Baby 10 months development food. Massage and exercise. Interesting games for the development of coordination, movement and rhythm

The baby at 10 months became active, plays on his own for a lot of time, wakes up much less often at night. To know the world, a fidget needs a lot of energy, which, like adults, he receives from food. What should be the healthy nutrition for a baby at 10 months old to meet all the needs of a growing body?

Child's day regimen at 10 months

By the beginning of the eleventh month, most babies switch to two daily naps, and the duration of each sleep is about 1.5 hours. If the baby goes to bed twice during the day and at the same time, his daily routine can be built in the way that is convenient for both the baby and the mother. The daily routine has a beneficial effect on the body of a 10-month-old child, eliminating overwork, making the baby less capricious. Already now, by shaping your daily routine, you are preparing your child for kindergarten. As a rule, "regime" children quickly adapt to new conditions and do not experience severe stress from separation from their mother.

Approximate daily routine:

The regime thus constructed assumes five meals a day and approximately equal periods of wakefulness.

How to feed a ten month old baby


If a child is breastfed at 10 months, then breast milk alone is no longer able to provide him with the necessary nutrients. You should not completely abandon it, WHO recommends keeping this type of feeding for up to 2 years.

At 10 months, mother's milk is an addition to the main, "adult" food, and it should take no more than a quarter of the daily food volume.


It is not recommended for formula-fed babies to replace the milk mixture with ordinary milk at 10 months, a bottle of the mixture should be present at the first feeding, and the last one can be replaced with fermented milk mixture or baby kefir.


The diet of a child at 10 months should be varied, unless allergies are identified. This age is the time to accustom the baby to an adult table and to independently control a spoon and a mug. At this age, the baby usually has already grown incisors, so you should not grind the food, you can cut it into small pieces or use a coarse grater. The child needs to develop a chewing reflex - this is both a guarantee of proper digestion, and the development of jaw muscles, which are important for the development of speech.

Svetlana, mother of two children, 5 and 1.5 years old: “Out of inexperience, I fed the eldest child only with chopped food, and when it was time to go to the garden, problems began, because they give ordinary food there! It took a long time to get used to chewing. With the youngest child, she became wiser, and began to give food in pieces from 8 months.

What must be present in the baby's diet, besides mother's milk or formula?


Porridge made from rice and buckwheat, corn and oatmeal are rich in protein and minerals, as well as healthy carbohydrates. Do not rush to introduce semolina - it can cause allergies and excess weight.


It is a source of protein and B vitamins, without which normal hemoglobin production is impossible, which, in turn, is fraught with anemia.


In addition to being rich in vitamins and minerals, they also contain fiber, which is important for preventing constipation. The most valuable in baby food are zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, beets.


They contain fiber, vitamins (mostly C, which supports the baby's immunity), as well as carbohydrates. However, do not be happy that the baby is leaning on fruits, because they are much tastier than vegetables. But it was found that the nutritional value of fruit purees is small, only 2% provide the body with the necessary vitamins, and can cause bloating in the abdomen and thin the stool. And you should also carefully monitor the baby's skin when introducing new berries and fruits, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

Dairy products

In addition to breast milk or formula - kefir and cottage cheese. They are rich in vitamins A, D, which are responsible for vision and calcium absorption by the child's body. You need to give cottage cheese no more than 40 g per day and not necessarily in its pure form: it can be casseroles and puddings. Children under 1 year old should not be given cow's milk or fresh milk (including goat's).

Egg yolk

It contains vitamins A, B, D, E. But giving a whole yolk is worth no more than three times a week. But protein in general does not need to be given, it can cause allergies.


Vegetable and butter, given in an amount of not more than 5 g per day.

Wheat flour products

They should be introduced into the diet very limited. You can include vermicelli, white bread croutons, baby biscuits (biscuit) in the child's menu at 10 months.


What to give to drink besides milk? Necessarily water and necessarily purified and boiled. Observing the drinking regimen, you will provide the child with good digestion and prevent dehydration, which is especially important in summer or in case of gastrointestinal diseases. Fruit juices are best given those that are prepared with your own hands. The packaged ones are of little use and destroy the child's teeth. How much juice can a baby drink per day? We deduce the approximate volume by the formula: multiply the age of the crumbs in months by 10 ml, that is, at 10 months - no more than 100 ml of juice per day.

It is good to give your baby homemade compotes, jelly and fruit drinks, as well as herbal teas (for example, the series "Babushkino's basket").

Kefir is best offered to the baby at an 18-hour meal, and taught to drink from a cup right away. This should not be an ordinary drink, but a children's one, such kefirs are produced, for example, by the Tema, Agusha companies, as well as in the children's dairy kitchen. You can also cook kefir yourself. The pharmacy chain has many different starter cultures for making baby kefir. Self-made drinks do not go through the sterilization process, so they have more live lactic acid bacteria.

Elena, mother of one-year-old Alisa: “I cooked kefir at home. I got a yogurt maker and sourdoughs. And I took pasteurized milk, but boiled it first, and if it was cooked from ultra-pasteurized, then boiling is not necessary.

What not to give to a 10 month old baby

Dishes for 10-month-olds must not be stored or reheated, they are prepared just before use!

It is strictly forbidden to give children the first 12 months of life whole or fresh cow or goat milk, citrus fruits, red fish, everything salted and smoked, as well as confectionery with protein cream and chocolate.

You should not give the baby chocolate, - advises the author of the wonderful book "A daughter is growing, a son is growing" IN Khanhasaeva, - the longer the child lives without knowing sweets, the better.

How much should a child eat

To make sure that the child is getting enough food, just knowing how much the child should weigh at 10 months, you can focus on the WHO table:

With a lack of weight, it is necessary to revise the child's diet, in consultation with a pediatrician, and replace some foods with more high-calorie foods. However, only a specialist should diagnose low body weight, because low weight can be due to factors such as premature birth or multiple pregnancy, a physiological feature, and not a poor diet. How much a child should eat at 10 months at a time depends on the consistency of the food and on the preferences of the little gourmet. It must be borne in mind that the entire volume of food per day should not exceed 1000 ml, and a one-time volume can be calculated by dividing this number by the number of feedings.

“Today, the goal should not be to“ eat your fill, ”says Dr. Komarovsky. - She was replaced by another: how to maintain health with such an abundance of products, because taste habits are laid from childhood, and the role of parents is important here.

