How to spread things. How to put things in the closet so that there is order. Packing seasonal clothes

Few ordinary people, if they are not engaged in botany or herbal medicine, can name and show this or that medicinal plant. Especially the townspeople. And if you ask them: what is tripartite series, then the majority will find it difficult to answer. And if you remind them that after going to the forest for mushrooms or for cranberries in the swamp, they often brought home its seeds on their clothes - wedge-shaped, brown-brown with serrated awns, which then, cursing, had to be pulled out of trousers or sweaters, then that's all, Of course, the thickets will remember her and say: “So this is the sequence?!”. Yes, this is how it spreads through the territory with the help of its trailing seeds, clinging to the hair of dogs or other animals running past. And a person will pass by, she will give him a handful of her seeds - carry, they say, further. And it is no coincidence that among her people, in addition to the most common name - succession, there are others that reflect this ability to reproduce - trailer, dog lover, spinning top, bident, swamp arrow.

But the tripartite series also has another popular name given to it since ancient times for its ability to treat skin and allergic diseases - scrofulous grass. And not only for this she is famous, but let's go in order.

Plant features

So, tripartite series (Bidens tripartita) is a herbaceous annual plant of the genus Sequence of the family Astrov. The Latin generic name of the series Bidens consists of two words and in translation means “two teeth” - this is how the peculiarity of its achenes containing two serrated awns is noted, with the help of which it reproduces.

There are many species in this genus, but our people noted the healing properties in one - in the tripartite series. This name is associated with the peculiarity of the leaves of this plant - they are on short shoots, divided into three small lobes with jagged edges, placed oppositely on a long straight reddish trunk up to half a meter or more long. On the stem itself and the shoots extending from it in the upper part there are single tubular flowers, not very bright, yellow-brown in color. They begin to open at the end of the first summer month and bloom until September. After flowering in a flower basket, those same wedge-shaped, strongly flattened achenes with two teeth begin to ripen, with which they cling to everyone who passes or runs past.

We can say that the series is tripartite - a neighbor of sedge and reeds, because you can find it on the damp shores of lakes, rivers, ponds, on the outskirts of swamps, in ditches. All this suggests that the plant loves high humidity.

It is distributed throughout the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East, sometimes it forms real thickets, so there are usually no problems with harvesting the raw materials of this plant for medicinal purposes. The main thing is to get away from polluting enterprises and transport. But the need for its medicinal herb is also great, for example, in Soviet times, a three-part series was even grown on state farm fields for pharmacy purposes. 50 tons of dried grass were harvested throughout the country per year. Of course, even now in pharmacies you can buy ready-made raw materials of a three-part series, packaged in bags, but you can prepare it yourself. They store the grass in the summer, in June, when the flower buds have not yet opened. Cut off the upper parts of the plant and shoots up to 15 cm long and leaves. Dry in a ventilated area, for example, under a canopy or in the attic, laying out a layer of 5-7 cm on paper or cloth. The grass must be turned regularly so that the raw material does not become moldy. Dry until the stems become brittle.

Medicinal properties of a series of tripartite

On the available strings medicinal properties our ancestors paid attention a very long time ago. They harvested her grass and used it fresh or dried it for future use. In folk medicine, it used to be most often used to treat scrofula, which is why it got the name scrofulous herb. Then folk healers significantly expanded the list of diseases in which it helps, and use it for skin diseases, arthritis, gout, diathesis, furunculosis, as an antipyretic, diuretic and diaphoretic for colds, scurvy and toothache, blood diseases and other ailments. . Used in the form of an infusion of herbs for baby baths.

Such healing properties of the tripartite series are explained by its composition. Studies have shown that the sequence is rich in carotene, manganese, vitamin C and tannins, and half of them are polyphenols with bactericidal properties. It was this property, apparently, that folk healers paid attention to, who sprinkled wounds and ulcers on the body of patients with grass powder of this plant, which contributed to their rapid tightening.

And scientific medicine drew attention to the healing properties of the tripartite series. Since its herb improves the metabolism in the body, it is now used to treat various diatheses accompanied by a rash, with neurodermatitis and with seborrheic lesions of the scalp. When applied externally, the sequence dries the wound surface and promotes faster healing of the affected skin.

