What is the regimen of the newborn in the first month. Newborn daily routine: an individual approach

When a child is born in a family, the life of the parents changes dramatically. Often, before his appearance, they did not imagine how everything would actually be. At the same time, no one canceled everyday affairs - dad needs to come to work well-rested and energetic, and mom needs to find time for cleaning, cooking, and other household chores. Therefore, the daily routine of the baby is so important - a certain core on which the life of all household members is strung, which makes it both productive and predictable.

Modern mothers, reading materials about caring for a baby, listening to the advice of a pediatrician, their own parents, mother-in-law, and experienced girlfriends, often get lost in a huge mass of disparate information. Some talk about a rigid schedule, feeding strictly once every three hours, the practice of leaving the crumbs to “shout out” alone. Others insist that the schedule should be flexible or non-existent. However, each mother and her baby are individual, so it is important to create such a regimen for an infant that will be convenient for the whole family. This is not a simple matter, but it is quite real.

Do you really need a routine?

Many years of parental experience suggests that yes, it is needed. Without a regime, it’s bad, first of all, for adults who care for the baby. For example, if the baby falls asleep every time at a different time, the mother cannot plan her affairs. And the most important night sleep for the whole family can be interrupted at 2, at 3 o'clock, and then dad will not be able to rest before a hard day's work.

Arranging all the important moments of the day - sleeping, waking, feeding, walking, eating - this means getting a certain confidence and predictability, the ability to plan and do important things.

What determines the regimen of an infant?

  • From the way of feeding. The daily routine of a newborn, if a woman gives him a breast, is not noticeable at first glance. Feeding on demand, often co-sleeping with mom, can be a little messy for the first three months. However, later, when the baby begins to wake up more, feedings are made at important points in the daily schedule. The sleep pattern of a breastfed baby is characterized by shorter intervals, since milk is digested quickly.

Formula feeding involves a completely different schedule. It must be done by the hour, the intervals are longer than for babies. Often, the baby is fed somewhere at 12 at night, and then at five or six in the morning (at 1 month). In this sense, it is easier for mothers of artificers to establish a day regimen for infants.

  • From joint or separate stay with mother. Of course, it is not easy to teach a child to sleep on his own in his own crib. It will take patience and a lot of time. However, such children sleep, as a rule, better than those who are in their mother's bed.
  • From the state of the newborn. An infant is characterized by temporary difficulties with the establishment of digestion - colic, bloating, anxiety during teething, meteorological dependence. At such moments, children can even break the established regime - sleep a lot or not sleep at all. You just need to be patient and tender to your baby.

Life of a baby from birth to a year

We present to your attention a systematic description of changes in the life of a child by months. Features of the daily routine for a newborn are fundamentally different from what the regime will be in 10-12 months. So, what is the daily routine of a newborn in different periods?

  • From birth to 1 month, a small person sleeps up to 20 hours a day. This is necessary for him to grow and gain weight. The baby wakes up to eat. His senses are not yet working to their fullest, although the gentle voice, hugs and warmth of his mother are undoubtedly necessary. At this time, parents need to take care of the quality of the baby's sleep. An important moment in the daily routine of the little one is the nightly bathing, after which he is tightly fed and laid down.

The answer to the question of what regimen is needed for a newborn baby when breastfeeding is simple: there is practically no schedule in this case.

Everyone has a different need for mother's milk and sleep: some suckle little and sleep a lot on their own, others close their eyes only with breasts in their mouths.

In any case, you should not despair: by about three months, when the need to learn about the world around you increases and the periods of wakefulness increase, the routine will slowly return to normal.

  • Two-month-old babies should normally sleep about 6 hours at night and about 4 times a day for 2 hours. This is where walking comes into play. Parents often time the exit from the house to the moment when the child gets tired. Sometimes the baby's daytime sleep takes place on the balcony - this is convenient for the mother, who can do some household chores.
  • Three months is an important moment when the features of a baby's day become clear. The sleep pattern of the newborn changes slightly, the periods of wakefulness increase. At this point, small traditions and habits become important, such as bathing every night before feeding or morning massage and gymnastics.
  • Fourth - sixth month. How to establish a daily routine is decided during this period, since the baby has the habit of sleeping, eating and walking at the same time. If you need to rearrange the routine, move sleep, for example, increase the period of wakefulness so that the night's rest becomes longer, it is worth doing it gradually, but consistently and with gentle perseverance.

For convenience, some mothers start a special notebook, where in a special table they mark the time when the baby falls asleep and wakes up.

In order for food to be properly digested and beneficial, regime moments are very important.

  • Seventh - tenth month. The kid becomes more and more active, begins to crawl, learn about the surrounding things, gradually get up and move, holding on to a support. Sleep, in addition to the night, three times a day. It is important not to miss his time so that the child does not “go too far”, as severe fatigue can cause tantrums and disruption of the schedule.
  • Eleventh - twelfth month. Most often, babies during this period are already walking, during the day they go to rest twice. Active and long walks contribute to a good appetite and healthy sleep.

How to build a routine for a newborn baby?

