Whey masks - recipes for natural cosmetics. How is hair serum useful? The best recipes for serum masks

Details Updated 12.27.2015 04:27

Fermented milk products contain a full range of beneficial vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they can be used not only as dietary food, but also for the treatment and restoration of hair. The use of whey will quickly and effectively solve the problem of dandruff, excessive hair loss and other problems with curls.

You can make a healing serum for strands and a mask based on it with your own hands. Consider the benefits, contraindications, recipes and ways to use the serum for various curl problems.

Useful properties of hair serum

It was used in cosmetology many centuries ago. The unique composition, availability and safety of this product made it one of the best products for the care of problem strands. A feature of the serum is the valuable amino acids included in the composition, which contribute to the acceleration of hair growth, as well as the restoration of their structure.

The healing properties of the serum are also explained by the vitamins and microelements included in the composition, which help to maintain the health of the scalp and curls. Regular use of various recipes allows you to speed up metabolic processes in the hair roots, which helps to accelerate hair growth and slows down the hair loss process. Milk serum is suitable for a variety of hair types, moisturizing dry and reducing greasiness of oily curls. Thanks to this, the strands become incredibly lush, shiny and well-groomed.

Hair Serum Application

How you use whey for curls depends on what problems you want to cure with it. For example, if you have split ends, thin and lifeless strands, then it should be applied to the ends. And if the hair has thinned, falls out or grows poorly, then it is recommended to rub it into the scalp, distributing it along the entire length of the strands.

Can be applied to wet and dry strands. In addition, you can prepare wonderful natural masks that will help solve most of the health problems of curls. In addition, this product can be used to wash or rinse the strands. It is recommended to apply serum-based products with gentle massage movements, which will give additional stimulation to the hair roots, accelerating growth.

To prepare natural whey, you should use full-fat homemade milk. It must be put in a warm place and wait until it turns sour. After that, it must be placed in a water bath. However, it cannot be brought to a boil. When curd clots form, remove from the stove. After the resulting mass has cooled, the whey should be filtered through cheesecloth. You can use the resulting cottage cheese for food and for preparing various dishes. And pour the serum into a jar and refrigerate. She will get ready to heal your curls.

Homemade whey is softer and less acidic than store-bought whey. In addition, it does not contain harmful impurities, and it contains more vitamins and minerals. You can use such a tool to treat almost all problems with curls.

Hair growth serum

A natural serum can also be prepared to speed up hair growth and give the hair the desired volume. For preparation, mix the whey with a small amount of burdock oil. With this solution, you must regularly rinse the strands. It should not be washed off, it does not leave oily sheen or other unpleasant marks on the curls. At the same time, the particles of this agent continue to care for the strands until the next shampooing. Washing your hair with whey is extremely easy. And this tool is affordable and inexpensive.

Split Ends Serum

There are many reasons for split ends. This can be the use of incorrect and low-quality cosmetics, improper combing, as well as irregular and inadequate hair nutrition. The advantage of using natural milk whey is a light and delicate texture that allows you to gently care for your curls. This tool does not weigh down the strands, and also does not give them an oily sheen. But the main advantage is the gluing of hair scales, so they split less and do not break.

For split ends, it is best to make it with low-fat milk. The recipe is similar. For cooking, you need to wait until the milk turns sour and bring it to a boil. Separate the curd from the whey using cheesecloth. Cooked homemade cottage cheese can also be used for natural masks.

Serum for dry hair

Dry curls are especially in need of nutrition and hydration. Therefore, for this type of hair, it is recommended to use whey as a rinse, as well as a component of masks or shampoos. You can prepare such a remedy yourself using milk whey, herbal decoctions, and vitamins in capsules. It is recommended to apply the product to damp, washed hair, after which the curls should dry naturally. Serum for dry hair ends will help to make curls soft, smooth and silky.

