What water is better for pregnant women to drink. Drinking regimen at different times. How much can pregnant women drink

The body of a pregnant woman is a unique mechanism that is rebuilt from the moment of conception and begins to work according to new rules. Now everything happens in the interests of the child. The fetus in the womb develops very quickly, it needs trace elements and vitamins. That is why a woman should closely monitor her health, what she eats, drinks, even what air she breathes. As soon as two cherished strips appear on the test, many advise the expectant mother to eat more fruits and vegetables. But few people think about the fact that the drinking regimen of a pregnant woman needs to be corrected. In this article, we will talk about the role of water in the body of a future mother, find out what kind of water is better to drink and how much to drink in order to avoid swelling during pregnancy.

The benefits of water during pregnancy

There are legends about the benefits of water - it is really necessary for a person, without a normal water regime it is difficult to lose weight, it is impossible to cleanse the intestines and it is very difficult to cure many diseases. But what role does water play in the body of a pregnant woman?

A sufficient amount of water organizes the required volume of amniotic fluid, that is, amniotic fluid. This is a bubble that protects the baby from injury, sharp physical influences from the outside.

As you know, since the development of the placenta, the amount of blood in the body increases, because now the body must maintain viability in two bodies. Sufficient water is needed to increase blood volume.

With dehydration, the skin becomes dry, less elastic, with any tension, the inner layer of the epidermis is torn. Therefore, a sufficient water regime is, first of all, the best prevention of stretch marks.

In late pregnancy, water allows you to make tissues softer, more elastic, supple. This is a necessary condition for preparing for childbirth. The right amount of water will allow the cervix to open more easily, relieve unnecessary friction, and facilitate the process of delivery.

All pregnant women know the eternal problem with constipation. A sufficient amount of water combined with fiber will help solve the problem. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach a glass of warm water in small sips, without breakfast. And after half an hour you will feel the urge, the intestines will gently cleanse. This will help get rid of constipation without pills and medications that are undesirable during pregnancy.

Pregnant women should not get sick, but, unfortunately, life is not so simple. At least once during pregnancy, the expectant mother catches a cold. What to do if it is undesirable to drink pills? That's right - drink! A sufficient amount of water for ARVI will significantly reduce the time of illness, relieve complications, and allow you to quickly remove the virus from the body. It is not only effective, but also safe treatment. However, remember that water will only help with a viral infection; with a bacterial infection, medications, possibly antibiotics, are needed. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor in advance.

The habit of drinking plenty of water will also affect the period of breastfeeding - this will provide the baby with a sufficient amount of breast milk.

The disadvantage of drinking plenty of water is only that a woman has to go to the toilet more often, although this is absolutely normal for pregnancy. But how to understand that the body of the expectant mother needs additional moisture?

Signs of dehydration during pregnancy

Often we think about changes in the body only when serious pathologies, illnesses and diagnoses arise. Analyzing, we begin to remember that the body gave its signs and bells, to which we did not pay attention. So the process of dehydration - develops slowly, but makes itself felt. What are the signs of dehydration in a pregnant woman? Firstly, dehydration can be diagnosed by external signs - a woman's skin becomes dry, it often flakes, cracks. First of all, the skin of the lips cracks and peels off. The well-being of the expectant mother is also disturbed - she has a headache, nausea and drowsiness increase, fainting may occur. It has been proven that dehydration increases toxicosis. Digestion is seriously disturbed - severe constipation appears, a woman has no stool for several days.

With pathologically severe dehydration, a woman's urine becomes dark, concentrated. Her blood pressure drops, her breathing quickens, her pulse and heart rate slow down, her eyes become sunken. Such dehydration can occur with frequent vomiting against the background of toxicosis. The risk of dehydration increases in the hot season, with exercise, poisoning, diarrhea. To avoid this condition and save the life and health of the baby in the womb, you need to drink water, and do it right!

