How to recognize a fungus on the legs in the initial stage. What does the initial stage of toenail fungus look like?

The initial stage of nail fungus (onychomycosis) proceeds without pronounced symptoms. There are changes in the appearance of the nail plate of an insignificant nature, minimal discomfort is possible, so it is quite difficult to diagnose the disease at this stage. But this must be done, because the sooner the treatment of mycosis begins, the faster it will be possible to get rid of it.

The first signs of nail fungus are already a signal for action

Symptoms: what does nail fungus look like at an early stage

The first signs of mycosis of the nails appear almost immediately after infection. If, after visiting such public places as a pool, sauna, shower in the gym, the beach, the nails have faded, they have begun to itch a little, then this may be.

Healthy nails are practically not susceptible to infection by a fungus. It begins to develop rapidly when it hits only damaged nail plates.

On hands

For the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by Candida fungi (including nail fungus), our readers successfully use an antifungal agent - an effective remedy for foot fungus, unpleasant odor and itching. Peppermint essential oil will give you coolness and eliminate unpleasant odors after a hard day at work. As well as: Get rid of fungus...

In advanced cases, the help of doctors is required

For the treatment of nails at home, folk remedies are used. It is better to combine them with pharmacological drugs of external action.

Folk remedies

There are many folk remedies that will help cure nails affected by a fungus at an early stage. Consider effective, but at the same time simple recipes.

Sometimes regular iodine can help to quickly deal with the fungus.

  1. Iodine - apply 1 drop of iodine 5% daily until the symptoms disappear on the affected nails. The procedure is carried out in the morning and also in the evening. .
  2. Mixed 1 teaspoon of iodine, vinegar, glycerin and diluted with 6 teaspoons of water. Nails are rubbed with the resulting mixture for 10 days in a row. The composition on the nail plate must be left overnight.
  3. Vinegar - prepare a bath by diluting 1 part vinegar 9% with 8 parts warm water. Steam your feet or hands in it for 20 minutes. Carry out 7 procedures every other day. .
  4. Egg ointment - put a raw chicken egg in the shell into a glass and pour 9% vinegar to the top. When the shell dissolves, remove the remaining film and mix the egg with vinegar. Apply the resulting mixture twice a day to the affected areas for 2-3 weeks.

Chicken egg ointment is also quite effective against mycosis of the nails.

  1. - dilute 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide 3% in 2 liters of water. Soar hands or feet, depending on where the fungus is localized, for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure for 7-10 days in a row.
  2. Peroxide compress - soak a cotton swab with peroxide, apply it to nails that show signs of fungus. Before this, hands or feet must be soaked in a soda bath. For its preparation, 1 teaspoon of soda is diluted in 1 liter of water. The compress is wrapped on top with cellophane or cling film and left for 60 minutes. This is necessary so that the peroxide does not evaporate. Repeat the procedure for 10-14 days twice a day.
  3. Propolis tincture - soak a cotton swab in propolis alcohol tincture 20% and apply to the affected areas. Lotion to keep until the composition dries. Repeat daily until recovery. 1-2 procedures are enough per day.
  4. Washing powder - the method is suitable for the treatment of toenails. It is necessary to dissolve 100 g of washing powder, which contains a lot of alkali, in 2 liters of water. Soak your feet in this bath for 15 minutes. Repeat 10-14 treatments until symptoms disappear.
  5. Garlic - cut a peeled clove of garlic, soak in salt, and then rub the nail plate. Repeat twice daily until symptoms disappear.
  6. Ammonia - dilute 1 tablespoon of ammonia in 1 glass of water. The resulting solution is impregnated with cotton fabric. She needs to wrap her legs or arms and leave this compress overnight. Repeat the procedure for 7 days daily.
  7. Onion - chop the onion to the consistency of gruel and apply to the affected nails for 30 minutes. Repeat twice a day until recovery.

Chopped onion will help restore your nails to a healthy look

  1. Mix chamomile, sage mint, you can take dry or fresh herbs. Put the resulting composition in a sock or glove at night. Herbs need to be changed every evening. Repeat the procedure in combination with other recipes until the symptoms of the fungus disappear.
  2. Boric acid - cotton swabs soaked in boric acid are applied to pre-steamed nails. You need to keep the lotion for 30 minutes. The procedure is repeated for 10 consecutive days daily.
  3. and tea tree - mix these funds in equal proportions, soak a gauze bandage with the resulting composition and apply it to the nails for 20 days in a row for 45 minutes. The prescription is contraindicated for pregnant women.
  4. Baking soda - dilute the baking soda with a small amount of water to the consistency of gruel. Apply it to the nails for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water for 10-12 days twice a day.
  5. Apple cider vinegar - dilute it with olive oil. The required proportion is 2 parts vinegar to 1 part oil. Apply the mixture on the affected nail plates until the nail is fully grown.
  6. - apply a couple of drops of oil on the nails until the areas of the nail plate affected by the fungus completely grow back.
  7. Willow - grind 500 g of young willow shoots, pour 2 liters of water, bring to a boil. From the finished broth, three times a week, make baths for hands or feet for 20 minutes until recovery.
  8. Nettle - Steep 3 tablespoons of nettle leaves in 400 ml of water. Soak cotton swabs with this decoction and apply them to the nail plates twice a day until recovery.
  9. Grind rowan leaves and apply a thick layer on the nails, and then wrap with cling film for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily for 12-14 days.