In order for a family with a baby to live peacefully, so that everyone has time to relax and perform the necessary household duties, a routine must be created - it is unlikely to appear on its own. There are several important regime moments and nuances:

  • Of course, breastfeeding is on demand. However, you need to try to keep the intervals approximately the same, or tie meals to the main points of the routine.
  • The features of the daily routine of a newborn up to a month are such that he can easily confuse the time of day. Mom should not allow night and day to change places. That is, the more the baby sleeps in the dark, the easier it will be in the future. When periods of wakefulness increase, late in the evening you need to prepare the crumbs for bed - so the routine will form correctly.
  • Be sure to create your own special bedtime ritual. Most of the time it's swimming. For example, they are engaged in dad, who comes home from work. Then follows a light soothing massage (if, of course,), dressing for the night, feeding. Such moments are very important for children, they give them a sense of well-being and inviolability of life.
  • Create a mode that is convenient for you. For example, if your baby can sleep and be awake in a stroller at five or six months, tailor the walk to your needs. If it's convenient for you to have him nap outside, go for a walk after a period of socializing and playing. In the case when mom needs to calmly do something at home, transfer one of the daytime dreams to the walls of the apartment.
  • During the first year of life, the routine will change, and more than once. This is normal, it depends on the growth and development of the child, his interest in the world around him, which is constantly increasing. Do not panic if one of the three daytime sleeps of an 8-10-month-old baby is gone. Analyze the situation, do not push, build a regime so that it is convenient for both of you.
  • Periods of illness, colic, teething are difficult for the whole family. At such moments, the baby is hard, bad, scared, and the only thing he needs is his mother next to him. Do not forcefully lay down a crying child - he still will not fall asleep. But after a difficult period, the regime can be adjusted again without unnecessary difficulties. And it's great for both moms and newborns!

A child at 1 month is a certain routine according to which he is fed, put to bed, communicate, play, and are with him in the fresh air. Pediatricians have a different approach to this issue. Some doctors believe that the baby's day regimen should be free, since the baby has his own. Others are supporters of a clear schedule. From their point of view, everything should be scheduled literally by the minute. How to organize a baby's day regimen, even if pediatricians are not unanimous on this issue?

Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the desires of the child, do not turn a wonderful moment of education into a hard struggle. And secondly, by adhering to the routine, the mother will make it easier for herself to care for the baby and provide an opportunity for her own rest. But first things first.

The importance of routine for the child and parents

After the birth of a baby from the mother's womb, it should be easier for him to go to the outside world. When repeating the same actions during each day at a strictly allotted time, the child will get used to and begin to understand what will follow next. A carefully planned baby day routine will allow the baby to decide on the periods of wakefulness, sleep, walking, feeding. Psychologists say that a child who has a daily routine is less prone to whims and stress.

Parents will also be able to plan their schedule more clearly. Just as adults live according to a certain routine that helps solve all life's issues, the baby's daily routine can alleviate the fate of the latter.

Consider the main stages of the first days of the baby:

  • nutrition;
  • active state;
  • hygiene procedures;
  • being outdoors.

During sleep, up to 18-20 hours are allotted. The baby should be fed on demand, approximately 6 to 8 times during the day and 1-2 times at night. In a state of activity, the newborn is only 4-6 hours a day. During this period, parents can carry out hygiene procedures, chat and play with the child. During walks on the street, the child mostly also sleeps.

morning time

The question of how to establish a daily routine for a baby worries more than one generation. Every time with the birth of a long-awaited baby, parents find themselves in a little confusion. How to teach your newborn child to the routine?

Let's start in the morning. Most often, it begins in mother and child from 6 o'clock. The baby's daily routine should begin with hygiene procedures. After all, you need to wash the baby. To do this, his face is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. The eyes are washed from the outer edge to the inner corner. They also wipe the auricles without penetrating inside. If necessary, clean the nose using turunda. This procedure will be discussed in more detail below.

At 6 hours 30 minutes - baby food. Half an hour later he was put to bed. The baby rests for 2-3 hours, after which a 30-minute wakefulness period begins. At this time, you should definitely talk, play, sing songs with the child. So throughout the day, feeding and sleeping alternate.

However, how to establish a daily routine for a baby if the child does not follow the planned routine at all? The main thing is not to panic. It should be understood that in the first (after birth) days, the newborn lives according to his own schedule, which should be gradually systematized. It is not necessary to wake the baby in order not to miss the feeding time. You should not rush to the other extreme - expect a period for feeding if the baby is hungry. Mom should be flexible, but try to follow a certain regimen.

Washing a newborn

Every morning when the child wakes up, they wash. It is very important to carry out such procedures daily. The kid will quickly get used to them. This is one of the important stages that allows you to gradually implement a carefully planned daily routine for a child at 1 month.

It is better to choose a changing table as a place for care, as it is convenient for placing the necessary devices and items. The thermal index of water for washing should initially correspond to 37 degrees. For the purpose of hardening, the temperature should be gradually lowered to 25 degrees.

Washing usually begins with cleansing the eye. They need to be treated with a moistened cotton pad. With a smooth movement, wipe the eye from the outer to the inner corner. The child's nose is wiped from the outside, also using a damp cloth. The inside of the spout is cleaned with a cotton flagellum, making rotational movements. Boiled water is used for hygiene procedures. It is convenient to clean the ears with similar flagella, removing sulfur from the outer part of the ear canal. It is not recommended to promote the turunda inside. Since you are not removing sulfur, but moving it deeper into the passage. Ears are cleaned a couple of times a week. The umbilical wound is treated twice a day with hydrogen peroxide (3% solution), then lubricated with brilliant green.


In this matter, the opinions of pediatricians are similar. According to their recommendations, the infant must be subject to the demand of the newborn.

Mothers may hear from doctors that the baby should be kept at the mother's breast 24 hours a day. Of course, these words should not be taken literally. The baby needs to be put to sleep in his own crib and fed as he wishes. This is especially important for those mothers who have their first child. After all, they have not previously encountered the need to plan a child's daily routine at 1 month.

About three decades ago, babies were fed according to a set schedule. No matter how the child behaved (crying, screaming), they expected the necessary time corresponding to the regimen. Some parents still use this rule.

Feeding on demand has its value, as the mother's body adjusts to the needs of the baby. Milk is produced in the required quantity - as much as the child needs. This process begins immediately after the birth of the baby.

It is very important before you start feeding, put the baby on the tummy for a short time. Remember that air enters the baby's stomach when feeding along with milk. For his exit, the newborn after eating should be held in an upright position for belching. This will be at the same time the prevention of colic.

