How to meet a girl at a disco or a nightclub? How to meet the hottest girl in a nightclub

A nightclub is the very place where girls specially come to get acquainted. Everything here is conducive to quick acquaintances and easy communication. We'll show you how to enjoy these amazing benefits.

Advantages and disadvantages of club dating

Here are some of the main advantages of the club environment:

  • Atmosphere. Girls specially come to the club to relax, dance, meet new people. A charge of joy and good mood will contribute to your communication.
  • Alcohol. Most people in clubs are a little tipsy. Alcoholic drinks liberate girls and help to quickly break distrust.
  • You don't need to look for a reason. The club does not need to look for a reason to get acquainted. All you need to do is walk up and say "Hi".

The biggest downside is the loud music which makes dialogue difficult. Therefore, if you want to learn how to get acquainted in clubs. Learn to express your thoughts as briefly as possible and use gestures more often.

Where to start dating in the club

The first thing to start with is the look.

The club environment is not so demanding on the perfect appearance. On the dance floor, in the semi-darkness, in the crowd of people, no one will stare at you.

The only recommendation is to wear more light-colored clothes: white and pastel-colored t-shirts, shirts and polos, light-colored jeans or trousers. This is necessary so that you are more noticeable in the semi-darkness and catch the eye against the background of other people.

In addition, in some clubs at the entrance you will find hard face control. More about clubwear and face control in this video:

How to choose a girl and get her attention

How to determine whether a girl is counting on an acquaintance or just came to relax and dance? If a girl wants to attract attention, then she will:

  • actively look around, "catch" the views of the guys;
  • willingly communicate with others, smile, flirt;
  • have fun laughing with friends;
  • she will be beautifully dressed and brightly made up;
  • located in a place where it is easy to approach: in the aisle or not far from the bar.

As soon as you notice a suitable girl, you need to be in her line of sight. In order to attract her attention, you need to “catch” her gaze and smile. As soon as you received a return smile, you can safely approach and start dating.

How to approach her and strike up a conversation

The informal club atmosphere does not imply any special occasions for getting to know each other. So it's easy enough to walk up to her and say something like:

"Hey. I liked you. Let me treat you to a cocktail" or "Hi. You dance great. My name is Aleksey."

This does not mean that you can only get acquainted on the dance floor. There are other great places to meet, such as face control or a bar counter.

A very useful video, where all aspects of club dating are analyzed in detail:

We meet at the entrance to the club

The entrance to the club and face control is a great place to get to know each other. A queue usually forms here and there is a great opportunity to talk. In order to start a dialogue, you can ask the girl something or make a comment. Here are some examples:

"Hey. Do you come here often? Do you like this club? I'm here for the first time."

“So many people today. Don't push through."

Meet at the bar or at the table

If you see that the girl is sitting alone at the bar, then this is an ideal option to try to make an acquaintance.

The easiest way is just to treat her with a cocktail. In addition, the same phrases as for dating on the dance floor are perfect.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Don't focus on one. No need to close your attention on one girl, even if you really liked her. The right strategy is to communicate with everyone a little and continue to get to know only those who have shown a great interest in you.
  • Emotions. In club dating, your emotions play the biggest role. If you come there after a hard day at work, nothing good will come of it. You should come to the club well rested before that. It is best to sleep a few hours before this or just lie in bed.
  • Confidence. When dealing with women anywhere, it is important to be confident. The nightclub is no exception. Often guys are hindered by fear and shyness. To overcome them

One of the places for dating is a disco or a nightclub. Girls come here to meet them. Of course, there may be one who already has a boyfriend, but came to the disco just for company with a friend. However, know that most of the girls actually came to a nightclub to get acquainted..

Despite the fact that night clubs and discotheques are places where people go to get acquainted, many guys can have problems with this. Even here, where he boldly approaches girls, the guy has a stupor. He comes to the club and stands on the sidelines all night, watching beautiful girls. The only thing he can do is stare at the sexy moves of the girls he likes and can't approach.

As a result, the whole night passes at the bar, where the guy gets drunk. In this way, he relieves the stress that arises from the thought that you want to approach and meet girls, but this becomes impossible due to fear or self-doubt. As a result, one can only remember how much was drunk, and not how many girls gave their

As long as the guy is shy, he will remain lonely. Girls won't approach him for dating as they get to know other guys who work up the courage to approach them. To make the reader a little bolder, you should remember the following idea:

  • Girls come to the club to get acquainted. Only a few come for dancing or for company. Most want to get to know each other. It remains only to satisfy the desires of the girls by boldly approaching them.

no hungry eyes

The first secret that will help in conquering girls' hearts at a disco or in a nightclub is the absence of a hungry look. Most people come to such establishments for the sake of getting acquainted with the transition to sex. Girls dress sexy, which is impossible not to notice. They dance sexy, which is very exciting. Like it or not, and thoughts about sex arise by themselves.