Hair repair serum

After painting or chemical styling, damaged curls need proper nutrition to restore their structure. Natural whey can also help with this. Prepare it yourself and pour it into an old cosmetic spray bottle. Apply the serum several times a day to damaged strands and after a few weeks you will notice incredible results. Homemade hair serum will cope with the problem of damaged curls no worse than expensive professional cosmetics or expensive procedures in a beauty salon.

Shine Serum

Shine is the main indicator of the health and beauty of the strands. Therefore, if your curls are dull and lifeless, we recommend preparing natural milk-lemon whey. It will help not only to give your hair incredible shine, but also to restore smoothness and healthy-looking strands.

To prepare such a product, you will need milk and lemon. Squeeze out the juice of one lemon and mix it with a liter of milk. The finished mass should be placed in a water bath and brought to a boil. After that, the mass should be removed from the stove and cooled. Separate the whey carefully from the resulting curd. You should take ready-made milk-lemon whey no more than once a week. Excessive moisturizing of curls can lead to loss of volume.

Serum homemade hair mask recipes

Milk serum has a nourishing and moisturizing effect even on very loose curls... Its advantage is the high content of milk protein, which is an excellent building material for hair follicles and hair shafts. If the strands are deficient in this substance, they become brittle, dull and lifeless, their growth slows down, and the ends begin to split.

Therefore, you can use it to grow hair and restore its beauty and health. For the best effect, it is recommended to use serum as the main component of hair masks. And after a few weeks, you will forget about health problems, as well as the dull and not well-groomed look of the strands.

Serum and yolk mask

Hair care should start with proper nutrition of the curls. This applies not only to dry and lifeless curls, but also to oily hair. Let's prepare a wonderful nourishing mask based on whey, yolks and essential oils.


  • homemade whey;
  • quail egg yolks;

For this mask, it is better to use only the yolks of quail eggs, but you can take whole eggs. Whisk them together with the serum in a blender, adding a few drops of the essential oil that works best for your hair. This mask should be applied to the entire length of the curls, and also rubbed into the scalp. Then tie a plastic bag over your head and put a warm hat or towel on top. Wash off the mask after 20 to 30 minutes. However, you do not need to use shampoo. The yolks will do an excellent job of cleansing the curls, and the serum will moisturize and give a healthy shine to the strands. However, if you have oily hair, wash off the mask with your favorite shampoo.

Mask with brewer's yeast and whey

If you have slowed hair growth or have a problem with excessive hair loss, the anti-hair loss serum will help restore the volume and beauty of the strands. It is yeast that is the most effective way to stimulate hair growth, and whey helps to heal the scalp, restore the ends of the hair and heal its damaged structure.


  • homemade serum.

It is recommended to make a serum for such a mask with your own hands. For this, it is better to use full-fat homemade milk. Wait for it to turn sour by placing it in a warm place, then bring it to a boil in a water bath. You can separate it from the curd using a colander or ordinary gauze.

Pour in the brewer's yeast with the resulting warm whey and leave for a few minutes to steam out the yeast. Massage the mask into your scalp several times a week to speed up hair growth and increase hair volume. Rinse off such a mask should first be done with warm serum, then with plain water without shampoo. To give your curls extra shine, you can add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the final rinse water.

Serum Oatmeal Mask

Oatmeal is an excellent ingredient in hair masks that tend to be too greasy. Therefore, if you need a nourishing serum that will additionally cleanse and refresh your curls, we recommend preparing a mask based on oatmeal and milk whey.


  • milk serum;

Prepare whey at home and top with oatmeal. When they are swollen, add a little calendula infusion, which can help reduce greasiness and treat scalp conditions. After applying the mask, wrap your head with a towel.

Video: Hair care with milk serum

Today, as well as thousands of years ago, women use their main weapon - their appearance - to attract the attention of men and achieve success in society. Healthy, well-groomed hair is faithful helpers in creating a dazzling look. But what to do if over time the luxurious mane has ceased to please the eye, the hair has become dull, brittle? Do not panic, spend money on expensive cosmetics and salon procedures. Without leaving home, without spending large sums, you can restore the beauty and shine of your hair using a natural fermented milk product - milk whey.

