Bloody discharge for 12 weeks. Abundant discharge during early pregnancy. Brown discharge during pregnancy

The 12th week of pregnancy is approaching, all the main systems and organs of the fetus have already been formed and now they are actively working.

Imagine, your baby is constantly moving now: wiggling her legs and arms, tumbling, even sucking her finger! True, it is still so small that you do not feel it at all. Now, when the pregnancy is 12 weeks, the development of the fetus is at an active pace!

12 weeks pregnant: what's going on?

What does the fetus look like at 12 weeks of gestation:

  • The baby's epidermis (the top layer of the skin) is renewed, and his old cells will peel off.
  • At the site of the cilia and eyebrows, above the upper lip and on the chin, a hairy fluff is generated.
  • The already formed toes and handles are covered with small nails, and a unique pattern is created on their pads.
  • The gestation period is twelve weeks, and the thyroid gland and pituitary gland actively produce iodine and hormones.
  • The liver begins to produce bile, the kidneys work.
  • In the blood of the fetus, in addition to erythrocytes, leukocytes begin to appear.
  • Bone tissue actively ripens, muscles are strengthened.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid increases, and at 12 weeks is 50 ml.

Now your baby is growing very quickly, which is confirmed by a photo of the fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Now its length is becoming a more important indicator than weight.

The gestation period is 12 weeks, the size of the fetus is as follows: the fetus is about 6 cm long and weighs about 14 g.

From this time on, a woman will begin to gain weight every week about 500 g. Until week 12, your weight gain since the beginning of pregnancy was approximately 1.5 - 3.5 kg.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, a photo of your belly will show that your belly is rounded. The time comes when you need to start controlling yourself in food intake.

Nutrition at the 12th week of pregnancy: the expectant mother should forget about various snacks, not overeat, remember the mandatory daily intake of calcium and iodine, and not forget about the threat of constipation. Drink dried fruit compotes, eat vegetables, do not forget to exercise.

Feelings in the twelfth week of pregnancy

If all the time of pregnancy you were overcome by toxicosis, then now, at last, the twelfth week of pregnancy has come and you have reached that long-awaited period when its unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear.

From now on, vomiting, nausea, emotional instability and irritability will become an unpleasant memory for the expectant mother. You will have to endure a little only if a woman is expected to have twins or triplets, then for some time toxicosis can make itself felt.

What happens to a woman's body?

  • All internal organs of the expectant mother continue to work in an enhanced mode. Increasing blood volumes can trigger heart palpitations.
  • The uterus is actively increasing in size, but this has little effect on the size of the abdomen. You may already feel a certain roundness, hardly noticeable to others.
  • Your breasts are enlarged and full as the breasts prepare for lactation. In the process of this preparation, the expectant mother may feel a certain itching of the skin on her chest.
  • Do not be alarmed by the appearance of age spots or vascular formations on the face and skin - they will gradually disappear after childbirth. If the pigmentation on the face has become very noticeable, just do not take a photo at 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • The uterus stopped pressing on the bladder, and you began to run to the toilet less often, compared to the beginning of pregnancy.
  • The time has come to beware of constipation and increased gas formation, because now the enlarging uterus presses on the intestines, which leads to a deterioration of its peristalsis.
  • Do not be alarmed by the manifestation of heartburn, which is caused by a weakening of the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus. In this case, gastric juice, moving along the esophagus, causes a burning sensation in the woman.
  • By the way, the photo of tummies taken at 12 weeks of pregnancy pleases all expectant mothers pleasantly, so do not forget about the picture as a keepsake!

During this period, a woman may experience pain of a different nature and location. Most often, expectant mothers are worried about a painful stomach at 12 weeks of pregnancy. We would like to draw your attention to some cases of such pains:

  • If painful sensations are observed periodically and arise on the sides of the abdomen, slightly giving in to the groin or lumbar region, they do not carry any danger. Their cause lies in the effect of progesterone on the stretched ligaments that support the enlarged uterus.
  • A woman should be alarmed by pulling and cramping pains arising in the lower abdomen. The presence of such pains, accompanied by spotting bloody or brown vaginal discharge, requires immediate medical attention to prevent the threat of spontaneous abortion.

So, we are on the verge of the most fertile period of all pregnancy - the second trimester. Now the expectant mother must have a good rest and sleep. Take care of your new wardrobe, fill it with loose clothing and comfortable shoes on a low run. Think more often about your future baby, about a friendly and happy family.

Discharge in the twelfth week of pregnancy

You should know that at this stage of pregnancy there is a norm for vaginal discharge:

  • their consistency is uniform,
  • discharge is slightly thick,
  • their color is light or milky,
  • there may be a slightly sour odor.

Any obvious change in vaginal discharge requires an immediate response from the pregnant woman.

If the color of the discharge becomes green-gray or yellow, an unpleasant odor appears, some flakes and frothiness are noticeable, there are impurities of pus - this indicates the addition of an infectious disease.

Now the immunity of the expectant mother is weakened, so the appearance of genital infections, which are accompanied by burning and itching in the perineum, is possible.

The exact diagnosis will be confirmed, in this case, by tests at the 12th week of pregnancy. Therefore, you should rush to the doctor who will prescribe specialized treatment to prevent possible infection of the fetus.

We draw your attention to the behavior of the expectant mother if brown discharge or bloody vaginal discharge appears at the twelfth week of pregnancy. If they appear together with aching pains in the lower abdomen, then this indicates an increased threat of pregnancy failure.

If such bloody discharge is observed after intercourse or gynecological examination and is not accompanied by abdominal pain, then they may indicate the presence of cervical erosion in the expectant mother. In any of the options, you will definitely need a specialist consultation.

Screening at 12 weeks gestation

This procedure allows you to identify the risk of developing various congenital defects in the baby. Screening testing will show any hormonal abnormality during the period of gestation.

The result is determined by a comprehensive study, which includes:

  • ultrasound indications,
  • a blood test from a vein.

