An extraordinary congratulation. Original birthday greetings

In the life of a resident of Planet Earth, there is a significant event that is superior to international, religious, traditional holidays. Birthday - childhood holiday, growing up. A unique event that does not have the generally accepted rules of the mention ... But having a major feature - sincere congratulations, aimed at the birthday officer in "Day X". Regardless of the desire of the culprit of the celebration, celebrate the year for a year in a noisy company or alone, friends, family, colleagues, just familiar to think about the original, interesting congratulation. Especially the preparation of festive congratulations (DiffiraBov) concerns those who are preparing for Mom's Day / Grandmother / Wife / Friends / Sisters / Other beautiful individuals. Happy birthday to woman - Beautiful, warm words that must be hooked, awaken the vivid impressions of a life event. Let the weaker sex representative losing delight from the next birthday, presents and gorgeous words with the mouth of relatives, friends who are able to make happy adjustments to the spiritual atmosphere.

Happy Birthday Congratulations: Beautiful Word Women

No one will surprise the fact that women love ears ... do not just love, but feel, live. It is impossible to imagine a magnificent person who ignores flattering, beautiful words. Especially on the birthday, such a special, exceptional holiday. Thanks to gorgeous, sincere congratulations, women forget that the year was added to their passport age, they dip in the atmosphere of the holiday, get the maximum pleasure from unexpected solemn trills to their address. Take yourself a shower congratulations on type:

"Today, on this day
Let the sadness and shadow disappear
I wish to be always beautiful
Happy, young and cute.

Let the sky be pure azure
Drive all your adversity.
Nadezhda, faith and love
Let you get your years! "

Congratulations are universal, suitable for any fair sex representative with which you have a close relationship.

For colleagues, the bosses should choose more official greetings, leaving in them a note of idleness, heat. The birthday girl will delight from the following words:

"I wish in general, not partly,
So that were rainbow days.
Health, money, happiness mountains,
Successes, creativity of love!

Live all my life without regret
So that tears did not flow out of the eyes.
I congratulate on birthday,
I wish the best for you.

In the family of cloudless weather
And the joy that endlessly.
Let them not touch the years
Souls and your face "

Congratulations to SMS Happy Birthday Woman: Beautiful and mental

In the eternal life of life, it is not always possible to congratulate the culprit of the celebration personally with a significant event, but to leave the girl without attention - the top of disrespect, especially in the age of mobile communications and the worldwide web. Playing the last role in creating a festive atmosphere for a birthday girl can be possible thanks to SMS congratulations. Any woman will be pleased to read warm, spiritual words. Take a note:

"I wish spring I in the shower,
I wish the female happiness.
Tears, the alarms can not know in all.
Let them bypass the bad weather.

And filled with joy days
And health, and a lot of luck,
Incarnation of all ideas
And from life to you enjoy

"Happy birthday you congratulate you
And I wish that the holiday sounded,
As a melody that inspires
Like the beating of waves about the pier!

Let puzzle and not good luck,
On the hands of you wearing success.
To live before a hundred years, not otherwise
And I would glitter everyone! "

Truly good congratulations will not leave indifferent birthdaynice, they will leave a pleasant impression of you.

Happy Birthday Congratulations Woman: Beautiful, Short, Unusual

It is not necessary to write entire congratulatory ballads for a birthday room. It will even appreciate even short congratulations filled with sincerity.

Anyone will be pleasant to read / hear wonderful congratulatory text:

"Let the holiday in the heart be eternal,
Let life remind the sweet dream.
Let love hurry to meet
Surprises are waiting on all sides. "

You can also move away from the official, congratulate with the follower:

"Let them say - not in money happiness,
Let them say that money is evil
I wish I on your birthday
Find a hundred thousand things all called "

The spiritual congratulation will conquer a woman by making her happy, inspired.

