How to make curls with curls. Hair curlers: how to use them correctly to get a good result. How to curl hair of different lengths

She must be able to change, delighting herself and surprising others. She can wear straight hair, appear with an unusual hairstyle, and also have beautiful curls. of various shapes... The question of how to use papillotes is of interest to many ladies. The article describes the features and benefits of this simple procedure.

Papillots - an affordable curling product

Long before the advent of hair curlers, women used paper or cloth tows, often making them themselves. The hairstyles of the court ladies of the Middle Ages were created mainly with the help of these accessories. In addition, they were used in their activities professional hairdressers, since it is convenient, inexpensive and effective to use papillotes. Then, products made of denser materials with elements of fastening on the hair appeared on the market.

Now they can be purchased in many stores of the corresponding assortment direction. Papillotes are produced from rubberized rubber, foam rubber or other artificial material... it colored sticks, the length of which is 20 - 25 cm. Their flexibility is due to the wire located inside, which allows you to easily give the product many forms when bent in different directions.

The girls like them, since it is not difficult to use the papillotes, their acquisition does not imply any special material costs, while the result is tangible. Papillotes are waterproof and resistant to chemical reactions with the ingredients in hair care products.

Twisting the strands

How to use papillotes correctly? The procedure is as follows:

  1. First you need to wash your hair and pat dry with a towel or blow dry.
  2. Prepare the required number of papillotes - about 10 - 15 pieces.
  3. Divide hair into 3 parts: occipital, crown and temporal, and fix them with clips.
  4. Start curling by grabbing the lower back strands.
  5. You need to separate a little hair from the main bundle, run it with a damp comb or sprinkle it lightly with water, if necessary.
  6. Apply to a strand not a large number of styling products.
  7. Carry out winding from the center of the papillote, doing it tightly and without haste.
  8. Fasten the papillote by bending it like a horseshoe.
  9. Papillotes should be staggered, as this eliminates the appearance of obvious parting.
  10. It is better to tie a scarf or put on a net on your head.
  11. You need to leave the curlers for 5 or more hours.

In the simple manner described above, the papillotes are fixed. How to use them most effectively is suggested by the recommendations:

  1. The wetter the curls are at the beginning of the procedure, the more pronounced the curls are as a result. But long wet hair may not dry out overnight, and dry hair acquire only small waves, so you need to find a middle ground for yourself.
  2. You need to grab the hair gently, without leaving the curls sticking out, because as a result, this is reflected in the hairstyle.
  3. For a good curl, the papillotes should remain on the hair for 5 hours. You can wind up your hair and go to bed, because the soft structure of the curler allows it.
  4. When using products of small diameter, a voluminous hairstyle is obtained, and for large bends, appropriate curlers (papillots) are needed.
  5. How to use them if you only want to curl the ends of your hair? In this case, the strand is wound only to the required length.

How to get beautiful curls as a result

5 hours have passed or morning has come, and now you need to gently loosen your hair and leave the house with beautiful styling... Since it is necessary to use papillotes correctly not only when fixing them, but also removing strands from them, be sure to take into account the following tips:

  1. You need to unfold the curlers in the same order in which the winding was carried out, that is, from the back of the head.
  2. The strands are separated by a sparse-toothed comb or simply by fingers. You should not use a brush, because the result is a "fluffy dandelion". The main thing here is to carefully remove the papillotes.
  3. How to use gel or wax to create the effect wet hair? Apply a small amount of the product to the strands before winding, wait until it dries, and then remove the curlers.
  4. After styling, it is recommended to lightly sprinkle the hairdo with fixing varnish, but do not use it in large quantities, because loose hair should look natural.

Benefits of papillotes

The hairdressing industry constantly offers new products: these are both improved electrical devices, and various accessories... Nevertheless, many women around the world continue to use papillotes. How to use, the photos above demonstrate clearly, the effect obtained is also shown.

Today, you can make beautiful curls on your own using tongs, a heat-iron, a hot blow dryer, etc. However, it is very important to take care not only of a one-time styling, but also of health. own hair... Papillots in this regard are a great alternative harmful effects electrical appliances.

