How to stretch shoes at home. Shoe stretcher and hair dryer. Give preference to natural materials

Sometimes I buy new shoes because I think they fit perfectly. But at the very first wear, I realize with horror - it rubs or presses. So that this does not become a reason for a return, I want to tell you how to stretch shoes at home in several proven ways.

Proven Methods

First you need to accept - you can stretch shoes only in width. With resting fingers in the toe area, it is almost impossible to fight. Most likely it's all about the seams or the wrong size. But if the shoes press on the sides, there are options for stretching it.

Method 1. Army

The most simple and repeatedly tested can be called the army method. What do we have to do:

  1. Soak socks in warm water and squeeze until wet;
  2. Then put wet socks on your feet., and on top of them are shoes that rub or press;

  1. Keep your shoes on for at least an hour, and even better, wait for them to dry completely;
  2. Next tamp inside several newspapers;

  1. Swap wet newspapers for dry ones, as they get wet;
  2. When the shoes are dry, try them on.

Method 2. Chemical

You can use a special store tool - stretcher for shoes. It is most commonly sold as a spray or foam. It is easy to apply - you just need to spray it inside tight shoes and leave it for a while. Then remove the remnants of the substance with a dry cloth and walk a little in boots.

The only caveat - be sure to test on an inconspicuous area. Due to exposure to chemicals, light-colored material may change color, so be careful.

Method 3. Hot

I will tell you how to increase the size of shoes with a hair dryer. It's simple:

  1. We put on clean thick socks;
  2. Then a tight pair of shoes;
  3. Gradually warm up problem areas with a hairdryer;
  4. Take off your socks and try them on. If it becomes freer - good, if not - repeat the procedure from the beginning.

Do not turn on the hair dryer at maximum power, due to too hot air, the surface of the material from which the shoes are made may deteriorate.

Method 4. Ice

Image Sequencing

Step 1

Pour water into two bags and tie it tightly.

Step 2

Place the bags in the boots as shown in the photo. They should be as close to the nose as possible.

At this point, be sure to check that the packages are intact.

Step 3

Send the resulting design to the freezer for 5-10 hours.

Step 4

Remove the frozen shoes from the chamber and leave at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.

Step 5

Take out the bags and try on the boots.

Method 5. Professional

Professional repairmen know how to widen shoes without ruining them. Order a stretching service. Its price is acceptable, and the effect is very high.

Method 6. Groats

There is a more extravagant way to expand the shoes with your own hands. For example, use oatmeal or bran.

  1. We take a pair of shoes.
  2. We fill it with oatmeal.
  3. Fill the oatmeal with water.
  4. After some time, the oatmeal will absorb moisture, swell and stretch the shoes a little.

Method 7. Socks

Probably the oldest and most proven way is the usual shoe-breaking. All that is needed is to seal the “dangerous” places on the foot with a band-aid, put on thick socks and do not take off your shoes for 4-5 hours. At the same time, you need to constantly move so that the shoes take the desired shape and increase in size.


With a probability of 100%, at least one of the proposed methods will be able to increase the size of shoes at home. The video in this article will reveal the secrets of stretching visually. If something is not clear - contact the comments.

Hello everyone. Many are familiar with the torment with new shoes. The best ways to stretch your shoes a size up can be found in this article.

Special funds

At the store, you decided that the shoes were just your size, but at home you could hardly put on a new pair? There is no need to despair, there are excellent folk ways that will help to “plant” any shoes on the leg.

You can solve this problem in the workshop. They have special pads that will cope with any trouble. But we still need to get to the workshop, so we will try to solve this problem on our own.

Purchase special stretching products from the store, such as Salamander, Oke, Twist, Kiwi or Silver. They will help soften a little tight leather shoes.

  1. Apply generously to the problem areas of the product from the inside and outside (for suede or patent only from the inside), then put on the shoes on terry socks.
  2. March in them for about 1 hour, until the foam or spray is completely dry. Sometimes this procedure has to be repeated two or three times.

Home and folk remedies

Many generations have dealt with shoe trouble at home. Well softens leather shoes vodka, alcohol or cologne.

  • Dilute the alcohol-containing liquid with water in a ratio of 1:1.
  • Wet the new pair generously on all sides.
  • Put on socks.
  • Walk around the house for an hour or two.
  • Alcohol-containing liquid can be "soaked" a size larger.

Carefully! Unstable ink on a colored product may deteriorate. Rub with a cotton swab in alcohol on the most inconspicuous area, see if the paint remains on the cotton swab.