Happy Birthday Woman: Beautiful, Cool, with humor

"So how many knocks you?
No matter! Become on a stool
And read poems.
And get your candy. "

Or this:

"What is today on the birthday
I wanted to wish?
So that only between the best
I had to choose!

Is there Langustov Ile Omarov?
Ride in Bentley Il in Ferrari?
And where to hate today?
Maybe the Mediterranean?!

Handbag "Chanel" or "Gucci"?
Or "Prada" will be cooler?
In general, the choice is yours,
Stay only yourself! "

Extraordinary congratulations are remembered for many years, please the eyes or ears.

Pictures Happy Birthday Woman: Beautiful congratulations in the original design

In addition to text messages, homemade electronic pictures have been very popular lately. Especially valued women, because Congratulations in such a form to receive more pleasant than the dialed text, even from a clean, huge soul. Pictures look bright, stylish, extraordinary. Plus, you can pick up for the design of your favorite Birthday girl background, favorite flowers, depict the innermost desires on the congratulatory canvase.

Happy Birthday greetings Woman - Beautiful options

Postcards were considered an integral part of a gift for any celebration, especially for a birthday. For the past years, two of them began to forget too rashly. Postcards - holiday symbol, preserving warm, mental words. They can be created independently, pleased with the original greeting card at a personal meeting or on any electronic resource.

Happy Birthday Playcaster Woman: beautiful congratulations and unusual surprises

Wanting to surprise and hit the birthday party a unique congratulation, create and send her a playcast. This is a new way, an unmatched thing in which you are screenwriter, director, designer. In this congratulation, it all depends on you and your imagination. There are many electronic resources where you can create a playcast with various music pictures, characters and words. Similar congratulations originally and clinging the shroud of the soul.

I shared my ideas about congratulations to a woman. And now it is very interesting to know what words do you like to get and send to you on your birthday? Waiting for everyone with impatience in the comments.

So, if your friend is approaching the most event that, how to eat in the song, it happens once a year - take care to come up with an unusual birthday greeting for him!

So experiment with gifts. Think about what to like your friend to give him in the end a gift for the soul, and not another unnecessary bauble in the museum of unnecessary belief.

An unusual and interesting gift will be the one who attached fantasy and sincerity, spent time. You can, for example, reincarnate several pairs of socks in a bouquet of flowers, tightening each sock specially - it turns out to be fun, unforgettable and useful (socks are always suitable).

You can experiment with sweets, sparring a beautiful handicraft, decorated with loved birthday sweets.

You can also, to implement a really unusual happy birthday greeting, by purchasing any, who are considered a good gift, pack it in such a way that the unpacking process itself has already brought a bunch of positive emotions.

Here you have to act, of course, in terms of the situation, because every birthday girl is special, and his birthday should have a special. But we give an example: the Issinean unpacks the heavy box, and inside the mountain of his lovedness chocolates. Between chocolates - there, for example, a shaving machine.

For unusual congratulations on his birthday, it is simply "one hundred clothes" for a gift. For example, if you give a jewelry - with the measure and shape of the box, everything will immediately become clear. But if the gift is in the box, and the box is in the box, and this box is even more box - this will be really the most unusual and funny gift in his life. Between the spaces of the boxes, you can also pour candies, balloons, serpentine - that the soul will wish!

Stylish and fashionable, you're just crazy.
You are always on top, everyone envy you.
I wish to find a superklevoy friend, kiss you
Happy birthday my friend!

I wish you great health!
So that the breasts did not hang a rag
To cunnilingus once a week
You would do anyone!

And at dawn in the morning, early,
When there is no strength to wake up,
So as not alarm clock - be damned,
And the passionate sex would be awesome!

Happy birthday my friend!
I wish such a picture:
There is something to wear, there is an apartment, the car!
You are queen! Rivals - fools!
And in the wallet only big bills!

I sincerely wish laughter
Fun, joy, success
Have it, do not lose heart
There is normal to sleep hard,

Never worry
Be angry, not swear
Be healthy, smile!
Let your life flow the river

Among rocky shores
And let them always live with you
Hope, faith and love!