Advantages of the method:

  1. The soft texture of these curlers allows you to leave them on your hair overnight and get great sleep at the same time.
  2. A wide range of papillotes and varying drying times allow you to create a variety of outward appearance curls.
  3. Harmless to hair due to the absence of refractive clips and heat treatment during curling.
  4. As practice shows, curls created by papillots last longer than waves from a curling iron.
  5. No special skills required.
  6. There is no danger mechanical damage hair when unrolling.

How to make papillotes with your own hands?

This requires a segment linen fabric... You can use an old sheet, for example. It is required to cut it into strips 15 cm long and 2 cm wide. You also need the most ordinary paper napkins by the number of fabric segments.

It is required to take one napkin, bend it in half, and put it vertically on the table. Place the fabric horizontally on top of it. Wrap in a napkin. Thus, matter is obtained in paper backing... Pieces of fabric that are free from the napkin are ribbons for fastening.

In such a simple way, curlers-papillots are obtained. Any woman will guess how to use them: you need to wind a strand on the product, tie it with ribbons, and at the end of the procedure put a special mesh on your head. Experience comes literally in a couple of sessions.

Papillots are an easy and harmless way to make

How to use curlers papillotes

Elastic curls - how to make a beautiful hairstyle

Papillots - comfortable soft curlers, with which you can create a wide variety of hairstyles. They are made from a sponge-like material. Thanks to this, the hair does not form creases, they do not deteriorate, do not split. It is easy to wind hair on these curlers, even the youngest beauty will cope with this task.

To get a hairstyle with elastic curls, wind on papillotes wet hair

Divide them into thin strands, gently curling them with curlers. It is better to start from the roots of the hair, then the curls will not get tangled. Place the papillote close to your head and wrap a thin strand around it. Then connect the ends of the curler and twist them to secure the curl.

For a firmer curl, you can treat your hair with a styling product before curling. Liquid works best. It does not weigh down and does not glue the curls, the curls are beautiful and retain their shape for a long time.

With the help of papillotes, you can create both elastic curls and beautiful waves... To make them, wind wide or narrow strands on curlers, securing each with varnish. In one and a half to two hours, the hairstyle will be ready

We make beautiful curls using papillotes

  • More details

You need to remove the papillotes in four to five hours. It all depends on the length of the hair. If they are shoulder-length, this is enough time to create curls. If lower, it will take an extra hour or two. To understand that the curl is quite elastic, you can unwind the curl from one papillote. If it is curled well, remove the rest of the curlers.

Try to remove the papillotes carefully, without unwinding the curls. To do this is simple - separate the ends of the curlers and pull them out of the strands. The smooth surface of the papillotes glides easily through the hair without damaging the curl.

After all the curlers are removed, tilt your head down and secure your hair with varnish. You will get a voluminous, beautiful head of hair. And to highlight individual strands, for example, on the face, take the gel and make the curls more defined.

Papillotes: storage features

The material that covers the papillotes is soft and porous. It absorbs moisture and styling products. Because of this, the papillotes deteriorate - they crack, the coating breaks.

To prevent this from happening, soak the curlers in warm water after each use.

Today hairdressing secured huge amount means for creating a variety of hairstyles. The most big variety concerns how to create beautiful curls- you can use electrical appliances, temperature agents, devices for creating curls by naturally drying hair in a certain position, etc. But no matter how many fashionable and new methods are proposed, there are always favorite methods that have already been tested by time, which have helped and helped create beautiful hairstyles more than once. Such "classics" include soft hair curlers, all the subtleties of the use of which we will consider in this article.

Types of hair curlers

Initially, papillotes were made from available tools at hand - pieces of fabric or strips of paper. Today, everything is much more convenient - you can just go to the store and affordable price purchase ready-made curlers. They represent an elongated cylinder made of foam rubber, inside of which there is a wire rod, which allows the product to stick well to the hair and take the shape that is required of it.

The first thing to look for when buying is the material and its quality. So, papillotes can be made of ordinary soft foam rubber (this option is the most affordable), but they are not durable. Gradually, the large-pored spongy base shrinks and loses its original volume, and after a few curls, the curlers will look like thin sticks.

It is better to give preference to the rubberized version - here a denser foam rubber is used, which has a special coating on top, which allows the product to be used longer. Another plus - thanks to the smooth coating, the risk of hair tangling is minimized, which is possible when winding the strands on a large-pore material.