Ultrasound at the twelfth week of pregnancy

If before this time you have not yet undergone an ultrasound scan, then now the time has come for a planned study. Ultrasound of 12 weeks of pregnancy: the indicators of such a study provide important information about the condition of the mother and the unborn child.

Right now you will have the opportunity to see your baby on the monitor for the first time! You can ask your doctor to take an ultrasound scan for you at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

During an ultrasound, the doctor examines the condition and tone of the uterus, the location of the placenta, calculates the estimated date of your birth. With the help of ultrasound research, the size of the fetus, the dynamics of its development are determined. Ultrasound of 12 weeks of pregnancy: decoding the data allows you to determine the risks of developing chromosomal abnormalities or congenital abnormalities.

The results of an ultrasound scan for an expectant mother cannot be regarded as a final diagnosis - the doctor may be wrong! If there are any suspicions after an ultrasound examination by a specialist, to clarify them, a woman needs to be examined in depth and in detail and undergo additional tests.

Discharge at 12 weeks gestation can tell a lot. For example, they can be used to determine how the pregnancy is proceeding, whether there are infections in the body of the expectant mother, whether everything is normal with the hormonal background. A pregnant woman should know which discharge at the end of the first trimester can be considered normal, and which are pathological. This will allow you to quickly respond to body signals and take action if something is wrong.

From the first days it is necessary to be under the supervision of the attending gynecologist

Twelve weeks is the time when the hormonal background of the expectant mother is in a phase of active restructuring. This period is characterized by increased production of progesterone. It is essential for the normal development of the baby. The "pregnancy hormone" is responsible for the preservation of the fetus. Without it, the uterus will begin to contract, the fetus will be rejected.

Under the influence of progesterone, the amount of mucus begins to increase. Only abundance distinguishes the normal discharge of the expectant mother and the woman not in position. By their nature, they resemble the "pre-pregnant" norm:

  • transparent;
  • mucous in structure;
  • are odorless.

A variant of the norm during this period is considered a slight change in the color of mucus. It can acquire a certain whiteness, become milky. Do not be intimidated to see abundant white discharge at the turn of the trimester. This phenomenon indicates that the body is protecting the fetus. By the end of 12 - at the beginning of 13 weeks, a mucous plug forms in the cervix, which protects the fetus from external infections. She is present throughout the gestation period. While the plug is forming, the secret may take on a white tint. No burning, itching, discomfort, pronounced smell? It is not worth worrying about the fact that the mucus has become whitish. Do you still have doubts? They can only be dispelled by a gynecologist.

Normal discharge can cause discomfort to the expectant mother with its abundance. You can smooth out the discomfort by strengthening hygiene and using disposable pads. Gynecologists advise changing the sanitary napkins as often as possible during the period of gestation. This is to prevent microbial penetration.

White curdled secret

  • have a curdled consistency;
  • form lumps;
  • have an unpleasant odor ("fishy").

Sometimes with a fungal infection, the secret gives off yellowness. If the mucus is homogeneous, and not cheesy, but at the same time there is a characteristic "sour" smell - this is thrush. Usually, with such a disease, the discharge is abundant, they are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the vagina - burning, itching.

Thrush is a common occurrence during pregnancy, and pregnancy even promotes the growth of fungi. This is due to hormonal changes. Progesterone changes vaginal acidity. The change is a signal for the fungi, for which such conditions are ideal. The immunity of a woman during the gestation of a baby is reduced: this is a natural phenomenon that ensures the preservation of pregnancy. However, the weakening of protective reactions provokes the multiplication of Candida fungi. They accumulate, and the inflammatory process begins, which is expressed by symptoms - characteristic lumpy mucus, itching, and odor.

When carrying, many types of drugs are prohibited for use.

Thrush needs to be treated, so it is important that a woman "in an interesting position" responds in time to the altered nature of the discharge. Candidiasis can complicate the course of pregnancy: a fungal disease is often a "trigger" for erosion. With erosion, the likelihood of rupture during delivery increases, as the elasticity of the vagina decreases.

Treatment of thrush before the 16th week is complicated by the inability to use drugs. While the organs and systems of the crumb are being formed, drug therapy is undesirable. However, you should not hesitate to see a doctor: you need to see a gynecologist as soon as the expectant mother sees the "white cottage cheese" on the sanitary napkin. The doctor will give advice on nutritional adjustments that will change the acidity of the vagina. You will have to go to the gynecologist again with your problem at the 16th week: from this time you can carry out thrush therapy.

What does yellow mean?

If the vaginal secretion of a pregnant woman becomes yellow, this may be a signal indicating an infection. The reproduction of microorganisms that have penetrated the genitals, the presence of an inflammatory process changes the color of the discharge. When the yellow secret is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, has a specific smell, this indicates a bacterial sexually transmitted infection. A sharp increase in secretion, color change, itching may indicate gonorrhea.

Infections are especially dangerous during gestation. Infection of the membranes of the fetus can occur, which affects the development of the baby. Infections can trigger miscarriage.

The yellow color of the discharge is a reason to consult a gynecologist. It is within the competence of the doctor to independently determine why the secret has changed. The woman will need to have vaginal swabs. According to the test results, the presence / absence of infection, the type of bacteria is determined. Sexual infections require compulsory treatment, because they pose a danger to the fetus. The doctor selects the course of therapy taking into account the period, the sensitivity to antibacterial drugs is taken into account.

Drug treatment is carried out only after the 18th week. But the sooner the infection is detected, the higher the chances of eliminating the risks. Therefore, having found yellow discharge at the 12th week, you need to immediately make an appointment with your gynecologist. He will compare the risks of therapy and the benefits of it, determine the optimal time for correction. It is strictly forbidden for expectant mothers to independently carry out any treatment. This also applies to taking medications, and turning to folk methods. One rash step can harm a baby who has just begun to develop in the womb.

Ideally, checking for infections should be done during the planning phase. Having got rid of the problem before conception, you need to follow the recommendations that will help exclude the inflammatory process and infection after pregnancy.