To meet a girl, you need to control yourself. The one who is hungry and thinks only about sex does not attract girls. Undoubtedly, young ladies are flattered that they are wanted, but they will never fall for a guy who, with his whole appearance, shows that he only wants sex.

If you are hungry, you will have to subdue your desires. We suggest that you do not give up sex, but simply show that you do not think about it. You meet a girl to talk to her, have a fun night out, maybe even meet ... but not for sex. Girls feel good about it. If you manage to show all this, then there will be no problems with dating.

Use visualization technique:

  1. Imagine yourself hungry. You really want sex. You see a girl and take the appropriate steps to bring her to bed. Try to look at yourself from the outside: how do you behave, what emotions do you demonstrate, how do you react to the words (especially refusal) of the girl? All of this is a good read. If a girl does not agree to just give herself to a stranger, then she does not like your "concerned" behavior.
  2. Imagine yourself saturated. You have enough sex. You have many girls who agree with you to have sex. Here you see a new "victim". How are you behaving? How do you react to her refusals and prohibitions? How do you feel if you can't get to know each other? Look at yourself from the side.

If you did a good job, you could see the difference between being “hungry” and “satisfied.” There are two different behaviors here that are easy to read by girls. Young ladies understand that they want sex from them. However, when it is clearly and defiantly shown to them, it only repels them.

Cool look

Not only guys pay attention to how girls look, but young ladies also meet the opposite sex in clothes. Always attracted to a guy who looks cool. Since we are talking about a disco or a nightclub, the guy should look spectacular. It even allows a shirt that is unbuttoned to chest level.

Anyone who wants to meet girls should pay attention to how he looks. Take at least half an hour of your time to look at yourself in the mirror and bring your appearance to the ideal. Girls like handsome guys. It doesn't have to be perfect here. The important thing here is to be attractive and sympathetic. What you do for it doesn't matter.

Girls first of all evaluate a guy by his appearance. Yes, yes, do not think that you are the only one doing this. If a girl does not like a guy outwardly, then she will not want to get to know him. If the guy is outwardly handsome, then he will have no problems with dating.

Group of friends

It's good if you come to a nightclub or a disco with a group of friends. This will allow you to sometimes distract yourself from the need to meet girls. Moreover, there will be someone to talk to in case the “operation” fails.

Friends will help, cheer. Moreover, the girl will note whether you came alone or with friends. Together with the company, the guy becomes more cheerful and sociable than when he comes alone and stands aside. A loner is always preoccupied with something, even becomes uninteresting. And girls quite often come with friends. So that you can get to know a girl, a friend with whom you came with can take on a girlfriend.

Don't be lonely

If the guy still came himself, then the first thing he should do is to get to know someone. Perhaps it does not matter how beautiful and interesting the interlocutor will be. It is necessary to show that you are not alone in a nightclub or disco, so that there are not many incomprehensible questions from the girls whom you then want to meet.

Give yourself just 5 minutes to assess the situation and understand which girl to approach to get acquainted with. Then go to her to create a company for yourself, even if it turns out to be temporary.

How to meet in a nightclub?

In order to meet in a nightclub, you need to start approaching the girls. As long as you stand on the sidelines or in a corner, nothing will work. Girls will not meet you. You have to take the first steps yourself.

Start getting to know those on the dance floor. If a girl is sitting or chatting with a friend, you should not approach unless you suddenly have a lot of self-confidence. As soon as an interesting girl has entered the dance floor, you can approach her.

If the music is playing fast, then you have to start with communication. Approach the girl so that she can see you. Show that you are interested in her. Feel free to go to her. What to say to her? Come up with something. It doesn't matter what you say here. The main thing is that the girl hears you, and your voice is firm and decisive.

If the music plays slowly, then everything is simple here - invite the girl to a slow dance. The danger lies in the fact that the girl may refuse. It is unpleasant! However, you should not focus on this. Pay your attention to other young ladies who are in a nightclub. If the girl agreed to dance with you, then do it as elegantly as possible. Do not get too close to the girl, but do not move away to the "pioneer" distance. Let the girl feel your warmth and tenderness. At the same time, do not be silent, but begin to get acquainted:

  1. "What is your name?".
  2. "Are you here alone or with friends?"
  3. "Do you like this club?"
  4. "I really liked you. Couldn't resist asking you to dance."

