How to put the lips of the matte lipstick - recommendations of specialists. How to paint the lips with a red lipstick. We learn from the makeup artists! Beautiful chubby lips with a pencil

Decorative cosmetics no longer the first century, and now most women use their masters and other means every day. Sponges are all, they reflect the facial expressions and emotions. Therefore, each coquette is important to know how to learn exactly, beautifully and properly paint the lips step by step in the photo, otherwise the makeup will be the same type of day. Such knowledge will help create the perfect coverage, as in a fashion magazine.

Often, women prefer to buy lipstick of the same color scheme, such as a pink pearl or bright red. The makeup of this area is corrected more often than the makeup of the eye or face as a whole. Meal, walk in the rain or just dry skin, quickly absorbing cosmetics - all these factors reduce the resistance of cosmetics applied to this area. But now there are many techniques how to make sponges perfect. You can make them visually greater or thinner, bring with brush, mix shades as an artist on the palette. Ideally have several options suitable for accessing casual clothes or evening, in the appropriate color scheme.

How can you make your lips beautiful and right

To create a delightful image, you need to comply with certain rules in Maikapa:

  • do not be enough with the store shelves the first lipstick, even if it is the trend of the season;
  • the color of the cosmetic should be harmonized with a touch of leather and eyes;
  • if the clothes are bright, the pigment tone is better to choose neutral;
  • to the pale or achromatic colors of the outfit, you can choose a bright color, the exception can be a combination of tone-in-tone;
  • the upper part needs to be painted separately from the bottom, and not row to save money to get beautifully painted lips;
  • to obtain a more saturated color, you can first apply a tone cream or primer;
  • with a business suit, you should not use a bright pearl or glossy coatings;
  • for girls with swallowed skin, plum, wine and purple shades are suitable, blondes better to avoid them;
  • matte make sponges visually at "The same, and pearl, due to the reflection of light in various directions, small defects will be hidden and the volume will increase visually.

Kras lips correctly lipstick

This cosmetic agent in a huge variety is presented in the trading network. As a rule, it is in any lady's handbag. The function of this fund is not only decorative, it still protects against the templement and frost. Each woman is beautiful in its own way, but to emphasize the natural beauty, you need to follow certain rules and comply with the application sequence.

Makeup artists advise once a week to use peeling for skin. Application stages are as follows:

  • painting lips begins with the purification of their surface with tonic and humidification with a nutrient cream 20 minutes before the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • next, the primer or tonal cream should be applied, so the main coating will be expressive;
  • draw contour pencil if a pencil appliance is used, the color may match or be darker of the main coating;
  • the brush is applied contour with infracking techniques;
  • then you can begin to apply the first layer of lipstick;
  • next to the surface, a dry napkin is pressed, a little powder is superimposed through it;
  • now you can use the second time.
  • the final layer may be shine.

This option will create an expressive and dense coating. For summer makeup, you can skip some stages, then the question is, as you perfectly make up your lips, can be solved easier. For example, do not apply the primer, dye apply only in one layer. The stroke of the pencil is optional for day makeup, and for evening - it will help to increase the expressiveness of the image. The color choose the tone into the tone or slightly darker, but never brighter.

The question is interesting for itself - what is better: applying lipstick from a tube or a tassel. The brush has the following advantages: all sections are scored. You can mix colors, like on the palette, apply the contour, make transitions from one shade to another.

The secret, how to paint the lips is beautiful and correctly, is that the stipop can be applied a thicker layer. So you need to choose from specific needs. You can apply the first layer with a brush, and the final - directly from the tube. For the effect of color depth, you can take different, but close shades. For example, the initial layer of lilac distribute the brush, the second is made of tube, the color of wine berries. It turns out an interesting effect.

Another application method is a finger. It turns out a feeling of a muted shade, ideal for narrow sponges. You can apply a bit of light glitter to the central part.

How to put the lips with a pencil

In this case, like makeup, no little things. Therefore, everything is important, ranging from the choice of funds to the nuances of application. There are two types of applying pencils in painting a lifting area. For the stroke circuit and the designation of individual zones - a hard pencil. First you need to choose it according to the appointment. Basic rules for choosing a shade:

  • Color - as the main coating or slightly darker. With red lipstick - the same shade or one tone is darker, with a lilac - a similar or dark lilac.
  • For light coatings, it is impossible to touch the edge of black or dark brown, it is an outdated trend of the nineties, and also looks vulgar.
  • Colorless needed to secure the contour. It is important to know how to bring lips with it. This pencil is applied with glitter. It contains pearl elements.
  • White - for the visual increase in the contour and the central part. It is convenient to draw a tick in the upper part. It often contains flickering particles, visually giving the volume.
  • Choosing in the store, you should not take a modification with a too soft structure. They will not work out clear lines.