Sample menu - table for 1 day

Menu table for the week

An approximate table of the menu for a week will allow you to calculate the required amount of products and make the baby's nutrition at 10 months more varied:

Day of the week: 1 feeding 2 feeding
3 feeding
4 feeding
5 feeding

180 g of mashed rice porridge in milk,
50g fruit puree,
100g jelly

120 ml of vegetable soup in meat broth with white bread (5 g),
100 g vegetable puree with a steamed cutlet (60 g),
50 ml fruit juice

Baked apple,
cottage cheese (40g),
rosehip broth (70 ml)

Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)
tuesday Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)
180 g of buckwheat milk porridge,

egg yolk ½,
100 ml cranberry juice

80 ml chicken broth,

60 g mashed potatoes,
meat dumplings (50g),
dried fruit compote (100ml)

100 g fruit puree,
100 ml jelly
Kefir (200ml)
wednesday Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)
100 g rice and curd pudding,

50 g fruit puree
100 ml herbal tea

120 ml vegetable puree soup,

60 g of boiled vermicelli,
meatballs (50g),
juice (70 ml)

180 g milk porridge
rosehip broth (100ml)
Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)
thursday Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)
120 g of boiled vermicelli,

egg yolk,
70 ml fruit juice

120 ml soup with rice groats in meat broth,

80 g meat soufflé,
100 ml jelly

70 g fruit puree, 100 ml kefir with cookies (20 g) Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)
friday Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)
150 g of milk corn porridge,
40 g of cottage cheese, 100 ml of tea
120 ml noodles soup with chicken broth,

60 g stewed vegetables
meatballs (40 g),
100 ml compote

100 g vegetable puree
100 ml jelly
Kefir (200ml)
saturday Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)
180 g milk noodle soup,
70 ml fruit juice
100 g pumpkin cream soup, 60 g mashed potatoes),

meat hedgehogs (60 g),
100 ml herbal tea

100 g fruit puree,

kefir (80 ml),

Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)
sunday Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)
150 g of buckwheat milk porridge,

fruit puree (50 g),
tea (100ml)

150 ml vegetable puree soup,

60 g of carrot and potato puree,
steam cutlet (50g),
100 ml juice

100 g of boiled vegetable salad,
100 ml jelly
Mother's milk or its substitute (mixture of about 200 ml)

The exact set of products and their volume depends on the health and appetite of the baby, his tendencies to allergies, as well as on the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Simple and healthy recipes for feeding a 10 month old baby

Refined vegetable oil does not contain useful substances, but during the cleaning process it is diluted with chemical impurities, so it is not recommended for young children to use it.

The most suitable oil for children under 2 years old is olive, linseed, corn or soy.

First meal

Soups for babies are prepared only when all the soup ingredients are already familiar to the child. It is worth starting with boiled in water or vegetable broth, with pieces of vegetables and cereals. Gradually, the broth can be replaced with meat, but not concentrated, but with a secondary one (drain the first when the meat boils). You can salt broths, but very little (up to 3 g of salt).

Flavor enhancers and various additives, for example, Maggi bouillon cubes and others should not be present in baby soup - only natural products!

Soup-puree "Vegetable"

For cooking you will need:

  • potatoes - 30g;
  • cabbage - 30 g;
  • fresh carrots - 10g;
  • glass of water;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • some salt.

Peel the vegetables and finely chop, fill with water and put the pan on a small fire, boil. Then we puree them with a blender along with the broth, pour in the milk, add a little and bring to a boil.

Zucchini puree soup with cauliflower

For cooking you will need:

  • cauliflower - 150 g;
  • zucchini - 150 g;
  • egg yolk - 0.5 pcs.

Peel and chop the vegetables, put them in a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water, put on low heat and cook. Then we puree the vegetables, add the broth in which they were cooked, add, put on the stove until it boils. Finely chop the yolk and add to the soup.

Rice and milk soup

We wash the rice (15-20 g), after having sorted it out, and cook until tender in 1 glass of water over low heat, put it in a colander, grind it through a medium mesh sieve (you can not do this if the rice is boiled or you are sure that the baby will cope with the food ). Add a glass of hot milk - 100 ml and bring to a boil.

Meat Dishes

For babies it is better to take lean meat, ideally turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal. Films and fat must be removed from meat. Minced meat can be prepared in advance and packaged in portions, keeping in the freezer. But dishes from it cannot be stored, they are prepared and eaten immediately.


Meat (fillet) 200g. skip in a meat grinder, mix with bread soaked in milk (50g) and grind the minced meat again. Add raw yolk butter and milk until tender but sticky. Form the meatballs and steam.

Soufflé "Sissy"

  • Meat (fillet) - 300g;
  • Raw egg, divided into yolk and white;
  • Milk - 60 ml;
  • Flour - 15 g.

Scroll boiled meat in a meat grinder, stir in flour, yolk and milk. Mix well and add protein, beaten until firm foam. Fill the molds with the mass and bake in the oven (about 30 minutes).

Meat and zucchini cutlets in a double boiler

  • minced poultry meat (turkey, chicken) - 300g;
  • zucchini pulp - 100g;
  • oatmeal - 30 g.

Grate zucchini and squeeze a little, mix with minced meat, ground oatmeal. Form cutlets, cook in a double boiler for 25 minutes.

Dishes from vegetables and fruits

10 months is the time when you can acquaint your baby not only with thermally processed vegetables and fruits, but also with raw grated ones. Apple and carrots are ideal in this case. But such dishes should not be daily, and when giving them to a child, you need to monitor the reaction of his body (if a rash appears, a stomach ache, the nature of the stool changes - exclude raw foods).

Apple and raw carrot salad

Rinse and peel one green apple and chop a small carrot on a medium plastic grater (remove the bones from the apple), mix. For greater benefit and absorption of the vitamin. Or you can add a drop of vegetable oil - flaxseed or olive.

Pumpkin-apricot puree

Cut 2 washed pitted apricots and 200 g of pumpkin pulp into slices and place in a saucepan. Cover with water and after boiling over low heat, cook for 20 minutes. after - drain the water and puree the pumpkin with apricot with a blender.

Cottage cheese dishes


  • cottage cheese - 300g;
  • a raw egg;
  • milk - 70 ml;
  • sugar - 3 tsp;
  • semolina - 2 tsp.