Chat with the girl in an interesting and fun way, then invite her to sit at your table to continue the acquaintance. If she agrees, be sure to buy her something to drink. This will relax her and make her more comfortable with you.

Night club - a great place to meet

Many have a negative attitude towards nightclubs, perceiving them as places of debauchery. In fact, people come here to meet and have fun. If someone needs depravity, then he has the right to do so. When you go to a nightclub, be ready to get acquainted, as this is a great place to meet a girl for one night and even for some kind of relationship.

In a nightclub, you can almost immediately move on to touching. Here you can hug and even kiss a girl, which will be impossible if you meet a girl on the street.

For what? For any. Everything around you can be discussed. You can ask the girl's preferences, as well as the purposes for which she came to the disco.

If communication is built remarkably, then you can invite the girl to leave the disco. You can go home, to the beach, or to any other cozy place where communication can turn into something exciting and interesting. If the girl does not agree to your proposal, then do not be upset. Continue to communicate with her, as she may change her mind (if her refusal was a test of your intentions).

If you want to meet as many girls as possible, then you should not spend too much time on one. We met - talked - asked for her phone number, promising that you would definitely call - went on to get to know other girls.

The result of the night's leisure

How you spend your time in a nightclub is entirely up to you. Girls come here to meet. You can become a complete loser, even if you do not take the chance to meet someone here. The result depends on your intentions and courage. The girls are ready - are you?

What images come to your mind when you hear "night club"? Something vulgar, unacceptable, cheap alcohol, expensive entry and wasted time?
By the way, I did not introduce myself, my name is Vadim. For 10 years now I have been answering people's questions: how to meet a girl in a nightclub?

Myth 1. "A normal girl won't go to a club." There are only fools and prostitutes.

Well, at first glance, you're right. If, upon entering the club, you look around, it becomes obvious: the girls came here for a specific purpose. I'm talking about acquaintance, not what you thought. To do this, they use all the AI ​​Catchers - all the best that nature has awarded them and what they bought at the last sale. Vulgar clothing, makeup-inducing, loud laughter, a lipstick-stained cigarette in one hand and a glass in the other. Here is an approximate portrait of a girl in a nightclub. Strongly gives cheapness. But! The question arises - why? And the answer is quite simple. How else to get your attention if you're so indecisive? This whole masquerade is for you, yes, just for you. Do you think the girls themselves like it? She changed her comfortable slippers for heels, and preferred loud music to a quiet evening with a book for the sole purpose of giving you a reason to approach her at last.

Every girl has been to a nightclub at least once in her life. But that doesn't say anything about her. One of my students met in a club with a tipsy girl in a defiant red dress. Relations began. As it turned out, the girl is modest, from a decent family, and at the club she celebrated her birthday with friends.

Moral: do not rush to hang labels.

Myth 2. "Well, what club without alcohol." And so that the evening does not go boring, you definitely need to get drunk.

Well, who told you that? Before you go to a nightclub, ask yourself: “Why am I going there? Break away, or get to know?". If the answer is to party, and you can't do that without alcohol, then congratulations, you're in trouble. Let's be honest: as one of my students says: "If you cannot cheer yourself up, without alcohol and other means, then you cannot do this under their influence." And if so, why? Alcohol will partially relax you, "relieve responsibility", but will not give you confidence. It will only cloud your perception.

Consider the other side, for example, the so-called club pickups. They go to nightclubs with one goal - to make a "plus one", that is, to pick up another new girl. We must pay tribute to these guys, if I were the state, I would give them Viagra for free, because who else but they make 80% of unsatisfied Moscow girls happy, even if only for one night. The bottom line is that a pickup truck is an expensive business, it requires investments, ranging from appearance to condoms and antiseptics. So, club pick-up artists, with all the pros and cons, do not drink alcohol! Well, or they do it in very small quantities to maintain a conversation with a girl.

Another friend of mine, by the way, is just a club seducer who survived the financial crisis, for about two years he went to nightclubs with money, which was enough only for a taxi home. And oddly enough, he often took away beautiful girls in this very taxi. As you understand, he did it in a sober state and this is the key point.

Myth 3. You need to be able to dance.

This is, in my opinion, the most common myth about nightclubs. Let me start by saying that I can't dance. At all. I had a couple of moments when I felt at my peak and it seemed to me that I was the star of the dance floor, Michael Jackson, but now about something else.

