How to make a smooth transition to. Gradient. Melange rules for smooth color transition

The desire to be different from others pushes creative people to create creative solutions that appeal to many world designers. A color transition manicure is called a gradient or ombre, a fashion for which quickly spread among nail artists. It uses several varnish colors. The ombre effect looks very original and versatile. Learn to do this nail art yourself at home, and you will not regret it.

Features of gradient manicure

Nail art with an ombre effect is easy to do yourself. Its peculiarity is its versatility, because several colors at once will suit more clothes, and not just one set. Depending on the season, choose suitable tones and shades, then the result will not look boring and thematically suitable. It is difficult to miscalculate with the choice of the palette, but it is better to study the ideal combinations that will suit your taste.

Before a manicure, you should put your fingers in order. You will need an orange stick, nail scissors, wire cutters, nail file. In Europe, the technique of gentle nail art is more often used, when the cuticle only moves away, without cutting. If you like this method, then you will limit yourself to an orange stick at this stage. Use nippers to cut the nails to the desired shape, and file the sharp corners with a nail file so as not to hurt or break the plate. After finishing the processing procedure, proceed to the choice of colors.

With a monochrome combination of manicure, staining occurs with two varnishes with a change in tone. Example: from blue to light blue (white is gradually added to the first color, changing the shade) or from bright crimson to delicate pink (by the same method). Such a manicure emphasizes a delicate, romantic image or a catchy eccentric one. If related combinations are selected, the gradient is made with varnishes, which are located side by side in the color palette. Examples of the combination: bright yellow and orange, deep blue and sky blue, dark purple and scarlet, fiery orange and red.

The most daring combination of manicure is a contrasting gradient. Examples of combinations: sunny yellow and lilac, deep blue and orange, purple and emerald green, blue and pink. Combinations come in warm, cold, bright hot shades. Experiment with a mix of light and dark colors, pastels and rich palettes. A two-tone manicure in contrasting colors will suit any mood, style or event, you just have to correctly express your desire.

Another festive combination of manicure is varnish and glitter with sparkles. Whether to attribute the combination rules to them or not is up to you. Here, rather, you need to build on the festive outfit that you will be wearing, and makeup. A dark, evening dress with red lipstick inspires bright scarlet varnish and purple or blue sequins. If you are a bride and there is a wedding ahead of you, then white and silver glitter is the perfect combination for a manicure.

How to paint nails with a color transition master class

If you decide on bold experiments with manicure at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the master classes on coloring nails with a gradient effect. There are two styles of varnish application - painting with a brush or with a sponge. Everyone chooses for himself what is best. Having mastered this technique, the masters offer not only two-tone options, but also a three-color ombre manicure. Colors are selected from the same palette according to the principles described above.


For a manicure you will need a gradient:

  • several colors of varnishes from the same manufacturer or the same density;
  • a sponge cut into a couple of pieces;
  • transparent fixer;
  • liquid for removing manicure;
  • cotton buds;
  • palette (ordinary glass or a flat surface that does not absorb liquid);
  • fat cream.

Application steps:

  1. Lubricate the fingers in the areas close to the marigolds with a fat cream. Then it will be easier to remove the oversights of the manicure.
  2. After choosing the main color of the polish, apply it to all nails. This is provided that the same gradient manicure is everywhere.
  3. Take a mixing palette, mix 2 or 3 shades so that this stretched drop is about the length of your nail. Use a toothpick or needle to mix the varnishes at the point where they touch.
  4. Take a sponge, not much wider than your nail. Soak it in varnish.
  5. Make a print on your nail. The light color should be closer to the cuticle, the dark one at the tips. This technique in manicure visually stretches the fingers. If you do the opposite, you get the opposite effect.
  6. Wait for it to dry and repeat the procedure.
  7. Use a stick with nail polish remover to remove excess from your fingers.
  8. Apply glossy fixer. The manicure is ready!
  9. A little secret: if you use the applicator instead of a sponge, there will be almost no polish marks on your fingers.


