How does a miscarriage occur? Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy. The real reasons for early miscarriage

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful times in the life of every woman. Expectant mothers are especially beautiful, and their eyes radiate so much happiness and warmth that one could warm the whole world. Unfortunately, not every pregnancy goes well and ends with the birth of a healthy baby. Sometimes it happens that the pregnancy is suddenly interrupted, and the dreams of the failed mom are not destined to come true. Why it happens? Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

What is a miscarriage and what types is it?

In order to understand how a miscarriage occurs, you must first know what it is.

4. The cause of recurrent miscarriages can also be the so-called polycystic ovary syndrome. One recent British study found that 44 to 56% of patients who had multiple miscarriages in a row had polycystic ovary syndrome, characterized by irregular or no menstrual periods. Most often, this syndrome occurs in overweight women.

5. Rhesus incompatibility (hemolytic disease), which occurs when the mother has a positive Rh factor and the father has a negative one.

6. Disorders of the immune system are responsible for 5-10% of miscarriages. This is due to the fact that the immune system of a pregnant woman, programmed to fight bacteria and viruses, malfunctions and attacks healthy cells in the body. One of the most well-known disorders of the immune system is antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. It appears when the body mistakenly believes that phospholipids are foreign elements. As a result, antibodies are produced, which cause blood clots in the placental vessels, interrupting the flow of oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the fetus.

7. Other reasons: peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the uterus, viral and bacterial infections, anti-drug and anti-stress medications, exposure to harmful substances.

What symptoms indicate a miscarriage that has begun?

Every woman worries about how a miscarriage occurs. Symptoms indicating an impending or incipient miscarriage are of great importance for timely medical intervention and prevention of spontaneous abortion. Among the most common symptoms, the following should be noted:

Sudden weight loss;

The disappearance of such signs of pregnancy as nausea, breast swelling, drowsiness;

False contractions called Braxton Hicks contractions;

Real contractions (painful, with a frequency of 5-10 minutes);

The appearance of blood stains;

Light, painless bleeding (although this is not always a symptom of abortion);

Heavy bleeding, with or without clots, accompanied by cramps and severe pain in the abdomen or lower back;

Vaginal discharge without pain or bleeding.

A molar pregnancy, a damaged egg, or an ectopic pregnancy will eventually lead to miscarriage. Symptoms are similar, except that in the case of molar pregnancy, the uterus may be larger than normal and the hCG (pregnancy hormone) level is increased.

Signs and features of early miscarriage

In the first weeks of pregnancy, only after learning about their interesting situation, women become very sensitive, and it is not surprising that they are visited by a variety of thoughts related to their well-being and the health of their future babies. The slightest changes in the body make them worry. They see signs of early miscarriage everywhere. Therefore, it is very important to have information. How to understand that a miscarriage has occurred? Is there really meaning and reason to worry? Are these experiences justified? How does a spontaneous miscarriage happen? It is impossible to answer these questions unequivocally. Each case, like each organism, is absolutely individual, and they should be considered separately.

It is almost impossible to identify the causes of most early miscarriages (more than 60%). It is assumed that these are genetic reasons. When an embryo is formed, half of its genes are taken from the sperm and the other half from the egg. Sometimes, without any apparent motive, something goes wrong and the pregnancy is terminated. An immediate miscarriage can occur two to three weeks after the death of the fetus. Obstetricians-gynecologists name the following main causes of miscarriage at the initial stage of pregnancy:

The embryo is not implanted into the uterus as it should;

Hormonal problems;

Chromosomal abnormalities;

Diseases of the uterus or cervix;

Various intrauterine infections;

Viral infections such as influenza

Strong blows to the belly of a pregnant woman;

Multiple pregnancy;

Miscarriages in the past.

Early signs of miscarriage:

Severe cramps.


Blood clots.

At what stage of pregnancy can a miscarriage occur?

Most often, a miscarriage occurs at the earliest stage (2-3 weeks). In most cases, a woman does not even suspect that something like this has happened to her. Early spontaneous miscarriages are often confused with regular menstruation. This is due to the fact that the main manifestations of a miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy are identical to regular menstruation: vaginal bleeding and lower abdominal pain. This is the answer to the question of how a miscarriage occurs.

