Can a womanizer be afraid to confess his love. True love

It would seem, what could be more banal than an affair with a womanizer. Everyone knows that it doesn't end well. Homegrown Casanova will remain Casanova, and you will have memories, and not all of them will be pleasant. Nevertheless, an affair with a womanizer is in the love biography of almost every woman. And some take years to completely part with it. Why? Because in the arsenal of a womanizer there are a lot of methods and rules in order to keep around him the women of interest to him, deftly manipulating their feelings. Let's look at them together.

Womanizer Rules #1 - How It All Begins

Womanizers, like no one else, know how to easily get acquainted and beautifully look after. A man with serious intentions cannot connect two words, and on dates he makes mistakes one after another. The womanizer works filigree, he has a refined technique. Moreover, at the moment of acquaintance, he really falls in love with the object. And his eyes are sparkling. This is what most women buy into. And then the extravaganza of the candy-bouquet period begins.

At what point you will realize that you are not alone, but one of many, it is difficult to say. Calls are likely to come immediately. You simply will not notice them, attributing to the fact that he is very sociable, knows how to find a common language with women, so they are drawn to him. In addition, such an interesting man, of course, cannot be left without female attention. At first, it flatters you. After all, he chose you.

Womanizer Rules #2 - What happens next

Further events can develop according to a variety of scenarios. You may even be his legal wife. And your personal story will begin with strange calls at two in the morning, lipstick prints on a shirt, visits from his ladies demanding a divorce. And it all depends on your patience.

If you caught him cheating for the first time and then decided to give him a chance to fix it, that's fine. But if this happened the second and third time, and you continue to be with him, this is a matter of your personal choice and idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the relationship should be. However, women do this. They explain it simply: “I can’t refuse him, it seems to me that I love only him. I hope, sooner or later, he will understand that I am the only one that he needs and will not go anywhere else.

Such a choice can also be pragmatic: “Yes, he is. I am aware of his adventures. But everything is fair. All he needs to live is me. Everything else is temporary."

There are also passionate bohemian novels in which everything is deformed, including ideas about love and fidelity.

Womanizer Rules #3 - What's Keeping You Up

1. First, he himself. Womanizers, as well as femme fatales, strive to maintain their circle of "worship" around them. It is vital for them to keep on the hook all Kat, Mash and Light from their phone. That is why he calls you with a certain frequency, each time causing you bewilderment and joy (he always remembered me and finally decided to call again!). In fact, he calls his girls almost in a circle so that they do not have time to forget him. Calls, comes with flowers and confessions, you have a great time, and then he disappears again.

At the same time, something important is sure to happen to him, and he will definitely return to you as soon as he finishes all the work. Although some do not explain anything at all. Family womanizers repent every time, promise to improve, and so on. But at best, they become more cautious, and then, if they really do not want to leave the family.

2. Secondly, the illusion that he can change. And it is you who will be able to return him to the true path (that is, to the path of a faithful husband and good father). And let everyone around burst with envy. This idea is so pleasing to your vanity that it usually somewhat overshadows the real picture. Plus, the womanizer himself seeks to support this dubious hope in you.

3. Thirdly, your own feelings for him. Until they pass. And they will not pass until you deal with the first two points.

Womanizer Rules #4 - How to Quit

1. Realize the fact that you are in a harem. One among many.

2. Stop entertaining yourself with the illusion that you are the main wife. And to think that being in this position is normal.

3. Start not just going on dates with other men, but also look for pluses in them compared to him, and not minuses, as you did before.

4. Decide on how you see your ideal relationship.

5. Talk about everything that worries you with a friend, mom, psychologist (choose the most comfortable option for yourself).

6. Don't respond to his attempts to re-engage you in a relationship. There is no need to stop contacts, you just need to behave neutrally, without leaving the intended positions.

The womanizer needs emotional nourishment from you, if it is not there, he will gradually disappear from your field of vision.

Every self-respecting woman should understand that womanizers are good only as friends, or as sexual partners without obligations (but this option is not suitable for everyone, but only for emotionally stable women with a clear position on this issue, not prone to self-deception).

Let's start right away with who a man is - a womanizer.