This method is suitable for those who have already got the hang of the gradient manicure technique. Its plus is that an ombre effect of 3 or more colors is possible. On a sponge, such a gradient will not look so clear. The disadvantage of a manicure with a brush is only in the cost of time and patience. If you want a five-color gradient, you need to manually extrude each joint. The presence of gel varnishes and an ultraviolet lamp greatly simplifies the task.

You will need everything the same as for a manicure with a sponge, only instead of it - a brush. If you have gel polishes, start applying the base, and then the color variations:

  1. Using a light shade, paint on half of all nails from the cuticle to the middle of the nail.
  2. With another, use a dark color to go from the ends to the joining point.
  3. Take a zero brush, needle or toothpick and make vertical streaks at the point of contact. It is important to exercise them while it is still wet.
  4. Repeat the procedure again. You will certainly get a smooth transition from one color to another.

Video: how to make a gradient manicure with a transition

A detailed master class on gradient manicure in white and blue - what do you need? Watch the video to master the intricacies of applying varnish. In the video tutorial, the main tool is a sponge. In any case, there will be stains on her fingers from her, but this should not scare you away from this bright idea. A little hint - if you touch more than you need by wiping with a cotton swab, then take a thin brush, dip it in the color of the varnish near the cuticle, draw a thin line.

Video lesson of manicure with a color transition with a sponge

If you are interested in a three-color gradient nail art, but do not yet know how to bring it to life, then the video tutorial below is for you. Foil is used as a palette, a sponge is used as a tool. The application procedure is repeated 2 times. As a result, you get a delicate manicure of yellow-green-blue color, which is suitable for warm seasons for any event. Try to embody this nail art.

Photo of nail design with color transition 2019

Gradient. Easy knitting rules

beautiful canvas with a smooth transition of colors

The article uses photographs from the Internet: source "Google search"

Gradient is a word from lat. gradiens, means "walking, growing" or the direction of the greatest increase of a certain value, in our case - the color of the knitted fabric. Simply put, a gradient is a smooth transition from one color to another, and the colors themselves and the number of transitions can be any. For example, you can go from black to white in two steps, or in 5 or 10 steps, choosing between the initial (black) and final (white) shades from dark gray to silver and snow-white.

Also with any other colors and shades

In knitting, a multi-colored fabric is used in a variety of models and styles, both for children and adults.

In general, the sea of ​​imagination and possibilities !!!

You can knit a thing with stripes of different colors, you can envisage a transition of shades in the process of knitting a pattern, or you can emphasize the "zest" of a thing only through the overflow of paints in the usual front (or shawl) surface.

For a SMOOTH transition from one color to another, a simple technique of combining threads is used - melange. Wikipedia defines Melange as "a way of combining and weaving multicolored threads for knitting." And to make the canvas with a gradient, we must independently melange the selected colors of the yarn: everything is very simple, but effective and beautiful!

Often in the finished form, "transition lines" are still noticeable, very indistinct and indistinct, but visually visible.

If the product is knitted with a pattern, for example, braids or any other, then the "visibility" of the stripes is blurred, the transition becomes less noticeable

Here is a more striking example for comparing the facial surface and the pattern.

In no case can we say that this is ugly - it's just a fact)) all products in this technique look very cool and impressive!

BUT! You can achieve an almost perfectly smooth overflow of color, and in the same knitting technique !!!

For example, see

In fact, everything is very simple - this effect can be achieved in two ways:

  1. the more halftones are used between the primary colors, the more beautiful the result and the less noticeable the transitions, i.e. using three colors, it is very difficult to achieve the same result as 9 colors of yarn.

As an example, having 3 skeins * black-gray-white * overflow will be just noticeable stripes, and with 9 colors of threads * black / marengo / dark gray / gray / light gray / dark silver / silver / off-white / white / pure white *, this will have a much smoother gradient.