Knead the cottage cheese so that there are no lumps. Add the egg and semolina, previously soaked in milk, to the cottage cheese, add sugar. You can stir with a mixer - the casserole will be very airy. Bake in the oven over medium heat until golden brown.

Banana-curd dessert

  • banana - 0.5 pcs;
  • children's cottage cheese - 150g;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Mash cottage cheese, grate banana, mix. Add boiled milk. Mix.

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At this age, the child's opportunities to get acquainted with the world around him sharply expand - he already crawls well and begins to walk. Moving, he learns about the location of objects in space, "works out routes."

Educational games for children. How to help your child grow up cheerful and happy

The kid experiences a special pleasure from moving in space - crawling or walking. He likes the process itself, although the matter is not without certain difficulties and troubles, the child can get tired, fall and hurt himself.

Therefore, the baby with special pleasure perceives such developmental games in which crawling, or walking, or some important elements of these actions are reproduced in a facilitated and safe, but accelerated or enhanced form.

  1. Slip a towel or folded blanket under your baby's belly. Lift it up so that it is in the position you need to crawl and rock it slightly back and forth. Hold him so that it is easy for him to crawl, and from time to time lift him up in the air and carry him forward a short distance.
  2. The main ability that a child must develop while learning to walk is the ability to maintain balance. You can help him with this. Sit the baby on your lap, spread his arms to the sides and hold them. Alternately raise one or the other knee, so that the child bends to the right and then to the left. Help your child maintain balance by holding his hands. Raise and lower your knees to the beat of the music. You can put on a record, or turn on the tape recorder, or sing yourself, the main thing is that the music is fun.
  3. Place the child in front of you, facing you, and hold his hands. Begin to tilt it slightly to the right and to the left, moving its center of gravity from one leg to the other. Sing the song so that the child sways to the rhythm of the song. Keep your child's arms at shoulder level or even lower. Gradually reduce your support so that the baby continues to swing on its own. Let him then only hold on to your index fingers with his hands. Make it so that its handles drop down and are almost vertical on its sides. Try to swing yourself to the rhythm of the song. This will stimulate the child - he will try to imitate you.
  4. Place your baby on your feet with his back to you. Hold him by the shoulders. Say "Come on, let's go" and walk a short distance.

    See how he reacts to this game. If he likes it, repeat it on different days. Have other family members, including older children, do it for you. Such play helps to strengthen the contact between the child and the adult and is useful from this point of view. If your toddler is not enjoying the play, put it aside and try again after a while.

  5. Teach your child to "sing" to the music. Turn on a tape recorder, or a turntable, or a radio. Sing yourself, using those syllables ("mom" or "dad") that the child can easily pronounce. Invite him to join you. Repeat this game many times until he begins to sing independently to the music.
  6. Continue to play "Ku-ku, where am I?" With your child. First, close your eyes with your child's hands and exclaim: "Where is Misha, where has he gone?" After removing his handles, rejoice: "Misha is here!" Then teach your child to close his eyes with his hands and wait for your exclamations: "Where did Misha disappear to?" Express delight when he takes the pens away from his face. You can also teach him to cover his face with a napkin or diaper, and then pull it off. Your joy when the napkin is pulled away or the pens are removed from the eyes will contribute to the emotional development of the child.
  7. At this age, the child begins to understand how to attract or maintain the attention of an adult - and begins to repeat actions that caused others to laugh. You can support and develop this behavior by participating in a variety of games with him. For example, play with your child in "There is a horned goat after little guys, butts, butts, butts, butts," where you first portray this goat, and then - he. Be frightened when the child reaches out in your direction, and then start laughing.

How to teach a child to handle toys

At first, the baby treats all toys in the same way: he grabs them, examines them, shakes them, hits them on the table or on the floor, pulls them into his mouth. Through these standard exploratory activities, the child learns a thing or two about the properties of certain toys and how to handle them.

For example, he discovers that the rattle makes a sound when he shakes it. And accordingly he treats her. However, most of the toys correspond to specific actions that an adult must show. Knowledge of these specific actions and objects (toys) with which they are performed is important for the child's intellectual development. On the basis of this knowledge, new ones are then built, acquired at a later age.

  1. Start showing your child different things to do when playing the ball. Use not one, but two or three balls for this. It is very good if the child loves to play with the ball. By showing him the ball and then hiding it in different places, you can develop the child's search skills. By rolling the ball in a specific direction, you give your child a route that he should learn to follow.
  2. Teach your baby to ring a bell - a great educational toy for babies 10 months old. Create a game in which you do something nice for him, such as tickling him if he rings the bell. This way you make the bell a favorite toy and can be used to teach your child new skills.
  3. Be sure to give your child a car and show you how to roll it back and forth. Accompany the ride with some sounds, such as "drr" or "bb", which he can further use to refer to the car. If he doesn't immediately imitate your actions, place his hands on the car and roll it around with his hands. Then roll the car in turn or use two cars in the game, one will be rolled by you, the other by a child.
  4. After you teach your child how to roll the car with your hands, tie a rope to it and show how you can roll it with the rope. After that, try inviting him to take this rope - when he crawls, and when he stands, and when he tries to walk. Perhaps he will take your offer.
  5. When the baby has already learned to roll his car (with his hands and by the rope), offer him a car of a different color, size and shape and see if he will roll it. If he doesn't, explain to him that this is a car (call it "drr" or "bb") and that it is also being rolled. But don't show rolling with your hands! Check if he understands you. If he doesn't understand, tie a rope to this new machine and give it to him. If that doesn't work, show me how you roll a new car. After he also begins to roll it, try to check, with the help of a few more toys, with which set (class) of objects the child connects the action of rolling and whether the fact that the car has wheels is not decisive. It will be easier for you to find the best ways to develop your child if you can not only see what he is doing, but also understand why he is doing it.
  6. The car is interesting because you can carry various items in it. Show how it's done. If there is a truck among the toys, give your child small items that he cannot swallow, and show him how to put them in the car and then take them to some place where they can be emptied.

How to help your child master new activities and programs of action

Mom teaches the baby new actions using two approaches: she shows what and how to do, performing these actions herself; if the child does not succeed in something, she takes his hands in hers and helps him to perform the required actions.