If the pencil acts as a means for creating a contour line, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. White designate a tick on top, then sum up, but not at the center, and closer to the edges.
  2. Corners do not circle, central part to emphasize the bronzer. Grow up with neat movements.
  3. Now you can already include all the main color. Many are interested in how to make the right makeup of the lips, if it is impossible to immediately spend the right line, you can put point and connect them.

The second application of pencils - for full painting of lifting space. A soft pencil or a pencil lipstick is used here. They have all the leading manufacturers - Maibelin, Yves Rocher, Avon and others. The whole surface is painted on top and bottom, and then it is brushing with a brush. Excellent option for rapid meycapa.

Pros - It turns out more matte and less bright than the fastener, coating, but you can make an emphasis on the eyes. If you want to know how to learn exactly beautiful and correctly paint the lips of step by step photo, then the main rule is to emphasize either eyes, or mouth, no one has canceled. There is a new trend - to make bright and both, but it is more suitable for podium or parties, where artificial light, and you need to attract attention. If you come to work in an office with bright red lipstick and pearl-blue shadows, most likely surrounding will perceive it as an inappropriate attempt to stand out.

Visually increase the sponge is not so difficult. You need to get out of the natural border, drawing a line of the contour. But no more than 1 millimeter, otherwise it turns out unnatural.

How to paint lips for volume

Beauty ideals change over the years. And if several decades ago, the completeness of this area did not give values, now all the girls dream of chubby sponges. Not each will solve this problem dramatically, for example, with the help of plastic operations, but using cosmetics, you can achieve a considerable one.

At the heart of all such techniques lies an optical effect: all that light and pearl tones seems more and more. First you need to choose suitable products. The colors of lipstick are bodily, pale coral or brown, light pink. The texture is also important.

Matte, velor, velvety structures will not fit. They will reduce the volume. Good satin, glossy, pearl. All that has the effect of radiance, overflows and light reproduction, will help create the desired effect.

For strokes, there will be a pencil of nude tones, close to natural skin color. It is desirable to have two close shade - light and darker. Makeup stages are as follows:

  • Apply nutritious balm. It will prevent the appearance of tangling and cracks.
  • Preparation - base, tonalnik or primer.
  • Circuit contour line with a light-beige or pale pinkish shade. The line can go beyond the natural boundary of no more than a millimeter. This will create an additional volume.
  • Now the most responsible part. Painting the lips of a lipstick of a darker color entirely, on more distinguished parts on top of it - lighter, growing borders. This stage is performed by brush.
  • Over the applied transparent gloss, with a pearl or other reflective effect. Makeup ready.

Several secrets, how to improve the effect of volume. You can use a gloss with components having an irritant effect. This is usually the extract of pepper or menthol. Light pigment you can emphasize the upper sponge, bottom, or both. No need to forget about the hollow, called a bird or a check mark. It can be presented with a white pearl pencil.

How to paint lips glitter

When applying this, it seemed, a simple means, there is some nuances. Tint and texture must match the appointment. Vinyl, varnish textures are the perfect option for a nightclub. Nude, soft shades are good for natural makeup in the daily version. Evening output - Means with microbials will be given the impression. In artificial light, the sequins will be beautifully overflow, reflecting the races in different directions.

Do not stand and forget about your type. Ladies with dark hair perfectly cold colors - wine, cherry, cranberry, carmine tones. Blondes and redhead - pinkish, beige, nuts. For an office with a strict dress code for any appearance - a cocoa color with milk, warm bodily tonality.


  1. The first step is cleansing and moisturizing. Lubricate by hygienic lipstick or nutritional balm. After that, carefully rub the brush to remove the exfoliating epidermis. You can use the Librederm cream with vitamin E for deep moisturizing.
  2. Correct pencil. For the daytime, this step can be skipped.
  3. Apply shine with a brush or applicator. If the product is in a soft package, you can squeeze on your finger and apply to them. Application to produce little by little, in small quantities so as not to be cleaned later too much.
  4. Wipe to wipe the surplus and what spread.
  5. And the last advice. Glitter is erased faster than other means. Therefore, it is better to take it with you to update.

What to do to lipstick longer

The easiest option to combat the erasing coating is to carry a tube with you and paint as needed. If several cups of coffee have been drunk during the working day, a hamburger and a couple of cakes are eaten, it is hardly possible to expect that even a resistant cosmetic product will remain in prior odd. We will have to cover another layer, in any case.

Another option is to apply persistent products. They do not erase for a long time, but slightly dried the skin. You need to remove this tool with milk for removing or something similar. In order for the usual lipstick for a long time, it can be applied as follows:

  • moisturizer;
  • erase the surplus, the consilet coat the entire surface;
  • terminate tone tone;
  • pencil cover the entire surface, grinding with a brush;
  • paint in the desired color;
  • impose on top of the napkin and apply a powder for removing excess;
  • another layer of the main coating;
  • on top of a brush for makeup add a small layer of powder.

