“No experience - no work, no work - no experience”: how to break out of the vicious circle. I do not have work experience. Who and where can they take me

This vital question from the title has been worrying more than one generation of graduates. During their studies, not everyone succeeds in tripleting a job in their specialty, or even finding a temporary part-time job. The reasons for this may be different, but they lead to one thing: the graduate has no work experience and he confused... After all, everyone wants to find an interesting, promising and highly paid job immediately after graduation. But in most jobs he stumbles upon the phrase"Experience from 1 year". What to do in such a situation? Is it possible to find a job without experience? About this we asked employers who often encounter young professionals in their work.

Irina Grigorieva, senior consultant of the ANKOR HR company

“Even if you have no work experience, You may be interested potential employer "

Job search is an important issue that must be approached as responsibly as possible. Initially, you need to determine the direction of the search and answer the question: "The ideal job for me is ..."... In your description of the ideal job, determine the field of activity, the level of the company, the expected tasks and responsibilities that will be of interest to you. The answer to this question will help formulate the motivation for considering a specific proposal.

Even if you have no work experience, you can interest a potential employer and one of the main tools is a well-written resume, which will become yours business card in the labor market... Purpose of the resume: to attract the attention of the employer, to interest him and encourage him to schedule an interview for you. The resume must reflect several components: Education / Work experience / place of internship / "Technical" skills (knowledge of foreign languages, level of computer skills) / Motivation / Personal qualities.

When sending a resume, it is advisable to back it up with a cover letter in order to distinguish it from the general flow and attract attention. There are also a number of requirements for preparing a cover letter..

The letter should contain no more than 3 paragraphs. Introduce yourself in the first paragraph:

  • give brief information about yourself;
  • explain to the employer the purpose of your appeal;
  • show your knowledge of the company or the sector in which it operates;

In the second paragraph, explain your value:

  • specify how your experience, skills, education, described in the resume, can be useful in the company of a potential employer;

In the last paragraph, try to initiate contact:

  • indicate where, when and how you can be contacted;

Necessarily approach each interview individually... You should know which company you are going to, what it does, what position you are applying for. Consider your strengths and skills that will help you in accomplishing your assigned tasks and responsibilities. Consider asking the employer to get more information about the job and the company.

Important to remember to start on the road to success, you need to take the first step!

These tips, self-confidence and a positive attitude will help you prove yourself and find a decent job. I wish you success.

"boldly direct your resume to companies of interest to you "

Anastasia Solovieva, recruiter of an international consulting company Accenture

Dear graduate, we hope that you have already decided on who do you want to work, therefore:

  • Focus on what interests you.
    Choose 2-3 areas of activity, for example, if you graduated from an IT specialty, then it can be technical support, and system administration, and testing, and development and ...
  • It's not scary that you have no experience.
    Feel free to send your resume to companies you are interested in and be ready for starting positions that will help you quickly gain the experience you need.
  • Be yourself. Make the world a better place! And remember that not only are you looking for a job, but the employer is also looking for you.

Elmira Bliznetsova, head of the recruitment and adaptation team of the professional contact center Audiohotel

We all face or will face a job search. It is a common knowledge that finding a job is also work that must be done.

“Start looking for work as soon as possible if you really want to move mountains in the professional field "

In the modern world, it is difficult for a specialist without experience To find a job... Employers give preference to applicants with vast experience in specialization, but at the same time he must be young, productive, effective, and even without a second half and without children, so that he does not get sick, does not go on sick leave and leave, in a word, work, and again worked, but better "plowed". Of course, this is ideal  But there are no such people ... Well, maybe one in a million  So you have a chance !!!

And in fact the chances of employment you have a lot: according to a survey by the Superjob Research Center, university graduates no work experience ready to hire 70% of Russian companies. Among large companies with more than 1000 employees, this figure is even higher - 82%.

My first advice: start looking for a job as soon as possible... If you really want to "move mountains" in the professional field, start making a career in your student years. Whether it's a part-time job, an internship, or an internship.

The second tip is well-written resume... Of course, this is a separate topic for discussion ... In a nutshell, be sure to indicate all your skills, for example, you know English well or are fluent in various computer programs. It is necessary to inform the potential employer about your professional experience (remember, practice and internship are also experience!).

