is necessary to go to bed at 10 in the evening, and to get up at 7, oversleeping also adversely affects the face, puffiness and swelling appear.

Visual modeling

How to lose weight in the face with hair styling? To do this, you should give your haircut the right shape, learn how to apply makeup to narrow your cheekbones and give your face.

The effect of full cheeks is created by high hairstyles framed by curls on the sides. As well as voluminous hairstyles on the top of the head and strands that fit tightly to the cheeks. When it comes to cosmetics, proper makeup is important in this situation. In addition to the classic powder to match, you need to buy another one - a tone darker, it must be applied along the jaw and chin, and bright blush directly under the cheekbones. Using such clever methods, you can achieve a neat and attractive look, but everything is simple and safe!

What does it take to lose weight on a man's face?

To correct the contour of the face, massage can be done to strengthen the muscle tone. For this:

  • prepare herbal infusion, take a spoonful of herbs (chamomile, sage, linden), pour 1.5 glass of hot water and infuse for 20 minutes;
  • a towel is dipped into the herbal infusion and thoroughly soaked;
  • then we take it by the ends in both hands and pull it in different directions so that it slaps on the chin.

A few more effective exercises.

  • We tilt our head to the left shoulder, and lay our left hand on the left temple. Now you need to touch your shoulder with your head, and prevent it with your hand. We do exactly the same on the right side.
  • We put our elbow on the table, place our fist under the chin and forcefully try to lower our face down, while interfering with our hand.
  • We connect the teeth tightly and we will try to pull down the lower lip.

Even for people with chubby cheeks, these procedures will be effective and useful; with regular training, the face will not only lose weight, but also its tone will improve, and the muscles of the cheeks and chin will be strengthened.

Answering the question - is it possible to lose weight on the face, you can say “Yes” in the affirmative, the main thing is a little persistence and willpower, and the result will not keep you waiting for a long time!

How to lose weight in the face - reviews of the lucky ones

Veronica writes:
I want my face to lose weight, what needs to be done for this? Is it real?
Victoria Semyonovna, cosmetologist and nutritionist.
How to lose weight in the face area? And it is very simple, most importantly, to limit yourself in high-calorie meals and empty carbohydrates, which give subcutaneous fat, which accumulates on the internal organs and gives swelling of the face. It is necessary to give preference to natural food, products of natural cultivation. And simple home massages and exercises will help you get the perfect face shape in a short time. All in all it is necessary to do light pats on the cheeks, strain the chin and not drink a lot of liquid before going to bed. Lead an active lifestyle and enjoy life! Everything will be fine, and the appearance will delight you with a wonderful thinner face!

Video on how to lose weight in the face