Before using folk remedies, it is necessary to check if there is an individual intolerance to the components of the recipes.

If the treatment of folk remedies does not give the desired result, consult a doctor

More material on softening nails in the elderly, for cutting and for fungus, can be found.

Medical preparations

After it was possible to recognize the type of fungus that affected the nail, the doctor selects medicines that will help destroy it. It is most convenient to treat the initial stage of onychomycosis with topical agents: varnishes, ointments and creams. Consider the most effective drugs.

Varnishes from mycosis

They are effective precisely at stage 1 of mycosis, when no more than 50% of the surface of the nail plate is affected. This tool is conveniently applied and well fixed on the nail, due to which the active substances penetrate deep into the affected nail and are not erased.

The most popular varnishes:

  1. - its active ingredient Cyclopirox is active against 58 species of fungi. Lacquer is applied every other day. If the symptoms have not gone away in 1 month, the number of uses is reduced to 2 times a week. 3 and subsequent months of therapy, the varnish is applied once a week. Side effects of this remedy are hives, itching. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under 10 years of age. Cost - from 2,200 rubles.
  2. - the active ingredient destroys many fungi. Apply to the affected areas of the nail twice a week until they grow back. It is not prescribed for children, pregnant women, and even nursing mothers. The use of this remedy can increase the brittleness of the nails. Price - from 1,300 rubles.
  3. - created on the basis of natural ingredients. The treatment lasts 4 weeks, during which the varnish is applied 2 times a day. Suitable for prevention. Side effects - itching of the skin. The remedy is contraindicated for pregnant women. Price - from 870 rubles.

Lacquer "Mikosan" is one of the most effective remedies against nail fungus

Other antimycotic varnishes -, Cyclopyroxolamine, Demicten, Lorecil, Flamin. → Big .

Antifungal ointments and creams

List of effective drugs:

  1. - cream with Naftifin. Apply 2 times a day until the affected nail grows back, and then continue using for another 2 weeks to consolidate the result. Side effects - itching is possible, which quickly passes. Contraindications - pregnancy, age under 12 years. Cost - from 480 rubles.
  2. - an ointment containing Ketoconazole, which quickly stops the growth of fungi. Apply to affected nails until they grow back twice a day. Side effects are allergies. Contraindications for use - the presence of cracks, damage on the nails. Price - from 250 rubles.
  3. - contains clotrimazole, which kills all types of fungi. The duration of treatment is a month. The cream is applied three times a day every day. Side effects have not been identified. Contraindications - pregnancy. Cost - from 70 rubles.

Clotrimazole - cream for external use 1%

Other effective local agents are Zalain, Nitrofungin, Mifungar, Fundizol,.

Before each application of varnishes, as well as ointments, creams, the nail must be prepared. To do this, it is steamed, after which it is cut off as much as possible. Affected areas should be removed with a nail file. For each nail, you must use an individual tool.

In rare cases, when the disease progresses very quickly, the doctor may prescribe pills. Antimycotic effect is exerted by Itraconazole, Ketoconazole,.


Always follow preventive measures that will eliminate or at least minimize the likelihood of infection with nail fungus.

  1. Do not go barefoot in public showers, swimming pools, saunas. In such establishments, you must always wear your own slippers, which you should not let anyone use.
  2. Wear comfortable shoes made from natural materials. It should not press, rub, bring discomfort, damage the nail plate, the skin around the nail.
  3. Don't wear someone else's shoes. In stores, try on shoes only in your own socks.
  4. For manicures and pedicures, go with your own set of tools, which must be disinfected regularly.
  5. Follow the rules of hygiene. After water procedures, always dry your feet and hands.
  6. Strengthen the immune system, regularly take vitamins, mineral complexes.
  7. When cracks appear on the nails and wounds on the skin around the nail plate, they must be urgently treated.

No one is immune from mycosis. Even if you follow the rules of hygiene and try to exclude the possibility of infection, if you find symptoms typical of a fungus, contact your doctor without delay. The sooner you start treating onychomycosis, the less harm it will do to the body.

Do not self-medicate, only a qualified doctor can prescribe an effective course of therapy. If you try to cure the fungus of the initial stage on your own, the disease can progress.

Onychomycosis or nail fungus is one of the most common and insidious diseases that must be treated so as not to provoke the development of complications. With this disease, the plate of the nail on the hands or feet is affected, and then the nearby area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The affected area has an unattractive appearance and is perceived as a serious aesthetic problem, which can cause many complexes. In addition, as the disease progresses, the body will suffer from toxins that the fungal microflora releases in the course of its life. That is why it is necessary to learn how to identify nail fungus at an early stage.

Nail fungus at the initial stage is almost asymptomatic, this is its main danger. Fungal spores are always present in the environment, they are able to survive on the soil surface even at sub-zero temperatures. But the warm and humid microclimate is especially favorable for them, in which they multiply at an incredible rate.