When teaching the child to act, the mother uses household items or toys that are appropriate for the activity. In addition, she accompanies her behavior with speech, naming both actions and objects.

As a result of such "training sessions" the child acquires different kinds of information:

  • he improves his ability to imitate the behavior of another person visible to them;
  • he learns a set of actions, from which he can build more complex actions in the future;
  • he learns which objects correspond to which actions; it contributes to the formation of concepts;
  • he learns the names of actions and the names of objects.
  1. Give your toddler a practice by putting large, lightweight beads around his neck over his head. Show him how to put on these beads for you and the doll. Just make sure that he doesn't break the thread and that the beads don't get into his mouth.
  2. Keep your arm upright and have the child put the bracelet on your arm. Make it a game and put the bracelet on each other's hands in turn.
  3. Buy a pyramid for your child and show him how to put rings on the rod.
  4. Give him toys that he can play with. For example, use plastic jars that can hold various things like cubes, empty spools, wooden beads, plastic bottle caps, etc. After placing several of these items in the jar, close the lid and shake it. Let the child listen, then empty the items out of the jar and have the child collect them in it. Let your child play with the plastic cups that are placed inside each other. Show him how to do it and invite him to play like that.
  5. When the child is bathing in the tub, give him toys that float, such as a plastic cup, and toys that sink, such as a metal spoon. Ask your child to get out of the bath and give you both toys.
  6. Show him how to drop or toss an object into an empty bucket. Better to have a metal bucket. As the "throwing material", for example, a metal spoon, a wooden cube or an empty thread spool, a plastic bottle or can cap, and the like can be used. Pay the child's attention to the sound when an object hits the bottom of the bucket. Help your child shake the bucket to hear the sound again. This game is especially good for children who have a tendency to throw objects on the floor. Experience shows that having the opportunity to play such a game, children get rid of this addiction, which is very uncomfortable for the family.
  7. Sit on the floor next to your child and, showing him your favorite toy, hide it behind your leg on the other side of him. Have him try to climb over your legs to get the toy. In the same way, teach your child to overcome other obstacles, such as a sofa cushion.
  8. Using the same approach as in step 7, teach your toddler how to reach the toy by going around the toy box, around the corner of the closet, or out the door. Show him where you put the toy and draw his attention to it.
  9. In front of a child approaching you, hide an interesting toy, covering it with any object that the child can remove or move (a diaper, a baby blanket, a box, paper). Use an attractive toy and an uninteresting covering object so that the child is not distracted by looking at it and exploring it. For example, take a brightly colored toy and cover it with a small bowl first. Then cover it on top with a drawer or shoebox. Finally, cover the whole thing with a towel. If the child loses interest, tell him "Let's search together" and help him remove all of these items. Imagine delight and surprise when you find a toy together.
  10. Take a small toy in your fist, put your hand behind the screen (bowl, drawer, diaper, paper) and leave the toy there. Then show your child your empty hand and ask, "Where is she?" Help him get the toy himself.
  11. When playing on the floor, place some cushions on the floor so you can hide behind them. Hide and call the child: "Ku-ku, look for me." When he finds you, pretend to be delighted.
  12. The child learns different ways to get the object he needs. Here is the simplest example of a situation where he needs to perform some preliminary actions before picking up the desired object. There is a plate on the table in front of the child with a slice of orange, but it is pushed back so far that you can reach the edge of the plate, not the orange. The child needs to move the plate towards him. Will he do it? If not, stand next to him and show him how. Then move the plate back and see if he has learned your lesson.
  13. Place a string in front of the baby, the other end of which is tied to the toy, which is at such a distance that the child cannot grab it. Pull the end of the string to show your child that the toy is moving. Invite him to pull on the lace.
  14. Tie ropes to different toys (car, truck, cart, steam train, etc.) and leave them on the floor. Have the child carry toys with him as he crawls or walks around the room.
  15. When you play with your child, show him how to get an interesting toy or, for example, your keys, by pulling on the napkin, blanket or diaper on which this thing lies.
  16. Gradually come up with and pose more difficult problems for the child and show him how to solve them. For example, place the toy on a towel draped over a mountain of pillows on your bed or couch. The tip of the towel to be pulled should be out of the reach of the child. Therefore, he will first need to get to the towel, and then, pulling on it, get the toy.
  17. Start teaching your toddler how to put toys in a box. Every time before he goes to bed, tell him, "Help me put together the toys." Point your finger at the toy, say, "Take it." Then say "Take it to the box" and point to the box.

How to help a child's social development

At this age, the child has already acquired considerable independence, he moves in space himself, he acts with objects himself, he begins to show elements of self-service - he eats partly himself, participates in the process of dressing. The development of a child and ensuring his personal safety requires that he has learned certain rules of behavior - first of all, he has learned to quickly and unconditionally obey the prohibitions expressed by the words "no" and "no". At the same time, it is essential that the prohibitions emanating from the mother do not cause negative emotions in the child towards her, do not diminish his love for the mother. When teaching a child to obey prohibitions, one must try to do without punishment and threats.

The child will later learn a whole set of rules regarding social behavior, and acquire a significant amount of information on this topic. The first information he acquires relates to the belonging of objects. He must find out which things (toys) belong to him and he can dispose of them himself, and which - to other people, and he either should not touch them at all, or he must ask permission for this every time.

It is very important to teach your child early to treat other people well, to be able to share your things (toys) with them, and to feel sorry for and comfort them if they are in trouble. A benevolent attitude towards other people will open the way for the child to join the company of peers, to participate in collective games. Namely, collective games determine the development of a child over the age of one and a half to two years.