What is the useful action based on

The beauties of ancient Greece knew about the benefits of milk serum for hair. Our grandmothers also successfully used this product to restore volume, splendor of hairstyles. One of the reasons for this popularity is affordability and ease of use. Taking care of the appearance and nourishing the hair from the inside, the serum restores its beauty and health.

Whey is a product obtained in the manufacture of curd from fermented milk. Although it is 90 percent water, it retains half of the nutrients inherent in milk.

The beneficial substances of whole milk halfway through the preparation of cottage cheese are retained in the whey.

Benefit components

Why does hair grow slowly, become weak? The main reason is a lack of nutrition, as a result of which the follicles lose activity, the hair begins to grow poorly. The remedy for this problem is whey. The positive effect of the product is determined by a wide list of nutrients.

  • Amino acids - strengthen hair along the entire length, stop hair loss.
  • Biotin - restores the healthy state of hair follicles.
  • B vitamins - responsible for good hair growth, healthy shine and strength.
  • Retinol (Vitamin A) - Helps maintain proper nutrition and normal growth. Regulates collagen synthesis and proper fat metabolism. Too oily or excessively dry scalp is a reason to think about the balance of vitamin A.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - improves blood circulation in the scalp, stimulates the flow of nutrients to the hair.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - delivers oxygen to the hair follicles, restores shine to hair, eliminates brittleness and dryness.
  • Potassium, magnesium, calcium - renews the cells of the epidermis, strengthens the hair follicles, maintains the health and energy of the hair.

Application for solving hair problems

What problems can whey eliminate?

  • There is a "lamination effect": the hair shaft is naturally thickened, the opened flakes of split ends are smoothed out.

Masks made from a natural product - milk whey will help strengthen hair and restore its strength.

  • The scalp is moisturized, dandruff is prevented.
  • Even the most "hopeless" bulbs wake up after stimulation with whey substances, hair begins to grow.
  • The lost color after chemical staining is restored, becomes intense and bright.

Making a milk product at home

You can buy a ready-to-eat product in supermarkets, but many manufacturers cannot do without various additives and preservatives. It is much more useful to prepare whey at home using a simple, centuries-proven technology.

  1. Take one liter of milk, pour it into a glass jar and put it in a warm place - this is how you get yogurt. When will this happen? As soon as you see that the product becomes thick and smell the characteristic sour smell, it's time to prepare the whey.
  2. Pour the sour milk into a saucepan and put on low heat. Stir to ensure uniformity, do not boil. Soon you will see how a thick mass was formed - this is cottage cheese, and a liquid one, with a yellowish tinge - this is whey.
  3. Remove the saucepan from heat and let cool. Take a colander, put a large piece of gauze in it, pour out the cooled mass. Separate the curd mass, it is ready for use in food. Pour the whey into a jar or jug.

After the separation of the curd, a yellow liquid is formed - milk whey

Some housewives recommend using lemon or citric acid to speed up the preparation of whey. However, the result is a product without beneficial lactic acid bacteria that multiply during the traditional fermentation process. If you want to get a natural fermented milk product, please be patient.

Is it correct to apply in pure form and wash her hair

Undiluted, the serum is used to rinse the hair after shampooing. This is done simply - add 2-3 tablespoons of fermented milk product to 0.5 liters of water, apply to clean curls. You can massage a little to enhance the effect of nutrients on the scalp and distribute the rinse to the hair length.

Some cosmetologists recommend after this to simply dry the hair without rinsing off the water diluted with serum. Please note that the prepared solution has a characteristic odor. After a long stay on the skin, it can cause an allergic reaction - the serum contains lactic acid. Therefore, it is better to rinse your hair thoroughly after rinsing.