Happy birthday congratulations and wish:

Friends -
Euro -

Joy -
Live in
Food -
Individuality -

We wish you:
In work - speed,
In health - cheerfulness,
In happiness - eternity,

In life - infinity.
From the sun - heat,
From people - good
From her husband - tenderness,
From friends - love and loyalty.

In a loyalty, the old says:
When a man was born -
Star in the sky will light up
To shine him into the age.

So let her shine you
At least about a hundred years,
And happiness your home guard
And the joy will always be in it.

Let everything be fine in life,
Without grief and adversity
Let it be light and clear
For many, many years ahead!

Under the moon of crystal glasses,
Sweet wine hiss
I congratulate my birthday
We wish you happiness and good.

I wish to be happy!
Blossom a lucker of all sorts of roses!
Road happiness hurried
Go without grief and without tears!

I wish you happiness, songs, laughter!
More joy, success.
Looking for a hundred years,
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles!

What to give you a native on the birthday of birth,
Flowers, champagne, candy, decorations.
And maybe the stars from heaven, which shines brightly
And illuminates the path to you and children.

Or maybe I will give the sun in my palm
What warms the soul with a gentle kiss.
Maybe air a sip, and maybe a light breeze
Or maybe maybe ....!! I know for sure!

I will give you my native
Friend of his heart with an open door
So I knew that I love my soul and heart!

Be always beautiful and careless,
To hell all households,

"Oh, what a woman passed!"

And do not forget about makeup, of course,
Even if you go home,
So that a man thought every counter:
"Oh, what a lady, my God!"

And one more advice is known:
Sometimes a lammashchka accept,
So that a man thought every counter:
"Ah, what a woman, damn it!"

What to give you - do not know
We break your head, not sleep.
Let's not give a ticket
On a tour to Europe or in Crimea.

And suddenly you do not want from us
Go even for five days
Or doubt will be tormented:
"Will a wife leave? Riding her?"

I will not give a jeep as a gift -
Care set for you:
Garage, gasoline, rights, parking ...
Live is better for yourself.

Give it better we take care of
Smiles, warm words -
Intangible gift,
But the power, like witchcraft.

After all, the setting of the team,
Where do you spend the day after day,
Determines the setting
With whom you enter into your home.

So give you joy,
Health ... that is, we give something
What and Bill Gates buy unable
You as a gift. That's what!

Congratulations on your day,
In the life of joy, I wish
Good luck in the beginning of your
You can do everything, I know!

I wish to live bright, beautifully,
And set, from unreal days,
I miss all the failure
You do your fun day!

Happy Birthday! In this moment
Take greetings:
To the sun bright glare
Waveed the mood,
To light breeze
Dispelled grief and attack,
So that on the veins ran the current
From love or from passion,
To shone with a light
Your smile is yours,
So that the dream was carried out
And life has always been life!

I wish you good luck,
Let the envy of Mir, check his step.
It's time to live otherwise
Do not be afraid of sharp saber, sword.

Finding your destiny
Sola doubts in the fists.
And if the excitement comes,
You run it to the stars.

Capricination window weather,
Do not hurry to be angry in vain.
Congratulations from the soul, willingly
I'm happy birthday to you!

Life is presented to you, that day was,
Let there be a lot of light and good in it,
And love and faith, colorful moments,
Many of the close warm compliments!

To be able to work, and be able to walk,
There was enough time, it's time to do.
Let events are important,
Well, and what else to say? In general, happy birthday!

Fate wish radiant
Weather in the house only clean
Delicate, spring rains,
The best in fate only days!

People wish nearby
Ideas inspirational, shiny,
Love reliable only always
There are never problems ever.

Love yourself, appreciate adequately,
Go to the dream is always calm
Without fuss, longing and boredom,
Do not lower your hands in life!