If the shoes that have already been worn have become small, then they can be softened with petroleum jelly, castor oil or vegetable oil. Process it in the way you already know and spread it. If the oil is not absorbed, then after an hour remove it with a cotton pad. This technique is also suitable for leatherette products.

So that the shoes do not squeeze your fingers, coat them from the inside with 3% vinegar. Then spray any shoe stretcher on the outside. Does the strong smell of vinegar scare you? It will fade away so quickly that it won't even get you in trouble.

Most often the heel or toe. Take an ordinary white candle, rub the problem area in the evening, leave until the morning. Remove paraffin in the morning. If the heel is rubbed, then treat the heel first with alcohol, put on socks, walk until the alcohol evaporates, then wipe it with soap or a candle.

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Newspapers are not just for reading

The most popular folk method of stretching new clothes in width is raw newspapers. It is especially suitable for processing fabrics, as well as leatherette products that are not afraid of moisture.

  1. First, dampen the new thing well.
  2. Then stuff it tightly with crumpled newspaper.
  3. Leave it to dry.
  4. Every 3-4 hours, be sure to remove newspapers that have been soaked with moisture, otherwise the shoes may change their shape.
  5. Change newspapers until the pair is completely dry.
  6. Dry your shoes naturally, out of direct sunlight, away from heating. Exclude drying on the battery.

To expand a too narrow pair in this way, hold it over a pot of boiling water for 10-15 minutes so that the steam reaches “to the inside”, then stuff it with newspaper. In this way, you can break tight shoes in the rise.

This method is too aggressive, so don't risk expensive boots, choose a more forgiving technique.

Stretching winter boots and boots

A winter pair can be stretched in the freezer, and in cold weather - on the balcony. In the evening, place a plastic bag in the boot, fill it with water, leave it until morning. It is better to fill in 2 bags for each instance, while the lower bags must be tied, and let the upper ones remain open.

The water in the bags will fill the shoe from toe to heel, and as it freezes, it will slowly expand and stretch the shoe, both in width and length.

In the morning, wait for the ice to melt, remove the bags. The method is effective, but it should not be used for expensive new clothes, as well as for summer shoes. The sole may crack.

A leather pair can be "brought to mind" with hot air.

  1. Heat the product with a hair dryer for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Immediately lubricate the pair with shoe stretcher.
  3. Put on a terry sock.
  4. After cooling, repeat the procedure again.
  5. Do this procedure so many times until the new thing becomes larger.

Application of laundry soap

Can you stretch your boots with ? It turns out you can! In order to “plant” artificial skin on the leg, it is necessary to apply a soap solution. It softens artificial material well:

  • Grate the soap.
  • Moisten with water until a paste is obtained.
  • Apply the paste internally to the problem areas in the shoes.
  • Leave for five to six hours.
  • Remove the paste with a damp sponge.
  • Put on socks.
  • Wear until completely dry.

Advice. Salton promo aerosol works well on artificial skin.

Steam bath for suede

If a beautiful new suede thing is very tight, then arrange a steam bath for it as follows:

  • Place a damp cotton cloth inside the pair.
  • Pour 1.5 liters of purified water into a wide saucepan, bring to a boil.
  • Place a colander on top of the container.
  • Place your suede shoes in a colander with the soles up.
  • Hold for no more than 2 minutes.
  • Remove the rag, walk around in shoes.

Can rubber shoes be stretched? If you bought rubber boots, but made a mistake with the size, then it is best to ask for an exchange for another pair, because they cannot be stretched.

How to stretch baby shoes

Children's shoes are stretched in the same way as adults. The problem is that not all methods are good for children. But the most ancient way will help you out.

Wet woolen socks in warm water, put on the child's feet, and then put on sneakers or boots. Let the child walk in them for 2 hours, a positive result will not keep you waiting. If that doesn't help, then the shoes are too tight and don't fit your child.

Dear friends, tight boots are not a reason to be upset. Choose the way and wear the most comfortable shoes.


The shape of the foot and people are not the same. Experts say that even in the same person, the left leg is slightly different from the right. Therefore, there is no block on which it will be possible to make a pair of shoes that will ideally fit on the foot of each person.

In this regard, almost every one of us from time to time is faced with the fact that new shoes or boots are crushing and squeezing, causing serious inconvenience.

Constant fatigue, calluses and corns accompany wearing an uncomfortable pair of shoes. However, is it worth enduring pain and discomfort if the shoes can be stretched? This will help you professional and folk methods.