Sometimes women in position are mistaken for yellow discharge of urine drops that remain on the sanitary napkin. Urinary incontinence is common during gestation. It may appear towards the end of the 1st trimester. This is due to hormonal changes and weakening of the pelvic muscles due to the growth of the fetus. If yellow traces are a one-time occurrence, then you should not worry. When they appear regularly, you need to seek the advice of a specialist. Especially if the period is short (10 - 12 weeks).

Greenish marks on linen

Any suspicious symptoms should not be ignored

The greenish tint of the discharge should alert a pregnant woman. This is most often a symptom of an infection. After conception, a physiological decrease in immunity occurs, the vaginal microflora changes, which increases the risk of infection. Especially in the 1st trimester, when the female body is just getting used to the new state.

Green discharge, which is a symptom of an infection, is usually accompanied by itching in the groin area. The secret takes on an unpleasant odor. Mucus of a greenish tint appears with genital infections, the causative agents of which are:

  • Trichomonas;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • streptococcus.

The presence of pathogenic bacteria is dangerous during the gestation period. They provoke inflammation of the cervix, damage the appendages, and trigger an inflammatory process in the vaginal mucosa. The risks of complications increase if the epithelium of the genital organ has been damaged during violent sex or inaccurate gynecological examination. Pathogens can trigger self-abortion. At the 12th week, they can cause infection of the fetus, lead to a delay in the intrauterine development of the baby.

If light green discharge remains on the underwear, this indicates the development of bacterial vaginosis. It often occurs during pregnancy, pregnancy provokes changes in the vaginal environment, therefore opportunistic bacteria begin to multiply actively. Vaginal dysbiosis in the early stages can occur if a woman was treated with antibiotics just before conception. Failure to observe the rules of personal hygiene contributes to the multiplication of bacteria: this issue should be given more attention during gestation than before conception.

Only a gynecologist can determine the exact reason for the staining of the secret in green. Deviation from the norm cannot be ignored. The sooner an infection is detected, the higher the likelihood of getting rid of it without consequences for the patient and the fetus. Although at the 12th week, gynecologists rarely prescribe drug therapy, however, the doctor will give recommendations that stop the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms and determine the time when it will be possible to start treatment with drugs.

Brown discharge is a dangerous symptom

Brown discharge at 12 weeks gestation is usually a dangerous symptom. They may indicate:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • freezing of the fetus;
  • damage to the cervix;
  • lack of progesterone, which increases the risk of miscarriage.

Most pathological conditions in the early stages are not accompanied by other symptoms, except for the staining of vaginal mucus in brown. Therefore, this phenomenon cannot be ignored: the sooner the pathology is detected, the more favorable the prognosis.

If you have brown mucus, you shouldn't postpone going to the doctor. It is important to remember that even if the pregnancy is terminated, early identification of the problem avoids complications and increases the chances of successful bearing in the future. Delays in the case of fetal freezing, attachment of the ovum outside the uterus can even turn into serious problems for the patient's health, lead to infertility and even death.

Therapy is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis

Pathological pregnancy is not such a common occurrence. Therefore, brown shades most often acquire mucus from a lack of progesterone. This phenomenon is dangerous because the threat of miscarriage increases. However, with early detection, the lack of "pregnancy hormone" can be corrected with medication. What drugs are effective and safe - the doctor decides on an individual basis.

Sometimes light brown mucus may not be a hazard. In the 1st trimester, "daub" may appear on days when there were menstruation. Usually this phenomenon is observed in the first six weeks, but it can drag on until the end of the trimester. It is possible to distinguish brownish discharge of a non-pathological nature by its consistency: they represent an ichor. They are not abundant, but "smeared".

Brown impurities in mucus can come from careless sexual contact. This is a common occurrence in pregnancy and increases the sensitivity of the vagina. One careless movement - and small vessels are damaged, which is manifested by brown veins in a secret. At the same time, there is no threat to the fetus.

Even if a woman is sure that brown discharge appeared for reasons that do not pose a danger, it is worthwhile to play it safe and be examined by a doctor. The expectant mother has no room for error, because she is responsible for two lives.

Causes of bleeding

Bloody discharge scares expectant mothers more than others. Most often, they indicate that something is wrong with the mother's body or pregnancy. Blood on the underwear is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, because the risks of losing a baby in this case are very high.

Why does spotting occur? The most common reasons include:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. If the ectopic attachment of a fertilized egg was not detected before the 12th week, then by the end of the first trimester, when the fetus grows up, a tube rupture may occur. This dangerous phenomenon is accompanied by profuse bleeding, but before that spotting appears. If you do not react to them in time, the consequences can be serious, up to and including death.
  • Freezing of the fetus. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are considered the most critical: the fetus may stop developing and die. The rejection of the fetus does not begin immediately, but the body recognizes fading by toxins and starts the process of miscarriage. The first sign of such a pathology is spotting spotting.
  • Self-abortion threat. Blood in the discharge can appear against the background of dangerous infections that threaten the baby. Scarlet marks on laundry may indicate that the body is identifying the fetus as a foreign object and is trying to reject it. With the threat of miscarriage, in addition to the discharge, unpleasant sensations appear in the lower abdomen - pulling spasms, pain.
  • Lack of progesterone. With a lack of "pregnancy hormone", the likelihood of rejection of the fetus increases. The first signal is blood-stained mucus. You can solve the issue with the help of drugs, but you need to respond quickly.
  • Erosion. In the presence of pathology, a bloody "daub" usually occurs. Impurities of blood in the discharge become more noticeable after sexual intercourse.

The pink color of the discharge can acquire after a gynecological examination. At the 12th week, expectant mothers undergo a routine examination, during which the vaginal mucosa may be affected due to the careless actions of the doctor. This happens often, because the mucous membrane becomes very sensitive during gestation. Drops of blood from a small wound on the mucous membrane are mixed with secretions, staining them pink. This phenomenon does not pose a threat.

Pathological discharge and pain

The expectant mother should pay attention to daytime rest.