A womanizer is not just a man who has many women. This is a man who has many women, and who loves these women very much.

How to recognize a womanizer

A classic example of a womanizer, it is clear that there are a lot of them and they are all different, in general - this is such a man - a holiday. He is all so affable, very active, socially successful. He has good career growth.

This man is always with money. He loves good cars, although it happens that womanizers also ride the metro. There is such a thing too. Womanizers always follow fashion.

They are also very boastful, they lie a lot. They don't really like to take care of their children. He has an eternal celebration of life, he always has some kind of mistress, what kind of children are there.

A man - a womanizer is quite selfish, very selfish. The wife of a womanizer, as a rule, is a gray mouse, somewhere in the shadows.

With him, as a rule, very comfortable. After all, he takes on the role of an entertainer, a seducer. You can not strain with him - he will do everything himself, he will make you laugh. With him in this sense it is easy.

This man is talkative and charming.

Man is a womanizer psychology

What does a man - a womanizer get from his polygamy? First, he asserts himself.

He constantly feels beautiful, again desired, loved. He has butterflies in his stomach from falling in love all the time. And it's very nice.

If a woman had these butterflies, once, a very long time ago, when she met him, then a man - a womanizer is periodically filled with these emotions of love. He is constantly in a state of elation.

This is life - a holiday.

Also, his polygamy allows him to rise in the eyes of other men. “Look, what a friend I have. And it's calling. This one writes.

In general, endless self-affirmation.

Womanizer is a loner

This is a man who is 30, 40 or 50 years old. And here he is, all alone. Runs over women endlessly. He can live with his mother, or live alone.

This happens if a man is emotionally traumatized in childhood. Perhaps some kind of dominant mother morally crushed dad, and he does not want to be absorbed by a woman.

He is very afraid of rapprochement, afraid of being injured, as once in childhood from a woman. He is very afraid of women. Therefore, as soon as this man approaches a woman, as soon as a woman is ready to open up to him: “Here, take me!” He takes a step back and steps back.

He starts to slip away - he does not pick up the phone, does not return calls. He disappears.

Because it is very painful for him, he is afraid of being absorbed.

How a man behaves - a womanizer

And what does a man-womanizer do in this case? He notices endlessly the shortcomings of his women: this one has goggle-eyed eyes, this one has a fat ass, this boring one, this stupid fool, etc. He endlessly devalues ​​them all, so that, God forbid, he does not get close to anyone.

And as soon as he feels some kind of attraction to a woman, he needs to immediately find some kind of flaw in order to have a reason to switch to another woman.

By the way, this is the type of the deepest womanizer.

Other types of womanizers are usually more superficial. They fly from woman to woman like butterflies from flower to flower, and the lone womanizer is extremely infantile. And his life usually never works out

Married Man Womanizer

This is a womanizer man who is married to a boring woman.

In this case, the mirroring mechanism is activated. When he judges other people by himself: "All women are so f****, they just want to go for a walk." Therefore, he needs a wife who will be a pronounced cook, housewife, gray mouse.

He needs to be sure that she will not go for a walk, that she is a good mother, a mistress, that she loves him very much, she will clean his feathers. He is very comfortable with her.

But here he falls into a trap. He is bored with her. Yes, he likes her support, likes that she is his support, friend. That he has confidence in her. But he is bored with her - and he runs away for some other vivid sensations to other women.

The third type of male womanizer is the womanizer who changes his wives periodically. He lived with one, lived with the other ... He could love them, but in addition to his wives, he always had mistresses. Here is such a man-holiday - endlessly these wives, women. He has children there, children here, children around. He is all in children, in love, in women.

Which women choose womanizers

Of course, womanizer men are very attractive. They know how to take care of women, they like to say beautiful words. They are very sociable, sociable, cheerful, bright. You want to be with them.

In general, womanizers are most often chosen by such types of women who have an exaggerated sense of goodness. For example, she tells all her friends, her mother, that her dog is cheating on her all her life.

But she will never cheat on him, because she is so good.

“Oh, so terrible, he ruined my whole life. Because of him, I turned gray while I was waiting for him. Here I am so faithful, devoted, and he is a beast.