Keeping the water balance is very important, but only pure water can be considered a liquid, various drinks - milk, coffee, tea and compote are considered food, because they have enough carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. During pregnancy, it is important to pay special attention to the quality of food and fluids, since poisoning can be really dangerous, both for the child and for the mother herself. Therefore, you should never drink tap water. It may contain chlorine and lead, as well as various pathogens. It is better to give preference to bottled mineral water, because it contains a lot of useful trace elements.

If you don't like mineral water, you can filter your tap water. The protective filter cleans the liquid not only from small physical specks, high-quality products really disinfect the liquid. If you drink just such water, do not forget to change the filters on time.

Many people drink boiled water, but this is not entirely correct. The fact is that with prolonged boiling, the water becomes, as it were, “dead” - there are no useful microelements left in it. What to do? Water can be boiled, but it must be done correctly. As soon as the water temperature reaches 90-95 degrees, it must be immediately removed from the fire. You will understand this by the small bubbles rising when the water just starts to boil. At this temperature, all microbes and bacteria in the water die, but the water still remains "alive".

Optimal drinking regime during pregnancy

Normally, a person should drink 1-1.5 liters of fluid per day, depending on weight, living conditions, ambient temperature and other individual characteristics. During pregnancy, this amount increases, up to two liters of fluid. This is especially true of the first and last trimester of pregnancy. Water is needed in the early stages, it removes excess toxins from the body - they are useless when the baby's organs in the womb are just being formed. Water should also be drunk in the later stages - this will help prepare for childbirth, relieve oligohydramnios, protect the skin from stretch marks, and in general, stabilize the emotional state of a woman. To make it convenient, you can count water in glasses - you need 8 glasses a day. It is important to drink water throughout the day, and not drink the entire volume in the morning. Drink water in small sips, so moisture will saturate every cell of your body. For taste and benefit, you can add lemon and cranberry juice to the water. Try not to drink sparkling water - gases swell the stomach even more, which is already in a compressed state. Soda can lead to additional heartburn and excess belching.

Edema during pregnancy - to drink or not to drink?

Moderate edema during pregnancy is a completely normal, physiological and normal condition. Nevertheless, doctors recommend guarding against factors that can cause additional swelling - salty foods, drinking plenty of water before bed, a sedentary lifestyle. Doctors are divided on whether water can cause additional swelling during pregnancy. The truth is that pure water does not cause edema, does not linger in the body, but, on the contrary, stimulates the elimination of toxins, salts, slags and poisons that retain fluid. However, you should drink it throughout the day, but not at night. The fact is that many organs slow down their work at night, the kidneys simply do not have time to remove all the fluid from the body, swelling will appear in the morning.

In the fight against swelling of the legs, you can drink not just water, but weak decoctions of hawthorn or lingonberry leaves. They have a mild diuretic effect, allow fluid not to linger in the tissues. Remember that only minor swelling is acceptable. If the swelling is really high, it is necessary to take an analysis and find out the cause, you should not refer to the pregnancy itself. Puffiness can develop due to diagnoses such as preeclampsia, eclampsia, dropsy and nephropathy of pregnancy. All diseases are successfully treated and will not harm the child, but only with a timely visit to the doctor.

Pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period, because the future life and health of the little man depends on it. Chemicals and poisons that we get in the air, food, drink and medicines can affect the development of the baby in the womb. Therefore, during pregnancy, you need to eat only fresh and high-quality foods, drink only clean water. Water is the life you give to your baby. Drink more - it will only benefit the crumbs!

Video: super food for pregnant women

For a long time, doctors have recommended that pregnant women reduce fluid intake to 1000 ml per day. This restriction was introduced in order to avoid problems with puffiness. Most expectant mothers during the bearing of the baby got acquainted with this phenomenon firsthand. Edema is the most common complaint of women expecting a baby. Today, many doctors believe that reducing the amount of water in the diet of a pregnant woman negatively affects her well-being and does not always help to cope with edema. Inadequate fluid intake can lead to dehydration. For a normal metabolism, a person needs to consume at least 2-2.5 liters per day. Drinking water during pregnancy is not only possible, but necessary. She is the source of life. Not all water, however, can be beneficial.

