How to remove cellulite, smooth stretch marks, remove vascular network and lose weight forever. Stretching from cellulite Cellulite stretch marks

Beautiful smooth skin, perfect figure - the ultimate dream of modern women. It is difficult to meet a person devoid of cosmetic defects. Stretch marks and cellulite (lipodystrophy) are at the top of the hit parade of flaws that every woman wants to get rid of.

What is cellulite
Subcutaneous adipose tissue is the main depot of adipose tissue. It is made up of accumulations of fat cells called adipocytes. When the need arises, fat enters the circulatory system, being an effective source of energy and nutrients. But, for a modern urban dweller, the increased consumption of fat reserves is nonsense. A high level of urbanization, urban and personal transport, sedentary work, eating food rich in fats and carbohydrates leads to excessive accumulation of fat. As a result, the size of fat cells increases, blood circulation and circulation of tissue fluid in the subcutaneous adipose tissue is disturbed.

Violation of blood flow leads to edema, congestion. Nutrition worsens, there is a lack of oxygen in the tissues. In response to hypoxia, the connective tissue grows, forming strands and knots, causing deformation of the skin and the formation of the “orange peel” effect. This condition is called liposclerosis.

Thus, cellulite is a dystrophic phenomenon in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Improper diet, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal disorders, obesity contribute to the development of cellulite.

What are stretch marks
Striae (medical name) is a skin defect that looks like irregularly shaped bands of various colors (from pale to bright red). The main reason for the appearance is a violation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin. These proteins form the reticular layer of the skin and look like a network of elastic fibers that give the skin elasticity and strength.

Reduced collagen production may be due to hormonal imbalances. So, stretch marks often occur with endocrine pathology. In some cases, the occurrence of stretch marks occurs due to overstretching of the skin during pregnancy, intensive weight gain (obesity, the use of anabolic steroids). A sharp increase in volume leads to tearing of the mesh layer of the skin with the formation of stretch marks. For this reason, the defect to the touch is defined as a failure - in this area, the skin is devoid of a framework of collagen and elastin fibers.

The color of the stripes depends on the prescription of their occurrence. In the beginning, they may have a red or pink color, due to the presence of a large number of blood vessels. Over time, the color intensity decreases. This takes from a few weeks to a year.

Cellulite, stretch marks are cosmetic skin defects and are not considered a disease. But, sometimes, they can be a sign of a serious health problem. Favorite localization - the skin of the abdomen, the inner and back of the thighs, buttocks, chest, inner surface of the shoulders.

Stretching from cellulite differs in the depth of the dystrophic process. In the first case, the skin is affected, in the second, the subcutaneous fatty tissue. But, both here and there, there is a pronounced cosmetic defect.

How to get rid of stretch marks and cellulite?
Want to fix a problem? This requires a nutrition correction (limit fats and carbohydrates in the diet, focus on healthy and simple food, increase the proportion of fruits, herbs and vegetables on the menu). From now on, your lifestyle is active. Regular exercise in an accessible sport will prevent the formation of new defects. Solarium should be avoided - stretch marks do not tan, which makes them more pronounced against the background of darker skin.

The use of special cosmetics that nourish the skin and improve blood microcirculation, together with cosmetic procedures, significantly reduces the severity of defects. Lymphatic drainage massage, wraps, laser therapy and other achievements of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine should be used after consultation with a specialist. But, do not forget, these problems are easier to prevent than to treat.

What causes stretch marks? Can they be removed? How to prevent their occurrence?

What do stretch marks look like?
Stretch marks (scientifically - striae) - jagged pink, red or purple stripes that appear on the skin of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, chest. They are frequent companions of pregnancy, however, their appearance is not uncommon in men. The presence of stretch marks is not a pathology, but, in some cases, they can be a separate symptom of a disease. Large stretch marks are often observed in people with diseases of the endocrine system, accompanied by treatment with hormonal drugs.
Anatomically, stretch marks are a linear break in the mesh layer of the skin, which is responsible for strength and elasticity (the ability to withstand stress). Collagen and elastin fibers in the area of ​​the defect are torn, as a result of which the skin loses its strength, easily stretches - stretch marks appear. The fight against them is carried out by various methods - effective and not very effective.
The color of the stretch marks is due to the presence of a large number of capillaries in the area of ​​the gap. Over time, they become empty, the defect turns pale, scars, but never completely disappears. Large stretch marks can take up a significant area of ​​the body. In this case, a doctor's consultation and a medical examination are required to timely identify the cause of the formation of striae.