Here is such hypertrophy, it is very important for her to be very good against the background of another person.

And she is constantly competing. And wins. “He comes to me. Here he has changed how many of them in his whole life, but he still comes back to me. I won. I continue to be in his life. I won".

It is very important for her to win these competitions.

This type of woman is a pronounced masochist. Agree, not every woman will be able to howl, whine, cry into a pillow for such a long time, be in a humiliated state, endure male infidelity for so long.

How to behave with a womanizer man

What can you advise about a man-womanizer?

Such a holiday man should stay on holidays. As a lover, as a friend or some kind of buddy, adviser. Let him be on holidays. Because it's a lot of fun with him, but nothing more.

The husband must still be someone else. More reliable, on whom you can rely in difficult times, with whom you will be calm, comfortable, reliable. Let the holidays be holidays.

Are male philanderers changing?

You can't change a womanizer. He will remain so. It can only be changed by forced old age, sickness and poverty combined.

A vivid example of this: he is 55-60 years old. His last push for his last mistress. He leaves his wife for the next 2 months, and does not get along with his mistress. Like a beaten dog comes back. His wife can no longer forgive him, and therefore he lives as a neighbor.

This is how quietly as a neighbor he lives out his old days.

But as long as the womanizer has the resources, he will never say goodbye to his habit of cheating.

Have you met men whore?

Is it possible to keep a loving man near you, and how to behave with him, says Elena Kuznetsova, family psychologist, consultant on interpersonal relations, director of the Me and You dating agency.

How to recognize a womanizer

All womanizers are terrible talkers. They talk incessantly, and the things that are right for ladies, scatter in compliments, try to touch a woman.

Most often, womanizers marry in their youth, when a man is not yet sufficiently sophisticated and does not understand what he is.

“If the classic womanizer nevertheless divorced, or remained a bachelor for a long time, then in the future he will come to marriage only at a mature age. Most often this happens by the age of 50. Up to this point, a man will meet with different women, until he is fed up and he does not get bored. Or - until problems with potency begin, ”says Elena Kuznetsova.

According to the psychologist, a womanizer is a diagnosis, and it is useless to fight him. It is necessary either to accept a man as he is, or not to live with him at all. Most often, women behave completely differently. They understand what kind of person they are dating or who they are marrying, but they are sure that he will change with them. However, a miracle does not happen, and the woman suffers from the fact that.

Womanizer-avengers, or self-affirming womanizer

The last two types are especially difficult to endure parting with a gentleman, because they are too attached to him. These are the most difficult love stories, because of which ladies sometimes commit suicide.

Useful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Me and You dating agency, family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

According to Elena Kuznetsova, the charms of womanizers are easily resisted by self-confident women from a classical family, where there was a full-fledged male upbringing. The young lady must have been spoiled by her father in her childhood.

Self-sufficient women never fall for the words of a man. They are certainly pleased to hear compliments, but they filter them and do not take them seriously, because they do, but, like all normal people, they have certain flaws.

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected] .

Womanizers enjoy the location of many of the fair sex. These men have a special talent for seducing women, causing them admiration and a feeling of love. But even such a guy can be charmed. To make him fall in love without memory, you need to act according to certain rules. The conquered womanizer eventually becomes an exemplary family man and listens to every word of his life partner.

Is it possible to fall in love with a womanizer?

A womanizer man can be immediately identified in any company. These male representatives are always neatly and stylishly dressed, boast a large vocabulary and deftly hanging tongue, and are considerate towards ladies. A rare woman can resist a brilliant dandy who knows how to carry on a conversation, looks after beautifully and is not devoid of passion in bed.

Falling in love with such men is dangerous, but many girls neglect this and want to connect their lives with a female lover. In this case, you should use the advice of psychologists in order to be able to tame the Don Juan and make his heart beat faster with love. If you try, then it is quite possible to fall in love with a womanizer, but how long he can hold out in the role of an exemplary family man is not known for sure.

