How to properly care for your face at home: mandatory procedures in the morning and evening. Eye mask. What water to wash


Facial care in the morning is a must for velvety and radiant skin. After all, you need to put yourself in order and preserve the beauty for the whole day. During the night, many processes take place with our skin, so in the morning we need to rebalance and bring it back to normal.

In just 8 hours of sleep, the top layer of the skin loses moisture, and the middle and bottom layers are saturated with it. In addition, as the activity of the body systems decreases and blood flow weakens, our face becomes pale, circles and bags under the eyes appear, and all imperfections become more visible. Do not worry about this - everything can be fixed if you do the right facial in the morning.

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Face care in the morning:

Step 1 - Washing

Wash your face with cold water and then alternate between room temperature water and cold water. This will invigorate and serve as a kind of gymnastics for the face.

Step 2 - Purification

Cleanse your face with special products - gel, foam or mousse that suits your skin type. Do a special mask 1-2 times a week, which should be used only after cleansing, otherwise the effect will be just the opposite. Also, 1-2 times a week, do a deep cleansing of the face with scrubs. As a result, you can alternate between regular cleansing / cleansing with a mask / cleansing with a scrub.


Step 3 - Toning

Toning is a must in skin cleansing. It is this process that helps to refresh it and complete the process of morning care. Excellent tonic - folk remedies. Prepare decoctions of herbs and, alternatively, freeze them in cubes. You can also freeze tonics from your favorite brands. Ice invigorates and refreshes well, so a frozen tonic is doubly useful!

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Step 4 - Moisturize

The whole process of facial care in the morning should be completed with the application of a moisturizer, selected according to your skin type. Our advice - if after a couple of days of using the cream you experience discomfort - change the product.

Every woman wants to look well-groomed and stay young for as long as possible, especially now, when the cult of beauty is literally haunting us. Active and intrusive advertising offers all new cosmetics, but does not teach how to properly care for facial skin. In this issue, we will try to figure it out.

The most important moment

The basis of proper facial care is a healthy lifestyle. Facial skin reflects the general condition of the body. If you do not get enough sleep, then even the most expensive cream will not help from bruises under the eyes. In the presence of problems with the intestines and the gastrointestinal tract, acne and acne will not keep you waiting.

Due to the lack of physical activity and fresh air, the epidermis becomes dull and flaky.

Daily skin care is unthinkable without proper nutrition. A balanced and useful menu will help solve many problems. Sometimes acne, blackheads, swelling appear due to the use of salty, fatty, fried foods. The skin can react with a rash to chocolate or smoked semi-finished products. As soon as you begin to eat healthy and properly, a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin will come very soon.

It must be remembered that daily facial care must be competent and correct. A good beautician will teach you how to properly care. You need to check your face regularly to make sure there are no problems.

Facial care rules can be divided into 4 main categories: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing, protection. Let's take a closer look at each stage.


Proper facial care begins with cleansing. This important procedure must be done in the morning and evening. Under no circumstances should it be missed.

Dust, dirt, exhaust fumes, microbes - all this settles on the face during the day. If you do not clean your face in a timely manner or do it not thoroughly enough, then black dots and rashes will quickly appear.

Without cleansing the skin of the face, creams, masks and other products will not be absorbed, but will remain on the surface, thereby provoking acne.

At night, the face rests, but by morning it collects dust particles and the remnants of the products that you used the day before. Therefore, in the morning, the face must also be thoroughly cleansed. The cleaning process must be carried out in stages. Here's how to do it right:

  • If you use decorative cosmetics, then first remove it with a make-up remover. To do this, you can use gentle purchased products such as cleansing milk or micellar water. And you can successfully do with any vegetable oil or greasy baby cream. These products are equally well suited for removing makeup.
  • When removing makeup, in no case do not rub your face hard, especially the area around the eyes. Wet a cotton pad with the product and simply apply for a few seconds to the eyelids or lips. And only after that, easily wipe off the remnants of cosmetics.
  • Do not use toilet soap to clean the skin. Due to the high content of alkali, it dries the skin, which subsequently emphasizes its sagging.
  • After removing makeup, proceed to washing. The water temperature should be comfortable. Remember that too hot water damages the skin, enlarges the pores and causes laxity. It is best to wash with slightly cool water.
  • Do not apply cleanser directly to your face. Squeeze a little into the palm of your hand, lather, and then apply the finished foam to your face along the massage lines. Rinse off such a product must be thoroughly. Its residues provoke blockage of pores.
  • At the stage of cleansing, you can use all kinds of brushes, sponges, sponges for the face. All these devices will gently massage the skin and improve blood circulation. But watch your skin. Perhaps, it is for your skin type that such an effect will be too aggressive.