What causes stretch marks
There are several main reasons why stretch marks appear:

  • pregnancy - in 80% of women, this is the main reason for the formation of stretch marks towards the end of pregnancy. In addition to hormonal changes, their appearance is provoked by purely physical factors such as skin stretching;
  • a sharp weight gain - during a period of intensive growth, stretch marks can be diagnosed in adolescents. Their appearance in obesity and overweight is a matter of time;
  • pathology - ailments such as Marfan's or Cushing's disease are almost always accompanied by large stretch marks on the skin, including in unusual places - on the face, neck, back, legs, arms. Blood tests for hormones may be required to rule out or confirm the diagnosis;
  • drugs - hormonal drugs, even in the form of lotions and ointments, weaken the structure of collagen and elastin fibers. When treating with corticosteroids, you should be aware of this and take appropriate measures to prevent stretch marks.

What makes stretch marks more noticeable?
Stretch marks are poorly tanned. After sunbathing, visiting a solarium, they can stand out more against the background of tanned skin. The application of certain cosmetic or medical products can also make stretch marks more visible. Moreover, you should protect the skin from direct sunlight, as its protection is reduced due to a defect.

Stretch marks and how to deal with them
Basically, stretch marks are an exclusively cosmetic defect of the skin. Even without treatment, most of the defect becomes less noticeable over time. Unfortunately, most of the procedures and cosmetics against stretch marks do not have the effectiveness declared by the manufacturer. It is worth remembering this so as not to be disappointed with the results of treatment.
The easiest way to deal with fresh stretch marks. Of the local preparations, ointments containing tretinoin have the most pronounced effectiveness. This substance has a structure similar to vitamin A. The use of tretinoin stimulates the synthesis of collagen, promotes skin regeneration. However, its use requires medical supervision.
On a note. Tretinoin is strictly contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation. The drug causes fetal malformations and abortion. This is a prescription drug.
Of the funds available without a prescription, Contractubex ointment is often used, which has the ability to prevent the formation of rough scars, including stretch marks.
Also, any woman can use a huge number of different cosmetics. But, most find that the effect of their application is far from expected.
Beauty treatments, massages, exfoliation, and body wraps for stretch marks can work, but require long-term use. The most effective method is laser resurfacing of the defect area. Laser radiation stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin, which makes stretch marks less noticeable.
Older defects can be attempted to be removed using more aggressive methods. For this purpose, microdermabrasion, deep resurfacing with chemicals (trichloroacetic acid) are used.
Whatever method the doctor decides to use, it is impossible to completely remove stretch marks. Effective prevention of stretch marks is a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, weight control.

Weight loss is happiness for any woman. However, the skin does not always have time to adapt to changes in body volume, tears inside and heals incompletely (the gaps are filled with connective tissue).

And then we start looking for a miracle cure for stretch marks: the forum will help you find out how others struggle with them, books will tell you what doctors offer. The latter, by the way, are sure that it is not so easy to hide stretch marks, without qualified medical assistance, it will not work. Of course, some folk homemade remedies can make the process of dealing with stretch marks somewhat easier if they are still fresh. But for old stretch marks, you need to use more professional tools. Which ones - the doctor will tell you. We will do a short overview of common options.

Mesotherapy for stretch marks: cosmetology to help
Cosmetology offers a fairly effective option. Instead of looking for pills for stretch marks or preparing grandmother's terrible-looking and smelling recipes, it is better to visit several mesotherapy sessions. A suitable meso-cocktail will be selected individually for each patient, which will become the basis for microinjections.

This method is widely used to improve the appearance of the skin. The composition of these cocktails includes not only vitamins for stretch marks, but also collagen, various beneficial enzymes and amino acids that smooth wrinkles and eliminate cellulite. With the help of this procedure, you can hide stretch marks for a long time, and if you carefully monitor yourself, they will not return at all.

Bepanten - stretch mark emulsion: the latest science
Bayer, which produces drugs under the brand name Bepanthen, offers its own proprietary remedy. "Bepantol" from stretch marks, the price of which, although quite high, but justified, is a nutritious emulsion. Applying it to the skin provides it with the substances necessary to maintain elasticity and smoothness.

The central component of this preparation is an extract of Asiatic centella. It stimulates the active production of collagen, thanks to which the skin is better restored, smoothed, strengthened. And if you need to hide stretch marks - this is the main thing.

Apply the emulsion with massaging movements twice a day. Its main advantage is the possibility of use by pregnant and lactating women.

Johnson Baby from stretch marks: the most delicate help
Another option that is suitable for pregnant women (and they are the ones who most often face stretch mark problems) is offered by Johnson & Johnson. Its experts have always taken care to ensure a high degree of safety and sensitivity of their products. Having succeeded in creating suitable products for the little ones, they have also developed a stretch mark oil that will suit expectant mothers. In fact, it is for children, but it has found wider application among pregnant women who wish to prevent the manifestation of stretch marks.

You can also use this product after childbirth. If stretch marks have already appeared, you can move from smoothing massage to pinching to enhance the effect.

