How to make sex for the first time. Prepare your favorite dish on your own. Drastically change your image

The first sexual act is remembered for the whole life of both men and women. About how to prepare for the first sex, how to behave and what a lot of thick books are written, which not everyone has the desire and the opportunity to read. But in order to remain exactly the pleasant memories of the first intimacy, it is necessary to try. Therefore, we decided to help you, and in our article briefly tell me what to do for the first time.

Loss of virginity is an important decision that you should not hurry, you need to weigh everything and think about. In addition to physical readiness, it is necessary to be ready morally, not to have doubts and be sure that it is at this moment you want to surrender to say goodbye to the virgin mole and childhood. If you have already decided everything, then start preparing for this day so that nothing could spoil the impressions of the first intimacy and in the process to know what to do. To begin with, speak with your young man in what setting you would like to do this in order to be comfortable to you both. Next, take care of contraception, which plays an important role, because unwanted pregnancy you have nothing to do, you just decided to surrender to each other and enjoy the moment. You should take care of your health and go to the gynecologist to make sure that no pathologies, problems and contraindications have. If everything is normal, it's great. Many at the first time are very afraid of pain, you should not do this and wind yourself that these are hellish sensations. In fact, if you are really ready to lose your virginity and trust your sexual partner, everything will pass painlessly. The main thing is that your young man is gentle, caring and affectionate with you so that he can relax you. In the process there should be no sharp fast movements, the partner must take into account your wishes, so do not hesitate to talk about everything you like and do not like what is nice, but what is not very. The main thing is that the partner listened, after all, get pleasure and save this pleasant moment in memory, in your interests. Select a convenient posture, relax and fully trust your partner. (Better, of course, if this sexual act he is not first, and he knows what to do). The gap of the virgin splava does not necessarily occur immediately, many this is obtained only after several times. There is nothing terrible in this, the main thing is not to be afraid - because from the fact that you are nervous and worry, the muscles are compressed and do not give a sex member to penetrate you, from this and there are pain. But if you are comfortable emotionally and calmly soulful, then everything will pass quickly, painlessly and wonderful. Some women in the defloration of the splava appear some blood, and some only a few days after the first intercourse. Be prepared for this and better undress the towel in advance under the ass and wear daily gaskets with you.

Remember that the first night should be magical and stay in memory, so come to the preparation responsibly and weighed.

It would seem that there is difficult - to come up with the topic in the section "Sex". And in fact it is not easy, and we always argue for a long time, what to write about. This time we decided to search for a response to the question of your letters and questionnaires. It turned out that the most exciting topic is your first time. In general, you ask - we answer.

When (before or after) you need to go to the shower? And how does it all happen?

Actually, before, and after. But if circumstances add up in such a way that "before" does not work, then it is not worth straining about this. After all, in your habits enter the shower twice a day, in the morning and evening? This is quite enough. Buy an intimate gel and use it instead of ordinary soap, it allows you to save freshness. If you feel uncomfortable, then just wear hygienic napkins with you in a handbag for intimate zones. If you do not have any complex, combine a pleasant with useful - take a shower with your boyfriend. But "after" the shower is just necessary. Only one "but": do not run into the bathroom right away, as soon as everything is over, and then the boy may think that you are squeaming. Hold the moment for a minute: sometimes just lying next to, hugging, look into the eyes, smile to each other, even a little more pleasant than what was "before."

At what point and how do the condom wear? Who should speak about it first? What if he does not wear it? And where do this condom come from: hiding under the pillow in advance or get up and go to look for him in the pocket of the jacket? And what to do with him then?

You feel that everything is about to happen, and wait for it when he will get a condom. Only he for some reason does not do this, and you start to steam and completely stop enjoying the process. Do not hesitate to ask him: "Do you have?". He will understand what you mean. And just in case it is better to press the means of protection itself. If the thought is that you have to tell the pharmacy for you, for what you, in fact, appeared to her, leads you to panic horror, buy condoms in the supermarket. Moreover, for a start, you should not put extreme experiments and choose "ribbed" and "with the taste of raspberry". You have not yet studied each other very well. Put a condom in a handbag, in a bedside table or under a pillow. In general, keep somewhere on the distance, so that you can just stretch your hand in time, and not go to search with the words: "I remember exactly what put one in this pocket." But this is just in case. Most likely, he will take care of everything himself. On how to wear a condom, you should not worry too. It is unlikely that the boy will touch you about it. Just do not distract it. It is important that he put it right and on time. What the used means of protection should not do "after", so stored like a trophy, leave under the bed and drop into the toilet. Ideally, the situation looks like this: the boy kisses you and go to the toilet to remove the condom, and then throw out in the trash can.

Do I need to say that you are a virgin, even before starting? And if he runs away?