Let the strings of the sun rays
You will go on a birthday,
I wish you in the fate of your
Good luck, happiness and luck!

Love hot and big
Fullies reliable, real,
Finance that flows the river,
Beautiful prospects brilliant!

Let the bright rainbow shines
In the sky for you
Let the sun accelerate the sun,
His ray of their hurry.

Let there be a dive
Not only on your birthday,
Rains, volcanoes, storm and thunderstorms
Always bypass!

In my birthday, I wish you
Let the sun shines in the soul all year,
There will be everything about what the heart dreams
And luck under the arm leads!

Live in prosperity, love and hope
For a hundred years you have health and strength,
To the evening was warm and peaceful,
New day only good brought!

Shy from joy and happiness
I wish you a kind of kindness,
Forget the bad weather rather
Let there be more warmth!

Let them fly bright days
Making color reflections
I wish you light and love,
Excellent transformation!

Happiness, joy, heat,
Love, luck, good luck,
Smiles, laughter and good,
I wish to be richer to you.

Total color, bright,
Gorgeous, luxurious,
Beautiful and roast
And just impossible!

| | | | | | | | | | |

Congratulations to a friend's birthday unusual

Happy birthday my friend,
You are my dear.
Very gently congratulations
And I kiss you!

I wish you happiness
Life of cool and love,
So that the joy glowed
Your smart eyes!

So that was so beautiful
Many many more years.
So that shine, not fading,
Our friendship is bright light!

Congratulations unusual happy birthday in verse

Congratulations on your birthday!
And we want to wish in this joyful day
So that from the fairy tale brought you happiness deer.

To the joy given two faithful wings.
So that love was constantly with you.
So that there was a bigger in fate.
We wish you from the pure heart!

Best unusual birthday greeting man

And brutality and hardening,
And posture, and mowed,
Power, courage and honor -
All in you, of course, is.

Wish you left
Minor little.

In a personal life - Untimy
And support - in beginnings,
In good friendship - respects,
And in the career - more advance.

Be happy and pleased
Dear, but still free.
With money and in mind.

Congratulations to the birthday birthday unusual

In ledge, the old says:
When a person is born -
Star in the sky will light up
To shine to him forever.

So let her shine you
At least about a hundred years,
And happiness your home is guarded,
And the joy will always be in it.

Let everything be fine in life,
Without grief and adversity
Let it be light and clear
For many, many years ahead!

Short unusual birthday greetings

I wish you to go!
And never oho-ho!
A little ah! Well, you can
To capture the spirit.
Of course, to be Wow!

Unusual happy birthday greetings

I sincerely wish laughter
Fun, joy, success
Have it, do not lose heart
There is normal to sleep hard,

Never worry
Be angry, not swear
Be healthy, smile!
Let your life flow the river

Among rocky shores
And let them always live with you
Hope, faith and love!

Beautiful unusual birthday greeting woman

Love, good luck, joy,
What else to desire?
Such a beautiful woman
It is not a pity to give the world.

Blooms and be beautiful
For many years,
A smile clear
You always light!

Original Unusual Birthday Congratulations

Love life, love inspiration,
Let them not be afraid of you next year
Let your mood be better
And the sadness will leave once and forever.

Lilac bush and blue sky.
Smile of the Sun, Joy, Love
And happiness in the life of the biggest
We wish you in life!

Congratulations to the poem unusual for birthday

We wish you:
In work - speed,
In health - cheerfulness,
In happiness - eternity,

In life - infinity.
From the sun - heat,
From people - good
From her husband - tenderness,
From friends - love and loyalty.

Unusual happy birthday greetings in verse

I sincerely congratulate you
With one of the best dates
For a hundred years, I wish to live
Not knowing grief and loss.

We wish you only smile
Do not disappear on trifles
Not nervous and not sick
Over the years only younger!

