When babies start to sit. Crawling is an important stage in the development of a child. Average time to learn to sit

Early childhood development is extremely popular these days. Every mom wants to show her friends all the new skills of her baby when they meet. For example, one can already distinguish red from blue from the sliders, and the other has been studying English or a couple of foreign languages ​​since the age of one month.

Of course, no one canceled early development, but in pursuit of it, mothers completely forget that the baby must naturally go through all stages of development, including such an important one as crawling.

Baby starts to crawl

For some reason, parents treat this way of moving the baby with indifference. They hardly take pictures of these moments, do not remember the date when it happened for the first time. They just don’t fully realize what a really important step a baby takes in his life, starting to crawl.

In order to crawl, the baby must already consciously move his arms and legs alternately, which significantly develops his thinking.

Thanks to crawling, the baby learns to define itself in space, to feel its own body, to be able to control it, turn it, and understand the distances to objects.

Isn't this the most important stage of understanding reality and oneself in it? However, mothers stubbornly ignore this method of transportation, trying not to draw the attention of relatives and friends to it, to whom they usually demonstrate the skills and abilities of the child.

And all the products for children are aimed at getting the child on his feet as soon as possible: these are playpens, walkers and other models of devices, based on which the child begins to walk with the support of his parents.

What are the benefits of crawling

However, young parents need to learn that crawling in infancy contributes to the formation in the future in the mind of the baby of concepts about the cardinal points, about where it is right and where it is left, teaches you to navigate by compass and clock, determining distance, direction and time. Toddlers who were not deprived of the opportunity to crawl on the floor develop faster, growing up, they usually know how to draw, draw, and balance well.

Without this process, the child may in the future poorly navigate the terrain, confuse directions of movement, not be able to determine the distance to objects, which will stumble upon doorways and walls. At school, when studying the grammar of the Russian language, it will be difficult for a child to understand the case forms and he will confuse the meanings of the spatial concepts “up”, “below”, “behind”, “to”, “on”, “at”, “before”, etc. .

Crawling develops not only the spatio-temporal representations of the child, but also tactile sensations: the baby often touches hard surfaces with his hands and feet; studies the surroundings for smoothness, roughness, sliding; learns to crush objects that get in his way and do not allow him to advance.

Scientists note a direct link between a baby's crawling and its sporting future. Knowing how to feel his body in space well, at school age a child can easily catch a ball, stand on one leg, climb over objects; it will be easy for him to jump, jump, run, drive the ball around the field with his feet or throw it into the basket.

Crawling is also important for the baby psychologically, because by giving him the opportunity to move in such a balanced way, the mother creates a feeling of free space in him, thanks to which the child becomes more balanced, courageous and physically active in the future.

Teaching a baby to crawl

In order to stimulate the baby to explore the world in a similar infantile way, get it out of the crib or playpen more often, where there is no possibility of crawling, and send it to the floor to study the surrounding space. At the same time, remove dangerous and traumatic objects from the floor, and in order to protect the baby from hypothermia, spread a fleece blanket or a warm blanket on the floor.

If the wires are at such a distance that the baby can reach them, remove them, and close the sockets with special rubber pads.

Believe me: the baby will enjoy traveling around his house!

If the child does not show activity, it is necessary to stimulate him. Perhaps this happens because the baby is surrounded by excessive care and they bring everything that he wants, without giving him the opportunity to reach it on his own.

You should put on the floor a special basket, box or bowl with toys and interesting, safe things for the baby, which he can reach for himself. Let him explore his toys on his own! This will bring much greater benefit to its development than the constant presence in a wheelchair, in arms or in a crib.

If the child cannot crawl

If a child cannot crawl at the age of six months, then often this only means that no one has shown him this. Remember, because babies literally catch on the fly and try to imitate the behavior of an adult, remotely realizing it as an accepted model of behavior. Children tend to absorb and transform new information and learning.

Show your child how to move on his knees and hands, and all the time after that, follow his walks so that the baby does not put splinters, does not get his hands dirty, and does not put them in his mouth. And, of course, keep hygiene in the house.