After cleansing is complete, you need to move on to the next step - toning. It helps to remove the remnants of cleanser and makeup from the face and restore the acid-base balance of the skin.

  • Various facial tonics and lotions are well suited for toning. You can make them yourself. Herbal decoctions do an excellent job with this task. Herbal preparations with chamomile, mint, thyme and celandine have a positive effect on the skin condition.
  • For the best effect, you can freeze such infusions in ice molds and wipe already clean skin with them. This procedure is very useful for the face, it tones and tightens the skin, relieves inflammation and redness. No need to use alcohol tonics, they dry the skin and can provoke an allergic reaction.

Hydration and nutrition

Moisturizing is a must as part of your skincare routine. In the absence of a sufficient amount of moisture, the epidermis becomes dry, loses its brightness and color, wrinkles appear.

  • The main skin care when moisturizing is the correct drinking regimen. You must drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day. It is good to start your day with a glass of water on an empty stomach. It is better if it is slightly warm water with lemon. No drinks and teas will replace ordinary water. So watch this moment.
  • Depending on your skin type, choose a cream or gel for moisturizing your face. For dry skin, oily creams are great, which penetrate the skin cells and nourish them from the inside.

For oily skin, it is better to use a face gel. It will moisturize and not leave a greasy sheen, which appears very quickly on such skin. Moisturizing oily skin is also necessary. If this is not done, then the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce sebum, which causes acne and comedones to form.

  • For use moisturizing serums and creams, depending on the type of skin.

Useful for the face and the area around the eyes, it is quite possible to cook at home. Look for these recipes in other articles on our website.

High-quality facial care is not possible without nutrients. They saturate the cells with essential substances, helping them stay hydrated. Nourishing face creams are best applied at night. So they can be completely absorbed, and in the morning it remains only to blot your face with a napkin.


A very important factor in competent facial care is protection. External factors negatively affect the condition of the skin. We regularly expose it to wind and cold, dry air and the scorching sun. Keep in mind that protection is a mandatory step. What should be done?

  • In the hot season, the sun is aggressive towards the human body and face. The scorching sun's rays destroy the lipid barrier, dehydrate the skin and increase the level of melanin in the human body.

Scientists have proven that excessive tanning leads to premature aging and can cause skin cancer. To protect yourself, use sunscreen. If you plan to be in direct sunlight for more than 3 hours, you may need to reapply the product.

Do not forget to monitor the protection of the neck and décolleté area, since it is this area that gives out the true age.

For protection in the summer, it is necessary to take care of the face not only with the help of cosmetics, but also use the elements of the wardrobe. Wide-brimmed hats and baseball caps will keep ultraviolet rays from coming into contact with skin and hair. Good sunglasses will protect your eyes and the delicate skin of your eyelids. They will eliminate the need to squint in bright light, which will slow down the appearance of expression lines.

  • In winter, the face needs protection not only from the cold and wind, but also from the sun. In winter, you also need to use sunscreen. In severe frost, use creams that contain lanolin. This natural remedy will protect against frostbite.

Proper facial skin care will protect against adverse external influences: the scorching sun, frost, strong wind, cold rain. Basic facial care includes 4 main stages, which we described above. In addition, facial skin care procedures include massage, peeling, skin cleansing.

Affordable Care

How to take care of your skin at home? Various folk recipes will help you with this. The products that are used in the preparation of homemade tonics, masks, scrubs are available, cheap and absolutely safe for health.

So, home care involves the use of scrubs and skin masks, which must be done at least 2 times a week.

Scrubs clean off dead skin particles, make the surface of the epidermis smooth and clean, which allows the skin to fully breathe and absorb more nutrients. Masks made from natural ingredients can be nourishing, moisturizing and cleansing. All products prepared at home have an excellent caring effect.