Feeding your baby for the first time

Mom still in the maternity hospital needs to master the correct attachment to the breast of a newborn. A midwife and other staff can help here. The baby needs to be put on the barrel, facing you, touch his cheek with your finger. When he opens his mouth, put the nipple as deep as possible into his mouth. The areola should be completely covered.

Feeding a baby for the first time is of the utmost importance for a newborn. The sooner a woman puts her baby to her breast, the sooner he will receive valuable colostrum for him. And it has a very useful composition. It includes immunoglobulins, proteins, vitamins, enzymes necessary for colonization of the intestine, bacteria and hormones. It is worth adding staphylococcal antitoxin to them. Colostrum is very high in calories, even if the baby received it in the smallest amount.

Morning for mom and baby, as a rule, begins at 6 am, with the first feeding. Then during the day there are five more feedings: 10.00, 13.00, 16.30, 20.00. At 11:30 p.m., the baby is fed before bedtime.

Mom should be prepared for the fact that feeding can last from 30 minutes to an hour. It should not be interrupted without reason. This process is important for the child, as he is not only saturated with food, but also calms down after the work done.


Don't forget about fresh air. it is recommended to take the baby for the first walk in the summer 7-10 days after discharge from the maternity hospital. When a child is born in a cold season, he is taken out into the street 3-4 weeks after discharge. This issue must be agreed with the pediatrician.

When you go outside for the first time, the question arises of what clothes a baby should wear for a walk? And what to take with you? When collecting a crumb for a walk, do not wrap it up too much. The baby should not be hot, he should not sweat. Do not swaddle it tightly to restrict movement.

After all, such a state will quickly tire the child. In addition, this will lead to disruption of normal air exchange. At the same time, try to dress up the baby according to the weather so that he is not cold outside.

Walking with a small child is better in a quiet, peaceful place, away from noisy city highways and roads. If the baby feels great on a walk, the time spent outdoors can be stretched from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

As a rule, windy or rainy weather can be somewhat dangerous for walking. Very hot days are also uncomfortable. Despite this, the baby still needs to be taken out to fresh air. But the stroller should be placed under a canopy.

The baby should include two walks. And now let's touch on the necessary things for the baby to go outside. Each mother must take with her a sheet and a blanket, spare sliders and a blouse, a warm hat (in the cold season). A bottle of food (expressed breast milk) will come in handy on the street, especially if the baby did not want to eat on the eve of the walk.

Bathing a child

Pediatricians recommend giving your baby air baths. They promote hardening and prevent diaper rash and prickly heat. If bedtime has not yet come, it is useful to let the baby lie down without clothes. This procedure can be repeated while changing clothes. At the same time, do not forget to stroke your baby on the back, tummy, and make a light massage. In the morning, you can add exercises. The child will be very pleased with such actions. You should know that these activities stimulate the development of the child.

While the navel is tightening, boiled water is used for bathing, adding a solution of manganese (with a thermal regime of water up to 37 degrees). Soap does not have to be used daily. The head is washed no more than a couple of times in seven days. From time to time it is recommended to use a decoction of various medicinal plants.

Having bought the baby, treat the umbilical wound. This procedure should be done until complete healing. After bathing, apply powder and baby cream to keep the skin dry and protect against various irritations.

Hardening a child

In order for the child to be healthy, you need to regularly harden. Air baths are carried out at room temperature from 23 degrees. The baby is placed on the changing table, undressed and allowed to move the legs and arms. Start with 1-2 minutes and gradually increase the time of the procedure up to 5-10 minutes. Consistently begin to reduce the air temperature in the room to 17-18 degrees. Air procedures are carried out starting from the first month of a baby's life.

Regular walks in the fresh air also contribute to hardening. As previously noted, the baby must breathe fresh air. Therefore, plan the child’s daily routine at 1 month in such a way that the baby walks as much as possible.

In summer, the duration of the first walk is up to 17 minutes at temperatures above +20 degrees. It is recommended to increase the walking time by 5 minutes daily. In winter, the first walk is approximately 12 minutes. The temperature outside should not be below -3 degrees. Every other day, the time spent outside is increased by 5 minutes. After a month, the child's walks should last 45 minutes twice a day in summer, in winter their duration should be about half an hour.

Parents should be aware of the great benefits of sleeping outdoors for a young child. Little hint. Upon returning from a walk, you need to check whether the legs and nose are warm. If they are warm, then your child was dressed correctly.

Baby sleep

Most of the day is spent sleeping. In the first month, it is very important to accustom the child to the correct schedule of periods of wakefulness and rest. The baby at this time is awake only 4-6 hours a day.

To accustom the baby to the regime, you should listen to the advice given by Dr. Komarovsky. The sleep of the baby will not turn into a headache for parents if the latter begin to follow certain rules for preparing for rest:

  • Diligently observe sleep patterns.
  • During the day, sleepyheads need to be awakened if the child is resting more than the allotted time. Only then will he have a great night.
  • Lots of walking during the day.
  • Ventilate the room regularly.
  • Do not skip the evening swim, which promotes better sleep.
  • Use only high quality diapers.
  • Equip the bed with a comfortable mattress.

Meals by month

Babies are growing fast. Babies must change just as quickly.