Such an environment is created in many public places with a large crowd of people (in the sauna, bath, swimming pool, water park, gym). And if a person infected with a fungus appears here, then microscopic skin flakes affected by the fungus remain on the surfaces surrounding him (shower grate, handrails, sports equipment, shoes, etc.). As a result, fungal spores quickly find a new host.

There are many ways to get a fungal infection. Danger lurks everywhere, because everything that the fungus needs to reproduce is in the microscopic scales of the skin and nail, which are spread around by a person with onychomycosis. To do this, just walk barefoot, put on someone else's slippers, use a shared towel, or just hold on to a handrail in public transport.

In this case, the infection takes root most quickly in the body when its defenses are weakened, and there are damages on the skin (abrasions, cracks, calluses). Fans of bath procedures should be aware that wooden benches, floors and other household items made from this natural material are the most dangerous. The fact is that the tree has a porous structure and even thorough disinfection is not able to completely remove the mycelium of the fungus from it.

In order for the fungus to freely penetrate the body and begin its destructive activity, certain conditions are necessary. It is known that fungal infections are more common among the elderly and patients with reduced immunity. In addition, the following provoking factors can contribute to infection:

  • Violation of the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Damage to the skin (abrasions, abrasions, scratches), through which spores of the fungus easily enter the body.
  • Constant contact with water or chemicals and detergents, as a result of which the skin on the fingers becomes dry and easily damaged.
  • Wearing synthetic clothing and tight, uncomfortable shoes made of synthetic materials. Such clothes and shoes do not allow the skin to breathe, cause increased sweating and create a warm and humid environment that is favorable for the reproduction of fungi.
  • Disturbances in the work of the endocrine and immune systems;
  • , obesity, metabolic disorders, pathologies of the digestive tract, venous insufficiency).
  • Taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormonal agents and cytostatics).
  • professional factor. Fungal infections more often affect representatives of professions related to customer service (hairdressers, masseurs, cashiers, workers in baths and saunas).
  • Climatic features of the area. Residents of areas with a hot climate and high humidity are most at risk, as these are ideal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • age factor. Most often, fungal infections of the nails are diagnosed in the elderly and this is due to the fact that with age, the growth of the nail plate slows down and its supply of nutrients worsens.

Numerous studies and inexorable statistics show that every 10 years of life lived increase the risk of contracting a fungal infection by 2 times.

After the spores of the fungus penetrate the skin through the affected areas, the development of infection begins. After the spores of the fungus enter the skin, a certain incubation period passes, which does not last very long. This time is necessary for the fungus to begin active reproduction. The fungus takes root where there is a nutrient medium for it: under the nail plates and on the constantly dying skin of the feet. To date, there are up to 50 varieties of the fungus that can lead to damage to the nail plate, but the main share still falls on the group of dermatomycetes.

The pathological process in onychomycosis is localized not on the nail itself, but under its plate, in the nail bed. As the fungus penetrates deep into the tissues, subungual hyperkeratosis develops, which contributes to the detachment of the nail plate and its slow destruction.

In order to determine the onset of the disease in time, you need to know what the initial stage of nail fungus looks like. After all, without proper and effective treatment of onychomycosis, the disease will constantly progress and can accompany a person throughout his life.

Photo: nail fungus at the initial stage

As a result of the disease, the affected nail will look quite specific, which can be seen in the photo of the initial stage of nail fungus. It thickens, changes color and shape, over time it will not be possible to cut it with ordinary nail scissors.

Depending on the type of fungus, the symptoms of the disease may be different, but there are some signs that are characteristic of all varieties:

The initial stage will pass especially quickly if a person prefers to wear tight and uncomfortable shoes made of dense synthetic material that does not allow air to pass through and prevents ventilation. This promotes sweating and creates a warm and humid environment that is conducive to the development of the fungus.

Most often, nail fungus affects the legs, although sometimes it can be seen on the hands. First, several yellowish cavities form in the structure of the nail, which look like spots and stains. Then the nail plate on the hands becomes thicker and darker. A sick person notices that it becomes difficult for him to cut his nails with ordinary nail scissors, and also to process them with a file or special tweezers.

No need to try to cure nail fungus on your own. Since there are several types of fungus and not all drugs are equally effective for them, it may be that on their own in this case it will turn out to be useless. Therefore, it is worth remembering that at any stage of the disease, medical intervention by specialists is indispensable.

After the initial stage of toenail fungus or handnail fungus is determined, treatment should begin immediately. The optimal therapy regimen and the necessary preparations will be selected by a dermatologist based on the results of the tests.

There are 2 ways to treat nail fungus:

  1. topical antifungal agents;
  2. drugs for oral administration.

Modern local antifungal drugs are good for treating the disease, they are used for external treatment of affected nails.

The doctor may prescribe drugs such as Nogtivit or Nogtimycin. They should be treated nails once a day. Before applying a new layer of therapeutic agent, the legs are steamed in hot water, and the upper, softened layer of the nail is cleaned off with a file. Such preparations are an excellent alternative to surgical intervention, since they allow you to quickly remove the affected nail and contribute to the rapid growth of a healthy one.