The role of water in the body of a pregnant woman

For the normal functioning of the female body, it is very important to use high-quality clean water. After all, it removes harmful chemical elements, maintains a normal level of moisture in the skin and hair, as well as the consistency and volume of blood. Not a single metabolic process can do without water. And it should be enough in the body of a pregnant woman.

Rushing to get as many vitamins and minerals as possible, many expectant mothers drink only juices and dairy products. But we must not forget about the water. Its importance for the full functioning of organs and systems can hardly be overestimated.

A sufficient amount of moisture consumed during pregnancy provides:

  • maintaining normal fetal blood flow;
  • the formation of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios is a pathology);
  • increase in the blood volume of the expectant mother;
  • elasticity of body tissues;
  • normal process of digestion;
  • improved metabolism;
  • the removal of toxins and other waste products not only of the maternal organism, but also of the fetal organism.

A pregnant woman, consuming little water, runs the risk of problems with the functioning of the placenta and the development of the fetus. But drinking water in an amount significantly exceeding the norm is also not recommended. Due to an excess of fluid, swelling and the risk of late toxicosis may appear, which will complicate the process of childbirth and subsequent recovery.

To feel good, you must adhere to the individual norm: do not limit the amount of fluid you drink per day and do not drink too much. The water consumed by the expectant mother must be of the highest quality and not contain unnecessary components.

Drinking regimen at different times

Pregnant women need about half a liter of fluid more than the usual daily allowance for an adult. The body of the expectant mother increases the sweating process, so she needs more water to replenish her reserves. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the following rule: drink water in the morning and in the evening, leaving daytime for all kinds of fruit drinks, compotes and teas.

In the first half of pregnancy

In early pregnancy, the developing fetus has a particular need for nutrients. The organ systems of the unborn child are being laid. The cells of his body are constantly growing.

The value of water at this stage is great, how much should you drink? During this period, a woman should drink 2 to 3 liters of fluid per day, depending on body weight. On average, you need to consume 30-40 ml per 1 kg of weight. If the expectant mother is worried about toxicosis or fever, she should drink more water than usual.

Half of the daily fluid intake can be juices, compotes, fruit drinks, milk, kefir, coffee, tea, as well as first courses. This also includes the moisture found in fresh vegetables and fruits that you eat during the day.

It is necessary to pay attention to the color and smell of pregnant urine. A sign of a lack of fluid in the body can be cloudy dark urine with a pronounced odor. If you notice this in yourself, contact your doctor immediately to rule out the possibility of dehydration.

Symptoms of dehydration:

  • dry lips at any time of the year;
  • dry skin on the face and limbs;
  • toxicosis;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • digestive difficulties and constipation;
  • general ill health.

Dehydration during pregnancy is very dangerous for the fetus. When there is not enough fluid in the bloodstream, the blood of the expectant mother becomes thicker, which greatly complicates the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the placenta. The baby in the womb begins to experience oxygen starvation and lag behind in development.

In the second half of pregnancy

In the second, and especially in the third trimester, the amount of fluid consumed should be reduced: drink only to quench your thirst. Starting from the sixth month of pregnancy, the amount of water you drink must be strictly controlled. It is also worth reducing the amount of salty foods in your diet to 5 g per day, since salt retains moisture in the body, and this is fraught with swelling. The less salt a woman consumes while carrying a child, the better.

Important! If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with kidney problems, then it is impossible to limit fluid intake.

After the 20th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend reducing the amount of liquid the expectant mother drinks to 1.5 liters per day, taking into account soups, juices, compotes, teas, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. And at 30 weeks you will drink even less - only 1.2 liters per day (this is water plus first courses and plus other drinks, milk, fruits and vegetables).