  • 1 month. Exclusive breastfeeding. The child can be near the breast for about an hour.
  • 2 month. Also only breast milk. Full feeding occurs, as a rule, after 40 minutes - 3.5 hours. The norm is considered 3-5 times a night and from 5 to 7 during the day.
  • 3 month. During the day, the baby is fed (breast milk) 6-8 times. And at night - 2-4. There may be a long break in feeding - up to five hours. But this happens quite rarely.
  • 4 month. Feeding remains breastfeeding. However, complementary feeding is possible at this age. This aspect should be discussed with the pediatrician initially.
  • 5 month. The baby may show interest in adult food. He is allowed to give a "test" (lick) any product. If the child has shown interest in food, then the time for the first complementary foods has come.
  • 6 month. Against the background of breastfeeding, the child is introduced into the diet of complementary foods.
  • 7 month. Breastfeeding is combined with complementary foods. The kid is happy to suck a piece of an apple, a cookie or a bagel.
  • 8 month. At this age, the child eats 4 to 6 times a day. And at night, feeding is reduced to 2 times.
  • 9 month. One of the feedings can be supplemented with "adult" food.
  • 10 month. Throughout the day, the child constantly chews something, tastes food from the table of adults with pleasure.
  • 11 month. The time when the baby can have two complete complementary foods.
  • 12 month. Breastfeeding with complementary foods up to 2 times a day. The kid is happy to try other foods.

Such nutrition of babies for months is recommended by pediatricians. However, do not forget that every baby grows and develops exclusively according to its own laws and rules. If, after trying the "adult" food, he wrinkles and does not want to eat it, do not worry. It's just that it's not time for feeding yet.


The love and tenderness of the mother will inspire trust and pleasure in the baby. A certain day regimen for a child at 1 month old will allow him to adapt faster. Remember, the routine will have a beneficial effect on the development of the child's body. It will allow parents and other family members to create the most comfortable conditions.

After the baby appears in the house, everything turns upside down in it. Now the whole family has to adapt to his rhythm of life, and especially the young mother. However, this is not always convenient and causes a lot of problems.

Dad needs to go to work in the morning, and the older children need to go to school, but how can you get enough sleep when this little owner has been naughty again all night? And after that, how can mom get out of bed and take on household chores? To eliminate such unpleasant moments, it is necessary from the very beginning to arrange a special daily routine for the newborn, which will allow everyone to get enough sleep and be cheerful and cheerful throughout the day, from the very crumbs to the father.

The 21st century is distinguished by high technology and freedom in literally everything. So young mothers, taking advantage of his ideas, begin to think that the baby can be fed out of time, which means that he can only go to bed when he himself expresses such a desire.

As a result, the whole family suffers from chronic lack of sleep, the eternal whims of a newly-made family member, and his health will not be stronger from such liberties. But if you properly organize the daily routine of a newborn child, all the advantages will be obvious.

  1. The activity of the baby at one time or another is predicted.
  2. Accordingly, parents can adjust their plans to the regimen of the newborn.
  3. The daily routine allows neither the newborn nor the rest of the family to suffer in unusual circumstances: if guests arrived, repairs were started, a trip was organized, they decided to go on a trip, etc.
  4. Periods of illness and stay in the hospital are experienced much calmer.
  5. According to the drawn up regime, the young mother has free time not only for the household, but also for any hobby and even a side job.

So the correct daily routine of a newborn, drawn up on time, unties the hands of the mother, allows everyone to get enough sleep and easier to endure various unforeseen circumstances. As practice shows, such children grow up much calmer, they are distinguished by good health and do not cause trouble for their family even at a young age. But what is the right way to organize all this?

The main advantage! By organizing the correct daily routine for a newborn from birth, you discipline yourself. This leads to a faster recovery of the body after childbirth.

How to organize?

So, how to adjust the daily routine of a newborn in order to match his sleep and feeding to the needs of his own body, biorhythm, some individual characteristics, without harming the baby?

Very many parents, ignited by this idea, from the first days of the baby's life, begin to paint feeding, sleeping and walking by the hour, but in the end everything goes astray. Why is this happening? Most likely, they do not take into account the recommendations of pediatricians on this important issue for everyone. If you take them into account, there will be no problems with the normalization of the daily routine of the newborn.

  1. Due to the fact that the daily routine of a newborn up to a month will be only an installation, start with observations. In the first week of a baby's life, do not force him to do anything - this will not lead to anything good. Just write down when he prefers to eat and play, what time he falls asleep and wakes up.
  2. After a week, carefully study the notes and draw the appropriate conclusions. You will notice that the baby performs all his actions at about the same time, which you will be guided by when compiling a daily routine for him.
  3. If the spread turned out to be too large, ask yourself what prevents the child from falling asleep at the same time, for what reasons he refuses to eat. You may need to consult a pediatrician.
  4. After a week, you should already be strict and begin to adjust the newborn to the daily routine that he set for himself from the very beginning. For example, if you see that the baby is sleeping too long, has gone beyond the time outlined for this time, you can wake him up. This is how the habit of doing everything on time is formed.
  5. In moments when the baby is free from sleep and feeding, spend as much time with him as possible. Include walks, games, and even conversations in your routine.
  6. To correctly compose the daily routine, you need to develop the habit of falling asleep quickly in a newborn. To do this, always arrange the same rituals. For example, ventilate the room 10 minutes before bedtime. Rock your baby for 3-4 minutes. Sing him a lullaby.
  7. If the baby is breastfed, the daily routine will vary quite often, because the baby may require a breast at any time, especially at night. It is difficult to refuse a crumb at such moments. And yet force the newborn to eat only at certain hours.
  8. With those who are artificially fed, with regard to the daily routine, everything is much simpler. There is no “on demand” here, which means that you will only give formula at the time specified in your newborn schedule.

If in this way the daily regimen of a newborn is normalized from the first weeks, young parents themselves will greatly facilitate life and minimize family quarrels and general insomnia in the house.

If something does not work out and the child stubbornly continues to violate the established rules of feeding and sleeping by the hour day after day, you should not wave your hand at this and give up this good deed. Be sure to finish it. Go to a children's clinic, tell your doctor about your problems. Perhaps the point is some kind of indisposition of the baby, after the treatment of which it will be easy to accustom the newborn to the daily routine that you have established from the very first days of his life.

But what if the child confused the daytime with the nighttime? How to fix the situation?

