Macrame weaving of rhombuses with multi-colored threads step by step. You will need it for the panel. Materials for weaving macrame

If you decide to master the macrame technique, then, first of all, you need to learn how to knit the main knots, which are the basis of all other patterns. After that, you can knit beautiful and stylish things from these elements. For beginner needlewomen, they publish a lot of books and thematic magazines with detailed weaving patterns for various products. However, without knowing the first and most important nodes, you will not be able to work on them. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the master classes for knitting some knots.

The reps knot is similar in structure to the loop. In the macrame technique, it is practically the most basic. It is almost always used in weaving jewelry and animals. A number of such elements looks like a voluminous lace and is called a brid. There are horizontal and diagonal braces. In order to weave a horizontal braid, the warp thread must be laid along the workers parallel to the base. The diagonal braid is woven with a string at an angle.

By using a tandem of vertical and horizontal bridges, you can create interesting geometric patterns.

Reps knots are divided into vertical and horizontal. In the first case, the first thread in the row is the working thread, in the second - the main one. Using a combination of horizontal and vertical knots, you can braid large beads into the product.

Master class for knitting a horizontal rep knot:

  • Secure several threads folded in half with needles on a special pillow;
  • Pull the first lace on the left along the rest of the threads (we will call them working);
  • With the first working thread, make around the main two turns from bottom to top;
  • Pass this working thread through the loop formed between the turns;
  • Tighten the knot;
  • Take the next working thread and tie a new rep knot with it on the main one.
  • We knit, in this way, the whole row.

The weaving of a vertical rep knot differs only in that the main thread is the working one, and the working ones are the main ones. Try to tie a series of vertical elements. Practice braiding horizontal and diagonal brides. For the learning process, it is better to choose thick cotton threads as they do not slip and are easier to work with. Beginners should avoid knitting with slippery silk threads.

Flat macrame knot

Decorative flat knots can be used to make nets for a hanging chair, cosmetic bag or carpet. Of these, furniture and other interior items are most often weaved. A simple flat knot plays a key role in weaving many elements, for example, a checkerboard is made of double such knots.

Flat knots are used to weave nets on hammocks. You can also decorate a collage with such elements.

Flat knots can be left-handed or right-handed. If you weave a row of knots tied to one side, you get a twisted chain that is suitable for decorating necklaces, collages and curtains. By alternating the left-sided and right-sided flat knot, square knots are obtained. Such knots, staggered, form an openwork weaving.

Weave a single flat knot:

  • Attach two strands folded in half to the pillow;
  • Number them mentally from left to right;
  • Take the first thread on the left and throw it over the second and third, and then thread it under the fourth.
  • Now take the fourth thread and pass it under the second and third, and then pass it through the loop formed by the first thread.
  • Pull the ends of the first and fourth strands at the same time, pulling the knot tight.

We have described for you weaving a left-side flat knot, in order to weave it to the right side, you need to follow the same steps, counting the threads from the right side. A square (aka double flat) knot can be made by tying the first knot of the column to the left and the second to the right.

How to weave a macrame knot tatting

Tatting, woven in a knotted technique from two threads, looks like an elegant decorative cord, it can decorate the contour of any product. It is so simple that you don't even need a reference picture to knit it.

Tatting knot in its structure is somewhat reminiscent of ordinary blizzard knots, but unlike them, it is fixed with a loop.

A tatting chain can be woven from either two or four threads. In the first case, one thread is braided by the second, and in the second, the two extreme threads take turns braiding a group of central ones.

Tatting chain weaving master class from two threads:

  • Attach a double-folded thread to the pillow;
  • With the left thread, make one turn from bottom to top around the right;
  • Pass the end of the left thread into the loop formed;
  • Tighten the knot;
  • Weave a column out of these knots.

To weave a tatting chain of four threads, you need to attach two folded threads to the pillow and, alternating between the first and the last thread, tie tatting knots on the center threads folded together.

Chinese macrame knots: schemes

Chinese knots are not just decorative elements, each of them carries a hidden sacred meaning. They are distinguished by the complexity and elegance of their weave, for example, the well-known Josephine and Capuchin knots also have oriental roots. There are a huge number of types of Chinese knots. Today we will look at one of the simplest elements called "Lotus". Many people used it in childhood for weaving baubles-laces.