Creams to hide stretch marks
Today's market offers a wide range of creams that will help get rid of stretch marks. For example, Avent relieves stretch marks due to the content of sea lettuce and algae extract. The action of these components is aimed at increasing the elasticity of the skin. Shea seed oil has a softening effect, and almond oil has a soothing, relieving itching effect. So after using Avent cream, there will be no stretch marks left.

Lierac cream works somewhat differently: it relieves stretch marks by fighting fat cells. Their size (and subsequently the number) decreases, the skin texture evens out, the striae become smaller and smaller.

Weleda Stretch Mark Cream can be used as early as the second trimester of pregnancy. This is a delicate product created especially for expectant mothers who care about their skin. The cream is full of vitamins, besides it smells good. "Weleda" from stretch marks will become a kind of prevention. By the way, in the first few months after childbirth, it should not be abandoned either - in order to consolidate the effect.

Chicco cream for stretch marks has similar properties: it is also designed for pregnant women, which has been proven by various clinical trials. The product contains vitamins E and PP, as well as wheat oil, which moisturizes and softens the skin.

Mustela cream deserves special attention: it relieves stretch marks as part of a complex effect on the skin. He is able to tidy up the skin of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and even chest in three months. With careful hygiene, it can be used even when breastfeeding.

Another remedy for stretch marks is Vichy. It inspires confidence with a certificate of dermatological control, however, judging by the reviews, the ratio of its price and effect does not always justify itself. In fact, the problem lies in the longer course of using this cream. Depending on the characteristics of the skin of a particular woman, it can be up to six months. can also be a good prophylactic, however, due to the high price, it is usually chosen only to get rid of existing stretch marks.

Other methods to help hide stretch marks
There are a huge number of various folk remedies - it’s impossible to list everything. Of course, a homemade stretch mark mask can help, but there is no guarantee that a woman will not be allergic to one of its components. Therefore, it is still better to consult a specialist on this problem, especially when you are in a position or being a nursing mother. It is also desirable to collect more feedback on the effectiveness of a particular recipe.

Finally, the appearance of stretch marks can be prevented. To do this, you just need to accustom your skin to stretch gradually, without compromising the appearance. Yoga for stretching is the best method, which, by the way, will bring a lot of benefits for the whole body. After such exercises, the elasticity of not only the skin, but also the muscles will increase. Thus, you will take care of the beauty of the whole body.

cocoa perfectly absorbed, does not leave a greasy film on the skin, tightens the skin, improves its turgor, protects the skin from the effects of free radicals, and hence from premature aging, copes well with overdrying, chapping and generally with the negative impact of the environment, prevents stretch marks and cellulite. The oil is used during anti-cellulite massage, it can be used for applications and dressings.

wheat germ a valuable natural antioxidant that affects the skin at the cellular level, prevents cell oxidation and nourishes them with oxygen. The oil has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect, it is used to rejuvenate the skin and to increase its elasticity. Wheat germ oil is not often used in its pure form, as it is very thick and viscous. It is added to other cosmetics.

jojoba a unique oil, indispensable in cosmetology, which does not leave a greasy sheen and at the same time forms a protective layer on the skin, penetrates well into the skin. It is effective in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks, and it can also be used to eliminate dermatitis, skin irritations, cuts, rashes and crackles. Jojoba oil can be used both in its pure form (for massage, compresses, applications, lubrication), and as part of other cosmetic products (including essential oils). Especially effective against stretch marks will be a mixture of jojoba oil with avocado, mint or orange oil.

almond oil very light with a pleasant smell, does not leave greasy marks on the skin, contains vitamin E and F, which normalizes the sebaceous glands and solves the problem of enlarged pores. In addition to the fact that almond oil has a beneficial effect on problem areas of the body, it can also be used to treat sprains, swelling, and muscle pain. It is used most often as a base oil in massages, and it is also added as one of the ingredients in mixtures designed to eliminate various cosmetic problems.

And in parallel...

And in parallel, we eat fully, take vitamins A and E (if necessary), take fish oil, eat protein foods to produce collagen to smooth out stretch marks. We also do physical activity. Also, start your day with a glass of water. Nourish your skin from the inside and out. Drink often and in small portions.

Cellulite- the eternal problem of many girls / women, regardless of age and weight (thin or full). The reasons for its occurrence are many, since many factors influence its appearance.

To successfully get rid of this scourge, you need to make a lot of efforts and, first of all, reconsider your body care, nutrition and lifestyle.

A little bit about yourself...

Cellulite appeared in me probably at the age of 15-16 (now I'm 29).

I did not attach much importance to it, since it did not cause me discomfort and was not too noticeable, even strange, but everything suited me ...

After I was gaining weight and losing weight, I began to notice stretch marks on my hips.

At one point, a feeling dawned on me, as always on the eve of summer, that I needed to put my skin in order, I wanted to look more attractive. I stubbornly smeared special. creams and lotions, tried to do exercises, but for a long time I was not enough, laziness made itself felt.