The easiest and most reliable way to give a shoe pair the most comfortable shape is to give it to a shoe studio for stretching.

Many workshops today have equipment that allows you to stretch shoes in width in the foot or in the shaft, including locally, which is required if a person has protruding areas on the foot. Moreover, even an uncomfortable rise can be corrected.

The only thing that the workshop will not undertake is stretching the shoes in length, since in this case the size is determined by the fastening seams. You can only increase the width of the shoes or stretch the heel.

The shoe stretcher uses special equipment, including a set of shoes, adjustable in width with screws and with the ability to attach small nozzles to them, imitating bulges on one or another part of the foot. For this reason, the result lives up to expectations, and the shoes themselves do not deteriorate, even if they are made of thin leather.

If for some reason you are not able to take the shoes to the workshop to correct their size, then you can try to make them more comfortable yourself.

So, through the Internet, you can order lasts similar to those used in workshops, and buy sprays or foams in a shoe store specifically designed to fit shoes to your foot.

  • BAMA (Germany).

The spray can be used to stretch any materials, including synthetic ones. A bottle with a capacity of 75 ml costs around 500 rubles.

  • Oke is a shoe stretcher from the French brand SAPFIR.

It gives elasticity to all types of leather, makes them soft, thereby facilitating the introduction of shoes and fitting them to the foot. The price depends on the volume of the bottle. A 150-milliliter one will cost more profitably, as it costs only one and a half times more than a 50-milliliter one. This is about 650 rubles.

  • Stretch from COLLONIL (Germany).

The aerosol is designed for stretching leather shoes. The manufacturer promises the absence of such negative ones at 550 rubles.

  • Shoe Stretch from SOLITAIRE (Germany).

A 50 ml bottle costs from 450 rubles. Only suitable for genuine leather products. It acts gently, so it will not even spoil dress shoes.

  • Stretch NIKI LINE (Germany).

A quality product at a relatively low price - 450 rubles per 100 ml. Suitable for any type of skin, after its application there are no stains and streaks. True, it is not always available in the domestic distribution network.


The spray softens the skin, maintains its ability to stretch under the influence of heat emanating from the foot. Available in the form of a spray. A 75 ml bottle costs about 600 rubles.

  • Duke Stretch (Germany).

The foam is suitable for stretching shoes made of regular leather, as well as suede and patent leather. On the bottle there is an instruction on how to use the product in each case, so as not to spoil the shoes or boots. For a bottle with a capacity of 100 ml, you will have to pay relatively little - about 400 rubles.

  • SHOE STRETCH SALAMANDER Professional (Germany).

One of the cheapest stretchers on the domestic shoe market: a 125-ml bottle costs no more than 400 rubles, you can even find it cheaper. With it, you can easily stretch shoes from any type of leather.

  • TARRSGO Shoe Stretch (Spain).

Suitable for different types of leather, but when stretching patent leather shoes, it requires special precautions, the use of additional products to soften the varnish layer. It is cheaper than other imported stretchers: an aerosol bottle with a capacity of 100 ml can be purchased for 250-300 rubles.

  • COMPLEX COMFORT SALTON Professional (Russia).

The manufacturer warns about the risk of discoloration of the skin, damage to the lacquer coating. However, the price of the product is attractive: 250 rubles for a 100-ml bottle.

  • Stretch foam TWIST Fashion (Russia).

Not suitable for lacquered products, for other types of leather it can be used without the risk of damaging the shoes. The cheapest stretcher: a 100 ml bottle costs about 230 rubles.

When using any of the means from the presented list, it is not necessary to use a special block. They are designed not only for stretching, but also for a softer and more comfortable fit of tight shoes.

Folk methods for stretching shoes at home

If you do not want to spend money on the purchase of special professional products or the services of a master in a shoe studio, you can try to stretch your shoes at home using folk remedies that have been tested by more than one generation.

frozen water

All that is required is tight bags, water and a working freezer. Pour water into the bags without filling them completely. Then they should be tightly tied so that the water does not spill out. After that, water bags are put into the shoes and take their shape. It remains to put a pair of shoes in the freezer overnight.

Ice takes up more space than water and will push against the inside of the shoes. After removing the shoes from the freezer, you should wait until the ice thaws slightly, then remove the bags.

For fragile shoes made of thin leather, this method should not be used - ice can tear it. Patent leather shoes will crack from frost, so this method is definitely not for them.