Thirdly, do not be shy send your resume to a suitable vacancy for you. The more the number of companies you choose, the more job opportunities you will have. It is clear that it is too early for you to respond to the vacancy of a director of the company, but to start with an assistant accountant (for graduates with the direction of "accounting, analysis and audit") or a legal assistant (for graduates of the legal direction) is quite.

Elena Shunevich, Deputy Head of Personnel Service of JSC Dielectric Cable Systems

I would formulate the first answer to this question as follows: “ Understand, what kind of work do you have a soul for? Do you want to work at all? What activities are you interested in? In what area would you like to develop? " If there is no desire to work, then you need to understand what to do next: go to the army, get married and have a child, go on to study, etc.

“Do not chase fast and big money, much more important win the respect and trust of the employer. If this happens then the rise on the career ladder will also happen pretty soon "

It so happens that the specialty that a young man receives in an educational institution is not at all what he would like to do "in life." This is due to the fact that at the time of choosing a profession, many rely on the choice of parents, advice from others and fashion trends. But only after some time, having visited educational or industrial practice, young people can understand whether they want to work in this area. Those people who initially chose a specialty and want to develop in it were very lucky. There should be no difficulties here, because when a young man comes to the employer with "burning eyes", who knows exactly who he wants to work and is ready to gain work experience even for little money, many companies take such graduates with pleasure. In light of the above, it follows second recommendation: during training it is obligatory ask for "real practice" or internship, this will help you understand if you are walking the right way.

It may seem strange to some, but for many employers a job seeker without work experience will be in great demand. This is due to the ability to train a young specialist exactly as the production process requires. For example, unique equipment has been installed at the production site, which is not found in any other enterprises, and therefore a young person with no work experience will master the profession from scratch under the guidance of a mentor.

Often, in colleges and universities, they simply do not teach those specialties and professions that are necessary for the employer. In this case, the only advice that can be given is to be interested in the enterprises that are in our city, and to be active when looking for a job. First of all, focus on the opportunity to get a profession, and not on the level of wages. Often businesses ready take students for the summer or internship for little money. For students and alumni, this can be a great chance to get to know the company or organization better and understand if they really want to work here.

When working with applicants, including alumni, HR managers are faced with a situation where young people with no work experience immediately want to apply for positions with high salaries and high social status, but they do not at all take into account the fact that high status entails high responsibility, the ability to solve complex production problems, for which graduates, due to their experience and age, are simply not ready. There is only one recommendation - do not chase fast and big money, it is much more important to win the respect and trust of the employer. And if that happens, then the promotion will also happen pretty soon. This will save you the frustration of finding a job. Assess your skills and knowledge adequately. Get ready to work for little money!

So my summary:

  • Answer to myself to the question: “What do I want to do? What do I have the ability and what kind of activity does my soul lie in? " Try to objectively assess your knowledge and skills to date.
  • During training, use the opportunity to experience(preferably in different organizations).
  • be ready at first to work for little money, but with a personal goal to “feel the profession” and understand the correctness of his choice.
  • Be active... Analyze what enterprises are in the city, what professions these enterprises have. Write or call with questions to the personnel service of the enterprise, where they will answer your questions. Use the Internet / acquaintances / friends to collect information about a company or organization.

Olga Smolyakova, Director

A vicious circle in which millions of citizens fall: without experience, they are not hired for normal work, and without normal work, they cannot get the necessary experience. This problem is especially relevant for young people. Every year it becomes more difficult to find an interesting promising job without experience, the country is slipping deeper into a crisis.

How not to fall into this vicious circle, or how to get out as quickly as possible - below is the magazine Reconomica collected a short summary of both theoretical answers and practical advice. To whom is it relevant? First of all - to students who have just finished their studies.

We have already dealt with our HR expert (he asked not to include his name in the material). We asked him to give a short commentary on the problem of lack of necessary experience among young people.

Z Often the refusal to get a job is not due to a real lack of experience, but because of the inability to behave correctly with the employer and the ability to present oneself correctly. If you have ALREADY been invited for an interview, it means that the personnel officer has read your resume, which says that there is no experience. No one expects a demonstration of experience from you, the interview in this case is for quick-wittedness, activity and personal qualities.

First, let's briefly describe what you should pay attention to in the first place:



    An experience.

    Request to get a job as an intern.

... and below - we will consider them in more detail.