  1. Say “no” firmly and decisively when the child does something inappropriate or when he may be in danger. Shake your head and express your disapproval with facial expressions and gestures. If he doesn't obey, stop him or get him out of danger altogether, but avoid using "mustn't" too often. Say “no” only when absolutely necessary, and avoid dangerous situations as much as possible by removing fragile or dangerous items away from the child. Be persistent if you've already said no! If the child obeyed or you yourself physically stopped him, switch his attention to some other interesting activity for him.
  2. Use a parsley doll (worn on your hand) to teach your child to stop acting when they are told “no” or “stop”. Act out a scene where the doll does something bad and you tell her "no". Let the doll stop doing this immediately! Draw the child's attention to the behavior of the baby doll.
  3. If a child handles a toy in such a way that it spoils it (for example, hits the floor with a typewriter), say first: "Don't, stop," and then take the toy from him and show how to handle it (for example, start rolling typewriter). Make this game attractive and enjoyable for your little one!
  4. Say "no" also in those cases when the child behaves incorrectly while eating (for example, throwing food on the floor, spilling milk, knocking dishes, etc.).
  5. Take some of your and baby's belongings. Put on the baby's hat, say: "Mom put on Misha's hat" and start laughing. Make your child laugh too. Then put your hat next to you, and the baby's hat next to him. Take a new item, for example, your gloves, hand them to the child and ask: "Is this mom's? Put it to mom." Help him put them next to you. Then follow the same procedure with his shoes, etc. Play this game many times, including other family members with their characteristic items.
  6. When traveling around the apartment with your child, show him different things and say: "These are dad's shoes," "This is mom's perfume," "This is dad’s receiver," etc.
  7. At this age, the child hands the toy to an adult to show it - but does not intend to give it back yet. This is the first step towards sharing property with others. Simulate this behavior yourself by holding out a toy to show your child. Ask him: "Show me the doll", "Show dad the book", etc. Let him hold the toy in his hands when you talk about it, for example, show where the doll has a nose, where are the eyes, where are the hands; let him hold the book in his hands when you show him the pictures in this book. Thus, he will learn that it is possible to share objects without losing them.
  8. Share the pie with your child: give him a bite, then bite yourself. After that, give him a pie, say: "Let your mom take a bite" and open your mouth. If necessary, move the child's handle with your hand; but try to get the baby to feed you.
  9. Invite each family member to choose their own special play with the baby. It is necessary that it contains such actions of the child that would serve as signals to attract this family member to their game.
  10. Use a parsley doll that is worn on your hand extensively. She does not have to portray a person: it can be a dog, a cat, or a chanterelle. It's good if she can open her mouth and change her expression. Act out scenes when this doll really wants something and the child can help her. For example, suppose the doll is hungry, and you give the child a spoon to feed her. After eating, the doll will rejoice, thank the "breadwinner" and can, for example, tickle him. Comment on the behavior of the doll, say that it is good, that you feel sorry for it, stroke it. Give your child the opportunity to see how to help another creature.

How to teach your child to speak and understand speech

At this age, the child already understands a lot of what you tell him. But his understanding is based not only on the words that you speak. It very much depends on the situation (what he sees around him at this time, what he is doing at this time), on your gestures, the expression on your face, the tone of your voice.

The child also tends to repeat the syllables or simple words he hears. True, this applies only to such short words, the vowels and consonants of which the child already knows how to pronounce.

While teaching him to speak, create such play situations when the repetition of the word you said would lead to the desired effect for the baby.

  1. When you wipe it off after bathing, name the body parts. "Here is the leg, stretch the leg, good leg", "Where is the handle, here is the handle ...", "And here is the tummy", "And this is the back." Stroke, tickle, kiss ... When dressing, ask him to help you: "Stretch the leg", "Stretch the handle", "Raise the head", etc.
  2. Holding the child in your arms, ask him: "Where is Misha's nose?" Take his finger in your hand, touch his nose with it and say: "Here is the nose." Then ask: "Where is mom's nose?" and put your finger on your nose, saying, "Here's my mother's nose." Do the same for the mouth, eyes, forehead. Repeat this many times - until the child begins to independently point his finger and your nose, mouth, etc. When he has already learned this game, play it in front of the mirror.
  3. While playing with your child, ask him to perform simple actions already known to him, for example: take, put, give, show, throw, come here, ride, put on. If he does not respond to the request, accompany the words with an explanatory gesture. If that doesn't work, show your child what action you want him to do, or help your child take it.
  4. Use the words "give", "show", "take" in relation to various household items and toys. While eating, place several different pieces of food in front of your child, such as cookies, a roll, bread, an apple, etc. Say, "Take the bread." If the child does not take what you asked, correct him. Likewise, lay out several toys in front of him and ask him for different items in turn. To make it interesting for him, make up a certain scenario of the game using the objects that you received from the child. For example, first ask for a car, then ask for a doll that you will roll in the car. Then ask the bear to run away from the car that will try to run over him.
  5. If the baby is not yet performing actions like "give", "take", try another way to find out if he understands the names of objects and toys. Ask him where the object is, and watch where he directs his gaze. If he looks at the item you named, praise him.
  6. Consider books with your toddler about toys, cats, dogs, and common objects. Ask him to point his finger at this or that object. Praise him if he does it. Point your finger at the objects or creatures you name. When pointing to a dog or cat, depict how they "talk" ("This is a kitty, she says meow").
  7. If there is another family member in the room, ask the child to show him: "Where is dad? Show dad." If the child is already walking and is at the moment on the floor, tell him: "Go to dad (woman, grandfather, aunt, etc.)." Let the one to whom the child went to greet him with joy!
  8. Teach the kid to shake his head, expressing in this way "No", "I do not want", "Do not." Ask a family member to offer him and you food that he probably won't want to eat. Say "No, no, I don't want to" and shake your head.
  9. Use the same approach as described in step 8 for teaching your child to nod his head in the sense of "Yes." Have someone ask you and the child, "Would you like a pie?" (or something else that the kid loves). Nod your head and say "Yes, yes, of course."
  10. Play "conversation" with your child by repeating the same syllable or word one after another. When pronouncing words, do it with an interrogative intonation that invites him to "talk." Try to teach your baby how to pronounce the following words (or syllables) with different consonants:

    m - mom (ma)
    b - baba, bye-by, bang
    p - daddy, pie
    n - nanny
    d - give, uncle, grandfather
    t - aunt
    k - ki (cat)
    d - eider
    l - lala (doll)

  11. Try to come up with situations that would allow the baby to begin to understand the word spoken (repeated) by him, to associate it with a certain object or event. For example, tell your child, "Let's call dad." Let the father turn at your call, smile at you and the child, and turn away again. In response to the child's “daddy,” ask the father to react much more actively: go up to the child, talk to him, and caress him. The same can be done with the participation of other relatives.

Reading time: 5 minutes

How does a girl or boy develop, what height and weight should children who have reached almost one year of age have, what should a child be able to at 10 months? At this age, babies like a sponge absorb all the information from the world around them, acquire important skills for them, develop actively physically and psychologically. It is very important to choose the right forms, methods for the development and upbringing of the child.