Socks will help increase the width of the shoe

There are two options for breaking in shoes with socks. One of them is called the army one, as it is quite painful and suitable only for the strong in spirit: he suggests putting on boots or shoes with wet socks until the shoes are broken.

The second method is more gentle, but also harsh. It involves wearing tight shoes at home with thick woolen socks. But shoes suffer minimally when worn out, and the chances that they will sit exactly on the foot are quite high.

Hot way: hair dryer

Uncomfortable shoes are put on socks, strongly bent at the sole and blown with hot air from a hair dryer, after which it is recommended to walk a little without taking off your shoes. If necessary, the procedure is repeated many times, increasing the thickness of the socks.

Skin oils

Castor oil and petroleum jelly work in much the same way as professional stretchers - soften the skin. If you lubricate the shoes with them from the inside (or even from the outside, if the material allows it), and then try to break them in, the result will be obvious.

Any other oil can be used instead of castor oil, although it is believed that it softens the skin better than others. But not everyone likes the smell of castor oil, this should also be taken into account.

Alcohol and vinegar to increase size

Treating the inside of shoes with cologne often has the same effect as using professional aerosols. You can also apply alcohol to a cotton pad and moisten problem areas.

Vinegar should also be applied locally and more carefully, as it is more aggressive. An even greater result can be achieved if you wear shoes on socks moistened with alcohol.


They rub exactly those areas where the shoes press the most. If you do this every time before putting on uncomfortable shoes, the result will not be long in coming.

Boiling water

Leather and a number of other materials soften and become elastic under the influence of high temperatures. In order for the shoes to sit exactly on the leg, you should fill it with boiling water, wait 5-10 minutes, pour out the boiling water, put on a pair of shoes treated with boiling water and put your feet in cold water.

If you do without contrasting "baths", the shoes may stretch too much.

Potatoes to the rescue

First, choose a potato that is the length of your foot where the shoe is narrow, or slightly wider. Peel a potato and stick it in your shoes instead of a spacer. By morning, the boots should be much looser in the right place.

Newspapers will get rid of a close couple

Crumpled newspapers are moistened with water and stuffed with shoes as tightly as possible. Leave overnight. In the morning, take out the newspapers, remove excess moisture and try on shoes. If it is stretched too little, the procedure should be damaged. For model shoes, this method is not suitable, since its main negative side effect is that the shoes are slightly deformed.


This method is called the cowboy method, because, according to legend, cowboys used it to stretch their boots. In order to stretch the shoes in this way, grain should be poured into it, and then water should be poured over it. Overnight, the grains swell and stretch the skin. For non-leather products, the method is considered ineffective.

Each method has supporters and opponents. Given that folk remedies for stretching shoes are more than economical, you can try several options if the first of the chosen methods did not help achieve your intended goal.

It must be understood that shoes made of artificial leather and fabric are almost impossible to stretch, since these materials do not have sufficient elasticity. It will not be possible to stretch the shoes in length, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to adjust the width at home by more than half a size.

How to stretch patent, suede, rubber shoes: an individual approach

The choice of how to stretch shoes at home should depend on the material from which the pair of shoes is made.

  • Model shoes at home can only be broken in.

It is permissible to do this with socks, alcohol or petroleum jelly, which will facilitate the process. Even better, use professional sprays to fit shoes to your foot or take your shoes to a shoemaker for stretching.

  • Patent shoes also require a careful approach.

Even if you use professional stretching products, treat your polish with emollients to prevent cracking.

Breaking patent leather shoes is usually not easy, you should not count on the fact that without the help of a master you will be able to increase their size by more than a millimeter. And the shoemaker is unlikely to get to work if patent leather shoes are too narrow for you.

If it is possible to change or return to the store a new pair of patent leather shoes that did not fit you, it is better to stop at this option.

  • Shoes made of velor, suede and nubuck will be easy to carry.

This material, like leather, stretches well under the influence of heat. The main thing is not to apply oils, alcohol and other stretching agents on top, so as not to spoil the appearance of the shoe. Wearing and stretching methods associated with the use of water are also best avoided.

  • Shoes made of kazhzam and other artificial materials “under the skin” are less susceptible to correction than those made of genuine leather, since they do not have such elasticity.

To fit the leg, rather rigid mechanical stretching methods are used using wet newspapers, ice, hot water, warm air. You can try processing the material in problem areas with alcohol or laundry soap, as well as professional means for stretching leather shoes.

  • Athletic shoes are often deliberately purchased in a slightly smaller size than comfortable.