  1. knitting with a large number of layers of threads, gradually replacing each of which with a new shade, it is precisely the smoothness of the color transition that will be achieved.

The pictures above are the second way of the same knitting technique.

There is another option - another technique, for example, jacquard or drawing, where different colors can be entered pointwise, increasing the volume of a new shade in each next row and thus achieving a gradual, very "slow" color change.

We are considering a method of knitting a gradient, where there is a melange of threads!

SEVERAL RULES for the formation of the "necessary" colors when knitting a gradient - melange.

1.The thickness of the yarn

During knitting, our threads will be combined in different combinations, i.e. the working thread will ALWAYS consist of several threads - you can take only 2 basic colors of the yarn, BUT at the same time the effect of the gradient will depend on the number of folds. Those. when knitting in three threads, the transition will necessarily be more noticeable than when knitting with the same yarn in 6 or more additions.

Therefore, the first rule of a cool result is that the greater the number of thread additions, the smoother the transition of shades in the finished product will be.

The initial choice of yarn depends on this - be guided by the "final thickness" of the thread (= working thread), with which the fabric will be knitted in several folds: if in a skein of 100 g and the length of the thread is 400-500 m, then in three additions the thickness of the working thread will be quite voluminous, color transitions are more noticeable. For the same three-layer version of threads, each of which is 700-900 m long in 100 g, the thickness of the working thread will already be a thinner fabric. Well, when folding in 6-8 threads for yarn of 1300-1500 m and more, you can hope for an almost "ideal" gradient result.

Your choice of yarn should foresee this moment first of all!

But, again, this does not mean that knitting in 3 folds is ugly or ineffective - it all depends on the desired model and your choice!

There are three colors of cotton yarn, from which the gradient fabric of a summer blouse should be connected.

Yarn 50% cotton / 50% viscose, length 425 mx 100 g - I will knit in 3 additions with knitting needles number 3.5 (possibly 4.0 depending on the individual knitting density).

There are only 2 main colors of yarn - Semenovskaya "Lydia", 100% wool, length 1613 mx 100 g, colors "Dark blue" and "Iceberg" (turquoise). A hat in 8 (!) Additions will be knitted

Please note that in the first example, the "stripes" from color transitions are noticeable, especially in the area of ​​change of melange and main areas, while when moving from not very contrasting shades, the "border" is more blurred. Those. with more shades, the overflow would be smoother even with a small number of folds of the working thread.

In the 2nd example, on the hat's canvas, there is no such visible "border" of color even for sharp color tones WITHOUT the use of halftones.

2. How to melange the threads

Those. how to form "transitional" thread colors.

The basic rule of melange:

there are areas of primary colors and there are so-called. melange areas of knitted fabric. All sections are knitted with the same number of folds (= working thread): the sections of the primary colors are the addition of threads of only the primary colors, and the melange sections are a combination of threads of different colors. Each next transition is carried out by replacing one of the threads in the working thread with a thread of a different color.

For example, when folding in 5 threads, the first transition will be made by replacing one of the five threads with a thread of a different color = 4 threads of one color + 1 thread of a different color.

The knitting process is carried out as follows: after knitting a certain vertical section, we change one of the threads in the working thread to another. We knit the next vertical section and change one more thread as part of the working one for the same as the first replacement. And so on - all the threads in the working part are gradually replaced with a different color.

2.1. We knit with dark yarn in 3 threads of the same (lilac) color to the desired height *

* How to determine the height of knitting for an even distribution of colors along the length of the product - below in the text

This is the first section of the base color.

2.2. First transition to lighter yarn (pink) = first blended section. To do this, we replace one of the three threads of our working thread with a pink thread - we get a triple addition of two lilac and one pink thread. So the lighter thread will be gradually introduced into the canvas.

2.3. Having connected this segment to the desired height, we replace one of the two remaining lilac threads with a pink one - we get a triple addition of two pink threads and one lilac.