They include substances with antiseptic and antifungal effects (essential oils, waxes, acids), as well as urea, which helps dissolve the infected nail plate.

The use of such funds is carried out as follows. Before applying the remedy, the legs are steamed in hot water, and the upper, softened layer of the nail is cleaned off with a file. A thick layer of the drug is applied to the prepared and cleaned nail, avoiding contact with the surrounding healthy skin.

Then the nail is covered with a plaster and left for a certain time (from 1 to 4 days). Then the procedure is repeated in the same order until the affected nail is completely cleared.

As part of the complex treatment of onychomycosis, the specialist will definitely include external remedies for the fungus. These are drugs such as:

  • Nizoral (ointment)
  • Exoderil (cream, solution)
  • Mikozan (lacquer)
  • Batrafen (cream)
  • Mycospor (cream, ointment)

External agents are used according to the instructions. The standard treatment regimen involves the application of drugs to the affected nail 1-2 times a day. Some antifungal varnishes need only be applied once a week. They reliably prevent the spread of infection and contribute to the destruction of the fungus.

Despite the fact that the fungus is located on the nail, you should not think that it has not penetrated through the cuticle and nail roller into the blood. That is why it is necessary to treat onychomycosis not only externally, but also internally.

Oral drugs that have an antifungal effect should be taken only as directed by a doctor. The course of treatment is selected individually for each patient. Most often, antifungal therapy lasts for 4 months, although sometimes the treatment period is shorter. Recently, doctors have begun to use the “pulse therapy” technique, when a patient takes antifungal drugs for a week, and then takes a three-week break.

The pharmaceutical industry admits . They should be selected by an experienced doctor, taking into account possible contraindications. Most oral agents have a toxic effect, therefore, liver and kidney diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding are an absolute contraindication to their use. In children, antifungal agents are used with caution, the specialist calculates the required dosage depending on the age and weight of the child.

The most popular fungus pills are:

  • Fluconazole (Diflucan)
  • Ketoconazole,
  • Itraconazole (Orungal)
  • Terbinafine (Lamisil).

They try to prescribe drugs in tablets only with extensive lesions of the nail plate. At the initial stage of onychomycosis, specialists tend to get by with external means.

According to statistics, the treatment of nail fungus with medications gives 96% of the cure for this disease. But before prescribing any remedy, the doctor must find out from the patient possible contraindications and whether the patient has chronic diseases (problems with the liver, kidneys and intestines).

In addition to the traditional treatment of onychomycosis, doctors can also use additional therapy aimed at ensuring that the initial stage of the nail fungus on the hands and feet does not end with a complication of the disease. Additional therapy measures include those that eliminate the dysfunction of the endocrine system, increase immunity, and improve blood circulation.

In addition, it is useful for patients with a fungal infection to take multivitamin complexes. They must contain zinc, iron, copper, vitamins A, E, B, that is, those substances that accelerate the growth of nails and provide them with good nutrition.

An important aspect of treatment is proper nutrition. The introduction of dietary meat, cottage cheese and eggs into the diet will add proteins and essential amino acids, and fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs will provide vitamins and microelements and strengthen the body's defenses.

Also get acquainted with the modern and very effective drug Stop Active -

For the best effect, in addition to the main course of therapy prescribed by the attending physician, you can use folk remedies.

Folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus are quite effective, but they are best combined with medication prescribed by a doctor. Such complex therapy will allow you to cope with the infection in a short time, restore a healthy appearance to the nails and restore their structure.

Treatment of onychomycosis is considered complete when the nail plate affected by mycosis is completely replaced by a healthy one. This is a long process, however, the course of therapy must be completed to the end, it cannot be interrupted. Laboratory tests should confirm the absence of fungal microflora, which are done twice: two weeks after the end of treatment and one month later.

Only in the case when the result of the tests is negative both times, it can be considered that a complete recovery has come. But even in this case, it is impossible to calm down, in order to prevent possible relapses of the disease and exclude re-infection, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of hygiene and use antifungal agents (varnishes, creams, ointments) for preventive purposes.

When folk remedies are unable to help, then natural-based preparations can be used in the treatment of the fungus at the initial stage. .

The main ways to prevent nail fungus on the hands are:

In order to avoid the appearance of toenail fungus, the following measures must be observed:

  • wear only dry shoes;
  • use socks made from natural materials that provide good air and heat transfer;
  • in public places - swimming pool, sauna, spa, etc. use only your own shoes;
  • do not use other people's pedicure sets.

You should not paint over the affected nails with colored varnish, as this will damage them even more and slow down the recovery.

An effective and properly selected treatment regimen is not everything. It is necessary to thoroughly disinfect all surfaces that the patient has come into contact with - bed linen, clothes, shoes, floors, etc. A person who has had onychomycosis will be more susceptible to this disease.

Since the nail fungus at the initial stage is very contagious, you must carefully follow all the rules of personal hygiene. This will help prevent the transmission of infection and protect other people from infecting others. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene in the case when the family has small children and elderly relatives.

Compliance with all medical prescriptions will allow you to quickly and effectively cure the initial stage of nail fungus and prevent it from moving into an advanced stage.