Chinese Lotus Knot:

  • Place two threads on the pillow, one on top of the other, and fix the place where they intersect with a tailor's pin;
  • You now have two top and two bottom strands.
  • Number the threads in a circle, starting with the first thread on the left.
  • Put the end of the first thread on the second thread;
  • Put the end of the second thread on the third thread;
  • Put the end of the third thread on the fourth thread;
  • Pass the end of the fourth thread through the loop of the first thread;
  • Pull each strand evenly towards your side until a neat knot is formed;
  • Weave a string from these knots.

A chain of such knots is called a snake knot. It has this name due to its resemblance to this reptile. A beautiful heart keychain can be made from a cord consisting of lotus knots.

Herculean macrame knots for beginners: weaving patterns

The Hercules knot bears its name in honor of the eponymous hero from the myths of ancient Greece. Such an element is not only decorative, it was previously used everywhere. Sailors used it to knit ropes, doctors healed fractures, and the Greeks tied parts of their clothes. Now it is used by needlewomen to create beautiful furniture, carpets and wall panels. However, sometimes it is used in everyday life, so the skill of weaving a Herculean knot can be useful to you at any time.

How to tie a Herculean knot:

  • Attach two strands to the pillow at the ends;
  • Lay the first thread on the left horizontally so that its end hangs down from the right side;
  • Pass the second thread under the hanging end of the first;
  • Then put the second thread on the horizontal part of the first;
  • Pass the end of the second thread through the loop formed on the left side;
  • Now take the right thread and pull it horizontally so that its end hangs down from the left side;
  • Pass the left thread under the hanging end of the right;
  • Now place the left thread on the horizontal part of the right;
  • Pass the end of the left thread through the loop formed on the right;
  • Tighten the Hercules knot.

As you can see, the Hercules knot is very similar to an ordinary flat knot, but it is woven from two, not four threads. A row of such knots is also very similar to a row of flat knots.

Knots are the main element in the macrame technique. Without understanding how they fit and where they can be used, you will not be able to weave a single piece. The variety of knots is so great that it can take many years to learn them, but you do not need to study absolutely all the elements of macrame before starting the product.

Most of the crafts are woven exclusively from basic knots, and detailed master classes will eventually reveal to you the secret of weaving complex elements. With practice, you will gain all the experience you need.

Macrame reps knot (video)

Macrame technique is creativity, therefore it is not forbidden to invent your own elements from knots. Pump up your imagination and skills, and perhaps you will be able to come up with a new unique pattern!

Macrame - knot weaving - has a long history. At one time, macrame was almost forgotten, but nowadays interest in this type of art has revived again.

Lampshades, panels, bags, pots, napkins - all this is subject to macrame. A huge number of knots form a pattern of unique beauty, and it seems that a special talent is needed to master this knotting technique. But this is not at all the case.
Anyone can learn macrame - there would be desire and patience.
About a hundred knots are used in macrame, but in order to perform beautiful necessary things, it is enough to know only a few basic ones. The knots in macrame are “bricks” that make up the patterns of all kinds of products.
Products using the macrame technique are weaved from soutache, cotton or linen thread, hemp twine, paper rope. Decorations for clothes, openwork napkins are made from thin cotton or linen threads. Twine is the most suitable material for large panels, pots, curtains, however, products made of twine, due to the softness of the material, have a fuzzy knot texture. The knot is most clearly distinguished in works made of soutache and paper rope. By the way, soutache is best used when teaching.

Usually nodular weaving begins at the support attachment (threads, sticks, slats). The support can be fixed on the back of the chair, or better on a specially made cushion. For the first small works, a pillow of 30 X 20-40 cm is suitable, for which a piece of foam rubber is placed on a board of this size, then tightly wrapped with a light cloth (preferably checkered, in order to work smoother), securing the fabric with nails from the underside of the board.

Fig. 1. Pillow; strengthening the thread-olora.

We will pull the auxiliary thread on the pillow, tightly tying it around the pillow, as shown in Fig. 1. This will be the support.
There are several ways to hang the threads on the support - three of them are shown in fig. 2.
Take a working thread, fold it in half, put it under the support, stretch both ends into the loop formed and tighten them, lowering them down (Fig. 2, A). We hung the thread on the support. Now let's try some basic knots.

Fig. 2. Methods of hanging the thread on the support.