Less often miscarriages occur later in pregnancy (before the 20th week). Spontaneous termination of pregnancy that occurs after the 20th week is called stillbirth.

How does a miscarriage happen?

Due to lack of information, many women sometimes do not even suspect that something terrible has happened to them - the loss of a child. They have no idea how quickly a miscarriage occurs or what follows. In order to be fully armed, you must remember the following:

1. Spontaneous abortion, fetal death and rejection by the body usually do not occur at one moment, but last several hours or even days. The process proceeds in several stages: the threat of miscarriage, imminent (incipient) miscarriage, incomplete abortion and, finally, complete abortion.

2. The threat of miscarriage is characterized by the onset of placental abruption and the appearance of the first signs of miscarriage (pain in the lower abdomen and minor spotting from the vagina). At this stage, the uterus is closed and the pregnancy can still be preserved.

3. Imminent (begun) abortion is characterized by detachment of the placenta and, accordingly, further fetal death. An imminent abortion cannot be stopped.

4. In case of incomplete abortion, the placenta exfoliates, the fetus dies, the process of its rejection by the body begins.

5. During a complete abortion, the fetus and site are eliminated from the uterus as well as from the female genital tract.

Is it possible to independently determine that there was a miscarriage?

When registering with a antenatal clinic, women and even their husbands often ask doctors how to find out that a miscarriage has occurred. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to determine this on your own. If there is a suspicion that a miscarriage has occurred, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Only after a medical examination of a woman can one say with complete certainty whether a miscarriage has occurred or not. In order to determine this, the doctor will refer the patient to an ultrasound scan.

In addition, an analysis that will determine the level of hCG in the blood can tell about the miscarriage. HCG is a hormone produced by the body exclusively during pregnancy. It can be found in the blood one week after ovulation, when a fertilized egg is anchored in the uterus. In the first three weeks of pregnancy, the hCG level should double every 2-3 days. When this level remains unchanged, a spontaneous miscarriage may have occurred.

Doctors also measure the fetal heart rate (HR). To do this, they use a special device that allows them to listen to the heart rhythms of the fetus in the mother's abdomen starting from 7-12 weeks of pregnancy. If the fetal heartbeat is heard, then a miscarriage is out of the question. Remember that a routine pregnancy test can show pregnancy even after termination. Therefore, you should not waste precious time wondering how to determine that a miscarriage has occurred. At the slightest sign, go straight to your gynecologist.

How can you provoke a miscarriage?

Not every pregnant woman is delighted with the fact that she will soon become a mother. Each has its own reasons. Some pregnant women seek medical help and terminate pregnancies in the hospital, while others prefer to do it on their own and learn all possible ways to have a miscarriage on their own. Since ancient times, various herbs have been used for this, for example, tansy. It was boiled and taken orally, which almost 100% guaranteed rejection of the fetus.

There are also many such cases when women, in order to get rid of an unwanted child, took and continue to take hot baths to this day. Some try to bring the body to exhaustion with heavy physical exertion. Young girls even manage to drink milk to which iodine is added. More "advanced" young ladies do not risk trying folk methods on themselves. They prefer more modern treatments like hormone pills.

Only a few people think about the consequences of such methods and experiments. As a result, rash actions can lead to very disastrous results. Any attempt to have a miscarriage at home threatens the health and even the life of a pregnant woman. Not a single folk remedy that can provoke an abortion does not guarantee that bleeding will not begin and any infection will not be introduced.

The safest way to get rid of unwanted pregnancy on your own is the so-called medical abortion. A prerequisite is the minimum time from conception (up to two weeks from the delay in menstruation). In this case, most likely, the miscarriage will occur quickly and painlessly, and the uterus will be completely cleansed. In addition, complications are virtually eliminated. However, it should be noted that the drugs used for medical abortion are not sold in pharmacies. Only doctors with a special license are entitled to prescribe this kind of medicine to their patients. In addition, the cost of such drugs is quite high and not every girl can afford it.

Instead of thinking about how to have a miscarriage and get rid of the fetus, maybe it is worth imagining what the future baby will look like and how much joy and happiness he will bring to the house? The decision remains with each parent. Responsibility for all actions lies entirely on their shoulders.

What to do after miscarriage?