What it is? Fungus of the nails on the hands, scientifically onychomycosis, is an infectious disease that occurs when the skin and nails become infected with a fungal microflora (see photo). About 50 species of fungi are known to cause the disease.

Fungal infection of the nails is the most common dermatological disease. It is believed that the true number of infected is 10-20% of the total population of the Earth, although only 2-14% have been diagnosed.

Especially often the disease develops in persons of the older age group, in whom there is a physiological decrease in the body's resistance.

In Russia, up to 15 million people suffer from onychomycosis. More often affected and. Infection of the nails on the hands is less common and can occur as a primary disease, for example, when infection is introduced during a manicure, and secondarily, when the fungus spreads from infected toenails.

This option is most often observed in older people, due to untimely treatment of foot fungus. "Family" infection with a fungus is very common, it is observed in 88% of cases.

The high prevalence of onychomycosis among members of the same family is associated with non-compliance with hygiene measures, for example, using 1 towel, washcloth, etc. for the whole family. Normally, each family member should have individual hygiene products.

The cause and culprit of onychomycosis of the hands are:

  • yeast fungi of the genus Candida (in most cases);
  • dermatophytes are anthropophilic trichophytons.

Symptoms of nail fungus on the hands, photo

nail fungus on the hands, photo - the initial stage may manifest as a weakening of the nails

Any type of nail fungus on the hands has 3 main symptoms:

  1. Changing the color of the nail plate;
  2. Thickening of the nail plate;
  3. Destruction of the nail in the form of corroded contours and other manifestations.

Changes in the nails can begin from the edge of the nail plate, or from its base. It depends on the type of microorganism that caused the disease, i.e. whether we are talking about candidal or dermatophycotic infection.

The fungus under the nails on the hands is observed with the proximal subungual form, which is caused by fungi of the genus Candida albicans (Candida albicans). This form affects mainly women and usually affects the right hand, which is associated with its functional purpose.

The proximal form of nail fungus on the hands in the initial stage is characterized by the fact that the pathological process begins from the root, the base of the nail.

In response to the penetration of the pathogen in the posterior or lateral nail fold, inflammation occurs - paronychia. At the same time, the nail roller swells, thickens, and redness appears. Scales of a gray-silvery color appear along the edge. When probing, the roller is painful, and when pressed on it, a drop of pus may appear.

  • However, purulent exudate is not specific for fungal infection. It appears only when bacterial pyogenic microflora is attached against the background of local weakening of immunity.

When the process passes to the nail, deformations appear in the crescent region. Then its color changes: white or yellow spots form in the thickness of the nail at the root. Onycholysis gradually develops - the nail lags behind its bed and loses transparency, so it can fall off on its own.

What does nail fungus look like when affected by dermatophytes? When infected with anthropophilic trichophytons, nail damage is observed, as a rule, in combination with damage to the scalp, as well as smooth skin. More often, nail damage begins on the hands, later the toenails may change.

Nail changes begin at the edge of the plate and from its sides with the appearance of gray stripes or spots, thickening of the nail plate, and the appearance of grooves on it. Also, a whitish spot may form in the center of the nail, which, when enlarged, occupies the entire plate. Nails fade, eventually begin to deform and crumble.

Thus, it is possible to avoid the negative consequences associated with fungal infection of the nails. However, for this it is necessary to seek medical help in a timely manner, i.e. before the development of complications.

From this position, the appearance of white spots and stripes on the nail plates are the signs when you need to visit a doctor (dermatologist or trichophytologist).

Prior to the start of therapy, a detailed examination of the patient is carried out using additional diagnostic techniques. If they detect nail fungus on the hands, treatment is started with topical preparations.

This type of therapy is acceptable when there is a limited lesion of single nails, with a superficial and initial form. A limited lesion is defined if no more than 3 nails are involved in the pathological process, and each nail plate has no more than 50% damage to its surface. In other cases, systemic therapy is indicated.

Topical treatment uses an approach in which the affected nail is softened and removed, followed by the application of an antifungal agent, or medicated varnishes are used.

  • Cleaning and treatment with the Mycospor kit.

The kit includes an ointment containing the antifungal drug bifonazole and urea. These drugs help soften the nail plate.

The ointment is applied to the affected nail, closed with a patch and left for 24 hours. Then, after dipping your hands in warm water for 10 minutes, the softened part of the nail is cleaned with a special scraper included in the kit.

After that, the ointment is applied again and the nail is covered with a plaster. This procedure is carried out daily until the infected plate is completely removed - the nail should not exfoliate from the bed, and the nail bed should become smooth.

This usually takes 1 to 2 weeks. Further treatment of nail fungus on the hands consists in daily application of a cream or Mycospor solution for 2-3 weeks.

Also, after removing the affected part of the nail, it is possible to apply a solution of amorolfine (contains ciplopirox), creams, ointments or sprays: Exoderil, Termikon, Terbinafine, Lamisil, Nizoral.

This information is for reference only, so you should always consult your doctor. Only a specialist can choose the most optimal drug, taking into account the spectrum of antifungal action and the pharmacological sensitivity of these microorganisms.

  • Therapeutic varnishes are applied according to the scheme until the healthy nail grows completely, but not more than six months.