In addition to all of the above, crawling is useful for the development of the musculoskeletal, respiratory and circulatory systems. After all, crawling for a baby is a kind of gymnastics that increases vascular tone, forms the vestibular apparatus, makes the child breathe more often and deeper, develops joints and ligaments. At the same time, the child’s metabolism improves, regurgitation occurs less often, appetite increases, and with it curiosity.

Based on this, it is worth making an unambiguous conclusion: let the baby crawl until he has learned to walk, as much as he wants!

Many parents think about how to understand that the child is ready to sit.

They spend a lot of time to even teach him this, not thinking that the baby will do it himself, without any help.

The answer to the question - what time the child will start to sit, in fact, is not. All this should happen naturally, and some parents rush things.

Moms and dads put their child in an unusual and uncomfortable position for him. The kid does not understand what exactly they want from him, so he does not make efforts for this. Many pediatricians recommend that parents give their child a massage to speed up this process.

It is this action that can help strengthen the body and prepare it for sitting. Gymnastic exercises for the child will be extremely useful, which will lead to attempts to sit down on their own. Such training should start from two months.

Parents should not force a child to sit down if he is just starting to get used to the world around him or has just recently learned to hold his head. Otherwise, the baby can damage his spine.

The main signs that the child is ready to sit

Some women rely on the experience and stories of other moms. They believe that if someone's child began to sit at three months, then their baby can do it.

The child begins to sit up on his own only when he is sure that he can do it. As soon as he reaches his plan, he will discover a new world and other horizons.

There are some significant signs that the baby is ready to sit down, namely:

  • the child, lying on his stomach, tries to raise his chest;
  • the baby leans on his arms, trying to raise his body;
  • clutching the fingers of the parents, the baby tries to get up.

This may indicate that the child is fully prepared to learn to sit. Parents should be nearby to help or insure in any case.

It is impossible to forcibly seat a child, because you can harm him or even disrupt his mental state. It is recommended to wait a moment and just watch the efforts of your crumbs.

How many months can a baby sit?

Parents are very worried about their child, and they want him to play sitting as soon as possible. They are trying to speed up this process, but this cannot be done. First of all, the baby develops gradually and all skills come with time. If you try to plant a child, then this will lead to a number of different complications. The musculoskeletal system, neck and muscles can be damaged.

baby sitting

A child who does not even attempt to sit up will not be forced to do so. If he still tries to sit down, then you should entrust him with such an important and responsible task.

The double benefit will be from the fact that the baby himself sat down, because even this can affect development. Parents need to create a safe environment in which the child will make his first attempts.

In no case should pillows be placed around the child to soften his unsuccessful attempt. He himself must realize what he is doing wrong and try again on a more comfortable surface.

Nothing should interfere with the baby, so it is necessary to clear the space around him. In this case, he will spin from side to side, and after a while he will sit down. If the child still does not sit down for a long time, then this may indicate problems in development. Then you need to contact the specialists so that he prescribes treatment and helps to understand this problem.

When can a boy be planted?

Many doctors believe that girls need to be in different months, because they have certain characteristics that require careful monitoring.

The entire muscle row will be fully formed in time for six months, so the boy will be able to sit on his own. The child needs to be seated for several minutes daily.

A serious kid sits alone on the floor and sorts out a bright plastic snail

It is necessary to keep the baby in a reclining state so that he gets used to the load. Gradually it is worth adding the angle of inclination in order to achieve a full sitting position as a result. By six months, boys will be able to sit upright without rolling over on their side.

The child himself will show his parents that the time to sit has come. He will become:

  • lean on elbows;
  • raise your head;
  • spin from side to side.

As soon as the child understands that his parents support him, he will begin to try to sit up on his own. It is necessary to put a pillow under the back so that the baby stays even and does not fall on the barrel.