For durable coverage, it is better not to use too fatty. The effects of drinks will decrease if drinking them from straws. Contacts with food is better minimized, otherwise no tricks will help. Dark and matte lipsticks are held longer than light and pearl. You can use the locks, but most often this is an option for brides, not for every day, because long use can cause allergies.

Examples of makeup in different ways

With the help of cosmetics, you can create absolutely different images - from the sharpener or business woman to the fatal woman. Examples of make-up with different lips design:

  • Natural - despite the seeming simplicity, will require effort, the main thing here is to create the effect of naturalness. Tonal cream apply to the whole face to create the effect of a healthy skin tone, as if you wash the dew every day. Brush to apply peach or pinkish blush. A pencil of a beige shade to circulate the contour, put lipstick in the color of the pink rose, but not too bright and without mother-of-pearl. Scroll from above and make a second layer.

  • Accent on the eyes to enter the light - pencil to circle eyes in cat. On the upper eyelid and the temple apply dark gray and with the mother of shadow. Under eyebrows - a strip of pearl pearl. Rush border, blush with shiny particles to apply in the direction from the corner of the mouth to the temple. To touch the mouth with a pencil, then shake the entire surface, to align the tassel on top. Apply a little shine on the protruding parts. With these Maikapa, there will be beautifully straight colorful hair, but you should not combine it with curls.

  • The focus on the lips is a face to cover the base, a little distinguish the cheekbones with pale blush. Gel align eyebrows, on the upper eyelid - brownish-beige shadows. From the upper eyelid to the gross arc to distribute a thin layer of whitish shadows. Contact the mouth with dark red by retreating 1 millimeter from the natural border. So the image will be more sensual. Dark cherry pigment from the tube. Light a slightly napkin, point. Now there is a second layer of cherry lipstick. Next, apply vinyl shine to one tone lighter. Such makeup is suitable for brownies.

You can experiment a lot over the make-up of sponges and combine it in different ways with the grima of everything else. On the site "Aromajode" you can please yourself not only by many cosmetic tools that will help make makeup, but also by caring creams, oils and spirits of well-known manufacturers.

To understand how to learn exactly beautiful and correctly paint lips step by step, so that gorgeous photos are obtained, you can focus on the advice of makeup artists and fashionable shows, not forgetting about your individuality. Then the image will be stylish and harmonious.

Lips are the central part of the face, it is on them that the interlocutor is watching during the conversation. Many makeup artists advise to allocate them during the evening makeup. Is it possible to paint the lips on your own? And what manipulations need to be carried out to get the result, as in magazines or in professional photographs? If you comply with all the necessary steps and use the right tools, it is quite real.


Properly chosen tone of lipstick, the necessary form, high-quality pencil and mandatory preparation of lips to makeup will make it possible to create a unique and bright image for any event. Regardless of the format of the holiday, you need to know the basic methods of applying funds, their sequence and rules of good tone in choosing an image. What stages should make lips makeup:

  • Demaciation, if necessary. Apply new means on crude lips skin - harmful to health and will look not as conceived. For demakiusa, you can use milk or mulk water, for a lipstick may need a special tool.
  • After the remnants of lipstick are removed, it is necessary to clean the skin of the lips from dead skin particles. Each disadvantage or dry area will affect the final picture - the lips will be unevenly scratched. Cleansing a scrub for lips, there are special means other than a similar body. For peeling, creams with particles of shells of nuts or sand grains are applied 20-30 minutes before makeup, so that there is no irritation.
  • After cleansing and removing dry skin particles, you need to moisten the lips. The main condition is the use of special means intended for lips. The skin of the face and body is very different, it is denser and regeneration occurs a little differently. Therefore, moisturizing occurs with cream intended only for the lip area. It can be a balm, it is applied for 5-10 minutes for skin soft.

  • Next, the makeup itself follows, it begins with the applying of tone and pointing the lips with a light powder of natural shades. It may include the use of a pencil, lipstick, shine, proofreaders. It all depends on the purpose and the intended effect.

Makeup types of lip.

There are 2 generally accepted directions in the make-up lips - evening and everyday, but I would also like to highlight the option for a walk or date. It is usually brighter than daylight, but not considered festive.

  • Casual lips makeup must include leather care and moisturizing, tone application. Most often use natural shades, a small amount of shine or matte options.

Many offices strictly regulate the dress code and makeup for work, it most often assumes the incomplete shades of lipstick. This is the entire palette of cream and beige shades, peach and pink colors, less often dark. Pencil can be used in its classic version - 1-2 tons Darker lipstick, glitter can be a natural shade or transparent.