A mixture of herb and lingonberry leaves now prescribed as a collection that improves metabolism in furunculosis and eczema. To do this, prepare an infusion of crushed leaves and herbs: take one tablespoon of each plant, mix them and pour two cups of boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave for one hour. Then the infusion is filtered and taken 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals, a quarter cup.

Used to treat patients with psoriasis alcoholic extract of a series of tripartite, prepared under industrial conditions by the method of percolation (straining 70% alcohol through pre-soaked vegetable raw materials in special containers, during which the extract from the grass turns into alcohol). Based on this extract, an ointment is also prepared for the treatment of this disease.

To obtain such an infusion, 3 tablespoons of chopped herbs (10 g) are placed in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water (200 ml) and put in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the infusion is cooled for about an hour, filtered, the raw materials are squeezed out and the infusion is topped up to the original volume - 200 ml - with boiled water. It is taken after meals in a third or half a glass 2-3 times a day as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic agent. This infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days and taken warm.

This infusion, in addition to oral administration, can be simultaneously applied externally in the form of compresses, lotions and baths.

If you have not stocked the grass of the series in the summer, you can buy it in pharmacies, now raw materials are packaged in 50 g per bag.

Infusion of succession for baths in children's diathesis

For such baths, a mixture of three components is prepared: they take 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs of string, chamomile and oak bark, mix them and pour 1 liter of cold water and leave for 12 hours. After infusion, the container is placed on the stove and the liquid is brought to a boil, then filtered and the infusion is poured into 10 liters of warm water (+37 ... + 38 ° C).

In folk medicine, a decoction of the string is used for skin diseases.

It is prepared from 50-100 g of herb succession, which is added to a bucket of water and boiled in a sealed container for half an hour. Baths are taken with this decoction for skin diseases, skin itching, urticaria, gout, arthritis, and neurodermatitis. Such baths are also recommended for acne and allergic skin rashes. The finished broth is poured into the bath and taken for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is one week.

To enhance the effect of such treatment, patients can additionally regularly drink tea from a series.

Tea from a string

It is quite easy to prepare it: take one teaspoon of chopped herb of the tripartite succession, pour 250 ml of boiling water over it and leave for 20 minutes, then strain the tea and take it. The course of tea treatment for ordinary allergies, accompanied by irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, cough or shortness of breath, is three months, then a two-month break must be taken.

Tea with a string - Averin tea treats scrofula

In folk medicine, a special tea for the treatment of scrofula, which includes a string, has long been known. To prepare it, take four parts of a series of tripartite and violets and one part of bittersweet nightshade and mix everything gently. Then 1 tablespoon of this mixture is poured with boiling water for 20 minutes. Take this tea chilled one to two tablespoons 5-6 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts ten days, then a three-day break is made, and the course of treatment is repeated.

Also, for the treatment of scrofula, a decoction of a string is used in the form of washing baths and rubdowns.

A decoction of a series of edema of the legs

To prepare it, two tablespoons of chopped grass of the tripartite sequence should be poured with two glasses of hot water and put everything on the stove. Bring to a boil and keep on fire for 20 minutes. Then remove from heat, cool and strain. Pour the resulting broth into a basin with warm water and keep your feet in it for about half an hour.


Like many other medicinal plants, the tripartite series is not recommended for pregnant women, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Her decoctions are not allowed inside and children under three years of age.

For adults, there are no special contraindications to the use of a series, but drugs with it should not be abused, because with a severe overdose, it can disrupt the functioning of the nervous system - cause increased arousal.

It is advisable, as with the use of other medicinal plants, to first consult with your doctor.

E. Valentinov

Almost every one of us has thought about how to organize the storage of things in the closet, and not dump your entire wardrobe on the floor in search of your favorite blouse. It is to this topic that I would like to devote my article. In it, I will tell you how to quickly and compactly fold things and share the secrets of convenient arrangement of shelves in the closet.

Laying it all out

If you are used to folding any thing at random and just stuffing it back into the closet - do not be surprised that after a few days chaos will reign in it. And I'm not talking about the fact that many wardrobe items will quickly wrinkle and lose their fresh look.

I'll start with the basics, namely with instructions on how to properly fold certain types of clothing.