Correct resume writing

The first acquaintance of the employer with the applicant is by correspondence. First, he studies the submitted resume, and already on it, he makes a decision: whether to invite this candidate for an interview, or you can immediately answer with a polite "we will call you back".

Writing a resume is a whole science in which, in fact, there are no strict criteria. Rules that will help one person easily get a prestigious position can be harmful for another employee.

    Attach a photo to your profile - it will "humanize"any resume. Naturally, this should be an "official" photo: only a face, as on a passport.

    Do not stretch resume (especially if you have no experience). The normal option is 1 page, and even that one does not have to be filled out completely.

    Do not format the text: do not change the font and its size, do not use color highlighting, unnecessary headings.

    The file format is only. docx. No .doc, .pdf, .txt, .rar or other options.

    Don't add unnecessary information to your resume. The employer is unlikely to be interested in your hobbies, your marital status,copied list of "merits",place of residence and a detailed list of places of study, starting from kindergarten. All you need: full name, contacts (phone, email, link to social network), briefly the place of profile study, work experience (if there was at least some), briefly about your achievements in the profile or near-profile sphere.

    Do not use formulaic phrases. Modern HR but only words about "sociability, purposefulness, learning ability, desire to develop" will scare away.

These tips are not all that need to be considered: it is better to study this issue separately and more closely.

Preparing for an interview

Here, too, we will restrict ourselves to a list of "general" rules:

    Read at least briefly about the company where you are going.

    Don't be late... Interviews are usually conducted by people with a very busy schedule. Were late by 2-3 minutes - already a fat minus in the eyes of the employer, or even immediately a refusal.

    Observe the dress code... It is not necessary to wear a formal suit and shoes, but you should not come in shorts, slippers and a T-shirt either.

    If you are going to get a job in a more or less responsible and prestigious position - you can google various questions that employers like to confuse and confuse at an interview(like "sell me this pen"). Naturally, it is unlikely that someone will check a locksmith or driver in this way, but various managers who often contact customers may well.

    Maintain a friendly-formal attitude... Do not be familiar, do not joke too much, do not interrupt, do not drag out the answers too long, do not curry favor. The ideal strategy is to communicate with the employer as if it were a boss from a neighboring department: he seems to be higher in the career ladder, but is not your direct boss.

    Rehearse the text... If you have a mini-presentation prepared, work it out in front of the mirror. If there is a desire-opportunity-time - ask someone close to you to conduct a test interview with questions that they may ask you.

    Work on serving yourself... What you need to work out: no hesitation when talking, haste, excessive and frequent "ecanya", the absence of "unnecessary" gestures and facial expressions, preliminary selection of a suitable posture. It seems to be little things, but they canhow to win over, and vice versa - to alienate the employer.

What to say (or write) about work experience

The most important and difficult nuance: discussing work experience that you do not have. Why is it difficult? Many employers are reluctant to accept employees who have no real hands-on experience. Even if they have a specialized higher education with honors, and excellent theoretical knowledge. Yes, it can be stupid, but often the company wants to see a person with real experience - simply because he can get to work right away, and he does not have to be taught the practical basics.

Both in the interview and in the resume - this is a crucial point. How to get around it:

    Indicate experience in related fields, if any... For example, you are going to get a job as an auto mechanic, having only a diploma from a vocational school and driving experience - tell me that you have been driving for 2 years and have done minor repairs to your car more than once.

    Indicate the experience you gained during your education... For example - in the course of laboratory work, industrial practice, when writing a term paper or diploma, or even a self-prepared abstract or report.

To cheat or not: is it worth pointing out a nonexistent experience?

Not entirely honest, but sometimes practicable, is to include non-existent work experience on your resume. If they ask why he is not displayed in the work book, the applicant will answer that he worked unofficially.

Another nuance is verification by the employer: he can call the company in which you received "experience" and ask if this is true. In order not to get caught, you can:

    If you have an individual entrepreneur with a friend / relative, indicate his company as the place of your previous work, and ask him to confirm this in case of a call.

    Give the contact number of any of your acquaintances, and ask him to play the role of an employee of the desired company.

    To say that the firm has ceased operations.

How to arrange the section "Work experience" in the resume

This option is risky, and is not suitable in all cases. Thus, you can try to get some low-skilled job in a company with a high turnover of staff, where they are unlikely to bother checking every "ordinary" employee.

However, this is always a risk: if the deception is revealed, you may well get into some kind of "black list" of applicants.