As soon as the child has sat down, it is necessary to distract him with something, for example, with a toy. Thus, he will no longer be afraid to fall and completely switch to the object of an incredible game. In the future, attempts to sit down will be motivated by a reward toy.

How many months should girls sit down?

Just a few years ago, experts argued that, after all, the deformation of the uterus would begin, and this would lead to problems with pregnancy. Parents listened to this opinion, delaying attempts to seat their daughters. Time passed and everything fell into place. To date, all experts have come to the conclusion that girls can be planted at five months.

Sitting down girls at five months does not affect the development of her genitals. When the child is upright, the uterus is in a safe position of the small pelvis.

The physical development of the baby

Girls need to be seated. If the child did not show a desire to do this earlier, then it is not worth rushing things for now. After six months, you can consult a doctor if there were no attempts to sit down.

Before seating a child, you should consult with a pediatrician and orthopedist. If the baby develops according to age characteristics and has no visible deviations, then you can try to seat him.

We sit down the girl

Often there are cases when the child does not sit down until seven months. This can speak not only of developmental disorders, but also of other problems. With diseases of the nervous system, for example, the baby does not hold his body well, and if he succeeds, then too much strength and energy is wasted. In this case, he may start to sit a little later than the rest of the children.

Many problems can be prevented with the help of special gymnastics, massage and visiting the pool.

How to teach a baby to sit?

The period when the child begins to sit, of course, pleases the parents, because the mother will have more time to solve her own affairs. The baby will begin to explore the world on its own and will finally visit those rooms in which it has not yet been.

It is not surprising that parents want to teach their child to sit as soon as possible. Of course, if you do not strengthen the muscles before that, then you can run into problems. It is necessary to carry out a whole range of strengthening exercises that will prepare a small child for such a sharp turn in life.

Practicing sitting

If the baby is sick, then of course you should forget about the exercises for a while, but as soon as he gets better, you will need to continue training. From the classes, exercises and attention of the child, the moment when he begins to sit will depend. Such exercises and a little massage should be done in the morning before meals.

Literally fifteen minutes will be required for the child to work out a little. Physical exercises should be gradually increased, because such activities have a positive effect on the state of the muscular system and the functioning of the immune system.

Each child is unique in their own way, so you need to prioritize correctly. Kids feel love and care, and if they receive all this in full, they will be able to accomplish grandiose deeds. They may be small, but very meaningful for all family members. The child repeats almost everything that his parents do, so the fact that dad and mom should be close at those moments of grandiose accomplishments remains very important.

The baby will learn to sit on its own only if it receives enough attention, care and love.

It all depends on the parents, so they must be patient with their little miracle.

Minor attempts should be rewarded so that the baby understands that he has something to strive for.

In this case, he will surely succeed, because he will understand that his parents want only the best for him and they need to be pleased.

Children tend to do everything at the very moment when they themselves are ready. Getting a child to do something is very stupid and takes a lot of time. When a child decides to perform this or that action, he will definitely do it.

At what age does the baby start sitting? There is an opinion that this happens at about 6 months. At the age of six months, the baby can pull himself up, holding his mother's hands, and sit down. It may seem that the baby wants to sit down. In fact, he has a well-developed grasping reflex. He grabs his mother's fingers and pulls them towards him, like everything that falls into his hands. This desire has nothing to do with the desire of the baby to sit down. However, adults often confuse this innate ability of the baby and immediately try to seat him. There is no need to rush in this matter. Children begin to sit when they are physiologically mature for this skill.

What is the danger of premature sitting

How do you know it's still early? If the baby falls on his side, his back is very rounded - these are clear signs that you can wait. Do I need to cover it with pillows and rollers? In no case! Of course, this old grandmother's method makes life much easier for mom. Yes, and the baby is happy, an overview opens before him, there is something to do. But artificial support for the back of the baby, according to professionals, is a disservice.

If the child begins to sit too early, a large load is placed on the fragile spine. In the future, this may result in scoliosis, deformities of the pelvic bones. Doctors recommend not to rush to seat the baby. The later his body takes up a vertical position, the better for the development of the skeleton. The main thing in this process is not to help! It is not sitting that should be encouraged, but,.