Are you terribly worried and are afraid that his trail will spread at the word "virgin"? Are you sure he really loves you? So, his message should not scare, but to please. If you have long been together, then he, most likely, has already understood everything. Well, it happens, of course, that the boys come across very inaccessible - then tell him necessarily. Do you trust him? And if he is still scared and run away - it means you are lucky. Because you were wrong, making the wrong choice, and this is just not exactly the boy. These men should not be responsible. This trouble you will survive and very soon meet someone who truly appreciates what is your first.

And if the boy has this for the first time?

So, what happens is equally important and exciting for you both. So you are on the same wave, you can better understand each other and become even closer. And do not try to get upset and complex, if for the first time you will not succeed. Do not torfer events. Let it happen when the time comes. And when it comes, everything will happen by itself, and you will no longer have a question: "How?"

What do you need to do: just lie or show any activity? And in general what to do?

Do not try to represent in detail what and how will it be. All the same in reality it turns out everything is not like in dreams. Perhaps the first time will disappoint you. It happens. And quite often, because you worry, because it hurts, because for the first time it is difficult to get all the completeness of sensations. And maybe, on the contrary, you will feel easily and liberated and the first time will exceed all your most bold expectations. If you are very steaming, you can not relax. Throw everything too much from my head and trust your friend.

Sex is not a jump with a parachute and not a visit to the dentist, but a conversation of two close people. He says, and you answer, and vice versa. If you love your boy, your body will understand how to respond what position to take. Do not try to build Pamela Anderson if you really are Ameli Polen. Want to make him nice, do what it would be nice to you yourself. Whether, and everything will work out.

Do I need to talk and what to say? Or is it better to be silent?

All people are different, someone's talk during sex seems ridiculous and even blasphemous, and someone is not averse to discuss the weather forecast for tomorrow or finally expand all the points over "I" in the question "Is there any life on Mars." Although statistics still says that the boys prefer to have sex in silence, because conversations distract them from the most important thing - from you, but this does not apply to conversations about the sex itself. This is just possible and you need to say: about your feelings, actions. Yes, and when he asks, whether you, do not forget to answer: "Yes!". If, of course, it is true.

How to understand that sex ended?

So how much time will he be in you? When the boy happens an orgasm, he is zoked and will remain in you for a while, and you fit it to yourself and kiss. It is difficult to describe it: trust your feelings, you will definitely understand and feel myself. It is better to try once than to read a hundred times.

And if it is very painful, then it's better to suffer or say that something is wrong?

First, let's figure it out why it should be very painful for you. Of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid painful sensations for the first time, but try to make them to minimize, you can quite. "I will command the parade," says your brain. And you pass the braza reign by your boy and stop waiting when it becomes hurt. If you all the time you will strain the very moment, then you just can not relax. And most importantly, if your tension does not allow you enough to excite, then most likely the painful sensations arise, not because the virgin pushing is broken, and because there will be no lubricant in the vagina. And then the process can become very painful. While everything is tense there and dry, your boy is unlikely to be able to break through the defense. If very unpleasant feelings still be, not tolerant and tell me about it. Do not suffer yourself and run to the doctor. He will tell about all the peculiarities of your structure and will advise a painless way out.

Will there be blood on a sheet? Your imagination draws bloody rivers?

Yes, maybe there will be no rivers, especially if you are a gymnast with experience or has already enjoyed tampons. Nature generally might give you an elastic piety. Sometimes, however, blood is quite a lot, but not scared, it is just an individual feature of your body. In any case, after the first time you need to go to the gynecologist.

With or without light?

People are engaged in sex and in the morning, and during the day, and at night. With any lighting. And absolutely not soaring over the fact that in the morning the pimple or the skin pale jumped out somewhere. If the very first night of confidence is still not enough, use "special effects". Let the room be muzzled light: Wrap a smoke room - Light a few small candles. So you create a romantic atmosphere, you will see your chosen one and scratch the consequences of the need for chocolate;)).

What position is it better to do this first time?

Primary, but the fact is better than the "missionary" position for such a case. In the posture, when you lie on your back, and it is on top, everything will happen easier for him and painless for you. But after you can experiment anything, but only keep in mind that with the next time you have to do a little - the damaged tissue must first grant (otherwise you can apply infection), and your body is adapted.

And if I blend him, my body, what will I do something wrong?

You are tormented by the complexes that the chest does not reach the volumes of Scarlett Johansson, and the legs are not at all like the minds of the turman? Do you really think that all these beauties are so impeccable? Do you know what salaries have their cosmetologists, stylists, photographers and designers who handle their pictures after ?! ... and the favorite saying to our edition? "Photoshop will save the world!";)). Naked in real life, everything is no exception to look good. Leave your fears outside the door, bind to the lock and do not release. Understand, since you have already walked into the cinema and kissed in the paradine, he has long been learning your body and certainly presented without clothes. Since he is here and now with you, it means that you want you as you. Do not be afraid to do something or not to do. This is your only first time, and what it will be depends on you.