We get a canvas of this kind

2.5. The transition from pink to white will be performed in a similar way:

- 2 pink threads + 1 white

- 1 pink thread + 2 white

- 3 white threads

Thus, the smooth overflow from the initial dark color to the final light color is complete.

Nothing complicated and abstruse)))

This is an example for knitting with three colors. In a similar way, we will melange 4 colors (conditionally A, B, C, D), and the transition will be smoother, because the segments will be shorter and distributed as follows:

- 4 strands A

- 3 strands A + 1 strand B

- 2 strands A + 2 strands B

- 1 strand A + 3 strands B

- 4 strands B

Accordingly, the following segments of transitions

Now it becomes clear that the more threads in the working composition, the smoother the transition will be, because the replacement occurs gradually and, therefore, the introduction of a new shade is "less noticeable". Therefore, even knitting with 2 basic colors, but in a large number of folds of the working thread, gives the most effective final result of the gradient - example 2))

I think the principle of melange is clear regardless of the number of primary colors and the number of transitions.

3. How to determine the height of the transition segment (vertical section of the canvas)

If your product will evenly transition from one color to another, i.e. all shades will be the same height, then the planned length of the entire product (measured in the center of the product) from the top edge (for example, the neck of a blouse or the bottom of a hat) to the bottom edge is divided by the number of primary colors - WITHOUT taking into account the melange areas.

In the above example # 1, there are 3 parts: lilac, pink and white. As an example, let's take the total height of the blouse 72 cm.

72: 3 = 24 cm. the complete transition from one primary color to another should be 24 cm. BUT! in each such transition, 3 approaches are used with a change of threads = melange sections (3 threads of the same color, 2 of one + 1 of the second color, 1 of one + 2 of the second color), which means that we divide each segment of the main color into 3 more parts = each vertical knitting section, including melange, is 8 cm.Well, the number of rows is already depending on the individual knitting density))

Taking into account the style, model and the number of desired transitions, you can already change at your choice which of the transitions should have a greater height, and which segments will be less or the same. In particular, this is very important if the amount of yarn you have is different: there are 4 skeins of some color, and only 1 of others - accordingly, one of the transitions will be more "protracted", and the others - "short". Or just at will, one color (or one melange area) in your model should be 2/3 of the entire length as planned))

To knit different-height sections of flowers, use the following pattern:

- determine the desired height for each section of warp threads

Example No. 2: for knitting a hat with a working thread in 8 folds of yarn of two colors: the total planned height of the product from the bottom edge to the center of the bottom will be 23 cm. The height of each section of the main colors is 7 cm, respectively, the "middle" ... The TOTAL height of all melange areas for the transition from one primary to the second primary color will be 9 cm.

- distribute the common melange area for all colors by the number of transitions

In our example, this is like this:

7 strands A + 1 strand B

Those. a total of 7 crossings will be made on this section. As calculated earlier, the total height should be 9 cm, respectively, each individual melange area will be approx. 1.5 cm.

Everything. Calculations are done!

4. Smooth transition from one site to another melange or plain cut, if there is a small amount of folds in the working thread and sufficiently contrasting shades of the yarn.

This is also a rather delicate knitting moment, because if the number of primary colors is small, for example, our 3 colors in the 1st example, and the color is sufficiently contrasting, then, as mentioned above, there is still a fairly “clear” line of differentiation between different shades.

Use the rule of thumb, i.e. it is possible not to knit the entire row at once with the replacement of one thread, but to introduce a new shade due to partial knitting, for example, by knitting a small segment in shortened rows, the transition will no longer be clearly "horizontal".

Or you can use the jacquard technique, literally knitting 1-2 loops every 5-6 cm in a row, in the next one, respectively, increasing the areas of the new color.