Helpful advice. Do not forget that a newborn just needs fresh air and sunlight. And it's not just about walking. During the day, you can leave the stroller with the sleeping baby on the balcony (during the warm season), which will allow him to sleep soundly and fully. But sleep is one of the most key moments of any daily routine.

Day and night put in their place

Very often, the fact that a newborn confuses day and night does not allow to organize the daily routine correctly. Such a nuisance usually occurs after the child cannot sleep on a certain night (the colic is tortured, the teeth are cut, the neighbors are noisy, the TV is loud, etc.). What can be done in this case:

  1. Wake up your newborn early in the morning.
  2. During the day, give him more time and attention, do not let him sleep (within reason, of course).
  3. Do everything to make it comfortable for the child to fall asleep in the evening: a ventilated room, the absence of extraneous noise, nighttime rituals already known to the baby.
  4. Do not play with the baby just before bedtime is too noisy and fun. It is better to just talk to him in a calm, even voice or sing a quiet, beautiful song.

In fact, changing the daily routine of a newborn, if he is, is not so difficult. You just need to be patient and adjust it to the time frame that you outlined for it earlier. And most importantly - to prevent sleepless nights of the baby, and then such a nuisance will definitely bypass you.

Sometimes it happens. Some conscientious local pediatricians have small blanks - an approximate daily routine for a newborn by months, which they willingly share with novice mothers. Ask one of your own - what if? ..

Sample daily schedule

1st month

The most basic will be the daily routine of the newborn in the first month, which you will subsequently only slightly adjust. To make it easier for you to compose it, we offer you an approximate schedule for those who are only 1 month old. The basis here is feeding, which is recommended to arrange a monthly crumb every 2 hours (approximately).

  • 9:00 - feeding.
  • from 9:00 to 10:00 - the first morning dream.
  • from 10:00 to 11:00 - active wakefulness, entertainment and games in the crib.
  • 11:00 - feeding.
  • 13:00 - feeding.
  • from 13:00 to 14:00 - active wakefulness, games.
  • 15:00 - feeding.
  • from 15:00 to 17:00 - games, wakefulness, communication with relatives.
  • 17.00 - feeding.
  • from 18:00 to 19:00 - calm wakefulness.
  • 19.00 - feeding.
  • from 19:00 to 20:30 - communication of the child with his mother.
  • 20:30 - swimming.

At night, feeding should occur no more than 1 time in 4 hours. Keep a close eye on this.

A similar daily routine for a newborn up to 1 month is still in the process of becoming through trial and error. The child will reject something, something from the generally accepted scheme will not suit relatives and friends. Don't be afraid to correct. The most important thing is to make a regimen and try to stick to it. Don't worry if circumstances beyond your control cause you to break it: always go back to the original version.

2nd and 3rd months

According to pediatricians, the child's daily routine at 2 months (and even at 3) will not differ much from the routine to which his parents taught him in the first weeks of his life. The first morning sleep is removed, and wakefulness is an increasingly active activity of the newborn.

  • 7:00 - awakening, water procedures, feeding.
  • from 7:30 to 9:00 - wakefulness.
  • 9:00 - feeding.
  • from 9:00 to 10:00 - massage, special gymnastics for newborns.
  • from 10:00 to 11:00 - entertainment and games in the crib.
  • 11:00 - feeding.
  • from 11:30 to 12:30 - the second morning sleep in a stroller for a walk.
  • 13:00 - feeding.
  • from 13:00 to 14:00 - .
  • from 14:00 to 15:00 - daytime sleep in a stroller on the street during a walk.
  • 15:00 - feeding.
  • from 15:00 to 17:00 - communication not only with relatives, but also with other people: everyone who comes to visit - this is necessary for the further normal socialization of the child.
  • 17.00 - feeding.
  • from 17:00 to 18:00 - evening sleep.
  • from 18:00 to 19:00 - reading fairy tales and poems, listening to calm music.
  • 19.00 - feeding.
  • from 19:00 to 20:30 - toys.
  • 20:30 - swimming.
  • 21:00 - feeding, night sleep.

Such an exemplary day regimen for a newborn will help young parents navigate and adjust their sleep, wakefulness and feeding schedule in the second month of his life. If at the same time there are no serious problems, no individual characteristics of the baby interfere with this important matter, pediatricians advise using this regime even at 3 months.

4 months

But at 4 months it will be much more difficult for a newborn to correctly set the daily routine for a newborn. Firstly, the number of feedings is reduced (every 3 or even 4 hours, depending on the needs of the child). Secondly, evening sleep is leaving, which at this age can only prevent the baby from falling asleep at night. Pay special attention to this. An example schedule might look like this.

  • 7:00 - awakening, water procedures, feeding.
  • from 7:30 to 9:00 - wakefulness.
  • 9:00 - feeding.
  • from 9:00 to 10:00 - massage, special gymnastics, according to the regimen and recommendations of doctors.
  • from 10:00 to 11:30 - entertainment and games in the crib.
  • from 11:30 to 12:30 - the second morning sleep in a stroller for a walk.
  • 13:00 - feeding.
  • from 13:00 to 14:00 - educational toys.
  • from 14:00 to 15:00 - daytime sleep in a stroller on the street during a walk.
  • from 15:00 to 17:00 - communication.
  • 17.00 - feeding.
  • from 17:00 to 19:00 - reading fairy tales and poems, listening to calm music.
  • from 19:00 to 20:30 - toys or an evening walk (at your discretion).
  • 20:30 - swimming.
  • 21:00 - feeding, night sleep.

All this is very approximate, since each case is individual. Specifically, what kind of daily regimen a newborn should have should be decided only by parents together with a pediatrician. These people know everything about the baby and will be able to choose the best schedule for him, which will meet all his needs and personal characteristics. In the future, this will lead not only to the strengthening and preservation of his health, but also to the cultivation of fortitude and discipline in him.