How to understand what time is it? What is he that? How much time should you be together "to"?

Zagbay fingers ... Your knees are cutting out every time he concerns you; his image looms in front of your eyes and in a dream, and in reality; He calls your name for the sister and a one-launch; You always just and good with him; You know that you can entrust him the most terrible secret; He walks in the morning with your dog even in a pouring rain; He understands everything correctly; When you are sick, he sits with you at home for the company, and not goes to a movie with friends; He is ready to wait until you understand that it is ready for this; At least once you have slipped the thought of how will your son call ... all your fingers bent? Most likely, he is the same. Trust your intuition. Let it be the first one for you, the only and forever. And if you fucked your fingers through one, it's not him, but somewhere he walks the boy whom you must wait.

The first sexual act is a significant event for any girl. This is an experience that will allow in the future to know the joy of sexual life, and from how it will pass - bad or well depends a lot.

What to do during the first sex?

If your favorite is your first guy, and you do not know how to behave with him, do not be afraid. In order to make your first sexual experience positive and reduce the unpleasant feeling to a minimum, you need to take into account some rules of what to do and how to behave at first sex. To begin with, of course, it is worth saying that the first sexual intercourse should be held in a comfortable and convenient setting, without a rush and turmoil and without unnecessary ears (such a place there can be an empty apartment or hotel).

To both partners should take care of the process hygiene and protection against unwanted pregnancy. It is important to try to ensure that the first sex passed without incidents and did not leave behind unpleasant memories

When the couple decides to make sex for the first time, it is important that the preliminary caresses are directed not to sexual arousal, but to penetrate each other tenderness and trust. A too sensual prelude can provoke an active influx of blood to the field of genital organs, and this can lead to unpleasant sensations at first sexual intercourse. For the first time, a girl is unlikely to be able to experience an orgasm, since painful sensations, even small, will block the excitement.

In order to reduce pain in the first sex, it is important to choose the right position. In the "classic" position - when a girl is lying on his back with straightened and spread - the virgin Pepper is not tense and freely saves that it complicates her gap, since the man has to first tighten her with his member. With the first intercourse in such a position, the defloration process is delayed, respectively, the pain of the girl increases.

In order to avoid such moments, sexologists offer at first sex to use the next pose - the girl lies on the back, under the buttocks it is necessary to put a pillow or another comfortable roller object in order to slightly raise the pelvis. Knees should close in the chest.

With this position, the lower part of the vagina opens, and the virgin plea becomes the most intense as possible, and this facilitates the process of its gap with a sexual member

The protective reaction of the girl at the first sexual act can make much difficult process, and for both partners. When the girl feels pain, she instinctively begins to strain the hips and the muscles of the crotch, while relaxing the virgin splas, it begins to twitch, trying to move away and push the partner. This, again, makes it difficult to the defloration process and increases the duration of pain. What do you need to do a girl? Feeling pain, not strain, but, on the contrary, try to relax the hips, to continue to meet the partner - so the rupture of the splava will happen faster, and pain will be reduced to the share of seconds. It is important to understand that all the stories about the loss of virginity, which scare young girls - terrible, unbearable pain and serious blood loss - nothing more than fiction and exaggeration. Because of these stories, there is a unreasonable feeling of fear of first sexual intercourse. And in fact, we are talking only about a small unpleasant feeling, while compliance with all recommendations can be reduced to a minimum.

Suitable positions for first sexual experience

A man when interpreted with a virgin can be in a traditional position - lying, resting on his knees and holding a girl by the shoulders to not let her move away at the right moment. But more preferably, if it is kneeling in front of the partners aparted by the legs, holds it for the hips. Such a position will allow a man to fully control the situation, and not to move blindly.

At first sex, everything will depend on both partners. A man should act strongly and confidently manage the process and make decisions for himself and for the girl. And the girl in turn should discard excessive fear, relax and trust a partner. In this case, everything will go well, and

Many waiting for an overlaid week are waiting with great impatience. After all, within a few days you can not only have fun, but also eat from the soul, enjoying every piece of pancake.

Do you know that on the first day of Maslenitsa - February 12 - women need to do a few things? What exactly - read in the proposed article.

What is necessary to do on the first day of the carnival

General cleaning in the house. Yes, yes, on Monday, it is necessary to make a good fit to invite guests to pancakes in a clean house.

Also desirable disassemble old things And get rid of those you do not wear. There is a very good tradition that reached us from the ancestors - attribute these things to the temple or orphanage.

Of course, torn and worn things will preferably burn. It is believed that this will help get rid of troubles and diseases in the house. Especially effective ritual in the event that there is a sick person in the house.