Before the first application, it is necessary to remove the maximum possible area of ​​the affected nail with scissors or nail clippers. This will be a mechanical way to get rid of pathogenic fungi.

It is necessary to clean the nail plate from previous layers of varnish no more than once a week, with any nail polish remover. This is due to the fact that the active components of therapeutic varnishes have their effect within 1 week. Then they are inactivated, so reapplication is required.

Most often, varnishes such as Batrafen, Lotseril, Mikoderil, Demikten are used. They are sold through the pharmacy network without a prescription. As the only treatment for onychomycosis, this method has conflicting data regarding efficacy and associated cure rate (9-50%). Therefore, combination therapy is required.

If the fungus on the hands is not treatable with local remedies or has caused it to spread from the legs, and there are also significant changes in the nail, a full-fledged complex treatment is necessary, in which local therapy is supplemented by taking an antimycotic drug inside, i.e. local therapy is combined with systemic.

Most Effective are drugs of the following groups:

  • Introconazole (Orungal). It is used for any type of onychomycosis. It is prescribed in the "pulse therapy" mode: for diseases of the hands - 2 times a day for 1 week, a break of 3 weeks, repeating the cycle 1 time;
  • (Diflucan), effective in onychomycosis caused by yeast fungi. When the nails on the hands are affected, it is prescribed 1 time per week for 6 weeks;
  • Terbinafine (Lamisil, Exifin). They are mainly effective and are used for dermatophytosis. They are prescribed for hand nail fungus 1 time per day for 6 weeks.

Rotating its circles, the specialist compares what form of the lesion is (taking into account the symptoms), the length of the pathological process and the degree of hyperkeratosis present, in combination with the patient's age.

As a result, it receives a certain value in points, which was previously derived by researchers empirically using mathematical formulas. KIOTOS is a universal system for accepting therapeutic treatment for onychomycosis.

It should be noted that antimycotic drugs are toxic and contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys, liver, and pregnant women. Therefore, they should be prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis and assessment of the pros and cons.

It is difficult, and often impossible, to cure nail fungus on the hands exclusively with folk remedies. However, they can be used in combination with pharmacological drugs, as well as when there are contraindications to taking antimycotics.

The algorithm for treating a fungus with folk remedies is the same as with traditional therapy: first you need to remove the affected part of the nail, and then apply the remedy.

Some folk remedies that can be used for nail fungus are listed in this list:

  • Hydrogen peroxide - applied to a small part of a cotton pad, the size of a fingernail, applied to the lesion and fixed. The exposure time is 10-15 minutes. The procedure is carried out 1 time per day for 1-3 months. Peroxide as an active oxidizing agent has a detrimental effect on mycelium and fungal spores;
  • Acetic acid - first make therapeutic baths, diluting 9% vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 8, immerse the nails in the solution for 5 minutes. Baths are produced 1 time in two days, the course is 7 baths. Then the following mixture is applied: 70% vinegar (1 tsp), sunflower oil (1 tsp), 1 chicken egg and dimethyphthalate (1 tsp). After application, the nails are wrapped with cling film and put on gloves, leave for several hours. The course consists of 4 procedures;
  • Propolis - mix 1 tsp. with 100 ml of ethyl alcohol, applied to pre-steamed and treated nails and as much as possible under the nail plate in places of destruction, wrapped, left for several hours. Course 3 procedures;
  • Tar soap - cover the affected nail and roller with this soap, then immerse your hands in salt, wrap your fingers with foil and put on gloves or mittens, leave overnight. You can use this remedy until a complete cure;
  • Coffee - in strong coffee, cooled to room temperature, lower your fingers for 5 minutes. This bath well removes itching and makes the skin smooth. After the procedure, the application of an antifungal cream gives a good effect.

Ideally, folk remedies should be considered as an adjunct to conventional therapy. They help to enhance the effect of antifungal drugs and achieve a speedy cure and eradication (destruction) of fungi.

Prevention of fungal infections of the hands

To prevent fungal infection of the nail plates on the hands and feet, certain preventive rules should be followed. They are quite simple and effective if performed regularly.

These include:

  1. Moderate hand hygiene, to preserve the protective lipid layer of the skin, which provides natural antifungal protection;
  2. Monitoring the condition of nails with frequent visits to nail salons. For preventive purposes, after a manicure, you can treat your nails with an antimycotic cream. However, you should not get carried away with it often, because. it breaks the natural protective layer. It is better to visit a proven nail salon, where due attention is paid to instrument processing measures;
  3. Prevention of family infection consists in the timely detection and treatment of fungus, especially foot fungus in the elderly, as well as the use of individual towels, nail scissors and other personal hygiene products;
  4. Prevention of re-infection is carried out by treating the patient's gloves, disinfecting nail files, washcloths, and towels. The latter should preferably be washed at high temperatures and ironed if possible.

Infection with pathogenic fungi occurs by contact, as well as when hygiene is not observed. Onychomycosis (fungus of the nail plate) is most often infected when using shared shoes at home, in gyms and other places with high humidity and temperature. The initial stage of toenail fungus has certain signs. Knowing them, it is possible to avoid the transition of pathology to another stage of development.