Uncharacteristic discharge may be accompanied by pain. Pulls in the lower abdomen? Are you having cramping pains? You need to see a doctor immediately. If the pain syndrome appears against the background of bloody discharge, it is necessary to call an ambulance. This may indicate a threat of miscarriage or self-abortion. The health of the mother herself, and often the life of the baby, depends on the speed of action. Medical help should always be sought when there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, even if the discharge remains normal.

Abnormal mucus and pain may occur with an ectopic pregnancy. A woman in position needs to undergo an examination to make sure that the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity.

In infectious diseases, pain is rare. But specific discharge during the inflammatory process and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms almost always coexist with discomfort: burning, itchy groin area.

If there is no discharge

Discharge during gestation is a natural phenomenon. The mucus protects the body from infection. If there is no discharge, this is an alarming sign. This phenomenon is extremely rare, although the secret can be produced in small quantities.

If the discharge at the 12th week has significantly decreased in volume, this may signal a hormonal disorder. It is important to find out the reason for this change, because hormonal fluctuations outside the norm are dangerous during gestation. Lack or excess of one of the important hormones can affect the development of the fetus and lead to miscarriage.

What to do if the discharge is not normal

Any change in discharge is a reason to see a doctor. The secret is able to tell about the state of health of the mother, the development of the fetus, the nature of the course of pregnancy, but only a gynecologist can decipher these signals. It is important to take into account the color, consistency, smell, abundance of secretions.

If the cause cannot be determined during examination and after smears, the doctor prescribes additional types of research, including ultrasound. Based on the test results, the cause of the change in vaginal discharge is determined and treatment is prescribed.

If the patient has complained at the 12th week or earlier, then the doctor approaches the choice of therapeutic methods with extreme caution. There is not much time left until the second trimester, so if the problem allows, then the gynecologist can choose a wait and see tactic. After the 14th week, there is more room for maneuver: many drugs are prohibited in the first trimester, but safe in the second.

It is strictly forbidden to solve the problem of pathological discharge on your own, regardless of what caused them. Even the treatment of thrush without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences. Uncontrolled use of drugs, recourse to traditional medicine is unacceptable. While carrying a baby, you need to discuss all actions with a doctor: this is the only way to avoid complications and safely inform the baby.

Prevention of pathological discharge

In order for the discharge to remain normal (which means that the whole body also remained normal), the expectant mother needs to follow a number of rules:

  • enhance hygiene;
  • do not use aromatic pads, intimate hygiene products of dubious quality;
  • wear underwear made from natural "breathable" fabrics;
  • adhere to recommendations on nutrition and regimen (to maintain immunity);
  • use a condom when in doubt in a partner (to avoid infection).

The ideal option is considered a planned pregnancy, which the partners approach with full responsibility. When planning, you need to get tested to help identify infections and cure them before conception. A woman who wants to become a mother must first visit a gynecologist. If tumors and erosions are found, treatment should be given. So the likelihood that the nature of the discharge will change during pregnancy decreases. But it is impossible to completely exclude changes in the secret, because it is impossible to predict how the hormones will behave, how the pregnancy will proceed.

The task of the expectant mother is to closely monitor the signals that the body sends. Changing selections cannot be ignored. If you have any doubts, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. Before consulting a specialist, it is recommended to exclude physical activity and sexual contact. Do not worry ahead of time: altered discharge may well turn out to be a variant of the norm. But if there is blood and significant pain, then panic is justified: you need to call an ambulance.

The 12th week of pregnancy is a particularly long-awaited date for the expectant mother. This is the end of the first trimester, which traditionally brings a woman a lot of discomfort associated primarily with toxicosis. Also in gynecology and obstetrics, it is customary to consider the first 12 weeks to be especially dangerous for the fetus, when the development of pathologies and the associated termination of pregnancy are most possible. Therefore, exactly 12 weeks is the milestone that speaks of the viability of the unborn child and serves as a kind of catalyst for a normal pregnancy.

Signs at 12 weeks pregnant

The most difficult period associated with the development of the fetus, the formation of all its vital organs, is behind. Now the child's doctor can already be examined in the uterine cavity not only with the help of the intravaginal method of ultrasound diagnostics, but also in the traditional way. For a woman, with the arrival of 12 weeks, a particularly pleasant period begins: toxicosis makes itself felt less and less, the size of the abdomen still allows you to lead a usual lifestyle and actively move, and worries about the correct development of the baby already cease to be so disturbing for objective reasons.

What happens to mom and how does she feel at 12 weeks pregnant?

The woman's well-being improves, and previously unknown sensations appear:

    • toxicosis recedes;
    • drowsiness and irritability are less pronounced;

  • a good appetite appears. The scales at this time will most likely show the first noticeable gain;
  • psychologically, a woman is already aware that she is pregnant and begins to subconsciously prepare for childbirth and a new status;
  • if the pregnancy is not the first, the first fetal movements may make themselves felt (for the first pregnancy, this date will come a little later).

Changes in mom's body at 12 weeks gestation

Since that time, not only the woman herself, but also those around her can notice obvious transformations in her:

  • the uterus has grown in breadth by about 10 cm, and now it does not fit in the hip region, but gradually occupies the abdominal cavity: already now you can see a small tummy;
  • the load on the kidneys, heart and liver increases, therefore, exacerbations of chronic diseases in these areas are likely;
  • intestinal peristalsis is humiliated, which is the cause of constipation;
  • amniotic fluid is renewed every day, about now there are already 50 ml of them;
  • the volume of circulating blood has increased: the heart beats more often, the pressure rises;
  • a light strip appears in the lower abdomen, which usually becomes thicker and darker by childbirth, and disappears already in the first year after delivery;
  • frequent urge to urinate ceases to disturb a woman until the last months of pregnancy;
  • pigmentation may appear;
  • the chest is poured strongly.

What happens to a baby in the 12th week of pregnancy. Fetus.

Gynecologists call the unborn child not an embryo, but a fetus. He is visually already very similar to a person, although his head is not yet proportional to the body, and he can be seen in ultrasound diagnostics.

    • Fetal development at 12 weeks gestation

In length, the fetus already grows to 6-9 cm. From that time on, its growth will steadily increase, which for doctors is an important criterion for correct intrauterine development.