I once met in a nightclub with two girls. The first is quiet, the other, on the contrary, is an inexhaustible flow of energy. Since I came alone and there were two girls, I called and invited a friend to share the evening with us. However, he was supposed to drive up only an hour later. So I was torn between a still pool and fiery lava. I remind you that I can't dance. And the energizer girl dances in full and attracts attention, and I liked her more. Pop music was playing, the rhythm was perceptible, and then, looking into her eyes, I simply began to repeat her movements. Imagine that you are a mirror. And just show her her own movements, as if in reflection. In psychology, there is even a special term: “mirroring”. On a subconscious level, it is almost impossible not to fall in love with your reflection. After dancing, she repeated to me several times that I was a great dancer, although I know that this is far from being the case. This is the only seduction that I remember with dancing in nightclubs.

From this we conclude that dancing in nightclubs is possible, but not necessary.

Myth 4. To get into the club, you must be "in the party".

We are talking mainly about Moscow's hyped clubs, where there is a strict face control at the entrance, and, indeed, not everyone is allowed in. Everything is simple here: if you can’t get into this club, go to another. Next time you should think carefully about your appearance. How to pass face control, I will write later, in a separate article.

Myth 5. It's smoky in there.

This has ceased to be a problem, since in the capital's establishments they have not smoked for a long time. But there are places where you can still smoke, such as open-air nightclubs (open-air), verandas or parties on yachts. Yes, I agree that if you do not smoke, you are disgusted to be in a smoky room and it is unpleasant to communicate with a smoking person. But accept the fact that in Russia 40% of the population smokes. In a word: what to be, that cannot be avoided.

One of my students met his future wife thanks to that very “light”. She has since quit smoking. By the way, take note: it is much easier to meet a girl you like on the street when she comes out for a smoke. Still, it can be difficult to shout over the music in the club. And here there is a topic for dating itself. The banal “can’t find a lighter?” fit perfectly.

Myth 6. They trample and push. Can't do without serious bodily injuries?

Here, too, everything is simple. You can't cook scrambled eggs without breaking eggs. There are always a lot of people in popular nightclubs and that's where the cutest girls go. True, all hunters aspire to the same place. No matter how large a nightclub is, if it is promoted, of course, crowds of people cannot be avoided. And again, I urge everyone to turn this situation for good. These moments allow you to touch girls without too much shyness.

I witnessed another fateful acquaintance, which later grew into something much more. It all started with the fact that an unfamiliar girl on the dance floor accidentally stepped on my friend's foot. He turned her towards him and said: “If you were a guy, I would hit you ...” And it all ended with a wedding.

Myth 7. "Without expensive clothes anywhere."

Everyone knows the feeling “I must look bad.” Yes, yes, I know you think that if you are not wearing couture, you are doomed to failure in advance. The evil uncle at the entrance, having estimated the cost of your outfit at a glance, will push you aside with his mighty shoulder. You will not be able to be on a par with others, because in nightclubs "everyone is so fashionable." You will not be able to properly relax and make the right impression. Of course, a lot depends on the club itself, which can be classified as pretentious and the presence of guests in stylish clothes can be considered a necessary terms of dress code. But there are also nightclubs that are less picky about the form of clothing. The main thing is that everything looks neat and stylish. Plus a reserve of self-confidence, it definitely compensates for a slight omission in the high cost of clothes. But this rule doesn't just apply to nightclubs, does it? And about the girls a separate conversation. You know, if you look people in the eye, they don't see what you're wearing.

Myth 8. "Yes, there are only drug addicts."

First - I hope you are not a grandmother who sits on a bench at the entrance and divides all people into two well-known categories. The second, alas, is partly true. There are drug addicts in nightclubs, but you should not be afraid of them, they themselves are afraid of being exposed, afraid of revealing themselves to those who are unreliable for them. Basically, they will not offer their rubbish to those who are not looking for it themselves. The good news is that I have witnessed several raids by the drug enforcement authorities. The conclusion is: who seeks, he will find, everyone else can relax and enjoy the evening.

Myth 9. "Who's booking the table?" Spoiler: nobody.

And again, a myth associated with some traditions that have survived to this day since the 90s. It's, you know, when a group of strong guys in black leather jackets, takes the table, spreads their 5-kilogram mobiles, purses and keys to 600x Mercedes. They are drugged with beer and other alcohol, in their own way, they pretend to pester women, some guys even manage to invite a couple to their table. What follows is an uncomplicated continuation. This type of recreation in those days was characterized in the morning as "well rested."

The bad news is that a stereotype is deeply rooted in our minds - in order to “have a good rest”, you need to spend money well.