And after the end of hot days, or even earlier, I forgot about my problem. And so for several years. Active efforts to put the skin in order were fleeting and not very positive.

In the last 3-4 years I have suddenly the complex woke up and I wildly wanted to get rid of these hated bumps on the pope and legs, which haunted me. The skin was kind of flabby, but I wanted to be more toned and healthy.

I could not wear short shorts and skirts because I felt uncomfortable, it seemed that everyone noticed my imperfections on the skin.

I decided to finally make every effort to say goodbye to my "orange peel", overcame my laziness and began to regularly care for my skin.

This is what it looked like before. It is embarrassing to show, but clearly.

Care is one thing, but much depends on more than just that.

First of all, I revised my diet and lifestyle.

I used to always weigh about 59-65 kg. Weight varied even up to 67 kg with my height 1m65 cm.

I was not fat, but quite plump, I always wanted to be more slim.

I still managed to lose weight.Over the past 3-4 years, the weight has been stable at 54-56 kg.

I started with the most important thing, namely with proper nutrition (in short).

  • less junk food (fast food, crackers, chips and other muck);
  • started drinking enough liquids in a day;
  • eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • included in the diet fermented milk products that I didn’t really like before (cottage cheese, kefir, homemade yogurts, etc.);
  • excluded various drinks, especially carbonated(this is the very first enemy!), I now give preference to freshly squeezed juices, herbal teas and greens. From coffee, alas, I can not refuse;
  • trying limit baked goods and pastries,(but sometimes I indulge myself with cakes and chocolate, I can’t live without it, but within reason);

Also said goodbye to bad habits.

  • I quit smoking;
  • I drink alcohol very rarely

Leading a more active/moving lifestyle(Devoting more time to various workouts to tone up your body. Physical activity is also very important.

These are just the first few...

And now let's move on to the care itself.

I'll start with swimming. Everything is in order.


You must have heard about soda and salt baths(with sea salt)?

They have a very beneficial effect on the skin, with their help you can even lose weight.

Periodically I take both baths.

Soda baths are famous for their anti-cellulite effect. The main thing is to do courses.

How to take a soda bath?

Water should be no higher than 40 degrees.

We take 200-300 grams baking soda and dilute it in water, add essential oils and pour into a bath filled with water.

For enhanced effect, it is better to use with sea salt.


It is citrus fruits that have the most pronounced anti-cellulite effect. (orange, grapefruit, lemon etc.), therefore, if you are doing various procedures, then it is advisable to use oils from this category!

Enough 20-30 minutes soak up in such a bath, and the effect will pleasantly please you soon.

Baking soda is great for softening and relaxing the skin.

Such baths can be taken every other day, or alternated with sea salt.


Scrubs play a very important role!

This is an essential part of skin care, without which you can not do.

With their help, the skin is updated faster, as dead cells are easily exfoliated.

The scrub has an excellent effect on the skin: it thoroughly cleanses, improves blood microcirculation, makes the skin smoother, improves tone and prepares for further care.

After the scrub, the skin is much easier to absorb nutrients.

From the store I have 2 favorites: from clean line with apricot pits and Black pearl. I have been buying them for several years. For me, these scrubs - best budget option!

Scrubs should be used when the skin is well steamed.

In addition to store-bought ones, I like to make my own scrub. at home.

It's natural, cheap and just as effective!

Below are some of my favorite recipes.


It's not that hard to make this scrub.

As you understand, we need coffee beans. They need to be thoroughly ground in a coffee grinder. I got a slightly coarse grinding in the photo, usually making it smaller.

Most often I make homemade scrubs based on ground coffee, because I love it, and the very effect on the skin is excellent!


This is the easiest and fastest scrub to prepare, without problems.

We only need a portion of ground coffee and any shower gel.

Em can be added.

I use shower oil instead of gel.

Mix coffee with butter and the scrub is ready!

SCRUB #2 for dry skin.

You need to take:

  • ground coffee;
  • sugar;
  • sea ​​salt (I have crushed in the photo)
  • olive oil;
  • essential oil (I use orange)

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, add olive oil and em.

I usually mix by eye. There are no defined proportions.

This scrub perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, making it soft and velvety.


One of my favorite scrubs!

  • ground coffee;
  • crushed oatmeal;
  • Coconut oil;
  • sour cream;
  • almond oil;
  • ef. oil.

Pre-melt coconut oil and mix it with the rest of the ingredients, add sour cream and other necessary oils. If necessary, you can add a little warm water and the scrub is ready! How incredibly delicious it smells!

And the skin after it, like a baby! Soft, smooth and silky!

I use scrubs 2-3 times a week.

In between I take in hand favorite brush, which I carefully massage the body on both sides. These brushes work great!


After the skin is perfectly prepared, I use different masks and wraps.

There are many types of clays in my arsenal, but blue clays will be relevant for the body, as they have the most anti-cellulite effect.