Baby development at 10 months

At the age of 10 months, children are developing very actively. They can already repeat sounds, walk on their own, master new movements, and are able to sit down on their own. This turning point in development is characterized by independence: the baby gets up on his own, tries to move around, chooses a toy himself. It is very important not to rush the baby, not to cause negative emotions.

Reaching the age of one, the baby begins to actively develop his mental abilities. Children understand some of the requests of their parents, there is an awareness that the environment is not only what they see around. The baby knows: if mom leaves the room, she will return. He has a connection between some events, relationships with certain people are formed. The toddler can already analyze what is happening and draw his own conclusions.

Child's height and weight

Reaching the age of 10 months, the child's body begins to form proportionally. However, the growth and weight of the baby slows down a little. The boys are getting bigger. The average height of boys is about 69-77 cm, weight is 8-11 kg. Girls are a little smaller, they lag behind in these indicators. Their height varies within 69-75 cm, weight - 7.9-10 kg. However, it should be borne in mind that hereditary factors also affect these criteria.

Mental development

A distinctive feature of the psychological development of 10-month-old children is curiosity. What should a child be able to do at 10 months? He is already responding to the call, he becomes interested in what other people are doing. The baby begins to distinguish between the expression on his mother's face, the reaction to his behavior, and reacts to her mood. This is the best period for raising an optimist. Children repeat the movements of the dad, they are able to imitate adults. Blood reacts to dangerous objects, unpleasant situations, for example, knows what it means to fall. However, you should not count on its independence.

Emotional development

The development of a baby at 10 months is characterized by the emergence of social and household skills, the desire to interact. The toddler calls for help, gives signals with a request to do something, for example, lifts the box up to open it. Very often, ten-month-old children break toys, thereby attracting attention, checking the reaction of adults.The child is able to play longer with one game, favorite toys appear, with which he does not part during sleep, food.

What a baby can do at 10 months

The baby has already become more sociable, shows independence. The child is determined with tastes: chooses music, games. By 10 months baby:

  • uses a spoon, drinks from a mug;
  • sits, stands by himself, rises with support, gets on all fours, begins to walk on his own;
  • reacts to reaching out to him;
  • sits on a pot;
  • takes small objects with two fingers - "tweezers grip";
  • he climbs on the bed, chair, climbs himself.

Motor skills

Movement skills are developing very rapidly. The baby shows a desire to use several toys and objects at the same time: move the bucket with a scoop, go for a favorite toy, carry it on its own, show it. Parents should definitely praise the baby for independence. Children eat themselves: they bite off and chew small pieces. They are happy to play with small toys, sort out buttons, stones, fasteners, while developing fine motor skills.

Speech development

The kid begins to form speech skills. Children "talk" with the help of babbling - repetition of syllables of the same type. Following the articulation of adults, the baby is able to reproduce syllables of the type: "ba-ba", "well-well", "ma-ma", "give-give", etc. The intonation is especially pronounced. At 10 months old, a baby should be able to highlight syllables with his voice, to make pauses. Babbling becomes similar to rhythmically repeating sounds. It is important that adults use only soft intonation and speak calmly.

What a boy should be able to do

The difference in physical and mental development between girls and boys becomes noticeable as early as ten months of age. Boys are more physically developed, but less emotional. Crumbs crawl confidently, begin to contact their peers, are able to independently:

  • sit down;
  • walk with an adult;
  • fold toys;
  • show items by name;
  • respond to a name;
  • disassemble, fold the pyramids;
  • build from cubes;
  • drink yourself, keep food.

What a girl should be able to do

At the age of nine months, girls are more emotional, they laugh more often, they are better able to imitate movements. Girls more easily fulfill the requests of adults, know how to drink and eat on their own, start to move with pleasure to the music, can get up and sit down themselves. Their speech skills begin to develop faster. Girls often do something, trying to attract the attention of adults, they are sure to expect praise.

How to develop a baby at 10 months

At this time, the child should be taught simple maintenance skills: folding toys, holding a spoon, a cup on his own, teaching him self-service skills, for example, picking up the desired object on his own, holding a toy. The activity of the kid is good for the development of motor skills: build a "tunnel" out of boxes and call the child, put on his favorite music and ask him to teach a doll to dance, stomp, clap with him. All these exercises will develop motor skills, coordination of movements.

Activities with a child

For a child, play is not only a fun time, but also an opportunity to develop. However, it is advisable to use active exercises during the day, since with all the mobility, the baby will quickly get tired. In the afternoon, you should give preference to more relaxed entertainment.You can use cubes, finger drawing, fold a pyramid. There are a lot of fun with babies. What games are better to choose in the morning:

  1. Ball games. You can roll the ball on the floor, hide small balls.
  2. Fitball. A large ball is used. It is good to roll the crumbs on it, jump on the ball, let the legs stand on it.
  3. Musical instruments. Any toys for this age will do.
  4. The first machine. The baby will carry her on a rope, put toys there.
  5. "Cleaning". The smallest objects are scattered on the floor. The toddler collects them.

Relaxing games are more suitable for entertainment in the afternoon. It can be:

  1. Outdoor games. Collect chestnuts, cones, and pebbles.
  2. Clothespins. The toddler, folding bright clothespins, will develop his fingers.
  3. Telephone. Young children willingly imitate adults. The phone will help develop speech.
  4. Bathing. In addition to playing with "floating" toys, you can ask the child to do simple actions, for example, wash hands, tummy.


Many parents, especially mothers, are faced with the problem of what to do with their child at 10 months? After all, it is better to develop the skills of a kid than just give toys and wait for a miracle. Many babies at the age of 10 months already know how to crawl, stand at a support, sit, turn, bend over, and even take their first steps, and at this age they can be taught a lot.

At this age, the child will be drawn to new knowledge of our world, which means that it is time to develop the little one, and so that it is not so boring for him, it is best to engage in developing games with the child.

A 10-month-old baby is actively exploring the world

Such games for your baby at the age of 10 months will develop fine and gross motor skills of hands, which will help your baby to cope quickly and deftly, for example, with a construction set or a mosaic. Fine motor skills develop in a child mainly muscular, nervous, and also skeletal systems, but the most basic is the visual system. Fine motor skills are a variety of fine movements that will help coordinate your baby's movements. In the future, this may affect your child's handwriting and other activities that require precision, neatness and dexterity, such as sewing, knitting, modeling.