How to Win a Capricorn Man

Rules for skillful communication with Lovelace

The womanizer guy is used to the fact that women easily succumb to his charms, and he practically does not have to make an effort. To surprise such a man and make him interested, you need to behave differently, that is, show a little indifference. Do not tell a new acquaintance the details of your life. By maintaining the image of a mysterious stranger, you can arouse the womanizer's interest in his person. The desire to get to know the lady better will keep him close.

With Don Juan, you need to stay confident, stopping his attempts to take the initiative into his own hands. If you always agree with such a gentleman, he will be sure of his irresistibility. It is allowed to make fun of him a little, but not much, so as not to hurt his heightened pride.

Meetings should not be too frequent. If the romance began by correspondence on a social network, then you can stick to virtual communication for some time to stir up interest in yourself. It is better to start an intimate relationship no earlier than after a month of dating. The main task of a girl when communicating with a man of this type is to arouse his interest not only in her own appearance, but also in her inner content. It is necessary to be interested in the life of a man, ask his opinion on any issues, talk about his work, hobbies. He should see a person next to him, and not a beautiful doll.

If the womanizer is carried away, it is necessary to maintain his interest further. To do this, you must follow certain rules of conduct:

  • maintain mystery;
  • remain beautiful and desirable;
  • stir up emotions.

How to make a girl chase you psychology

To be a constantly elusive prey

In psychology, a womanizer man is considered a skilled manipulator, which is why ladies so often fall into his net. With such representatives of the stronger sex, one should fight with the same weapon, that is, one must learn to manipulate.

Since womanizers are not interested in women in love with them, neutrality should be kept throughout the entire communication. A man who is accustomed to constant female attention and adoration will try to win him in this case too. It is necessary to make him want to charm a new acquaintance. In the future, he will have the instinct of a hunter who wants to achieve what he wants at all costs.

A womanizer can fall in love with a woman who seems to elude him all the time. Such a man needs to be kept at a distance, but you should not constantly refuse him, otherwise his interest in the girl will soon dry up. Therefore, after several cold meetings, you can arrange a warm welcome for your friend. When building relationships, one should also take into account the zodiac sign under which the chosen one was born. For example, Scorpios are very fond of riddles and are often fascinated by women who appear in a new image every day. But the mundane Cancer with such tricks can only be scared away.

You should not put pressure on the pain points of a womanizer, so as not to hurt his pride and not cause aggression. These points are:

  • pride;
  • vanity;
  • confidence in their own irresistibility.

remain a mystery

To keep a womanizer in good shape, you need to remain a mystery to him. You should not dump the details of your life on him, they need to be told in a dosed and within reasonable limits. If a man sees in the behavior of a girl something inaccessible to his understanding, he will definitely try to unravel it and try to tame the lady.

You can keep mystery and mystery if you always act differently. On one date, you can keep him at a distance, be a cold and distant lady, and on the other, you can become a passionate coquette and flirt with him with might and main.

Always be attractive

For a womanizing man, attractive appearance is of great importance. To please him, you need to look irresistible not only during the publication, but also at home. Such a man will not understand if a girl puts on a worn housecoat and walks with disheveled hair even in the kitchen while preparing dinner. His life partner should always look dazzling. Even a married womanizer will expect sexy outfits and stylish makeup from his wife.

It is difficult to seduce a lover and connoisseur of women with a short skirt or a deep neckline. Outfits should be sexy, but not provocative or flashy.

Raise interest in yourself

To keep a womanizer forever, passions are needed in a relationship. Periodically, you need to give him a reason for jealousy. For example, you can talk about a colleague who constantly shows signs of attention. In this case, a bouquet of flowers bought on the way home would be appropriate.

The girlfriend of such a man should constantly stir up his interest in her person so that he is not interested in other ladies. Staying mysterious is the best way to get a womanizer to fall in love for real.

By nature, all male womanizers are selfish. Most of all they are interested in their own person. This is to some extent due to the complexes. Such a man is afraid to be in some way untenable, uninteresting, unnecessary. Therefore, a smart companion will maintain interest in his person, ask about business, try to understand the state of his soul. This can bind Don Juan to yourself.