Evening makeup, provided an accent on the eyes can coincide with everyday. In the inverse situation - all possible shades. Red, terracotta, fuchsia, coral, berry, dark brown - absolutely any options suitable for the image and type of appearance. Depending on the event format, you can add shine, pencil, decorative elements. It is necessary to take into account only the type, lip shape and age, older women should choose the tones darling and barrel.
Romantic makeup should be soft and neuroph, even if you meet in the evening, the exception is the nightclub. There you can choose any option, from natural to acid shades. Romantic meeting implies gentle pastel tones, pink and purple, even berry colors, with the addition of pearl.

    • Important moment!
    • Dark shades make lips of visually narrower, blonde - more plump. In one makeup, you can combine shades, highlighting the central part to create volume. You can cover one lip with dark, the other light, so compensates for the asymmetry of the mouth.

How to use a pencil for lips

Pencil in makeup performs a number of functions:

  1. Holds lipstick from spreading;
  2. Outlines the lines of lips, gives the form;
  3. Helps adjust the lip line, make them more or reduce;
  4. Allows less and tint lips, lipstick with a pencil longer keeps in its original form;
  5. It can be used as an independent means for makeup, without the use of lipstick.

When choosing a pencil for lips, pay attention to its consistency and density - solid will scratch the skin, and it will be unnecessarily smeared, it is difficult for them to spend a flat line. With ordinary monophonic makeup of the lips, the color of the pencil should be darker of lipstick on 1-2 tons, with ombrum on 3-4, even a few.

A pencil is applied in stages, at first the contour of the central part of the upper lip is drawn, the bottom too should begin to circle from the middle. After the corners are aligned, you already need to move to the center and connect all lines. You can put points or guides to draw exactly, novice makeup artists so easier.

At this stage, you can adjust the shape of the lips. Corners can be raised a couple of millimeters or omit. If the lips need to be slightly increased, the contour is drawn slightly above the natural line, if reduce - below. Better pencil to grow before applying lipstick, tassel toward the direction from the edge inward.

For more neat makeup, use 2 pencils that differ in 1 tone, put the dark above the contour, and the bright line will turn out the volumetric line. A similar effect can be achieved by applying a corrector or a bright pencil around the contour, so the contrast will be more noticeable.

    • An important nuance!
    • Overly chubby lips when bringing a pencil to become unnaturally large, it is better to abandon him. Makeup can be performed by one lipstick, you just need to know how it is done.

Lipstick is applied in 2 layers, after registration of the contour pencil. To do this, use a brush, better synthetic. The first layer is blocked by a paper napkin and covered with powder, and the second one is applied. The direction of smears, from the middle to the corners, first upper, then the bottom. If necessary, add volume, the middle of the lips is covered with glitter. Apply it immediately to the pencil can not, it turns out a blurred or lubricated contour.

Matte lips, 3 application options

First option - Traditional, turns out of matte lipstick. Here you also need to prepare lips to makeup, more carefully remove all irregularities and dry skin pieces, apply a tonal agent, powder and pencil. And then neatly, with the help of a brush, fill the contour. It also takes 2 layers and powder between them, only so makeup will hold on not one hour and does not wash off after the first dish at the table.

  • Under the matte lipstick, you do not need to apply a lot of balm or oil, then everything will flow and the tool will glisten. Powa will help get rid of this inconvenience. Liquid lipstick dries quickly after applying, so practice in advance, to an important evening. Then you do not have to correct the shortcomings of application at the last moment.

Second option obtaining the matte lips - application of shadows for the eyes of the desired shade on glossy. They are applied to a light pathele or a flat brush with a natural pile, can be one shade or combination.

Third option - Pencil instead of lipstick, it is applied first along the contour, then filling it. It can be applied in 2 layers, the first is covered with powder.

Red lipstick

Oddly enough, it is red lipstick that has the largest amount of shades and is considered universal for any color and face form. Saturated red and burgundy shades are best suited to brunettes and dark brown shades than darker her hair, the brighter the lip means can be selected. Girls with blond hair perfectly fit cold shades, you can not use brick-red or warm, which is the opposite, perfect for red-haired. The yellowish or straw hair color is perfectly harmonized with a lipstick of bright red rich colors, and the dark blond hair must be combined with coral and carrot lipsticks.

As for the color of the skin, the olive is perfectly combined with any shades of red, and pinkish - with warm or classic scarms. The tan should not be combined with bright makeup, the lips should be matte or muted red tone.

Main rules when using red lipstick

  1. The contour can be made a pencil of an identical shade or a proofreader applied around the lips;
  2. The main thing in such makeup is the smooth borders of the lips, any inaccuracies or inconsistencies will be noticeable;
  3. Red lipstick is applied in 2 layers, the first should be stuffed and swimming;
  4. The base for makeup will significantly extend the "work" of lipstick;
  5. Do not compress your lips immediately after applying, the contour can be smeared;
  6. Bright shades are always applied from the center of the lips to the corners.