Verse-congratulations happy birthday unusual

And the holiday has come - your birthday!
We want to wish you luck in life,
We wish you health, good luck, success,

And if wrinkles - then only from laughter,
And in order not to meet in the life of unhappiness,
And if tears are only happiness!

Unusual greetings happy birthday to a friend

Want to believe
Want - do not believe
Somewhere next to the beast.
It does not live in the forest with a dense
In Russian mighty.
This beast is called "Elk"
- It has long been so heard.
Let you be "elk",
To eat and slept,
For three to shove
So that I would like and might
To happiness did not end,
About good so that
To make it possible,
So that everything always came true.

1. Original congratulations "Starfall of the wishes"

(To the music, for example, "Star Country" "Happy Birthday" or "We wish you happiness
You "- Everyone takes turns throw up their stars with wishes, the birthday girl is trying to catch them. Caught stars with wishes are read by the jubilest loud.

The fallen stars - the leading with the help of guests collects and uses them in the next game moment - "Star Necklace"). The playing point "Star Necklace". Guests are conventionally divided into 2 teams, everyone is heard in the hands of the star and the relay is satisfied: which of the teams from his stars, beautiful braid and the clips will gather faster and will give the jubilee of his starry necklace.

Especially good such is the original congratulation for the anniversary with the star theme. 2. Congratulations on the anniversary of a woman "Portrait of a Birthday".

(For this, the original congratulations, which is held at the table, need to be stocking frame with a clean sheet of paper and multicolored markers or markers) : I propose not just to pronounce congratulations, but to draw it, because each of us in the soul artist. (Frame with a place for the future portrait and markers are transmitted from the guest to the guest.

The leading is important to unobtrusively lead the process in order not to lose the speakers and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the submission of the poetic number) Please draw in turn, then what I will read. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be in full height, so everyone complements the work of the neighbor, remembering that each of the guests should contribute to this masterpiece. Started! (Under the number 1 - a portrait detail for the first guest, under the number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws its own and transmits the following. If guests are more - you can offer to draw one part of pairs) 1. Place your eyes
Irina Beautiful: Brown, Dry and Much (Pass to the neighbor) 2. Cilia shot down, Already before the eyebrows,
The view of these eyes was cheerful (Pass to the neighbor) 3. We draw a shock curve .... Funny, like a cheerful question (Pass to the neighbor) 4. And the smile there is a place in the portrait,
The most pleasant smile in the world (Pass to the neighbor) 5. cheeks ruddy a little painting (Pass to the neighbor) 6. Earls with a diamond, of course, decorate (Pass to the neighbor) 7. Head covering the hairstyle fashionable,
So that it becomes
Irina Queen similar ... (Pass to the neighbor) 8. Then draw a beautiful body (Pass to the neighbor) 9. And the handles skillful to any case (Pass to the neighbor) Yes not any, but constraint (Pass to the neighbor) 11.

In trendy shoes legs shoes (Pass to the neighbor) 12. Good heart we draw her (Pass to the neighbor) 13. More depicting in her a mystery
Women's highlight - the smallest!

(Pass to the neighbor) 14. Voice beautiful
Iru award
So musical - we want (Pass to the neighbor) 15. Dress do, well, very glamorous,
On top in ruffs, and below - openwork (Pass to the neighbor) 16. Hands in the hands of a crocodile handbag (Pass to the neighbor) 17.

In it cosmetics and fashionable mobile (Pass to the neighbor) 18. another card with a bank account,
In which zeros, well, just, without (Pass to the neighbor) 19. Draw next to
Ira car cool (Pass to the neighbor) 20.

And cottage by the sea, well, very big (Pass to the neighbor) 21. Right next to the house. Comfortable garage (Pass to the neighbor) 22. And for traveling Ready baggage!

(Pass to the neighbor) 23. Top Write: "Happy Birthday!" (Pass to the neighbor) 24. And the wishes of good - we will not regret!