All vital organs and systems are already functioning and continue to develop. The fruit is actively moving. His facial expressions come to life. At this stage, you can already determine the gender.

By 12 weeks, the fetus weighs about 14 grams. A woman usually does not yet feel his movements due to his low weight, but he is already actively moving in the amniotic fluid. From this time on, the gynecologist will especially monitor the weight gain of the mother and the dynamics of the growth of the uterus - factors that indicate the growth of the child and the gain in weight.

What's new?

  • fingers and toes were divided, marigolds began to appear;
  • a unique and unique imprint for each person is formed on the fingertips;
  • fluff appears on the face in the area of ​​eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • the child actively grimaces, opens his mouth, closes his eyes;
  • the chest rises during an impromptu inhalation.

External development of the fetus

The child's head is even much larger than the body itself. The external genital organs are already pronounced, by which an experienced diagnostician can determine the sex. The child moves his fingers, can suck a thumb. Outwardly, his figure is absolutely similar to that of an adult. The face already has pronounced features. The ears are still in their infancy, the nostrils are set wide apart. The neck appeared.

Internal fetal development

By the 12th week, all body systems have already been laid down and are actively being improved:

  • circulatory system: in addition to red blood cells, white blood cells begin to appear, which form the prototype of the immune system;
  • digestive tract: the intestines are strongly stretched in length, its shape is similar to a loop; bile is already being produced; intestinal peristalsis is manifested; the child makes swallowing movements;
  • nervous system: reflexes are already working: the child turns away from the ultrasound device sensor, reacts to pressure on the mother's abdomen; such an important sucking reflex appears: the child clenches and unclenches his fists;
  • respiratory system: impromptu respiratory movements are manifested: the child's chest rises when inhaling. Such training for the remaining months will allow the baby to breathe on its own immediately after birth.

Weight gain at 12 weeks gestation

By the end of the first trimester, a woman's weight increases slightly. As a rule, the increase is 1.8-3.6 kg. A guideline for the normal course of pregnancy is considered to be a weekly weight gain in the range of 400-500 grams. The shortage may indicate that the child does not develop according to his age and does not have enough nutrients that he should receive from the mother's blood.

Excessive weight gain is also undesirable: this can affect both the general state of health of the expectant mother and the weight of the child himself, which will significantly complicate the process of childbirth.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 12 weeks

The most typical manifestations of pregnancy at this stage are:

  • breast enlargement and its special sensitivity;
  • the first colostrum-like discharge from the breast may appear;
  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of the roundness of the abdomen;
  • the manifestation of a pigment strip in the lower abdomen;
  • improved appetite and the manifestation of atypical taste preferences;
  • fatigue, scattered attention, difficulty in concentrating;
  • the first pulling pains in the back and lower back;
  • fragility of nails, hair;
  • high blood pressure may be observed;
  • swelling of the limbs, especially after walking.

What Happens to the Belly at 12 Weeks of Pregnancy

The belly of a primiparous woman by 12 weeks usually does not increase yet enough to cause discomfort in her usual clothes. For those who have not had their first pregnancy, an earlier growth of the abdomen is characteristic. The appearance of a pigment strip from the navel downward is also considered a typical phenomenon. An increase in the volume of the abdomen is often accompanied by itching: this is a kind of signal for a woman that it is time to buy remedies for stretch marks and start using them actively (if you do this only in the last months, the effect will be insignificant).


By the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus increases in breadth by about 10 cm. It can no longer be in the hip part because of its size, and therefore begins to gradually animate the abdominal cavity. This gives a gradual growth of the abdomen and an increase in waist circumference.

The cervix should be tightly closed at this stage. If, for any reason, its opening begins, in the hospital the woman is stitched, which prevents premature delivery.


With a favorable course of pregnancy by the 12th week, a woman should not experience pain as such. Mild pulling pains in the lower abdomen may be felt, caused by the tension of the ligaments that support the growing uterus. A change in the center of gravity due to the growth of the abdomen can also serve as the root cause of pain. Severe sharp pain can be caused by a bladder infection, cervical dilatation and other pathologies, therefore, if it appears, a woman should immediately seek advice and undergo treatment in a hospital.

Discharge at 12 weeks gestation

Discharge at this stage of pregnancy is scanty or moderate, fairly light, homogeneous, with a sour odor. The slightest blood inclusions should alert a pregnant woman. They can often appear after a chair examination or intercourse, which is usually associated with an existing cervical erosion or infection. Excessive discharge is caused by thrush or chlamydia. Treatment of these diseases during pregnancy is carried out with a gentle method, since the infections themselves and their therapy can harm the fetus.

Necessary medical observations, analyzes and examinations

By the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman should be registered at a local clinic. Prior to this period, she usually undergoes an examination by a therapist and specialized specialists, regularly takes a urine test for protein, a general blood test and an HIV test.

    • Ultrasound, analyzes, etc.

At 12 weeks, the first scheduled ultrasound scan is performed and, at the patient's request, screening for the detection of genetic pathologies in the development of the fetus (blood test from a vein). On ultrasound, the doctor evaluates the proportions of the child's body, analyzes its weight, identifies reflexes, and can determine the gender. Other studies at this stage are recommended:

  • smear for infections;
  • blood test for TORCHi;
  • general blood test in dynamics;
  • measuring the circumference of the mother's abdomen, monitoring her weight and pressure.


Modern gynecologists do not consider sex as a taboo during pregnancy. By the 12th week, the woman no longer suffers from toxicosis, and the dangerous period of the first trimester for the fetus has passed, so intimacy takes place. An exception may be cases with a low attached placenta or multiple pregnancies.

For sex, positions are chosen in which there is no pressure on the woman's belly. It is especially necessary during this period to be especially careful about the hygiene of a man, so as not to become a carrier of infection and not to infect a pregnant partner.