Another option is to knit a small section of the row with a new working thread, then also knit a small section of the previous shade, and again alternate the “new” and “current” working threads in the same row, completely knit the next row with the previous shade, the next one with the “new” shade : so the "merge" will not be in a line, but in episodes.

In our 1st example, the "delimitation" of the areas is especially noticeable when the white thread is introduced. But I don't want to "bother" with jacquard or shortened rows)), there are 3 contrasting colors and only 3 folds of the working thread, as planned.

When knitting, I used both partial pieces of knitting with different working threads (photo above), and this method: knit the first row of the transition in alternation mode * 2 points of the previous color (it does not matter whether it is a melange row or the main one) and 2 points of a "new" color *.

When moving to the main section from * 1 pink + 2 white * to * 3 white threads * I knitted like this: * 2 points of the current melange color, the next 2 points are white * = the whole row in a checkerboard pattern, and different loops look the same "colorful" in a common canvas.

The next row is knitted with a "new" color - white. But, of course, you can still increase the "height" of the introduction of the "new" color in order to get a smoother overflow!

On the wrong side of the product, if you knit 2 loops with different work threads, small broaches are formed, as when knitting jacquard patterns - you can ignore them, because they are short, but you can use the rules of knitting jacquards to "eliminate" them when broaches "Knit" into the current row.

General form

Example 2. Here, in all transitions, the replacement of the 1st thread was simply performed without any additional knitting methods

That's all the rules for knitting a gradient. Simple and effective enough to get a beautiful result in the finished product - knit various and very neat smooth color overflows! I hope that both the result of your work and the knitting process itself will be just one pleasure!

One of the new, fashionable trends in manicure is the gradient manicure technique. This technique has become very popular with women.

A creative and neat manicure is the perfect complement to any dressing style. Over the past few years, manicure has become a whole art: fashionistas and designers come up with more and more sophisticated ways to decorate nails.

Sequins, stickers, foil, rhinestones, stamping, nail piercing, volumetric sculptures - a variety of decorations focus on nails in a female image. Fans of nail art always invent new ways of coloring nails: manicure can be moon, marble, holographic, gradient.

What is Gradient Manicure?

Gradient manicure became a popular trend in the spring-summer 2013 season. Summer gave way to autumn, but this exquisite manicure has not lost its relevance - bright summer tones have given way to deeper shades corresponding to the seasons.

Gradient manicure is a special technique of covering nails with varnish, in which the effect of a smooth transition from one color to another is created. The gradual color change on the nails looks impressive!

There can be countless color solutions for such a manicure. The color can gradually fade or become brighter if you use similar tones of different saturation.

For a more expressive manicure, you can combine contrasting or related-contrasting colors - in order to correctly create a harmonious combination, you need to use the color spectrum.

Gradient manicure technique

The gradient nail technique is not difficult, but it will take patience. There are several ways of coloring to achieve a smooth transition of colors.

The main tool that is used in any gradient manicure technique is a foam sponge. It is best to use a thick triangular makeup sponge. The smaller the pores on the sponge, the better. The sponge is used as a stamp to apply the desired pattern.

The main methods of application

  • The nail plate is covered with a colorless base varnish. Colored varnishes are applied in lines to the surface of the sponge, after which the resulting pattern is quickly imprinted. This technique will be discussed in detail below.
  • The varnishes of the selected shades are applied not to the sponge, but to the surface of the plastic film or lid. The varnishes must be applied so that the colored spots touch. At the point of contact, the colors are mixed with a toothpick, then the pattern is transferred to the surface of the nail plate, which is previously covered with a base for manicure.
  • This method is quite simple and is used when creating a gradient of two shades. If a transition is made from the moon to the tip of the nail from dark to light, a darker shade is applied as a base.
  • If a gradient needs to be made from light near the moon to dark at the tip, the nail is covered with the lighter of the selected shades, or with a natural shade of varnish. Then the second shade is applied to the sponge and imprinted on the top. The topcoat spreads the varnish evenly over the nail to create a smooth transition.