The most favorite blue clays are Cambrian and Valdai from Phytocosmetics.

With their help, I just make masks and, when time permits, wraps.

There is nothing complicated. Stir the clay with water to a creamy consistency, add em and can be applied to the skin.

Wrap with cling film and wait 20-30 minutes.

There are a lot of recipes for wrapping. I'll list my favorites below.

Wraps will help not only to bring the skin in order, but also get rid of a few centimeters, as they have a drainage effect


I heat the mud in a water bath, apply a thin layer on the skin and wait 40-60 minutes.


Pamper your skin with this delicious mask!

For this we need cocoa powder and coconut oil.

Mix thoroughly in warm water and add coconut oil to it.

The mixture looks very appetizing! Fortunately, such a delicacy will not add extra calories, on the contrary, it will benefit by improving the overall appearance of the skin.


For more efficient results massage is required.

There are many types: manual, can/vacuum(unless you have varicose veins) honey etc.

The simplest is manual, but it is best to do it with the help of a special. massage oil.

I have anti-cellulite oil from Alpstories with a huge set of citrus oils and other useful components in it. Very pleased with the use and effect.

I also occasionally do honey massage, but not everyone will love it, since the method is quite painful (not everyone will like it, only masochists), but you can get used to it.

For HONEY MASSAGE we need fresh honey(preferably).

How to perform?

Pour a small amount of honey into the palm of your hand and slap it against the skin, as if forming a vacuum, after which we tear it off. And so for several minutes. The procedure is sticky, loud, even bruises may appear on the skin later, and reddening of the skin will be no exception, but the effect of such a massage is excellent!

Honey is very beneficial for the skin:it removes toxins, improves blood circulation, activates the metabolism and significantly improves the condition of the skin.


After the above procedures, the skin is ready to receive the next portion of care.

Periodically I use various gels, creams, lotions with anti-cellulite direction.

One cream alone will not be able to exterminate the problem, but in an integrated approach it will work much more efficiently!

I currently have 4 of these. I really like the effect of the gel from ChL and Alpstories. They visibly tighten the skin and make it more elastic.

Concerning STRETCH MARKS and how to deal with them

Here everything is much more complicated ....

Stretch marks are torn tissue, so to speak, scars that cannot be completely removed, but with the help of certain means it is possible to make them less noticeable.

They can also be prevented during pregnancy.

When I went pregnant, I lubricated my stomach with various oils.(almond, coconut, olive) and everything worked out, no stretch marks appeared on the abdomen!

Well, on the priest for all these years, quite a few stretch marks have formed ....

Once I read a recipe based on mummy and began to use it regularly.

One procedure requires 2 tablets. mummy and any cream.

We mix everything together and achieve complete dissolution of the mummy, after which we apply the resulting cream to problem areas.

I can not say that it gives a super effect, but there are small shifts. fresh stretch marks become less noticeable. Such a cream must be applied constantly (for a long time), only then there will be a noticeable effect. It's a long process, a lot of hassle and requires a lot of patience...

Such a cream is absorbed very quickly, does not stain the skin and clothes, although there is a specific smell.

Only with such intensive care I have achieved positive results!

This is a lot of work that requires regularity, time and patience.

First of all, laziness must be overcome and at least a few of these points should be taken as a rule.

Only an integrated approach will give a good effect.

After all these stages, the skin has noticeably changed.: cellulite can be said to have practically disappeared, at least not visible. The skin has become more well-groomed, smooth, elastic, even, elastic and toned.

Now I am not ashamed to wear short shorts and dresses, I feel much more confident.

I taught myself to take care of my skin regularly, and not rush about in anticipation of the summer, as before. Still, the problem cannot be solved in a short time.

To achieve the cherished goal - the main thing is not to give up halfway and then you will definitely succeed!

Nature has endowed a woman with a beautiful body along with the obligation to take care of it regularly. Changes in the hormonal background, characteristic of absolutely all women at different stages of life, weight changes for various reasons often lead to the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. In the modern world, these unsightly cosmetic defects have become a source of enrichment for cosmetics manufacturers and the cause of frustration for millions of girls and women. The article discusses the main ways to remove stretch marks and cellulite without significant damage to the wallet.

The connective tissues of the female body are more elastic than those of the males. The accumulated content of fat cells thickens, forms clusters that press on the upper layers of the dermis, forming tubercles, popularly referred to as "orange peel". The effect created by fat cells also lies in the fact that as a result, blood vessels are pinched, nutrition and lymph flow worsen, intercellular fluid and toxins accumulate.

Most often, cellulite occurs on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Less often - on the hands, calves and other parts of the body. Among the main factors provoking changes in subcutaneous fat are the following:

  • Wrong nutrition. Excess carbohydrates, refined foods are deposited in the form of fats on the hips and abdomen;
  • Low physical activity. Lack of active movement worsens blood circulation. In addition, the flow of lymph and the excretion of toxic substances largely depend on the activity of muscle contractions;
  • Hormonal changes. Most often, the first signs of cellulite appear in adolescence during puberty. Later, they increase during pregnancy and after childbirth, during menopause;
  • Strong air pollution in the area of ​​​​residence, and therefore it is difficult to cleanse the body through the pores, because. they are clogged.