A growing body requires proper and balanced nutrition. A woman should give up heavy food, fast food, alcohol. Be sure to have breakfast. At lunch, a woman needs to eat the first course so that there is no constipation. If during pregnancy there are unpleasant associations with a specific product, it should be discarded. It is useful for the expectant mother to consume a lot of dairy products, since they are rich in calcium, and during pregnancy a lot of it is spent on the development of the fetus. From fruits and vegetables, it is worth choosing seasonal items.

What to do this week

  • sign up for an ultrasound scan;
  • study information about courses for future parents;
  • start using creams for stretch marks;
  • start keeping a weight gain schedule;
  • inform your superiors about your decree;
  • purchase a bra of a new size;
  • start doing special gymnastics for pregnant women, sign up for the pool;
  • visit the dentist.

Dangers and complications

Despite the fact that the most dangerous period of pregnancy has passed, a number of dangers can still appear at this stage:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • the risk of premature dilatation of the cervix;
  • the likelihood of injury due to a shift in the center of gravity;
  • the possibility of hypothermia;
  • danger when driving a car due to distracted attention;
  • the likelihood of motion sickness in transport;
  • the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, hips, abdomen;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases and allergic reactions.
  1. Eat properly and fully; eat a lot of dairy products.
  2. Get an ultrasound scan. Take your baby's first photo.
  3. Start preparing for the addition. Sign up for parenting courses.
  4. Monitor your weight.
  5. Take good care of your health, minimize contact with potentially sick people.
  6. Buy a remedy for stretch marks.
  7. Be less nervous and walk more.

Vaginal discharge is a common process that every woman faces. During gestation, mucus can change its consistency, so discharge at 12 weeks of gestation can indicate not only various changes in the woman's body, but also the development of diseases. By its nature, the discharge appears after the first menstruation and ends only after the entry into menopause or menopause.

A woman should especially carefully monitor her health when life develops in her. Therefore, many mothers may be scared by the appearance of more mucus at 12 weeks or a change in its color, smell. What changes are considered the norm, and which should cause excitement?

Features of the term

First you need to figure out what processes are now taking place in a woman's body and how the fetus changes.

At this time, the child already reaches 8-9 cm in length and weighs about 14-16 grams.

The abdomen at the 12th week of pregnancy is not noticeable in all women, however, the uterus is internally enlarged by 10 cm, which contributes to its movement from the hip region to the abdominal cavity. All systems of the body receive even more stress, especially the kidneys, heart and liver.

Note! During this period, many mothers begin to suffer from chronic diseases that require additional control.

The 12th week of pregnancy is marked by the further development of the fetus, its organs are already fully formed. Where the eyelashes and eyebrows should be located, the first fluff appears. Small nails appear on the fingers, and the child develops his own individual skin pattern - a fingerprint. With Doppler scanning, you can clearly hear the baby's clear heartbeat. Due to the formation of the inner ear, the baby is able to pick up various vibrations.

A child, at this age, is actively moving, tumbling and waving his arms and legs. Due to the small size, the mother does not yet feel the baby's movement, but the sensations in the abdomen at the 12th week of pregnancy cannot be confused with anything. Such movements can be seen during ultrasound, which is mandatory at this time. After the examination, the doctor will make a conclusion about the development of all organs, assess the state of each system and look at the mother's condition.

During this period, many mothers stop suffering from toxicosis, weight begins to increase noticeably. Due to a sharp increase in the load on the body, a woman can suffer from headaches, which disappear after good rest and sleep.

From unpleasant sensations at 12 weeks, aching pain in the lower back may appear, as well as various discharge, which was previously less. For any discomfort, you should consult a doctor for detailed advice.


Since a woman still cannot make out the sensations in the abdomen at 11 - 12 weeks of pregnancy, she relies on external signs that may indicate any changes.

Do not worry if discharge is found, because at the 12th week of pregnancy, in most cases, they are the norm. Their main function is the formation of a plug, which will become a reliable protection for the baby from various microbes and bacteria (cervical plug). The plug comes out not long before the birth or just before it.

Formation of a protective plug in the cervical canal during pregnancy
(click to view)

Without additional symptoms, mucus should not cause discomfort to a woman.

Important! If other symptoms form, you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist to find out the cause of their occurrence.

Indicators of the norm

What should be the cervical mucus during pregnancy 12 weeks? Due to the active action of progesterone, which maintains the tone of the uterus in a normal state, there is an active secretion of mucus from the vagina. In appearance, such mucus is similar to egg white, has a transparent color and a sticky consistency. During all weeks of pregnancy until the end of the first trimester, these mucus characteristics are considered normal. Also, a woman should not smell discharge.

When moving to week 13 or in the middle of week 12, a slight change is allowed. White discharge in abundance is the norm.

On a note! In order to avoid the development of infection, a woman needs to carefully monitor her hygiene, regularly change panty liners.

Pathological changes

However, not all women have beige (milky) discharge at week 12. Some people may begin to be bothered by a rotten smell, blood. A woman's stomach pulls and her general health worsens. All these signals are very dangerous, because they can be followed by a miscarriage.


The appearance of white discharge, which is similar in structure to cottage cheese and has a sour smell, indicates the development of thrush. They are also accompanied by severe itching. Almost every woman develops candidiasis while carrying a child. But most often, pregnancy goes without complications and obvious discomfort. Since this disease is not dangerous for the child, it does not require treatment during this period. Therapy is allowed only in the second half of the third trimester.

Thrush (candidiasis) - click to view

Sexual infections

Since many women continue to be sexually active, infection is acceptable. Yellow discharge at 12 weeks gestation indicates the development of an infection. At the same time, there is a smell of rotten fish, severe itching, and an increase in temperature. Such discharge during pregnancy indicates the presence of a serious danger that threatens the baby. After all, some infections affect the membranes, which contributes to early miscarriage. The smell of rotten eggs can also be present when an infection develops.

As a diagnosis, an analysis is submitted that will identify the pathogen. After that, an acceptable treatment is selected that will not affect the health of the child. That is why it is important to undergo an examination before conceiving a baby, it is best if mom and dad are tested for infections in 4-6 months.