Hair masks: how to make and use

Taking care of your hair at home - do you think it is difficult and expensive? Try masks with milk serum, this affordable and inexpensive remedy will help restore the health and strength of your hair in a short time.

With oatmeal for oily

Prepare a one liter pot. Pour two cups of whey into it, add a glass of instant oatmeal flakes, stir. In order for the flakes to swell and absorb the fermented milk product, you need to put the cooked mass in a dark place for ten minutes. Apply to clean, damp hair, distributing evenly over the entire length of the hair. Cover your head with a towel, wait 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly. The mask removes excessive oiliness, the hair gains additional volume. Repeat the procedure twice a week to get the desired result.

To add volume and volume to hair, use a hair mask with serum and oatmeal.

With bee honey for dry and brittle

Use if hair is damaged, prone to shedding or split ends.

Dissolve 3 tablespoons of natural bee honey in 2 cups of whey. Apply to clean hair, wait 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. After using this mask, the hair acquires a beautiful shine, and its fragility disappears.

Be careful! The honey mask is washed off for a long time, so arm yourself with patience, you do not need to use shampoos or other detergents!

With white clay for the injured

Mask for damaged and weakened hair.

To prepare, mix 250 grams of serum and white clay, apply to hair, distribute along the length of the hair with a comb with rare teeth. Wait 15 minutes, rinse. To permanently remove white clay, wash off the applied composition at least two times. White clay saturates the scalp and hair with useful minerals, fights excess oiliness. Also, this mask will be useful for light hair - they acquire a beautiful shine.

Anti-hair loss mask

An effective anti-dandruff remedy, combats the problem of hair loss.

Take two chicken eggs, beat until smooth, stir with two glasses of whey. Apply the resulting composition to the hair, rubbing into the scalp with massage movements and wetting the hair to the very ends. You can put on a bathing cap or wrap your head in foil on top. Wait 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. The ingredients of eggs have a beneficial effect on the hair structure, helping to look shiny and healthy.

Advice. To make the effect of the mask more pronounced, take five quail eggs instead of two chicken eggs. They contain more nutrients: three times - magnesium, twice - vitamin B1.

The ingredients of chicken eggs have a beneficial effect on the hair structure

Using aloe juice for growth

Helps strengthen hair, accelerates growth, nourishes hair follicles.

To prepare the mask, you will need aloe leaves, 3-4 large or 5-6 small. Wash the leaves thoroughly, cut off the edges with teeth, the upper hard skin. Chop the leaves with a knife, then use a spoon or rolling pin to remember the pulp so that it gives juice. Add this mixture to 2 cups of whey.

The beneficial substances of aloe help accelerate hair growth and strengthen hair along its entire length

The aloe juice will thicken the serum and apply it to your hair quickly and easily. Hair should be clean and damp. The mask is kept for 15 minutes, after which it is washed with warm water. The use of this mask returns to the hair a lively shine, it becomes lush and thick.

With brewer's yeast for flaking and itching

Heals split ends, supplies hair roots with vitamins.

To prepare a mask, you will need:

  • dry brewer's yeast - 4 tablespoons;
  • warm whey - 300 grams.

The components are mixed, thoroughly rubbed into the hair and scalp. The exposure time of the mask is 15 minutes, after which the mixture must be washed off by rinsing the hair twice. The first time - warm water, diluted in half with milk, the second time 5 drops of lemon juice are added to the water. Use the mask for 30 days and you will notice that your hair looks healthy, itchy and flaky scalp disappeared.

With wheat bran for nutrition

Eliminates oily hair, supplies the roots with microelements - magnesium, potassium, B vitamins and vitamin A.

To prepare the mask, whey should be warm, you will need one glass. Add 4 tablespoons of wheat bran and mix well. Rub the mixture into the hair roots and skin, wrap the head with plastic and wait 15 minutes. You can wash it off with plain warm water.