How to do a gradient manicure at home

Pick the shades first - this process can take longer than the coloring process itself! You can choose shades of the same color and make a smooth transition, for example, from lilac to pale pink.

But the colors do not have to be the same: a manicure with a transition from blue to yellow or from green to black will look very bold! To create a spectacular evening gradient manicure, you can use glitter varnishes.

You can create a color block from shades of different colors - it will look especially expressive: remember how the colors of the rainbow pass from one to the other. Experiment with different color combinations to get your nails started with a ready-made solution.

Consider the length of your nails when choosing the number of color stripes. It is more convenient to work on long ones, moreover, they will "fit" more transitions from one color to another. On short ones, a blend of two shades looks harmonious, otherwise the colors will mix too much, and the manicure will be smeared.

Helpful hint: if you have white or black varnishes, you can mix them with any other varnishes to obtain a darker or lighter shade. The color transition on the nail plate can be done both vertically and horizontally.

What you need for a gradient manicure

Necessary materials:

  • nail file, tongs, cuticle scissors
  • base for manicure
  • varnishes of selected shades
  • sponge or sponge
  • plastic film (file) or plastic cap
  • a cup of water
  • correcting pencil or cotton swabs and nail polish remover
  • nail polish

Step-by-step instruction

For those who are always on the run and do not have an extra free minute, you can make a simpler manicure using the gradient technique: the effect of a smooth transition of color shades can be obtained by painting the nails on one hand with different varnishes.

If you have a rich palette of varnishes, you can pick up five similar shades of the same color. It doesn't matter if you don't have a lot of varnishes - use 2-3 bottles, mixing shades with each other to get a smooth transition of tone.

For the thumbnail, choose the darkest shade, gradually "lightening" it to the pinky nail - or vice versa. Rinse the brush with solvent each time before applying the next shade.

Ombre is a term that denotes the transition of color from one to another. Having appeared for the first time among hairdressers, he migrated to the environment of nail service masters and firmly established himself there. Currently, by the word ombre, they mean the design of nails, the transition of one color to another.

First execution technique

Ombre on nails

This technique is more complicated, but the result looks more professional. The transition border is more stretched, and the transition itself is very smooth. This ombre looks best when using delicate and close tones in color. This is due to the fact that the varnishes will have to be mixed and a beautiful color should be obtained as a result of mixing.

Now about how to make nails (manicure) with a color transition, such as in the photo. You will need:

  • Standard set of manicure accessories;
  • Base for varnish;
  • Mixing palette;
  • Toothpick;
  • Sponge;
  • Two or more (depending on the idea) varnish colors;
  • Top coverage.

Ombre step by step

First, put your nails in order, do a manicure in the usual way. Remove the cuticle, trim the free edge and polish the plate. Degrease the plates and go directly to how to make a smooth transition of the color of the varnish on the nails.

  1. Cover the plates with a base and dry thoroughly. The layer should not be thick;
  2. Pour some varnishes of both colors close to each other on the palette;
  3. Start mixing them with a toothpick along the border in such a way that as a result, the color transition becomes smooth;
  4. Dip a sponge in the varnish;
  5. Make an imprint on the nail plate with a sponge;
  6. Dry the resulting gradient;
  7. Apply fixer and dry.

Using this technology, you can also perform ombre-style manicure on nails with gel polish, as in the photo. It will not be possible to make it using the second technology, which will be presented below, due to some specificity of the material. In conclusion of the section, we bring to your attention a lesson on how to make an ombre manicure on nails with gel polish at home using this video as an example.

Second technology

Using this technology, ombre manicure can only be done with ordinary varnish. This method is not applicable to gel polish, biogel and shellac. To make a manicure in this way, you will need the following tools and materials:

Ombre on French manicure

  • Your regular manicure set;
  • Base for varnish;
  • Two colored varnishes (thick enough);
  • Sponge;
  • Fixer.