Remember! Taking medications by the expectant mother in the early stages of pregnancy is undesirable! Some medications can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Treatment, in such cases, is tried to be postponed to a later date.


Dark discharge at 12 weeks gestation may indicate the presence of inflammation. Due to the fact that the inflammatory process affects the uterus, its involuntary contraction occurs, which can complicate the course of pregnancy. There is no single cure for the treatment of this ailment. Therapy is selected individually and strictly by the doctor.

Hormonal imbalance

Brown discharge at 12 weeks gestation is formed due to a lack of a hormone. After ovulation occurs in a woman's body, a corpus luteum forms in place of the bursting follicle. It is it that is responsible for the production of progesterone, which is necessary in order to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

Egg ovulation process
(click to view)

With a low concentration of this hormone, the uterus contracts and the ovum exfoliates. Due to this process, a hematoma forms between the uterine wall and the embryo. With its large size, the chance that the pregnancy will remain is very small. During this period, bleeding appears, which is the main signal. With a timely visit to a doctor, a woman can maintain a pregnancy. The appearance of brown discharge indicates the opening of the hematoma. In some cases, it goes away on its own without harming the fetus. Bloody discharge at 12 weeks of gestation may not occur when the membranes are detached.

Attention! If there is a risk of termination of pregnancy, the woman is prescribed bed rest and complete rest. Progesterone-based drugs are prescribed to help maintain the desired pregnancy.


If a woman has a pink discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy, then most often this indicates tissue damage during the examination. During a routine examination during this period, the doctor can use a mirror, with the help of which the condition of the cervix is ​​assessed and a smear is taken. Due to the increased sensitivity of all the membranes, it can lead to the formation of a small wound, from which a few drops of blood will come out. They are the ones that mix with the main secretions, give that color.


Another reason why spotting can form during this period is erosion. With this disease, the woman does not hurt anything, she is not worried about any other symptoms. Strengthening of such mucus occurs after intercourse, and they look like a daub on dark red underwear.

Since the condition is not treated before pregnancy to avoid complications during childbirth, the appearance of such mucus is not considered a serious signal. Why isn't the treatment taking place? The fact is that after erosion therapy, a scar forms on the cervix, which can cause complications in the process of its disclosure. In some cases, this pathology goes away on its own after childbirth.

Other reasons

Some women suffer from urinary incontinence during pregnancy. Therefore, the appearance of yellowish marks on the underwear or pad may be just drops of urine. To eliminate this problem, you need to consult a urologist.

When the flora of the vagina is disturbed, a change in discharge also occurs. It can be diagnosed after passing a smear for the degree of purity. Such discharge is not dangerous for the baby, therefore, does not require treatment.

Please note that the appearance of brown discharge at an earlier date may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy. Together with this, the woman begins to suffer from severe pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, and a decrease in pulse. Such a course of pregnancy is very dangerous for a woman's health and requires an immediate visit to a specialist.

Ectopic pregnancy
(click to view)

Also, brown discharge can appear after active intercourse, during which microvessels rupture. All mucous membranes become very sensitive, and sudden movements of the partner can cause severe discomfort. Such injuries do not affect the child in any way, but still, men and women need to be more careful. Intimacy should be enjoyable, not uncomfortable.

Thus, pregnancy is a great time that requires more careful monitoring of your health. Indeed, at this moment, the state of a woman also affects the health of another person who develops within her.

The appearance of various pathological secretions can be a serious signal that there are problems in the body, so you should not ignore them. It is better to visit a doctor once again and get by with "little blood" than to drag out and go to the hospital "to save".

Each representative of the fairer sex is forced to deal with vaginal discharge. They are cyclical in nature and directly depend on the production of certain hormones. Cervical fluid begins to appear with the arrival of the first menstruation (menarche). Regular discharge ends when a woman enters menopause and subsequent menopause.

A separate situation is considered when carrying a child. Here everything changes somewhat. Almost every expectant mother is faced with the fact that she has discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy. It is about them that will be discussed below. You will find out what kind of mucus can come out of the genitals during this period. You can also figure out what to do if you find discharge at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy.

What are they needed for…

Allocation at 12 weeks of gestation, as in earlier periods, occurs for the simple reason that nature intended it to be so. This mucus is necessary for the formation of a plug. It is she who will throughout the entire period protect the unborn baby from the penetration of microbes and bacteria into the uterus. The cork will come out just before childbirth.

Discharge at 12 weeks gestation should not alarm a woman if there are no additional symptoms. When any other alarming signals join, it is worth consulting a doctor. A specialist will examine you in a gynecological chair and assess your cervical mucus. For a more detailed study, the material is taken for analysis.

Normal discharge at 12 weeks gestation - what should it be?

What should be normal cervical mucus? During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone acts. It is necessary for the normal tone of the uterus. Without it, the genital organ will begin to contract and simply reject the fetus. It is under the action of this substance that the abundant secretion of mucus from the vagina begins. In the first trimester, it has a transparent shade and may stretch slightly. Outwardly, the mucus is a bit like egg white.

Allocations may not change their character somewhat. They become whitish or even milky. The amount of mucus can be copious enough. That is why gynecologists recommend future mothers to use disposable sanitary pads. To avoid the development of infection, they must be changed regularly.

Candidiasis, or a fungal infection (thrush) in pregnant women

White discharge at 12 weeks gestation, which is accompanied by a sour smell, itching and the formation of lumps, is thrush. This infection accompanies almost every expectant mother. However, not everyone has it so clearly. Many women do not experience these inconveniences. However, yeast is found in their smear.

Thrush during pregnancy does not pose a particular threat to the baby. That is why such discharge at 12 weeks of gestation is not treated. Correction is postponed for the second third of the term. The optimal time for drug therapy is 16 weeks. It is worth noting that men can be carriers of thrush without getting sick. That is why both sexual partners must undergo treatment.

Sexually transmitted infections

Yellow discharge at 12 weeks gestation indicates infection. At the same time, symptoms such as itching and an unpleasant "fishy" odor are added. An increase in body temperature is sometimes possible. It should be noted that this condition is very dangerous for the child. Possible infection of the membranes and their premature opening.