Stitchon the first day it is not only possible, but also necessary. The more woman will have time to make this day, the more time will remain on vacation and walking on weekends.

In the first and last day of the carnival need necessarily furnace pancakes. And it costs it even if you are working. Because pancakes on the table - it's for good luck in the house!

It is necessary to submit delicious "add-ons": sour cream, cottage cheese, jam, caviar, fish, etc.

Of course, in no case can I put meat and meat products on the table. After all, the passenger week is the days of preparation for the great post.

Pancakes must be submitted to the table and be sure to sit down all family members for a common meal.. First, it will unite the family. Secondly, our ancestors believed that if on the first day of the carnival everything will gather at one table, then during the year everything will be fine with all the households.

Eating pancakes should all! And even those who have long and hard "sits on a diet." The first pancake, eaten on the first day of Carnival, to health!

The first intimate proximity to be remembered for life. Girls, as a rule, do not know how to behave at the first sex, perhaps they read a lot of information, they were given advice, but in the process itself, it is unlikely that she will remember part of the Soviets.

At what age you can go for the first time sex?

In different countries, the age threshold of marriage is different, therefore, the period is automatically different when sex life may begin. It follows from this that physiologically there is no difference between people, the whole thing in the public value system of values. In Russia, from a long time, there was a bad attitude towards women who lost innocence before marriage. It was considered a shame, such a girl could stay alone until the end of his days and hear the walking. As for men, the trunkles did not bother in any way. Asks where justice? This is a stereotype, which with proud gait entered modernity. After all, it is still in many cases the condemnation of the propagating links takes place. On the other hand, Europe's influence on our mentality and value system is very large. A trend towards the so-called civil marriage and marriage "on the fallow", as well as to free relations. Changing generations leads to the fact that it is possible to soon discrimination against sexual sign exhausted itself, and we will all be equal in their rights. Just worth it to look exactly in this direction? Why not equalize the rights of men and women, not at risk of collapse of moral values? The question is not so simple.

How to make sex for the first time - basic mistakes

If you are ready for a loss of virginity with your loved one, you need to know how to make sex for the first time, how to behave at first sex and what you can not do.

Basic errors that are allowed when first contact:

  • Sexual contact passes quickly or delayed for a long time.
  • Experiments with postures. To make sex for the first time, it is better to refrain from this, you need to pick up the most convenient posture for you, as a rule, it is a classic "missionary", the pose of "rider", where the girl herself controls his movements or the pose of the "spoon" - in a lying position, When the partner is behind.
  • Bright light in the room. With bright lighting, a girl who has sex for the first time, will feel awkward, will be shy.
  • Try various types of sex. It is better to leave experiments for later and take up a classic traditional option for intimate intimacy.
  • Short prelude.

Having read the above errors, the likelihood that you allow them when you decide to take sex first time, now very small. But still, you need to prepare in advance and know how to behave at first sex. Listening to the recommendations below, your first contact will be held at height and will be unforgettable:

It is necessary to tune in morally, because the first time happens in life once. Perhaps there will be mistakes and everything will pass is not as smooth, as shown in the movie, but if there is a sensual and gentle person who supports you, everything will be wonderful.

Before you make sex for the first time you need to sash something to bed, since when a spray of the spray can go blood. It should be noted that it happens that even engaged in the second time you have sex. Here, the main thing is not to worry and worry, since there is a possibility that at the first time the Pure did not break.

No need to tune yourself to the fact that the first time there should be an orgasm. It must be said that it happens very rarely. Therefore, if it fails to achieve it - do not be disappointed - this is the first time, and there is still all life and a huge number of orgasms and pleasure.

Be calmly and confidently when you have sex for the first time. A young man needs to be warned that he will be first, so do not be afraid to look inexperienced and do not know. He will help you and you will understand how to behave at first sex.

At the first contact, more kiss each other. If you are embarrassed, look before the act some candid video that will configure you for active actions, and you will understand how to behave at first sex.

Try not only to receive kisses, hugs, but also answer them, touch the intimate places of your partner, at first it can embarrass you, but then movement will become more confident, and the partner will get a lot of pleasure.

Prelude during the first sex should be long, so that you will be excited and you have the beginning of the desired amount of vaginal lubrication.

It is necessary to use a condom.

Many are interested in the question of how the guy must introduce its body - slowly or quickly. It all depends on the experience of the partner. If it is - then the login can be dramatically, if the guy is inexperienced, it is better to introduce the penis slowly.

During sex, you need to talk about the sensations of the partner. If it hurts you, you should not be shy and endure, you need to tell him about it.

Knowing how to behave when first sex, you will avail disappointments and want to repeat intimate proximity with your guy many times, most importantly, after the first Socia must pass for several hours.