Let's start with a simple node. So, when hanging one thread on the support, two ends (two threads) are formed. The right thread will work, the left thread will be the main thread. We put the working thread on a support and put it into a loop under it (Fig. 3, A). This is how a simple knot is made, which actually has no independent application. But if, tying one by one simple knots, one by one take the left or the right thread as a working thread, then a simple chain will turn out (Fig. 3, B), which is widely used in many works.

Fig. 3. Simple node [A); chain of simple knots (B)

When describing products made in the macrame technique, the conventions of the nodes are used, which are given in the figures next to the nodes.
The most common knot in macrame is the double flat knot. It consists of two identical nodes: right-handed and left-handed. To weave a left-side single knot, four threads are needed (two middle ones are the base, the two outer ones are workers). We hang 2 threads on the support - we get 4 ends. We put the left thread across the warp, and the right thread on top of the left one (Fig, 4. A). Then we will pull the end of the right thread under the warp threads and pull it into the loop formed by the left thread. Pulling gently on both extreme threads, tighten the knot (Fig. 4, B).
To weave a right-side single knot, put the right thread across the base, and we will carry out all operations with the left thread.

Fig. 4. Making a double flat knot

Having tied the left-sided and right-sided single knots, we get a double flat knot (Fig. 4, C, D). A triple flat knot ("lakomka") is also used, consisting of three single flat knots: left-sided, right-sided and again left-sided. In the diagrams, we will designate the "gourmet" with the same icon as a double flat knot, only with a horizontal line in the middle. By alternating flat knots, you can weave a flat intact.
Consider now some combinations of double flat knots. One of them is a grid-like "checkerboard" - a combination of nodes arranged in a checkerboard pattern (Fig. 5. A). "Shekhmatka" can be woven to the corner (Fig. 5, B) and from the corner (Fig. 5, C).

Fig. 5. "Shekhmatka": A - knitting technique; B - "to the corner"; B - "from the corner"

A chain of double knots with a picot looks very impressive. On four threads, we will tie two double flat knots one under the other at a short distance. The lower knot is half full to the upper one and tighten and shrink. Pico loops were formed between the knots on both sides (Fig. 6, A), which give the chain an airiness, which looks especially impressive on cotton and linen threads. Pico can be done from one side. For example, to get a picot on the left side, tie a double flat knot at the four ends, then lay the left thread in the form of a loop, pin it with a pin and tie the next double flat knot (Fig. 6, B).

Fig 6. A chain of double flat knots with a double-sided picot (A); chain of double flat knots with a left-sided picot (B)

On the basis of double flat knots, you can make an original element of the pattern - a "berry", shaped like a berry or a pea. To do this, a chain of five double flat knots is woven on four threads, then the warp threads are pulled to the beginning of the weaving and put into a loop between the first knot and the canopy (Fig. 7). In this case, the chain will fold and take the shape of a roller. To prevent the roller from "unfolding", the threads under it are fixed by tying again a double flat knot.

Fig. 7. The element "berry"

Along with a double flat knot, a rep knot is often used in macrame. To make it, we will make a canopy of five strands, while receiving ten ends. Take the leftmost thread (it will serve as a base) and, securing it with a pin, put it on top of the rest (working) threads (Fig. 8, A). With our right hand we will hold the base, and with our left we take the first working drink. Wrap the working thread around the base twice. At the second turn, the end of the thread should fall into the loop formed between the first and the second turns. This is a rep node.

Fig. 8. Reps knot (A); horizontal and inclined bridges (B)

Weave the same knots with the remaining eight threads, keeping the base horizontally. As a result, we get a dense embossed roller - a horizontal brace (Fig. 8. B). Depending on the position of the base, the braces can be inclined, which is also shown in Fig. 8. B.
So we got acquainted with the main nodes of macrame. Now it's up to imagination. Macrame is an art accessible to everyone, but above all, creativity is required.

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Diy macrame curtains

Macrame in the modern world quite a popular type of needlework. With its help, various curtains, shawls, belts, jewelry, bags and even panels. Despite the fact that this is an ancient type of needlework, thanks to it, today you can make a wide variety of things that meet the modern style.