Also, your baby will develop mental activity, this will allow your child to learn to speak faster in the future.

At 10 months, the child can be taken with any available means

Here are some games that the child will be happy to play actively.

Food Games

You can take pasta, beans or any cereal as a basis. Put your child in a highchair, pour beans or pasta on his table, and you will see how skillfully your child will touch with handles, put in a cup, and also actively throw out all the contents from it. Small grains such as buckwheat or semolina are best played in the bathroom, as it will be problematic to remove them.

Advice for parents: Games with cereals are, of course, very useful, as they develop the child's fine motor skills, but you should not leave the baby alone, it is best to play with him at this time.

Also, the child can be occupied not only with cereals, but, for example, with cabbage leaves. Put the baby on the carpet, give him these cabbage leaves, and you will see how he will be happy to tear them into small pieces, taste them, scatter them around the kitchen. This activity will give you 10-15 minutes of free time.

Kitchenware Games

While cooking in the kitchen, you can also keep your child busy playing with sonorous objects, for example, giving a pot and a spoon. He will hit with his palms, knock on the pan with a spoon, making loud noises. It will be very fun for him and will keep the kid busy for a while. You can also use a colander for the game, just pass a bright ribbon through the holes and give the baby, after showing him that you need to pull the ribbons out of the colander. The child will diligently try to pull out these bright ribbons. You can do the same with a large basket: thread the tape through the holes and put toys there, show the child and give the task to remove the toys from the basket. At first, it will be difficult for him to do this, since his tiny hands will get tangled in the tape, but then it will not be an obstacle for him.

Colander and children - an occupation for a long time

Thus, you develop not only motor skills, but also the mental thinking of your baby.

Educational games with clothes, water and paint

Playing with clothes will also take your baby 10-15 minutes. Just put him on a bed or rug and give him a mountain of his clothes. Your child will sort out and put clothes from side to side, look at their socks, tights or T-shirts, sometimes even manage to put something on themselves, perhaps by doing so, you will teach your baby order.

If your child gets dirty, do not get upset and run to change his clothes. You just have to keep him busy with another game, for example, with water. Pour some warm water into a cup, add pasta or beans, and let your child play with the water. At first, he will take out the contents of the cup, and at the end he will simply soak his hands in water. Of course, the child will spill most of the water on himself, but what to lose, the clothes are still dirty.

Water games on the table

Advice for parents: Water should be poured warm, boiled, because the baby will want to taste it. It is not necessary to pour a lot of water, as cleaning up after the child is all the same to you. For a baby at 10 months, 1/3 of a cup is enough.

Fire and water is an addicting game

Also, the paint game is suitable for dirty clothes. Take a simple oilcloth, so as not to stain the carpet, lay it on the floor, seat the child, and smeared with paint with his handles, start drawing on paper. After you show your child how to draw correctly, the child will want to draw the picture on paper on their own. It is worth choosing the right paints, it will be enough to buy a couple of bright finger paints so that your baby does not get lost in the choice. However, it is better not to leave him alone and to keep an eye on the child during these games. Thus, by showing the kid what to do, he will be passionate about drawing.

Playing with sand is very addicting

Motor development games

Many parents buy pyramids, bright constructors, soft toys for kids, but not all play with them, but simply throw them all over the room, and this is very good, because the child develops large motor skills. Gross motor skills are various movements of body parts such as arms and legs, such as jumping, running, bending, walking, etc.

Gross motor games

To make it easier for you with cleaning, and more interesting for the child, you just need to put bright boxes or buckets and show the child that you need to throw toys into the box.

Advice for parents: In order for your baby to play with toys, you should not give him a whole mountain at once, the child is lost because of this and does not know what to choose.

Wooden construction set for little ones

It is worth giving a couple of toys, and you will see that one toy will interest him more and for a long time. Books are also a good occupation and development for a child. At the age of 10 months, the child already knows how to turn pages on his own. It is best if you do not just read, but tell in your own words what is shown in the book, or read along with toys by role, and in this way you may be able to teach your child a little letters.

Homemade painting from improvised means

Advice for parents: Buy bright, thick, cardboard books with rounded ends so that your child cannot cut himself, as well as those with little text.

Body part games

Another activity for the baby is body parts. Sit with your child at the mirror and show him where his nose is, where his mouth is, where the eyes are. Before teaching the kid, it is best to first show it on yourself, and then show it with a pen on it.

There are interesting poetry games. When reading a poem, just portray everything on his body. Take the baby's hand in your hand, massage his hand and fingers while reading a poem, for example:

  • Forty-forty cooked porridge, fed the children.
  • She gave to this, gave to this, gave to this, gave to this, but did not give to this.
  • He did not go to the forest, he did not chop wood,
  • i didn’t carry water, I didn’t heat the stove - no porridge for you!

Finger Play - Magpie Crow

You can play this game every day.

Games from improvised means

It's great if you still have a box of chocolates. Remove the plastic backing from it and turn it over. Show your child how this interesting thing rustles and watch what your child will do with it. Most likely, the first thing he wants to do is taste it, then touch it, beat it with a palm, or poke a finger into the candy nests. Watching your child will be very fun and sometimes even very funny. For most children, this activity is incredible pleasure, as well as benefits for fine motor skills.

Interesting castles - a game from dad

The next game is very useful for the lungs.

All you need for this game is cotton wool or a piece of paper. To begin with, we take paper napkins and, together with the baby, tear them into small pieces. When everything is torn around, we show the child what will happen if you blow on them. Blow until the baby starts repeating after you. Another game is very useful in that it develops the baby's vestibular apparatus.

If you have a lot of old unnecessary books at home, make good use of them.

Textured materials for games

Lay out a path of books on the floor and invite your child to follow them. If the baby is afraid, lure him with a toy. If your baby does not know how to walk, do not get upset, take him by the arms and walk with him, gradually moving further and further from the baby. So you will also teach him to walk.

Glass balls of different shapes and collection container

All moms have a hairdryer, so it can become a new hobby for your 10 month old baby. All you need to do is turn on the hair dryer in an upright position, blow the air up and put a small ball on it. The kid will be very surprised and will take 10-20 minutes.