What happens after a miscarriage is familiar to many. Some women who have had an abortion feel well. However, others (in 4-10% of cases) have a number of complications. A period of treatment and rehabilitation follows, which lasts up to several weeks. In the first week after a spontaneous miscarriage, a woman may suffer from abdominal pain. In addition, bleeding may occur. In the first two weeks after an abortion, you must refrain from sex. You must immediately consult a doctor again if symptoms such as:

Heavy bleeding;

Severe pain in the lower abdomen;

High fever and cramps;


Nausea and vomiting.

Immediately after a spontaneous miscarriage, it is necessary to identify the reason why this happened. Today there are a huge number of specialized medical centers, contacting which a woman will receive qualified recommendations on what to do.

Experts recommend planning your next pregnancy only two months after the miscarriage. In order not to get pregnant earlier than this time, you must use reliable contraceptives. According to statistics, if a woman becomes pregnant immediately after a miscarriage, the likelihood of the situation repeating increases several times. However, if pregnancy does occur, you should not panic. Under the close and constant supervision of doctors, the outcome can be positive.

Can you save yourself from spontaneous miscarriage?

In order to minimize the risk of spontaneous miscarriage, it is recommended:

A woman who has just found out about her interesting situation needs:

  1. Do not postpone until later, but consult a doctor as early as possible, get tested and register for pregnancy.
  2. Give up all bad habits (smoking, alcohol and drugs) and reduce the amount of coffee and strong tea consumed.
  3. Reduce physical activity and avoid sports that can lead to injury.

Medical statistics note that recently there have been cases of the threat of early termination of pregnancy, so every expectant mother needs to know her symptoms, as well as what are her reasons that can provoke a miscarriage. A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion that occurs during the first 22 weeks of gestation. If the interruption occurred after this critical period, then doctors diagnose not a miscarriage, but childbirth that occurred before the appointed time (in the fifth month and later).

Symptoms of an early miscarriage threat

As doctors note, in 20% of conceptions an involuntary abortion occurs, which sometimes many women do not even notice, believing that the appearance of bleeding signals that menstruation has begun.

In accordance with these data, several types of termination of pregnancy are distinguished.:

  • Incomplete / complete abortion;
  • Threatened abortion;
  • Non-developing pregnancy;
  • Started abortion.

These processes differ in their dynamics, although such a division can be called superficial, conditional. A complete miscarriage suggests that the uterus rejects not only the fetus, but also the fetal bladder, and water. An incomplete abortion is characterized by complete or partial rejection of the fetus, while the amniotic membrane remains in the uterus, which requires special surgical intervention.

The incipient abortion is accompanied by severe bleeding and pain for a long period of time.

During this period, a pregnant woman may begin contractions and dilatation of the cervix, that is, one can state a kind of onset of labor. Threatened abortion manifests itself in weak uterine contractions and little bleeding, but in most cases this passes quickly and the pregnancy remains intact. The release of the uterus from the fertilized egg is considered a defense mechanism. If this process occurs before the 12th week of the term, then an early miscarriage is diagnosed, if after the 12th week, then a late miscarriage occurs. In the case when the pregnancy ends after 22 weeks, we can talk about premature birth.

The main causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

It is rather difficult to determine the reasons for which self-abortion occurred at the beginning of the term, since there is a need for a comprehensive examination with the subsequent delivery of all the required tests. Basically, the causes of involuntary abortion are divided into two large groups: medical and socio-biological.

The first group of reasons includes the following factors:

  • Heavy physical activity;
  • Age;
  • Wrong lifestyle;
  • Severe stress, anxiety, nervous breakdown;
  • Unfavorable living conditions;
  • Accidents.

Thus, a miscarriage is triggered as a result of strong stressful experiences of the mother, her smoking, alcoholism or drug addiction, as well as as a result of injury. In addition, the mother's age also has a serious impact on the pregnancy process - the older the woman, the more likely it is to terminate the pregnancy, as well as her living conditions (financial situation, ecology, etc.).

Medical reasons for a miscarriage include a woman's health problems, as well as:

  • Serious hormonal imbalance;
  • Viral and infectious diseases;
  • Pathology of the body's immunity;
  • Fetal abnormalities or genetic disorders in a woman.

In addition, one of the reasons for the termination of pregnancy can be an arbitrary abortion performed earlier, which can provoke a variety of complications, as well as cause secondary infertility. Miscarriage can lead to drug treatment, independent use of medicinal plants or drugs. The threat of interruption can also arise in a situation of Rh-conflict, in such cases the likelihood of miscarriage is very high.