In addition, keep in mind: any work, even the simplest (for example, a waiter or a handyman), still involves the acquisition of some specific practical skills. If you say that you had experience, they will believe you and give you a job, and then it turns out that you do not have the necessary skills - this can raise questions that reveal deception.

Employment for a trial period

If the employer does not want to employ a job seeker without experience, or doubts the decision, you can offer him employment for a trial period. Alternatively, the internship may even be unpaid. The employer is unlikely to want to give up free labor. True, in this case, you need to stipulate the terms of the probationary period in advance - so that it does not turn out that you have to work for free for several months.

Even if, as a result, after the internship, you will not get a place in this company, you will still have such necessary practical experience that you can tell about the next employer.

What to do to avoid problems with employment

In order not to have to solve the problem with employment due to lack of experience, it is necessary to prevent its occurrence. Let's highlight a number of basic tips:

    Choose the right profession for which you will study... Often, such problems arise for those who are mistaken in choosing a specialty: such people become disillusioned with their chosen industry, and begin to look for work in professions for which they did not study. Therefore, think very seriously about where you will apply, and if you change your mind in the process, it is better to lose a few years of study, but transfer immediately, and do not wait for an unnecessary diploma.

    Studying diligence... Getting a diploma "for show" is a common thing for our mentality. As a result, we get a whole army of people with diplomas, but without even theoretical knowledge in their profession. It turns out that a person has wasted several years, skipping couples, giving bribes for sessions, and this will not give him any real benefit in the future.

    Real learning practice... Another option: when industrial practice begins in 2-3 courses, a large part of the students get a job somewhere, just to get a signature and submit a report. Neither experience nor knowledge - this practice does not give. But this is a great opportunity to get real experience (albeit free), which you can already write about in your resume.

    Start your career as early as possible... Many young people start looking for their first job after graduating from the institute - at the age of 21-22, or even later. And at the same time, they do not have any experience at all: first there was a school, then - study. And it is precisely such young people that most often fall under the two points above - they do not try very hard in their studies, and they only go through the practice somehow. This is a serious mistake: after all, a person had the opportunity to start earning money much earlier - already from the first years of the institute. Let it be a low-paying job or even a free specialized internship - but this would already be a real experience.

    Communication with people working in the right field... Example: you want to get a job as a programmer and you are learning a language. Try to search among your circle of people who already work in the same specialty, and communicate with them. They will be able to give you both practical advice (tell you what and how to do if you cannot understand something), and direct the training in the right direction (tell you what to read).

    Setting up your own business(or work for yourself). If you don't want to work for someone, you can try freelancing or start your own business. Even if you do not achieve material success, you will gain experience.

    Self-education... A piece of advice that will be relevant to everyone in general, regardless of who they are studying for and who they plan to work for: self-educate. If you do not have a specialized education, this will give you the necessary foundation. If you study in a specialized specialty, this will expand the boundaries of your knowledge and make a specialist more in demand.

    Work in a related industry... Example: you want to get a job as a chef, but you still lack experience-knowledge-recommendations. Get a job as an assistant chef, or go to a simpler establishment and work there for a while.

    Patronage work... An option for those who have friends-relatives-acquaintances who can get a job in the right specialty or in a company of the desired profile. Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity, but it's still worth asking around about it.

List of tips for finding a job without experience (video)

How NOT to do

A common mistake of applicants who are refused admission due to lack of experience is to be hired for a low-skilled and unpromising position. These are specialties in which you:

    Do not get development in the required specialty.

    You will receive a low salary from which you will not be able to save money.

    You will spend the bulk of your time and energy on work, and you will not have the opportunity to engage in self-education in your free time, or earn extra money.

Of these specialties, the following can be distinguished:

    Street cleaner.

    Handyman(unless you are studying for a "near-building" specialty).


    Driver(although this specialty cannot be classified as low-paid - it also does not provide prospects and any invaluable experience).

    Security guard(unless you are studying to be a bodyguard or plan to connect your life with military service).

The advice that such positions should not be taken is controversial. It happens that a person urgently needs money, but they don't take it anywhere else. In this case, of course, there is no alternative, and you have to work in this way too. However, the main thing is not to abandon development in the chosen area, and try to find time and energy for this.

Gone are the days when a lifetime job at the same company was considered a successful career. Today, a profession can be changed at any age, and a lack of experience is unlikely to become an obstacle to employment. The main thing is to prepare for the search: to write a resume correctly, present a high-quality portfolio and not be afraid to complete the test task.