(Pass to the neighbor) 25. Flowers and salute in the corner draw! (Pass to the neighbor) 26.

Hand portrait I.
Irina Kiss! (Available portrait as a gift, offered to photograph with portrait)

Alexander. Happy Birthday. Name Day Alexallra

3. Unusual congratulations to a woman "soap opera".

This original congratulation is intended for the anniversary of a woman who adores watching TV shows and melodramas. For him, you need to stock up with several slices of soap under the following names: "Children's", "Flowers of Love", "Family", "Baby", "Favorite", "Degtyar", "Babushkino Soap", "Berry" and "Dolce Vita". It is best to pack soap into a beautiful boxes or picturesque to put it in the basket for gifts. If it is not possible to find soap with the mentioned names, it is quite possible to choose something suitable in meaning.

"Almost every woman has weakness to" soap operations ". And let's and our birthday will make the main character of the fascinating series!
I'm sure "Oscar" is in her pocket!
So, here is our wonderful heroine at the very beginning of your life path (Give the soap "Children's") . She grows and blooms, entering into the most wonderful time of the maiden life - she falls in love (Give "Flowers of Love"). Fruit, like a beautiful flower, it becomes inimitable. And, naturally, the most decent man appears on her horizon, who becomes her chosen (Soap "Family"). It takes quite a bit of time, and the newlyweds become happy parents ("My baby") . The joint life of spouses is full of mutual understanding and love (give soap "favorite"), But doesn't you think that everything happens somehow too smoothly? After all, it does not happen!
Therefore. Without going into details, I will add a spoonful of honey to this barrel of honey ("Degtyar"). Moreover, after the quarrels so sweet reconciliation. Time runs.

Like a good mother, our birthday girl at one fine moment becomes just great grandmothers ("Babushkino Soap"). Finally, in her life the moment comes when she can live for himself and his beloved husband, because it is time rich in everyday difficulties and problems passed, and she herself reached his heyday - 45th anniversary!
And how are the people say? Right!
In 45 baba berry again! (Give soap "berry"). However, the end of our "soap opera" means only the beginning of a sweet life (Lock the soap "Dolce Vita")! " If you want to arrange such a "soap" surprise for a woman with another anniversary date - just rewrite the end of the story, replacing the soap "berry" for example, on the soap "Floral" or "Autumn Garden".

4. Congratulations - a joke "The best gift for a girl -" Vasya. " To carry out this comic congratulations P radially draw on a sheet of Watman
Vasya to your own taste. The main thing is that it be magnitude with human growth.

The left ear is painted red, but under the top cover the same hearing body, only a corporal color (this is a bidder of CREPIM on bilateral scotch). Make
Vasya and removable panties, what kind of frequent colors, fasten the same manner on top of quite decent panties, for example, with the inscription "Happy Birthday!".
Before deploying a "gift", you can arrange a survey among the guests (by type of musical hat), approach several guests and ask what a gift to the girl is better to give, and DJs in turn turns on various slices from songs: "The best friends of girls are Diamonds, "" Cinema, Wine and Domino ... "," This dark cherry shawl "and others and the latter will be" Of course,
Vasya. Vasya,
Vasya. Well, who does not know him? Vasya,
Vasya .. "- At the same time, I am answered" Vasya "in all the magnificence and read the guilt of the celebration Instructions for its use: 1. Vasya does not take up much space, compact and convenient, in the economy and everyday life, an indispensable assistant.
Vasya will always meet you a mysterious smile and, of course, will not ask: "Where was it?! 3. When everything went wrong, I want to "just tear and throw" - Vasya always at hand you can throw darts and plates in his hand - he will not be offended.