How does a miscarriage happen?

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is very difficult to differentiate what causes the miscarriage, so most experts believe that it is caused by genetic factors.

The interruption process itself takes place in several stages.:

  • The threat of interruption;
  • Incipient miscarriage;
  • Incomplete abortion;
  • Complete abortion.

With a threatened abortion, detachment of the placenta begins, which is accompanied by the onset of the primary symptoms of interruption: spotting and severe pain in the lower abdomen. If a woman manages to notice these signs in time, then the likelihood of maintaining the pregnancy is much higher.

However, if the pregnant woman failed to understand the signals of her body, the placenta exfoliates, which leads to the death of the fetus, that is, the phase of imminent abortion begins, which cannot be prevented.

As a result of an incomplete abortion, the placenta completely exfoliates, and the embryo dies, after which the body begins to reject it. And the stage of complete abortion begins, during which the elimination of the place and the fetus from the uterus and genital tract occurs. Thus, the pregnancy is finally terminated.

Recommendations: how to recognize the signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy

The entire pregnancy process, especially in the first or second month, includes several critical periods.

It is during these periods that the threat of interruption arises.:

  1. Fetal implantation begins at 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, but in the presence of scars, injuries or abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, this process is disrupted, as a result of which a threat appears.
  2. The most vulnerable embryo becomes at 4-6 weeks, when developmental abnormalities can begin to form, which do not allow it to live and develop further.
  3. At 8-12 weeks, the placenta is actively developing, so there is a high risk of pathologies in its structure. And a miscarriage at this stage may be associated with a lack of progesterone in the woman's body.

Information: what an early miscarriage looks like

It is rather difficult to independently determine that a miscarriage has occurred, since it can be accurately distinguished only as a result of a comprehensive medical examination.

At the same time, you can find out the signs of a miscarriage in a short period of time.:

  • Brownish discharge or bleeding with varying intensity;
  • The embryo leaves through the genital tract;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • The amniotic fluid has departed;
  • Strong convulsive contractions begin;
  • The temperature rises sharply and the general health of the pregnant woman worsens.

In the early stages, symptoms of a miscarriage can manifest as menstruation after a slight delay. If a woman has undergone express pregnancy testing after her periods have disappeared and was able to get a positive result, then a miscarriage can be diagnosed with a sudden onset of the menstrual cycle.

The first signs of a miscarriage: treatment and consequences

Conception can happen quite safely, however, soon the fetus can attach to the uterine wall and freeze in development, in which case it can be argued that the pregnancy process is false. To avoid the threat of termination of pregnancy, every woman must do all the necessary procedures (for example, an ultrasound scan), pass all the tests and undergo the required examinations.

As soon as a woman succeeds in getting pregnant, a miscarriage may be suspected, in which case experts give the following recommendations:

  • Bed rest and the maximum reduction in physical activity on the female body;
  • Complete removal of the possibility of experiences, worries, stresses, emotional upheavals, etc.;
  • Taking hormonal drugs (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Correction of the diet.

It is necessary to consult a doctor when the first negative symptoms appear, since in the event of a threatening miscarriage, the pregnancy can be preserved, but for this it is necessary to determine exactly what is the main cause of the threat. A woman should not make hasty conclusions, since any emotional shock or experience can only aggravate the situation.

At the same time, you need to understand that the absence of any action can entail negative consequences:

  1. The introduction of infection into the female body, in the presence of blood clots and the remains of a dead fetus.
  2. The retention of particles of the ovum in the uterus, which leads to an increase in uterine contractions, and, consequently, bleeding, through which the uterus tries to remove a foreign body from the body.
  3. Dysfunction of the hormonal background, due to the abrupt interruption of the pregnancy process.

Therefore, it is very important to go through the "cleansing" process, during which the remnants of the fetus, particles of the unformed placenta and blood clots will be removed from the female body. When determining the cause of a miscarriage, a pregnant woman undergoes a course of prevention of subsequent pregnancies.

Early signs of miscarriage (video)

In most cases, the pregnancy process goes well, but sometimes certain difficulties occur in the form of the threat of termination of pregnancy and miscarriage. It is impossible to determine with certainty why this happens to a particular woman, in a particular situation. Therefore, it is very important for the expectant mother to undergo all the necessary examinations in order to prevent any deviations from the normal course of the pregnancy process.