Someone is used to sticking socks one into the other, someone - to fold them into a ball. None of these methods can be called compact. Instead, I suggest choosing one of two:

  1. You can carefully stack a pair of socks on top of each other and twist them into a tight roll. After that, put a thin elastic band on it. Socks folded in this way will fit compactly in any jar.
  2. Put one sock on top of the other, mentally divide it into three parts. First wrap the part with the elastic inside, then the part with the toe. Pass the sock through the elastic band and you will have a miniature envelope.


Keeping a skirt in the closet so that it does not wrinkle is much easier than you think. In this case, it is not necessary to use a hanger. It is enough to fold the skirt in half lengthwise, then roll it into an impromptu roll.

T-shirts and t-shirts

The ability to fold things beautifully and quickly is a real art. I share with you one express method:

  • Lay the T-shirt out on a flat surface.
  • mentally draw two lines along it: one in the center across the T-shirt, the second in the middle of the longitudinal seam on the shoulder;
  • mark the intersection of imaginary lines and grab it with your left hand;
  • with your right hand, grab the T-shirt by the middle of the mentioned seam on the shoulder;

  • holding the “x” place with your left hand, attach the right to the bottom of the T-shirt and grab its edge;
  • slowly stick out your left hand without letting go of the matter.

This method will help you fold your T-shirt in less than 10 seconds.

Jumpers, blouses and shirts

This express method fits T-shirts perfectly, but is completely unsuitable for shirts or blouses.. The following instructions will help to cope with this type of clothing:

  1. First, iron your favorite shirt or blouse well and let it cool.
  2. Fasten all buttons and lay the sweater right side on.
  3. Wrap inward first one sleeve parallel to the shirt, then repeat the procedure with the second.
  4. Mentally divide the shirt into three transverse lines. First, wrap the bottom of the shirt inside, then the central one.

That's all! Thus, you can fold almost any item without the risk of wrinkling it.


The packaging mechanism for jeans is even simpler. First of all, remove the belt, and empty your pockets of everything extra. Fold the jeans lengthwise, straighten them, removing any wrinkles.

Then fold across, applying the bottom edge to the belt. And fold your pants in half again.

Storage of bed linen in the closet

In the wardrobe, in addition to everyday things, bed linen is often stored. So I would like to suggest you the best way to do this.

Options for how to fold bedding in a closet - a lot
  • You can start with ironing clothes. I do not argue, this option is not suitable for everyone. But if you still want the bed to feel softer and more pleasant to the touch, you should take up the iron.

In order for the laundry to acquire a pleasant aroma, you can add a drop of your favorite aroma oil to the steaming water..

  • Before ironing any element from the kit, shake it well. Such a simple manipulation will help to avoid unnecessary folds.
  • If you decide to skip the moment of ironing, then this item is for you. Sort the kits according to their seasonality (yes, this trick is not only suitable for clothes). For the summer, leave the bedding made of light fabrics (silk or cotton), and for the winter, use insulated materials.
  • Now it's time to start styling. There are a lot of options here.

  • First, you can put all of your existing sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases into separate piles. True, this method is suitable if you have about 10 sets. Then you can combine bedding with different colors.
  • Secondly, one of the most original and neat ways is to store the entire set in a pillowcase from him. Thus, all linen will look very neat and will not get in the way.
  • Thirdly, you can fold the laundry in a pile and tie it with a beautiful ribbon. It looks very elegant.

Arrangement of space in the wardrobe

Knowing how to fold this or that thing is certainly useful, but it will not be enough to use every inch of the closet. Since most people live in apartments with a small square footage, this skill will come in handy.

Stage 1. We get rid of unnecessary

Any storage system begins with one important step - getting rid of everything unnecessary. Act ruthlessly, no thought that someday you will wear that tight dress that has been gathering dust on the shelf for two years now.

Each accessory must pass a strict selection, keep only what you really wear. You will have to say goodbye to the rest - give things to your friends, to a thrift store, and even better to charity.

Stage 2. Sort

You can sort things according to many criteria, but I would recommend starting from their seasonality. Conditionally divide the shelves in an ordinary closet or in a closet into "southern" and "northern".

On the most "running" shelves, put warm or light things (depending on the weather outside the window). Separately lay out things that can be worn both in winter and summer, for example, a button-down sweater. It will perfectly warm in spring thunderstorms, and in winter it is perfect for a turtleneck.