Broths and rinses with milk whey

To enhance the effect of any shampoo, balm or ready-made hair mask, you can use the prepared rinse with milk serum. The fermented milk product protects the hair surface and helps the gentle penetration of substances from cosmetic preparations into the hair structure. At the same time, the serum eliminates the possible excessive aggressive effects of chemical components, enveloping the hair along its entire length.

Decoction with nettle leaves

Nettle decoction is used in shampoos, balms and conditioners due to its properties to treat split ends and get rid of dandruff. You can make your own rinse with whey. Boil a liter of water, add 4 tablespoons of dry nettle leaves, bring to a boil again. Remove the broth from heat, let it brew for 10 minutes. Then the product must be cooled, filtered and mixed with 400 ml of serum. You need to rinse your hair with such a decoction twice after each shampooing.

A decoction of nettle will make hair smooth and manageable.

Rinse with burdock leaves

Burdock has long been used in medicine and cosmetology as a remedy for inflammation, skin damage and as a remedy for dandruff. The vitamins and trace elements contained in burdock leaves are responsible for nourishing the scalp, essential oils for moisturizing the hair.

Take a liter of water, bring to a boil, add 3 tablespoons of dry burdock leaves. Continue boiling for another 3 minutes, then drain the water, cool, add the same amount of whey. Stir, rinse your hair, wrap your head with a towel for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water, rinsing each section thoroughly. The use of such a product makes the hair shiny, manageable, and combing it - easy.

Advice. Instead of burdock leaves, you can use crushed roots, which also have medicinal properties. The amount for the preparation of the broth is the same - 3 tablespoons.

How to treat hair with burdock oil and serum

Burdock oil is a remedy for the treatment of brittle hair and hair loss, and prevents dandruff. Use oil to treat hair, and use whey to help rinse it off. Dilute water with serum in a 1: 1 ratio and rinse hair twice after using burdock oil. As a result of this procedure, you will get lively and manageable hair.

With chamomile flowers

Chamomile has a calming effect, relieves itching, inflammation, softens hair and refreshes its color.

Pour 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers with 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. The resulting broth must be filtered and cooled. Stir in a glass of whey and rinse your hair. Cover your hair with a towel, wait 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Remember that the effect of any cosmetic products is obtained only with regular use. Use milk serum preparations twice a week for one month, and you will see how the hair becomes shiny, thick and strong.

To get the maximum effect, observe the regularity of using products with milk whey.

Contraindications for use

Masks and decoctions with milk whey have practically no contraindications for use, this is a natural and very useful product. However, there are still small limitations.

  • If there are wounds or deep scratches on the skin, it is not recommended to use these drugs - the acids that the serum contains cause a burning sensation, and there is a risk of infection.
  • Also, give up masks and rinses with serum if you have a tendency to allergies to milk and dairy products, which causes rashes and redness on the skin.

In the process of using whey for hair care, analyze your feelings - do you like the sour aroma, the structure of the strands after using the products. If any discomfort arises, neutralize the effect of the serum by rinsing your head after using it with two liters of warm water and ten drops of lemon juice.

Dear friends, hello! Today I will tell you about how to use milk serum for hair correctly. Some people just dump this product, not knowing about its beneficial properties. But in vain!

  • Roots are nourished and strengthened;
  • The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • Their strength increases;
  • Hair loss is prevented;
  • The hair is restored, gains volume and splendor;
  • They become less susceptible to negative influences;
  • There is a prevention and fight against fungal diseases of the scalp;
  • When you often curl, style, dye your hair, the presented product will restore damaged, weakened hair;
  • They will stay fresh, clean, well-groomed longer;
  • The serum can even be used instead of shampoo, as its components perfectly remove impurities with dead cells.

What will be the result of the application?

After a couple of procedures, you will notice that the hair has become stronger, silky, healthy, shiny, well-groomed, obedient. This is evidenced by the reviews of many women who have already tried this remedy.

What hair types is the serum suitable for?

  • fatty;
  • split ends;
  • drop-down;
  • damaged;
  • weak;
  • dry;
  • for the treatment and prevention of dandruff.