How to sit correctly

Pay attention to the position of all parts of the body when the child is sitting.

  • Head. Slightly leaning forward.
  • Neck . Unbent.
  • Upper spine. Unbent.
  • Hands . They are in front as a support.
  • Loin. bent.
  • Hip joints. Bent and tilted forward.
  • Legs . Deployed outward, divorced. The main focus is on the side surface.

If the body parts are located differently, the baby will quickly get tired. This means that his body is not yet ready for this skill, and the natural physiological curves of the spine have not yet formed.

Stages of Skill Development

What does the ability to sit entail? Lots of other opportunities to develop gross motor skills. The baby will learn to kneel, pull up, get up, stand,. All these actions are related to the ability to maintain balance. The ability to sit, like all other motor skills, is developed sequentially.

  • . Can sit unsteadily, leaning on one or both hands. Often loses balance and falls on its side. He does not sit down on his own, only with pulling up the handles. A child can be planted at the age of six months, but only for a short time. Just a few minutes of practice is enough.
  • . He sits more confidently, without relying on his hands. Sitting, turns the body in different directions, while maintaining balance. Can independently sit down from a prone position, leaning on his hands.
  • . By this age, most babies sit confidently, easily rise to this position from any position - lying on their back, stomach, side. And just as easy to change it.

The baby can sit on its own as early as six months. This is a sign of the norm. If he sits down two months later, this will also be a normal indicator. It is important to know that children who sat down early should not be in this position for more than one hour. If the child does not sit on his own, it is not recommended to carry him for a long time in an upright position or carry him in a stroller in a sitting position.

How to help: 8 ways

There are situations when a child sits confidently, but it is difficult for him to take this position. Or maybe he just can't keep his balance. What to do?

  1. Start simple. Try to seat the child from a semi-recumbent position on his back. The baby will spend less effort, the load on the spine will decrease.
  2. Develop your abdominal muscles. Do the most basic exercises. From a lying position, lift the baby by the arms at an angle of 30 °, but do not seat. Raised - lowered. Do this several times in a row. You can also pump the press while lying on your stomach. Let the baby grab your fingers, lift him up a little by the handles so that his back arches.
  3. Strengthen your back muscles. Lay the baby on your stomach. Put one hand under the baby's chest, the other between the legs. The baby should rest against your stomach with them. At the same time, the muscles of his back and buttocks are tense, his neck slightly arches back.
  4. . The muscles of the whole body are evenly trained in water, while the load on the spine is minimal. If possible, you can sign up with the crumbs in the pool or water aerobics. If not, you can train at home in a large bathroom.
  5. Sitting at the right angle. If the child is often in a stroller or in a high chair, it is necessary to adjust the correct seat inclination - 40–45 °. Many mothers are interested in whether it is harmful to carry a baby in a backpack? The baby can be planted in a kangaroo. It is only important to choose a model with a rigid back so that the main emphasis is not on the crotch. The vertical load on the back should be minimal. There are time limits: wear no more than three hours.
  6. Come up with a motive. It's just boring to download the press. You can hang toys in front of the baby. He will try to reach out and train his muscles at the same time.
  7. Don't invent anything. Maybe the kid is just lazy? Why sit down if mom will sit down, pull up, help?
  8. Take away the comfort. Create uncomfortable conditions that will encourage the baby to want to sit down without your help. Let him try to find a more comfortable position for the body. Give him the opportunity to roll on his side, feel how his body balances, find balance. Only in this way will he learn to sit on his own.

If your baby crawls well and does not want to sit down, do not worry. His time has not yet come. It won't even be too late! You also need to know that the safest transition to a sitting position is from a pose on all fours. In this case, there will be the least load on the spine. You can teach a child to sit down from a prone position if he already sits confidently from a position on all fours.

When can a child be planted? It is better to focus on the individual development of the baby. If the child is actively moving, he has no problems with the musculoskeletal system and neurological disorders, be sure that he will definitely learn to sit on his own. And most often develops this skill without the help of adults.