The good news is we're not in the 90s. I have a rich experience of dating in various places, from the first nightclub in Moscow, Arlekino, to the most modern types, Gypsy and Ikon, where I did not buy a table or even a cocktail. And in the end, he left with first-class beauties.

Myth 10. It is necessary to drive up by car, and be sure to put it in front of the entrance. To be noticed.

I agree that the seduction machine is an indisputable plus. But by itself, its presence does not bode well for you. A friend of mine has a father who is a high-ranking official; he drives with a driver in a car with government numbers. This guy, unfortunately, does not know how to make acquaintances at all and believes that he does not need it, since without the slightest effort he is already surrounded by girls. It's really true, he is surrounded by pretty girls, but they are with him only when he has money. Once he took a car from his father and tried to get acquainted. He stopped at the sidewalk next to the girl, lowered the window from his back seat and offered to meet, naturally he was refused. I advised him to get out of the car, but it didn’t help much either. In the end, he quit car dating, returned to the old strategy and is still dating his freeloaders.

Moral: in dealing with girls, the main thing is not whether you have a car or not, but how comfortable you feel without it.

Myth 11. "I need company to go to the club."

As they say, “together is more fun”, but remember that if you are in the company of friends, then the girl has a choice. But if you are alone, then you will get everything, and you will have to choose.

I agree that it is morally easier to be with someone. But, even if you are alone, the girl will take it with a bang, provided that you yourself are comfortable. Perhaps I will reveal a secret, but many girls also go to nightclubs one by one. Guess what for? I can remember a lot of examples when I took girls away, being alone in the club. But the brightest was recently, when I was in St. Petersburg.

I came to this rainy city on business, sorted it out pretty quickly, and I had a Friday evening ahead of me, which I didn’t plan to spend on sleep. I went to the nearest nightclub, but since I got there too early, the club was almost completely empty. I went outside with a cigarette and spoke to a guy who smoked in the same place. He turned out to be a typical clerk, tired of spending Friday evenings inloneliness. I promised to help him. He, in turn, took me to the most famous club in St. Petersburg. To the boundless happiness of my new acquaintance that evening, I introduced him to all the pretty girls of the club and he quickly left with one of them in an unknown direction.

By the way, then he came to me to study in Moscow, but that's another story. And I was left alone again. Of course, not completely alone, all the girls of the club already knew me conditionally, and I, not at a loss, chose the one I liked the most and went with her to a nightly study of non-standard St. Petersburg places for sex. The conclusion is that you are your own boss and your own boss. Even if you are alone, nothing prevents you from finding company.

Myth 12. Too loud music, in nightclubs it is impossible to talk.

To begin with, if this is true, then why do people even go to nightclubs? Where did all these stories about club renting, about club anneals, about sex in the toilets of nightclubs, finally come from? Music in nightclubs is, of course, loud, but not stronger than your desire to communicate. And the flaw codenamed “too noisy” is again used by skillful seducers for good, for example, to reduce the distance, because the louder it is around, the closer you lean towards the girl. Or she to you. Any deficiency will be corrected. There would be a desire.

Myth 13. “You have to pay at the entrance.”

Again, not really. Most Moscow clubs do not have paid entrance for a long time. But there are places where you need to buy an entrance ticket or at face control you will be offered to buy a deposit card. Again, if you find yourself in a nightclub where admission is paid, be sure that the audience in this place is normal, that some gopnik who came not to rest, but to provoke a fight, will not spoil your vacation. Even more often in places with paid entrance for guys, admission is free for girls. And again you are in the black. You find yourself in a certain raspberry forest, where the main thing is not to get lost. I take my students to places with free admission, since there are more and more such places every year.

Myth 14. Dear booze.

And how did you want? A nightclub is, whatever one may say, a commercial organization, not a wholesale hypermarket. People go to nightclubs to have a good rest, relieve stress and have a good time with friends. The management of the club is betting on this: people drink there, and drink a lot. But you do not have to drink, you have already read about this above. And if you really want to, the bar has an assortment of inexpensive alcohol, the main thing is to carefully look in the menu.

Myth 15. "There will be a fight."

And again: the 90s are in the past. No one will let you fight in a nightclub if you don't want to be blacklisted. The modern way to prove one's case is a verbal duel. And besides, why do you need all this controversy tonight? Well, if you really ran into a conflict, try to hush it up. You came to have a good time, believe me, this does not mean spending it in the emergency room or the police station. It is better to spend it in the company of beautiful girls.

Do you want to feel at home in the nightlife of the city and invariably leave the party with the most beautiful girl?

Come to the Master Class and learn more about how to meet girls not only in nightclubs, but anywhere and in any situation.