Highlighting accents in your resume

A resume is the employer's first acquaintance with a candidate. If there is no work experience in a new specialty yet, the resume needs to be edited. First of all, change the title: from the old profession to the new one.


List all training and refresher courses you have taken that are relevant to your future work. If the applicant's profile education is philological, but in parallel with his studies at the university he attended design courses, this will become an argument in his favor.

Nevertheless, the first education should also be mentioned, especially if the specialty is quite general: sociology, management, history. Higher education is often one of the filters when selecting a candidate. If there are several formations, they are highly specialized - for example, medical, and the candidate wants to leave this industry - then they can be omitted.

work experience

Be sure to share your experience, even if it has nothing to do with your new job. Pay attention to those aspects that will be useful in a new field: a candidate who has worked as a developer for many years may apply for a sales manager position in an IT company.

Experience is not always work for money. Add volunteering, internships and internships to your resume.


Imagine a candidate who started working in a clothing store as a student and became a regional sales director before graduation. Most likely, such an employee has great potential for development even in a new professional field.

Therefore, it is important to present your growth within the company on your resume. Each role does not have to be recorded in a separate section: they can be listed under responsibilities and results in the last position held. It is not necessary to compose a detailed story, it is better to do it in the format of short abstracts - this is a more suitable option for a resume.

Skills and personality

If the applicant “grasps everything on the fly” and “learns quickly”, it is imperative to tell about it. Best of all with evidence: “I was a member of the student council and organized festive events”, “I received gratitude from the dean of the faculty for ...”, “I became the best employee of the branch at the end of half a year,” and so on.

Match the job requirements with your knowledge and competencies. Highlight the ones that will come in handy in your new position. Add them to Key Skills and About Me.


Pay attention to the final phrase on your resume or cover letter. It is she who ultimately shows that the candidate has an interest in a new field. For example, you can write this: "Aimed at personal and professional development in the IT sector, in the near future I plan to take training courses / trainings or get additional higher education on the topic."

We write an accompanying

Do not start your letter with the phrase "I have no work experience." Use positive language:

  • “During my studies, I received knowledge from the field ...”;
  • “I have the personal qualities necessary for this position ...”;
  • "I got experience in my previous job ..." and so on.

Pay attention to motivation: Tell us why you are interested in a particular position in a particular company. Sometimes candidates with no experience, but “with burning eyes,” bypassing professionals tired of work due to motivation.

Attaching a portfolio

In some cases, work experience and skills can be assessed without an interview, based on the portfolio. Using it, the employer will get an idea of ​​the professionalism of designers (web, graphic, landscape, interior, clothing), authors (content, rewriting, copyright) of photo and videographers. A person who is familiar with computer layout and has experience in creating websites can start doing printing. Or a journalist with great experience always has a chance to retrain into a public relations specialist or a press secretary.

Most employers pay attention to general knowledge and basic skills: communication, presentation, analytical skills of the candidate - regardless of whether he has experience or not.

We leave time for the test task

Test - a chance to prove yourself. If an employer drew attention to a job seeker with no relevant resume experience and offers to complete a test task, it is worth taking the time to do it. Thus, the candidate will not only demonstrate in practice his skills and knowledge, but will also be able to assess for himself how ready he is to take on this job.

Experienced candidates need to complete test tasks much less frequently. In their case, a portfolio is usually sufficient.

We apply for suitable vacancies

Often, those with no experience have to start with an internship. But we recommend that you apply for initial positions too, especially if your resume already has experience in another specialty. Act confidently and persistently: everything will work out!

For those who still doubt themselves, we have compiled with examples and helpful wording. The experts of the Ready Resume service can compose this for you: HR specialists will conduct an interview and prepare a document suitable for your career plans.

Ask a psychologist

I am 45 years old, not 16. But there was almost no experience of communicating with men (brothers, friends, father ...) At the party of quick acquaintances I met many, but I was chosen by two. One immediately said "we take you to the family", he has 2 daughters, and behaves like that, as if he is already taking it seriously. The second ... I like the second very much. And I want to develop a relationship with him somehow. But ... I can't push the first one either. He calls me, does not "climb", but says kind words, hopes to meet ... How can I choose at the initial stage? By and large, I may not like one, I like the other, and you never know - but is it good, even at this initial stage, to be with two? Should they be warned about this situation? Moreover, the one that I already like is not easy - I feel that it can take offense. I'm not 16, so it would be so easy to meet such good people. But I also can't figure out how to behave ...