Ball and car games

Playing with a ball is also a very useful exercise for the muscles of the body. Take not one, but several brightly colored balls. Show that if you push the ball, it will roll. Your little one will see the direction in which the toy is rolling. This will give him an incentive to move along the given route. The balls can be hidden in different places, thereby developing search skills in the child. First, show the baby a toy, and then hide it, for example, under a pillow, and watch how he actively searches for it when he finds it, do not forget to praise him.

Jar and balls - 20 minutes of fun activity

Instead of a ball, you can use cars; at this age, both boys and children like cars. For a baby at 10 months old, this will be a very exciting game. First, show the baby how to roll the car back and forth, while uttering the sound of the car, and then let the child try to roll the car. Do not try to play with one toy car, it is best to take a couple of toy cars so that the baby can follow your movements on his own. You can show your child that the car is designed not only for rolling it, but also for transporting objects, for example, his favorite toy.

Educational toys for children under one year old

All these games are perfect for almost all 10-month-olds, but you should always keep an eye on your baby, and you can always play and captivate your baby with the games presented in this article at any time.

In conclusion, I would like to add, do not be afraid to allow your child to develop independently and teach him new skills. All that is required of you is maximum attention to your baby. 10 months is the most interesting time for parents and in order to spend it with benefit, play together with your child, because returning to childhood is a lot of fun.

Video: Toys at 10 months

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What should a baby be able to do at 10 months? The main achievement of the month is crawling on all fours. The world around us is now becoming more accessible. The child's gross and fine motor skills improve, mental activity develops, speech acquires a communicative function.

At 10 months, many children have a favorite pastime - dancing to music, making springy movements with their legs. At this age, babies also love to be outdoors, watch animals and birds. They like active games, fun with water and sand. Kids of this age can spend some time calmly, looking at pictures in a book or folding cubes. Psychologists recommend encouraging different types of developmental games - passive and active. However, it is not worth overloading a ten-month-old baby with early development methods. The most perfect teaching program is the world around, and the best methodologist in the world is mom.

Motor skills

What should a baby be able to do at 10 months? What movements of large and fine motor skills are fixed in him, and which ones are just being formed?

At 10 months, the baby is already free to move around the house on all fours. It is important to give children this freedom, but at the same time do not forget about safety measures. It is necessary to carefully examine the space at the level of the child's eyes and remove hot, heavy, sharp things, medicines, household chemicals from the field of visibility and reach. In addition, be sure to put plugs on sockets, remove wires, put hooks on cabinets with valuable, dangerous and fragile items.

Features of psycho-emotional development

The psycho-emotional development of a baby cannot be separated from the formation of his motor skills. Emotions, feelings, intelligence, speech, visual, auditory reactions and physical activity are interconnected.

  • Researching objects. Previously, the kid could rotate the toy in his hands and not attach much importance to its shape, color, design. Now everything has changed. At 10 months, children know how to carefully examine a toy, distinguish between its large and small parts. For example, if you give a baby a doll or a soft toy, he will show where the eyes, nose, ears, etc. are. At this age, kids are interested in toys that can be assembled and disassembled, put in and laid out, rolled (pyramids, nesting dolls, cars, balls). Children of this age do not yet have enough strength and understanding to disassemble a toy into parts. But they are interested in how the object is arranged, what is inside it. Now the baby is familiar not only with the whole image of the object, but he also recognizes it by the details.
  • Thinking activity. The baby begins to realize many causal relationships between objects and actions. He develops imagination, visual, auditory, short-term and long-term memory, spatial perception, logic. For example, in order to get the remote control that lies on the TV, the child can first climb onto the sofa, and from there get to the TV. To see what is on the table, you need to try to climb onto a chair, etc.
  • Communication skills and speech comprehension. What can a child at 10 months old do when communicating with loved ones? The emotional sphere works for him: the baby can express surprise, joy, interest, but also protest, anger, fear, resentment, alertness. At 10 months, the baby can conduct a "dialogue" and understand well his native speech. The baby fulfills requests, correctly names body parts, knows the names of his loved ones, the names of toys and household items.
  • Fears and mistrust of strangers. Caution towards strangers began to appear from about 7 months. Now even the most open and sociable babies are careful and do not go into the arms of strangers. This behavior is explained by the formation of a sense of security and personal boundaries. Children begin to differentiate people into "us" and "strangers." They also develop a feeling of sympathy: they smile at someone, and they are very afraid of someone. Unusual appearance (hairstyle, mustache, beard, makeup, fur collar or hat), as well as harsh sounds and actions, can frighten a baby at this age. Some children at this age are still afraid of the sounds of working household appliances (hairdryer, vacuum cleaner, food processor).
  • Copying the actions of adults. Children of this age funny repeat the actions of their parents. Sometimes you can see how the child combes his hair, paints his lips, like a mother. Also, kids try to help them in any activity of adults: knead dough, wash floors, “read” magazines, etc. Such an initiative, if it is safe, should only be encouraged.

Surprisingly, a child has a sense of humor already at this age. He is amused by many unexpected things: grimaces, sounds, unusual postures, animals, clothes, etc. In general, at this age, the baby smiles and laughs a lot.

Speech skills of a baby at 10 months

What speech skills of a child at 10 months are consolidated, and what new discoveries in speech are taking place?

  • Conscious repetition of syllables. If you sit the baby on your lap and pronounce the syllables clearly, he will begin to follow the articulation and repeat the syllables after the mother.
  • Meaningful pronunciation of syllables. At 10 months, children can pronounce the syllables "give-give", "ba-ba", "ma-ma", "well-well", "bah-bah" with comprehension and lexical meaning. This is how the first words appear in speech.
  • Intonation and voice strength. The baby skillfully owns intonation, emphasizes syllables with accents, pauses and the strength of the voice. His babbling is woven into the rhythmic pattern of his native speech.

Babbling is a repetition of one-type, multi-type, closed, open syllables. This is an important stage in the pre-speech development of an infant, which is formed in the second half of life. A baby's talkativeness depends on his temperament. But it is also important that adults talk to him: emotionally, affectionately, expressively, with varying strength of voice.

What should a baby be able to do at 10 months? The most important skills of this age: the child actively crawls on all fours, stands up with support, sits confidently. Bilateral coordination and fine motor skills also develop. Communication skills, communication with loved ones, thinking, emotions and speech are noticeably improved.