How to prepare this product at home?

The easiest way to buy whey is from the supermarket, but you can make your own. Homemade composition will always be more useful and effective.

You will need: frozen kefir, sour milk or lemon juice.

Frozen kefir serum

Take a bag of fresh yogurt (you can also make it home), put it in the freezer, wait until it is completely frozen.

Next, take a fine sieve, set it on a saucepan, cover with gauze and place frozen kefir on it. During its defrosting, the whey will drain into the saucepan, and healthy cottage cheese will remain on the fabric.

In this case, the finished product will retain all its useful properties, since it was not boiled.

Using sour milk

First you need to get sour milk. Take regular store or homemade milk, pour it into a container, leave it in a warm place, wait for it to sour. To speed up the process, add a small piece of rye bread.

When everything is sour, remove the bread, place the milk on the stove, heat until the milk is completely curdled. If you heat it a lot, the curd will be tough on top. Better to find the perfect middle.

With lemon juice

With it, you can get a healthy serum faster. Take the juice of one lemon, pour it into a liter of milk, stir, put on a low heat until the milk curdles. Well, then everything follows the previous scenario.

I note that this method does not provide for natural fermentation, which means that whey will be less useful than in the first two cases.

How is the product stored?

Serum is stored in a refrigerator in a glass container for no more than 3 days, otherwise the benefits from it will be reduced.

Serum shampoo

As I said at the beginning of this article, this is a great hair cleanser. It has a positive effect on the scalp and is softer than conventional commercial shampoos.

You can simply wash your hair with the serum, or add a small amount to your daily shampoo or conditioner. This will saturate it with healthy ingredients.

You need to wash your hair in this way:

  • heat the serum until it becomes warm;
  • apply the product to the surface of the head, massage lightly, then moisten the entire hair;
  • soak the mixture for 5 minutes, then rinse.
  • ideally, after washing your hair, rinse your hair with a decoction of nettle or burdock.

Rinse aids

You can rinse your hair either with a pure product or with the addition of various components. Just warm up the serum, add several ampoules with vitamin E or A.

First, wash your hair as usual, squeeze out your hair, and then rinse it with serum. Additionally, you do not need to rinse your head with water. It is ideal to rinse your hair this way 2-3 times a week or when you wash your hair.

And here is a list of ingredients from which you can prepare the perfect hair rinse:

  • With lemon juice (you can already make "lemon" whey or add the juice of one lemon to the finished product;
  • With a decoction of nettle. Take half a liter of boiling water, 1.5 tablespoons of dry nettle herb. All this must be insisted until it cools completely. Next, filter, add half a liter of whey (that is, in a 1: 1 ratio).
  • With burdock root infusion. Pour 1.5 large tablespoons of the root with 750 ml of water, boil for a quarter of an hour (preferably in a water bath). Then wait until it cools down, filter, mix with milk whey.

Healing spray

This serum can be sprayed on the hair after regular styling, perms, dyeing. Simply pour the product into an empty spray bottle and spray the entire length of your hair with it. You can add a couple of drops of burdock oil there.

Mask recipes

Masks perfectly strengthen hair roots, have a moisturizing and strengthening effect. Apply the mixture to your hair, cover your head with a film or a bag, and on top with a warm towel. You need to keep the composition for 30-60 minutes.

After this time, rinse it off with warm water. You can use shampoo afterwards, but do not dry them after washing with a hairdryer. Better to dry themselves.

And here are some effective recipes:

  • With a cosmetic mask: just add our dairy product to it;
  • Honey-egg (melt 2 large spoons of honey, grind with two yolks, add a little whey);
  • For oily hair: 5 grams of starch, 15 grams of clay (preferably white), 50 ml of serum (warm);
  • From dry hair (2 tablespoons of whey, the same amount of coconut, olive or peach oil);
  • To strengthen hair (25 ml of warm dairy product, 20 grams of cocoa butter, 6 drops of patchouli ether);
  • To moisturize and nourish the hair (pour the crumb of 3 pieces of rye bread with a glass of warm whey, leave for 15 minutes, and then filter through cheesecloth, add 2 large tablespoons of colorless henna, one spoonful of burdock oil). Keep the mask on for an hour.