Evgenia, it's not about your age, it's about the fact that you are a woman. It is very important for a woman to be loved, we can say that it is good for health. Does someone you like the most take care of you? Or do active signs of attention come only from a man with daughters? You are absolutely right that a person can suddenly stop liking, but a loving, confident and reliable man cannot stop liking in any way. If both of them are equally active towards you, then, of course, it makes sense to be with someone who is more attractive. But if one makes every effort, and the other only flirts slightly, then it is quite possible to appreciate the seriousness of everyone's intentions.

Elena Pavlovna Davydyuk, psychologist in St. Petersburg

Good answer 1 Bad answer 0

Hello Eugene. Warn everyone that you have a choice process. And your relationship does not commit to anything yet. And then study men in reality. How they go on dates, what they talk about, who they talk about, about themselves or about you. On how attentive to you. Do they interrupt you during a conversation, sympathize or share your feelings? Can they sacrifice something for you? Observe the behavior. Not the beauty of words. Which of them is more reciprocal and courteous, that is kinder and more reliable. Important to distinguish a mask from a real person. For this it is important to immerse a person in various life situations, check the degree of his aggression. If it manifests itself in trifles, then get ready that there will be a lot of it.

Karataev Vladimir Ivanovich, psychologist at the Volgograd psychoanalytic school

Good answer 1 Bad answer 0

Hello Evgenia!

Until you are in a full-fledged relationship, you have the right to simply communicate with both men and look closely, observe.

A family is like a difficult trip: people need to support and trust each other. What is important in a hike? To avoid being abandoned in the forest, they did not eat canned food on the sly. For a man to do a man's work, and a woman to do a woman's ...

Listen to the lectures of O. G. Torsunov about a happy family life, R. Narushevich about love (they are freely available). If you like it, you will find a lot of useful information.

Love and wisdom to you.

If you need help, please contact us for advice.

Psychologist Nikulina Marina, Saint-Petersburg. Full-time consultations, skype

Good answer 3 Bad answer 0

Hello Evgenia.

Do it according to your heart. Be honest with those you love. I think that you can stay in this situation of uncertainty for a while - listen to yourself more. But sooner or later you need to make a decision and head only in one direction. And then not to regret, but to invest in one relationship, develop and strengthen them.

Ananyev Andrey Sergeevich, psychologist St. Petersburg, working on Skype.

Good answer 3 Bad answer 0

A talented person will find a job even without seniority. In many professions, experience is not a priority; the emphasis is on the personal characteristics of the candidate. What professions are suitable for starting a career? Where can a beginner realize himself without entries in the work book? Is employment possible without experience?

Service sector

For a position where skillful communication with people, high service and presentability are appreciated, they are hired without experience. Growth Options: Consultant, Secretary, Administrator. You can get a job on a part-time job in the summer in a hotel abroad, according to student programs or offers on the Internet.


Novice programmers and high-tech specialists are always in demand. You should start with the position of a trainee programmer.

Physical work

Strength and fitness are also talent. Without prior training, you can get a job as a loader, warehouse worker, picker, packer.

Telephone service


People who are pragmatic with the gift of persuasion will be invited to advertising, insurance companies, real estate agencies, in which employees receive a percentage of the concluded contracts.

Onboard conductors

The qualities required in the profession are communication, knowledge of languages, benevolence. The position is highly paid and interesting, with a subsequent promotion. There are age and health restrictions.


For those who know how to write competently and express their thoughts beautifully, it is recommended to register on the online freelance exchange, it is necessary to write texts and sell them on the Internet. There are enough orders for beginners. The initial rate is low, but the pay increases over time.

Modeling business, shooting in the crowd

For representatives of spectacular appearance, you can register with modeling agencies and attend auditions for shooting in commercials or films. Nice additional income.


An excellent option for those who have a good memory and punctuality. Can be combined with other work. A rewarding experience in a resume.

Only forward

Employment without work experience is an achievable height for everyone, the main thing is to set a goal, soberly assess your capabilities and approach the search creatively.
All eminent professionals started from scratch, you need to believe in yourself and not give up when faced with difficulties.