Even after reviewing the rules for applying makeup, try at home technique in practice. Red lipstick from leading brands persistent and poorly washed away by even special makeup remover. She leaves small red traces on the skin around the lips to avoid this, train in advance.

Dark shades of lipstick

If the red seems to you too bold option, but I want something bright, choose dark shades - purple, plum, dark brown. Minus the use of these colors - you need to have the perfect skin tone or align it before applying lipstick. Plum shades are more suitable for tanned and dark brown hairs or brunettes, girls with blond hair better choose purple.

After aligning the tone of the skin and apply the base of makeup, the contour is aligned with a pencil. Dark lipstick should also have 2 layers for intensive and resistant color. Shade choose carefully, you should not make a bright accent on the eyes and paint a dark cherry lipstick. Violet shades should be harmonized with shadows from the same color scheme. Also well fits both "Smoky Ice", classic gray - for brunettes and chocolate brown - for blondes.

Lip form correction

Thin lips want to make up to be more voluminous and plump. Then you should avoid matte dark colors, it is better to choose a brightest shade or add shine. Pencil creates an outline just above the natural lip line, keeping proportions.

  • Maximum can be raised the lip line by 1-2 mm, then it will be very noticeable. Use a console to enhance the effect and a dense tone cream around the mouth area.

If your lips are too complete, I want to reduce them a little. Then you follow, choose matte tones, you can dark colors. Pencil is superimposed on a dense tone, hiding a true lip line. The shine is better not to use, or in extremely small quantities.

Sponges-bows or in the form of a heart want to lengthen a little on the sides. The principle is the same, a dense tonal agent is applied to the area around the lips, the contour pencils are slightly renewed by the corners of the lips, not more than 2-3 mm, then the contour of the lipstick is filled or covered with glitter.

  • But the elongated lips are painted with accuracy, on the contrary - a pencil is striking a little closer to the lip center than it is. Consiller can be used for the contrast of the line and additional correction.

It concerns this and the option when you need to visually correct one lip, more plumming is painted with darker color, narrow - darker. Whatever the option you choose, the maximum can be retreated from the natural line of 2 mm, then it will be greatly noticeable and the effect will be the opposite.

Let's sum up

Collect lips, as in the picture or in the cabin is not difficult, the main thing is training and correctly selected means. For everyday and evening makeup in your arsenal, it is enough to have 2-3 tones of lipstick, pencils to each color, care products and brushes. This is quite enough to create a memorable image at any event.

Collect lips - a whole art, you can transform the whole face in a few minutes with a properly selected and neatly applied lipstick. Either spoil the impression by drawing a circuit curve by choosing inappropriate color. Therefore, it is worth considering all the nuances of the right makeup of the lips, the secrets of applying and the subtleties of the color selection.

Lip Makeup Means

There are several fixed assets:

  • Lipstick is the most common option. Its texture is soft, moisturizing. It is convenient to paint, the tube fits in the smallest handbag, you can fix the makeup literally "on the go." Claiming agents have been developed, they combine the functions of the Balzam;
  • Pencil - before they used to create a contour so that the lipstick was better. But now, many use a pencil as an independent agent - it is persistent, the color is matte, grabs a pencil for a long time;
  • Glitter is used to give shine. In the summer, on a hot day with glitter more comfortable than with a full make-up. It is possible to paint with glitter over lipstick to make the image brighter;
  • Liquid lipstick - the packaging is similar to the shine, but the color is not pale, and the rich, bright. Liquid matte lipsticks are particularly popular, which dry out, hold 3-4 hours;
  • Tint is a novelty in the field of makeup. Tint is applied as shine, then dries out, removed by the film. After removing the film on the lips remains a shade that imitates the natural color. It will take place for several hours, removing the means for removing makeup.


Before applying makeup, it is useful to perform a number of procedures, then the final result will be better:

How to paint lips lipstick

There are several secrets how to make lips lipstick. If the milk makeup is not required to adjust the form, then you can do without a pencil. If the exit is scheduled forever, then without a pencil nowhere. To make lips smoothly, you need to paint the shape with a pencil with neat short strokes. First you should make a tick on the upper lip, the nanine strip. After filling the corners, and already move to the center. Movement slow, neat. Drawing the contour, you should move to lipstick. It is more convenient to paint the lips with a special brush, or to put lipstick out of the tube, but after it is to decide. In this way, the color will be homogeneous, to hold the makeup will be longer. To improve the resistance, you can use the first layer of the napkin. Next, point, apply for lipstick.

How to paint lips with a pencil

If a solemn event is planned, it is necessary that the makeup holds a long time, you can paint lips instead of lipstick with a pencil. Soft pencils are suitable for this purpose. If a hard one, then you can hurt the skin. If there is no other, you can soften it. You need to hold the stylus for a couple of seconds over fire, for example, matches, lighters. Pencil is painfully softer. Now you can paint. It is necessary to draw the contour, after filling out the entire area. Press on the pencil is minimal, short swings. If you need to make lips, so that they seem plump, then it is necessary to apply the strokes crosswise. You need to paint with strokes diagonally in one direction, and after another. To give the radiance, it is possible to shine over the shine, but it will reduce the resistance of makeup.