The clinical picture of onychomycosis in the initial stage

In order to take timely action, you need to know what a fungal infection looks like at the beginning of its development. The initial manifestation of onychomycosis is a change in the shade of the nail plate. The pink nail becomes dull, becomes dull, yellow. Most often, stop, but in practice, all nail plates are often infected with onychomycosis.

A photo of the initial stage of toenail fungus is presented below. Yellow foci of various sizes are clearly visible in the thickness of the plate. Hyperkeratosis (keratinization of the subungual bed) is also present. The affected area becomes loose, crumbles and exfoliates. Falling scales are contagious. The nail, despite the process of destruction, thickens. A crack forms between the fingers, an intolerable itching occurs.

An unpleasant smell from the limbs occurs due to the gap between the bed and the nail. It is clogged with the waste products of the fungus, dirt and dead skin. Accumulations give the nail plate an uncharacteristic color for it. It can be green, brown, gray and yellow.

Dermatologists, focusing on the changes that occur with the affected area, determine the type of disease.

  • For a normotrophic fungus, the appearance of stripes and spots is characteristic. The plate turns yellow, but retains its inherent thickness and luster;
  • The hypertrophic type of onychomycosis is characterized by the destruction of the nail plate on the sides. This causes discomfort when wearing uncomfortable shoes. Also, the nail is deformed, noticeably thickens, changes color;
  • Atrophic fungus of the toenails begins with the appearance of dull gray lesions. The nail is thinning. In the affected area, areas with rejection or detachment of the plate are clearly visible.

Depending on the localization of the fungus, the disease is classified into types:

  • Total - complete defeat of the plate;
  • Lateral - the infection captures the sides;
  • Proximal - the posterior roller becomes infected;
  • Superficial - affects the upper part of the nail;
  • Distal - the fungus captures the free edges.


Nail fungus at the initial stage has no specific symptoms. Manifestations of the disease only indicate the presence of infection. The cause of the disease can be known only after a specialist research. To select an adequate therapy, a dermatologist differentiates onychomycosis from keratoderma, psoriasis, lichen planus and other diseases that provoke malnutrition of the nail plate.

How fungus develops

Nail fungus at the initial stage is extremely difficult to detect on its own. If timely measures are not taken to treat it, the infection will spread rapidly, affecting healthy cells. Over time, the following processes will begin:

  • The first stage of the disease can only be detected by a dermatologist with the help of special equipment. The specialist identifies small pale spots. With ordinary visual inspection, they are not distinguishable;
  • After some time, the fungus progresses. Previously invisible stripes and spots increase in size. The color of the nail plate changes, the shine disappears, a yellowish tint appears. If treatment is not started at this stage, the fungus will destroy the nail;
  • At the last stage of the development of pathology, the nail plate is completely destroyed. Around it, the skin becomes red, begins to peel off. The nail exfoliates, thickens, changes color. Due to the vital activity of fungi, an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the feet.


Only timely diagnosis makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of complications. With advanced onychomycosis, the development of conditions such as aspergillosis, fungal infection of organs and skin, and mycotic eczema is possible.

Medical treatment of onychomycosis

The specialist prescribes treatment in the initial stage of nail fungus after taking into account some factors:

  • The degree of change of the plate;
  • Stages of hyperkeratosis;
  • area of ​​damage;
  • Clinical form of pathology.

At the beginning of the development of the disease, the dermatologist prescribes local remedies. These include ointment, varnish, solution, antimycotic cream (antifungal). It is recommended to apply them after treating the infected nail. Preparatory actions improve the access of drugs to the inside of the plate, thereby accelerating the therapy of the fungus.

To soften the nail, you can use patches containing urea or salicylic acid:

  • Ureaplast;
  • Onychoplast;
  • Mycospor.
  1. Using a nail file, carefully process the nail plate;
  2. Apply an antifungal agent;
  3. Glue the nail with a plaster;
  4. Delete it in a day;
  5. Apply an anti-fungal remedy prescribed by a dermatologist.

The specialist most often prescribes only medicines for external use:

  • Mifungar;
  • Batrafen;
  • Mycosan;
  • Candide-B;
  • Dermozolon;
  • Pimafukort;
  • Loceryl;
  • Exoderil;
  • Lorinden S;
  • Nihlogin;
  • Lamisil;
  • Triderm.


Antifungal systemic agents for onychomycosis in the initial stage of development are not used.