The ratio of water and other water-containing products is still the same - approximately 1:1. The numbers here are averaged. The table will help you navigate more accurately.

Table "Norms of fluid intake for expectant mothers"

The rate of water consumption is individual for each expectant mother. If you are afraid of harming yourself and your baby by drinking too much or too little liquid, consult with a specialist who manages your pregnancy. Knowing all the nuances of its flow, he will establish an individual drinking regimen for you.

Video "How much water to drink a day"

What kind of water do you prefer

The human body consists of 70% water. It is important to drink good quality water.

The water used by the expectant mother should:

  • be clean: do not contain impurities and foreign substances (salts of heavy metals, bacteria and microorganisms, etc.);
  • be bottled: spring or mineral;
  • contain no gases.

Important! Clean water intended for drinking should not be boiled. High temperatures destroy nutrients and minerals.

Tap water

Drinking tap water during pregnancy is risky and harmful. Do not drink tap water. This can have serious consequences for the fetus. It may contain lead and other heavy impurities. The water that comes through pipes to our apartments is conventionally called drinking water. You can drink it only if there is no alternative.

Experts have identified more than 2,000 foreign chemicals in tap water, including phenols, manganese, aluminum, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, chromium and petroleum derivatives. All these elements should not be present in water intended for drinking.

Actual tap water quality values ​​in the table are average values ​​and may vary by region. But here it is clearly seen that they are noticeably different from those indicated in the regulatory documentation.

It is worth switching to the use of spring, artesian additionally purified water even before the conception of the baby: purification of tap water with the help of filters can be effective, but not 100%.

boiled tap water

Chlorine is added to tap water to disinfect it. When boiled, it does not evaporate, but begins to interact with other chemical elements. Therefore, even after boiling, such water is not suitable for drinking.

Purified tap

Purified water refers to tap water that has been filtered. At home, for this purpose, pitcher charcoal filters are often used, filters that are installed under the sink or as a nozzle on the faucet. They purify water from chlorine and foreign taste, and some from harmful bacteria. Filter cassettes must be replaced according to the instructions, for pitcher filters it is about once a month, since they are ineffective during long-term operation. Due to the poor quality of tap water in Russia, imported cleaning mechanisms serve less than the allotted time. Therefore, in some regions it is more profitable to buy bottled water than to spend money on frequent filter changes to clean tap water.

The carbon filter will purify tap water from chlorine and impurities, but not from harmful bacteria.

Membrane filters purify water from everything that is in it: both harmful and useful (including mineral salts and other trace elements important for the normal functioning of the human body). As a result, it becomes empty and does not bear any benefit to the body. The solution to this problem can be a mineralizer.

Membrane filters purify water not only from harmful impurities, but also from everything useful that it contains: mineral salts and other trace elements

Mineral bottled water

Medicinal mineral water is useful in the presence of certain indications, since it contains a large amount of mineral salts. It should be used in doses, and after consulting with your doctor.

Healthy pregnant women are not recommended to drink medicinal mineral water. This is fraught with gastritis and salt deposits.

Table mineral water should be included in the daily diet. The mineral content in it is small and will not bring harm. Bottled table mineral water is not oversaturated with salts, does not contain chlorine and impurities. Such water can become the main source of moisture for the whole family.

When purchasing table mineral water, you should pay attention to its composition. Don't buy water that has been artificially mineralized. These bottles contain purified tap water with the addition of additional substances. Read the label carefully before buying.

Be careful! A significant part of the water delivered to the homes of Russians by order is ordinary (tap) purified water.



baby water

By the way, many people today drink baby water, also sold in bottles of different sizes. Why not buy such water for expectant mothers? Baby water will not harm you. But the content of mineral salts in it is adapted to the needs of the child's body. There are significantly fewer of them than in “adult” water. Therefore, you will get less benefit from its consumption.