Stretch marks, like cellulite, occur during a period of hormonal changes and associated changes in body weight. A direct participant in this process is the hormone cortisol. It has a damaging effect on collagen, which is responsible for the good condition of the connective tissue. With an increased content of cortisol, stretched skin is extremely slowly renewed, and wounds heal poorly. In addition to pregnancy, the level of this hormone increases whenever we experience severe stress.

The appearance of stretch marks is associated with the repair of the skin, performed by the body. The gaps that appeared as a result of a sharp change in body weight are tightened by connective tissue. Stretch marks are pink at first. After a while, they brighten and remain so, without changing color even after exposure to ultraviolet rays.

In pregnant women, stretch marks most often occur on the abdomen, on the chest, in the thighs.

Anti cellulite and stretch marks

Since the condition of our skin largely depends on nutrition, the first thing to pay attention to is providing the body with the vitamins and minerals that it needs:

  1. Vitamin A - ensures the growth and restoration of the skin, makes it supple and elastic. To ensure the intake of the vitamin, you need to eat carrots, fish oil, liver, broccoli, lettuce;
  2. Vitamin E - is responsible for tissue renewal, youth and beauty of the skin. This antioxidant is useful to use both internally and externally. Contained in unrefined vegetable oils, carrots, eggs, cabbage, potatoes, seeds and nuts, cherries, sea buckthorn;
  3. Vitamin C - for the skin, ascorbic acid is useful in that it provides tissue repair after damage, is involved in the synthesis of collagen. Include berries, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  4. Zinc - is involved in the synthesis of collagen, a sufficient amount of which will protect against the appearance of stretch marks. To get zinc, you should regularly consume liver, pine nuts, legumes, beef, lamb, peanuts, buckwheat.

Cosmetics for stretch marks and cellulite removal

Pharmacy windows and cosmetics stores are filled with a large number of creams, gels and masks against cellulite and stretch marks. Many of them, when used correctly and consistently, do reduce skin imperfections. To determine the choice of funds, you need to pay attention to the label. The following components are especially active in the fight against bumps and stretch marks on the skin:

  • Green tea extract - has a strong drainage effect, increases blood circulation in the tissues;
  • Caffeine - active in the breakdown of body fat and enhances blood circulation;
  • Horse chestnut - helps remove excess fluid and toxins;
  • Seaweed - helps to establish fat metabolism and remove toxins from the body;
  • Arnica - has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, and also eliminates inflammation and tones;
  • Black pepper - accelerates metabolic processes, warms up, increases blood circulation.

Home Methods to Eliminate Cellulite and Stretch Marks

Salon methods for eliminating skin defects are very effective, but not everyone can afford it. Fortunately, there are simple and inexpensive ways to help your skin look nice at home:

  • Aloe juice is a proven remedy for skin regeneration, relieves irritation, removes inflammation, improves metabolic processes. To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to take half a glass of plant juice and mix with the same amount of good quality olive oil. After adding 5 drops of vitamin A and 10 drops of vitamin E, mix vigorously and pour into a glass bottle.

Apply the product to areas prone to the formation of stretch marks, after taking a shower and exfoliating the skin. It is advisable to repeat the procedure twice a day for a week. After a week break, repeat the course;

  • Honey massage is a remedy for cellulite and stretch marks, which has many positive reviews. Before the massage, it is necessary to wash the body, exfoliate the skin with a scrub. After washing, dry it well. Then apply honey and massage the problem areas with patting movements from the bottom up.

Rinse honey with warm water, then cool. After the skin, lubricate with a moisturizer. For a noticeable effect, sessions should be regular - every other day for a month.

Avoid massaging the inner thighs and the area under the knees, so as not to damage the lymph nodes.