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Any place, situation and environment for meeting two people has its pros and cons. Dating in a nightclub is no exception.


  • informal, relaxing environment;
  • music, alcohol, good mood;
  • no need to look for a special occasion;
  • it's easy to find a common theme or just treat a girl.
  • perhaps acquaintance in dance, without words.


  • a large crowd of people;
  • loud noise;
  • distrust of many girls in the seriousness of dating in the club;
  • dangerous acquaintances.

Where to start dating?

How to meet a girl in a nightclub (at a disco)? to "pick up" a girl? Firstly, worth a look around. If among all the girls dancing, sitting at the tables and the bar counter, there is one you like, you can approach her. Before that, you should watch the girl a little to make sure that she came alone.

If a companion is with her, it is better not to provoke a conflict situation and get to know another girl. If, nevertheless, the chosen one is one, you can start dating.

How to attract attention?

To make it easier for yourself when meeting a girl, it's better to draw attention to yourself. It can be done:

  • in dance. On the dance floor it is worth being next to her, you can dance together so that she remembers the mysterious stranger;
  • at the bar. You can order a girl a drink and ask the bartender to tell her that it is from you;
  • depending on the situation. While observing the girl, perhaps there will be a situation in which she will need help. Here you can offer it and thereby be remembered, maybe even start a conversation. The same applies to .

Not every girl wants to meet in a nightclub. Some people come there just to dance, to see their friends, to celebrate a birthday, etc. Signs that a girl is ready to meet:

  • she sits at the bar, sipping a cocktail for a long time;
  • she looks around, pays attention to young people;
  • laughs merrily and loudly, attracts attention;
  • discusses with girlfriends the guys who are in the club;
  • she is brightly and beautifully dressed, she has bright makeup;
  • girl in stilettos or high heels;
  • the girl willingly communicates with people, smiles, flirts.


The process of dating in a nightclub can be completely different, as well as the situation. Consider the most popular options.

At the entrance, face control

At the entrance to the club, there may be a queue, delay or problems with entry. If for some reason the girl you like does not pass the control, you can help her with the entrance. This is an ideal dating option, but it will only work if there are familiar club employees.

Other dating options at the input:

  • skip the girl forward, open the door in front of her, etc .;
  • help take off your coat, hand over things to the wardrobe.

In a word, somehow identify yourself, show attention. After that, there will be another whole night ahead to get to know each other better.

On the dance floor

There are practically no slow dances in clubs, there is constant movement. It is unlikely that you will be able to invite a girl to a classic "slow dance", but it's not scary.

You can dance close to her, come closer and try to interact in the dance. If a girl responds to such flirting, the first step is taken. Then, when she gets tired of dancing, go and talk to her:

  • praise her dancing skills;
  • compliment your appearance
  • start a conversation about her, find out the phone number;
  • continue communication.

If a girl on the dance floor does not show interest in communication, for sure, do not continue to hint at acquaintance. Most likely, she is in a relationship, and she is not interested in dating in a club.

At the table or bar

If you liked girl sitting at the bar:

  • you can sit down next to her and ask a question about her (Why is she sitting alone? Why is she sad in the club? Why is such a beautiful girl not having fun?);
  • Depending on the answer, decide whether to continue the conversation or not:
    • if she answers that she is waiting for a guy / waiting for a guy to pick her up, etc., it is better to politely move away from this communication, since it is meaningless;
    • if the girl laughs it off, says that she is waiting for a friend, etc., you can continue the conversation.
  • ask what she likes or wants to drink and treat;
  • defuse the conversation with a joke, ask the girl about her;
  • take a phone number.

If a girl with company girlfriends sitting at a table in a club:

  • send a company of girls from yourself champagne / wine, etc. Thus, you can win over not only the chosen one, but also her friends. This is very important, because girls like to advise, discuss guys;
  • after a while, approach the ladies and ask if they liked the present;
  • start a conversation with all the girls, trying to stay closer to the one you like;
  • in the course of the conversation, unobtrusively find out if she has a young man;
  • if not, continue the conversation, ask for a phone number.

At the karaoke club

Many clubs have karaoke. If the girl is there, the original way of dating is choose a beautiful song and sing for it. This method is suitable for those guys who sing well. If there is no confidence in the vocal data, it is better not to take risks so as not to look stupid.

Fundamental Truths

In any case, during the acquaintance, you will have to act according to the situation. Talk and make decisions too. However, there are rules that you need to know and follow in order to get to know a girl perfectly.


Uncertainty at the very entrance to the club will destroy all plans for a successful acquaintance. All the girls who are in the club at the time of your appearance are watching all the people entering it.