4. If it is bored and nothing to do, you can
Vasya ... Coloring! 5. Vasya Musculist, so when you come back home late, you can safely take it with you. He will protect you from any misfortune (only pre-crumpled it in a tight tube)! 6. You can put the lantern under the eye, and you will always have a light home! 7. Vasya can be used as a lie detector, since, when Lgut in his presence, it blues his left ear (With these words, we remove the removable ear). 8. Also
Vasya can wear and undress (the top cowards are removed with a slight movement of the hand, but under them - others with the inscription "Happy Birthday!" Or "I Love You!") " Then "Vasya" can be twisted and, by tapping a gift ribbon, hand the birthdayroom, turning on the song of the group
Bravo "Of course,
5. Beautiful congratulation with the anniversary "Sand ceremony." For the sand ceremony, colored sand painted with dry gouache or school chalk is used.

Several basic colors are selected, which bear a symbolic load: green means health, yellow - optimism, red - love, blue - self-confidence, purple - spiritual enlightenment and so on. Salt of different colors are poured into small containers; You can use saucers, beautifully decorated glasses, cups, vases. It is necessary to prepare another, large in volume, where, mixing different colors, the participants of the congratulations will pour a painted salt. It can be an elegant bottle, a decorative vase or a jack under a transparent material. The main thing is that it is hermetically closed.

The sand ceremony itself consists of the fact that the relatives of the jubilees are invited to choose the salt of the color whose symbolic value coincides with the main wishes of the relative. Beautiful background music is included, and relatives are in turn pour salt into the common capacity for everyone, each - in the proportion in which he wishes the birthday of health, love or spiritual enlightenment.

It turns out very beautiful: inside the glass vessel, peculiar twists from the multi-colored salt are created. Then the result of the sand ceremony is given the jumper on memory with the best wishes. (Also as a beautiful and lyrical moment, you can arrange the original congratulations on the anniversary of the woman) 6. Comic "Cardiac" greetings from guests - Men (For congratulations to two or three men, distribute words, dividing the text and saying who for whom and to give everyone to give birthday to the souvenir heart, which they are in the end and will be presented a guilty) Be sure to visit very good and visited.
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happy birthday greetings unusual

Comic gifts for anniversary woman

If you want to be original - give anything from the list of these gifts. This will never come true!
Give a bottle with a nipple (for joke we dress on a cup) hello our long-awaited day
We came here not in vain,
The table is covered, nyliza wine glasses,
But, and drink it from a glass,
The idea is not given!
And for us for her health
To drink a long time!
Let it grow and does not hurt
Collects us once a year.
It would be health,
And the rest will come!
We can not you on your birthday
Dear gifts to give
Because with such prices
We will not buy anything anywhere.
But do not think that we are not attentive,
You are more expensive than gifts any
Just we are wonderful on this day.
It remains only to love you.
Although you can not her birthday
Dear gifts to give
But nevertheless with great efforts
We were able to buy something.
And we want to wish you
Sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness, health, love,
And give you a necklace,
And you put on your shoulders.
You are from moli, frost keep it
In it, you will drop and sunset,
Per hour hung yourself screeching him
And do not have huge costs.
If sadness and sadness will visit you,
Accelerate you miraculously miracles
And sell this gift wonderful,
And buy dear
Mercedes. Modest gift
Jubilee Congratulations OT
L. Zykina (on the motive of the song "Orenburg Pooh Color") in this gentle and affectionate evening,
When the relatives are already all at the table
You accept my gift is a modest one - a nasal three-wire handkerchief. (I give the jubilee a pre-prepared handkerchief.) I am H.
Orenburg bought,
I care about you, as a mother.
I am ready for you, dear,
Not a handkerchief - to give a towel. (I hand the jubilee towel.) Let everyone envy you in the hall,
We will not disappear guests.
So that my gifts did not stole
I will ask all the napkins to distribute. (Napkins are distributed to all those present.) Age is not only after all years
When there are hot blood in the veins.
So let's fill the glasses
Jubilee and faith in love!
Unusual congratulations with gifts 1. Happy
Birth congratulations
All the good wish. Give the technique to you
And fashion clothes. To remove fast apartment
Accept a wonderful car
In the request is very simple
Our "Rovent" vacuum cleaner. He will urge any nose
Will remove all your chaos.
Gently in the handles you will take,
In different sides, mahnesh
Mig Mud from the whole apartment
Split - no dust.
He will not take a lot of places
In any crack will enter. Saves kilowatt,
Not buzzing and lit.
Will be in the house all glitter
Nowadays the dust flew. (broom) 2. Here's the device "just in case" in his life he is the best assistant,
With him and grief - not trouble.
He will always help you. And named name
The enema is scientifically. It is not difficult to apply it
We will apply instructions. (enema) Use it every day
And you will have a migraine
Slags all of you he will withdraw
It will be a slim body look.
In general, we are talking to you
In life, he will not replace. With an extensive with an angina
You can have a throat rinse
When repairing the same apartment
You can spray the paint.
Once with him in the country
You spray bushes
And then as crazy
Bloom everywhere flowers. I think you were convinced
What a miracle give you
And now in life boldly
You will go with him together.
3. As for the outfit
You will soon come
You will be chic baba in it
And Madonna is just a shadow. Winter cowards on cotton
Fit as it is impossible
Because in November
Floating on the yard.