Contraindications for use

This product does not usually cause allergic reactions, so it can be used by everyone. Nevertheless, I advise you to do a tolerance test (apply to the back of your hand) before applying to the scalp. This test is especially necessary when other components are added to the serum.

Fermented milk products will have a positive effect on the body, not only if you eat them. Serum hair masks can work wonders.

Serum or kefir contain many useful substances that have not only a strengthening and restorative, but also a healing effect. Making masks on your own only twice a month, you can pretty soon notice a positive effect:

  • loss will decrease;
  • growth will accelerate;
  • hair will be less brittle and more "alive";
  • split ends will disappear;
  • the hair will become more shiny, lush and thick;
  • dandruff will be cured;
  • dryness will disappear.

The main advantage of serum as an ingredient in masks is its versatility. This tool is suitable for absolutely any type of scalp. Vitamins A, B, C and E in the composition nourish and strengthen dry hair, making it strong and elastic. Amino acids reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, so the problem of oily sheen will disappear completely after a while.

Useful trace elements (potassium, phosphorus and calcium) strengthen the hair structure, so they become less prone to damage. Protein - the main building block of the body is responsible for growth.

How to prepare whey at home?

Cosmetologists and those who have been using such masks for a long time are advised to use a natural product prepared at home. The effect will be stronger than from store-bought cosmetics, and the result will be more lasting and noticeable.

Self-cooking will take some time. But believe me, the effort will be worth it. In order to get the product, you will need 2 liters of milk, a teaspoon of sour cream, a sieve and cheesecloth.

Cooking process:

  • boil milk (if it is pasteurized, this is not necessary);
  • add sour cream, mix;
  • put away for a day in a warm place;
  • Warm sour milk for half an hour in a water bath, it is better not to stir it;
  • as soon as the milk curdles, remove the pan from the stove (it is important not to boil);
  • strain the liquid from the resulting cottage cheese by placing the mass in cheesecloth and squeezing well (you can leave the products in the cheesecloth in a suspended state for a while);
  • the expressed serum must be cooled and poured into a glass container, stored in a cool place.

As a result of these simple actions, delicious homemade cottage cheese and whey are obtained, which can be used not only for cosmetic purposes. It is good to drink it, you can add it to the dough.

Try masks for your face as well. The skin will look healthy, youthful and fresh. In addition, rubbing your face daily with serum, you can cleanse the skin, make it matte, elastic, get rid of oily sheen and age spots.

Mask recipes

There are a lot of mask recipes. Each of them solves some problem:

  1. Growth stimulation

You just need to rub the serum into the scalp and moisten the hair with it, paying special attention to the ends.

  1. Increased elasticity

Whey, a decoction of burdock and chamomile are mixed in equal amounts.

  1. Strengthening

Pour six tablespoons of crushed oatmeal into two glasses of whey and mix thoroughly.

  1. Nutrition

To make your hair strong and healthy, you can prepare a mask based on honey. To do this, 6 teaspoons of honey (necessarily liquid) are mixed with a glass of whey and egg yolks (2 pieces).

  1. Recovery

Mix 1 egg and a glass of whey. The structure of the hair after using such a mask will be restored, the ends will stop splitting.

  1. Reduce shedding

A few drops of aloe juice are added to a glass of whey. A few months of using the mask - and the hair will become thick and shiny.

  1. Split Ends and Nutrition

Four tablespoons of brewer's yeast are mixed with a large glass of whey. This mask must be washed off twice. First, a solution of water and whey (milk). Then - water with lemon juice.

  1. Reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands

A blend ideal for oily hair. An equal amount of white cosmetic clay and serum are mixed to the consistency of thick sour cream, a few drops of oil (burdock or olive) are added.