A small organism, accustomed to living according to the regime, grows without failures, knowing that in any case, good nutrition, good sleep and loving parents are always waiting for it at a certain time.

After the birth of a child, the mother spends the first three to five days in the maternity hospital. Doctors and nurses help her here, they observe the newborn, suggest something, and also create all the conditions for nursing the baby. In the maternity hospital, the mother is fed and watered, the necessary procedures are carried out. That is, the daily routine of a newborn child and mother is scheduled strictly by the hour.

What should be the regimen of a newborn?

The first days after the maternity hospital, a woman does not even have 24 hours to do everything that the baby needs:

  • learn ;
  • properly handle the baby, lift, wear, change clothes, change the diaper;
  • carry out the morning toilet of a newborn.

How to accustom a newborn to the daily routine? Two main problems need to be addressed:

  1. Mom's inability to conduct completely new procedures and activities for her.
  2. Unpredictability of infant behavior.

In spite of everything, the mother must persistently form a daily schedule that is convenient for herself and the newborn. If you can accustom your newborn to a regimen of feeding, sleeping, walking and a certain time for bathing, then it will certainly be easier for you to care for him. With a clear daily routine, you will have time for yourself, your family, and your rest.

What does the daily routine of a newborn child look like?

The day regimen of a newborn is set for the first (the most difficult!) month of life. During this time, you must find the strength and patience in yourself and form the correct daily routine for yourself and your baby.

Feeding schedule for a newborn baby

Feeding usually takes place every 2-3 hours (about 12 times a day), since breast milk is in the stomach for two hours, and artificial formula for three hours. Of course, you can breastfeed even earlier, when the baby cries and asks to be with his mother, but gradually you should try to enter a certain mode of feeding a newborn baby.

It is much easier to build a formula feeding regimen, because a child drinks formula milk many times faster than it can cope with a still tight breast that has not been developed for feeding. The mixture is harder to digest and the newborn child is less likely to ask for food, and as a result, it is easier for the mother to develop a strict diet. But don't be fooled by this, you should know that breast milk is the best and most suitable food for the proper development of the little man.

The mode of feeding a newborn baby with a mixture by the hour:
6.00, 9.00, 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, 21.00, 24.00.

When breastfeeding gradually by the end of the third or fourth week, you should reach about the same schedule. Only with natural feeding, children usually suckle the breast 1-2 more times at night.

Large children by the end of the first month can go to six meals a day:
6.00, 9.30, 13.00, 16.30, 20.00, 23.30.

Newborn sleep pattern

The child cannot always calm down and fall asleep, even if he wants to sleep very much.

Why is it so difficult to put a tired baby to sleep?

In small children, the processes of excitation prevail over the processes of inhibition. Therefore, it is often so difficult for a roaming baby to calm down and fall asleep sweetly. He wants to sleep, but... he can't. Marvelous? Yes! You yourself should try to maintain the sleep schedule of the newborn - this will help the baby get used to and also learn how to observe the daily routine.

Walking mode with a newborn

From the seventh day of life in the warm season (spring, summer) and from the tenth day in the cold season (winter, autumn), parents should include a newborn child in the daily routine. Usually on the street the child sleeps better and longer than at home, therefore it will be more convenient to adjust the feeding of the baby to a certain hour. If the baby does not wake up by the time you planned to eat, then wait for a favorable moment during sleep, gently wake him up and offer to eat. Try to find compromises, but still persistently, day after day, form a feeding and walking regime for the newborn that is convenient for you and the child.

The correct daily routine can be difficult to establish, as this requires knowledge about the newborn and skills, help from loved ones, properly selected things and baby care products.

With the advent of a baby in the family, the usual way of life of each of its members changes. Mom devotes all her time to the baby: she always tries to hold him in her arms and feed him at the first cry, shows the little one the sights of the new house and puts him in bed next to him. A woman does not leave a newborn unattended for a second. “That’s what a loving and caring mother should do!” - you think. But ... Gradually, the furniture in the house begins to become covered with dust, a mountain of unwashed dishes grows more and more often in the kitchen, and the rest of the household feel forgotten and unloved, relegated to the background. Why is this happening? Yes, because the baby does not have a clear daily routine. Mom will have time to do everything, she will be able to devote time to her loved ones, and even she will always have an hour or two for rest and self-development if she puts in quite a bit of effort and teaches the child to live, observing a certain regimen.

What is the daily routine of the baby?

The daily routine of the baby is the consistent execution of precisely planned actions during the day by the hour. The kid, like any other person, must sleep, eat, stay awake, while developing intellectually and physically, devote time to hygiene procedures, and cope with natural needs.

If he does all this every day at about the same time, his mother will be able, focusing on this routine, to rationally plan her day. Then she will have time to devote time to the baby, and to other household members, and to herself. Order will reign in the house, and peace and harmony will reign in the family.

Compliance with the daily regimen will benefit both the baby, and his mother, and the whole family.

Of course, from birth, in any toddler, nature itself has certain instincts. Babies want to eat at approximately equal intervals and sleep a lot. But every baby has its own biorhythms.

You will benefit in many ways if you track them, fix them and plan all regime moments in accordance with the individual needs of the crumbs. This is not so difficult to do, but the benefits of following the daily routine will be huge both for the baby himself and for everyone around him.