The cause of a miscarriage may be insufficient attachment of the ovum to the uterine cavity. Then its detachment occurs is interrupted. A gynecologist may detect in the expectant mother an insufficient amount of progesterone (a hormone responsible for the development of pregnancy), as a result, the fetus dies in the very first weeks. To avoid miscarriage, a special drug with artificial hormone support is prescribed. After 16 weeks of pregnancy, the need to take it disappears. The cause of miscarriage can be pathologies in the uterine cavity, for example, a tumor or polyposis, which, growing, does not leave room for the fetus, or an infection brought into the uterus or baby's place. the egg is not fixed in the uterus) becomes the cause of miscarriage almost always, because the embryo will die in the first three months of its life due to lack of space. To avoid a rupture of the fallopian tube, it is necessary to diagnose a tubal pregnancy as early as possible and carry out surgery. Miscarriages over 35 years old are explained by disorders in the ovulation process, which is an age-related pathology. Here it is important not to despair and try again. If a woman with an IUD has become pregnant, and the spiral remains, a miscarriage can be at any time, since a foreign body can easily damage the amniotic fluid. It is necessary to study the hormonal background of future parents, often explained by an incorrect chromosome set or the presence of genetic diseases in the unborn baby. The cause of a miscarriage can be abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, various scars, septa, scars, etc. Sexually transmitted infections, as well as certain immune disorders, such as anticardiolipid syndrome or antiphospholipid factor, can cause termination of pregnancy for any. To identify such deviations, special tests are needed. A detailed coagulogram, for example, giving information, in particular, about the presence of lupus syndrome. Chronic infections are especially dangerous. Sometimes the environment becomes the reason, it is believed that the miscarriage of the female body is an environmental hazard. Pregnancy can be provoked by the mother's smoking, unhealthy diet, lack of adequate sleep, stress and other factors. In the first two trimesters of pregnancy, uterine malformations, ICI (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) can become the cause of miscarriage. At any time, placental abruption can occur. Lifting weights, slight falls, which rarely leads to bad consequences, can provoke a miscarriage. Usually, if the mother is healthy and the fetus develops without pathology, miscarriage does not occur. But interruption or health problems itself can happen spontaneously or premature birth can occur. The diagnosis - habitual miscarriage - is made if a woman has had 3 miscarriages in a row without a normal pregnancy. In this case, the chance of carrying a child decreases, but he still exists. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate all infections, undergo a comprehensive examination and try to conceive a child again.

A fairly large proportion of pregnancies end in miscarriages. Sometimes this happens before a woman finds out about her pregnancy. There are several reasons why this happens.

A very common cause is injury, fall, severe bruising or other physical impact on a pregnant woman. It can also be due to lifting or carrying weights. Such loads negatively affect the woman's body, thereby leading to the rejection of the fetus. As a result, there is a violation of the tightness of the uterus. This leads to an unexpected opening of the cervix, which leads to the death of the fetus (regardless of the date).

The second reason is the genetic abnormal development of the fetus. That is, a defective fetus, which has a low chance of surviving after birth, is destroyed by the woman's body. As a rule, this happens immediately after the ovum, so the woman does not even know, neither about.

The third reason is the emergence of infectious diseases during

In this article:

Pregnancy is the most beautiful period of every woman, but sometimes it happens that the female body decides to get rid of a new life. Usually, this is a spontaneous miscarriage in an early period - up to 12 weeks. Today, according to statistics, it occurs in every 5 women.

In medical terms, a miscarriage is the spontaneous termination of pregnancy from 1 to 22 weeks. Children who were born with a weight of 500 grams (after 22 weeks) can still be saved.

Very often a woman is not even aware of her "interesting position" and does not notice how the miscarriage occurs. In the early stages, this is profuse bleeding for several days, but it can be similar to your period.

A miscarriage is always a physical and psychological trauma. Our body is very "smart" and he knows himself whether or not to accept a new life in the womb. So if he thinks that he is not yet ready for the development of the baby or that something is wrong with the health of the parents, then the body tries to “get rid” of “unhealthy organisms”. This means that you need to strengthen the body and treat diseases.