It is supposed to spread quickly and sit down on the leg, and if you buy it loose, then it can begin to dangle, creating inconvenience. However, in reality, it often turns out that it was not possible to break in the sneakers. In this case, the shoes have to be stretched. The choice of method will depend on whether you have leather sports shoes or not.

In the first case, you can try to stretch it with alcohol, petroleum jelly or castor oil, special professional products, spread it by putting on thick socks and blowing it with hot air.

If sports shoes are made of artificial materials, then you can try to influence it mechanically: with ice, potatoes, newspapers soaked in water, swollen cereals.

Keep in mind that athletic shoes can be made from man-made materials that don't stretch at all. So it's still better to immediately buy it in the right size.

  • Rubber shoes, if they are made of rubber, cannot be stretched: they will take their original shape.

However, today rubber boots are more often made of PVC, which softens already at 70 degrees. Such "rubber" boots can be easily stretched with boiling water.

By choosing the right way to stretch the shoe, you not only increase the chances of a successful operation, but also reduce the risk of shortening the life of the shoe pair by incorrect actions.

If you choose shoes by size, the question of how to stretch them will not arise before you. However, no one is safe from cases when new shoes press, press, fit poorly on the foot and are uncomfortable. Luckily, there are many methods to stretch your shoes. The most reliable are professional methods, but not everyone can use them.

At home, you can also stretch shoes, although you should not aim to increase them by more than half a size. Of great importance is the choice of means and method of stretching a pair of shoes. If you make the right choice, the shoes will become more comfortable and will not be damaged.


Shoe stretching service is offered by many shoe shops. With the help of special expanding lasts, your shoes will be stretched to your size, this method is especially effective when it comes to expanding the narrow tops of leather boots. But you can also stretch shoes at home, for this there are both special tools and folk methods proven by many generations.

In order to stretch shoes or boots, you can purchase specialized sprays or foams for stretching at a shoe store. For example, Duke Of Dubbin, Salamander, Twist, Kiwi, Salton, Silver, Oke have proven themselves well. They soften shoes in tight places and are especially effective in cases where you need to stretch slightly tight shoes made of soft genuine leather. Spray or foam on the problem areas of the shoe on the outside and inside (for patent or suede shoes only on the inside), wetting the material abundantly, then put the shoes on terry or woolen socks. Walk in shoes until the product dries completely, it usually takes about an hour. If necessary, repeat the procedure two or three times.

One of the most effective folk ways to stretch shoes without the use of specialized sprays is treatment with alcohol, which softens the skin. To do this, you can use cologne, vodka or alcohol diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Plentifully moisten the shoes with this solution from the outside and from the inside (you can use a spray bottle or a cotton pad abundantly moistened with liquid), put on a sock and walk around the apartment for an hour or two. However, for colored shoes, alcohol-based liquids should be used with caution: if the paint is unstable, it may “float”. Therefore, first carefully rub a non-conspicuous place with a cotton swab and see if the cotton has stained.

Too hard shoes or a pair “packed” after seasonal storage can be softened with castor or vegetable oil, or petroleum jelly - they perfectly soften the skin. You process the shoes in the same way as the previous method, and break them in. After a few hours, shoes must be thoroughly cleaned of unabsorbed oil. This method is suitable not only for shoes made of genuine leather, but also for products made of artificial materials.

To expand the shoes, you can treat them from the inside with a 3% solution of vinegar. It will also help you soften and stretch shoes that compress your toes. The outside of the shoe can be treated with another shoe stretcher. The disadvantages of this method include a rather pungent smell of the product - but the vinegar disappears quickly enough.

You can also stretch shoes that rub your foot in some places with the help of paraffin, that is, an ordinary candle (a white household candle without dyes is best). To do this, the inside of the shoe must be rubbed with a candle and left overnight. In the morning, clean the shoes from paraffin. If the shoes rub the heel, you need to treat the heel with alcohol, walk in shoes in socks until the alcohol dries, and then wipe the heel of the shoe with a candle or soap.

Another common folk way to stretch shoes is wet newspapers. It is especially well suited for processing cloth, rubber shoes and demi-season shoes made of leatherette, which are not afraid of moisture. To do this, moisten the shoes well, then stuff them as tightly as possible with lumps of newsprint and leave to dry. Once every 3-4 hours, newspapers that have absorbed moisture must be changed, otherwise the shoes may be deformed. Continue the process until the shoes are completely dry. At the same time, it is important that the shoes are dried in natural conditions, away from sunlight and heating devices; it is also better to exclude drying on a battery.