Sparkling water

Doctors advise pregnant women to refrain from drinking any carbonated drinks. Bubbles fill the water with carbon dioxide. When ingested, it can interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive system. Bubbles accumulate inside the stomach and intestines. As a result, the expectant mother suffers from heartburn, belching, intestinal colic. Flatulence or constipation may occur.

Carbonated water can exacerbate chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors do not advise drinking it during breastfeeding.

Currently, doctors of antenatal clinics diagnose every second pregnant woman with fetal hypoxia. This means that the baby inside does not have enough oxygen. Therefore, it is important for the expectant mother to walk a lot in the fresh air, which is sometimes difficult to do in a big city.

The lack of oxygen can be replenished by drinking oxygenated (oxygenated) water. It is very useful during pregnancy.

Oxygenated water tones, helps to cope with toxicosis, improves immunity, normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function, lowers blood sugar levels, normalizes weight and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

You can buy oxygenated water in regular supermarkets or pharmacies.

Oxygenated water is obtained under industrial conditions by saturating ordinary spring or artesian water with oxygen under high pressure.

Drink this water immediately after opening the package. Within 15-20 minutes, all oxygen leaves it.

Bottles: glass or plastic

Expectant mothers often have doubts about the use of bottled water because of the quality of the container into which this water is poured. It is preferable to buy water in glass bottles. However, due to its relative high cost, water in plastic bottles is much more in demand among buyers. They are made of food-grade polymers (polyethylene) and are safe for health. But here it should be noted: plastic bottles are safe only for one-time use, that is, they are subject to mandatory disposal or recycling after emptying. It is not recommended to pour drinks into them again and again, as plastic can eventually begin to release harmful carcinogens into the liquid and into the air that fill the bottle.

Bottled water in plastic containers will not cause any harm to the health of the expectant mother if you bought it in a supermarket and it has all quality certificates. But if the bottles from under it are reused, no one will guarantee that the drinks poured into them will only benefit.

How to drink water for expectant mothers

  • In hot weather, a person drinks large portions, taking frequent sips. Excess moisture accumulates in the body, which can cause swelling. Drink water measuredly, in small sips. Quench your thirst by moisturizing your lips. The brain will react to this and you will feel that you no longer want to drink. The faster a person drinks, the stronger the thirst.
  • Do not forget about water during breakfast, lunch and dinner. If the food is too dry, it is enough to drink it with a small amount of water, thereby facilitating digestion.
  • The temperature of the liquid used is of great importance. In the cold season, drink water with a temperature of about 20-22 degrees. In summer, a moderately cool drink will quench your thirst. Do not drink ice-cold juices and water. A woman in position should not get sick.
  • Herbal teas, natural juices, fruit drinks, fermented milk products will help to be energetic and strong during pregnancy. Rosehip infusion also has an excellent tonic effect.

Whatever you do during pregnancy, listen to your own desires and feelings. The child inside you will let you know if he is well. Remember, we are what we eat and drink. Take your diet, the quality of food and water carefully and seriously. Strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations regarding the drinking regimen, then your and your baby's health will be strong, and the immune system will be invulnerable.

Want to know more about water and health?


Drinking water ensures the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Water consumption is especially important for women during pregnancy. During her life, a woman's body loses up to 3 liters of fluid per day. Therefore, for the normal functioning of the body, this amount must be replenished in time. In addition, the presence of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) in a woman, on which the normal development of the fetus also depends, should be taken into account.

The rate of fluid intake

How much liquid can a pregnant woman consume so that her condition, as well as the health of the baby, is not in danger? Normally, this figure is 1.5 - 2 liters. If we are talking about edema, then fluid intake must be reduced to 1 liter, while any intake of fluid into the body must be strictly controlled. Instead of large 200-gram cups, use small 100-gram cups, giving yourself a strictly measured number of such cups of tea, water, juice, or coffee per day. The daily norm of liquid includes not only drinking, but also food: tea, water, kefir, juice, fruits, soup, salads, etc. All meals must be taken into account. Diuretic drugs during pregnancy are not used - the fluid is adjusted due to the diet. During intense fluid loss in the presence of nausea and vomiting, you should drink a glass of water with lemon juice in the morning. Everything that a pregnant woman drinks should be slightly warm. It is unacceptable to drink too cold or too hot water, because the body will have to spend additional energy just to bring the liquid to room temperature.