Masks should be done regularly 1-2 times a week. Then, in just a month, the first results will be noticeable.

How to make a mask correctly?

Correctly chosen recipe and regular use is half the battle on the way to beautiful and thick hair. In order for the serum mask to have an effective effect, you need to do it correctly.

Milk is very important. Better to buy rustic. The result will be more noticeable, and the product itself will be more useful.

When preparing masks, it is important that the mixture is homogeneous: not too thick or liquid, without lumps. It is easier to apply it evenly and then rinse off.

The mask should be warm. After applying to the hair, you need to put on a shower cap on your head and wrap your head with a terry towel for half an hour.

Rinse off the mask with warm water. Too hot or cold water is bad for both the scalp and hair, making it look dull. You can rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs or water and lemon juice to give it shine and smoothness. Drying with a hairdryer is not recommended.

Serum that is good for hair due to its high protein content - the main "building material" for the hairline

Why Serum?

The secret of the serum hair mask is the high amount of protein contained in this dairy product. It is he who is the building material for the hair follicles and the shafts themselves. With a lack of this substance, the hair structure is damaged, they become brittle, thin, begin to split and stop growing. All this can be corrected by regularly making all kinds of hair masks from the serum. Within a month you will not recognize your hair:

  • protein restores, eliminating fragility and split;
  • lactose has a cleansing property, eliminating the smallest impurities and dead cells;
  • vitamins (A, C, E, B, H, P) nourish, making hair strong, shiny, elastic;
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) accelerate metabolic processes, preventing hair loss, strengthening the roots;
  • fats are enveloped with a protective film, protecting them from mechanical damage from the outside.

Possessing such a useful chemical composition, milk serum will have a real healing effect on the dullest and most lifeless hair, restoring its beauty and health, strength and shine. Its effectiveness will largely depend on proper preparation and application of the mask.

Carefully select the recipe for the serum mask, and then monitor the quality of preparation - there should be no lumps in it

How to use hair serum correctly?

Properly prepared, a homemade serum mask will replace any store-bought hair care product.

  1. A whey made from homemade, natural, not pasteurized milk will have an effect 10 times better than a cyanotic liquid obtained after curdling store-bought dairy products.
  2. It should be warm (you can heat it in a water bath or in a microwave), about 40-50 ° C.
  3. Stir the mask mixture thoroughly so that the mass is homogeneous, without lumps: it will lie smoother on the hair, and then it will be easier to wash it off.
  4. The product is applied to the roots, rubbed into the skin, and distributed over the entire length of clean, semi-moist hair.
  5. A plastic shower cap will help create a greenhouse effect. A terry towel on top will also not be superfluous.
  6. Half an hour is enough for such a procedure.
  7. Rinse off with warm water, you can use shampoo.
  8. Dry naturally (no hair dryer).

To give you a lot of pleasure from whey, choose the right recipe.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos of famous brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products that contain these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Take the time to study the properties of the auxiliary components of serum masks in order to choose the composition that will be the most effective.

Serum mask: recipes

Choose the serum mask that will help you to solve your problem as much as possible.

  • Classic mask for

Rub the serum into the scalp, distribute through the hair.

  • On herbs: for elasticity

Mix equal amounts of whey with a decoction of chamomile or burdock.

  • Nutrient Blend with Honey

Mix whey (200 ml) with liquid honey (three tablespoons), beat with two yolks.

  • Oatmeal for strengthening

Mix the crushed oatmeal (3 tablespoons) thoroughly in a blender with whey (200 ml).

Revitalizing hair serum masks will help anyone who has decided to heal their damaged curls with a natural remedy enriched with vitamins and minerals. This is not just a routine treatment: it is a complete treatment to restore hair follicles and hair shaft. Accelerated growth, strength, shine, elasticity - these are the results of treatment obtained after such a unique dairy product.

Interesting: Serum mask restores hair