Making an original composition of threads in the form of a panel

Panel macrame

Macrame history is hundreds of years old and represents knotted weaving of various materials ... Until the time when man came up with the technology of making threads, animal hair and various high-strength plants were used for weaving products. The ancient Greeks used plaited products in medicine, for example, in the treatment of fractures, as well as in entertaining puzzle games. Macrame history preserved evidence of a unique nodular writing among the ancient Incas - in many tribes nodules were used to preserve and transmit information to descendants. Often magical power was attributed to wicker products. For example, sailors weaved special chains and cords , which were then worn around the neck or hung on the tops of the masts, believing that this protects their ships from harm at sea.

We make an owl from threads using macrame technique

Macrame knots. How to weave an owl from threads?

What are the macrame knots and how to weave crafts from threads with your own hands? There are a wide variety of types of weaving, the material used in which there can be threads, braid, soutache, bast, cord, soft thin wire etc. One of the varieties of knot weaving is macrame.

There are various definitions of the term "macrame". Some sources consider the Turkish word "takrama", which means "scarf" or "fringed napkin", to be the basis of its origin. Others - the Arabic "magramah", meaning a veil, bedspread, product with tassels.

According to some reports, the art and applied craft, called "macrame", was known in the East as early as the 9th century BC. Wickerwork , and with various purposes (fishing nets and decorative objects), were found in early Egyptian art.

How to weave macrame? This technique is based on macrame knots, from which you can form many patterns, but for a start it is enough to deal with a few basic ones.

Macrame technique for beginners

Macrame products. Technique for beginners

Macrame products, presented at various exhibitions of applied art, stagger the imagination with beauty and grace, the uniqueness of a single work. Modern craftswomen of knot weaving are still developing and improving this difficult art. Completed in macrame technique panels, curtains, vases and napkins decorate interiors country houses, create harmony in rooms in a rustic and romantic style. With the help of pendants, bracelets, belts, handbags, cosmetic cases, you can make every modern woman individual. Moreover, it can be a manifestation of extravagant taste. Macrame weaving technique not so difficult, but nevertheless, to master this interesting and ancient type of needlework, you need desire, patience, dedication, and also a little imagination.

We knit a handbag using macrame technique

Knitting macrame bags

Recently knitting macrame- one of the most popular types of needlework in our country. Such a beautiful accessory as a woman's handbag is not just a stylish addition to a new fashionable suit, but also a very useful thing, from where you can remove your phone, cosmetic bag, wallet and so on at the right time. Today we will talk about how you can DIY macrame bag... Usually the bag has a front and a back wall and two sides. and stitched together. In order for the parts to turn out to be accurate in size, it is worth initially making a pattern. Based on the length of the product and the selected pattern, the required number and length of working threads are calculated.

Decorative planter for flowers

Macrame planter for flowers

By placing flower pots in hanging planters , you can not only beautifully and original landscaping the room, but also free up space on the windowsill. And since the modern interior today is not complete without indoor plants, the pots can become attractive and interesting packaging for them, making the atmosphere cozy, warm and truly homely.

Quality and properties of threads for making bracelets

Macrame bracelets. Choosing threads for work

In front of those who wish do macrame the question often arises: what threads for macrame choose? When weaving bracelets, different types of threads and ropes are used. They can be cotton, linen, hemp, sisal, floss and so on. You need to choose a specific type of working material depending on the planned product.

First nuance when choosing threads for macrame bracelets- the degree of their twisting. In order to end up with clear embossed knots, you need to choose the most twisted threads. Thanks to them, the future product will not give in to deformation. If you choose the threads that are weakly twisted, then in the process of work they will loosen, because of which the product will not have a clear texture. Natural threads should be preferred. If silk cords or nylon fishing line are chosen for weaving, then the knots need to be tightened tighter.

Macrame- a slightly forgotten technique that was very popular 40 years ago. Technology came to us from the East and appeared in our country at the beginning of the twentieth century. Macrame is a knotted weaving technique. Today there are hundreds of types of knots and their number is growing every day. Many knots are widely known, thanks to the navigators who actively used them.
Skillful craftswomen have learned to create beautiful and practical things: pots, belts, handbags, bookmarks, jewelry, baskets and even curtains.
It will not be difficult to learn the macrame technique, because having mastered the basic knots and techniques, you can easily weave various gizmos.
Let's take a look at what you need to work.

Materials needed for weaving macrame:
Threads - there are special threads, they are sold in needlework stores. You can also use twine, soutache, braid, or thin rope.
Dressing needles or safety pins
Weaving pillow a very useful thing that you can do yourself. But I'll tell you honestly that most craftswomen do without her. Weave on a regular pillow, sofa, armchair, whatever is more convenient.