How to paint lips glitter

Beautifully painted lips with glitter not difficult. Usually in the tube a good applicator, which is convenient to apply shine. You can avoid drawing a pencil at this method of creating making. The shape of the lips is not perfect - you can use a pencil of corporal color. After applying the brilliance, you need to take it with you - the resistance is low, in an hour, one and a half you need to be abrasing them again.

How to paint lips matte lipstick

The matte textures are the most capricious - painted hard, resistance is less. Before applying lipsticks, it is necessary to make sure that the lips are perfectly smooth - every drawback will be visible. It is better to use the scrub before painting the lips, and the balm is used in a minimum number. If this is not done, the tool will lose its matte. Matte lipstick is liquid - dye should be careful, after drying it is not possible to correct the flaws. It is necessary to remove the resistant tool with vegetable oil or micellar water.

How to paint title

This agent is gaining popularity, so not all girls know how to paint their lips. It is important for the first time to paint the title when there is no need to go somewhere. It is better to see what the result will turn out, and after applying it "on the output." To paint the title, it should be carefully - if you go beyond the borders, then the final result is later, as if the lips are crookedly filtered, inflamed. After you need to give a dry tint for 15-20 minutes, remove the film with a neat movement. Top to apply balsam, shine. If you do not need to shoot, then after absorbing - makeup is ready.

Makeup for various lip forms

Each girl has its own unique shape of the lips, but several basic types can be distinguished. Each type is characterized by features in lipstick.

How to paint thin lips

The main goal in this case is to paint your lips so that they seem more. It will be necessary to apply the zone around the dense tone cream, the consileter. Next, follow the instrument of the contour pencil slightly retreating from the natural border. It is important to comply with the proportions: the upper lip is usually slightly smaller. It should not be radically changing the form - you will be unnatural. Carefully paint the contour, there is also an option to add a shine drop. You can paint small lips with a special lipstick to increase the volume - the taquishes are a little harness, due to this lips become a fluff.

How to paint big lips

If the nature of the lips are chubby, then there should be no difficulties in making makeup. If there is a desire to reduce their volume, then you need to paint the lips, the zone around the kosyler, a densetonal agent. Pencil extract the form by reducing the volume. It does not impose much inside - there is probability to move, make an unnatural appearance. It does not paint the best, leave the tone of the matte - so the lips seem thinner.

Lips Heart

This form looks very attractive, sexy. But if the incision is too small, you can visually increase. Just need to pull out the corners. We apply a kosier to this area, after a pencil, the corner is slightly wider than the usual. You should not pull the form too much - Joker's smile will not decorate anyone.

Extracted lips

If the incision is too big, then you can reduce it a bit. You need a pencil to draw the contour already. By the way, you can apply tips for the narrow lips - increasing the volume, it is possible to narrow them.

Color selection rules

Severe the suitable color of lipstick is not easy. It is necessary to take into account the color of the skin, eye, hair, type of makeup.

Classic Rule: One focus in makeup.

For example, the eyes are painted brightly - the lipstick is worth choosing a pale. If a bright color is selected, then your eyes should be painted modest. But fashion trends often advise you to violate the rules. Therefore, it is necessary to select the color on the basis of personal preferences.

  • For day makeup, light shades are suitable, pale pink, nose shades.
  • In the evening, it is permissible to paint lips with lipsticks of bright colors - from red, to the most bold berry shades.
  • Light shades of pink, brown, light brick shades are suitable for free-skinned girls. All cold shades are the right choice.
  • Ducky can choose the colors of the barrel - red, dark gamut colors: brown, dark pink, berry. Warm shades here's what you need for such girls.
  • Blonde girls or with blond eyes worth choosing peach, coral colors.
  • Dark-haired, dark-eyed girls can freely choose any bright or dark color. The darker the color of the hair, the more brave there may be a choice of color.

How to paint lips red lipstick

Red lipstick truly queen among all other lipsticks. Cooking her lips, not a single girl would remain unnoticed. The main thing is to choose a loyal shade - the classic red will suit almost everything, dark colors (for example, dark wine) will suit brunettes, and light shades are created for blondes and red-haired girls.

Also, if you make the lips with a red lipstick, the teeth will look brighter. Therefore, it is worth thinking twice before choosing this color - if the teeth are not perfect white and even, the whole effect of red lipstick will disappear.

Basic rule - If the lipstick is red, then the whole makeup should be neat, thoughtful.