In addition to the quality of the components, papillotes can be divided according to the following principles:

  • the complexity of the design. Exists regular curlers that need to be twisted to fix the strand, but there are special Velcro straps at the ends to prevent hair from tangling and a special stick at the end that fixes the curlers into a ring;
  • thickness. Papillotes can be both thin and quite thick - the choice depends on the length of the hair and the diameter of the desired curls.


This method of creating curls as using papillotes has a rather weighty list of advantages over other methods:

  1. such curlers are available in all conditions. Even if it is not possible to purchase them in the store, you can always try to do everything the old fashioned way, using pieces of fabric or thick paper;
  2. it is absolutely harmless to hair, since there is no thermal effect;
  3. no creases remain on the hair;
  4. depending on the method of wrapping, the diameter of the curlers and their length, you can create the most different curls, both the same all over the head, and different, giving the hairstyle asymmetry;
  5. the process does not take long. It is enough just to wind a few papillotes on wet hair and that's it, you can leave them overnight;
  6. soft foam curlers are comfortable while sleeping;
  7. they are very easy to use at home.

Instructions: how to use hair curlers

The very technology of using papillotes is simple, no special skills and abilities are required. All that is needed is to wind the strand onto the cylinder and fix it by bringing its edges together. But going a little deeper into the details, you can create not just a curly hairstyle, but skillfully applying certain methods of curling hair and different sizes curlers to create a variety of curls - from playful lush curls to elegant large curls.

How to curl delicate curls

The easiest way to start creating your hairstyle in the evening is on freshly washed hair. Do not wind strands that are too wet - they may simply not dry out until morning and the curls will disintegrate due to moisture. Hair should be slightly damp. For creating gentle wave on the hair you will need large diameter papillotes.

Hair needs to be divided into sections - the more there are, the clearer the curls will be in the end, so the amount needs to be determined independently based on desired result... The papillote in a straightened form is substituted perpendicular to the strand of hair closer to the end, and now you need to wind the ends of the hair around the cylinder. When the ends are fixed, you can start rolling the curler itself up to the roots. Now you need to give the papillote the shape of a boomerang, and then carefully bring the ends together. If necessary, they can even be twisted together.

In the morning, the curlers are simply unwound one at a time and the hairstyle is ready. If you want to make the curls less clear, you can comb the entire mass with a comb with rare teeth.

How to get expressive curls

To create clear, expressive curls, you need to take thin papillotes. The peculiarity of the technique is that the strands need to be taken small. It is important to consider that a large number of curlers will be needed to process all hair. Basically, the process is no different from the one described above.

The only detail is small curls do not comb it after removing the papillotes, otherwise the hairstyle will turn into a fluffy mass and it will be extremely difficult to return the clarity to the strands.

How to make papillotes with your own hands

As mentioned above, papillots can be special difficulties make your own, although they will be less convenient and durable than purchase options, but as an alternative to a certain situation fit perfectly.

  1. The easiest option is to twist the tubes out of paper, and after wrapping curls on them, bring the ends together and secure them with invisible or crab hairpins. A small nuance- It is better to use thick coated paper, for example, for wrapping gifts, as ordinary paper can quickly disperse due to moisture in the hair.
  2. Another option is fabric papillotes. To make them, you need a small piece of fabric (preferably linen), which must be cut into 20-25 centimeter strips 2-3 centimeters wide. The hair is also wrapped around the strip, and as a result, its ends are simply tied together, fixing the curl.

Video: how to twist papillotes for short hair

With the help of papillotes, you can create beautiful lungs curls for very a short time... The video shows in detail the method of winding curlers on strands and reveals the secrets of how to quickly get attractive hairstyle on shoulder-length hair.

Today we will talk to you on the website how to wind papillote curlers. Despite the large number of options for creating luxurious waves and perky curls, papillotes are in the lead according to at least 2 criteria: they are simple and effective (with correct use!). Yes, they are many times better than simple curlers, more economical than curling irons and stylers. Plus, they don't burn your hair at all!