Glue - PVA or stationery.
Lighter - in some cases it may be needed to singe the threads.
Where to begin?
To begin with, you always need to determine the length of the threads, and this is easy to do: the length of the thread should be eight times longer than the product that you will weave. But much depends on the thickness of the thread, the thicker it is, the longer the threads should be.
If during weaving it turns out that the thread is too short - this is not a big deal, you can glue the thread. If the thread is thin, then we coat both ends with glue and put one on top of the other, press and leave the product until the glue dries. If the thread is thick, then you can trim the ends a little, as in the picture and glue it.

The number of threads must always be paired.
Any work begins with hanging the threads on the "carrier thread", which is pinned to the pillow.
There are two ways to hang the threads:
1. The thread must be folded in half, put on the carrier thread, then bend over it. Thread the loose ends of the thread into the loop and tighten.

2. We also fold the thread in half, put it under the supporting thread and bend the loop towards ourselves. Thread the ends of the thread into the loop and tighten.

Basic techniques in macrame:
Macrame flat knot, from which any macrame training begins. You can see this knot in many master classes as a square one.
To weave a knot, you need 4 threads. The diagram shows the principle of knot weaving.

In many works you may need checkerboard weave square knots how do you ask?
First row: square
Second row: you need to skip two threads on the right, and weave the knot on the next four threads.
Third row: Take two threads from the first row and two threads from the first knot of the second row.
And so on, in a checkerboard pattern.

Chain of flat knots:
To weave a chain, you need to weave a knot one below the other, in each row you need to weave one by one, starting from the left and then from the right.

Spiral chain:
It is woven in flat knots, one under the other. In each row, we begin to weave from the same side. At the expense of this, the chain will twist.

The chain is knotted, it can be either single or double.
Single is woven from two threads, and double from 4. The principle of weaving for them is the same:
We take the left thread with our left hand, draw the right thread around it and thread it into a loop. We hold the threaded thread in our right hand, circle the left thread around it and thread it into a loop, and so on.

The principle is simple: weaving around one thread of all the other threads in double knots is called a brid. The extreme thread (right or left) is called nodular.
Draw the first thread around the knotted thread. As in the diagram and tightening. We got rep node.

Breeds are made up of rep knots that can be dragged horizontally or diagonally.

In many works, you may need to beautifully finish the weaving of the product and collect the threads in a bun. And here the braid can come to the rescue.
This is done as follows: Cut off an additional thread, from 40 to 70 cm long, depending on the thickness of the thread and the desired width of the braid. We put one end of the thread along the future brush and make a loop, as in the photo:

The second end goes under the bundle of threads, we wrap it from the bottom up several times with rather dense turns. And then we thread the working thread into a loop and pull the short end of the working thread at the bottom.

That's all for today, but to be continued….

Macrame is a handicraft with a long history based on weaving knots. Having mastered this technique, needlewomen begin to create products of incredible beauty. It can be both key rings and bracelets, as well as more voluminous works, including panels, pots and even hammocks. Macrame for beginners seems like an incredibly difficult type of creativity, but if you master the basics of this skill, then the process is already arousing interest, not fright.

Macrame - handicrafts with a long history

Macrame lessons begin with mastering the basic knots. Only after the technique of their implementation is mastered, you can begin to perform the first work.

Main nodes:

Flat right-handed. To complete this element, you need to take a couple of threads and attach them to the bar. The result is already four ends. Weaving is done with extreme threads, and the central ones act as the base. The fourth thread must be put on the main ones, and the first thread must be passed under them, and then pulled out between the base and the fourth.

Flat left-handed. This node is performed by analogy with the right-hand one, only in this case work begins on the left side, and the fourth thread is skipped under the base.

Square. This is the main element of weaving. To complete it, you must first perform the right-sided, and then the left-sided flat knots.

Having mastered these knots, you can already start to weave a twisted chain. It is she who is mainly used during the manufacture of pots and other suspended structures.

Gallery: macrame (25 photos)

How to learn to weave a keychain using macrame

Making such crafts as key rings and baubles is also within the power of novice craftsmen... Dealing with the intricacies of weaving a dragonfly keychain is a matter of a few minutes. Then all you need to do is follow all the instructions.