After birth, the child goes through certain significant stages for its development. First, he begins to hold his head, smile, roll over on his tummy, later sits down and learns to stand. Parents are looking forward to new achievements from their crumbs.

After 5 months, some babies try to sit up. But they still do not hold their back well and fall if they are planted. When does the child begin to sit independently? How to help him? What if one is already sitting, and the other is not trying? The answers to these questions concern all new parents.

The baby is in the supine position from birth. As he grows and develops, he acquires new skills: he holds his head, grabs toys, turns on his side, and later from his back to his tummy and back, tries to crawl. At some point, the baby wants to change his position, trying to raise his head and take a sitting position. Indeed, at the same time, the viewing angle changes, many things are seen differently, it becomes more interesting for the baby to explore the world around him.

Many babies grab the sides of the crib or stroller and try to sit up. If you offer them to take hold of their fingers and help them a little, then they take the “sitting” position for a few seconds. They can't sit for long. They say that the child begins to sit down, that is, sit down for a short time.

Some parents are in a hurry to put pillows on the baby so that he sits longer, but this should not be done. Everything has its time. The child should sit up on his own when his spine is ready for it. At what age does a child start sitting? Every child has their own pace of development. However, there are certain average statistical norms when you can start to sit down a child. According to statistics, babies go through the following stages:

  • 6 months - sitting with support;
  • 7 months - sits without support;
  • 8 months - sits on its own.

Some children start sitting down earlier. However, children under the age of 6 months are not recommended to be in a sitting position.

To understand whether the child is ready for sitting down, you can by the following signs:

  • The baby has learned well to roll over on his stomach and back on his back;
  • Raises the head from the "lying" state, holds it well;
  • Tries to rise to his feet, holding on to a support;
  • Well raises the body, holding on to the fingers of the parent.
  • Can hold the back for a while in a sitting position.

If all these skills are observed in a child, then soon the baby will learn not only to sit on his own, but also to take a sitting position on his own.

Is it possible to plant? What is dangerous untimely sitting down

At birth, the baby's spine is very flexible and soft, while being easily deformed. It is designed only for the prone position. With age, the spine becomes stronger, the necessary curves appear, and a muscular corset is formed. Therefore, it is not recommended to seat children ahead of time.

If the child does not hold the back well, rounds it strongly, falls to one side or forward, it is not necessary to cover it with something for support. Such a child is not ready to sit down. This can harm the fragile spine. Most often, spinal deformity occurs precisely in childhood and is associated with early sitting down, walking, loads on the undeveloped muscular corset that supports the spine.

How many months the child will begin to sit depends on the state of his muscular development.

The more actively the child tries to move, turn, change the position of the body, the faster his back will strengthen, and he will begin to sit, stand, walk earlier.

Therefore, it is useful to lay the child on his tummy, so that he raises and holds his head and body, leaning on his forearms, and then his hands, teach him to roll over, and do special exercises for babies.

Very useful for a child to crawl.
If the child has learned to crawl, then it is very convenient for him to sit down from this position. In addition, it helps to unload the spine, strengthens all the muscles of the baby.

Stages of mastering the skill of sitting

Attempts to take a sitting position in a child appear quite early at 3-4 months. But it is not easy for him to master this skill. The kid learns to sit gradually, acquiring certain preparatory skills. The stages of mastering the ability to sit are not always the same. In most cases it goes like this:

    1. The child tries to raise his head and upper body, trying to sit up. If you give him fingers, then he grabs and rises for a few seconds. This stage occurs in children at different times at about 3-5 months.
    1. A baby at 4-6 months clings to a support, kneels, tries to sit down, but so far he cannot resist, falls on his side or back;
    1. At 5-6 months, the child sits down with the help of a parent., holds the back for several minutes, can turn on its side and try to sit down, leaning on the arm;
    1. At the age of 6-8 months, he sits confidently, holds his back well, but often still uses the help of an adult to sit down, although some can sit down on their own;
  1. 7-10 months - sits independently from any position, can turn to the side, plays with toys while sitting, easily changes position: gets up, lies down, gets on all fours and back.