Can pregnant women drink carbonated water?

Carbonated water contains carbon dioxide, which forms bubbles. When bubbles accumulate in the stomach, they begin to interfere with its normal functioning. Some part of the gas leaves the body, while causing heartburn, belching and a feeling of fullness. The remaining gas disrupts intestinal peristalsis, which can cause constipation or diarrhea. It is highly undesirable to consume carbonated water for gastritis, because during pregnancy, the body's sensitivity to external and internal stimuli increases, so carbonated water can exacerbate this disease.

Carbonated water almost always contains preservatives, flavorings and dyes that do not have the best effect on the body of a woman and an unborn baby. Some carbonated drinks contain aspartame, a special sweetener that makes you feel hungry. Its long-term consumption provokes serious illnesses: the work of the kidneys and liver may be disrupted, or there will be a threat of diabetes. This substance is fraught with a danger not only to the health of the woman herself, but also to the child she is carrying. Another argument in favor of giving up soda is the content of phosphoric acid in it, which forms stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.

Mineral water during pregnancy

If the consumption of sparkling water for a woman in a position is extremely undesirable, then everything is much better with mineral water, although there are also some subtleties here.

Mineral water, in turn, is divided into three types: table, medical-table, medical. Of these three types, a pregnant woman can only drink table water, because it has the lowest level of mineralization. When buying mineral water, pay attention to its composition, which should be written on the bottle label. In order to prevent edema and high blood pressure, the consumption of chloride mineral water is undesirable. Potassium-sodium water is recommended for use, because it contains very valuable trace elements, both for the expectant mother and for the baby.

Water consumption for edema

Edema during pregnancy occurs due to the retention of sodium and water in the body. Almost 80% of women during the period of gestation experience edema, so gynecologists consider this phenomenon to be normal. In a normal state of health, swelling disappears already in the morning, that is: what you considered in the evening to be a kind of puffiness of the body and fluid retention in the lower extremities, as a rule, disappears by morning. When doctors explain to a pregnant woman what swelling is, they say: “In the morning, the wedding ring is put on, and in the evening it is no longer removed.” The provocateur of edema is, of course, not water, but table salt. If your gastronomic addictions include a large amount of strongly salted food, then it is better to refuse this during pregnancy, because excessive swelling during pregnancy is highly undesirable. Doctors recommend not salting food. Physiologically, table salt is found in bread, sauerkraut, and herring. Sauerkraut is the food that many women prefer during pregnancy, apparently to replenish salt loss, but at the same time, this culinary addiction leads to fluid retention. If at the next examination the gynecologist informs her patient that she is swollen, then she needs to exclude the above products from her diet and do not salt anything.

Why are edema dangerous?

Despite the fact that doctors do not consider edema to be a dangerous phenomenon, a number of restrictions are still accepted when they appear. All this is done in order to prevent a dangerous disease - preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a condition that threatens to terminate a pregnancy. In this condition, fetal hypoxia, convulsions, deterioration of the fetal blood supply, as well as poor oxygen supply to the brain can develop. This condition can develop rapidly, requiring the body to deliver immediately, regardless of the gestational age. Not at all terms the baby can be born viable. “If your doctor strongly advises you to limit your salt and fluid intake, you should listen, because the prevention of preeclampsia is an important component for a pregnant woman,” says obstetrician-gynecologist Svetlana Buyanova, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

My hair starts to move when I read something like:

The doctor forbade drinking a lot of fluids, or forbade drinking water ... (then there are some norms for water consumption, which are significantly lower than the body of a NOT pregnant woman requires)

You just need to run away from such doctors, and the sooner the better, and the further, the safer.
These "doctors" learned from such ancient data that to use them now, and our time is simply blasphemy.