Stage 3. Analysis of hangers

Nobody argues with the fact that one hanger for a separate thing is convenient. But not everyone can afford such a luxury. In such cases, you can store things on hangers as follows:

  • store your favorite wardrobe items made of delicate fabrics in separate cases;
  • for greater convenience, you can place things on hangers according to their range;
  • For delicate fabrics, it is better to use soft coat hangers.

Stage 4. Fold in the closet

The last stage of arranging the wardrobe is the placement of already folded clothes on the shelves. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Closer to the closet wall, put things that are out of season.
  2. Don't be lazy and always fold your wardrobe items according to the above methods. So they will take up less space.
  3. For various small items, whether it be socks, underwear or T-shirts, it is better to allocate a separate drawer.
  4. On the lower shelves it is worth placing dresses, shirts or trousers that you wear on exceptional occasions. On the top - you can allocate space for things that you wear, albeit not daily, but more often than on holidays.

Useful accessories

Placing things in lockers with your own hands can be greatly simplified by using additional accessories:

  1. Case This is a hanging textile shelf, with the help of which vertical storage of things is carried out. Wardrobe trunks are hung on the crossbar in the closet or on the door. They are very convenient to contain shoes, shawls, scarves or even belts.

  1. Universal hanger. An indispensable accessory for women who adore silk shawls, belts and scarves. It is enough to fix a functional hanger on the cabinet wall and you no longer have to think about where to store your favorite textile decorations.

  1. Shoe organizers. In the absence of a pantry, numerous pairs of shoes can take up most of the space in the closet. You can resolve the issue in one of the following ways.
  • Use stylish boxes for shelves in the closet. They can also be installed at the bottom of the wardrobe (it’s even more practical). Think about some stickers with the name of the shoe model so that you don’t have to look for the right pair for a long time.
  • For summer and spring shoes (ballet flats, moccasins, slates), buy special hanging covers.

  • At the bottom of the cabinet, you can install a special shelf for shoes.

With these practical accessories, you will once and for all forget the question of how to organize things conveniently in the closet.


Now, thanks to the above tips, you know how to sort and fold things correctly. By following these simple guidelines, you will ensure perfect order and comfort in your closet. You can improve your knowledge by watching the video in this article.

I hope my material has become a useful guide to action for you. Share your successes in the comments below.

The organization of a chest of drawers is a very grateful thing. A little effort and, as a bonus, exemplary boxes in which surprisingly much is placed and nothing is lost. And the things themselves, properly folded, even after long-term storage will look much neater.

In order for the chest of drawers to become perfect, it will take quite a bit of your time and the desire to change everything. And we'll tell you what to do.

We start, as usual, by emptying the boxes and decluttering. We throw away things in poor condition, out of fashion or those that you have not worn for a long time. We remove what is better to store in a suspended state, as well as clothes that do not correspond to the season or are rarely used - they can be folded in and put away, for example, on the mezzanine.

Now let's take care of ourselves chest of drawers. What can be done to make it better?

We decorate. Decorating the inside walls of the cabinet and chest of drawers is a standard practice for the KonMari method. If you don't like plain, boring drawers, cover their insides and/or ends with pretty wallpaper, fabric, or paper. The main thing is that when you look at the chest of drawers, you become happier.

Or special boxes that will fill the entire space of the box.

Even one container will make storage in dresser drawers much more convenient. You can use ordinary shoe cardboard boxes, and if you need a more aesthetic option, buy boxes with a beautiful print.

Sections in boxes can be made with your own hands - from thick cardboard, plastic or wood.

Moving on to organization OF THINGS.

Distribute into boxes. Sort the clothes the way you want - by type (t-shirts, socks, underwear, etc.), purpose (for home, work, etc.), sets, or in any other way.

Decide which drawer you will store items in each category. Marie Kondo's tip: Put your lightest clothes in the top drawer of your chest of drawers or closet, and your heaviest clothes in the bottom drawer. This way, tops and lightweight fabrics will be stored in the top drawers, while trousers, skirts and sweaters in the bottom drawers. If you apply this principle, you will get an "ascending" row of boxes.

Marking. Make stickers on the dresser drawers. So it is easier to keep order and you will avoid endless frantic searches, especially in the morning, when every minute is precious.