An uneven tone of the face, acne on the skin, an unsuccessful choice of shadows - all this is more noticeable when choosing red. The method of applying red lipstick is no difficulty. It is important to make a neat outline, after filling the entire surface. So that the contour looked clearer can be resorted to tricks. After applying lipstick, you need to walk by the consilet on the border, growing. So the contour looks brighter, carefully.

How to paint lips on video

To secure all the rules for applying lipsticks, you can watch the video. The expert will show how to make lips to paint, how to make a neat outline.

How to paint the lips of red lipstick? Previous 2016 marked just a real boom on bright, juicy lips of red or other shades - burgundy, plum, wine. Almost every girl tried this trend on himself, but it is also worth remembering that the makeup of the lips is something more than just to put lipstick or shine. If you do everything wrong, the lipstick will swing, smears, imprinted on the teeth or rolled into the ugly white strip in the middle. Some girls consciously refuse bright red lips, as they believe that such makeup does not fit them at all, it looks causing and causing excessive attention to others.

Preliminary preparation

How to make lips so that the lipstick is smooth and beautiful, makeup kept as much as possible. Red is the most popular of all shades, as it is universal, suitable for both evening events and daily makeup (if the girl is brave enough). It is worth discarding the thoughts that such a color is not suitable, has already been proven by many years of experience of makeup artists: the red suits absolutely everything, it is important to choose your shade.

Red has many shades and subtocks, so it is quite difficult to choose a suitable lipstick. According to the makeup artists, you need to try to find a clean color, without the content of various shades (for example, raspberry, orange, cherry, etc.), such a tool will suit any woman. If it fails to find a clean color, then when choosing a suitable lipstick, you need to focus on your subtle skin, it can be either warm or cold - such a subtock should be in lipstick.

If the skin is light, then the raspberry shade is suitable, fuchsia, if beige - blood-red, coral, with olive perfectly combined dark red shades, and with dark-brown-red. To understand what shade from a particular means, you need to apply a little on the wrist and grow your finger. This method will show the "heart" of color, and it can be understood, it will look beautiful or not.

After the correct color was chosen and the product was in the cosmetic, you can move to the stage "Draw the lips". It is important to remember that it is impossible to use a bright lipstick, not taking care of the make-up of the face and eye, otherwise the bright lips against the background of unsembly appearance will look more than ridiculous.

First, it is necessary to align the tone of the face, bring it almost to the perfect state, as the red lips will emphasize all the redness and possible pimples. Consilers and lightweight tones are perfect for aligning the facial tones.

After the face makeup was made, you can move directly to the lips. First you need to apply a scrub, which is specifically designed for delicate skin. He will exfoliate all the dry plots, smooth the relief, so even if the make-up is made by matte lipstick, everything will look very smoothly and beautiful. If there is no special means, honey and sugar will come to the rescue, which need to be mixed, apply for a few minutes, carefully rub, washed with warm water. After that, you can move to the next step.

Tricks and Tricks in Makeup

How to properly paint lips with red lipstick, if the form is uneven, is there an asymmetry? Not all girls have a perfectly smooth form, therefore it is possible to correct it with a tonal cream, a consilerter or corrector. To do this, you will need to take a thin brush and go through the corrective means along the contour. The coating should be not too dense, the color should smoothly switch to the skin shade. Do not apply a tonal cream or consilet on the entire surface.

After adjustment, you should designate the necessary boundaries using a contour pencil, easily increasing or reducing the volume if necessary. The color of the pencil should be perfectly combined with the color of lipstick, it is impossible to make the outline darker, it looks vulgar and ugly. In order not to be visible transitions, it is recommended to grow a pencil in the direction to the center.

How to draw lipstick so that it was exactly and neat? It will take a thin brush, with which small strokes need to fill the entire surface of the lips.

If you make the lips with a red lipstick, then visually they become thinner, and this is normal if the lips of the girl from nature are chubby and seductive. And what to do those who have they are medium full or thin? Glitter will come to the rescue - it must be applied on top of the painted lips. But this method is recommended not for everyone, for example, if a woman is already an eloctal, then the extra shine is not appropriate, it will look cheap. In this case, another trick is useful: lipstick having a dark red shade, you need to apply to the center of the lips, and brighter to paint the remaining surface, neatly growing transitions.

To the remedy holds longer, you need to apply the first layer, getting into a dry napkin, let it see a little crumbly powder, apply a second layer. But it may not help if the product itself is not resistant, in this case, if a long effect is required, it is worth paying attention to special means - matte, classic and in a liquid version.

If small flaws were made in makeup in the form of a fuzzy circuit, lubricant, you can easily be adjusted using a consilert. And for the additional accent on the lips, the makeup artists are recommended to apply a small number of Highlights on the Cupid arc, at the expense of which they will look fresh and attractive.

Red lipstick is a universal way to look bright, unusual, so every girl should have it in his cosmetic arsenal.