    Your body asks for 30 grams of water for every 1 kg of your weight.

    For example: if your weight is 70 kg, then you need 70*30=2100 grams of water daily, that is 2100:250=8.4 glasses of water. THIS IS YOUR DAILY NORM!


    As well as other drinks and foods that lead your body to dehydration.

    For example: 100 grams of drunk tea leads to the release of 130 grams of urine. (i.e. drank a cup of coffee, wash it down with 2 cups of water)

    • A newborn baby is 90% water.
    • A person who dies is 55% water.
    • Human life is a process of water loss.
    • Pain is an alarm signal of lack of water in the organ!
    • Water reduces the frequency of morning sickness and vomiting in pregnant women.
    • Water helps fight swelling during pregnancy.
  3. 3. REMEMBER!

    And besides:


    From the moment of conception, when the father's sperm fuses with the mother's egg to form a single-celled embryo, the cell has to divide and divide and divide many millions of times in succession until it develops into a fetus that can firmly attach itself to the uterine wall. By the time a fetus has matured into a fully-term baby, it will have undergone about a trillion cell divisions. For this to happen, he needs to impose his own model of water regulation on his mother's hydration systems that suits his needs. Remember that each new cell must first fill with water. Therefore, the mother has to consume more water to meet the growing needs of the fetus. Even after the baby is born, the mother will have to supply the baby with water through her milk production system. The mother's breast is the source of both water and food for the child.

    When the mother continues to drink coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages during pregnancy and does not take water. in the required amount, it has a detrimental effect on the physiology of the child developing in her womb. The child draws the ingredients necessary for growth in the mother's body. Essential ingredients include water, oxygen, and amino acids that can be obtained from the mother's circulatory system. Therefore, the level of water intake and the composition of amino acids obtained during fetal development determines the ability of a growing child to develop naturally. Thus, the foundations for regulating the growth and development of the child after birth are laid.

    The importance of the role played by the mother's lifestyle during pregnancy is still not fully understood. The mother is responsible for creating a healthy, natural chemical environment in which the fetus can fully develop.
    (c) from the book.

    In a word, I can talk endlessly about the correctness of this method, but I will give a few living examples so as not to be unfounded.

    My mother (mother-in-law), she is 75 years old, she is a doctor of sciences and generally a very smart woman. She began to live in harmony with water 30 years ago. The path to this was difficult for her, and thorny, when, after the birth of her son, she began to crumble into pieces.
    So, now she looks 48 years old, runs in high heels, does business with might and main and leads an active lifestyle, runs in the mornings with a dog, while feeling great.
    I am very grateful to her that she insisted on this theory about Water.
    At first, it was not easy for me to go from my usual couple of glasses of water (I never attached importance to how much I drink) to more than one and a half liters of water per day. “Mine” were all the toilets of chocolate makers, maklonalds, etc. ... which I passed by, because at first the body is very much rebuilt, but I was persistent, and after 2-2.5 weeks such frequent urges stopped, the body was delighted and began to work more and more interestingly (But that is another story) ....

    Second example.
    The manicurist at the salon I go to was a rather impressive woman, we got into a conversation, and I advised her to just drink the appropriate amount of water. She was horrified ... her weight then was a little more than 100 kg, but she took note. A few months later, she was flying and thanking me for what h then to her lazy, succeeded doing nothing but usingher amount of waterlose 25 kg...

    Chronic lack of water in the human body leads to many disorders and diseases. Learn to recognize when your body needs drinking water (together with the substances it contains), and do not try to "treat" thirst with medication.

    I wish you the same, dear present and future mothers!