About their advantages:

  • it is easy to attach such curlers to your hair - you just need to understand the technology, and then you can wind it on curls without the help of your mother, sister or girlfriend;
  • the papillotes are soft, so at night they will not interfere as much as simple curlers (although if you are a "princess and a pea", then it will probably not be very comfortable to sleep - as an option, wind it up in the morning and walk like that until the evening at home);
  • curlers of this type have a flexible structure, which is a big bonus for hair - they will not be damaged;
  • another plus from the fact that the shape is flexible is the absence of creases in the hair - and if, for example, you twisted it onto standard curlers, ugly creases would remain.

How to wind your hair with curlers-papillotes?

For a portal site, it's surprising that someone recommends starting the curling process from the very ends of the hair. As a rule, after such recommendations, they also say that it is better not to do such styling before important event, and to begin with, conduct a "test hairstyle". This is understandable. If you start from the ends, then you get the effect of "explosion at the pasta factory". If the hair reaches the shoulder blades, it will rise almost to the ears, and the curls will be chaotic. Those who at least once tried to do styling in this way, already at the words "curlers" or "papillote" are horrified, remembering the spoiled day.

All because they were not told how to properly wind the curlers-papillotes. And the secret is that the strands need to be wound on the cylinders of the curlers from the very roots. Or it is possible from the middle, if, for example, you want to get light waves almost at the very ends. This styling is also fashionable, general form it turns out to be romantic and incredibly natural. However, even if you wind the curls from the very roots, no matter how hard you try, so close to the scalp that "curliness" will begin right from there, you will not be able to do it either. A light wave will begin from about 6 centimeters from the roots.

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How to properly wind hair on curlers-papillotes: instructions for points

Now you know how to properly wind the papillotes. If you follow the instructions, the curls will be like laying Hollywood divas on a carpet.

Good day)

If you love curls as much as I do and do not want to spoil your hair with curling irons, hair dryers and irons. There is a way out - curlers-papillotes. Knowing how to use them, the promotion process will only bring positive emotions, and the result will delight you for several days.

I will try to tell you, in as much detail as possible, all my secrets of creation magic curls from start to finish.

ღღღ Hair curlers Fix Price ღღღ

Price: RUB 45 (a year ago), 50 rubles. (presently)

Place of purchase: Fix Price

Quantity: 6 pcs.

Manufacturer: PRC

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

Size matters =)

The length of the boomerang curler is: 24 cm.

Ideal for hair FROM the shoulders to the loins of infinity ... Girls with short hair shoulder length I recommend to take short version papillotes, about 15-20 cm. These, of course, can also be used, but you will have to do a lot of unnecessary movements during the twisting process.

Diameter: 1cm

The size of the curls and the volume of styling depend on the diameter of the papillote. With this piece, you can create medium and small curls with huge volume. It is unrealistic to achieve large curls, even if you take a thick strand, it either does not dry out to the end, or it disintegrates for the first time several hours after removing the curlers. Therefore, if you are interested in exactly large curls, take from 2 cm in volume.

The package contains 6 pieces. For my long hair of medium thickness, this amount was not enough, so I purchased one more additional package.

For medium curls, I use ≈ 9 pieces if I want small curls then all 12 pcs.


Curlers-papillotes have a cylindrical shape. Inside they are equipped with a flexible metal frame, thanks to which the curlers can be easily shaped to any desired shape.

The surface is pleasant to the touch, soft and smooth. There are plastic plugs on both sides, they are very tightly attached to the foam rubber. Hair does not get into them and does not get tangled, therefore, it is not injured at all.

Can be twisted / folded into different directions, in this case, after alignment, the curlers will take their original shape.

Wear resistance:

Perhaps these are the most best curlers that I have ever had. For 1.5 years, they practically did not change in quality. All also perfectly keep their shape, do not slip during sleep, plastic plugs do not pull out hair. There are no complaints about the material at all. Over the entire period of operation, it has not crumbled or torn, only slightly crumpled. I think they will serve me for many, many years.

Instructions: how to wind hair with curlers-papillotes

it general rules which I always stick to.