If an insecure, stumbling, stammering guy shows up, no one will pay attention to him.


She important not only at the first appearance, but always. When talking with people, a girl you like, there should be confidence in movements, manners. Not to be confused with arrogance. Insecure people do not attract attention, do not arouse interest.


At the first stage, you should not concentrate all your attention on one girl. Even if she really liked it.

The fact is that women are interested in popular, attractive men. The best communication option would be a strategy "closer-further".

It means either increased attention to the chosen one, or complete distance and communication with other ladies. So it will seem that you are very in demand and popular. The main thing is not to allow yourself too much, so as not to look too frivolous.

Less words

The club has loud music, beats, and talking is not always convenient. Don't get too carried away with talking. There are many non-verbal ways to communicate: looks, gestures, dance, etc. You have to speak if necessary. In the club you can easy to get to know without words, it is worth practicing this method.

Take action!

The main rule for everyone. Club - scene and not conversations. If someone sits alone and aloof in a nightclub, he looks like a recluse and a loser. You can’t “guard the place”, you need to move, move, maintain the overall dynamics. Otherwise, it is easy to get out of the big picture and stay on the outskirts of the celebration of life.

The best way

All the qualities that are beneficial for a successful acquaintance in a nightclub fit into one situation. A good example of meeting a girl in a club:

  • she liked;
  • you need to quickly, with a firm step to approach (confidence);
  • take her hand (fewer words);
  • lead you to the dance floor (act);
  • dance with her, hugging her waist, moving together, etc.;
  • after the dance, take her by the hand, drag her to the bar;
  • treat, find out the phone.


What to do if the girl refused, does not show interest. Such situations often arise in nightclubs, since a girl is not always ready for an instant acquaintance. Here important to understand with what expression and for what purpose she does it.

Sometimes women refuse so that men ask again. You will immediately feel it. In this case, you should approach a little later in a different situation and try to make an acquaintance again.

If the girl refused seriously, it is worth retreating. Nothing good shines with this girl, you should not waste time and run into rudeness.


Do not neglect your safety during club dating. It is better to be vigilant and attentive. When meeting a girl, you can easily provoke a conflict or even a fight. This is not worth doing.

To avoid any incidents need to make sure the girl is free. The sudden appearance of her young man can end in a very stormy showdown. If the conflict is still brewing, you need to try to extinguish it in the bud. People go to a nightclub to relax, not to fight.

Thus, dating in a nightclub is different from dating in all other places, it has both pluses and minuses.

Basic postulates of dating in a club with a girl:

  • be self-confident, but not arrogant;
  • be sociable but not intrusive;
  • be in the center of events, but not scattered;
  • be dynamic and mobile;
  • do not provoke conflicts;
  • find an original way to meet a girl;
  • act according to the situation, make decisions quickly;
  • do not get hung up on one girl at once;
  • don't talk too much.

The main thing is to be yourself and then everything will work out.

You don't have to pretend to be the person you are not. Any acquaintance is a step that can completely change your life. That is why you need to do this as often and as much as possible, suddenly a new girl you know is happiness for the rest of your life, who knows ...

In the club, overcome fear, excitement, fear of the opinions of others and other problems that guys face in nightlife. The article will be useful for both beginners in the night game and avid party-goers. Learn and enlighten.

Before, I was generally very afraid of clubs, I was afraid to get acquainted there, because there I was in full view of everyone. Now clubs for me are one of the easiest places to meet in Moscow. I love clubs. I love this aura, the atmosphere, although I myself do not dance, but I love to come there and meet girls.

The most important rule.
The first thing to learn is the axiom that a club is a theater. Imagine that you are all in front of each other. If a girl suddenly refuses you, then everyone will see it. If she, on the contrary, agrees, then everyone will see it too. In such a theater you always need to be in a good mood. Never come to the club in a bad mood! Read and remember this rule again. In the club, I prefer to use hidden acquaintances.

An important point.
It is important to understand that if a girl came to the club that evening, this does not mean at all that she definitely wants to meet someone. She came there just to break away and relax. And this is indeed the very right goal that you should also pursue. And acquaintances will occur in parallel.

That is, your primary goal is a pleasant pastime, and dating girls is just a consequence. I'll let you know right away. DO NOT approach a girl and say: “I can meet you.”

Women's opinion.
One day I asked my sister for advice about club play. Her view from the outside helped me to look at many things in a different way. She divides the people in the club into several categories.