If the shoes are too stiff, stretching with newspapers can be made more effective by using very hot water to soak or steaming the shoes first. To do this, hold it for 10-15 minutes over a kettle or pot of boiling water so that the steam goes "inside". However, it must be borne in mind that not all shoes are able to withstand the aggressive effects of temperature, so it is better not to risk expensive spectacular shoes or boots by choosing more gentle stretching methods.

Winter boots or boots can be stretched in the freezer - or, if the temperature is below zero, on the balcony. You just need to put a plastic bag in your shoes, fill it with water and leave it overnight. It is advisable to use two bags for each boot, while tying the lower bags and leaving the upper ones open. The secret of this method is that the water in the bags fills the shoes tightly from the cape to the heel. When frozen, it will slowly expand and stretch the shoes. Remove your shoes in the morning and wait for the ice to melt and the bags to be removed. The procedure for freezing shoes can be repeated if necessary. The method is effective, but it is still undesirable to use it for expensive shoes. In addition, it must be borne in mind that it cannot be used for summer or demi-season shoes that are not designed for operation at sub-zero temperatures - otherwise the skin may stretch, but the sole will crack.

For the eleventh day now, we have been looking at the pitiful expression on the face of our editor-in-chief, who comes to work in new unbroken shoes. We decided to take pity on him and write an article on how to properly stretch shoes.

army way

Perhaps the simplest, but, oddly enough, quite effective way. Thick cotton socks should be soaked in warm water, wrung out thoroughly so that they are damp but not dripping, and put on shoes that require stretching.

Walk in it until your socks are dry, or until you get bored. After that, put newspaper in your shoes to absorb moisture. Extreme version: take a shower in boots. But to do this, of course, is not recommended - you risk ruining it. According to rumors, this was once practiced in the US Army. True, then the local soldiers and boots were different, not killed.

Chemical method

You can buy shoe stretcher at a good shoe store. This is usually a foaming spray that needs to be sprayed from the inside in the right place. After that, shoes are a must. In principle, this is similar to the army method, just chemicals soften the skin more effectively.

But this comes at a price: leather can change color, especially light-colored shoes. So it's better to carefully test this spray on an inconspicuous place (for example, on the edge of the tongue).

Alternatively, you can wipe your shoes with alcohol instead of a stretcher. In the USSR, for example, cologne was often used for this.

Stretching shoes can be accelerated if you not only walk around in it, but also actively squat with your heels off the ground. At the same time, you will pump up your legs.


ice way

Sounds pretty crazy, but it works effectively. Place a plastic bag filled with water in your shoes and place in the freezer. The water will freeze and turn into ice, increase in volume and stretch the shoes. The main thing is to approach the task responsibly: choose a bag without holes, carefully tie it up, and it’s better to put it in another bag later. We recommend washing the shoes themselves beforehand - in the end, they will lie next to your dumplings. After - do not take out the ice pack by force, let the water melt.

How the pros do

If you are too lazy to mess around, shoes can be taken to a specialist. Most good shoe repair shops provide a stretching service. As a rule, this works quite effectively - the shoes are put on heated metal blocks and gradually stretched. The catch is that the shoemaker can overdo it, and the shoes will bubble up or the seam will open. And the masters usually do not bear material responsibility for “jambs”.

mechanical method

You can buy shoe stretchers at a shoe store or on eBay. They look like ordinary wooden blocks, but are equipped with a screw mechanism for force expansion. Often, small convex stickers come with them, with which you can point-by-point correct tight places. The lasts can be replaced with densely packed newspapers, but it is important not to deform the shoes - this is too easy to do if you put too much newspaper in.

See what types of shoe stretchers there are:

Any operations with stretching shoes carry a certain risk of spoiling them. So think if you're ready for it. It might be easier to just return it.

The peasant way

Put on the thickest socks, put on shoes and go for a walk. Sooner or later, someone will have to give up: either your shoes or your legs. Recommended only for the strong in spirit.

Temperature method

In tight places, warm the skin with a hairdryer. Here, put on and walk around. Repeat until you get bored. With hot air, it is important not to overdo it so that the glue does not drip, and in general it is better to try to avoid taped seams.

cowboy way

There are legends that this is how cowboys stretched their boots. In the shoes you need to fill the bran or oats to the top, and pour plenty of water. The grain will absorb water, swell and stretch the shoes. Definitely do not recommend this for shoes with lining. And we don’t recommend it at all if you are not a cowboy.