Signals indicating the risk of termination of pregnancy

  1. Allocations. Uterine bleeding is the most dangerous sign of spontaneous abortion. At the beginning, the selection is brown, turning into a bright scarlet color. Depending on when you appear to a specialist, the further life of the fetus depends.
  2. Pain. Be attentive to your body. If pain appears in the back or in the lower abdomen, this is a signal. As soon as you feel that something is wrong go to the doctor before it is too late to take action.
  3. Uterine tone. A bad sign is a strong sensation in the lower abdomen - this is the uterus contracting.

Why does a miscarriage occur?

The first reason is hormonal imbalance

This means that the female body lacks the hormone "progesterone". With the timely intervention of a doctor, the threat can be eliminated. Also, the hormonal problem includes the presence of a large amount of male hormones in the body of the expectant mother.

The second reason is the Rh-conflict

Rh-conflict is when the woman's body perceives the fetus as a foreign body. Why does this happen? If the father's Rh factor is negative, and the mother's is positive, and the fetus has inherited the Rh factor of the father.

The third reason is genetic disorders

75% of cases of loss of a child are genetic disorders of the embryo. Most often, defects are an accident, that is, they depend on environmental factors. For example, viruses, radiation, etc. Therefore, nature itself knows what to do - after all, a sick child with health complications and pathologies can be born.

The fourth reason is infectious diseases

Many different diseases are transmitted sexually that can negatively affect the child. The most dangerous are chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, etc. Herpes and cytomegalovirus account for 20% of early spontaneous miscarriages. In order not to injure your body and psyche with the loss of a child, it is better to be examined and tested in advance. If you have not been examined and treated before pregnancy, then you can do it on time, only as soon as possible, in order to minimize the degree of fetal damage.

The fifth reason is weak immunity and chronic diseases

A miscarriage can be triggered by influenza, hepatitis or rubella viruses. Even the most common runny nose or sore throat at the beginning of the first trimester can interrupt it. But if you are lucky, then the transferred illness can affect the correct course of the entire pregnancy.

The sixth reason is abortion

If a woman has already had an abortion before pregnancy, then a miscarriage is likely to occur. Abortion is a stressful surgical procedure that can interfere with the normal process of carrying a baby.

Seventh Reason - Medicines and Herbs

You need to carefully read the instructions for the drugs, because in the first trimester, drugs can leak into the placenta and negatively affect the fetus. Medicines can cause fetal defects and sometimes miscarriage. Particularly dangerous pills are Postinor. Perhaps at the time of taking such a medicine, the woman was not aware of her current situation.

A pregnant woman should be vigilant in everything: certain types of herbs can negatively affect the normal development of the fetus. These are nettles, St. John's wort and tansy. Even parsley should be eaten carefully - it increases the tone of the uterus.

The eighth reason is stress

It is trite, but from the nerves you can lose a child. For example, the death of a loved one, divorce, or simply "strained" relations in the family or with relatives. If a pregnant woman is stressed, her doctor may prescribe sedatives to help her nervous system. Self-medication is unacceptable.

The ninth reason is physical activity

Strong physical activity is 5% of all spontaneous miscarriages. To avoid complications, it is not recommended to lift objects heavier than 5 kg.

Reason ten - injuries and falls

In life, there can be anything - a car accident or just a fall, for example, on a slippery floor or on an icy road. The fetus is protected from such situations by amniotic fluid, but sometimes the blow is too strong.

Eleventh Reason - Hot Bath

It is rare, but it happens that after taking a hot bath, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs. Therefore, as a warning, do not swim for more than 15 minutes, and the water should not be too hot.

Twelfth Reason - Smoking and Alcohol

Bad habits of a pregnant woman - smoking, abuse of alcoholic and caffeine-containing beverages can lead to serious complications of the normal course of pregnancy.

You should be very careful about your health during pregnancy planning in order to prevent serious consequences. Expectant mothers need to strengthen their bodies and treat all diseases in a timely manner, then the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage will be reduced to zero.

Videos about miscarriages and how to cope with loss

According to statistics, out of 100 pregnancies, 15–20 end in miscarriages. Most often this happens when a woman does not yet know about her situation. But if the expectant mother is already aware that conception has occurred, then a miscarriage becomes a terrible loss for her. Therefore, information regarding miscarriage will be useful both to those who are at the planning stage and to women who are already expecting a baby. Knowing the causes and symptoms of spontaneous abortion in the early stages, you can prevent the threat of losing a child, as well as avoid unpleasant consequences.