The perfect makeup is a dream of every girl. Beautiful expressive arrows in front of her eyes, even tone and juicy seductive lips.

In the cosmetic world, more and more decorative attributes appear. How to use them and how to paint lips - read further.

Modern trend - no shine. In the world of matte pets, it is important to choose your product suitable for daily makeup and arranged in quality.

Before you think about applying, solve the issue with a brand.

Read about the best firms in the table:

Popular brand Description
Avon. Impeccable appearance promises the famous cosmetic company. It has goods not only by the resistance of color, but also moisturizing.

Thanks to the vitamin composition, lips are restored, cracks are healing and makeup looks excellent

MAC. Resistant formula can even save you from excess spending and acquiring a pencil.

Lipstick does not spread and hold on her lips for a long time. Most women choose this company for the cost and quality.

NYX. Velvet formula gives lips seductive appearance. The company has a rich color palette - any girl can choose a suitable shade.

Thanks to the special composition withstands lipstick for several hours

Loreal After all, you are worthy - the famous slogan sounds in the head.

You can find any shade on store shelves: from gently pink to Iscin-black. It remains only to buy lipstick

Tip! If you have handled lips, refuse temporarily using matte cosmetics. All flaws will be visible on the face.

To be at the height and surprise others it is important to choose the right of decorative cosmetics.

You can find your color by samples and errors or seek help from professional makeup artists.

Observe step-by-step instructions:

  • Peeling. Clean lips from damage skin. To do this, use at home with a salt of fine grinding or soda.

    Massage for 2 minutes and water water. You can try a sweet method - apply suiced honey with circular motions and stick the useful tool.

  • Basic layer. Before applying the main color, moisten the lips of hygienic lipstick. In this way, you can save thin skin from cutting.
  • Circuit. It is not always necessary. Take a pencil of a bodily shade, closer to skin color, draw thick lines, creating the desired shape.
  • Applying lipstick. You can use a special brush. For convenience, purchase a pencil in the store, which will relieve you from buying a circuit.

    The remedy quickly dries on the skin, so the movements must be as accurate as possible.

  • Swip not only nose. This method will help extend the resistance of the color.

Tip! It is better to acquire lipstick and pencil for the contour of one company. Thus, you can see the color number and not exactly mistaken with the choice of combination.

How to make lips with red lipstick and pencil so that they seem more

If you choose your red shades, you can definitely be called a bold and bold girl. Such a bright color attracts the attention of men and highlights lips.

But it is worth approaching the selection of the shade carefully:

  • Cold tones. Pretty face pale, but make teeth visually whiter. Suitable for girls autumn coloring.
  • Warm shades. Suitable for blondes and girls with an elevated face pallor.

Tip! Bright color requires soothing, so you should not do too bright eye makeup. The perfect option is an arrow with lightly cilia and bodily palette of shadows.

Pick up or slightly lip pencil. Do not experiment and make contour dark color. Thus, it is not a few years a face.

Draw the contour, slightly goes beyond the bends. Pick up the form according to your taste. Fill the empty space of lipstick. You can draw corners with a special tassel for clarity.

Beautiful chubby lips with a pencil

The main thing when drawing the volume lip - contour. It is he who has magical properties to increase the size of the seduction.

The feeling of his own attractiveness raises women's self-esteem.

Caution, the tigress went on hunting and movement of her silent, as she knows several ways to enlarge the lips with a pencil:

  • Come on the contour of the bends, drawing a pencil line. Increased volume visually in a few seconds is guaranteed.
  • Highlight one lip, upper or lower, so you can achieve symmetry.
  • Make an emphasis on bending part. Draw a volume or middle of the lips, or arc corners.

Lesson how to learn to apply makeup smoothly liquid lipstick

Liquid lipstick can be matte or ordinary with pearl gloss. But there are several nuances when applying such a fund.

Do not think that such a consistency simplifies the process of makeup, on the contrary, the rules becomes more:

  • It is better to use not only a brush that is in a bottle, but also a special applicator for applying liquid textures.
  • Know measures. Fat layer is not needed. After a few seconds, after applying lipstick, especially matte, it will freeze and change on the lips.
  • Create a suitable tone. This applies not only to the drawing of the contour, but also apply a tonal cream.
  • Everything has its time. Liquid textures are better to apply in spring or summer, and in the winter to postpone lipstick in the box. In the cold, it is better to give preference to lipsticks with moisturizing and protective properties.

Important! By the time of year, you can choose color.

For autumn, saturated tones are typical, for winter - cold shades, spring - it's time for warming in make-up, summer - the reason to make a light make.

Knowing all secrets how to properly paint lips, you can create bends for kisses in minutes. But it is not necessary to hurry, makeup requires the study of the details.

Do not experiment if you are late for a date, select the usual option. Be beautiful and seduce juicy made of mouthpieces!

Useful video