Already in the first trimester of pregnancy, you are more and more thirsty. This is quite natural, because now the body needs to cope with heavy loads, and therefore it needs more energy, which it draws from food and water. How does the drinking regimen during pregnancy affect the well-being of the expectant mother?

Drinking regimen during pregnancy

The human body is about 70-80% water, but your child's body is now 90% water. Therefore, the most important resource for your body is water. Drinking regimen while carrying a baby is no less important issue than proper nutrition during pregnancy.

Compliance with the correct drinking regimen, when a woman's body receives exactly as much liquid as it needs and does not feel thirsty, is the basis for a successful and healthy pregnancy.

How much should you drink?

Doctors observed many pregnant women and determined the approximate norms for fluid intake during pregnancy. It turned out that while carrying a baby in the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman should drink about 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day. It is important to note that liquid means not only water and other drinks that a woman drinks, but also first courses, sauces, water that is found in vegetables and fruits. At later dates, especially starting from, the amount of water you drink should be reduced to prevent swelling.

Many women during which nausea occurs. To prevent vomiting or replenish fluid lost during an attack of vomiting, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water without gas with lemon juice in the morning.

In the first trimester, starting from already, you are very thirsty, pregnant women experience acute thirst, especially in the morning. Doctors believe that this is quite normal, this thirst must be quenched, in no case should you limit yourself to liquids, at the moment the liquid is the building material for your child's body.

So, the main thing of a correct normal drinking regimen for a pregnant woman is to drink as much as you want and not be thirsty.

Such a drinking regimen during pregnancy allows a woman to:

  • feel good;
  • help the normal functioning of the kidneys;
  • prevent swelling;
  • reduce toxicity.

What is the best drink for an expectant mother?

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that expectant mothers need to drink pure still water. Other drinks, such as, for example, tea, coffee, contain substances that contribute to dehydration, increased muscle tone and other unwanted side effects during pregnancy. That is why pure water without gas is the safest and most beneficial for pregnant women.

Today in the store you can find many different brands of bottled water without gas. It is often very difficult for a future mother to make a choice. And here, probably, it is better to listen to the opinion of competent experts.

And doctors believe that bottled baby water is best for pregnant women, which manufacturers also recommend for use during childbearing and breastfeeding, since this water is the highest quality and safest, which is very important for expectant mothers.

Oksana Livtyuk, obstetrician-gynecologist: “I believe that all expectant mothers should drink bottled baby water, as it is the safest. To all pregnant women who come to me, I recommend drinking Malyatko baby water every day. Why do I recommend this water? This is because this baby water is recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It has a balanced composition of microelements, all harmful impurities are excluded, it meets all state norms and rules, which also confirms its quality.”

To make the right choice of water for drinking, you need to know that high-quality children's water should:

  • comply with the general state quality and safety standards, i.e. the “Baby Food Law” and the State Sanitary Rules and Regulations,
  • be of high quality, 100% safe;
  • provide the body of the expectant mother with the necessary macro- and microelements;
  • promote excellent metabolism;
  • promote the natural fluid balance in the body;
  • prevent stress on the kidneys and help prevent edema;
  • create a favorable environment for the development of the child.

Mom Valery, who is raising 2-year-old Ivan, says: “It was during pregnancy that for the first time in my life I began to constantly and everywhere carry a bottle of water with me, because sometimes I wanted to drink very much. Then I chose for myself the children's water "Malyatko". It just meets all the standards and requirements for high-quality and safe water. It also comes in a handy bottle. At home, I always have 1.5 liters of "Malyatko" on hand - I know that I should drink at least this volume a day. But for a walk, I always take a small bottle of 0.33 liters with me. Very convenient - and water is always with you, and it's not hard.

The correct drinking regime during the bearing of the baby is the key to an easy, healthy pregnancy and the birth of a strong baby. Be sure to consult with your gynecologist about the drinking regimen in each trimester of pregnancy. Considering objective factors, choose what kind of water you will drink, and drink to your health!