Or inside the organizer.

Putting things together. It is most convenient to store things vertically in a chest of drawers. This method is much more compact, neater and clearer: you will immediately see the right thing and will easily maintain order in the box.

Things can be rolled up.

How to put together different things correctly, these diagrams will tell you. For a more detailed description, see .

When laying out things, arrange them by color so that you can immediately understand what is where, and at the same time catch the color trend of your wardrobe.

Socks and tights. Socks can be stored in, basket or. It is convenient to roll tights into a roll, like sushi, after folding them in three. Since the tights are easy to unfold, it is best to store them in a drawer or box with dividers.

Pants, skirts, shorts, etc. Jeans, even in a wide drawer, can be stacked vertically in orderly rows. Small things made of slippery fabrics are best put in boxes.

Accessories. If you store jewelry and other accessories in a chest of drawers, you can't do without cells. In addition to dividers and organizers, you can use boxes and small boxes.

It seems that this is quite simple, but sometimes due to improper storage, there is not enough space even in a large closet. So that all things are in perfect order, and the space is not overloaded, it is worth knowing a few simple but effective secrets.

Get rid of everything superfluous

Order in the closet

First of all, you need to conduct a global audit and sort through absolutely all things. It will take some time, but the result will please you. So, looking through things, you need to carefully look at them for defects, try on wardrobe items that have been idle for a long time.

If things have not been used for a long time, but only take up space, it makes sense to get rid of them. It is not necessary to throw them away, because a lot of interesting decor items can be made from old things. For example, sew a cover on a chair or a blanket from shreds of fabric. But they definitely don't belong in the closet.

Everything on the shelves

seasonal storage

Seasonal items can be hidden in baskets and put away on the closet

At the turn of the seasons, it is also necessary to sort out things and remove those that will not be used in the near future. You can hide them under the bed or put them in baskets and put them on top of the closet.

Sometimes seasonal items are stored in a pantry or in suitcases, which can perform several functions at once - decorate the interior, act as a coffee table or bedside table, and also be a spacious storage system.

Seasonal items are stored on the top shelf

Competent sorting

Sort items by color

Competent sorting will help you quickly navigate what and where lies. There are several types of distribution of things:

By color. So, you don’t have to search for a long time among all the variety of things for a yellow sweater or a pink blouse, and harmonious color transitions will only cheer you up.

By type of material. It's nice when silk blouses hang in one part of the closet, and cotton shirts are given another separate corner.

Top bottom.This sorting allows you to divide things into “top” and “bottom”, that is, it is appropriate to place T-shirts, blouses, shirts and sweaters on the upper shelves, and hang skirts and trousers on the bottom of the bar.

little helpers

Scarf storage

Putting things in order in the closet, you should not ignore all kinds of organizers, hangers with clothespins, transparent containers, wicker baskets, tie boxes. They save a lot of space and help to properly organize storage.

For convenience, containers and cells can be signed or hung on them with cute labels with the inscriptions "socks", "tights" and others.

Convenient clothespins on hangers

Sock storage baskets

Storing things in baskets

Stylish storage

Organizer for storage

Convenient scarf storage

Storing shoes and bags

Shoes and bags should have their own places in the closet. At the same time, it is better to select the lower shelves for shoes and boots, or build a small bar for them. It is convenient to store high boots on it, having previously hung them on hangers with clothespins.

Thanks to this, they will not lose their shape. For bags, you can select the upper shelves. So that the accessories do not wrinkle, it is worth stuffing them with paper. Then they will keep their shape.

Shoe storage

Storage of women's bags

Storage of wallets and clutches

Storage in drawers

The most difficult thing is to keep the perfect order in the drawers. To do this, and fit as many things as possible, you need to carefully roll them up and fold them upright. As separators, you can use cardboard partitions and tubes, which sometimes remain after shopping.

It is convenient to store underwear, T-shirts, T-shirts, socks and scarves. The main thing is to carefully fold things so that they do not wrinkle and can be used at any time.

Storing scarves and shawls

Pants and long dresses are recommended to be thrown over the crossbar of the hanger, and only then placed in the closet. So things will not be wrinkled, and will not get dirty in the dust that often settles at the bottom of the cabinet.

Once a month in the closet you need to wipe the dust and ventilate it.

Perfect closet order