In fact, such a person is not too interested in the intimate side of the relationship. Any woman who has been in touch with him can confirm this fact. Men who are constantly looking for new relationships get pleasure from changing partners. A womanizer needs variety, so his girlfriend needs to make sure that he does not look for him on the side. In this case, the womanizer will not be able to stop loving his partner.

The pikaper is the most miserable kind of womanizer, because he is not real, fake: in himself he does not have any of the qualities of a real womanizer, but he really wants to be one. That is why he memorizes pick-up manuals for seduction and tries to perform them in your presence. More often than not, it comes out completely useless. “A pathetic, heartbreaking sight. Nightmare!" Recognizing such a pick-up artist is quite simple, since he acts according to one of three primitive schemes. The first is called "Spider Web": the unfortunate pseudo-womanizer curls around you and entangles you with touches like a cobweb. The second technique is "Disclosure": the pick-up artist is keenly interested in you, but does not say anything about himself and dodges leading questions.The third technique is “Break the pattern”: well, imagine that a young man swims up to you in the pool and impressively basses “Lady, do you have a smoke?” These are the three pillars of the pick-up technique, and you can easily figure them out and send this nerd to some distant address.

Eternal youth

This relic character is long retired, but still imagines himself to be the last romantic and hopes that you will give him your priceless attention in exchange for a stunted rose in cellophane, a bottle of port wine and stories about his turbulent youth under the quiet bleating of Grebenshchikov. Moreover, you will give it for one night, because he has no idea what to do next: mentally he is always 16 years old, and in principle he is not capable of relationships. In general, grandpa is completely safe, like sex in a hazmat suit. And just as interesting. There is no need to escape from him, but it is desirable to go around in a wide arc: grandpa is obsessive and does not understand direct refusals.


The first type of true womanizer on our list. Macho constantly changes women, because he is always looking for the perfect one. At the same time, he himself is quite consistent with the ideas of some girls about the ideal man: he seems to be the very “strong man” that many are looking for. In fact, he is a sexist and chauvinist: he breaks up with a woman at the very moment when she, in his opinion, is doing something wrong. But the problem is that any woman will definitely do something “wrong” simply because the macho despises women and, by and large, does not consider them to be people. This is the most disgusting type of womanizer, try to shoot them at long range.


The young man is pale with burning eyes. A real ace of platonic relationships: you will never again have such romantic dates as with him. Because it will seem to you that no one else knows how to feel so subtly, to penetrate so deeply into a woman's soul! But it is important to understand that the infantile does not want to go beyond the Platonic relationship. You can have sex, yes. A few times, and then he gets scared. In his view, the ideal romance is an endless candy-bouquet period. Which, as you understand, is impossible in principle: this very period either turns into a serious relationship, or not. And the infantile is afraid of a serious relationship, like hell incense. The problem is that by the time you escape, you'll probably fall head over heels in love with him. Dangerous guy!

Lieutenant Rzhevsky

If you really mess with a womanizer - then only with a brave lieutenant! This type loves life in all its manifestations, and that is the only reason he has so many women. And he also has a great sense of humor, he is easy-going, interesting people always gather around him, and the time spent with him can be safely multiplied: in a week spent with this man, you will get so many new impressions, vivid emotions and adventures, how much I would not have received with another in a year. And, finally, the most pleasant news: parting with him is easy, because he makes it clear from the very beginning that this story will not last long. Well, if, of course, you are ready to leave. In this case, the lieutenant will be happy to be friends with you. And if you are not ready, then alas: if you try to put chains on the lieutenant, he turns into a monster. The monster is more terrible than the lieutenant from jokes.


And finally, we got to the real king of womanizers. The true Casanova is the standard of a womanizer. He has everything for real, that's why he is dangerous. That is, if Casanova tells you that he loves you (and he will say) - you can be sure: it's true. Casanova is the perfect man. He is the one you need, and you will understand it right away. Then, of course, it will become clear: the point is not that he suits you so well, but that he met hundreds of women before you and it is not difficult for him to portray the ideal “prince handsome” that you need. At the same time, he will be completely sincere: right now he intends to make you absolutely happy, because he sincerely loves you and will love you forever. In his coordinate system, there are three months. Best case scenario.