Men to take sex.
You are not so difficult to warm up
And it is not possible to freeze
Nutya hot rates
You will live any stupus. (diapers) 4. And the shoes from the "Versace" the latter is not different. All of their winter you rush
And the legs are not frozen.

(Slippers, socks, booties) We emphasize the figure in them
Length leg bounced. Claw
Slate would be sama
With the start, I got crazy.
In the headset with shorts
Will be hot like in
You are gifts
And fate bless. There will be a reason to drink
We will gather again
Female happiness without edge. In a day
We wish you. Gift pelvis. On the anniversary we give the pelvis, it will always be just. You can wash the floors in it, you can milk cows,
You can collect berries, after drunk to blow up,
You can wash with him in the bath, he and there you come in handy,
You can wash in it linen, you can use the ass,
You can sow flour and hang on a bitch
You can ride from the slide, he always come in handy,
And how will it (50.
60 ...) We will come to you again,
Cook for us around us, but find a bigger spoon,
We are the okroshka in the pelvis, we firm the anniversary,
In general, you will store it, do not break it wrong
In the yard do not leave and remove into place,
Happy anniversary, congratulations, everyone now wish to drink
Which stack, who, and we drink out of it. Comic gift (horseradish).

Unusual birthday greetings

So, if your friend is approaching the most event that, how to eat in the song, it happens once a year - take care to come up with an unusual birthday greeting for him!
So experiment with gifts. Think about what to like your friend to give him in the end a gift for the soul, and not another unnecessary bauble in the museum of unnecessary belief. An unusual and interesting gift will be the one who attached fantasy and sincerity, spent time. You can, for example, reincarnate several pairs of socks in a bouquet of flowers, tightening each sock specially - it turns out to be fun, unforgettable and useful (socks are always suitable). You can experiment with sweets, sparring a beautiful handicraft, decorated with loved birthday sweets. You can also, to implement a really unusual happy birthday greeting, by purchasing any, who are considered a good gift, pack it in such a way that the unpacking process itself has already brought a bunch of positive emotions. Here you have to act, of course, in terms of the situation, because every birthday girl is special, and his birthday should have a special. But we give an example: the Issinean unpacks the heavy box, and inside the mountain of his lovedness chocolates. Between chocolates - there, for example, a shaving machine. For unusual congratulations on his birthday, it is simply "one hundred clothes" for a gift. For example, if you give a jewelry - with the measure and shape of the box, everything will immediately become clear. But if the gift is in the box, and the box is in the box, and this box is even more box - this will be really the most unusual and funny gift in his life. Between the spaces of the boxes, you can also pour candies, balloons, serpentine - that the soul will wish!
Stylish and fashionable, you're just crazy.