In some cases, the child first rolls over on his tummy, gets on all fours and sits down from this position. Babies often start crawling and then learn to sit up on their own.

Some children are able to sit up and sit up to 6 months, but experts do not recommend spending a lot of time in a sitting position at this age. It is better if the baby sits for 10-15 minutes several times a day. Gradually, the time can be increased.

Other children, on the contrary, cannot learn to sit or sit confidently for a long time. It happens that such a skill they develop only at 9-11 months. This is also the norm. No need to rush the baby.

If the child is healthy, he does not have physical or neurological pathologies, then he will definitely learn to sit earlier or later than his peers.

What to do if the baby does not want to sit

Some mothers begin to worry if at a certain age their child is not yet able to sit, while his peers have long acquired this skill. Parents are wondering what to do and how to teach a child to sit? However, there is no need to worry ahead of time. If the baby has sufficiently mastered other motor skills, rolls over, gets on all fours, crawls, tries to get up, then up to 11 months you can not worry. It is better to encourage the child to crawl. This will help strengthen the muscles, and he will soon learn to sit down.

When to worry

You should worry if the baby is behind in development from the first months. Most likely, the doctor will notice this and refer the parents to a neurologist.

If at the age of 6-8 months he does not know how to roll over on his tummy and back, does not try to crawl, sit down, get up, then he clearly has neurological problems and should be shown to a specialist.

If there are no problems, then most likely it will be enough to take a course of special massage and gymnastics. However, this should be decided by a specialist.

How to teach to sit? Exercises

What can parents do to help their baby learn to sit? For this, gymnastics, massage, swimming in a bath or pool are best suited. Such activities will help develop the muscles of the back, correctly form the muscular corset of the spine.

From the age of three months, you can perform the following exercises with your child:

    1. The position of the baby lying on his back. Mom extends her index fingers to him, the child grabs them and tries to rise to the back angle of 40 degrees. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds and lower the baby. Run several times.

Gradually, the angle of elevation and holding time can be increased.

    1. From 6 months, you can complicate the first exercise by lifting the child with only one hand.. The second he tries to hold on and lean on his own.
    1. The child is supported under the chest and under the stomach, the back is up, the legs rest against the adult's stomach. Raise the body of the child and lower. The baby's head is up. Muscles are tense. Hold for a few seconds and lower.
    1. Put the child on the side so that he rolls over on his stomach, then back. You can attract toys so that the baby reaches for them.
  1. Good help and swaying the child on the fitball. Holding the child lying on the ball, we shake the ball up and down, then bending the child's legs, then touching the surface with his hands. You can swing the ball left and right.

It helps to massage the muscles of the arms, back, legs. The movements of the hands are kneading and stroking, light pats are acceptable. The movements are directed from the bottom up from the fingers to the shoulders.

For children older than 6-8 months, if they do not crawl, then gymnastics is aimed at obtaining this skill. The baby will then learn to sit up on its own.

Swimming has a very beneficial effect on all the muscles of the child, strengthening them, but not loading the spine. If it is not possible to visit the pool with the baby, then you can limit yourself to swimming in a full bath.

All the skills of the baby are interconnected, so it is important not to miss the moment when it is worth helping the baby - do massage, gymnastics. The next skill after the ability to sit down is crawling, read in our next article.

Babies are growing fast, and you won't even notice when it's time to introduce discipline and punctuality to your little fidget. in the form of a game - read on our link.

Boys and girls

You can often hear rather conflicting opinions that boys or girls develop faster and sit down earlier. There is information that girls begin to make attempts to sit down earlier, but master this skill later than boys. In addition, some people think that the spine in girls is more fragile than in boys. Therefore, they should sit down later. However, there is no credible evidence for such claims. It all depends on the individual development of the child. It is only clear that it is not worth it to sit down a child before he sits down himself, regardless of his gender.