Ombre manicure using that technology is quite simple, and therefore how to do it can be told more briefly. As in the previous case, prepare your nails for applying varnish in a standard way, degrease and apply a base. After it dries, apply one coat of thick varnish. If necessary, apply another coat after it dries.

So, after getting a dense color, dry it thoroughly. Pour a different color of varnish onto the palette and dip a sponge in it. It can be applied directly with a brush to the sponge, but for this the varnish should not be too liquid, and the sponge should have large pores. Otherwise, the coating will simply be absorbed into the sponge very quickly.

Now press the sponge against the nail, starting from where you want to see the beginning of the color transition. In order for such an ombre technique on the nails to succeed, it must be done quickly. That is, the sponge must be pressed as tightly as possible, but for the minimum time. Then repeat the movement half a millimeter above the border of the first application and thus move to the end of the free edge of the nail, gradually thickening and condensing its color.

To make a manicure with a color transition using this technology is possible only with a simple varnish. For shellac, the method is not applicable, since there are no conditions for thorough removal of the sticky layer. Thus, the manicure will not only not become durable, but also turn out to be completely unaesthetic.

The advantage of this technology is that it can be used to create a light and delicate design, using a translucent tone as a second varnish. In this case, you can give only a light nuance shade to the main dense tone of the varnish. Such a manicure looks especially impressive if a drawing is applied over it with a more saturated shade of the second color.

The video below will tell you how to perform an ombre manicure at home.

The popularity of ombre

This painting style is used almost everywhere in manicure. It can be made both vertical and horizontal and diagonal. Special craftsmen even manage to make it semicircular. It can be used to decorate one nail or all.

"Aerobatics" can be considered a vertical ombre made in six colors, passing from finger to finger. So on the little finger we see a transition from red to orange, on the nameless one - from orange to yellow, on the middle one - from yellow to green, on the index finger - from green to blue and on the large one - from blue to purple.

Ombre manicure on nails with a jacket, as we see in the photo, is also possible. In this style, a free edge or a nail bed can be decorated. It is also possible to cover the entire nail with light nuanced transparent shades.

The number of colors that will change within one nail can be limited only by your skill. Some people manage to use up to four shades on one plate. It can be performed both in bright and saturated colors, and in similar shades. For example, a smooth transition from pale pink to natural beige is a good option for the office.

Ombre manicure

You can decorate such a manicure in a variety of ways. The most interesting option seems to be placing the pattern of the first color on the tip of the nail, that is, against the background of the second color, or vice versa. Stickers or drawings by hand in other colors and shades also look quite aesthetically pleasing, provided the correct shade and tone are selected.

Decorating with sparkles also seems appropriate. For example, you can make a smooth transition from heavy glitter at the free edge of the nail to sparse at the base, similar to the color transition. This design can also be diversified with rhinestones. You can place them on one nail in the form of a complex pattern or on all in a small amount. You can see one or another ombre nail design in the photo below.


In order for the result you get to be comparable to that of a salon, you need to know a few simple secrets of such a manicure.

Color transition

  1. When performing a manicure using the first technology, you need to ensure that the density of both varnishes is the same. Otherwise, a smooth transition will not work;
  2. When working on the second technology, on the contrary, it is better that the second varnish (that is, the one that is applied to the sponge) was more liquid. This will make the layer smoother and the transition uniform;
  3. If you want the ombre effect on nails, such as in the video, to be as smooth and natural as possible, then it is very important to choose the right sponge. Sponges are usually best for applying foundation. However, it all depends on the thickness of the varnish. Sometimes you should opt for a more porous sponge. But it must be, as it were, rubber (rubber) to the touch. Synthetic sponges such as those used for washing dishes, as well as natural ones, will not work, since the varnish will not adhere well to them and dry quickly.

Ultimately, the quality of your manicure and its professionalism depend on how correctly you select all the devices, tools and materials.

Hello dear novice webmasters. Again .