  • Coffee - this plant is very effective in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks. To prepare a scrub, you need to grind 100 g of coffee beans, pour boiling water over them until a thick slurry is formed, let it brew for a quarter of an hour. After adding a tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of citrus essential oil, mix vigorously. The resulting composition is rubbed into areas with "orange peel" and stretch marks, massaged for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water;
  • A good alternative to salon vacuum massage is home cupping massage. To perform it, you need to purchase a special massage silicone jar and stock up on suitable oil or anti-cellulite cream. Especially effective is wheat germ oil, almond oil, cream with the addition of 1 g of mummy. It is necessary to massage with banks strictly along the lymphatic drainage lines, avoiding the groin area and the inner side of the thigh;
  • Apple cider vinegar wraps are a way to burn some body fat, saturate the skin with the fruit acids found in natural vinegar, and help skin renew itself. Wash your body before wrapping. Soak wide strips of linen or cotton fabric in natural apple cider vinegar, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Wrap around the legs and stomach, covering the top with plastic wrap. Lie under the covers for about one hour. Take a shower after the procedure. Wraps are carried out once every two days for a month;
  • A well-known folk method for treating stretch marks is exfoliation with the help of a badyagi. The effect of the procedure is similar to salon laser resurfacing. But, unlike her, this is an extremely cheap tool. Badyagu can be purchased at a pharmacy in the form of a powder. It must be mixed with water to a creamy consistency. Put on a rubber glove and apply the composition to the area with stretch marks, massage vigorously for about five minutes. Wash off the slurry with warm water. After application, the effect of burning, itching will appear. After a few days, the old skin at the treatment site will come off. It may take about 10 treatments to completely get rid of scars and stretch marks, which, of course, should have a break between them. You can not use the remedy during pregnancy, any damage and inflammation on the skin, during a period of high solar activity, in the presence of an allergic reaction;
  • Clay wraps - blue clay diluted with water to a creamy consistency is applied to problem areas and wrapped in three layers with cling film. Wait half an hour, wash off with warm water. This procedure removes excess fluid well, gives a quick positive cosmetic effect.


Physical exercise is a good prevention. They activate blood circulation, which contributes to skin renewal, fat burning. Daily workouts should last at least half an hour. It is useful to alternate different sports: running, swimming, exercising on simulators, cycling.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to rub daily into the skin olive oil, grape seed oil, cocoa butter, which help maintain skin elasticity and elasticity. The result will be more noticeable if you combine the application of oil with massage. At the same time, massage movements should be made in the direction of lymph movement - from the bottom up, while stroking the abdomen - clockwise.

All these methods, combined with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, will help keep the skin in excellent condition.

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"Cellulite creams" and "stretch mark creams" have been tried by many - and most have disappointed. Preparing for the moment when it will be necessary to appear on the beach in a bathing suit, few people count on them. But in vain! It turns out that creams work - only they need to be used at a strictly defined moment.

Cellulite is treated. You just have to follow your cycle.

“Cellulite is almost a secondary female sexual characteristic. How can I remove the sexual characteristic with a cream? Please don't make me laugh! All these creams are like poultices for the dead.”

Oddly enough, you can get rid of cellulite with the help of creams. Well, if you don’t get rid of it, then it’s great to reduce its manifestations. But for this you need to figure out what anti-cellulite creams are and how to use them correctly.

All funds in the name of which there is the word anti-cellulite, “anti-cellulite”, can be divided into two categories. First - venotonics, which contains menthol, camphor and similar ingredients with a "cooling effect" that increase vascular tone, normalize blood flow and reduce swelling. The same group includes drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels: horse chestnut extract (Horse Chestnut Seed Extract), escin (Aescin), esculin (Aesculin), extracts of red grapes (Red Grape Extract), green tea (Green Tea, Camelia Shinensis Extract) .

The second category of anti-cellulite products includes lipopolitics, that is, drugs that burn fat. The most famous of these is caffeine. The working concentration of caffeine in such creams is 3-5%. And you need to use either one or the other, but depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

The first phase, which lasts 12-14 days after the start, is phase of active fight against cellulite. Estrogens predominate in the body - wonderful hormones that make your eyes shine, you want to live, there is no increased appetite and inflammation goes away by itself. During this period, fats are easy to eliminate. Therefore, we use creams with lipolytics. Some of them, and the most effective ones, containing 4-5% caffeine, may not smell very pleasant of alcohol and have not the most pleasant texture. But they work.

And salon procedures give an excellent effect - wraps based on the same caffeine and other fat-splitting drugs - theophylline (Theophylline) and guarana (Guarana Extract) plus an intense massage. If you are serious about defeating cellulite, such procedures can be done at least every day.

The second phase of the cycle, after ovulation, - "prevention" phase. The body produces the hormone progesterone in maximum doses, which promotes fluid retention and facilitates the synthesis of fats. And cellulite progresses. And, if he is not hindered, every month it becomes even a little, but stronger.

It makes no sense to oppose local lipolytics in the form of caffeinated creams to progesterone. They are powerless here: they have too different weight categories with progesterone. But vascular preparations that accelerate blood and lymph and do not allow fluid to linger work just fine. You can even use not only creams with the inscription "anti-cellulite", but any pharmacy remedies for swelling and heaviness in the legs. But they need to be applied not only on the foot and lower leg (and in our case, not so much on the foot and lower leg), but on the entire legs, including the hips, and even on the buttocks and stomach.

There is no need to be afraid of “chilling” anything: the feeling of cold that you will experience is just a superficial cooling, it does not penetrate inside. It's just that there are receptors on the stomach that are more sensitive to surface cooling, and it will seem to you that you are freezing. Treatments in salons at this time should also be primarily focused on drainage and cooling, and twice a week may be more than enough.