Benefits of following a timetable

  1. Compliance with the feeding regimen will protect the child from the development of allergies, diathesis during infancy. Proper nutrition is the key to the health and good mood of the crumbs. Children who receive meals according to the schedule are less likely to have problems with digestion and metabolism.
  2. Difficult periods in the life of a baby (teething, illness, etc.) will flow much easier.
  3. You will always know what time to spend the morning toilet for the child, when to go for a walk or put the baby to bed. Thus, you can organize your day in such a way as to have time to go to the store for groceries, and prepare breakfast (lunch, dinner), and do wet cleaning.
  4. The daily routine includes time for the development of both intellectual and physical. You can plan this time so that dad, brothers and sisters, grandfathers and grandmothers participate in the upbringing of the little one. The child will feel loved by all members of his family, and the household will receive a lot of positive emotions from communicating with him.
  5. Strictly observing the regimen, you will not miss anything important. The peanut will develop according to age indicators. And he will spend a lot of time outdoors. And it will always be full, dry, clean, rested.

If you want a newborn baby to grow up healthy and happy, build your life so that all members of your family feel loved, needed, protected.

This means that the daily routine of your baby should be convenient not only for him, but also for you. If you consider it necessary to feed the baby on demand - feed and don’t even hesitate, and if you can’t live in such a rhythm, make an individual routine, but do it gradually and correctly.

The best feeding regimen for a newborn - video by Dr. Komarovsky

How to organize regime moments?

It is important for a child that the daily routine drawn up by you takes into account his individual biorhythms.

Among kids, as well as among adults, there are "larks" and "owls". Some people wake up early and go to bed late. Someone is the opposite. Some people eat more and less often, while others eat less and more often. One toddler is active, mobile and spends a lot of energy. Another prefers peace and contemplation, which means that his energy consumption is less. All this must be taken into account when planning regime moments.

The first thing to do is to observe the baby a little. How is the baby active? When does he sleep, before feeding or after? What is the time interval between feedings? Pay attention to night sleep. Does he wake up at night and how often?

Based on these data, try to feed, walk, sleep, play, morning and evening toilet every day at the same time.

How to keep a daily schedule

  1. First of all, tune in to the fact that accustoming a newborn to a regimen is a long process. The baby in the first months of life is just beginning to adapt to a new environment for him. Its organs and systems are not yet sufficiently developed. Biological rhythms are also in the process of formation. The baby has yet to learn to recognize where is the day and where is the night. When to sleep and when to stay awake. And here it is in your power to direct it to the correct perception of the surrounding reality.
  2. Count how many times the child eats and sleeps during the day, at night.
  3. Based on your observations, compose and write down the daily routine in a notebook.
  4. Try to breastfeed and go to bed at about the same hour on the following days. This is the main task of the regime.
  5. And so for 2-3 weeks - this is usually quite enough to get used to the routine. But, again, everything is individual here. Some people need more time, some less. 8 weeks is also a good result. Please note that the newborn should eat and sleep as much as he wants. Gradually, the baby himself will determine the intervals between feedings (mostly 2-3 hours).
  6. Be sure to keep in mind that a formula-fed baby will not get hungry as soon as a baby who receives mother's milk, which is absorbed more easily and faster than an adapted formula. Depending on this, you need to adjust the intervals between feedings. For "artificial" they will be 3-4 hours.
  7. Wake up in the morning at the time you set. Even if the child did not sleep well or played at night, gently wake him up, wash him, change his clothes, feed him.
  8. Do all procedures by the hour. Explore the world, play, sleep, breastfeed, walk and bathe according to the routine. And you will see how soon your baby will begin to do all this with pleasure and great desire, and most importantly, when needed.
  9. After 3 weeks, try to stop breastfeeding on demand. If the child has eaten, and after 1.5 hours you see that he again requires a breast, offer him a bottle of water, maybe the baby just wants to drink.
  10. Use "hints". Before going to bed, sing lullabies to your baby or tell fairy tales. If the baby woke up at night, talk to him in a whisper so that he can understand that it is still night and you need to sleep. Learn nursery rhymes corresponding to certain routine moments: feeding, bathing, dressing, etc. t.

Approximate daily routine for an infant

In the first months of life, the baby sleeps a lot, his regime is basically constant, and the mother can easily adapt to such a routine.

So, what do we do with the baby during the day?


Teach your child to wash in the morning from an early age

Mornings begin and end differently for every family. For a baby, this is one of the intervals of vigorous activity. He learns the world around him, plays, smiles.

From early childhood, we teach the child to morning hygiene: we wash ourselves and change clothes. During this period of children's activity, it is effective to do gymnastics, massages, air baths.

When the baby has played enough and starts to get tired, there is a need to cuddle up to his mother's chest. The first feeding usually takes place between 5 and 9 o'clock in the morning: the baby eats and falls asleep, therefore, the mother can take care of the house and herself.


Baby's nap time is good to spend outdoors

Most often, during the day, the baby has two periods, with a duration of 2 to 4 hours, when he sleeps soundly. During the rest of the time, the baby plays, gets acquainted with new objects.

If the baby likes what you offer him, he lies calmly. But if interest fades, the child begins to demand attention.

Daytime sleep of the baby can be combined with walks in the fresh air, talking with friends and family, reading or relaxing.


Evening bathing is a kind of ritual that precedes going to bed.

After a day spent actively, by the evening the child begins to get tired. This time is best spent with family, calmly.

From the very first days of life, you need to teach your baby to take a bath in the evening. This procedure will become for him a kind of ritual before going to bed. It is best to bathe the baby at 8-9 pm - half an hour before feeding.

The mother herself should get ready for bed in advance, because after bathing the child will want to be next to her, feel her smell and warmth. When the baby falls asleep, give him some time, because the children feel the presence of their mother, and then put the baby in the cradle.


At night, the baby sleeps restlessly, only if it feels discomfort in some way.

At night, the baby, depending on age, can wake up 1 or 2 times for feeding. If the baby's sleep is restless, or he woke up and cannot fall asleep, make sure that none of the following is preventing him:

  • Light, noise. A child can fall asleep soundly only when there is a calm environment around him. Try to turn off the computer and TV, dim the bright lights. Create the conditions for a healthy and sound sleep of your beloved baby.
  • Hunger. If the baby ate his fill, he will sleep soundly and calmly at night. If the time interval between night feedings is too short, check with your pediatrician, it may be worth introducing additional artificial foods.
  • Heat, cold. The baby should feel comfortable. He shouldn't be hot. And if the little one opens and freezes at night, buy him a special envelope.
  • Wet clothes. Make sure your baby wears a diaper at night. So he will remain dry, and nothing will disturb his sleep.