What is a spontaneous abortion

Miscarriage (spontaneous or spontaneous abortion) is the rejection of the fetus by the mother's body for reasons beyond her control for up to 28 weeks.

Pregnancy statistics for women in Russia

There are three types of spontaneous abortion (depending on the period at which the miscarriage occurred).

  1. Interruption of biochemical pregnancy (up to 3 weeks). For unknown reasons, the embryo detaches from the walls of the uterus and leaves with blood clots. In most cases, bleeding at these periods is perceived as the onset of menstruation, since a woman does not yet know about her pregnancy.
  2. Early miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion. Termination of pregnancy occurs before the onset of the third trimester.
  3. Premature birth, or late miscarriage. The reasons may be various pathologies of the fetus, circulatory disorders, preeclampsia in the mother, etc. In most cases, with miscarriage in late terms, the child can be saved.

In each period of pregnancy, there are periods during which the threat of miscarriage is most likely. The risk of losing a child is highest in the first month after conception, especially from 14 to 21 days.

In addition, you need to be extremely careful during the following periods: 8-12, 16-20, 28-32 weeks. During these periods, a woman should rest more, avoid stress, listen to her feelings and visit a doctor in a timely manner.

If signs of an incipient miscarriage are found, a woman should immediately seek qualified medical help. Timely measures taken increase the chances of maintaining pregnancy and a successful delivery at the appointed time.

The threat of miscarriage - how to maintain a pregnancy (video)


Miscarriages are classified into several types:

  1. Inevitable (incomplete). He is accompanied by severe pain covering the lower back and lower abdomen. It is accompanied by cervical dilatation and uterine bleeding. A miscarriage is considered inevitable when a fracture of the fetal bladder forms and the internal os of the uterus opens. Incessant pain and discharge are signs of incomplete miscarriage.
  2. Full - spontaneous termination of pregnancy, in which the embryo or fetus is completely expelled from the uterine cavity. After complete cleansing of the organs, pain, spasms and bleeding disappear. Surgery is rarely required.
  3. Failed miscarriage, or missed pregnancy. A dead fetus remains in the uterus, at first there are no symptoms. Most often it is diagnosed at a routine appointment with a gynecologist or ultrasound. Surgical intervention is required.
  4. Repeated miscarriage. Occurs in about one in a hundred couples. When a woman has three pregnancies in a row end in arbitrary termination in the early stages.
  5. Anembryonia. Fertilization and attachment of the egg occurs, during examination, an enlargement of the uterus is observed, a fertilized egg is formed, and other symptoms of pregnancy are also present. But the fetus either does not develop, or dies at the initial stage.
  6. Chorionadenoma. It develops as a result of genetic disorders. In place of the fetal bladder, just a piece of tissue is formed, which gradually increases in size.

With the early diagnosis of these conditions, a woman must undergo an abortion for medical reasons.

Features in the early stages

In most cases, complete or incomplete miscarriages occur in early pregnancy.

  1. With a complete miscarriage, the uterus rejects the fetus completely, along with the waters and the fetal bladder.
  2. In the case of incomplete miscarriage, most often only the embryo is rejected, and the amniotic membranes remain in the uterine cavity. The embryo can come out completely or partially.

In order to avoid the serious consequences of an incomplete miscarriage, a woman is cleansed, and also hemostatic, hormonal, antibacterial drugs that cause uterine contractions are prescribed.

It is imperative that after cleaning, an ultrasound scan should be performed to make sure that there are no blood clots and fetal tissues left, and the uterine mucosa is restored.


The most common causes of miscarriage are genetic abnormalities and fetal malformations that are incompatible with life. That is why some doctors prefer not to maintain a pregnancy until 12 weeks, arguing this by natural selection. In some cases, it is suggested to have an abortion for medical reasons.

If a woman is hospitalized for conservation, then in most cases, doctors manage to prevent miscarriage. In this case, if possible, a complete examination of the fetus is carried out for the presence of genetic abnormalities. And only then a decision is made on the further tactics of pregnancy management or a referral for its termination is issued.