Making such crafts as key rings and baubles is also within the power of novice craftsmen


  1. Fold the lace in half and thread a couple of beads through it.
  2. Take the right tip and thread it under the center, then pull it over the left tip.
  3. Take the left piece and hold it over the center, tighten, not allowing the beads to move.
  4. Again grab the left element and draw it under the center, bring it out over the right part.
  5. Tighten the knot that has formed.
  6. In order to form the wings, perform exactly the same element, just place it a little lower.
  7. To make the craft stronger, additionally make such a knot.
  8. Perform the second pair of wings in a similar way, but slightly smaller.
  9. Braid the body to the end, leaving only a small section with a loop.

Crochet the ends of the lace inside the craft.

Macrame technique for children 5 years old: making a bracelet

Even preschool children can weave simple products using macrame technique. Just a few simple steps and an unusual bracelet will be ready. The child will be happy to wear a self-made jewelry.


  1. Take a couple of yards of laces and fold them together.
  2. From the edge immediately retreat the length corresponding to the girth of the wrist and add another ten centimeters to it.
  3. Make a loop in this place.
  4. Tie the laces around the back of the chair and place the main ends in the middle, and place the workers on the sides.
  5. Throw the work item over the main one.
  6. Lay the left end of the lace on the right and pass it immediately under the main one.
  7. Repeat the steps in a chain until the workpiece is twisted in a spiral.
  8. After that, turn the workpiece ninety degrees and secure it with a pin.
  9. Continue weaving, and finally make a knot.
  10. Tie knots on working threads.
  11. Attach a small bead at the other end.

Even preschool children can weave simple products using macrame technique.

Trim the ends and coat with glue.

Macrame pots: step by step instructions

Even a beginner who has mastered the peculiarities of tying the main knots can weave such a pots. You will not need any schemes and complex devices.

And the materials in the work will require a minimum amount:

  • pot or vase;
  • white nylon threads;
  • Scotch.

Even a beginner who has mastered the features of tying basic knots can weave such a pots.


  1. Cut the threads into eight equal parts and fold them together.
  2. Attach them to the work plane with tape.
  3. Twist the eight prepared ones with an additional thread.
  4. Hide the tip of the resulting loop.
  5. Divide the laces prepared for work into four parts.
  6. Perform a twisted chain on each of these fragments.
  7. Measure the length and tie a knot under each of the straps.
  8. Step back about five centimeters from the top of the vase.
  9. Divide the details of each item in half.
  10. Take a couple of threads from the first element and tie them to a pair of threads of the second.
  11. Make such a pattern from all groups of elements.
  12. When the weaving comes to the bottom of the pot, knit four chains, making square knots.
  13. Repeat the same steps that were done at the very beginning of the work.

Trim the ends.

The advantages of weaving using the macrame technique

Increasingly, this kind of handicraft in the process of teaching children. Despite the fact that at the moment there are many other options for needlework, the choice is stopped on this one. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • all lessons go from simple to complex. There are many schemes suitable for different age groups;
  • crafts are characterized by increased strength and durability. They can be stored in the most conspicuous place and not be afraid that their appearance and integrity will suffer;
  • in this way, you can make not only jewelry, but also useful things, including: clothes, pots and bags. This is an excellent motivation for action, since in the future such products can be used in everyday life;
  • the possibility of making a mistake is minimized, but even if there was one, it is very easy to fix it;
  • only simple and accessible materials are used in the process of work;
  • classes do not have to be held indoors. You can even create amazing masterpieces in nature.

Macrame bag (video)

Materials and tools required for work

The most important stage in preparation for work is the choice of threads. Materials are used from cotton, silk and even nylon. Ordinary laces are also suitable for weaving. Products made with twisted threads look incredibly beautiful. It is highly discouraged to use fluffy yarn for knotting. Due to the fluff, the pattern will be barely noticeable, and the craft itself will seem very untidy.

Braided work, for which silk thread was used, looks incredibly exquisite. But working with such material causes a number of difficulties. Due to the fact that it is very slippery, the pattern periodically unravels and the craftsmen have to tie the knots as tightly as possible.

In addition, you will also need pins and scissors, a measuring tape and tight pillows to fix the laces during the weaving process.

Simple macrame diamond bracelet (video)

No matter how many different weaving techniques have been invented, macrame remains the most famous and popular. It is this, albeit not an easy, method that manages to make beautiful and durable products that are necessary in everyday life.