Schedule of regime moments - table

1–3 months 3–6 months 6–10 months 10–12 months
Feeding 6 00 6 00 7 00 8 00
wakefulness 6 00 -7 00 6 00 -7 30 7 00 -9 00 8 30 -12 00
Dream 7 00 -9 30 7 30 -9 30 9 00 -11 00 -
Feeding 9 30 9 30 11 00 12 00
wakefulness 9 30 -10 30 9 30 -11 00 11 30 -13 00 12 30 -13 30
Dream 10 30 -13 30 11 00 -13 00 13 00 -15 00 13 30 -15 30
Feeding 13 00 13 00 15 00 16 00
wakefulness 13 00 -14 00 13 00 -14 30 15 00 -17 00 16 30 -19 00
Dream 14 00 -16 30 14 00 -16 30 17 00 -19 30 -
Feeding 16 30 16 30 19 00 19 00
wakefulness 16 30 -17 30 16 30 -18 00 19 00 -21 00 19 30 -20 30
Dream 17 30 -19 45 18 00 -19 45 19 00 -21 00 -
Bathing 19 45 19 45 20 30 20 30
Feeding 20 00 20 00 - -
wakefulness 20 00 -21 00 20 00 -21 00 - -
Night sleep 21 00 -6 00 21 00 -6 00 21 00 -7 00 21 00 -7 00
Night feeding 2330 or 2002330 or 20023 00 -

The daily routine of the child is made up of observations of the mother for the baby. The table is a rough guide for parents. The rest depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and the lifestyle of the family - the time for a particular procedure can always be changed.

What do we see from the table?

  • The duration of a baby's sleep is about twenty hours a day.
  • In the intervals he eats and stays awake - at first quite a bit, then longer and longer. This time is enough to play with the baby or carry out the necessary manipulations: hygiene procedures, massage, gymnastics.
  • In the third month of life, the baby begins to wake up more, sleep less. During this period, sleep accounts for approximately sixteen to eighteen hours a day. Feeding - once every three hours, that is, six times during the day and once at night.
  • At three to six months, the child gives sleep about fifteen to eighteen hours a day, night sleep is gradually reduced to ten hours. Feeding during the day - five times, at night - one.
  • From six to nine months, the baby sleeps during the day three times for two hours, the period of vigorous activity is up to two and a half hours. Feeding the baby - five times a day with an interval of four hours. The child can be fed late at night, then he will sleep all night. A night's sleep lasts about eight hours.
  • A baby aged nine to twelve months sleeps twice a day. The duration of daytime sleep is about two and a half hours.
  • You need to walk with the baby twice a day for two hours.
  • During the first year of life, the child's regimen will gradually change. First, the baby sleeps twice during the day (before lunch and after), closer to a year - only after lunch. A one-year-old toddler spends about ten to twelve hours a day sleeping.

If you follow the recommendations of the pediatrician and do everything right during the first year of the baby’s life, at twelve months his daily routine looks something like this: feeding - four times a day, sleeping during the day - two hours, at night - ten hours (without waking up for feeding).

Inverted mode: ways to solve the problem

Some parents are faced with the fact that their baby begins to wake up at night and sleep during the day. This phenomenon is called "inverted mode".

What should be done if the baby confused day and night? First, of course, contact your local pediatrician. He will prescribe treatment, which includes taking sedatives (infusion of motherwort, valerian). In addition, it is very important to return the usual daily routine of the child.

How to get your baby to sleep through the night - video

How to restore the correct daily routine?

  1. Try to find the cause of the problem. What exactly keeps the baby from falling asleep? Maybe feeling unwell: intestinal colic, high body temperature, sore throat or ear, etc. In this case, you should consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.
  2. The baby's bed should be comfortable. Bed linen - from natural fabrics. It is better to do without a pillow, or it should be low.
  3. When laying the baby in the cradle, make sure that there are no wrinkles on his clothes, which can create discomfort for him at night. And the pajamas of the crumbs themselves should be comfortable, made of cotton or linen, with the seams outward.
  4. Some babies can wake themselves up by moving their legs and arms in their sleep. Then it will be useful to swaddle the child at night.
  5. Make sure that the nursery is regularly wet cleaned. You need to ventilate the room 2 times a day. The optimum air temperature in the room is +20…+22 °С. If the baby is cold or hot, he can wake up, cry, act up.
  6. Throughout the day, try to organize the activities of the crumbs so that he spends time actively.
  7. Strictly observe the regimen. This is especially true for the time of sleep and wakefulness. If the baby sleeps longer than the prescribed time in the morning and afternoon, wake him up.
  8. In the evening, while bathing a child, soothing decoctions or infusions can be added to the bath. Consult your pediatrician about the possibility and expediency of their use.
  9. If the little one woke up at night, do not turn on the light, talk in a whisper, with all your appearance, let's understand that you need to sleep.
  10. The last feeding should be from 23 to 24 hours. Then the baby will not wake up from hunger.

"Inverted mode" is quite amenable to correction. Not in one day, of course. But armed with patience, it is possible to achieve success here. The main thing is to calmly and firmly go towards the intended goal. The night is for sleeping. You must convey this truth to your little night owl in all available ways.

The daily routine is necessary for both the baby himself and his mother. And who said that following the regime, you can not feed the baby on demand? With proper organization, one does not interfere with the other. Consider your child's individual needs and consider yours. Plus love, patience, support of loved ones. And everything will work out for you. Don't even hesitate!