In this article I will tell you how to make it transition from dark shades to lighter ones, as well as from one color to another.

This action is called a gradient, and since it is essentially a background image, it is executed by the background property, which takes two values:

1.linear-gradient - color transition from one edge or corner to another.

2.radial-gradient - color transition from the center to the edges.

It is written as follows:

background: -moz-linear-gradient (top, # ff0000, #ffcfcf);
top, # ff0000, #ffcfcf);

Below, using an example, we will analyze in detail each element of this record.

Unfortunately, the gradient still has problems with display in browsers, and with the W3C specification, so you still have to use prefixes in the values.

A prefix is ​​put at the beginning of the value, and starts with a dash.

We will have to insert such a list into the element selector, creating a gradient for it, in order for your very beautiful background to be correctly reflected in all browsers. Beauty requires sacrifice.

Untitled document

This is the simplest, two-tone gradient. Let's analyze in detail the values ​​of the background property

The first line sets the background for browsers that do not support linear gradients.

The next 5 lines are for displaying the background in different browsers. First, the value of the gradient is written with a prefix at the beginning.

Then, in parentheses:

top - the direction from which the first color starts (can be bottom, left, right)

# ff0000 - first color separated by commas;

#ffcfcf - second color separated by commas;

Safari up to version 5 and Chrome up to 10 had their own syntax, which markedly increases the code. This is probably why the gradient for these versions is often not specified, especially when there are a lot of colors.

You can make the color transition not horizontally, or vertically, but from corner to corner. For this, there are the following directions:

bottom right - from the lower right corner to the upper left;

bottom left - from bottom left to top right;

top right - from the top right to the bottom left;

top left - from top left to bottom right;

You can make a color transition from the center of the block to the edges. Then in the meaning instead of the word linear (linear), put radial (radial)

#gradient (
background: # ff0000;
background: -moz-radial-gradient ( center, ellipse cover, # ff0000, #ffcfcf);
background: -webkit-radial-gradient ( center, ellipse cover, # ff0000, #ffcfcf);
center, ellipse cover, # ff0000, #ffcfcf);
center, ellipse cover, # ff0000, #ffcfcf);
width: 600px;
height: 400px;
border: 1px solid # 333;

Now let's do something like a rainbow, so to speak. To do this, add a couple more colors to the above code, and set the volume of each color as a percentage (the number of colors is not limited)

The volume of the color is set from 0% to 100%, (the first is 0%, the last is 100%, the rest are between them in order). Consider this option on a radial gradient. On a linear one, everything is done in the same way.

#gradient (
background: # ff0000;
background: -moz-radial-gradient ();
background: -webkit-radial-gradien t ( center, ellipse cover, # ff0000 0%, # 00b630 30%, # 6ff5f5 70%, #ffcfcf 100%);
background: -o-radial-gradient ( center, ellipse cover, # ff0000 0%, # 00b630 30%, # 6ff5f5 70%, # ffcfcf1005);
background: -ms-radial-gradient ( center, ellipse cover, # ff0000 0%, # 00b630 30%, # 6ff5f5 70%, #ffcfcf 100%);
width: 600px;
height: 400px;
border: 1px solid # 333;

The principle, I think, is clear. So the line for Safari up to the fifth version, and Chrome up to the tenth, try to write it yourself.

The gradient is set to any HTML block (body, div, h1-6, p, ul, ol), and both the global and inline styles (this is for a WordPress site).

Now a few words about how and where to select colors. There are gradient services that offer color, volume percentage, and gradient code, but their options are limited.

Therefore, I use the tool, in which you can choose a color in an unlimited range, and optimally selected sequences and combinations.

In the top row of the panel, the number of combined colors is selected. After going through the "Angle 30 °" the selection range changes.

In "Adjusting the scheme", the tone is made darker or lighter. In the "List of colors", all colors present in the scheme are arranged by saturation, and with a code in the signature.

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