Folk methods

Against a fungal infection at an early stage of development, unconventional agents can be used. The following are considered the most effective:

  • Every day in the morning and at bedtime, until the symptoms disappear completely, apply a drop of iodine on the nail plates affected by the fungus;
  • Mix 3 tablespoons of water with a teaspoon of glycerin, vinegar and iodine. Composition to treat nails for 10 days;

  • Mix vinegar 9% with water in a ratio of 1 to 8. Immerse your feet in the resulting liquid for 20 minutes. The procedures are repeated every other day. There should be 7-10 of them in total;
  • Put a raw egg in a container and pour 9% vinegar. After the shell is completely dissolved, remove the remaining film, mix the vinegar with the egg. Treat fungus-infected nails with a solution twice a day for 3 weeks;
  • Dissolve 4 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide in 2 liters of water. Lower the feet into the container, keep them for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days;
  • Soak a cotton swab in peroxide, apply it to the nail affected by the fungal infection. Before the procedure, the legs should be steamed in a soda bath. From above, the compress is wrapped with cellophane. You need to keep it for an hour. The therapy lasts 2 weeks;

  • Soak a cotton pad in 20% alcohol tincture of propolis, apply to the infected nail. Keep the compress until completely dry. The procedure is carried out twice a day. Continue treatment until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely;
  • Peel a clove of garlic, cut it in half. Dip in salt and carefully rub the nail with it. Do the procedures twice a day until the signs of the fungus disappear completely;
  • Add 2 teaspoons of ammonia to a glass of water. Soak a cotton pad in the solution, apply it on the nails affected by the fungus, leave overnight. The course of therapy - 7 days;
  • Thoroughly chop the onion until a slurry is formed. Apply the product to the infected nail plates for half an hour. Treatment should be carried out daily until complete recovery;

  • Grind in equal proportions mint, sage and chamomile. Pour medicinal plants into a sock and wear it at night. Herbs should be changed daily for fresh ones. The tool is used as an adjunct to other methods;
  • Take equal amounts of tea tree oil and celandine. Soak a cotton pad with them, place it on the infected nail for 45 minutes. The course of treatment is 20 days. The tool is not permissible to use during pregnancy;
  • Boil 6 teaspoons of nettle leaves in 500 ml of water. Moisten cotton wool in the decoction, place it on the nail plates with onychomycosis. Continue treatment until the symptoms disappear completely.

All folk remedies can be used only after consultation with a dermatologist. Many of them can provoke allergic reactions. It is easier to cure onychomycosis by combining non-traditional remedies with drugs.

At the initial stage, toenail fungus looks like almost imperceptible grooves or white spots. Often a person learns about the presence of a fungal infection only during a visit to a dermatologist. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to recognize the disease during this period on its own. If therapy is started on time, the disease is quickly cured.

It is believed that nail fungus is a secondary infection. Initially, the skin of the feet or hands is affected.
The likelihood of infection is influenced by climatic conditions, age, gender, concomitant diseases, and even profession.


Fungal infection most often develops in conditions of heat and humidity. This is facilitated by the tropical and subtropical climate. But it is also quite common in temperate and cold climates. This is due to the need to wear warm shoes, which creates the same conditions of high temperature and humidity.


Most often, nail fungus occurs in adults and the elderly. Recently, there have been cases of diseases in children and adolescents. It is believed that every 10 years the risk of contracting onychomycosis increases by 2.5 times. Contributing factors are a decrease in the rate of nail growth, malnutrition of the nail bed, and vascular disorders that appear with age.


Men suffer from nail fungus, especially on the legs, 1.5-3 times more often than women. But, oddly enough, women are more likely to go to the doctor for help.

Accompanying illnesses

The most common factors predisposing to the occurrence of onychomycosis are circulatory disorders in peripheral vessels, obesity, deformities of the feet, immunodeficiency states and diabetes mellitus. With diabetes, the likelihood of the disease increases to 30%. Certain medications, such as corticosteroids, antibiotics, and anticancer drugs, are also affected.


It has been noticed that residents of megacities with developed industry are more likely to be prone to fungal nail infections than residents of rural areas. Miners, workers in the metallurgical industry, and NPP technicians suffer the most by occupation. Hundred is associated with factors such as dust, ionizing radiation, gas contamination, elevated temperature, etc. Also at risk are bathhouse workers, massage therapists, laundry workers, service personnel of medical institutions, the military and athletes.
If you do not belong to these professional groups, it does not mean that you are protected from nail fungus. Visiting swimming pools, baths and saunas, public showers, massage rooms also puts you at risk.

Nail fungus symptoms

Modern foreign and Russian dermatologists use the following classification of the disease:

You should not wait for the manifestation of all signs of a fungal infection of the nail, and especially its final stages. If you find similar signs in yourself, then this is an occasion to consult a specialist.


In addition to external signs of nail fungus, the doctor will also consider laboratory data from scraping the affected tissues. Microscopic examination will be carried out in the laboratory to identify the pathogen. Then a sowing will be done to more accurately determine which type of fungus was the cause of the disease.

Nail fungus treatment

Fungal infection is very persistent, it is necessary to take its treatment very seriously. After all, this is not just a cosmetic defect, but a disease.
Currently, there is a huge amount of advertising of antifungal drugs in the media. Basically, they are all external (ointments, gels, solutions).

Be skeptical of advertising slogans about a quick and absolute cure, since these remedies do not completely cure nail fungus. They only provide symptomatic relief. Therefore, the most relevant and effective is a systematic approach to this problem.

Not only external, but also internal means (tablets) are used. Such complex treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor.
According to recent data, the most effective are products containing terbinafine and itraconazole. The treatment is long. The course of drugs can take from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. The result will be visible when a healthy nail fully grows. This takes several months. Among other things, antifungal drugs have contraindications.

Be sure to consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Be healthy!