With infections of the genital tract, it is imperative to pass an analysis to determine them. The detection of sensitivity to antibacterial agents is also performed. Only then can suitable drugs be prescribed. The ideal option would be to cure the pathology a few months before conception, but if this did not happen, then the correction is carried out after. Among the safest antibacterial agents are drugs based on amoxicillin. Other drugs are prescribed only when the risks and benefits are balanced.

Inflammatory processes of the small pelvis

At the 12th week of pregnancy, it can occur due to the inflammatory process. It is worth noting that most often the pathology extends to the genital organ. As a result, involuntary contractions occur. In some cases, this can lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

It is always necessary to treat pathology individually. There is no one medicine that works for everyone. In most cases, the inflammatory process in the uterus is eliminated with the help of antimicrobial compounds, tampons for vaginal administration, suppositories and immunomodulatory drugs. However, not all of the listed medicines are approved for use in expectant mothers. Often, the inflammatory process becomes the reason for the termination of pregnancy.

Hormonal disruptions in a woman's body, or insufficiency of the corpus luteum

Brown discharge at 12 weeks gestation may occur due to a lack of hormone. Immediately after ovulation, at the site of the bursting follicle appears It secretes the hormone progesterone. As you already know, this substance is essential to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

When there is little progesterone, the uterus begins to contract involuntarily. This leads to detachment of the attached ovum. A hematoma forms between the wall of the uterus and the embryo. The larger it is, the less chances you have to keep the child. That is why you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Brown discharge is already clotted blood. That is, the emptying of the hematoma occurred several hours or days ago. It is worth noting that the detachment of the membranes does not always lead to the fact that bleeding occurs at the 12th week of pregnancy. The hematoma may not open, but dissolve on its own with appropriate treatment.

Gynecological examination and tissue damage

At the 12th week of pregnancy, it can be the result of a gynecological examination. As a rule, at the end of the first trimester, doctors conduct planned examinations for expectant mothers. For this, gynecological mirrors are used. They help assess the condition of the cervix and take the necessary tests.

While waiting for the baby, all mucous membranes become more sensitive. That is why the doctor's careless action can slightly touch the delicate area. The result is a small bleeding wound. When blood droplets are mixed with normal secretions, they acquire a pinkish tint.

Cervical erosion

Bloody discharge at 12 weeks gestation is often a sign of erosion. It is worth noting that the woman does not feel any other disturbing symptoms. Discharge usually intensifies after intercourse. They are not abundant. The expectant mother can only notice a slight "daub" on her underwear.

Erosion of the cervix is ​​a pathology that cannot be corrected before pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the remaining scar can negatively affect the opening of the cervix and cause complications in childbirth. Erosion treatment is performed only after delivery, when the mucous membranes and tissues are restored. Often the problem goes away on its own.

Other causes of discharge at 12 weeks

During pregnancy, many women experience urinary incontinence. For some of the fairer sex, this happens closer to childbirth. Others suffer from the moment of conception. If you find yellowish spots on your underwear, it could be urine droplets. In this case, correction of the reproductive system will not help you. It is worth contacting a urologist and get recommendations.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina can also cause discharge. However, they do not pose any threat to the future baby. The bleeding situation is much more dangerous.

Brown discharge at 12 weeks gestation

This symptom is almost impossible to miss. Most often, a woman finds herself on toilet paper, underwear or while taking a shower. Their intensity can increase with physical exertion. Also, such causal relationships may be absent.

If you find yourself with brown discharge, you need to call a doctor or go to the hospital as soon as possible. Various changes can be the cause of their occurrence. Only a specialist is able to determine exactly your problem.

Why do they appear?

What is the reason why the expectant mother at 12 weeks may have brownish shades of vaginal mucus? As you already know, it could be a lack of progesterone. It is worth noting that this reason is the most common of all.

A brown daub may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the woman feels severe pain in the lower abdomen (on one side). Weakness, decrease in pulse rate is also noted. Failure to act in such a situation can lead to internal bleeding and death.

Such mucus happens after careless sexual intercourse, since all surfaces in the vagina acquire special sensitivity. The slightest force can damage small vessels. At the same time, there is no threat to the child.

Brown discharge found at 12 weeks may appear due to termination of pregnancy. In this case, we are talking about an abortion that has begun. However, doctors assure that at this time the size of the fetus is very large. Therefore, a woman will need surgery (curettage) to cleanse the uterus.

What to do if a symptom is found?

Brown discharge that occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy can be quite dangerous. In some cases, there is a threat to the life of not only the embryo, but also its mother.

If it is possible to terminate a pregnancy, doctors prescribe bed rest, sedatives that are allowed in such situations. Also, medications are prescribed to help stop the contractility of the uterus. Progesterone-based hormones are prescribed for any bleeding up to 18 weeks of gestation.

With such a pathology as an ectopic pregnancy, a woman is provided with urgent surgical care. During the operation, a pathological egg is removed and the consequences of its development are eliminated.

Brown discharge and predictions after them

Any discharge during the first trimester of pregnancy should alert the expectant mother. A timely visit to the doctor increases the chances of saving your baby's life. Remember that you cannot do the correction yourself. The use of certain medications can be very bad for your condition. What drugs to take and when it is best to do it is determined by the doctor.

If you turned to a specialist in time, then the forecasts will be good. Remember that in such situations it is not the days that matter, but the hours and minutes. If bleeding occurs, you need to stop it as soon as possible.

If a woman is faced with an ectopic pregnancy, then the prognosis will be the better, the sooner she goes to the doctor and receives an ambulance. Usually the embryo in such situations is attached in the fallopian tube. Breaking it and then removing it reduces your chances of a subsequent pregnancy by about half.

Conclusion of the article

Pregnancy is when you give your baby life and growth. Remember that this process must be approached very responsibly. After all, only a healthy woman can protect herself and her baby from problems. Be sure to check before planning. Get treatment if necessary. This will be the key to a good course of pregnancy and the absence of pathological discharge. All the best to you!