Insecure pseudo "pick-up artists".
These are the guys who just passively stand and look at the dance floor. They usually come to the club to shoot girls. But, for half an hour, they don’t get acquainted with anyone. They just stare at the girls. And finally, at one fine moment, they decide to approach.

It often looks very ridiculous. They go from the edge of the dance floor to its center to some girl to take a phone number, she refuses him, the guy comes back and leaves with nothing.

There is another category of guys who get drunk. They get into shape, fear is turned off, and they go to meet girls, only ugly ones. Attractive and demanded by male attention, girls will not even let such guys approach them. They care about their status. Therefore, acquaintance in the club should be natural without alcohol.

Passive vacationers.
There is another category of guys who come in a company just to chat with each other and relax. They usually sit at the bar or at a table. Accordingly, they are completely dedicated to their communication.

Party people.
There are also those who came to the club to dance and get drunk. Everything here is, of course, an amateur. There is a rule that real men do not dance, or they must simply dance masterfully, that is, graduate from some kind of dance school.

Always remember your true purpose.
Therefore, I repeat, you can not pretend that you came to look for a girl. Because in this case, the girl can understand that you already have some problems with your personal life, since you go somewhere specifically to look for girls. Appearance, non-verbalism and what you say play an important role in getting to know each other. Here everything is from the beginning and in descending order.

  • Appearance is how you are dressed in a club style. It is important to look neat and smell good.
  • Nonverbalism is your inner confidence. You should feel comfortable. Later I will give one non-verbal exercise that can and should be done.

What you say in the club doesn't really matter. The main thing is to say adequate things. You can start the conversation with a simple compliment like, “Hi! You're cool". All this looks and works very naturally. By the way, in the club you can touch from the very first minutes (!)

Good efficient method.
How to meet a girl at a disco? It used to be a good strategy. Its meaning was to come to a disco and immediately open 10 girls and then choose from them the one that is most directed at you. Such a strategy has the right to exist, but there are more advanced methods. You can open girls in different parts of the disco.

Why do you need to communicate with all the ugly girls?! Moreover, if you are with ugly girls, then a beautiful girl will give you several minus points in advance.

Non-verbal openers.
Before I get to know each other, I use a technique such as insulation. I either wink, or look at the girl with a confident look for a long time, or, as I pass by, I make some kind of compliment and immediately leave, or I clink glasses in the distance. That is, a kind of non-verbal game takes place. You can read about how to do this in the article "How to flirt with a girl".

behavior strategy.
Concerning strategy of behavior. When you come to the club, you need to look around. The best thing is to pretend that you are just walking slowly and looking for someone. You need to choose the longest trajectory. During this moment, while you are walking, you need to see and see who is in the club at all, what kind of girls are around, who they are with.

dating methods.

direct approach.
It is not the best, but in the absence of others, it is the best to use. The action takes place at the bar. You go to the bar to order a cocktail, where this girl is standing next to you. We took a cocktail and just exchange a few words with her. Generate interest, try to please, and move as you normally would.

Also, if the girl is standing in another part of the club, you can walk there, and then just get up and stand next to her for a couple of minutes, so that she just gets used to your presence. And then you just wanted to ask something, or talk, and you turn to her. As a rule, girls react great to this, since you do not drive up to get acquainted. You just communicate. Here's how to meet in the club.

There is also this same more advanced method. You are walking with a friend. You begin to communicate with him and see some girl and walk past her. At this moment, some brilliant idea comes to you, and you stop him and start telling something. And the girl begins to pay attention. You appear in her line of sight. And you, on the contrary, do not pay attention to it. And she thinks: "Cool guys, do not need female attention." And she starts to look at you further.

At this point, just turn around, notice her gaze and wink, and then immediately turn away. She thinks that you paid attention to her, but for some reason you don’t get to know each other, which means you are really cool. Then you can look at her again and start talking. You will already have plus five points in advance.

How to get used to the club. It's very easy to get used to the club. You have to go about eight times, just stand, get used to it. To be just the kind of guy who stands and just stares at the girls.

There is another way when you just come to the club, keep a relaxed state and just walk around. Your task is simply to keep a relaxed state.

Seduction in the club.

  1. You met. We talked for about 15 minutes. You can treat the girl with a cocktail. This is fine. Then it is important to make a move. The reason just might be an offer to drink a cocktail.
  2. You offer to go eat sushi at a nearby place. With the words: "We will be gone for a maximum of forty minutes, and we will return." As a rule, girls agree. When you have already arrived, you spend a regular date there, seduce and take you home.

Do not forget to watch this cool video about seduction in a club)

That, in principle, is all that you need to know so far about how to meet a girl in a club. Ask questions, write wishes. Till.