The main causes of early miscarriage are:

  1. Genetic defects:
    • anatomical (congenital and acquired malformations);
    • infectious (chronic endometritis);
    • genetic (structural or quantitative changes in chromosomes);
    • endocrine;
    • thrombophilic;
    • immunological (autoimmune and alloimmune).
  2. Violation of the level of hormones and the performance of the thyroid gland.
  3. Diseases of the reproductive system, sexually transmitted infections.
  4. Viral and infectious diseases (flu, tonsillitis, rubella, chickenpox, toxoplasmosis).
  5. Impaired blood flow between mother and child;
  6. Severe pathologies of the internal organs of the fetus.
  7. Bad habits of the mother (smoking, alcohol, drugs).
  8. Postponed stress, nervous tension.
  9. Physical activity, lifting weights, injuries.
  10. History of abortion, scars on the uterus and abdomen.
  11. Taking medications that are contraindicated in pregnancy.
  12. X-ray radiation.

The causes of early fetal rejection can be attributed to a later period, although in the second and third trimesters, miscarriage is most often provoked by inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity or placenta.

Early signs

The following symptoms signal the threat of miscarriage:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • vaginal bleeding (scarlet or brown discharge, smearing or profuse);
  • convulsions.

In the early stages, pregnancy is not always known, so the symptoms of a miscarriage may well be mistaken for the onset of a new menstruation. It is worth noting that there are also secondary signs of spontaneous abortion that distinguish it from critical days, in particular:

  • vomiting and frequent loose stools;
  • pain in the form of spasms;
  • weight loss;
  • bleeding alternating with mucus;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region.

If you know about pregnancy, and even slight bleeding has begun, you must urgently seek medical help.

There is such a thing as a missed pregnancy or miscarriage. This is the cessation of fetal development and its death for up to 28 weeks. Signs of this condition:

  • lack of toxicosis;
  • decrease in basal temperature;
  • weakness.

In addition, the symptoms of a miscarriage may differ depending on the stage of the miscarriage.

Symptoms depending on the stage of miscarriage (table)

Stage Clinical picture
The state of threat of termination of pregnancy

This stage is accompanied by aching pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. In some cases, spotting spotting appears.

During the second stage of miscarriage, the pain becomes cramping, general weakness and dizziness are present. With each movement, the bleeding intensifies, and clots are present in the discharge.

Miscarriage in progress (or in progress)

Symptoms of a miscarriage in progress are sharp pain that spreads throughout the abdomen and lower back, significant blood loss and release of the ovum from the uterus. In some cases, a woman may see a small gray bubble in the discharge, most often this happens if the fetus died a few days before the development of the main symptoms.

Completed miscarriage (completed abortion)

The bleeding gradually becomes less intense, but spotting discharge may continue for several days.

A timely diagnosis of the threat of miscarriage and the onset of spontaneous abortion (first and second stages) with adequate treatment leave chances for the child to survive. The next stages are irreversible and lead to termination of pregnancy.

Stages of spontaneous miscarriage (image gallery)

Bleeding after a spontaneous abortion can last 4 to 10 days Some time later, the ovum and placenta are expelled from the uterus. The clinical picture of miscarriage: bleeding, accompanied by spasm and pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lumbar region

Spontaneous abortion or menstruation?

It is possible to determine that the pregnancy was terminated, and the next menstruation did not come, by monitoring the level of hCG in the blood and measuring the basal body temperature.

Basal temperature is the lowest body temperature measured immediately after sleep without getting out of bed.


Even a completely healthy woman is not immune to miscarriage. It is not always possible to find genetic mutations, hereditary or chronic diseases, which often manifest themselves precisely during pregnancy.

But you can follow simple rules that will allow you to conceive a healthy child and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. Among them:

  • moderate and healthy eating, weight control;
  • complete rejection of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • taking multivitamins;
  • elimination of stress and overload;
  • frequent and long walks in the fresh air;
  • gymnastics or physical education;
  • good rest;
  • scheduled examinations by a doctor.

After an early miscarriage, a woman should undergo a full examination, treatment and, only with the permission of a doctor, begin planning a new pregnancy.

2 out of 10 pregnancies, according to statistics, end in spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your well-being while carrying a child. If you experience specific symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Timely diagnosis and treatment will preserve your pregnancy and minimize the risks of termination.