Remember that the main thing in facial care is regularity and a clear sequence of actions. Try not to forget about yourself, devote quite a bit of time and attention to your beauty and health.

Women spend a lot of time for self care, because it allows them to stay young and beautiful longer. But not always the means that you use are of benefit to you, because it is also important to take into account age, season, skin type and even time of day. Surely you paid attention to the fact that there are products for day care and night care.

The thing is that depending on the time of day, our skin works differently. That is why it is so important to choose the right cream, cleansers and masks. Some cosmetic companies specifically release entire series in which there is a cream for the night and for the day. Let's talk separately about how to start the morning right, wake up faster and restore your skin to a healthy look and elasticity after a long night.

1. Start your morning with a glass of water. Many nutritionists constantly talk about how important it is to give the skin enough moisture. So you can prevent aging and give your face beauty and freshness. As soon as you get up, drink a glass of mineral water without gas, and only then go to do your morning routine. This technique will allow you to quickly cheer up and refresh. If you don’t want to go to the kitchen right away in the morning, put a bottle of water and a glass on the bedside table near the bed.

2. Cheer up your skin. In the early morning, your body is still asleep, so it is important to apply some methods. For example, exercise improves blood circulation, which in turn transfers oxygen to each cell. So is the skin - you need to cheer it up and refresh it. To do this, you need to apply a contrast wash.

Dial full palms first warmest water and wash, and then do the same with the cold. So you will wash away all the toxins that have been released during your sleep and return your face to a nice blush and healthy look. After washing, pat your skin dry with a cotton towel. Do not forget that you should have a separate towel for your face, and you need to change it more often than others. But it happens that after washing your skin becomes tight and dry, in this case it is important to replace ordinary tap water with a decoction of herbs. It can be chamomile, thyme or yarrow.

3. Use ice cubes. Many of the fair sex, regardless of skin type, face such a nuisance as puffiness, swelling or wrinkling of the skin in the morning. This may be due not only to your rhythm and lifestyle, but also to the individual characteristics of the body. That is why you need to freeze pure mineral water without gas in ice molds in advance and wipe your face every morning. You can also freeze herbal teas, which is also a great daily care trick. Herbs saturate the skin with useful vitamins, relieve redness and give a boost of energy for the whole day.

4. Use a tonic. This cosmetic product is great for women and girls of any age. What you should pay attention to is the purpose of the product: there are tonics for every skin type and different age groups. What is the tonic for? It is an excellent conductor for the cream, perfectly moisturizes the skin and opens the pores. You need to pay attention to the fact that a quality tonic cannot cost a penny, so go for trusted brands and don't skimp on your skin. Apply the product to a cotton pad and wipe the skin every time before applying the cream. Tonic must be on your shelf in the bathroom, so that you start your day with it every morning.

5. Apply your favorite day cream. The choice of this cosmetic product must be approached especially competently. Sometimes, to purchase a cream, you must first consult with your beautician. The face cream will be on your skin all day, so it's important that every cell is nourished. Also, the cream should protect against the negative effects of the environment and from ultraviolet rays.

It should be an excellent base for your skin type and age group. Therefore, if you do not know how to choose this tool, contact a professional. If you can't make an appointment with a dermatologist, buy a facial product from a pharmacy. To date, there are a large number of companies that produce pharmaceutical cosmetics, and you will also receive advice from a person who is well versed in it. For morning care, you need a small drop of cream the size of a pea, which you need to apply with patting movements of your fingers or palm.

6. Use eye cream. This area of ​​the face needs special care, so you should pay attention to it. The skin around the eyes is very thin and vulnerable, so it needs a special tool. There are a huge number of eye creams on the market for cosmetic products, but not all of them are really good for your skin. Usually these are creams that contain plant extracts, collagen and natural oils. Apply the eye cream with light patting movements with your fingertips.

7. Pay attention to your lips. Many women know that it is necessary to properly care for the skin around the eyes, but forget about the need to moisturize the lips. Your favorite lipstick will not be enough, because it does not have the necessary amount of micronutrients. In the morning, you need to apply a small amount of nourishing balm or hygienic lipstick with natural oils, and only then cover the skin with decorative products. So you prevent early aging and protect your lips from dryness and peeling. You can replace the balm with a mixture of natural oils if you already have them in your care collection.