No need to compare your baby with other children. Each child is unique, has its own biological rhythm. Rejoice in every skill of the crumbs, help him develop correctly, but do not rush. A healthy child will definitely master all the necessary skills, including sitting.

Approaching the age of five months, the baby becomes very active and inquisitive. The baby stares around, turning his head in different directions, confidently grabs and holds toys, with ease. Some kids even try to sit down, which becomes a reason for pride and admiration for parents, because every mom is looking forward to that happy time when their child begins to sit on his own ass.

When the baby starts to sit up on his own

According to pediatricians, the child should develop and sit down approximately according to the following indicators:

  • at 6 months - sits with support;
  • at 7 months - sits without support;
  • at 7.5 – 8 months. – easily sits up on his own and can lie down from this position.

Union of Pediatricians of Russia: Transition of a child from a supine position to a sitting position

It happens that active and physically strong children sit down a month and a half earlier. In other babies, this happens a little later. According to doctors, such indicators are also considered normal.

If an experienced doctor is asked how many months old children usually start to sit down, he will answer that each little man has his own term, because the path of development of each baby is individual and unique.

Is it possible to seat a child on purpose

The opinion of pediatricians and orthopedists about a popular question from young parents "Is it possible to help and seat the child" unequivocally: the vertical position of the spine is unnatural for a child under six months of age. Artificially seating the baby would-be parents can harm the health of the little one. Already at school age, this can come back to haunt with serious problems with the spine. If the back muscles are not sufficiently strong, then the baby will not sit down on its own because it is not yet ready for such a serious load.

Another thing is if the child sat down on his own earlier than he was six months old. But even in this situation, the baby should not be in the “sitting” position for more than 1 hour a day.

The moment when you can sit down a child comes when the little one is 6 months old. I emphasize, do not sit down, but sit down.

Dr. Komarovsky advises: When should the baby sit down? How many months?

A series of exercises with a child to strengthen the back

What should parents do to help the baby learn a new and necessary skill for him?

Every day from the age of 3 months, perform gymnastics and massage with a child, swim in a bath or pool (in large cities there are pools for joint visits with young children). Thus, the muscular corset will be well strengthened.

Exercise 1. The child lies on the table. As soon as he reaches out with his arms to his mother, stretch out his index fingers to him. The baby will try to sit up, grabbing his mother's fingers. The back of the child comes off the surface by 45o, in this position the baby is held for several seconds and again returns to the “lying” position.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Exercise 2. "Airplane". Put the baby on the tummy. Raise the child, supporting him under the chest with one hand, under the legs with the other. The legs rest against the chest of an adult, the buttocks and back are tense, the head is raised. Fix the position for a few seconds.

Valentina Ershova: How to teach a baby to sit

It is recommended for the physical development of the crumbs to hang rings over the crib, for which he can grab and try to rise. While laying on the stomach at a short distance in front of the baby, place a bright object (toy), to which he will try to crawl.

It is important for every young mother to know how to seat the child correctly (this has already been said above) and what not to do.

If the child does not sit down on his own, then you can not:

  1. Seat him in pillows;
  2. Carry in a stroller in a sitting position (you can fix the back of the stroller at 45º)
  3. Carry in various carriers like "Kangaroo" in the "sitting" position;
  4. Sitting on your hands (you can keep on your knees in the “reclining” position).

Baby sit down for the first time (video)

Boys and girls: assumptions and facts

In the philistine environment, there is an opinion that boys can be seated before girls. In fact, regardless of gender, planting earlier than six months is harmful for both.

In addition, when girls start to sit down early, in the future this can lead to deformation of the pelvic bones and serious problems of the female reproductive system. Therefore, pediatricians of the older generation often express the opinion that a girl should not be seated at all until the baby is 6-7 months old. Modern sources take a less categorical position: it is believed that there is no great fear if the little princess decides to sit down on her own before six months, and grandmothers' fears about this are greatly exaggerated.