By the way, it has been proven that in women whose cycle is short - 21-25 days, cellulite develops less frequently and progresses more slowly than in those who have it longer. In the "risk zone" are also those who are prone to hormonal fluctuations. But they also have such a “phase-by-phase” scheme for combating cellulite.

Based on all this, I drew up a scheme for alternating different anti-cellulite programs. “I tried it” in salons, I was convinced of its effectiveness and since then I have been teaching cosmetologists. We have developed a questionnaire, where the phase of the cycle is listed as a separate issue. But, of course, not all cosmetologists know about it yet. By the way, if you take a long course of anti-cellulite procedures and the master asks you about the phases of the cycle, this can serve as an indicator of his literacy. (And he should also pay attention to whether you have: knots indicate the presence of serious problems with blood circulation and severely limit the range of acceptable measures.)

But we must understand that by efficiency we do not mean the complete elimination of cellulite of the third degree with a pronounced orange peel and deep pits on the hips. If you use only home remedies, changing creams depending on the phase, yes, there will be a certain improvement visible to the naked eye. But you need to do this constantly and know that cellulite will not go away completely.

In the salon, subject to certain conditions (the master is a professional, and you are pedantic and do not miss sessions), in 10-12 procedures you can get an excellent result, tighten the silhouette, change the quality of the skin and reduce the degree from third to second and even to first. Then all this will only need to be supported by doing a massage in the salon once or twice a month and not forgetting to use creams at home.

How to prevent stretch marks: carry cream in your purse

“My friend during pregnancy bought up all the products on which she saw the inscription “from stretch marks”. And no use! Why are they released then? Why won't they ban it?"

The nature of stretch marks is not completely clear. Oddly enough, the younger the woman, the more likely it is that during pregnancy or with sharp fluctuations in weight, she will earn. Those who are between 18 and 24 are most at risk; the second group is 24-28 years old. And after 30, stretch marks are extremely rare. And why, science does not yet know.

What are stretch marks? In fact, this is an internal tissue rupture, as a result of which scars remain on the surface of the skin. And at the level of the dermis, these scars are also present, they are simply not visible. A cream that could work so deeply and erase them, alas, does not exist.

There are other ways - more effective, but, alas, more traumatic. The most promising is hardware radio wave lifting, which allows you to control the depth of exposure. The point is that radio wave exposure increases the temperature at the dermis level, there is a powerful release of the so-called thermal shock proteins (they are also called “damage proteins”), and in response to this, new collagen is formed in the scar tissue. And stretch marks become much less pronounced. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen for everyone. And it is very difficult to predict who will help and who will not.

The only regularity is that the “fresher” the stretch, the more likely it is to be removed. Another way to understand if there is a chance of a positive result is to try to establish whether the blood circulation is preserved in the stretch. By itself, she is known to be white. But if you massage this place and notice that it has turned pink and itchy, then the situation is not hopeless.

The second good technique is fractional laser exposure. This is Fraxel, which allows you to "pierce" - as if "perforate" - the skin. If fibroblasts remain in the tissues of the stretch marks, they will respond and synthesize new collagen, due to which the stretch will smooth out. But success cannot be guaranteed in advance.

Interesting results are obtained by transplantation of autologous fibroblasts - skin cells grown from the skin cells of the patient himself.

And finally, peeling, in which the top layer of the skin is first mechanically removed (until the bloody dew), then the surface is anesthetized with lidocaine - and an acid solution is applied on top. This is a oh-so-very unpleasant procedure in which a serious injury occurs, and in this way you can only try to remove a small stretch (you cannot immediately treat the entire abdomen or the entire thigh, for example). If everything is done correctly, the method works.

But one way or another, fighting stretch marks is more difficult than preventing them. There is a sign by which you can accurately understand that after a few hours a stretch will appear on the hips and abdomen. It's a strong itch. Then you need to urgently anoint yourself with any dense nourishing cream. "Urgent" is not a figure of speech in this case. “Urgent” literally means “carry cream in your bag and, as soon as you feel something like this, run to the nearest toilet room.” Smear yourself - and the threat will pass by: the stretch, most likely, will not form.

This "trick" is based on the fact that fatty and thick creams quickly soften the upper layers of the skin and reduce the access of oxygen to the tissues - and in this case, apparently, this is useful. In any case, it is precisely this method of prevention that is recommended by specialists involved in research in this area, based on their observations and experiments.

If stretch marks still appear and you can’t get them out, my advice to you is not to get too upset. In the end, they do not appear on the face, and, if we approach the issue philosophically, they do not cause serious damage to the appearance. Yes, the belly without stretch marks looks more aesthetically pleasing than when it is streaked with white striae. But, firstly, with a good strong press, this is not very striking. And secondly, closed swimsuits are back in fashion.

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