  • Shampoo my head and not using balms, conditioners, masks, etc. Why? The more elastic the hair, the less will be the durability of the curls;
  • I'm drying my hair naturally, almost until completely dry:
  • I comb it well and divide it into partings;
  • I select a strand, comb it, apply foam to the full length to fix it, while I retreat from the roots by 4-5 cm;
  • I try to make the strands of the same volume;
  • I begin to twist around my face and slowly move to the back of my head; I'll tell you about the methods of cheating a little later.
  • When all the hairs are fixed, I do chores around the house for 3-4 hours, while the curls mature, or go to bed with them.
  • As time passes, I untwist all the curlers, starting from the back of the head and move to the temples.
  • I separate the finished curls with my fingers, then comb it a little with a comb with large teeth and that's it! If you wish, you can also use a fixing varnish, but I do not like the effect of coarse, non-living hair.

How long does the promotion process take?

Many people complain that the promotion process takes a long time. For the first time, perhaps. After a couple of uses, catch on , you will understand all the nuances of cheating, and the whole process will be reduced several times .

For example, I will give my experience: the first time I twisted my hair for 1.5 hours, now it is a maximum of 30 minutes, and if I twist it on the tail - 10 minutes. With a curling iron and an iron, it always took me at least 2.5 hours, even with experience, the time for styling with this gadget has not been reduced.

My hair:

I am the owner of straight lines and long hair s, medium density. The structure is porous. Easy to style.

Proven methods for wrapping hair on papillotes:

  • 1. Roller - from the ends of the hair to the roots. This is how almost all types of curlers are wound. For long hair, this is not a very good option.

This was my first time trying to create curls and not entirely successful. In the morning, when I began to unwind the curlers, on top - dry hair, and inside - damp. I had to dry the whole thing with a hairdryer until it was completely dry.

The resulting curls were not bouncy and I was not impressed. I decided to transform them into elegant waves, and... started combing them massage brush... Do not do this under any circumstances!

On my head got a nest from lush hair sticking out in different directions. By using styling products I still managed to give them an aesthetic look, but the effort and nerve was spent, not a little.

  • 2. Spiral - from the tip and moving in a spiral to the roots.

I tested this method on a mannequin, hair length from face to ends - 50 cm.

I liked these curls more than the previous ones. They keep the shape of curls well. But somehow they remind me of a lamb.

  • 3. From the middle of the strand, I first wind the lower half, and then roll it tightly to the roots with a roller. This is my favorite option.

I fell in love with these curls, they are the most attractive, natural, airy and romantic. The volume is unrealistic. Straight like a lioness.

  • 4. Ponytail - the easiest and fastest way. Doing high tail, I fix it well and wind the strands by any method. In the photo, I wound it from the middle (in the 3rd way)

The curls are crisp, curly and firm.

She parted it a bit with her fingers and brushed it lightly with a large-toothed comb.

I decided to experiment and did the most light hairstyle... At the base of the tail and just strands pinned with hairpins.

How long does the styling last?

Much depends on the structure of the hair. If the hair is porous and pliable, like mine. The indicators will be about the same. The volume lasts 3-4 hours. Curls from 1 to 3 days. If the hair is not porous, but elastic and smooth, then, most likely, styling will last for a short time.



Advantages and disadvantages of boomerang curlers

If we talk about the merits, then these are:

Sparing attitude - do not wring or pulling out hair. That's why I adore them, you can make curls even every day and not worry about the condition of your hair.

✔ No impact high temperatures.

Easy to operate. You do not need to use additional clamps: clips, rubber bands, etc.

✔ Suitable for different lengths, density and structure of hair.

Original images. Even if you adhere to the same cheating scheme, the same result will never work. Everytime - the new kind and the shape of the curls.

✔ Gives stunning volume no fleece.

✔ Quality material.

✔ Budget cost.

The disadvantages are very insignificant, but they are still there:

Smell. It smells of burnt rubber, which I just didn’t try, so that it became less pronounced: airing it, washing with soap, shampoo and nothing helps.

✔ I can sleep on papillotes only in one case - when they are wound on a high tail. In other cases, I feel them at night and in the morning I wake up with a "square" head.


No irons, no curling irons are needed when there are such super papillotes.

If you hesitate to take or not to take curlers in the fix, my answer is - take it, you will not regret it. The quality is much higher than the price.

ღ Thank you for your views, I am very pleased that you are reading my reviews!

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