8. Change cosmetic products in winter and summer seasons. Our skin is very sensitive to weather changes. In winter, you need to use a rich cream based on natural animal fats, and in summer, replace your usual cream with one that has SPF filters. This will help you prevent dryness and aging. Remember to reapply the product every time you leave the house.

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Self-care is not only the morning hours for makeup. To a greater extent, skin care is evening care!

Evening beauty treatments are the most important and most effective, since at night the body is focused on restoring and renewing, skin regeneration processes are most effective and care products intended for use before bedtime are much more pleasing to us in their practice than daytime rejuvenating ones.

Sleep heals in the truest sense of these words, which is why one of the main mistakes of many women is the neglect of evening beauty procedures due to fatigue, distraction and simply forgetfulness. Meanwhile, finding 15-30 minutes of free time in the evening is much easier than in the morning, filled with fussy rush.

1. The most important thing: do not postpone evening procedures until you fall asleep on the go. This is the most common mistake women make - washing their face in a couple of minutes (and some may even go to bed with makeup on). Take care of your face as soon as you change into your home clothes. Ideal time to apply night cream– 8-9 p.m.

It is at this time that skin cells are most actively tuned in to recovery. Therefore, the effect of it will be maximum. But after 11 pm it is better to just wash your face, wipe your face with tonic and go to bed without applying any cream. The thing is that by midnight, lymph circulation slows down and blood pressure decreases, and any skin care during these odd hours can lead to swelling or irritation.

2. Even if you do not paint in the morning, during the day a huge amount of toxins, dust and harmful substances from the city air accumulate on the skin - all this must be removed. So evening wash should be a ritual - it should be thorough, using water and a mild cleanser (to wash away all accumulated toxins).

Wash your hands thoroughly and only then remove daytime makeup. To do this, we put a layer of fat cream or cosmetic milk, cream on the face (but do not rub it, but lightly spread it). After 15 minutes, gently wipe your face with cotton.

For cleansing oily or combination skin face is better to use foam, gel or mousse, and for normal and dry skin- emulsion or cosmetic milk. Peeling gommage can serve as an alternative - it is suitable for any type of skin.

In these 15 minutes you can cook yourself water for washing and various cleansing and nourishing mixtures. For example, in 1 liter of boiled water we dissolve a quarter teaspoon of soda. You can also take milk and water in equal amounts and use this solution to cleanse and nourish the skin of the face.

3. After cleansing the face of makeup and pollution, it is necessary use tonic . It will restore the pH balance on the surface of the skin and improve the absorption of the beneficial components of the night cream.

4. Next stage exfoliation . Before applying the night cream, the skin can be further cleansed. It is in the evening that cleansing procedures are done, they are needed even for sensitive skin - just in this case you should replace abrasive peels with enzyme or acid ones. During the day, they should not be done due to possible skin reactions (temporary redness, for example).

1-2 times a week use a scrub face according to your skin type.

5. Use of masks It is also most useful in the evening: the skin becomes most susceptible to the effects of active substances at this time of day. A face mask is an important part of skin care before bed. The main function of the face mask in the process of skin care is to enhance the ability and deep moisturizing of the skin. Silk face mask as a second skin promotes the absorption and penetration of extracts into the deeper layers of the skin, accelerates blood circulation, which allows the skin to absorb nutrients faster and has a very effective moisturizing effect.

6. After washing, without drying the face, clap his hands. With vibrational movements of the fingertips, we will go from the chin to the forehead - from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Gently massaging the skin to relax it is helpful, but should be no more than three minutes to speed up the metabolic processes in the skin. This massage will also remove old dead skin cells, melanin and impurities and prepare the skin for subsequent care.

7. After one or two minutes apply night cream ( again with self-massage movements): apply the cream on the skin, starting from the cheeks and towards the ears, then up. The cream should be rubbed with light massaging movements. Apply eyebrow cream upwards on the forehead. On the chin and neck, apply the cream with the outer side of the palms from the bottom up. This is the simplest evening procedure.

Evening compositions contain a high concentration of actives and have a regenerating, restoring effect. When choosing a night cream, be sure to consider age, type and condition of the skin.

If you have normal, combination or oily skin, then you need a special moisturizing cream with flavones that remove toxins and trace elements.
If dry skin , then use nourishing creams with vitamins E, A, C.

At a young age, own reserves are enough to renew the skin, so the use of a night cream up to 25-30 years is not advisable.
Women who have crossed thirty year milestone recommended to use cosmetics with enhanced regenerative properties capable of producing collagen. After 30-35 years, the ability of tissues to regenerate slows down, for this reason it is recommended to start using products that stimulate the restoration of the physiological mechanisms of the skin. The composition of such funds should include vitamins, trace elements, fruit acids, hyaluronic acid.
Aging skin needs a cream with proteins, trace elements and vitamins, that focus on fighting wrinkles. Night cream for skin after 45 years should contain antioxidants, vitamins and regenerating components - fruit acids, glycolic acid, retinol, phytoestrogens, peptides, marine DNA.

Evening skin care tips

Cleansing Blend Recipes

The above tips are simple, but in less than six months, you will notice that you look visibly fresher, and your skin has cleared up and become much more elastic.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Absolutely, every woman dreams of healthy, velvety and delicate skin. But if skin care is either irregular or wrong, you should not be surprised at the appearance of acne or peeling, a feeling of tightness or black dots. But you never know the problems with the skin, which is not cared for the way it should be.

Often women are too lazy to set aside at least half an hour in the evening to take care of their face. But evening procedures are the basis of skin care, a guarantee of its beauty and freshness.

Where to start your evening skin care?

Firstly, be sure to remove your makeup, and not just before going to bed, but as soon as you come home and are going to spend the evening without leaving the apartment. It is worth clarifying that this should be done carefully, with cotton pads dipped in tonic or special milk for removing makeup.

According to the rules, makeup is removed starting from the forehead, then the eyelids, nose, cheeks and chin are treated. It is best to use a tonic based on thermal water, as it, in addition to cleansing, also restores a neutral pH balance.

How to apply the cream at night?

After taking an evening shower, but not before going to bed, but at least half an hour before it, apply a cream on your face. This should be a night cream, as it is thicker and more oily, so it nourishes cleansed skin as well as possible. The fats contained in the night creams, fat-soluble vitamins A, E, O, plant extracts and acids, trace elements significantly improve skin elasticity.

The cream is applied along the massage lines: you need to start from the cheeks towards the ears, and then move higher to the temples. After applying the cream with fingertips, you need to lightly drive it into the skin. The forehead should be massaged in a circular motion, from the bridge of the nose up and to the sides, and the chin and neck - from the bottom up, performing massage actions with the outer side of the palm. After soaking the cream, remove the remnants with a clean napkin, otherwise the face will swell by morning.

The area around the eyes is treated not with an ordinary night cream, but with special means, since the skin there is thinner and more sensitive than on other parts of the face.

Do not forget that once a week it is worth making a nourishing face mask, and depending on your skin, peeling once or twice a week.

How to choose the right night cream?

First of all, the cream must strictly correspond to the age group in which you are.

For women over 30, it is better to use cosmetics with an increased regenerating effect that promote the production of collagen.

Instead of a night cream, you can use special serums, which have a lighter consistency.

Don't forget to take care of your body!

After an evening shower, be sure to apply a nourishing cream or body milk to the skin. During sleep, the skin loses moisture, and the cream will help maintain it. If you have dry skin, it is best to use special oils.

Apply the cream with circular massage movements, first on the décolleté and shoulders, and then on the skin of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Such a massage should take no more than 10-15 minutes.

You will notice a special effect if you make an oil compress about an hour before bedtime. It is good to do it after treating the skin of the body with a special scrub. Then warm vegetable, preferably olive, oil is applied to the skin, which is carefully rubbed. And then you need to wrap yourself in cling film and cover yourself with a terry sheet or a large towel. Keep such a compress for 30-40 minutes, then you need to remove excess oil with a napkin.

Evening hand care

The cream with which you will need to treat your hands should contain glycerin, keratin, allantoin, as well as vitamins A and E. After applying the cream to your hands, be sure to massage each finger separately.

To keep your hands from developing burrs, rub warm olive oil on the skin around your nails.

If you have dry skin, then after applying the cream on your hands, it is best to wear cotton gloves.

All these procedures will not take you too much time, but the effect of such self-care will allow you to look at yourself in the mirror every morning with pleasure!